The subject of pedagogical support is. Modern problems of science and education

1. Essence of maintenance. The main approaches to determining the essence of pedagogical support.

2. Technologies of pedagogical support:

l technology of pedagogical support;

l technology of pedagogical assistance;

l technology for the implementation of individual educational routes;

l technology of tutor support.


1. Aleksandrova E.A. Types of pedagogical support and support for individual education

2. Aleksandrova E.A. What is the difference between the work of a freed class teacher and work class teacher from the position of tutor activity? / E.A. Aleksandrova // Head teacher. - 2007. - No. 4. - S. 57-59.

3. Gazman O.S. Theory: what is pedagogical support, w-l Cool leader, No. 3, 2000, p. 6-34.

4. Glevitskaya V.S.

5. Dubrvina I.V., Akimova M.K., Borisova E.M. etc. Working book of a school psychologist. Ed. Dubrovina I.V., M., Education, 1991.

6. Mudrik A.V. Communication in the process of education. M., Pedagogical Russian society, 2001.

7. Mudrik A.V. Social Pedagogy. M., Academy, 2000, pp. 155-160.

8. Pedagogical support of the child in education, ed. V.A. Slastenina, I.A. Kolesnikova. - M., 2006.

9. Popova S.I. Pedagogical support in the work of the teacher and class teacher .. - M., 2005.

1. According to explanatory dictionary Russian language, accompaniment denotes an action that accompanies a certain phenomenon. Etymologically, it comes from the word "accompany", which has several meaningful interpretations. The meaning of the interpretation depends on the field of application of the word, but means the simultaneity of an occurring phenomenon or action. It is interesting that when using this verb with the reflexive particle "sya" in the content characteristic, the emphasis shifts to the supervised. Thus, the following meaning is acquired - “to entail as a direct continuation or consequence”, “to be equipped, supplemented by something”.

Theoretical basis of the system of pedagogical support, the provision on "accompaniment" as conscious teacher / specialist of the need to follow next to the child during his personal development, providing a guarantee of safe resolution of difficult life situations.

Some researchers note that accompaniment "provides support naturally developing reactions, processes and states of personality”. It should be noted that support is understood as the preservation of personal potential and the promotion of its formation. The essence of such support lies in the realization of the right to full development personality and its self-realization in society. Pedagogical support is most fully revealed in the ideas of O.S. Gazman and his followers. Maintenance is a special type of activity aimed at supporting the activities of the subject, i.e. prevention and overcoming of problems in its formation by drawing up and implementing a joint program of activities with the child.

Unlike correction, support does not involve “correction of shortcomings and alteration”, but search for hidden resources of the subject and personalities reliance on its capabilities and creating conditions for development on this basis.

T. Yanicheva understands psychological support as a system of organizational, diagnostic, teaching and development activities aimed at creation of optimal conditions. The essential characteristic of accompaniment in this approach is to create conditions for the transition of the subject to "self-help". E.A. Kozyreva understands support as a “system professional activity teacher-psychologist, directed to create conditions for the positive development of relations children and adults in the educational situation, psychological and mental development child with a focus on his zone of proximal development.

In the works of Yu.V. Slyusarev - the founder of this theory in the psychological aspect, "accompaniment" is used to denote “non-directive form of rendering psychological help» , aimed not only at strengthening or completion, but at the development and self-development of the self-consciousness of the individual, help, triggering the mechanisms of self-development and activating a person's own resources

The concept of escort as educational technology developed by E.I. Kazakova. This concept is based on a system-oriented approach to human development. One of the main provisions of the concept of E.I. Kazakova is a priority reliance on the individual-personal potential of the subject, priority of responsibility for the choice made. Thus, the author believes that in order to exercise the right of a person to freely choose various development options, it is necessary to teach a person to understand the essence of the problem, to develop certain decision-making strategies.

Thus, accompaniment is considered as accompaniment, support, assistance, creation of optimal conditions, search and updating of human resources, as training in methods of activity.

All researchers consider support within the framework of humanistic and personality-oriented approaches, focusing on the launch of mechanisms for self-development, self-improvement based on individual resources, the potentials of the individual himself.

