Where is the Crimean nature reserve. Crimean reserves. Protected areas of Crimea

Crimean reserves

The value of many corners of the Crimea drew attention in ancient times. True, they were guarded mainly for hunting and recreation of the nobility.

Therefore, when the first Soviet reserve was created in 1923 (the current Crimean nature reserve), it was based on the hunting grounds of the Romanovs - the imperial family and the Grand Dukes, protected since 1870 (for the first time in history Russian Empire), as well as the hunting reserve of the Yusupov princes and other Russian aristocrats. Nikitsky botanical garden and climbing wall Nikitskaya cleft Much earlier, during the time of the Crimean Khanate, aristocrats and merchants considered the arrangement of gardens and flower beds irrigated by ingeniously arranged fountains as a sign of nobility and wealth. The landscaping of mountain springs had the richest traditions in the Crimea. Many mighty old trees and bizarre rocks were considered sacred, about which legends were made. Therefore, the restriction economic use and even the immunity of many natural objects in Crimea has centuries-old, and maybe millennial traditions

Now the natural reserve fund is being formed according to world standards, covering different levels from a remarkable tree, rock or spring to vast areas with diverse landscapes. The total area of ​​land and coastal waters of various categories of protected regime is about 5% of the area of ​​the peninsula. In separate valuable biodiversity In the regions of Crimea, the percentage of protected landscapes is much higher, on average in the Crimean Mountains it is about 10%.

The protection regime and tourism opportunities depend on the level of the protected object, so we will briefly talk about this. State reserves belong to the highest category. Lands, subsoil and water expanses within their boundaries are excluded from the economy forever and transferred to specially created departments. They drive Scientific research and develop tourism and excursion work, primarily for environmental education. However, if you visit a water show with dolphins and seals at the Karadag Biological Station, you will see that education can be both fun and interesting! The reserve preserves in its natural form typical or unique natural complexes without interfering in the course of secular processes, but only studying them.

Crimean nature reserve

Alushta, st. Partizanskaya, 42

Office hours 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., off. Sat, Sun

Travel along the Romanovsky highway (trout farm, the monastery of Cosmas and Damian, the source of Savluh-Su, the Pavilion of the Winds). Museum of nature, arboretum.

Crimean Reserve and Cosmo-Damianovsky Monastery The Crimean Reserve after the reorganization in 1928 occupies 33,397 hectares in the central part of the Main Crimean Ridge. More than 1200 species of plants (almost half of the entire flora of Crimea) grow in the protected area, over 200 species of vertebrates live (half of those found in Crimea). Of particular value are oak, beech and hornbeam forests, which play an important role in water protection and soil protection. Crimean red deer, Crimean roe deer, mouflon, black vulture, griffon vulture and other rare animals live in the forests. The scientific, cultural and educational significance of the reserve is great. On the periphery of the protected area, several recreational areas and ecological trails have been created, where tourists organized groups, without prejudice to nature, get acquainted with its riches. On Chatyrdag, the most beautiful cave "Marble" is equipped for mass visits. In Alushta under management Crimean Reserve the Museum of Nature and the Arboretum was created, where you can get acquainted with natural resources mountain forests.

Cosmo-Damianovsky Monastery

It is located 18 km from Alushta, in the depths of the Crimean reserve (to visit it is necessary to take permission from the management of the reserve in Alushta) at the healing spring Savluh-su. The source after the Chernobyl accident became extremely popular, as its waters remove radionuclides. According to an ancient legend associated with many other places Byzantine Empire, at the source, two brothers Cosmas (Kozma) and Damian healed the sick for free, who then died at the hands of an envious person. Their memorial day is celebrated on July 1/14. On this day, you can go to the monastery without a pass to the protected area.

In 1856 was founded monastery but in 1899 for the debauchery of the monks, the Holy Synod abolished him. arranged here convent, the main occupation of the nuns was crafts, so they successfully survived both the NEP and collectivization, having formed an agricultural artel, which ceased to exist only in the Great patriotic war. Now the monastery has been reopened, popular with both pilgrims and tourists. Monastic buildings and ancient crafts are being restored, mass production of mineral water"Savluh-su".

Of international importance is the branch of the Crimean Reserve near the northwestern coast of Crimea - the Lebyazhy Islands, they are included in the Ramsard Convention on the Protection of Wetlands. Here is one of the largest Eastern Europe clusters waterfowl: more than 230 species, of which 18 species are listed in the Red Book. Up to 5,000 swans flock to molt from the south each year, and the colony of gulled cod has more than 30,000 individuals. During the summer season, seagulls destroy almost 2 million ground squirrels and up to 8 million mice - pests of fields.

