Increased hemoglobin in children under one year old. Hemoglobin in children and its norm is an important indicator of health. What hemoglobin should be in premature babies

Blood is a complex element consisting of several important components, one of which is the iron-containing protein hemoglobin. It is delivered by red blood cells to every cell in the body and saturates them with oxygen. Any deviation of this most important component from normal indicators may indicate malfunctions in the body, including in children. It should be regularly monitored by passing laboratory tests in order to take timely measures in case of deviation from the norm and prevent the development of various pathologies.

Hemoglobin index in children

Each age of the child has its own level of hemoglobin, and this is due, first of all, to the fact that the child's body grows and develops, which means that the cells experience different oxygen needs. Especially often this indicator changes in the first year of life. So, from birth to the first three days of life, its norm is in the range from 145 g / l to 225 g / l. Further, by the end of the seventh day, the norm changes slightly downward and already ranges from 135 g / l to 215 g / l. After the first two weeks after birth, the hemoglobin in the baby should already be in the range from 125 g / l to 205 g / l.

Children under the age of twelve are more likely to have low hemoglobin levels. In the case of its increase, the viscosity of the blood fluid increases, respectively, the blood begins to circulate worse and the child's health deteriorates.

After the first month of a child's life, the norm of this blood component already ranges from 110 g / l to 175 g / l. Further, it decreases even more and by two months it already ranges from 90 g / l to 140 g / l. After the first three months from the birth of the baby, the hemoglobin content begins to rise slightly and ranges from 95 g / l to 135 g / l. Then it stabilizes a little and does not change up to five years, being in the range from 105 g / l to 140 g / l.

When the baby is five years old, the hemoglobin value is considered normal in the range from 115 g / l to 145 g / l. Up to the moment when the child is twelve years old, these indicators do not change in any way. After the age of twelve, the hemoglobin norm begins to be divided depending on the sex of the children. It finally stabilizes after the age of eighteen, when it comes of age.

Table of hemoglobin norms in children (from birth to 12 years old)

Age Hemoglobin g/l
Newborn - first three days145-225
first seven days135-215
first fourteen days125-205
month old baby110-175
Two months90-140
Three to six months90-135
Six months to five years105-140
Five to twelve years old115-145

What affects hemoglobin

In the first year of a child's life, nutrition influences the change in this important indicator. As a rule, those who are artificially fed are most susceptible to hemoglobin deviations from the norm. The low content of this blood component in most cases is observed in premature babies. It should also be noted that almost any disease can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin in a child.

In the case when the baby inherited iron deficiency anemia from his parents, his low hemoglobin content is considered the norm and does not require therapeutic measures.

A child's genetic predisposition can also influence the deviation of hemoglobin from the norm. For example, if the mother's hemoglobin levels are constantly below the normal level, then it is likely that the baby will have the same picture. In the first years of a child's life, even the weather can affect the content of hemoglobin.

As you can see, in children, especially newborns, hemoglobin changes quite often. Before the age of twelve, not every deviation of this blood component from the norm can indicate the development of any disease. Despite this, it is still recommended to regularly monitor hemoglobin in children by taking tests and, in case of serious deviations, seek help from a specialist.

Immediately after birth, the baby undergoes a complete examination, including a blood test. However, hemoglobin in a child at 3 months, its norm, is more indicative than immediately after birth. And the entire first year of life lays the foundation for future health for almost a lifetime.

Giving birth to a child is a serious matter, but even more responsible is to raise him healthy, strong and happy. And for this you need to stock up on both patience and knowledge about the age characteristics of your baby.

Children's hemoglobin and its features

A very important indicator of a child's health is the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood corresponding to the age criterion. A newborn baby during his stay in the womb absorbed all the necessary vitamins, micro and macro elements, nutrients from the mother's body.

Including iron, which is directly involved in the formation of a hemoprotein that carries oxygen to all organs and tissues. The remaining elements (manganese, copper, chromium, selenium and others) affect the degree of absorption of ferrous iron.

The norm of hemoglobin in children has its own characteristics, depending on age, degree of activity and oxygen demand in each period of life up to 1 year.

The baby receives its first supply of iron from the mother and uses it for a while. These stocks should last for two or three months. Therefore, the expectant mother must carefully control her diet, consume a sufficient amount of protein foods, vitamins and minerals. Refusal of addictions is a necessary condition for the normal intrauterine development of the baby and the state of health after birth.

