Journey through the reserved places of the White Mountains presentation. Presentation - Research work - Along the paths of the reserve "Belogorye. List of natural reserves and national parks of the Belgorod region

Belogorye... Father's field.
White smoke over the meadow.
Herbs thick radiance juicy
On the slopes of the chalk.
Curly Heather Snake
Rose over the mountain
And you can't see the shore
Behind the shore grass.
Midnight stars ellipsis,
The clouds move in a crowd.
Belogorye ... Father's field -
What they call their destiny!...
(Vladimir Molchanov)


(large explanatory dictionary D.N. Ushakov)

Geographical position.

Sites of the reserve
located in
Borisovsky (sites
"Forest on Vorskla" and
"Ostrasiev Yars"),
Gubkinsky (sites
"Bald Mountains" and
"Yamskaya steppe" near the city of
Stary Oskol) and
(Section "Walls
Izgorya") districts

State Nature Reserve “Belogorye”

One of the most famous and beautiful
natural objects of the Belgorod
region - state reserve
Belogorye with an area of ​​2131 hectares.
Plot "Forest on Vorskla" - the oldest
the place of the reserve, which preserves
centuries-old upland oak forest on Vorskla,
the age of some trees reaches 300350 years. The forest is inhabited by about 100 species of birds.
(dwarf eagle. Black kite, gray
owl, etc.), wild boars, European roe deer,
foxes, badgers, weasels, hares,
stone martens, etc.

Section "Ostrastevy Yars"

is a dense network of beams and
ravines reaching into
height 200-250 m.
Site vegetation
typical of the forest-steppe
zones - more than 362 species
plants: fescue, feather grass, sage,
astragalus, flax, etc.
The animal world of these places
represented by roe deer,
foxes, hedgehogs,
mole rats, long-eared owl,
buzzards, newts,
several types of toads and
frogs, etc.

Section "Stenki-Izgorya"

located in the floodplain
site and on river
slopes of Oskol. Most
beautiful places in this area -
numerous beams with
narrow ridges. home
the value of the site
relic chalk pines,
whose average age
reaches 200 years.

Plot "Yamskaya steppe"

can boast of
chernozem soils with
characteristic beautiful
steppe landscapes. This is
place is the only one in the world
large massif of virgin
feather-grass-forb-meadow steppe on typical
black soil, thanks to which
he was awarded a diploma
Council of Europe and named
steppe ecosystems

Area "Bald Mountains"

unique in that it has
still ongoing process
active formation
relief. It's beautiful
the place is covered with chalk
remnants formed
water washout after
last glaciation.

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Date of formation: 1924 Total area: 1038 ha Protected zone: 488 ha Location: Vicinity of Borisovka village, on the right bank of the upper river Vorskla Neighborhood of Borisovka village, on the right bank of the upper river. Vorskla "Forest on Vorskla" - a state reserve, located on the right elevated bank of the river. Vorskla in the Borisovsky district of the Belgorod region The central estate of the reserve is located 49 km along the highway to the west of Belgorod, 0.5 km from the regional center of the village of Borisovka. Area - 1038.08 ha. The forest on Vorskla is one of the few protected upland oak forests in the southern forest-steppe. For the first time, it received a protected status back in the days of Peter the Great. In 1925, a forest on the steep and high right bank of the Vorskla River, one kilometer from the regional center of Borisovka, Belgorod Region, was declared a state reserve. The decree of Peter I on the conservation of forests attributed the forest near the settlement of Borisovka to the Bryansk Admiralty with the prohibition of logging in it “forever”, and until the 19th century, the “Custom Rosha” was protected by horse nukers and a religious ban, since at the beginning of the 18th century. was transferred by the owner, Count Sheremetev, to the protection of the convent of the Tikhvin Hermitage.