Accompaniment is considered as a two-way process (teacher - student), which depends on personal qualities the accompanying person, from his skill (professionalism), but the result is the higher, the more actively the “accompanied”, the more attention and actual time in the implementation is given to the content and methods of action of the “accompanied”. A feature of the concepts of pedagogical support is the design of the process of support "from the accompanied".

Psychological and pedagogical support today is not just the sum of various methods of correctional and developmental work with children, but acts as integrated technology, a special culture of support and assistance to the child in solving the problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization.

This suggests that a specialist in psychological and pedagogical support not only owns the methods of diagnostics, counseling, correction, but also has the ability to systematically analyze problem situations, program and plan activities aimed at resolving them, and co-organizing participants for these purposes. educational process(child, peers, parents, teachers, administration).

Types (directions) of work on psychological and pedagogical support:

a) prevention.

b) Diagnosis (individual and group (screening).

c) Counseling (individual and group).

d) Developing work (individual and group).

e) Correctional work(individual and group).

f) Psychological enlightenment and education: formation psychological culture, development of psychological and pedagogical competence of students, administration of educational institutions, teachers, parents.

g) Expertise (educational and training programs, projects, manuals, educational environment, professional activities of specialists of educational institutions).

Model of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process at the main level general education

Levels of psychological and pedagogical support

1. Individual

2. Group

3. At the class level

4. At the OU level

Basic forms of support

1. Consulting

2. Diagnostics

3. Expertise

4. Prevention

5. Enlightenment

6. Development work

7. Correctional work

The main directions of psychological and pedagogical support

The education system in Russia is undergoing radical changes affecting all its elements and links. All training standards are written from a new sheet. The basis of the federal state educational standards (FSES) of the third generation is the competency-based approach to learning, the implementation of which is aimed at the main educational programs (BEP).

Competency-based approach is commonly understood as a set of general principles determining the goals of education, selecting the content of education, organizing the educational process and evaluating educational results (Lebedev O.E.).

Based on the main theses of the competency-based approach, let's consider its principles:

1. The point of education is to develop in students the ability to make their own decisions based on experience.

2. The basis of learning is the actions and operations related to the professional skills that need to be obtained.

4. Evaluation of learning outcomes is based on an analysis of the level of assimilation of professional competencies by the student in the light of the chosen profession.



Pedagogical support of the educational process

The education system in Russia is undergoing radical changes affecting all its elements and links. All training standards are written from a new sheet. The basis of the federal state educational standards (FSES) of the third generation is the competency-based approach to learning, the implementation of which is aimed at the main educational programs (BEP).

The competence-based approach is commonly understood as a set of general principles for determining the goals of education, selecting the content of education, organizing the educational process and evaluating educational results (Lebedev O.E.).

Based on the main theses of the competency-based approach, let's consider its principles:

1. The point of education is to develop in students the ability to make their own decisions based on experience.

2. The basis of learning is the actions and operations related to the professional skills that need to be obtained.

4. Evaluation of learning outcomes is based on an analysis of the level of assimilation of professional competencies by the student in the light of the chosen profession.

Introduction of new education standards and their modern structures leads to a rethinking of such a concept as "knowledge". They stop playing leading role, although they still remain important components of the educational process.

AT modern world graduate requirements educational institutions are changing in the labor market: a transition from a good specialist to a good employee is necessary. A good employee is not only a good specialist, but also a person who can work in a team, is capable of innovation, makes decisions independently, showing initiative. The value is not the knowledge possessed by the graduate, but the ability and practical experience their applications.

In order to implement the third generation GEF program and prepare competitive graduates of the secondary vocational education it is necessary to introduce modern pedagogical technologies.

The introduction of modern educational technologies into the educational process contributes to more high level quality training of the future specialist. Therefore, today every teacher is looking for the most effective ways to improve the educational process, increase interest and increase student achievement.

There are more and more modern pedagogical technologies every day, however, to obtain positive results from their application, it is necessary not just to use periodically, but systematically apply to a specific situation.

The link in this situation can be the introduction of a new pedagogical technique - tutoring.

Tutoring is a new professional pedagogical practice in modern Russian education aimed at creating conditions in which the learning process will contribute to the development of the student's personal and professional qualities.