Hemoglobin in newborns has its own name - fetal, it breaks down very quickly, so a three-month-old child has a rather low rate. By the beginning of the second year of life, fetal hemoglobin will be completely replaced by an adult - self-produced.

Hemoglobin values ​​by age

Immediately after birth, the concentration of hemoglobin in a child is quite high and can reach 220-240 g / l. In just two months, this indicator drops sharply, and hemoglobin in 3 months can reach the minimum limit value of 90g / l. It was at this time that the child develops physiological anemia, which does not pose a threat to health and is explained by the destruction of fetal hemoglobin.

An infant does not yet have such a developed hematopoietic system and its body is not yet able to independently produce the required amount of protein. Doctors have a special table that determines the normal hemoglobin index depending on the age of the child up to a year. The table gives a clear idea of ​​possible fluctuations.

Age Amount of hemoglobin (g/l)
upper limit lower limit
Immediately after birth 240 180
After three days 225 145
In one week 215 135
In two weeks 205 125
in one month 175 110
By the end of the second month 140 90
three months to six 135 95
At seven months 130 100
At nine months 130 110
At ten months 135 110
one year old baby 145 105

Hemoglobin in a baby at 3 months, its norm, is in the range of 95-135g / l. Both indicators do not cause concern and indicate the normal development of the baby. But deviations in one direction or another should alert parents and force them to immediately contact a pediatrician for advice.

Quite often there are cases when the hemoglobin level in a child at 3 months may be lower, and not only during this period.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of iron in the child during pregnancy;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • prematurity;
  • early ligation of the umbilical cord;
  • seasonality of birth - the cool season can affect the decrease in iron in the newborn;
  • mother's health during pregnancy, addictions, low physical activity, improper diet.

The level of hemoglobin decreases significantly during the illness of the baby. Breastfeeding is also important. Breastfed babies get all the necessary substances from their mother's milk, so the hemoglobin level is normal.

Artificial babies are more susceptible to fluctuations in iron levels. So the choice of good nutrition plays a very important role in the formation of the child's body, in particular, the hematopoietic system.

Reasons for promotion and demotion

Normal hemoglobin in a 3 month old baby is 95-135g/l. This pattern is observed up to 6 months. With proper development, this indicator should gradually increase from the minimum to the maximum.

Just the third month of life is marked by the fact that the child receives the first complementary foods, and with it iron, which is processed by the developing organism into hemoglobin. But there are times when things don't work out the way you'd like.

Why might a child have a lower score?

This is influenced by such factors:

  1. Hereditary genetic pathologies.
  2. Possible bleeding (hidden and obvious, of various origins).
  3. Diseases of the digestive system that interfere with the absorption of iron.
  4. infectious diseases.
  5. Unbalanced nutrition of the mother (if the baby is breastfed) or an artificial baby, insufficient complementary foods.
  6. Rare exposure to fresh air.

The causes of high hemoglobin may be as follows:

  1. Blood diseases in which the level of red blood cells increases. It can be both benign and malignant processes.
  2. Chronic diseases of the respiratory system, when the number of red blood cells increases compensatory.
  3. Heart diseases.
  4. Intestinal infection that provokes diarrhea. The body becomes dehydrated and the blood becomes thicker.

It is necessary to conduct an examination of the baby every month in the first year of life. Timely detection of pathological processes will make it possible to provide assistance and stop the disease.

It is practically impossible to detect anemia or an increase in hemoglobin levels in such young children by external signs, only in the case of a very serious pathology.

But correcting a low hemoglobin level is not so difficult, especially in the early stages.

Hemoglobin is a protein of complex structure, which is part of the red blood cells of erythrocytes and contains iron. Its main function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body and carbon dioxide from them in the opposite direction. The amount of hemoglobin is determined using a laboratory blood test. In the first year of life, your pediatrician will monitor the level of this protein in the blood every month, and the first study is done already in the maternity hospital. The norm of hemoglobin in a child up to a year is the most important indicator of how his body functions.