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The site "Forest on Vorskla" is an upland oak forest located on the right high bank of the Vorskla River. Of the tree species, the dominant ones are pedunculate oak, common ash, Norway maple, small-leaved linden, and rough elm. European euonymus, warty euonymus, and field maple are common in the undergrowth. Somewhat less common are: Tatar maple, svidina, laxative buckthorn, wild rose. Of the rare species, the noble liverwort, umbrella vulture and curly vulture are noted here. Buckthorn laxative Pedunculate oak Warty euonymus Photo gallery

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The fauna of the protected area is very diverse. Its avifauna is especially rich, numbering 50-60 nesting, 5-7 wintering and 10-20 vagrant species of birds, which are representatives of 14 orders. Of the mammals, the most numerous in the oak forest, of course, are small mouse-like rodents; in addition, some species of bats and insectivores are common here, as well as fox, pine marten, European roe deer and some others. Representatives of the classes Amphibians and Reptiles - 6-7 and 5-6 species, respectively, are an integral part of the oak forest fauna. More than 2,500 species of insects have been recorded in the Forest on Vorskla, including many rare ones (stag beetle, large green bronze, Hungarian ground beetle, etc.) and about 300 species of arachnids. Ground beetle Hungarian pine marten European roe deer

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Total area: 566 ha Protected zone: 1400 ha (width 1 km) Location: 12 km south-west of the city of Gubkin The history of the Yamskaya steppe is connected with the history of the Yamskaya settlement of Stary Oskol. Coachmen and pits (parking lots for changing horses on roadways) were under the authority of the royal Yamsky order and provided the movement of government officials and mail. Starooskolskaya Yamskaya Sloboda, as well as Streltsy and Cossacks, had their own reserved lands, which were used for grazing and haymaking. There is a legend according to which the Yamskaya steppe was presented by Catherine II to the city coachmen of Stary Oskol. Communal use of these lands prevented their sale and contributed to the preservation of virgin lands to this day. The site was transferred to the Belogorye Reserve from the Central Black Earth State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Professor V.V. Alekhine in 1999.

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The most colorful of all the habitats of the Yamsky section of the steppe are on the uplands, which cover almost the entire relatively flat watershed area, except for large hollows and depressions, as well as islands of forest and dereznyak. They occupy the predominant part of the territory - 402.4 hectares. The herbage here has a complex structure, several tiers stand out in it. In July, up to 7 tiers can be distinguished in the steppe. Usually all plants are over 60 centimeters. The tallest plants in the tiers can reach one and a half meters or more, but there are few such plants. Shrub thickets "Savannah" steppe Oak forest Kuchugury Photo gallery

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The fauna of amphibians and reptiles of the Yamsky area totals about 10 species, with 2-3 more reptile species. Among the birds in terms of density, of course, ground-nesting inhabitants of open spaces predominate, however, in terms of the number of species, the composition of representatives of the forest-edge complex is somewhat richer. Reservoirs have a large area, due to the frequent meetings in its immediate vicinity of a number of semi-aquatic and waterfowl species of birds. In total, about 60 nesting species, more than 50 migratory and vagrant species, and about 10 wintering species were recorded on the site and adjacent territories. Lizard agile Fox Roe deer

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Purpose: the formation of students' knowledge about the features of reserves and wildlife preserves of the Belgorod region. The planned result of the training, the formation of UUD: students will get acquainted with the reserves, wildlife sanctuaries of the Belgorod region and the Stary Oskol urban district, learn how to work with different sources of information, work in a team. Personal UUD - to develop ecological consciousness, to realize the basic principles and rules of relation to nature, to form a benevolent attitude towards others, to awaken the need for self-expression and self-realization. Cognitive UUD - to form the ability to independently select the necessary information, use sign-symbolic means, define concepts, independently create ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature, form the ability to work with cards. Regulatory UUD - to show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation. Communicative UUD - mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of the task. Basic concepts: specially protected natural areas (PAs), reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, plants and animals of the Red Book.

The territory of the modern reserve Belogorie has been a special area for several centuries, which is of interest to scientists, industrialists and connoisseurs of nature.