The concept of "tutorship" is not, in the strict sense of the word, new to modern education. “Tutorship as an original philosophy of education and a leading way of organizing educational system originates in medieval European universities of the XII-XIV centuries. As a special pedagogical position, and then a position, it is formalized in the most famous ancient universities-cities of Great Britain: first in Oxford, a little later in Cambridge.

With the development of technology, tutoring begins to gain momentum in Russian education, the conduct of the lesson changes to accompaniment and mentoring, and the teacher becomes a tutor.

A tutor is a teacher of a new type who acts as a consultant, mentor, organizer of independent learning activities for students to master the course content and acquire professional skills.

The fundamental definitions of the tutorship system are as educational program become individualization and self-development.

The principle of individualization of education means that students have the right to build their own content of the educational process, their own educational program.

By implementing the principle of individualization, the teacher-tutor accompanies the process of building and implementing a student's individual educational program, keeps the focus of his attention on the meaningfulness of learning, provides students with the opportunity to design and reconstruct existing educational forms.

Tutoring technologies are aimed specifically at implementing the idea of ​​individualization, taking into account that any training cannot be effective without taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

The main tasks in the work of a tutor are considered to be:

  • Definition of goals and objectives of joint activities,
  • Identification of strengths and weaknesses activities of students to develop an individual work plan,
  • Providing psychological support (creating a situation of success),
  • Setting creative tasks for students, problems requiring active participation in their decision
  • Creation of motivation for vigorous activity,
  • Correction of students' activities,
  • Systematization of the experience gained,
  • Monitoring the dynamics of changes in students from lesson to lesson,
  • Organization of reflection of one's own activity.

Joint activity of a teacher-tutor and a student is possible with individual approach to every student. The tutor helps the student to realize his educational creative possibilities, provides an independent choice of the type of activity, shows the possibilities of educational resources.

In other words, it helps, but does not teach, because the tutor constantly creates situations of manifestation, evidence of the student's different abilities and the need for choice, decision making. At the same time, the tutor is ready to discuss the reasons for the choice, its consequences and role, but the student himself makes the choice. In this sense, the tutor goes "behind" the student, accompanying the student's independent activity. But the tutor is not a passive position of stating the student's mistakes. The activity of the tutor is expressed in the creation of situations where the culture and educational experience of the student meet, in the demonstration cultural forms activities, in the restructuring of fuzzy, obscure, little conscious actions of the student in accordance with the cultural pattern. Therefore, tutor support is Team work tutor and student, in which the student sets meanings and implements actions, and the tutor forms a reflective frame, the main context of which is culture.

As mentioned earlier, the tutor is given a number of tasks that are difficult to implement, one of which is to create a “success situation” for each student.

Here it is important to separate the concepts of “success” and “success situation”. A situation is a combination of conditions that ensure success, and success itself is the result of such a situation. The task of a teacher-tutor is to give each of his pupils the opportunity to experience the joy of achievement, to realize their capabilities, to believe in themselves.

Experience by the student of a situation of success:

  • increases learning motivation and develops cognitive interests,
  • allows the student to feel satisfaction from educational activities;
  • encourages high performance;
  • corrects personal characteristics such as anxiety, insecurity, self-esteem;
  • develops initiative, creativity, activity;
  • maintains a favorable psychological climate in the group.

To set creative tasks and problems for students that require active participation in their solution, the tutor uses modern forms of conducting classes: the project method, the case method, "business" games, production situations, etc.

To develop the student's creative potential, fundamental and problematic issues, which cannot be answered unequivocally - there is no ready-made answer. Here it is important for students to understand the content of the discipline or professional module, to find a solution this issue and its justification.

Without understanding the ways of their teaching, upbringing, mechanisms of cognition and intellectual activity, relationships in the course of learning, students will not be able to master the knowledge, skills, methods of interaction that they have obtained. Reflective activity allows the student to realize his individuality, uniqueness and purpose, which are manifested in the analysis of his objective activity and its products.

Tutoring work is aimed not only at the general adjustment and development of students' activities, but also at understanding and understanding the main components of their activities - the activities of the teacher.

Integration modern forms learning, reflection, vocational training teachers are combined into a new pedagogical technique - tutoring, which allows to produce competent specialists, creative people, self-confident people who are able to make decisions in difficult production situations.