Below we give quantitative values ​​in children under the age of one year in grams per 1 liter:

  • the highest rate is observed in the first few days after birth and is determined already in the hospital, when the baby is 1-3 days old, his hemoglobin should normally be 145-225;
  • in a week-old baby, hemoglobin should be in the range of 135-215;
  • then the downward trend continues, and in a two-week-old child, the normal range is 125-205;
  • the norm of hemoglobin in a monthly child is 100-180;
  • at two months, hemoglobin in children should be from 90 to 140;
  • 3-6 month old babies have a normal hemoglobin level if it is in the range from 95 to 135;
  • from six months to 12 months, the hemoglobin level should be established in the range of 100-140.

This is the norm of hemoglobin in a child up to a year. What to do if, having received the results of the tests, you see that the level of this protein is too low? What could be the reason?

There are only three main reasons:

1. Unbalanced diet (deficiency of copper, vitamin B12, folic acid).

2. Growth spurt in a child.

3. Lack of iron in the blood is the main factor. Today, every fifth child under the age of three suffers from anemia - iron deficiency in the blood.

Anemia symptoms:

1. The child often has a headache and gets tired quickly.

2. Dry skin prone to flaking.

3. Nails break and exfoliate.

4. Problems with stool - constipation or diarrhea shortly after eating.

5. Stomatitis and cracks in the corners of the mouth.

If you notice any of these signs in your child, visit the pediatrician, he will immediately refer you to a general blood test (taken from a finger) to find out the hemoglobin level in your baby.

When it comes to what is the norm of hemoglobin in a child up to a year old, it is worth making an amendment for those children who are breastfed: they may have a rather low hemoglobin - 90 g / l in the first two months of life. There is nothing to worry about, provided that the child was born on time, and the birth took place without complications. This phenomenon is called false anemia, and after a few months the hemoglobin level comes within the limits of the established norm.

If your child is formula-fed or formula-fed, consult your pediatrician to find a highly adapted formula that contains the optimal amount of iron and other micronutrients your baby needs. Fortunately, now almost all manufacturers on the domestic market comply with these conditions. Still, it is very important to know what your child's hemoglobin norm should be, and to monitor its level regularly.

Hemoglobin is an important component of blood and an indicator of the functioning of the body.

Various factors can affect the change in the norm: the age of the child, his physiological and psychological state, the level of iron in the body, the presence of an infectious disease at the time of taking the analysis.

How much hemoglobin should a child have, what does an increased indicator mean and why does it decrease, why is its high or low level so dangerous?

What is he responsible for in the child's body

Hemoglobin is a complex protein, which is contained in red blood cells (erythrocytes) and has iron in its structure.

Its main duty is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.(organs) in exchange for carbon dioxide. A hemoglobin deficiency means that a small organism does not have enough oxygen.

The protein index is determined after the delivery of a general blood test. A low level of hemoglobin in a child is commonly called anemia in medicine.

What should be the value

In the first year of life, an infant's hemoglobin level will be checked monthly by a pediatrician.

The baby passes his first analysis for protein in the maternity hospital.

Basically, the change in the indicator depends on the age of the child. In the first year of life, it will constantly change.

This is due to the characteristics of growth and the body's need for oxygen in a certain period of a baby's life.

On the first day after birth, the indicator will always be increased, and as it grows, it will gradually decrease.

What should be The norm of hemoglobin in the blood in children by age is presented in the following table:

The normal level of hemoglobin in children during adolescence depends on gender:

The indicator becomes stable only after 18 years. The norm is 120-155 for girls, for young people - 13-160.

On the first day of a baby's life, the hemoglobin index is seriously different from previous ages. This is related to the fact that during the life of the fetus in the womb, it forms a different protein - fetal. His direct duties are related to ensuring a normal existence in utero.

When the baby is born, the element begins to break down. At the same time, normal protein formation occurs.(hemoglobin) in children. This rapid decay may be accompanied by a slight yellowness of the skin in the first days of life.

Frequent bleeding is another source of anemia. This is more true for girls who have uterine bleeding during the formation of the menstrual cycle.

The cause of low hemoglobin in children can be genetic diseases - thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, etc. Red blood cells acquire an unusual shape, which is detected when taking a blood test.

Among the reasons that affect the decrease in protein levels is overeating. Indicators change slightly and will return to normal in a few minutes.

The position of the child during the test is the next cause of false anemia: lying indicators will always be lower.

When pressing on the fingertip, dilution with the intercellular fluid of the blood occurs, which also leads to a slight decrease in the amount of protein.