Yalta mountain forest reserve

Yalta, Massandra, Dolos highway. 8 -18, without trans. and exit.

Hiking trails (Koreizskaya, Jewish, Botkinskaya, Shtangeevskaya trails), Uchan-Su vdp, Trekhglazka cave

Museum of Nature +73654 23 28 91

The Yalta Reserve was created relatively recently, in 1973, but it united dozens of remarkable natural objects, some of which have been declared protected since 1947. The total area of ​​the lands of the reserve is now 14.5 thousand hectares from Foros and the Baidar Pass in the west to the Nikitskaya Yayla in the east, which is about 53 km in length. The northern border in some places coincides with the edge of the yaila, but on the Ai-Petrinsky and Yalta yailas, it also enters the plateau to protect remarkable plant objects and caves. In the south, the boundaries of the reserve are connected with the history of coastal development, in pristine areas The shores near Foros, Sanatorium and Beregovoe are already protected by the natural complexes of coastal cliffs.

The main value of the reserve is relict coniferous mountain forests from the Crimean pine. There are also forests of beech, mixed forests, and below - from fluffy oak. The flora as a whole includes 1363 species of vascular plants, 183 species of mosses and 154 species of lichens. Of the rare plants, small-fruited strawberry, high juniper, pistachio pistachio, and berry yew are famous. The reserve has preserved dozens of luxurious and very ancient (up to a thousand years) plants of these species. The faunistic diversity of the reserve is impressive: 37 species of mammals, 150 species of birds, 16 species of reptiles. Badgers feel great here, many species bats, among birds, its largest species are very rare in Europe - black vulture and griffon vulture, among reptiles, the Crimean gecko, yellow-bellied, leopard snake are very peculiar and cute.

Walks along the mountain trails of the Yalta Reserve Starting from the 2004 season, the reserve administration offers tourists a multi-day route that combines all the famous trails (Shtangeevskaya, Botkinskaya, Kalendskaya) and all the famous viewpoints. In total, a paid visit is provided for 18 objects of the reserve, the price for visiting each is usually 6-10 hryvnia. If you are not going to go on a multi-day trip, then you have to pay right on the spot. Where the trails begin, signs are always installed, documents with a fee (with seals) are posted. In general, they don’t require any collection “for fixing the Failure so that it doesn’t fail so much” from you, but garbage disposal and landscaping of the trails that are located on landslide slopes, as well as fire-fighting measures require serious costs.

Doctors of pre-revolutionary times could somehow arrange the first health paths from ancient mountain paths at their own expense. However, their houses, in the words of M. Zhvanetsky, were distinguished in those days by "wealth and lights." Sergei Petrovich Botkin (1832 - 1889) was the first to draw attention to the importance of the Crimean climate in the treatment of patients, especially those with pulmonary diseases. He believed that mountain walks train the body, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system and increase metabolism. Great importance he also attributed the emotional impact of nature on man. The most beautiful trail, which has a surprisingly smooth and gradual climb uphill, was named Botkinskaya in memory of an outstanding Russian doctor and still bears this name.

“It is necessary to go evenly, in no case do not take the rises, as they say, in one breath. After the first ten minutes of the journey, you need to do the first self-test: calculate the heart rate. Suppose if someone has a normal pulse of 68-70 beats per minute (for women more often), then during a stop it can be 120-140 beats. If the pulse returns to normal within 1-3 minutes (the sooner the better), then your heart is working well, you can move on. The respiratory rate should not exceed 18 times per minute. In case of severe weakness, dizziness or interruptions in the work of the heart, you must immediately stop the trip and return after rest ”- these recommendations must be followed in order to experience the healing and healing properties of the Botkin trail.

Reserve "Cape Martyan" Yalta, Nikita, Nikitsky Botanical Garden

May-September, without lane. and exit.

From the east, the Cape Martyan nature reserve adjoins the Nikitsky Garden with an evergreen forest of tree-like juniper and small-fruited strawberry. In the center of the reserve, a small House of Creativity of the Academy of Sciences was built, now the Phytocenter. The water area of ​​the reserve preserves in its natural form marine biocenoses of the South Coast. It is significant that, unlike most of the coast, where artificial beaches with concrete structures are built, which are constantly destroyed, and in terms of the purity of the water, they do not shine, the shores near Cape Martyan are distinguished by the cleanliness and balance of beach sediments. Small beaches have long been considered especially valuable among naturists in many countries. However, the audience here is purely chosen - from the world of science and art.