The life of a child takes place in a complex environment, diverse in forms and orientation. By its nature, this environment is social, as it is a system various relationships a child with peers and children of a different age, teachers, parents, other adults.

According to its content, this environment can be emotional, intellectual, aesthetic, everyday, etc. The child is faced with many different choices regarding all aspects of life: how to learn and how to build their relationships with adults, how to communicate with peers, how to relate to certain requirements, rules, and much more. Adults surrounding the child are offered to help, who, due to their social, professional or personal position, can provide him with various support. First of all, it is a teacher, parent and psychologist.

The term "accompaniment" first appeared in works on practical psychology in the book by G. Bardier, N. Romazan, T. Cherednikova (1993) in combination with the word "development" - "Psychological support for the natural development of young children." This term is now widely known and actively used (E. Alexandrovskaya, M. Bityanova, T. Dvoretskaya, E. Kazakova, E. Kozyreva, A. Kolechenko, V. Semikin, T. Chirkova, etc.).

To accompany does not mean to lead by the hand, to always decide for the child, to protect from all possible dangers. It means to be near, to encourage independence, to rejoice at successes, to help overcome difficulties that arise.

The most detailed and figurative definition of “accompaniment” was given by the Russian psychologist M. R. Bityanova: “... accompanying a child along his life path is movement along with him, next to him, sometimes a little ahead, if you need to explain possible ways. An adult carefully looks at and listens to his young companion, his desires, needs, fixes achievements and difficulties that arise, helps with advice and own example navigate the world around, understand and accept yourself. But at the same time, he does not try to control, impose his own paths and guidelines. And only when the child is lost or asks for help, helps him to return to his path again. Neither the child himself nor his wise companion can significantly influence what is happening around the road. An adult is also not able to show the child the path that must be followed. The choice of the Road is the right and duty of every person, but if at the crossroads and forks with a child there is someone who is able to facilitate the selection process, to make it more conscious, this is a great success.

Below are the views of leading researchers in the field of psychological and pedagogical support:

EM. Alexandrovskaya (2002). special kind helping a child, a technology designed to help children certain stage development in solving emerging problems, or in their prevention in the context of the educational process.

E.I.Kazakova (1998). Such assistance to the child, his family and teachers, which is based on the preservation of the maximum freedom and responsibility of the subject of development for choosing a solution to an urgent problem. Multidisciplinary method, provided by the unity of efforts of teachers, psychologists, social and medical workers; organic unity of diagnosing a problem and the subjective potential of its resolution, information retrieval possible ways decisions, designing an action plan and primary assistance in its implementation; assistance in the formation of an orientation field, where the subject of development bears responsibility for actions.

E.A. Kozyreva (2000). The system of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist, aimed at creating conditions for the positive development of relations between children and adults in an educational situation, the psychological and mental development of the child with a focus on the zone of his proximal development.

T.I. Chirkova (1999). The position of the psychologist in relation to the subjects of interaction and the basic principles of his work: careful, reasonable, thoughtful, clearly calculated, predictable by results, measurable intervention in the mental development of the child and the pedagogical process of adults; intervention, which involves the gradual transfer of control functions to self-regulation, self-control of the subjects of interaction with the psychologist themselves.

Thus, in order to reveal the concept of psychological and pedagogical support, such concepts as interaction, cooperation, creation of conditions, assistance, activity orientation, work with the object are used as the main semantic units.

Analysis of literary sources showed that psychological and pedagogical support can be considered in several aspects:

As a professional activity of a teacher-psychologist who is able to provide assistance and support in the individual education of a child;

As a process containing a set of purposeful consistent pedagogical actions that help the child make a moral independent choice in solving educational problems;

As the interaction of maintainer and followed;

As a technology that includes a number of successive stages in the activities of a teacher, psychologist and other specialists in ensuring educational achievements by students;

As a system that characterizes the relationship and interdependence of elements: target, content, procedural and resultative.

Intensive development of the theory and practice of psychological and pedagogical support in last years associated with the expansion of ideas about the goals of education, which include the goals of development, education, ensuring the physical, mental, psychological, moral and social health of children.

