How old is Polina Kitsenko biography. Polina Kitsenko: “The main thing is not the goal, but the path to it. That is, these are not spiritual burns, but an innate quality.

My transition to the fashion industry happened, one might say, for family reasons. I am a certified lawyer, I graduated from the Faculty of Law with honors and worked for two and a half years in commercial banks in the departments of payment cards. After marriage, I did not work for a short period of time, but gradually began to wedge into the company Podium, created by my husband. He was not eager to hire me, but I studied because I really wanted to work in this area, I spent a lot of time on self-education. I wanted to prove that I could do it, and the moment came when I began to give him such interesting advice and suggestions that he realized that I could really be useful. The most important thing, it seems to me, in any business is desire and enthusiasm. If a person has them, he can achieve everything he wants. And I had a great interest, enthusiasm and love for fashion. Although in the business that we are engaged in, in addition to fashion, there is a lot of mathematics, economics and every day jurisprudence. You always get any education at the workplace, and any university and university provides basic knowledge, develops the ability to learn and nothing more.

In addition to the powerful business component, Podium Market is also a story about style and beauty. Have you been a fashionista since childhood? Remember your first truly fashionable item?

In childhood and adolescence, I was probably the same fashionista as all ordinary Soviet girls - a fashionista with minimal opportunities. My parents didn't work abroad and I didn't get a chance to wear imported clothes. We lived quite modestly. We got out of the situation in the same way as most women in our country - "mother sewed." Of course, the bulk of my growing up took place during the transition period and the consequences of the fall of the Iron Curtain, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the already changing economic situation. But I remember how, for example, going to GUM and seeing a long queue, we first occupied it, and then ran to the beginning, sometimes several hundred meters, in order to find out what they still sell there. Just in case, we occupied it. And then all of a sudden there are some boots "on the semolina", or, God forbid, the GDR coat. These memories are still fresh.

What are the current trends in the Russian capital? What items and accessories do Muscovites sell out the fastest?

Muscovites are now very advanced. Today they are no different from, for example, world girls, they quickly pick up everything that is fashionable, and I cannot say that we are behind or ahead. Still, globalization is doing its job, so Muscovites now want to wear about the same thing as Parisians or representatives of other world capitals. Of course, we cannot exclude the absence of street style and street shopping as such. Plus, everything is multiplied by climatic features. In winter, warm clothes are well bought, in summer - bright ones. We are starving for the sun, its rays and joyful mood, such a slight Scandinavian syndrome... But basically everything that is sold abroad is quickly sold out. Flares have come into fashion - flares are sold out, parkas have come into fashion - for the third or fourth season everyone is willing to take them. I can say that traditionally sold poorly is brown and all its shades.

How is the current crisis affecting your business?

When we created the Podium market, we foresaw that the global economy would be unstable, and we knew that there would not be as much room for luxury as it used to be. In general, a global trend of high “overconsumption” has been outlined in the world: everything, whatever. We saw a large economically interesting niche for ourselves in the creation of a fashion segment in which everything is fashionable and inexpensive, in which the luxury of consumer goods becomes more affordable.

Polina, what, besides work and business, does your day consist of?

Sports play an important role in my daily routine. This is the same mandatory part as brushing your teeth or combing. This is my physical culture, my contribution to myself and my health. The day starts with training, breakfast and getting yourself in order. Leo Tolstoy also said that “you must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be morally healthy.” So I firmly believe that people who are engaged in physical culture are less prone to stress. In addition, sport is a good psychological release, charging, recharging, reloading ... Therefore, every morning I recharge my tired hard drive for a new program for the next day.

Polina, why, in your opinion, has a healthy lifestyle gained such popularity in the world over the past couple of years? Why are jogging, going to the gym, eating right to replace parties and going to bars?