Hiking trails for ecological path on the territory of the reserve must be ordered through the directorate of the Nikitsky garden. An ancient path passes over the reserve to Ai-Danil, where the estate of H. Steven has been preserved.

Karadag nature reserve

with. Resort, Biostation.

May-September, 8 - 17, no per. and exit.

736562 26 212, 26 290, 26 288

The Karadag reserve is famous for its geological and mineralogical sights: bizarre rocks, veins of gems and other rare minerals. Karadag is also interesting for its unique animals and flora, fancifully combining the views of deserts, subtropics, steppes and forests. The main center for Karadag is the village of Kurotnoe. Here is the administration of the Karadag Reserve and the Biostation of the Institute of Biology South Seas AN. Performances with dolphins and fur seals are organized in the building of the Dolphinarium. There is a wonderful pebble beach. And in a beautiful old park rare plants, as well as exhibitions of reptiles and fish.

From the Biostation and from the village of Koktebel, you can walk for a fee along a large ecological path or take a sea excursion. The local rocks make up a whole fairy tale: the King and Queen are marching to the Throne; one of the vents of the volcano - Devil's fireplace facing the sea and cluttered with hardened lava; The devil's finger threatens the sky with a sharp multi-meter claw. But the most famous, of course, is the Shaitan-kapu (Devil's Gate) rock, better known as the Golden Gate.

Kazantip Nature Reserve

Leninsky district, the nearest settlement is the village of Mysovoye

management is located in Shchelkino, house 33 (there are no streets in Shchelkino), apt. 12,

phone +736557 222-50 or 221-56.

Kazantip preserves unique steppe communities of plants and animals, as well as the best coastal habitats of valuable commercial fish Sea of ​​Azov. This reserve was created recently and is still in its infancy,

Opuk Nature Reserve

Leninsky district, Black Sea coast, the nearest settlement with. Yakovenkovo

the administration of the Opuksky Reserve is located on the central street of Kerch - st. Kirova 31a. phone +736561 4 05 01.

The best time to visit is May, when the wild tulips are in full bloom.

Just like the Kazantip Reserve, the Opuk Mountain Reserve in the south of the Kerch Peninsula is only making its first steps. Cape Opuk. Kerch Peninsula. Cape Opuk is a unique landscape complex - something like a fragment of the Crimean Mountains. The mountain range, visible from afar, is distinguished by its peculiar vegetation and microclimate. The massif is composed of limestone (according to some researchers - reef), several grottoes open in the cliffs. The top, like all Crimean mountains, is flat, the slopes abound with ledges, cliffs, crevices. And this is unusually good for nesting birds. In total, 43 species of birds are found here. In addition to the unusually beautiful and rare pink starling, these are the gull-gull, cormorant, shrike, rock dove, owl, shelduck, peregrine falcon.

Rare for these places, springs with excellent water and excellent beaches create ideal conditions for relax. But before it was a military zone, and now a reserve. So here, as it were, they don’t rest, but only blissful in their educational practices, students - geologists, ecologists, biologists, soil scientists, historians. However, for this, their leaders must obtain permission in Simferopol from the environmental department. Opposite the cape in the sea there are several rock-islands made of gray porous, but dense Kerch limestone - Rocks-Ships, Elken-kaya.

On the territory of Crimea there are 196 objects of the natural reserve fund of different categories with a total area of ​​220 thousand hectares, which is 8.3% of total area Crimea. In the world, and more precisely in countries with a high ecological culture, 10% is considered optimal. In the most valuable regions, for example, on the southern coast of Crimea, specially protected natural complexes can occupy about 20%, and even more than 50% of the territory. A significant part of nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments and reserved tracts is available for excursions, scientific and academic work, student practices and expeditions, as well as for international environmental programs and projects. The restrictions concern mainly construction, economic activity, extraction of mineral and biological resources.

State reserves, natural monuments and other entry-level categories are declared protected, without their withdrawal from land users. In this case, the reserve regime must be provided by forest enterprises, Agriculture, health resorts, military units (sometimes this happens). Reserves are formed for the time necessary to restore the abundance of species listed in the International Red Book or the Red Book. This means that let's say other types, for example, medicinal plants you can collect freely for personal use. But for protected rare species, you will face a serious fine. Individual components of nature can be protected, such as in botanical reserves New World, Kubolach, Arabatskiy; but there are also landscape reserves: Ayu-Dag, the Grand Canyon of Crimea, Cape Aya, where everything is protected, including minerals and insects.