Support was based on the following principles:

1. Humanization - implying faith in the capabilities of the child.

2. Systems approach- based on the understanding of man as an integral system.

3. An integrated approach to supporting the development of the child.

4. Taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the child, involving the content, forms, methods of support, corresponding to the individual capabilities of the child, the pace of his development.

5. Continuity of accompanying the child in the educational process, namely, continuity and consistency of support. (fifteen)

The purpose of the psychological and pedagogical support of the child in the educational process is to ensure the normal development of the child (in accordance with the norm of development at the appropriate age).

Tasks of psychological and pedagogical support:

Prevention of child development problems (early diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders);

Help (assistance) to the child in solving urgent problems of development, education, socialization: ensuring readiness for school, learning difficulties, problems with choosing an educational route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;

Psychological support of educational and educational programs;

Development of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents and teachers.

The main areas of work on psychological and pedagogical support:

Prevention is one of the main activities that allows you to prevent the occurrence of certain problems. The peculiarity of prevention in preschool age is the indirect impact on the child through parents and caregivers.

Diagnosis (individual, group (screening). Considering age features, as well as the goals and objectives of the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in preschool educational institutions, it is possible to identify the main areas that need to be accompanied, and therefore diagnosed: by tracking the developmental rate of the child, and knowing the crisis periods and neoplasms of different age stages, it is possible to identify problem areas .

Counseling (individual, group) is carried out, as a rule, on the stated problems, both with teachers and with parents.

Developmental work (individual, group). In developmental work, the specialist focuses on the average developmental norms to create conditions in which the child can rise to the optimal level of development for him. At the same time, developmental work is not just a training of a certain ability, but is focused on working with other factors that determine progress in educational work.

Correctional work (individual, group). The support system specialist has a certain standard of mental development, to which he seeks to bring the child closer. The meaning of “correcting” deviations is assigned to corrective work, and the meaning of revealing the potential of the child is assigned to developing work.

Psychological enlightenment and education: the formation of psychological culture, the development of psychological and pedagogical competence of the administration of educational institutions, teachers, parents.

Expertise (educational and training programs, projects, manuals, educational environment, professional activities of specialists of educational institutions).

The sequence of work to accompany the child is the following algorithm:

1. Statement of problems. It begins with a request, understanding the essence of the problem, developing a plan for collecting information about the child and conducting a diagnostic study.

2. Analysis of the received information. Evaluation and discussion with all interested parties of possible ways and means of solving the problem, discussing the positive and negative sides of different solutions.

3. Development of a comprehensive care plan. Determining the sequence of actions, the distribution of functions and responsibilities of the parties, the timing of implementation: the joint development of recommendations for the child, teacher, parents, specialists. Counseling all support participants on ways and means of solving the child's problems.

4. Implementation of a plan to solve the problem. Implementation of recommendations by each escort participant.

5. Understanding and evaluating the results of maintenance activities. Assumes answers to the questions: What was successful? What failed? Why? Solving a particular problem or conducting further analysis of the development of the child. The answer to the question: What to do next?

Based on the foregoing, the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process is understood as a holistic and continuous process of studying the personality of the child, the patterns of its formation, creating conditions for self-realization in all areas of activity, adaptation in society at all age stages of training and education, carried out by all subjects of educational -educational process in situations of interaction.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Emotional distress of an older child preschool age largely becomes the result of the absence or insufficiency of means of orientation in situations of uncertainty, unpredictability and surprise. The harmonious emotional development of children, their ability to navigate their emotions in unfamiliar situations - these are the conditions, the observance of which will allow the child to control himself even when he is not

can present the results of their activities and their evaluation to adults.

Many studies emotional sphere of older preschoolers show that their life is full of negative emotional experiences (fear of being reprimanded by an adult, communication difficulties, failures in class), which have a destructive effect on the child's personality. The situation is aggravated by the fact that he does not own the means of reflection and is not able to productively use this life experience.

By the time they go to school, children are already well assimilating the norms and rules adopted in society. Among them is the position that being afraid and making mistakes is bad. Following this "rule", the child in many cases stops doing something at all, motivating this by the fact that "it won't work anyway, and they will scold me." This way of behavior blocks the development of the child's personality, deforms it first in childhood and then in adulthood. Such children do not go forward by trial and error, but passively wait for the right answers and unmistakable ways to solve problems.