Reasons for the increase

One of the causes of increased hemoglobin in a child is a disease of the respiratory system.. This is explained by the insufficiency of the respiratory surface in pulmonary pathologies.

The body begins to store a huge amount of oxygen, which will require more red blood cells.

Hemoglobin in the blood can also be elevated due to diseases of the cardiovascular system..

The same goes for intestinal obstruction. and dehydration with diarrhea and vomiting - there is an increase in the concentration of red blood cells.

Anemia can be observed in polycythemia(benign tumor process of the blood system). With a disease, all formed elements in the blood increase due to their increased formation in the bone marrow.

In some types of leukemia (malignant disease), the level of white blood cells also rises. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of red blood cells.

When to See a Doctor

It is still worth increasing the level of hemoglobin, but after consulting a doctor. The doctor will prescribe an iron-rich diet which will include:

  • red meat;
  • buckwheat;
  • red and burgundy vegetables and fruits.

A month later, the pediatrician will again conduct a consultation and prescribe a second analysis.

If you don't see a doctor in time, then with an increased level of protein there is a possibility:

  • enlargement of the spleen;
  • thrombosis of blood vessels due to thickening of the blood;
  • deposits of excess iron in cells and tissues, which will lead to disruption of their work.

With anemia, there are risks of developing diseases due to a decrease in immune functions. The disease in the chronic stage can lead to organ hypoxia.

If it was not possible to normalize the level of protein with food, the doctor will prescribe a vitamin complex or medication.

Look for a list of effective expectorant cough syrups for children in the following material:.

With anemia, you should not feed the baby with rice and semolina porridge more than 2 times a day because the gluten they contain prevents the absorption of iron.

If the child has an elevated hemoglobin, you should also not wean the baby from the breast before one year.

This is explained high bioavailability of iron in breast milk (50%), which indicates a good absorption of useful trace elements than with other food products.

If the hemoglobin in the blood of a child is above the norm, the use of unboiled milk by babies under the age of one is prohibited.

Why a child may have a low or high level of hemoglobin, what are the main causes and consequences of its decrease or increase in the blood, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the following video:

Hemoglobin is a very important indicator of the state of children's health. If it decreases or increases, you should immediately consult a doctor and, according to his recommendations, begin treatment.

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Hemoglobin is a protein that is synthesized by the human body. It is part of the red blood cells.

The main task of this compound is to carry oxygen from the respiratory system to all tissues of the body.

Its structure includes an iron atom, which gives the blood a red color of a different shade, depending on the configuration.

In this article, we will talk about the hemoglobin level in newborns up to a year old: what is the norm in the blood for a one-month-old, two-month-old, three-month-old, six-month-old and one-year-old baby, what are the normal indicators for premature infants.

General information

  • oxyhemoglobin- in combination with oxygen, flows through the arteries, has a bright scarlet color;
  • reduced- freed from oxygen, flows through the veins and has a dark red color.

Oxygen clings to the iron atom in the lungs, and then it is carried with blood through the arteries and capillaries to all organs and tissues of the body.

In a healthy body, hemoglobin is produced by the bone marrow.. With physical and nervous exhaustion, this function can be partially taken over by the liver, spleen and lymph nodes.

Normal quantity

In utero and in babies up to a year, fetal hemoglobin is involved in hematopoiesis with a high degree of chemical affinity for oxygen.

The replacement of the fetal form with the glycolyzed form inherent in an adult organism begins even before birth and ends when one year is reached.

Fetal protein gives less oxygen to tissues therefore, after birth, physiological anemia may begin.

Decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood of the baby after birth still sometimes associated with a natural sharp increase in pressure after childbirth. There is a suppression of hemoglobin synthesis by the bone marrow.

Do not confuse physiological anemia and iron deficiency, which can occur after four months from birth.

Physiological occurs when decrease in the body's ability to synthesize hemoglobin. And iron deficiency- with a lack of iron intake or poor absorption.

What hemoglobin should be in a newborn, one month old and one year old child?

Table of normal hemoglobin readings in an infant born on time.

With a premature birth, the baby's body experiences severe stress, since the transition of fetal hemoglobin to normal has not yet begun. Therefore, he begins oxygen starvation.

Naturally, the level of the protein in question in the blood of such children differs from full-term ones.

Table of normal hemoglobin levels in premature babies up to a year.