Monuments of nature are small areas or individual natural objects. Either the natural complex as a whole or individual components are preserved there. Complex are the Belbek Canyon, Mangup-Kale, Karaul-Oba. Geological monuments of nature - Red caves and Demerdzhi. There are also botanical monuments - giant trees, long-lived trees, for example, the famous airplane pine on Ai-Petri, several 1000-year-old berry yews.

Relatively recently, the term "reserved tract" appeared. The word "tract" usually gives rise to a dark, deaf ravine, a wild gorge, or, conversely, a corner of paradise in the midst of a monotonous steppe. The main thing is that the tract is a natural complex that stands out sharply from its surroundings, isolated.

Natural complexes of artificial origin can also be reserved. Our parks-monuments of landscape art are famous all over the world. Yes, and they were created by the labor and talent of people from generally recognized world schools - French, English, German, Italian, and in last years also Japanese. Russian estate culture through hands and souls ordinary people made our family this miracle of capricious green aliens. The Nikitsky State Botanical Garden, thanks to the uniqueness of its green collection, has also been declared a protected area with all its branches. Most of the protected landscapes of Crimea are available for excursions and even independent visits.

Crimean nature is rich and diverse, but already long time exists under strong human pressure. However, there are many species that do not live anywhere except Taurida. There are even more of those that have a resort value (improve the air, are a source of active substances), decorate the landscape, make it picturesque. Reserves of the Crimea, National parks and specially protected areas are designed to protect the land and water of the peninsula, to preserve them for the future. We'll talk about them today.

Protected mountains above the resort capital

The Yalta mountain and forest reserve appeared in 1973. Prior to that, a hunting ground existed in its place, which then went to the forestry. The security regime was designed to preserve both the resort region and protect the geology, the rocks themselves and the mountain peaks of Crimea.

The reserve stretches along the coast for 40 km, in the depths of the peninsula - for 23 km. It has such well-known objects as, and teeth. A part of the adjacent water area is also protected. The area of ​​the reserve is now about 14.5 thousand hectares, in 2018 it received federal status.

It is difficult even to list what plants and animals inhabit it. Here grow fluffy and rocky oaks, pistachios, strawberries, peonies, orchids, sunflowers and a dangerous tree (its South African relatives were nicknamed even more original - "wait a little"). 65% vegetable species diversity is present here, as well as rare peregrine falcons and imperial eagles, there red deer, mouflons, foxes, a lot of lizards and.

Hiking trips for tourists are constantly held in the Yalta Reserve - it owns the most famous tourist sites. There are standard routes with guides and conductors. Unauthorized visits and even more harm to the environment is fraught with trouble.

Guarding an ancient volcano

Some of the natural protected areas of Crimea trace their history back to hunting or research centers of pre-revolutionary times. This is how the Karadag Reserve began - its pedigree starts from scientific station them. Vyazemsky, which appeared in 1914. Academician Pavlov insisted on taking the area under protection. The reserve itself was created only in 1979. It is positioned not so much as a security, but as a research institution.

Its perimeter is Karadag itself and the surrounding environs (that is, an array of an ancient volcano), coastal waters. natural diversity amazing - 2500 plant species and 5300 representatives of the animal kingdom, among them dozens of endemics, as well as inhabitants of the Red Books. In the sea near the local shores, 45 species of vegetation and 900 living creatures of various sizes were recorded.

Kara-Dag is one of the most visited natural corners of the Crimea. Since now it is a scientific institution (volcanologists, marine biologists, geologists and representatives of many other natural sciences work here), the protection is somewhat weakened - many reviews say this, but this does not mean that you can cut trees or hunt here - it's all the same illegal.

Reserved namesake of the peninsula

Some sanctuaries and national parks Crimea's fate is like a detective. The Crimean Reserve began in 1913 as a royal hunting estate. For the crowned shooter, rare animals were imported there, exhibited for inspection, until they multiplied enough to become game. The revolution stopped the abuse of nature and in 1923 created a perimeter where disappearing samples were to be restored and introduced.

Military destruction is understandable, but the transformation of the reserve into a hunting farm again in 1957 is worth attention. Now only the archers were not the crowned bearers, but the communists and "democrats" elected by voting. The protected status was restored only in 1991. Now it is also a national park of Crimea.