Blocking the opportunity to "do wrong" does not give the child a chance to learn ways to reduce the severity of fear, to find examples of "fearless" behavior. You need to work with such children and these children need psychological and pedagogical support.

Psychological and pedagogical support of educational activities is always personified and directed to a specific pupil, even if the teacher works with a group. The subjects of psychological and pedagogical support of the individual educational activities of the child are: medical workers and other specialists; educator; psychologist; social teacher; parents and relatives of the student. The subject of psychological and pedagogical support is the child himself, who has his own experience of learning, interaction with adults, peers, his own special character of personal and individual development. The characteristics of a particular child affect the content and forms of psychological and pedagogical support of his individual educational activities.

The essence of the idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support is an integrated approach to solving developmental problems. Understanding the psychological and pedagogical support of the process of personal self-development as an activity of subject-subject orientation allows intensifying the processes of self-knowledge, creative self-realization and acquires special significance in the educational process.

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Svinareva Olga Viktorovna

Lecturer at the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Ryazan branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya, RF, G. Moscow


Olga Svinareva

lecturer of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Chair, Ryazan Branch of Moscow University of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Ya. Kikotia, Russia, Moscow


The article reveals the genesis of pedagogical support, provides varieties of pedagogical support, determines the role and importance of pedagogical support in the adaptation of students to the educational process.


The article deals with the genesis of pedagogical accompaniment, the varieties of pedagogical accompaniment are presented, the role and importance of pedagogical accompaniment in adapting students to the educational process are determined.

Keywords: pedagogical support; pedagogical support; adaptation.

keywords: pedagogical support; pedagogical accompaniment; adaptation.

In the process of teaching schoolchildren, students at school, university, especially during the period of their adaptation to the educational process, effective pedagogical support of the individual, the study group becomes important.

The concept of "pedagogical support" appeared in domestic science relatively recently. Some experts believe that this term is closely related to pedagogical support, but acts as an independent pedagogical tool, others are of the opinion that pedagogical support acts as an independent phenomenon. It is noted that the concept of pedagogical support is primary in relation to pedagogical support. In pedagogical dictionaries, the term "pedagogical support" is defined as "activities professional educators to provide preventive and prompt assistance to children (and adolescents) in solving individual problems related to health, business and interpersonal communication, with successful advancement in learning, personal and professional self-determination ".

For the first time in Russian pedagogy, the problem of pedagogical support was scientifically formulated by O.S. Gazman, who proposed the definition of pedagogical support as an activity of a teacher aimed at providing prompt assistance to students in solving their problems in order to achieve positive learning outcomes. Pedagogical support is aimed at overcoming barriers that impede the favorable development of the individual in the field of acquiring knowledge.

In turn, pedagogical support is a concept of a broader meaning, indicating the next stage in the development of pedagogical support. If pedagogical support is intended most often for elementary school students, then pedagogical support is for older students (high school students, students). According to E.A. Alexandrova, pedagogical support is characterized not so much by a decrease in the degree of adult intervention in the educational process, but by the ability of the pupil himself to solve his educational and personal problems.

It should be noted that a significant part of the interpretation of the definition of "pedagogical support" is related to the nature of the actions of the teacher in relation to the wards. So, for example, E.A. Alexandrova speaks of pedagogical support as the ability of a teacher to be with students, to accompany them in the individual development of the acquired knowledge. At the same time, accompaniment is understood not just as an action, but as a complex process of interaction between the subjects of pedagogical activity, aimed at achieving the progress of the student. As a drawback of the above interpretation, it should be noted that it does not disclose the possibility of using pedagogical methods and means.

V.A. Slastenin, on the contrary, reveals in detail in his interpretation of pedagogical support the methods of actual pedagogical activity. From his point of view, pedagogical support is “a process of interested observation, counseling, personal participation, encouraging maximum independence of the student in a problem situation with minimal participation of the teacher compared to support” .

V.A. Airapetov defines pedagogical support as a form of partnership, in the process of which the meanings of activities are agreed and conditions are created for individual decision-making. However, this definition does not reveal the systemic interaction of the subjects of pedagogical activity.