Today, I would designate the fashionable concept of a healthy lifestyle with the term physical culture, which has set us on edge since childhood, which, unfortunately, we did not understand before, and these activities were associated with a nondescript physical education teacher, requiring us to jump over a goat. In fact, physical education is a healthy lifestyle. This is a culture of taking care of yourself, a culture of being healthy and fit. None of the most expensive and classy things will sit well on a flaccid or neglected body. Everything revolves around the same thing - things for us, not we for things. In all ages, mankind has been interested in the search for the elixir of immortality, people wanted to live long, happily and not grow old. And at the beginning of the third millennium, people realized that the elixir of immortality had not been invented, and it was replaced by a combination of a healthy diet and a culture of taking care of yourself. People who take care of themselves and treat themselves as a valuable vessel develop themselves both spiritually and physically, stay healthy and beautiful longer, and, I would even say, interesting to everyone. This is what physical culture is.

In one of the interviews, you said that you love being at home more than anything in the world, that for you this is a natural habitat. Did you furnish your home yourself?

Home is truly the most desirable environment for me and the most important point on the map of my daily journey. This is the place where I want to be every minute. Our house was furnished by my husband. He is not a professional designer, it's just a hobby, but he has great taste, so he decorates our property in his spare time. In his work, with large strokes, I only bring my small touches.

What, in addition to design ideas that are responsible for comfort, helps to create the right and healthy atmosphere in the house? Do you have any secrets on how to clean the air in the house where you and your family live?

Since I lead a healthy lifestyle, I love that everything in my arrangement during the day should be designed to improve my health and the inhabitants of my house. I'm obsessed with things like humidifying the air. To maintain youthful skin in winter and summer, I use an air purifier with a professional Philips filtration and humidification system. This is the best prevention of all respiratory viral infections, especially in the rainy long winter of our harsh climate.

And where do you prefer to go on vacation to breathe clean air?

I love nature very much, I prefer to relax in the mountains, in the fields and on the rivers ... I don’t like the heat. The older I get, the more I understand that I like the sea, but not the heat. And even more I like mountain lakes. In the cold, beauty is better preserved.

Polina does not like to put her life on display. In her social networks, there are very few pages dedicated to family or everyday life, but there are so many sports recommendations, direct PR for a healthy lifestyle and beautiful photos of the celebrity herself in expensive outfits and at social events.

It is known that Kitsenko was born in the Vladimir region in a family of officials. Her parents moved to Moscow when she was 11. There, a capable and diligent girl went to an English special school, and after graduating from it, to the International Institute. Kitsenko studied as a lawyer, but the student paid much attention to languages.


Developer Vadim Raskovalov and Podium Fashion Group co-owner Eduard Kitsenko (left to right) at the new annual Metamorphoses project of the Silver Rain radio station and SNC magazine at the Gogol Center.

It is difficult to say when Polina became a fan of a healthy lifestyle and became so interested in sports that now she can easily carry millions of fans of morning jogging and healthy eating with her. However, it is known that her husband, businessman Eduard Kitsenko, whose last name she bears, fully shares her passion for an active lifestyle.

When the lovers got married, Edward owned the Podium company and one store and, according to rumors, was against his wife also doing business.

Young people met many years ago and soon created the very family that many people only dream of throughout their lives. In one of her interviews, Polina calls herself Chekhov's Darling, and Ksenia Sobchak (her friend and author of that interview) reveals secrets: the star always personally prepares breakfast for her husband and arrives home early to be with him.

Kitsenko has two children - a son and a daughter, the age difference between them is 12 years. They travel a lot for the whole family, often having active rest: skiing, cycling, climbing ... They work, one might say, also together. When the lovers got married, Edward owned the Podium company and one store and, according to rumors, was against his wife also doing business.


However, the girl was extremely interested in fashion. In an interview, she admits that she is still delighted to find unusual and beautiful things - even a sweater for a thousand, even a priceless couture dress.

