Management of innovation policy at the enterprise. Analysis of innovation policy management problems

Learn control technology innovation policy enterprises. In accordance with international standards innovation is defined as the end result of innovative activity embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market by a new or improved technological process used in practice or in a new approach to social services. The structure of the work includes the introduction of the chapter Innovation management at the enterprise of the head of Control Technology...

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An important element that provides a systematic approach to the development and implementation of innovations, the mechanism for implementing the innovation strategy is enterprise innovation policy, which can be defined as the attitude of the company's management to innovation, officially expressed in terms of goals, principles, directions and forms of implementation.

Innovation policy can be represented under three main elements: setting goals and objectives innovative development; development of effective methods and means to achieve the set goals, as well as the selection and organization of personnel capable of solving the innovative tasks set.

Enterprise innovation policy is a set of goals, strategies and measures for the development of innovation, developed by management and scientific and technical services. She is integral part scientific and technical and economic policy enterprises and determines the direction of innovation and measures to stimulate its development.

Main goalinnovation policy is to increase the competitiveness of products, enterprises and its economic performance through the development and implementation of innovative projects and programs.

However, the goals of the company's innovative activity depend on its specifics, external conditions and characteristics of the internal environment and can vary significantly.

Innovative tasks businesses can be:

Ensuring that the structure of products according to the stages of the life cycle conforms to the structure of innovations according to the stages of completion;

Determining the sources of innovations (own developments or attracted from outside);

Ensuring rational proportions between innovations of various types (for example, according to the degree of novelty and radicalism).

As the main principles of innovation policy companies can offer the following:

Socio-economic efficiency of innovations;

Concentration of resources on the strategic directions of the organization's development;

Respect for freedom of creativity and access to scientific and technical information;

Encouragement of innovative ideas and developments;

Compliance with current legislation;

Social responsibility.

18. Stages of formation of the innovation policy of the enterprise.

The sequence of formation of innovation policy in the enterprise can be represented by several main stages.

1. Analysis of the state of innovation processes in the previous period and development of recommendations. The main purpose of such an analysis is to study the dynamics, scale, forms and effectiveness of innovative development at the enterprise in retrospect.

2. Development of competitive innovative behavior in the coming period, setting goals and objectives and their coordination with enterprise development plans. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis of the state of innovation processes at the enterprise, its corporate growth and development guidelines, innovative ideas are generated.

3. Study of innovation activity in the previous period and assessment of the current state of the innovation infrastructure. As part of this analysis, data are obtained on the economic capabilities of the enterprise to develop and implement a leader strategy based on new technologies, or a follower strategy aimed at introducing improving products.

4. Formation of innovative strategies, their coordination in terms of time, resources andperformers. It is carried out taking into account alternative options for the development and implementation of innovative projects at different times, using resources from various sources, with the involvement of various specialists.

5. Determination of economic efficiency, selection and formation of a portfolio of innovative projects. The options for innovative development strategies formed at the previous stage are presented in the form of innovative investment projects or business plans.

6. Assessing the innovative potential and ensuring effective operational management of innovative development strategies at the corporate level. At this stage, the final selection of the innovative development strategy is carried out, which meets the requirements of organizational and economic support.

7. Analysis and control of the set and achieved strategic goals of innovative development, identification of deviations. In the process of implementing innovative development strategies, not only their organizational and economic support is provided, but also timely adjustment in case of significant changes in market conditions, the introduction of analogue products by competitors, the emergence of new scientific knowledge, and the destabilization of the economic situation at the enterprise itself. The identified deviations are reflected in the implemented strategies for innovative development.

innovative managerial economic

Innovation management is a change with the aim of introducing and using new types of equipment, processes, updating various aspects of the enterprise's innovative activity. The experience of leading enterprises clearly shows that innovation is inevitable and manageable. Innovation management is the key to maintaining high production efficiency. Innovations can be conditionally divided into two levels: the first includes new discoveries, inventions, ideas that are introduced into production for the first time, innovators who implement them receive primary superiority.