According to E.K. Isakova, D.V. Lazarenko and S.V. Silchenkova, pedagogical support is a form of pedagogical activity aimed at creating conditions for personal development and self-realization of pupils, developing their independence and confidence in different situations life choice. This definition reveals in detail the goals of support as specific results of personality development.

Currently, support is considered in various aspects of activity. In this regard, psychological and pedagogical support is singled out (E.A. Bauer, A.V. Malyshev), which is understood as a set of socio-psychological and pedagogical activities based on a certain methodology, which ensures the modern quality of education.

Allocate medical and pedagogical support (A.V. Shishova), which involves the use differentiated approaches to the upbringing, training and implementation of individual health improvement and implementation educational organization complex of measures for the prevention of diseases associated with learning activities.

O.A. Vlasova proposed this type of pedagogical support - as valeological and pedagogical support. This is pedagogical activity, which includes all participants in the educational process, implementing a system of interrelated activities to improve the competence of teachers, students and their parents in the field of health care.

Social and pedagogical support (N.V. Savitskaya, E.V. Gutman) is understood as a system of pedagogical interaction, including social institutions educational institutions, social projects and programs for the development of students, management of the educational potential of society in resolving the problems of socialization of students.

Separately, it is necessary to single out research in the field of pedagogical support from the standpoint of pedagogical adaptation. Adaptation of the student to the educational process is a restructuring of the cognitive, motivational, emotional-volitional spheres of the student during the transition to a systematic organized educational process. In this regard, the role of the teacher in the process of adapting the student to the new conditions of cognitive activity is extremely important.

So, O.A. Sergeeva understands pedagogical support as an activity that ensures the creation of conditions for the successful adaptation of a person to the conditions of his life.

According to E.A. Salakhudinova, pedagogical support for the adaptation of students in the study group is a purposeful activity of all subjects of the pedagogical process (teachers, curators, senior students and the closest social environment of the student), aimed at helping the student acquire the position of the subject of intragroup relations, at his orientation in the system of social relations at the university , organization of interaction with fellow students and teachers in the educational process and extracurricular activities .

It should be noted that this process has as its goals the acquisition by the student social status subject of intra-group relations, its entry into the system of social ties in educational institution, as well as the organization of close interaction between the student and fellow students and teachers in the educational process and extracurricular activities. One of the areas of such activity will be the prevention of the emergence of barriers in professionally oriented interaction in the study group, support in the student's search for his place in the system of intragroup relations, individual assistance in overcoming difficulties.

Thus, an analytical review of pedagogical scientific literature shows that over the past decade the problem of pedagogical support continues to be relevant. Having started to develop as a result of studying such a phenomenon as “pedagogical support”, the phenomenon of “pedagogical support” is understood as a multifaceted phenomenon that is currently being studied at the level of interdisciplinary connections between pedagogy and psychology, sociology, and valueology.

Obviously, the relationship of pedagogical support with the educational process of the school has been studied more deeply and on a larger scale than with the educational process of the university, which requires further research. Moreover, the traditional institution of curatorship in modern system higher professional education is not represented, and the institution of tutoring, adopted as a model from the Western European education system, has not yet been formalized.


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1. Essence of maintenance. The main approaches to determining the essence of pedagogical support.

2. Technologies of pedagogical support:

l technology of pedagogical support;

l technology of pedagogical assistance;

l technology for the implementation of individual educational routes;

l technology of tutor support.


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8. Pedagogical support of the child in education, ed. V.A. Slastenina, I.A. Kolesnikova. - M., 2006.

9. Popova S.I. Pedagogical support in the work of the teacher and the class teacher. - M., 2005.

1. According to the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, accompaniment means an action that accompanies a certain phenomenon, following along with someone, being nearby, leading somewhere or walking nearby. Etymologically, the term comes from the word "accompany", which has several meaningful interpretations. The meaning of the interpretation depends on the field of application of the word, but means the simultaneity of an occurring phenomenon or action. It is interesting that when using this verb with the reflexive particle "sya" in the content characteristic, the emphasis shifts to the supervised. Thus, the following meaning is acquired - entail as a direct continuation or consequence, be equipped with, supplemented by something.

The theoretical basis of the system of pedagogical support is the provision on "accompaniment" as conscious teacher/specialist need to follow next to the child during his personal development, providing a guarantee of safe resolution of difficult life situations.