The reserve owns high-altitude leaders mountain Crimea, including . There are more than 1200 representatives of flora, more than 8000 species of fauna (it has not yet been clarified exactly). These lands are especially beautiful in spring, when primroses bloom.

The national park has recreational areas for organized recreation, excursions are regularly held. They get in here and often get away with it, but those caught are heavily fined. On the territory of the park management () there is a Museum of Nature. The employees of the reserve conduct active lecture work.

The bird kingdom of the Crimean peninsula

Swan Islands - a chain of low patches of land in, formed as a result of erosion of a sand spit. They are unsuitable for management, therefore, for more than a century they have served as a safe haven for waterfowl and migratory birds.

The name is arbitrary - swans do not nest here, although they remain for the period of molting and often stop during flights. In addition, pelicans, flamingos and other birds live or pass by here.

Bird wealth was the reason for the creation of a specially protected area. Protecting the nature of the islands began in 1947, in 1949 they became a branch of the Crimean reserve. Since 1971, Lebyazhy has been an ornithological complex, and in 1991, with the restoration of its former status, they again became subordinate to it. Since 2018, it has been an independent reserve.

Visiting the attraction is allowed only when accompanied by a huntsman on a boat. Many birds here have already understood that they are not touched here, that is, almost tame. Taking pictures with them is not difficult, almost in an embrace. Near the islets you can often see and - they are also guarded here.

National park under double protection

The Opuksky Reserve is one of the youngest in the Crimea, created in 1998. But it is rich - in addition to the mountain and the legendary coastal Rock-ships, the Koyash medical salt lake and steppes with tulips, it owns an ancient Greek city. Yes, the area has not yet been explored, but still ahead.

The reserve was also lucky with the guards. Nearby is the Opuk military training ground. Shooting on it is limited, but the guard mode is preserved. So illegal travelers can be escorted out of here not only by uncles-foresters, but also by harsh "green men".

In addition to the beauties of the Kerch steppe, the reserve protects the unique geological structure of the cape, picturesque sea cliffs and a complex system of underwater tunnels near the coast (partially inhabited). Its existence also contributes to the preservation of the system and its healing mud.

Excursions to the reserve are especially in demand in the spring, when wild ones bloom. Mixed routes (by land and water) are also popular, allowing you to explore both the steppe and the beautiful coasts of Cape So. By agreement, they often dive near the coastline - to inspect underwater tunnels.

Map of Crimean reserves and reserves

Reserves and national parks of Crimea are a unique chance to preserve the peninsular nature. Its beauty is a good attraction for tourists, but visitors themselves are a threat to it. In conclusion - a video clip on the topic, enjoy watching!

The nature of the Crimea has long been subjected to a severe anthropogenic load - the peninsula has been inhabited for a long time and densely, a significant part of it has been turned into residential areas and agricultural land. But people protect the land where they live - there are only about 30 protected zones in Tauris. The Crimean Nature Reserve is the largest and one of the oldest.

Where is the Crimean Reserve located on the map?

Its main part is located in the urban district of Alushta and the Simferopol region, territorially it adjoins. However, it has several more branches throughout the region.

Royal hunting area

But in 1957, Secretary General N.S. Khrushchev deprived the object of a special status, again turning it into a region of "royal hunting". He himself came here, and then L.I. Brezhnev, as well as their high-ranking guests from other countries. The reserve was fully restored only in 1991.

Strict security

Many famous natural attractions are located here. But potential guests of the mountain, or the caves of Chatyr-Dag need to know that the Crimean Nature Reserve is closed and strictly protected.

Rest there is allowed only in agreement with the administration, as evidenced by the presence of a special pass for the tourist. It is not difficult to get it, the prices are modest, but the number of visitors is limited - so as not to create a large load. In most cases, groups are collected for visiting, which are accompanied by one of the employees as a guide and guide.

"Wild" tourists constantly get here bypassing all this "bureaucracy". But such "amateur artists" do not have to be offended if they are caught by a strict forester, expelled from the reserve, and even write a considerable fine.

Wealth natural and human

An inquisitive tourist should fulfill the official requirements and visit the reserve - there is something to see in it. But not only natural wealth is collected here - for example, there are more than 80 monuments of history and culture, starting from the era of the Taurians.

The reserve belongs to the famous uplands - Yalta Yayla, Babugan-Yayla,; there originate rivers, Avunda. Savlukh-Su spring is known as healing due to high content silver. The complex, rugged terrain allows you to take beautiful photos. There are many karst cavities in the protected area, and some are open to the public.