The second category includes inventions, know-how, ideas and discoveries that are re-introduced. They are already being introduced by imitating enterprises, such novelties are not new in the world.

If innovations of the first level may not be implemented at all enterprises, then the second level is mandatory for all enterprises that want to survive in a competitive environment. This determines the relevance of the problem of innovation management for almost all enterprises and organizations. Innovation within the enterprise occurs by itself, this requires an innovation management system in the enterprise.

Modern production is characterized by innovation and the desire to use more advanced technology, new products and services. The introduction of new technologies (microelectronics, biotechnology, new materials) into production makes it necessary to bring the content and organization of production, the qualifications and educational level of personnel in line with improved technological systems.

Currently, there are the following problems of innovation management in enterprises:

  • - reduction in the cost of innovation, caused by practically complete liquidation investments not only in the scientific sphere, but also in technical re-equipment, renewal of production and products;
  • - an increase in the rate of lagging behind the world level of scientific and technological progress in a wide range qualitative parameters of technology development; a sharp reduction in the number of research groups, teams, schools and institutes, a large-scale "brain drain" abroad;
  • - lack of flexibility in the work of existing material and technical, production, economic and socio-organizational structures;
  • - excessive duration of innovation processes in time (especially at the final stage of the innovation life cycle);
  • - limited distribution of innovations (implementation at one or two enterprises);

an extremely low share of radical innovations in the total volume (with an effect of more than 1 million rubles);

Lack of interest in innovation (due to the functional orientation of enterprises).

Well-established mechanisms of market regulation operate in highly developed countries, such as selective taxation, flexible depreciation policy, methods of combating over-concentration of production and monopoly ownership of sales, a regime to stimulate the development of small enterprises to quickly respond to the achievements of scientific and technical progress and changing market demands, etc. In Russia, the creation of the market took place without their formation - there are laws, but there are no mechanisms for their implementation.

The innovation process is a dynamically developing process of research and production and economic activity an enterprise that opposes the processes and structures already established there, but is associated with them in a certain way. The nature of this connection significantly affects the tasks and methods of managing "innovations in the enterprise. The creator of a new technology is distinguished by first-level innovation. The innovator proceeds, first of all, from such criteria as uniqueness and novelty. For the vast majority of imitators in terms of innovation, the prevailing criteria are life cycle products and economic efficiency.

In practice, when developing science and technology policy enterprises, as a rule, distinguish 4 functional areas (between which there are wide overlap zones) of innovation management:

  • - Research and development;
  • - quality management and certification in accordance with the composition and volume of GOST elements;
  • - creation of an updated production base;
  • - development of the market of innovations.

In practice, when forming the scientific and technical policy of an enterprise, making decisions about the need to implement innovation and release a new product based on it (transition to new technology) is a difficult task. Even when creating products with a relatively small degree of novelty, difficulties arise in choosing the most preferred option for their manufacture and distribution. It is even more difficult to make a decision on the production of a fundamentally new product.

Each new idea, as experience shows, is the result of:

  • — identifying a new need (opportunity or problem), such as an idea for a new product or a new manufacturing process;
  • - identifying a way by which a known need (previously posed problem) can be satisfied or an existing opportunity can be realized. And the problem, first of all, is not in evaluating new ideas, but in stimulating initiative, proposals for new ideas.

It is also very important to take into account the fact that in reality, for the potential user of innovation, the most important factor is to reduce the time gap between discovery and innovation.

There are 4 degrees of "hidden need" for innovations, which should be taken into account when forming the scientific and technical policy of an enterprise.

Anticipated need that arises when an urgent and specific need was felt by potential users before the innovation appeared and when actions were aimed at reducing the time gap (instant photography, etc.).

A need that appeared only after the discovery or invention (X-ray, wireless communication, telegraph, etc.).

Negative need, or actual refusal, that appears when one of the groups of potential users denies the need and delays innovation (sewing machines, etc.).