It was at her suggestion that stores selling premium brand clothes first developed into a chain, and then some of them were modified into Podium Market, a more accessible boutique that works for a wide audience.

The special knowledge that the fashion industry demanded from her, Polina studied on her own. The businesswoman says that her husband helped her in many ways.

Most kind

She calls him the kindest and most patient man and talks about his subtle, unsurpassed taste, with the help of which her husband directs Polina herself. Well, what else to expect from a man whose business is directly related to the fashion industry?

Kitsenko also talks about the fact that a spouse can give good advice on the image of his wife. It was he who invented the legendary blonde hairstyle. He can also casually note which outfit on the Field sits more advantageously.

Maybe that's why Polina calls her husband her best friend, and her family - not sports or work - is the closest sphere in which she is ready to be realized endlessly.

22.04.2016 11:00

Polina Kitsenko, creative director of Podium Market Fashion Group, is not only one of the most influential people in the world of Russian fashion, but also an adherent of a healthy lifestyle. Finparty columnist Yulia Titel met her at the cozy Christian restaurant and learned how to make the day “rubber”, where the next charity run will take place and why Polina does not hide her age.

- Polina, sport is not the last place in your life. Do you train on your own?

With a coach, I need motivation. I don’t have any pressing problems like being overweight, so I can safely skip workouts if no one organizes me.

- How often do you train?

Six times a week.

- Sunday is a day off?

In fact, I have a floating day off, that week it was Saturday. Sometimes I train for seven days in a row. But that's not possible. Therefore, I have one day off compulsory.

- When did you start playing sports?

It was sports - ten years ago, and before that, for another ten years, I was just doing fitness. Started training with Andrey Zhukov. It was then that he developed the theme of outdoor sports. I became the first person who went with him to the ski marathon. And then - the first of the girls who signed up for the triathlon. This was nine years ago.

How long did it take you to prepare for the triathlon?

Since I had an exemption from physical education as a child and did not even know how to ride a bicycle and swim crawl, it took about a year to prepare.

- Did you measure your physical condition before and after?

Of course not. I didn't know there were tests like this. I did the first test only after about five years of regular training. If I had known about these things from the beginning, I would have approached the training process in a completely different way.

- And how does it feel? Have you become stronger, more enduring, more organized than before the transition to the training regimen?

Like any hobby, there are different stages. The first is crazy love, when you dive like a stone from a cliff, immerse yourself in all this, and you even experience a certain shift in values. Then begins the period of awareness, assimilation, stabilization. Now I am in the third stage - mature calm love. Yes, I continue to strive for new results, I want to break my personal records, but I talk about it much less.

This lifestyle has certainly helped me become more resilient and organized. By the way, he showed me that the day is “rubber”. I got a lot more done. I always say that those who have it do not have time. All busy people have time for family, work, travel and training, you just need to be able to competently organize your day.

- So you built your own system? What is her secret?

Whatever goal you choose, the path that you overcome every day to achieve this goal is the most important thing. Process! And the result is just a nice bonus. At every point along the way, you must be sure to have fun.

- In addition to sports, has something else influenced your lifestyle? Maybe she decided not to eat in the evenings anymore ...

By the way, I really do not eat in the evenings or eat a little. But for me this is not a necessary measure. After my second pregnancy, I decided to quickly get in shape. I chose a certain strategy, coordinated it with the doctors and stopped having dinner. Over time, I got so involved in it that today I have no discomfort from the fact that I don’t eat in the evening. Rather, the opposite is true. If I have dinner, I will feel bad, sleep badly and look bad in the morning.

I can have dinner a couple of times a week, but these are usually some kind of exceptional cases. For example, at a party, I consider it impolite to stick out my principles. Therefore, I will definitely find something to eat so as not to upset the hostess who tried. At a meeting with friends, I will also not sit with an empty plate so that they do not feel discomfort.

- What about the husband?

He also recently decided to eat little in the evenings. I just noticed how good it affects me, and gradually I came to this myself.