Some researchers note that support involves support naturally developing reactions, processes and states of personality. It should be noted that support is understood as the preservation of personal potential and the promotion of its formation. The essence of such support lies in the realization of the right to the full development of the individual and its self-realization in society. Pedagogical support is most fully revealed in the ideas of O.S. Gazman and his followers. Accompaniment is a special type of activity aimed at supporting the activity of the subject, that is, preventing and overcoming problems in its formation by drawing up and implementing a program of activities jointly with the child.

In contrast to correction, support does not involve the correction of shortcomings and alteration, but search for hidden resources of the subject and personalities reliance on its capabilities and creating conditions for development on this basis.

T. Yanicheva understands psychological support as a system of organizational, diagnostic, teaching and development activities aimed at creation of optimal conditions. The essential characteristic of support in this approach is the creation of conditions for the transition of the subject to "self-help". E.A. Kozyreva understands support as a system of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist, aimed at to create conditions for the positive development of relations children and adults in the educational situation, the psychological and mental development of the child with a focus on the zone of its proximal development.

In the works of Yu.V. Slyusarev - the founder of this theory in the psychological aspect, "accompaniment" is used to denote non-directive form of psychological assistance, aimed not only at strengthening or completion, but at the development and self-development of the self-consciousness of the individual, help, triggering the mechanisms of self-development and activating a person's own resources.

Escort is a multidimensional concept that primarily determines the position of the teacher in relation to the teacher, the pupil, characterizing the acceptance of the latter as the subject of his life and development. Accompaniment is understood as an activity aimed at creating conditions conducive to successful learning and development of the child in a particular environment (M.R. Bityanova).

Support is based on some value principles:

1. Following the natural development of the child at a given age and socio-cultural stage of his life path. Accompanying is based on those mental, personal achievements that the child has and constitute the unique baggage of his personality.

2. Priority of the goals, values ​​and developmental needs of the child himself.

3. Orientation of activities to create conditions that allow the child to independently build a system of relations with the world, people around him and with himself, to make personally significant life choices. An adult must teach the child to make decisions concerning himself and bear full responsibility for them.

The concept of support as an educational technology was developed by E.I. Kazakova. This concept is based on a system-oriented approach to human development. One of the main provisions of the concept of E.I. Kazakova is a priority reliance on the individual-personal potential of the subject, priority of responsibility for the choice made. Thus, the author believes that in order to exercise the right of a person to freely choose various development options, it is necessary to teach a person to understand the essence of the problem, to develop certain decision-making strategies.

Thus, accompaniment is considered as accompaniment, support, assistance, creation of optimal conditions, search and updating of human resources, as training in methods of activity.

All researchers consider support within the framework of humanistic and personality-oriented approaches, focusing on the launch of mechanisms for self-development, self-improvement based on individual resources, the potentials of the individual himself.

Accompaniment is considered as a two-way process (teacher - pupil), which depends on the personal qualities of the escort, on his skill (professionalism), but its result is the higher, the more actively the “accompanied”, the more attention and actual time during implementation is paid to the content and methods of action "accompanied". A feature of the concepts of pedagogical support is the design of the process of support "from the accompanied".

Psychological and pedagogical support today is not just the sum of various methods of correctional and developmental work with children, but acts as a complex technology, a special culture of support and assistance to the child in solving the problems of development, education, upbringing, socialization.

This suggests that a specialist in psychological and pedagogical support not only knows the methods of diagnosis, counseling, correction, but also has the ability to systematically analyze problem situations, program and plan activities aimed at resolving them, co-organize for these purposes participants in the educational process (child, peers parents, teachers, administration).

Types (directions) of work on psychological and pedagogical support:

a) prevention.

b) Diagnosis (individual and group (screening).

c) Counseling (individual and group).

d) Developing work (individual and group).

e) Correctional work (individual and group).

f) Psychological enlightenment and education: the formation of a psychological culture, the development of the psychological and pedagogical competence of students, the administration of educational institutions, teachers, parents.

g) Expertise (educational and training programs, projects, manuals, educational environment, professional activities of specialists of educational institutions).

Model of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process at the main stage of general education

Levels of psychological and pedagogical support

1. Individual

2. Group

3. At the class level

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