The problem of identifying the need for innovation is greatly simplified when using the process orientation of the enterprise. This means that all developments at the enterprise are coordinated with the corresponding developments carried out at the client enterprises.

In 2011, along with the development of already existing elements of the MSU innovation infrastructure, such as the Office of Innovation Policy and International Scientific Relations, the MSU Science Park, the MSU Technology Transfer Center, new structural units were created (Innovation Consulting Center, Student Business Incubator, Center management of intellectual property of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov”), which provide the generation of innovative projects and their support and support throughout the entire innovation cycle, including the transfer and implementation of scientific developments and technologies at enterprises in the real sector of the Russian economy.

1. Creation of new elements of the innovation infrastructure:

1.1. Center for Innovation Consulting, Moscow State University

aim activity of the Center for Innovation Consulting of Moscow State University, established in early 2011, is to promote the development of innovative projects of Moscow State University by providing advisory services to develop a technology commercialization strategy and attract external resources to implement the developed strategy.

Main tasks CEC are:

  • Strategic consulting for promising innovative projects, including the development of business plans, financial forecasts, presentations and investment memorandums;
  • Support of investment transactions with technological projects;
  • Improving the quality of management of innovative projects by attracting experienced businessmen and managers to participate in the development of innovative companies;
  • Creation and maintenance of mechanisms for involving young professionals (including students and graduates of Moscow State University) in the work of the Center, as well as the effective transfer of knowledge and experience to young professionals.
  • Development and accumulation of managerial and analytical competencies in the field of identifying and promoting commercially demanded technological projects;
  • Development and maintenance of contacts with investment, expert and consulting communities for the purpose of joint work on the development of innovative projects;

In 2011, the employees of the Center achieved following results:

  • Services were provided for consulting support and development of business plans for innovative projects of Moscow State University for participation in the START program of the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere. It was 10 projects prepared, 7 of which received support Fund under the START-1 program in the amount of 1 million rubles, 1 project received support under the START-2 program in the amount of 2 million rubles.
  • Services were provided for consulting support and development of business plans for innovative projects of Moscow State University to attract subsidies from the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow. 11 projects were prepared, 10 of which were supported by the Department. In addition to subsidies from Moscow, as a result of the work projects attracted more than 30 million rubles of extra-budgetary funding.
  • As part of the Center's work, planned consulting work was carried out to prepare innovative companies of Moscow State University for obtaining resident status and grants from the Skolkovo Foundation (3 companies), as well as to support transactions with the RVC Seed Investment Fund (2 companies).
  • During the year, the Center's consultants provided consulting support during the implementation of student educational programs "Formula IT", "Formula Success 2011" and "Formula BIO", in which a total of 250 young entrepreneurs took part.

1.1. Student business incubator

The student business incubator is a structure that creates the necessary conditions for the start-up development of small innovative enterprises and "growing" young entrepreneurs.

primary goal- training of a generation of enterprising/creatively thinking specialists with an active life position with professional skills for the development and modernization of the economy

The main task- creation of favorable conditions for the development of design, innovation and entrepreneurial activity through targeted support for students, graduate students and young scientists who want to start their own business.

At the beginning of 2011 on a competitive basis 5 projects were selected out of 49 applications who became the first residents of the student business incubator. In less than a year, the selected projects have turned into small innovative enterprises, where 38 jobs created.

Selected residents of the incubator have become winners in many entrepreneurial competitions including: the Formula of Success program of the MSU Science Park, the competition of innovative projects within the framework of the All-Russian Innovation Convention, the MIPT Technovation Cup, Business Innovative Technologies. One of the residents of the incubator (Mobile DNA Diagnostics project) 2nd place in international competition Intel Global Challenge, which is the best achievement for Russian innovative projects in the history of the competition.

The total amount of funding for student projects of the business incubator of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov exceeded 20 million rubles. Including innovative projects of the MSU incubator received grants and subsidies from Skolkovo Foundation, the Foundation for the Promotion of Small Forms of Entrepreneurship in the NTS, the Moscow City Small Business Support Department and private investment.