- What about children?

My eldest son Egor, who is 14 years old, does not eat after seven in the evening.

Is that also his personal decision?

It seems to me that when you grow up in a family, you somehow adopt its traditions and habits. There are situations when I forcefully try to feed him, but he refuses.

- Was there some kind of food cult in your parental family?

I am from a simple Soviet family. We lived modestly, like the majority of the population of our mighty country. Therefore, there was no cult. On the contrary, it was a holiday when parents got some food. It seems to me that at that stage we lived more correctly. Because there was no such abundance. And now we overconsume, we eat with our eyes. We combine products that are not very correct to combine with each other in one meal.

- Tell me, please, do you calmly talk about your age? How old are you?

Recently, I even began to be proud that my biological age is so much inconsistent with the actual one. I'm 39 and now I look even better than when I was 25. You can compare by photos.

- And this is all thanks to a properly organized life?

Yes. I can confidently say that the last two or three years are definitely the result of properly strung food habits. In the gym, it is very common to meet people who exercise regularly, but still cannot get the desired results. And all because 80% of success depends on proper nutrition and only 20% on physical activity. What we could afford when we were young often got away with good genetics, for example. I was also so lucky for a long time, but after the second pregnancy, which was also after 30 years, I have to control myself.

Did you turn to specialists to formulate the right eating habits for yourself, or was it your intuitive choice?

Firstly, I read a lot about it, plus I intuitively chose what was right for me. By feeling, I determine how I feel after a product. For example, oatmeal is not very suitable for me and pasta too. By the way, I take a lot of pictures. And I began to pay attention that there is some connection between what I eat and how I look in the photos. It looks much better in pictures than in a mirror. You look - and it’s immediately clear where you went over or ate something that doesn’t suit you. There is a direct connection.

Now, having come this way, I know for sure what specifically I should not eat or drink. For example, I have not drunk wine for almost ten years. I can occasionally drink half a glass in the company, so as not to attract attention to myself. In principle, alcohol in my life is becoming less and less. And this is not some kind of conscious choice, I just feel that I don’t want to. It is very dear to me when you wake up with a feeling of cheerfulness and freshness, and alcohol does not fit with this.

I would just like to emphasize that proper eating habits are a lifelong story. Once you make a decision, work it out for a long period until it is finally fixed.

Agree. It is proper nutrition every day, balanced and accepted as the norm of life, that gives the result. And not one-time, short-term attempts to lose weight. A strict diet will only make things worse. Firstly, it will be replaced by a psychological explosion, and secondly, the metabolism will slow down, a failure will occur.

Polina, you have become a real trendsetter. Many people read your posts on social networks and take an example from you. Tell our readers how you came to this?

It's just that I feel like I'm a real example of what many trainers and nutritionists talk about in their lectures. Because scientific stories are all wonderful, and people want to see a living person who could realize all this. In no way do I pretend to be a fitness guru, I just talk about my personal results. I'm not an expert, but just an advanced user.

- And how did you come to social projects, such as “adidas Running Hearts?

It's all thanks to Natalia Vodianova. Several times I ran half marathons with her in Paris. Natalya attracted associates, each of whom shouted on their social networks and acquaintances that there would be a race, that we would run not just like that, but with meaning, dedicating participation in this sporting event to the Naked Heart Foundation. So we raised money for the fund.

At some point, she said to me: “Polina, why are we running in Paris? Let's do something different in Moscow." Thus, we came up with our race, which we called "Running Hearts". We held it for the first time a year ago in the Park of Culture. We had a limit on the number of participants set by the administration of the park, because the capacity of the embankment is not very large - only one and a half thousand people. The organization took two and a half months, and the registration of runners closed in three days. So quickly we sold out all the running slots. The demand was huge, thousands of people had to be turned away. And then we realized that we need to do something big to accommodate everyone.