Back in the time of Peter the Great, this region was valued for the wood that was mined in these places. She was building ships. Count Sheremetiev had hunting grounds here, and the whole territory was under the protection of the sovereign. Perhaps this is what saved the most valuable forests from cutting down.

The Belogorye Reserve is a museum of nature with almost a century of history.

In 1925, on the site of modern Belogorye, a small reserve "Forest on Vorskla" was created on the site of the last remaining untouched riverine oak forests, which are typical for this region and, in general, for the Central Russian forest-steppe. In 1979, other protected zones were created - for meadows and steppes located on limestone outcrops and on limestone cliffs. The whole complex of protected areas was united into the Belogorye nature reserve, as we know it today.

The relief of Belogorye is very diverse. On the territory of the reserve you can find both ravines and beams, the network of which is very developed here. On the territory of the Central Russian Upland is the very "Forest on Vorskla", namely on its southwestern slope.

The terrain: hills, ravines, beams - all this is Belgorod Land.

True, what is not in the reserve is permanent reservoirs or springs. But not far from the outskirts of the Forest, the Vorskla River flows, after which the protected area got its name. Here is also its tributary - Gotnya, and the tributary of the Gotnya itself, called Loknya.

Flora and fauna on the territory of the Belogorye Reserve

The European roe deer is an inhabitant of Belogorye.

The upland oak forest that fills the "Forest on Vorskla" and the right bank of the river of the same name is a unique forest. The fact is that this is the last surviving old-growth oak forest in the Central Black Earth Region, which has survived to this day. Many species of trees grow here, some of which are already 300 years old. Here you can find aspen, wild apple, pedunculate oak, Norway maple, small-leaved linden and other tree species. There are also those that are listed in the Red Book - the Manchurian apricot, the most beautiful feather grass, balsamic poplar.

The fauna here is also diverse. , fox, badger, polecat, European roe deer - can be found quite often, since their populations are numerous in this area. However, even among the representatives of the fauna there are rare specimens listed in the Red Book, mainly birds, there are more than 10 species of them - bustard, steppe eagle, short-toed eagle and others.

What interesting things can be seen in the Belgorod Reserve?

The nature museum of the reserve is waiting for tourists who go on a tour of Belogorye. Also on its territory you can visit the house-museum of academician Sukachev - an outstanding botanist, forestry specialist and geographer. The convent of the Tikhvin Mother of God was once located here, and today you can see the estate of the former monastery. Both the arboretum and the protected oak forest are worth visiting. There are also guided tours to the 17th century notch line.

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Reserve "Belogorye"

The reserve "Belogorye", created in 1979, is located in the Belgorod region in the area of ​​untouched oak forests, as well as in the meadow-steppe areas, where primary and riverine rocky limestones are common, the latter in the form of cliffs. The structure of the reserve "Belogorye" includes "Forest on Vorskla" - also a protected area, created back in 1925. In 1999, the Belogorye Reserve included 4 isolated clusters, 2 of which belonged to the Central Chernozemny Reserve.

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Natural monument "Cretaceous mountain"

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    Reserve "Belogorye"

    At present, the structure of the Belogorye Reserve includes the following sections: the Forest on Vorskla and Ostrasyevy Yars sections of the Borisovsky District, the Bald Mountains and Yamskaya Steppe near the town of Stary Oskol, Gubkinsky District, and the Walls of Izgorye, Novooskolsky.

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    Forest on Vorskla

    Forest on Vorskla, a reserve in the southwestern part of the Central Russian Upland, in the Belgorod Region. Founded in 1925, has existed within its current borders since 1979. The area is 1038 hectares, 990 hectares are covered by forests. The relief is flat, slightly hilly, typical of the Central Russian forest-steppe. The forest on Vorskla is a centuries-old oak forest of the Central Russian forest-steppe. About 500 species of plants are registered in the reserve, both centuries-old oak forests and steppe vegetation, meadow steppes are typical. Since the reserve is located in a densely populated area, the fauna of the reserve is not rich. A total of 45 species of mammals and 70 species of birds have been noted. Wild boar, roe deer, elk, pine and stone martens, weasel, badger, squirrel, fox, hare are characteristic. Of the birds - gray heron, black kite, kestrel, tawny owl, hobby falcon, roller, saker falcon. Acclimatized raccoon dog.