Representatives of such companies as RUSNANO, Microsoft, Alliance Rosno, Runa Capital and others are involved in the expert council of the Moscow State University business incubator.

During the existence of the student business incubator of Moscow State University, educational programs were implemented, within the framework of which more than 20 master classes, more than 25 trainings and 50 consultations(with incubator projects).

1.2. OOO "Intellectual Property Management Center of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov"

In October 2011, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov together with LLC " High technologies” announced the launch of Lomonosov Moscow State University Intellectual Property Management Center LLC (TsUIS MSU LLC), established in accordance with federal law No. 217-FZ of August 2, 2009 “On the creation of budgetary scientific and educational institutions economic companies for the purpose of practical application (implementation) of the results of intellectual activity”.

main goal LLC "TsUIS MGU" is the development of innovative activities scientific community Moscow State University by searching, providing legal protection and practical application (implementation) of competitive results of intellectual activity.

Highly qualified experienced specialists of the Center - patent attorneys, lawyers and analysts, provide professional assistance in organizing and implementing the entire range of patent and licensing services (conducting patent search and patent research, legal protection and protection intellectual property, patenting and registration of IP, legal execution of documents, contracts and their support) not only in Russia, but also abroad (in the USA, Canada, China, Japan, countries European Union etc.), including using modern international system PCT. The Center's services include not only the legal protection of these objects, but also their subsequent commercialization, including the conclusion of licensing agreements.

For two months of activity, the Center has conducted patent research on two topics for the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University; within the framework of the Formula Bio educational program, held a practical seminar on the Fundamentals of the Protection and Commercialization of Intellectual Property, which was attended not only by students of Moscow State University, but also by students of other Moscow universities; organized a lecture by the Chairman of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for the Testing and Protection of Breeding Achievements Shmal V.V. on the topic " International practice protection of intellectual property in the field of breeding achievements and features of its application in the Russian Federation”. The specialists of the Center took part in the development of the educational program "Fundamentals of Legal Protection and Commercialization of Intellectual Property".

2. Development of existing elements of the innovation infrastructure.

2.1. Technology Transfer Center of Moscow State University

2.1.1. One of the main activities of the CTT MSU in 2011 was the systematization of work with the results of intellectual activity belonging to the Lomonosov Moscow State University and its structural divisions.

As a result of the work carried out, it was identified and evaluated 170 results of intellectual activity belonging to Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and its structural subdivisions. Including 84 inventions, 41 invention patent applications, 5 utility models, 16 selection achievements, 22 computer programs, 1 trademark and 1 integrated circuit topology. Them market price was assessed with the involvement of independent appraisers of CJSC "Federal Institute for Certification and Assessment of Intellectual Property and Business" in 410’647’700 rub. Prepared guidelines on documenting intangible assets. Until January 20, 2012, all identified and evaluated results of intellectual activity will be registered as intangible assets. For further work on the assessment of the initial cost of RIA, their accounting and control over the receipt, internal movement and disposal of intangible assets, by order of the rector dated November 18, 2011 No. 1037, the Commission on Intangible Assets of Lomonosov Moscow State University was established at MSU and the Regulations on the activities of this commission were approved .

2.1.2. The practical application of the results of intellectual property owned by Moscow State University in 2011 was carried out through the creation of business entities in accordance with 217-FZ.

Moscow State University acted as a co-founder of 6 such societies:

  • LLC "Center for Expert Technologies of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov"
  • OOO "Directorate of the Festival of Science"
  • OOO Geological Scientific and Methodological Center of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Geocenter of Moscow State University)"
  • LLC "Institute of Experimental Economics and Finance of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov"
  • Center for Seismic Data Analysis of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
  • OOO "Intellectual Property Management Center of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov"

Average authorized capital formed business companies amounted to 600 thousand rubles.