This year we have a half marathon. We spent three months agreeing on the route. It wasn't easy. As a result, we will start in front of Moscow State University on the observation deck, blocking Kosygin Street, Universitetsky Prospekt, Michurinsky and so on. In total there will be three distances for three, ten and 21 kilometers.

- Are you all runners? Do you consider those who are fond of Nordic Walking?

We do not consider for safety reasons, but we suggest that they go the shortest distance or run it lightly. We have many Olympic champions going on foot - those who were injured and do not run.

"Very well, then I'll join you too."

Sport is a very unifying thing. The peculiarity of our race is that it is completely charitable. All funds that we receive from its implementation go to the fund. Only a small part is spent on organizing, creating infrastructure. Last year we raised about 200,000 euros. This is a record amount for a Russian charity run.

I am very grateful to Natalia Vodianova. With the help of this project, we not only reinforce the trend of a healthy lifestyle in society, but also show that charity is not the lot of rich people. You can help, even just by participating in the race. Charity is at arm's length, taken from the sneaker shelf. Completely different people - stars, businessmen from the Forbes list, actors, Olympic champions, you and me and others who wish - all unite under the auspices of a good deed. Well, to have a nice Sunday morning. We will have a big concert there for 10,000 people and a lot of interesting things.

- What restaurants do you like to visit in Moscow?

Lately I like what Sasha Rappoport is doing so much! He just returned my love for this kind of leisure. There was a moment when we all got enough of restaurants, hit the cookery, bought books, cooked ourselves. There is nothing better than getting together with friends at home and having dinner. It's perfect.

But if you go somewhere, then I like “Dr. Zhivago", some places on Patriky, for example Fresh. It's good that the city is changing. There are such restaurants "spontaneous", non-binding. I like to visit Uilliam's sometimes. But these are mostly business lunches. Because I really rarely have dinner.

- What is your daily routine?

I get up at 8:00, then training, then I work until 21:00-21:30 approximately.

- What do you prefer for breakfast? Or train on an empty stomach?

No, of course, on full. I prefer long carbs. However, I don't really like porridge. I more or less agreed with myself that I would eat quinoa and buckwheat. Sometimes I make a flaxseed tea, for example. Sometimes - chia with coconut milk, but chia is not nutritious enough for me.

- What time do you go to bed?

Late. Sometimes at two, sometimes at three in the morning. Besides, I get up at eight. My goal now is to rearrange my schedule to go to bed at 11:00 pm. I need nine hours of sleep, then I will feel good.

In general, all anti-aging at our age is in sleep. If we do not get it, nutritional correction and physical education will not help. This is immediately podrublennoe immunity collapsed state and so on.

- Do you do body checkups? How often?

I do. Cardiogram, ECHO, stress test, lactate analysis and other basic things, I do gastroscopy once a year. Plus sports testing two or three times a year.

- Do your children go in for sports?

My daughter is only two years old and hasn't been trained yet. And the son is engaged, yes. She runs ski marathons with me. Swims better than me. He is very strong. He competed in triathlon for the first time at the age of eight. I ran the first 30 kilometers on skis at nine. At the same time, he trains only once or twice a week. He now focuses on studies, but he knows a lot in terms of sports.

- Do you cook anything at home?

Yes, and I'm a very good cook. True, only on weekends. I was lucky, my close friends are generally recognized culinary gurus of our country. This is Veronika Belotserkovskaya, Alena Doletskaya. There is someone to contact for a prescription, if that. The only thing - I do not like to clean everything, cut. I am a manager in my life, and my management in the kitchen is built in such a way that I say in advance which products should be cleaned, boiled, cut, and so on. All this is laid out according to the vessels, and then, as in a professional kitchen, I take these blanks and create a culinary masterpiece. Of course, I can do all this myself, but I try to spend as much time as possible on weekends with my children, because I don’t see them much on weekdays.

- Do you have an active family?