The second table presents data for premature babies up to about two months, as this is the most vulnerable period for them.

The indicator under consideration reaches a minimum value in two months, as in full-term children, but its level is noticeably lower.

From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • everyone is born with an increased level of hemoglobin in the blood compared to the average (see tables), regardless of the degree of full-term;
  • up to two months in children, blood levels decrease due to the presence of a fetal variety, which is very reluctant to part with oxygen.

In premature babies, the value of the indicator falls more sharply than full-term. Such babies should be under the supervision of a doctor to receive the necessary treatment.

After two months of life, the amount of glycosylated blood index begins to increase markedly.

The consequence of this is increase in its level to average static values ​​(120-130 g/l) by the year.

When to consult a doctor

A baby after birth cannot absorb iron from external sources. But where does he get it from?

Nature has decreed that while in the womb, the fetus stores iron in the body scooping them out of their mom's stocks.

After birth, the iron "stash" is gradually consumed, reaching a minimum by the age of six months.

At this age, it is necessary, without delay for later, to do a laboratory blood test to determine the level of hemoglobin.

You should contact your pediatrician about this.

When diagnosing anemia, the baby should not be upset. Taking special iron-containing preparations for young children solves this problem in the shortest possible time. The main thing is to recognize this pathology in time.

Symptoms and signs of anemia:

  • poor appetite;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased fatigue;
  • heart palpitations;
  • pale palms;
  • the baby is reluctant to stay awake.

External indicators should alert parents. It is better to consult a pediatrician for advice as early as possible to rule out the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia.

What are causes of low hemoglobin in infants under one year old Why does anemia occur in premature newborns?

  • Inadequate nutrition of the expectant mother during pregnancy and before her for a long time;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • poisoning with toxic substances;
  • malnutrition of the mother during breastfeeding;
  • inadequate food.

What is the norm of hemoglobin in infants up to a year old, what to do if the indicator is low - Dr. Komarovsky reveals ways to increase it in this video:

What is dangerous low level

With a lack of hemoglobin, the baby's body experiences oxygen starvation, therefore, low hemoglobin in a one-year-old infant and younger is fraught with:

  • decreased immunity;
  • lagging behind in development;
  • dysfunction of internal organs, including the brain.

For the formation of hemoglobin You need not just iron and products containing it. It is important that the body can absorb it, that is, synthesize it.

Breastfeeding or artificial

Breast milk contains very little iron. The newborn draws iron from his reserves, which he created in the womb.

Mother's milk contains a complex protein - lactoferrin, which contributes to the almost complete absorption of iron from external sources.

If the mother does not have milk, then this is not a reason for frustration.. The composition of modern milk formulas includes iron preparations, which are easily absorbed by the baby.

At the same time, he does not even have to spend his iron supply to the end.

What to do to increase volume

If a baby's hemoglobin drops, it is necessary to act: for the formation of this protein, of course, you need iron.

It is the main building material coming from external sources. The body cannot create iron on its own.

And for the full assimilation of the trace element the following substances are required:

  • glutamic acid and arginine. Scientists have not yet fully understood the intricacies of the issue, but they found out for sure: without these substances, iron is not absorbed;
  • trace elements copper and cobalt. They play the role of catalysts;
  • B vitamins, especially vitamin B12;
  • vitamin C, that is, the usual ascorbic acid.

Nature has been very wise in creating foods that contain all of these substances, except for vitamin C. These include nuts.

Peanuts are the leader in content and iron, and substances that promote its absorption. Followed by sesame and walnuts.

Therefore, a nursing mother in the absence of problems from the gastrointestinal tract you need to eat 50 g of any nuts every day, washing them down with a rosehip broth or other fruit juice to prevent anemia in yourself and your baby.

When asked whether it is possible to increase hemoglobin in the blood of a child with food, Dr. Komarovsky answers:

Increased rates and their danger

And if, on the contrary, parents are faced with the fact that their newborn child has an increased or even very high level of hemoglobin? Although excess is rare, its causes are:

The blood becomes viscous, inflammatory processes may occur. It is necessary to establish the cause of the increase in the indicator and try, together with the doctor, to bring it back to normal.

Every mother feels the burden of responsibility for the health of her child. Regular monitoring of his blood counts will help take timely measures to prevent and prevent serious diseases.

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