In 2011, the Academic Council of Moscow State University decided to create 4 more such economic societies:

  • LLC "Soil and Ecological Center of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov"
  • StellarMed LLC
  • RosEx LLC
  • LLC "LIMF"

which in this moment are in the process of registration.

In 2011 8 business companies with the participation of Moscow State University (2 were created in 2010) created 21 workplace for full-time employees, in addition 134 undergraduate, graduate and scientific staff Moscow State University involved in the activities of companies on the basis of contracts. Total annual turnover companies amounted to 38 million rubles.

On November 30, 2011, Lomonosov Moscow State University Center for Expert Technologies LLC was granted the status of a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center (project "Experimental Approbation plasma method rapid ignition of supersonic air-hydrocarbon flows").

Center for Analysis of Seismic Data of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (CASD MSU), in the period September-November, Required documents and presentations were made for accreditation at Rosneft, Rosgeologia, LUKOIL, Gazpromgeologorazvedka, Bashneft. CASD MSU is the initiator of the creation of the NP "Competence Center for the coordination of scientific and technical projects and cooperation in the field of information technology for the innovative development of the oil and gas complex" with the support of the Skolkovo Foundation. important event The center's activities included holding the second conference "Supercomputer Technologies in the Oil and Gas Industry", which brought together over 100 specialists from oil and service companies.

LLC "Directorate of the Festival of Science" in October 2011 successfully held the 6th Festival of Science in Moscow and was one of the organizers of the All-Russian Festival of Science. Only in Moscow there were more than 80 venues of the Festival, which were visited by more than 350 thousand people during the three days of the Festival.

In 2011, Lomonosov Moscow State University Biotechnology Business Incubator Management Company LLC actively worked with the construction contractor to design the internal infrastructure of the incubator, create technological lines and create an environment for small innovative companies of the future incubator. A draft regulation on the incubator was developed, the main principles and criteria for selecting residents of the incubator were developed.

The company began to actively work with the main players in the biopharmaceutical market. Negotiations were held with a number of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies (Pfizer, Danone, Perovax, Binnovarm, Pharmstandard, RVC Biofund, Rosbiotechnologies and others) in order to analyze the market for the consumption of biopharmaceutical developments and establish partnerships with the main players - potential strategic investors of scientific and technical developments .

The company signed a partnership agreement with the biopharmaceutical cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation, which reflects the mutual desire of the parties to cooperate in innovation and education, as well as in the field of commercialization of the company's projects. In addition, the company became a member non-profit partnership"Cluster of innovative biopharmaceuticals "PARK OF ACTIVE MOLECULES", which forms a biopharmaceutical cluster in the Kaluga region.

2.1.3. Holding a competition for the best innovative project of Moscow State University (together with the Science Park of Moscow State University)

Competition goals:

  • popularization and stimulation of innovative activity of employees, graduate students and students of Moscow State University;
  • identification and encouragement of authors of the most effective innovative projects;
  • attraction of investments in the innovation sphere, development of mechanisms for financing innovation projects and various ways promoting them to the market.

The competition was held in two categories: "Innovative Idea" and "Innovative Project". Total submitted 48 projects.

Winners become 4 projects in the "Innovative idea" section:

  • The system for monitoring the opening of a package during transportation is an optical sensor based on the effect of surface plasmon resonance (supervisor - Shirshin E.A.).
  • Nanohybrid materials based on metal nanoparticles: from production to commercialization (supervisor – Mazhuga A.G.).
  • Development of methods for the simultaneous determination of metabolic markers of mitochondrial and endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular diseases(head - Shpigun O.A.).
  • Development of new methods and devices for medicine, energy saving and security systems based on the interactions of radiation with nanostructures (supervisor - Klassen N.V.)

and 3 projects in the nomination "Innovative project":

  • Quadra is a management company for online stores (headed by Goncharov A.N.)
  • Mobile DNA diagnostics (supervisor - Ilyinsky V.V.).
  • Highly efficient biosensors based on new nanostructured electro- and biocatalysts (supervisor – Karyakin A.A.).