Yes, nevertheless, my husband reads a lot, but for me to sit down for books has always been a separate story. But this had no effect on speech or writing.

- If we are talking about quiet leisure, then what is it?

We don't have quiet time. Our motto is a constant change of activity. Even the beach holiday we treat consumerism. We come, swim some distance, dry up and leave. If we go somewhere, we are always on the move. We do sports for half a day, then lunch, then either this little story on the beach, or immediately on excursions.

- And how do you feel about softer physical activities, such as Pilates, yoga, stretching?

I have been doing Pilates for ten years, and one fine day I was wildly tired of all this. Although yes, it's a great load. It perfectly develops internal stabilizers.

What advice would you give to our readers?

The main thing is to do what makes you happy. Pick what suits you. You don't have to motivate yourself if you love what you do.

September 7, 2010, 16:20

For the fashionable Russian elite, the name of Polina Kitsenko is far from an empty phrase. The owner of the Podium boutique chain has been a trendsetter for several years and is one of the most influential people in Russian fashion. Such “stylish things” as Ksenia Sobchak, Miroslava Duma, Daria Zhukova, Olga Slutsker and many others are proud of personal acquaintance with her. At one time, it was Polina Kitsenko who taught all Moscow young ladies, and after them the whole country, to wear leggings in combination with mini-dresses.
The niche occupied by the Podium trade brand in the capital's clothing market can be conditionally called "clothes for very rich people." For the first time in Moscow, these luxury stores opened in 1994 and since then have become a real Mecca for the “cream of society”. The official website of the Podium Fashion Group says that it laid the foundation for the development of the fashion industry in Russia. The range of boutiques includes almost all leading fashion brands specializing in the production of clothes, shoes and accessories of the highest price category. Polina Kitsenko herself has said more than once that it is mostly those clients who dress in her salons for whom buying outfits at the price of small cars is a common thing. Podium does not adhere to any particular style concept, it offers collections of clothes in the spirit of the mainstream and in the spirit of the avant-garde. Next to things from Alexander McQueen, Pucci, Baldessarini, Balenciaga there are new items from Celine, Chloe, Antonio Berardi, Emilio Gardem, Hugo Boss, Jean Dsquared2. Podium boutiques also offer expensive niche perfumes and cosmetics, jewelry and interior items. Profitable business Polina Kitsenko's boutiques are open in a number of regional centers of Russia, in particular, in St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Samara and some others. The company is not inclined to advertise information about its turnover; Moreover, at the peak of the crisis, the owner of Podium did not lag behind the general fashion to express dissatisfaction with the economic trends in the country and complained about the drop in interest on the part of buyers for dresses from Balmain worth 425 thousand rubles. But according to experts, the volume of investments in opening one Podium store can reach twenty million euros, and its net annual profit will be approximately twenty-five million rubles. But the success of Madame Kitsenko in business can be judged by the way she spends her leisure time. Polina with her husband Eduard and children often visit the fashionable ski resort in Courchevel: it has become a family tradition to go there for the New Year holidays. In addition, the Kitsenkos opened one of their famous boutiques there. It presents jewelry brands Loree Rodkin, Garrard, Palmiero worth from 15-20 thousand euros. Kitsenko's Courchevel project called Podium Jewelery is aimed at wealthy tourists from Russia, the countries of Muslim Asia and Latin America, primarily Argentina.
One of the most high-profile purchases of Polina Kitsenko was the purchase of an unusual lot at a charity auction organized by Natalia Vodianova. The "style icon" laid out ninety thousand euros for a personal serenade performed by singer Bryan Adams, ignoring Andrei Malakhov's comments that "Factory sings for that kind of money." A fan of the ironic style But, probably, like most women with very different levels of income, Polina prefers to invest the lion's share of investments in her personal wardrobe, since her financial opportunities for this are almost unlimited. She often wears Azzedine Alaia, Phillip Lim, Givenchy, Chapurin Couture. The owner of Podium considers it her professional duty to be present at all world-class fashion events, including all famous Fashion Weeks and other cult shows. You can see her everywhere in the forefront of the audience: Polina enthusiastically selects interesting models for herself and her stores. Polina Kitsenko's style is defined by fashion experts as a balanced mix of luxury and rising, but not yet very popular brands. The images in which she appears in public often combine eclecticism and spontaneity, bordering on deliberate negligence.
They say that this shows the ironic attitude of the trendsetter of the capital's fashion towards herself. “I am against mental anguish on the topic “What shoes will I pick up with this handbag?”. My consciousness doesn’t work like that at all, ”admits Polina.
She used to arrange a mobile wardrobe from her car. In the back seat or in the trunk of Polina Kitsenko there is always a bag with several pairs of shoes, a couple of clutches or bags and a few outfits. She experiences incomparable pleasure when she creates images from a limited number of things. For her, this is a kind of exciting game. Svetlana