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    Reserve "Belogorye"

    • Relatively recently, the reserve was transferred from local to federal subordination. Neither more nor less - directly to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation
    • It is curious that in the 18th century the oak forest was preserved due to some paradox. On the one hand, during the time of Peter the Great, powerful oaks were actively used to build ships.
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    Reserve "Belogorye"

    The coat of arms and the main "chip" of the reserve are powerful old oaks, 250-300 years old. These giants are visible from afar. Ash trees, maples, aspens and other growths do not dare to come close to the powerful kings of the reserve.

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    Yamskaya steppe

    The Yamskaya steppe is part of the Belogorye State Biosphere Reserve. The area of ​​the reserve is 566 hectares, it is located 8 km from the city of Gubkin.

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    More than 250 years ago, the virgin steppe with an area of ​​1200 acres belonged to the inhabitants of the Yamskaya settlement of Stary Oskol. Coachmen and pits (parking lots for changing horses on roadways) ensured the movement of government officials and mail. The settlement had its own land used for grazing and haymaking. Communal use of them contributed to the preservation of virgin lands. As a unique virgin corner of nature, the Yamskaya Steppe was discovered in 1921 by Professor V.V. Alekhin in the study of the vegetation of the Kursk province. Since 1935, the site has become a protected area.

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    feather grass steppe

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    There are about 500 species of plants in the reserve. The main wealth of the protected area is meadow steppes. Of particular value is the vegetation of the meadow steppes at the outcrops of the chalk. These are feather grass, low sedge, Cretaceous thyme and other species. There are also endemic plants (these are plants that grow only in this place, and nowhere else). This is ephedra two-eared, Kozo-Polyansky's breaker. All of them are relatives of the mountain plants of Mongolia, the south of Siberia and the Southern Urals, such communities are called "lowered Alps". Feather grass, cretaceous backache requires special protection.

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    Breaker of Kozo-Polyansky

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    Ridge Walls

    Protected area of ​​federal significance of the state biosphere reserve Belogorye. It is located on the left steep banks of the Oskol River between the villages of Peschanka and Tavolzhanka, 10 km from the city of Novy Oskol. Created by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 17, 1995. The site includes an upland oak forest, a black alder forest, a floodplain meadow with oxbow lakes and lakes, artificial plantations of black poplar, Scotch pine, exposed chalk slopes of the southern and western exposures of Zhestovaya Gora and Tavolzhansky Log with relic groups of “lowered Alps” and thyme forests, slopes of the ravine and the edge of the tract Walls, covered with steppe groups and steppe meadows.

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    Protected area "Walls of Izgorye"

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    • In the flora of the protected area there are about 700 species of vascular plants, 356 species of flowering plants. Of these, 9 are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, 46 in the Red Book of the Belgorod Region, including: some orchids, feather grasses, onosma, Sofia's wolfberry.
    • It has a unique combination of natural complexes: upland oak forest with chalky pines, feather grass steppes, chalky outcrops, marshy gray alder forests. This is the only place in Russia where you can find Cretaceous pine, Altai wolf, Cretaceous pine. The plot area is 267 hectares.
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    Wetlands and forests of the "Stenki-Izgorye" protected area are an important reserve for the conservation of animals, including nesting birds.

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    Ridge Walls

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    Ostrasiev Yars

    A new section of the reserve - the forest-steppe ravine "Ostrasyevy Yary", or the tract Nizkoye (area 90 hectares), was created in 1995. It includes about 20 hectares of meadow steppe and a plot of ravine forest. About 400 species of vascular plants grow here. Among them are feather grass, various types of astragalus, Ukrainian flax, etc.

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