The winners received certificates for the right to be placed in a student business incubator; for an internship in one of the business centers of leading foreign universities and for the provision of services for the preparation of a business plan for the project.

2.1.4. Participation in exhibitions, fairs, conferences.

As part of the general exposition of Moscow State University, innovative projects and developments of small innovative companies of Moscow State University were presented:

  • "Fiber-optic system for monitoring the stress-strain state" and "Fiber-optic system for monitoring and protecting the perimeter and extended objects" - LLC "Optiz"
  • "Highly effective biosensors based on Prussian blue: application for clinical diagnostics and sports medicine" - LLC "Rusens";
  • "Innovative Pharmaceuticals ( medicines) for veterinary medicine - Alvita LLC;
  • "Project for the creation of a biotechnological business incubator on the basis of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University" - LLC "MC Biotechincubator MSU";
  • "Development of a visual tool for the design and creation of information systems, with the help of which the end user can independently design a system for automating the activities of his own organization" - LLC "Innorej";
  • "System test for individual selection of hypoallergenic nutrition for animals (cats, dogs and horses)" - Immunovet LLC;
  • "Friction elements from composite carbon materials for aviation, automobile and railway transport" - CJSC "INUMiT".

2. Interstate exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Commonwealth Independent States"20 years of the CIS: towards new horizons of partnership", June 28 - July 3, 2011, Moscow, All-Russian Exhibition Center

Lomonosov Moscow State University presented the developments of its small innovative enterprises as part of the joint exposition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

  • LLC "MedEcoTest": "Test systems for express chemical analysis of objects environment, food products, biological fluids and pharmaceutical products”;
  • OOO "Rusens": "Sensors for determination of lactate in the sweat and blood of professional athletes";
  • LLC "Immunovet": "Test of the system for individual selection of hypoallergenic nutrition for animals (cats, dogs and horses)".

3. International Plovdiv Technical Fair, September 26-27, 2011, Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

At the stand of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, innovative developments of employees of the chemical, physical and biological faculties of Moscow State University were presented, which are being implemented in practice through the companies of the innovation belt of Moscow State University:

  1. fire and heat protection materials, composite materials for aircraft construction based on foamed graphite, sealing materials from modified graphite, Construction Materials on the basis of basalt fibers - NPO "Unihimtek" (Avdeev V.V.);
  2. laboratory equipment for research in the field of nanotechnology (electron probe microscope, atomic scales) - Center for Advanced Technologies LLC (Yaminsky I.V.);
  3. biosensors for laboratory and clinical studies (determination of lactate in the blood of athletes by non-invasive methods) - LLC "Rusens" (Karyakin A.A.)
  4. brain-computer interface: control of external mechanical devices (for example, prostheses) by direct transmission of brain signals - LLC "InnovaTech" (Kaplan A.Ya.)

At the opening of the exhibition, the MSU booth was visited by an official delegation, which included the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria B. Borisov, the Minister of Education, Youth and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria S. Ignatov, Deputy. Minister of Education and Science Russian Federation S.V.Ivanets, Secretary of State - Deputy. Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Yu.P. Sentyurin. Both the official delegation and the visitors of the exhibition were especially interested in the developments of InnovaTech LLC and Unihimtek NPO.

The visit of the official delegation was covered by representatives of Bulgarian and Russian media. Separately, the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company filmed a special story about the developments of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

4. Conference "Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management in Higher Education Institutions", September 15-16, 2011, Moscow, MSU Science Park

The conference was co-organized by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow State University) and Federal Service on intellectual property (Rospatent) for patent attorneys and representatives of the innovation infrastructure of universities. During the conference, the following issues were considered:

  • Intellectual property related to R&D: Patents, trademarks, trade secrets
  • Technology transfer in universities: the role of technology transfer centers, policy and strategy of universities in relation to intellectual property, protection of the results of intellectual activity, property rights, audit
  • Transfer of Patent Rights: Licensing and Assignment of Rights
  • Selection and evaluation of technology for commercialization. Determining the value of intellectual property. IP Marketing
  • Use of IP Assets: Strategic Partnerships and Licensing. Remuneration and terms of the contract.
  • Presentations were made by leading specialists of Rospatent, the US Patent and Trademark Office, current Russian and American patent attorneys, representatives of the innovation infrastructure of Russian and American universities. The conference was attended by more than 60 people representing 15 Russian universities, including 23 representatives of 14 structural divisions Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

2.2 MSU Science Park

2.2.1. "Success Formula"

Since 2004, the Science Park of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov has been annually conducting the “Formula of Success” program, which is based on the experience of Oxford University and the British Council. Program goal: assistance to students, graduate students and young scientists in acquiring skills and knowledge for the commercialization of results scientific research and conducting entrepreneurial activities in the field of high technologies, the creation of innovative companies.

The program includes an educational part, as well as a competition of innovative projects. Per 8 years Approximately 3000 people and more than 400 business concepts of innovative ideas were developed, about 200 business plans and presented to the jury members and investors. The graduates of the Formula for Success program have created and are successfully operating more than 35 high-tech small innovative enterprises.

The Formula for Success program contributes to:

  • Popularization of innovations in the academic environment;
  • Increasing the motivation of students, graduate students in obtaining economic results from scientific and educational activities;
  • Creation on the basis of the developments of higher educational institutions of small innovative companies with promising technological projects;
  • Increasing the level of knowledge of students and graduate students of technical specialties in the field of innovative entrepreneurship.

In 2011, the MSU Science Park prepared and organized 3 educational programs and 3 competitions of innovative projects:

  1. IT formula (March-May 2011) - specialized educational program for specialists in the field of information technology and a competition of IT projects.
    Results: 220 applications. 80 projects. 20 selected projects. 3 finalists. 3 residents of the Moscow State University business incubator (,, Web constructor)
  2. Formula BIO (September 2011 - January 2012) - a joint project Science Park of Moscow State University and the Fund for Educational and Infrastructure Programs of RUSNANO for students, graduate students and young scientists who developed real business projects in the field of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medicine.
    Results of 280 applications. 70 participants. 10 teams. 8 business projects, 5 companies (in the process of registration with the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow)
  3. Formula of Success 2011 (November-December 2011) is another educational program and competition of innovative projects for students, graduate students and young scientists.
    Results: 95 applications. 53 projects in the semi-finals. 11 finalist projects. 2 residents of the Moscow State University business incubator (SmileMe digital signature, AppJets application)

2.2.2. U.M.N.I.K. program (together with Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship LLC):

Purpose of the program- identifying young scientists, students, graduate students seeking self-realization through innovative activities; stimulation of the mass participation of young people in scientific, technical and innovative activities through organizational and financial support innovative projects.

In 2011 117 students, graduate students and young employees received support Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere. To determine the winners, selection conferences were organized at the main natural science faculties of Moscow State University and two final conferences, following which the jury determined the winners of the program.

2.2.3. Expanding the belt of small innovative companies

19 companies were established in 2011 with the participation of students, graduate students and researchers of Moscow State University, including 11 under the START program and 4 in the framework of the "Formula of Success" competition. Since 2004, since the start of the START program, 110 such companies have been created. The companies raised about 150 million rubles. off-budget funding.

The main activities of the companies:

  • Chemistry and new materials
  • Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals
  • Production of scientific equipment
  • Ecology
  • Information Technology.

The Science Park of Moscow State University (together with the MSU CTT) provides services for registering a small business, providing premises, jobs and a legal address, maintaining accounting records, assistance in recruiting personnel, implementing advanced training programs for company managers (seminars, trainings, internships), consulting on economic, legal matters, issues in the field of intellectual property.

Total in innovation belt of Moscow State University at the moment there are about 170 companies. Production volume by all companies of the innovation belt of Moscow State University is about 5 billion rubles.

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