Since the reserve presents various areas of mother nature,
there are forest, mountain, and steppe plants. Flower lovers will be especially pleased with the spring, when the backache, saffron, violets, and irises bloom. Many species (orches, backache, saffron, Crimean pine, juniper) are listed in the Red Book.

Many animals are also rare, only there are more than 200 varieties of vertebrates. Red deer, wild boars, mouflons live here. The rarest are found in the mountains predator birds- vultures, griffon vultures. Romantics will have a great opportunity to listen to the nightingales during the time - there are three subspecies of them in the reserve.

There are also interesting cultural objects in the Crimean reserve. Believers willingly visit the current one. The features of the spring Savluh-Su are associated with its activity (it begins near the monastery monastery).

Recently, another historical landmark appeared here - and a monument to the partisans of Crimea. The latter is installed near the Red cordon. It commemorates the fighters against the occupation from reserved places, 500 of which died in the fight against the enemy.

The peninsula has always been a popular place for relaxation and wellness thanks to its natural factors. The nature of Crimea is unique and needs vigilant protection and preservation. Numerous reserves have been created to preserve rare species of birds, animals and insects.

Yalta mountain forest nature reserve

From Gurzuf to Foros, a 40-kilometer strip stretches the territory of the Yalta mountain forest reserve. It is valuable because 66% of vascular plants grow here, which are found in the entire Mountainous Crimea: Tupolis pistachio, Siberian Sobolev, high juniper, Crimean cistus. The protected area is also rich in endemic species.
The fauna is represented by rare animal species. Imperial eagles, badgers, moufflons, Crimean lizards and geckos, and European roe deer feel at ease in the protected area. Rare insects that live in the reserve are listed in the Red Book and are of interest to scientists.
An important part of the nature protection complex is the Three-Eyed Cave, the teeth of Mount Ai-Petri, the Devil's Ladder pass.

The nature of the Crimean peninsula is unique. Here grow trees, herbs and flowers that are not found anywhere else in the world. To preserve the floristic fund in the Crimea, 6 nature reserves have been created, on the territory of which only scientific work and laid tourist routes. Any economic activity in protected areas is prohibited.

The Opuksky Reserve is the youngest of all such territories in the Crimea. It is closed to visitors, and scientists can conduct the necessary research only after obtaining special permission. Here, not only a piece of land is protected, but also the approximate water area.
Only one trail is reserved for tourists to reduce the risk of trampling valuable grasses and disturbing nesting birds.

Crimean nature reserve

The largest protected area of ​​Crimea is almost a hundred years old. It was created in 1923 on the site of the "Reserve of Royal Hunts". The area of ​​the reserve occupies more than 33 hectares in the center of the Main Ridge Crimean mountains. It is here, due to the abundance of precipitation and rough vegetation, that many small and major rivers peninsulas - Derekoika, Marta, Ulu-Uzen, Alma. The well-known underground spring Savlukh-Su, whose waters have a healing effect due to the presence of natural silver ions in them, also descends from the local peaks.
Of particular value are pine, beech and hornbeam forests, which densely cover most reserve. It is thanks to them that a favorable ecological situation is maintained.
More than a thousand species of animals live on the territory of the protected area, many of which are rare and need protection and care.

"Swan Islands"

The Lebyazhy Islands zone, restricted from economic activity, is a part of the Crimean Reserve, which is of interest to ornithologists around the world. Its area is 9 and a half hectares. This nesting site is chosen by more than 250 species of birds. Flamingos, several species of ducks, herons, waders live here. Under the protection of the reserve are several species of fish and large marine mammals.
Swan Islands are the main migratory point for many birds.

Reserve "Cape Martyan"

On Cape Martyan in the eastern part of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden there is a reserve of the same name - the smallest in the Crimea. Its main task is to preserve the site where Mediterranean plants live. A relic forest grows here, in which there are more than 500 species of representatives of the Mediterranean flora. The uniqueness of the protected area is that it is here that a sufficient amount of small-fruited strawberry has been preserved, which has long been listed in the International Red Book.

Karadag nature reserve

The Kara-Dag reserve extends in the eastern part of the peninsula near Feodosia. Valuable minerals were found on its area - more than a hundred varieties of minerals were obtained by scientists from the soils of the area.
The flora and fauna of the Karadag Reserve is diverse. More than 1000 representatives of flora grow here, 29 of which are listed rare species Red Book and endangered complete disappearance. The list also includes 18 species of animals. The rivers of the reserve serve as spawning grounds for several species of fish.

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