The husbands of famous socialites, who until now preferred to remain in the shadow of their famous wives, finally appeared before the public in all their glory. The journalists managed to declassify the names and some details of the personal lives of such influential spouses, such as, for example, the husband of Miroslava Duma, the companion of Polina Kitsenko and other oligarchs and officials who are able to provide their loved ones with a chic luxury life. In total, there are 40 names on the list of husbands that everyone heard about, but were afraid to ask. The rating was compiled by Tatler magazine and published in the September issue. StarHit selected and summarized the most interesting information from this material.

So, for example, socialite and part-time photographer with vocal experience in the field of pop music, Ilona Stolie, is more often used to seeing in the company of friends - Herman Larkin and Petr Aksenov. Many uninitiated in the ups and downs of the personal life of a chic blonde had an erroneous opinion that she was not married. However, in fact, Ilona's hobbies are sponsored by a completely official, but very modest spouse - Vitaly Yuzhin, a State Duma deputy from United Russia. From time to time he accompanies Stolie at various events, but in general he prefers to devote his free time to such typically male hobbies as football, hunting and fishing.

The gorgeous brunette Snezhana Georgieva also prefers to hide her husband. The co-owner of one of the most popular closed clubs in Moscow, as it turned out, is accused of hiding her life partner from prying eyes. The journalists managed to find out that Snezhana was not worried in vain: businessman Artem Zuev is so good-looking that his secular wife simply does not want to tempt her unmarried girlfriends.

// Photo: Alexey Antonov (ITAR-TASS / Rodionov Publishing House LLC)

Yana Rudkovskaya's best friend Natalya Yakimchik is not alone either, who appears in the world more often in the company of a star producer than her husband, ex-head of the Moscow Heritage Committee and former vice-president of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry Valery Shevchuk. But outside the camera flashes, Yakimchmk and Rudkovskaya are family friends and visit each other.

But designer Alena Akhmadullina hides her heartfelt friend like a professional secret agent. According to Tatler, Alena is now spending time with the chairman of the board of directors of Stankoprom, Sergey Makarov. The couple is already building a common country house together.

Finally, another super-secret husband is the life partner of the journalist and fashionista Miroslava Duma. The name of the man from whom the fragile beauty gave birth to a son and daughter is known to everyone, but the joint photos of the couple are actually limited to the period when both spouses studied at MGIMO and their romance was just beginning. Now Alexei Mikheev works as an official and avoids publicity, while Miroslava, on the contrary, has gained wide popularity around the world and has earned the status of a style icon.

Not many are familiar with the husband of a bright activist of the capital's light, Ksenia Sobchak's best friend Polina Kitsenko. Her sporting successes and achievements in business are visible to everyone, and almost nothing is known about her husband and father of children, Eduard Kitsenko. As it turned out, the main secret of this family is common interests. Eduard, like Polina, goes in for sports with inspiration and introduces heirs to a healthy lifestyle.

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