New Year's jokes at the table for a small company. Suitable scenarios for the holiday. Damaged Phone and Associations

While the guests are sitting at the table, the toastmaster tells that in every country there is a character who is very similar to our Santa Claus. He probably has different clothes, his own character and, of course, his name. The toastmaster names the name of the New Year's character, and the guests try to guess in which country he lives.

  • Austria - Sylvester
  • Albania - Babadimpi
  • Altai Territory — Sook-Taadak
  • Azerbaijan – Baba Mine
  • Belarus - Zyuzya or Ded Moroz and Snegurochka
  • Bulgaria – Dyado Koleda
  • Bosnia - Deda Mraz
  • United Kingdom - Phaser Christmas
  • Hungary - Mikulas or Telapo
  • Germany - Weinachtsmann or Nikolaus
  • Greece – Agis Vassilis
  • Denmark - Ületomte, Ülemanden, Saint Nicholas
  • Spain - Papa Noel
  • Italy - Babbo Natale
  • Indonesia - Sinterklas
  • Iran - Baba Noel
  • Kazakhstan - Ayaz-ata
  • Catalonia - Sinterklaas
  • Canada - Santa Claus
  • Quebec - Pere Noel
  • Kalmykia - Zul
  • Cambodia - Ded Zhar
  • Karelia — Pakkainen
  • China - Sho Hing, Sheng Dan Laozhen
  • Columbia - Pascual
  • Mongolia – Uvlin Uvgun
  • Netherlands - Sanderklaas
  • Norway - Ülebukk or Ülenissen
  • Poland - Svetiy Mikolaj
  • Portugal - Pai Natal
  • Russia - Ded Moroz and Snegurochka
  • Romania - Mosh Jerile
  • Serbia - Deda Mraz
  • Slovakia - Ezhisek
  • United States - Santa Claus
  • China - Che Dong Lao Ren
  • Tatarstan — Kysh Babai
  • Turkey – Noel Baba
  • Ukraine - St. Nicholas or Father Frost and Snegurochka
  • Uzbekistan — Kerbobo
  • Finland - Joulupukki
  • France - Pere Noel
  • Friesland - Sinteklaas
  • Montenegro – Deda Mraz
  • Czech Republic - Grandfather Mikulas
  • Chile - Viejo Pasquero
  • Sweden - Yultomten
  • Japan - Oji-san

New Year questions

The toastmaster passes through the tables and distributes papers from two bags (in one bag there are questions, in the other - answers). Guests, pulling out pieces of paper, first read out the question, and then the answer.

Sample questions:

  1. Do they tell the truth that on New Year's Eve you flirt with Santa Claus (Snow Maiden)?
  2. Do they say the truth that you are afraid of the chiming clock?
  3. Is it true what they say that you love to get drunk on New Year's Eve?
  4. Is it true what they say that you constantly think about sex on New Year's Eve?
  5. And the truth is that you do not give gifts for the New Year?
  6. Do they say the truth that you celebrate the New Year drunk under the table?
  7. Is it true what they say that you spend a lot of money on New Year's sales?
  8. Is it true what they say that you do not leave the table until you have eaten everything that is there?
  9. Do they tell the truth that you dream of becoming Santa Claus (Snow Maiden)?
  10. And they say the truth that you invite the whole region to your place for the New Year?
  11. And they say the truth is that New Year's table do you only have beer and chips?
  12. Is it true what they say that every year you record the president's congratulations on a videotape?
  13. Is it true what they say that you decorate the Christmas tree with photos from Play boy magazine?
  14. But they say the truth that you can give a million rubles for the New Year to the first person you meet?
  15. Is it true that you put up fights on New Year's Eve?
  1. Of course, I do it once every two days.
  2. I'll tell you about it face to face.
  3. I do this every 15 minutes.
  4. Don't even ask, I won't tell the truth!
  5. This is a secret with seven seals!
  6. Yes, Yes, Yes, otherwise it would be boring.
  7. They beat me for it, but I do it again and again.
  8. Of course, all the time!
  9. Only when I drink a bowl of vodka.
  10. Unfortunately it is!
  11. Only when no one is watching.
  12. It's a secret.
  13. Not without it.
  14. I can't help myself.
  15. only when I really want to eat.
  16. Yes, just don't tell anyone about it.
  17. Yes, and I'm proud of it.
  18. Often, and I love this activity.
  19. Yes, I do this often.
  20. What can you do, we are all human.
  21. Yes, and I advise everyone to do so.
  22. Yes, and I like it.

Symbol of the year

All guests sit at the table and they are given soft toy symbol of the year. You need to kiss her in some place and say, for example: “I kiss the symbol of the year on the cheek so that they are always pink” and pass it on to the next player. You can’t repeat yourself and guests need to show imagination.

After the symbol of the year has passed in a circle, the fun begins. The toastmaster announces a new task: it is necessary to kiss the neighbor (who was given the symbol of the year) in the same place as the symbol of the year. The player who refuses to repeat the kiss on a neighbor will be fined and he will need to perform some number (read a New Year's verse, sing a New Year's song, dance to a New Year's melody).

What is on our tree?

This competition is held by Santa Claus. “I came here for a holiday and I want to admire how you decorated the Christmas tree. Tell me now what you decorated the spruce with. Do not interrupt the long thread, quickly repeat all the names. I call toy number one. This, of course, serpentine.

Everyone plays, the next player calls the serpentine and another word, the third player calls the first, second and third word, etc. The one who breaks the chain is out of the game. The winner is the one who is the last to correctly name the entire chain. Santa Claus or toastmaster must write down all the words on a piece of paper and monitor the correctness of the chain.

fabulous things

Tamada takes out a bag with objects that symbolize one or another fairy tale hero. The toastmaster takes out these items in turn, and the guests must guess who this item may belong to. For each correct answer - a small souvenir (for example, a lollipop).

Item examples:

  • Peacock feather - firebird
  • Empty bottle - gin
  • Little Red Cap - Little Red Riding Hood
  • Blue Riding Hood - Snow Maiden
  • Mirror - evil witch from Snow White
  • Beautiful bag - Santa Claus

new year planning

While the guests are sitting at the table, the toastmaster passes a sheet of A4 paper on the table (or, if there are many guests, then several glued sheets) and a pen. Each odd guest writes on a piece of paper what he would like to accomplish in the coming year and wraps the piece of paper, hiding what is written.

Each even-numbered guest writes what needs to be done in order to fulfill the wish and also wraps up the sheet. After this sheet has passed all the guests, the toastmaster unfolds it and reads everything that is written on it.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • To the motive "Flowers are good in the spring in the garden." We are like white flowers All year round
  • Characters Winter. Santa Claus. Hedgehogs. Sylvester. Baba Yaga. Snowflake. Snow Maiden. Father Frost. New…

Prudent people begin to think about how to spend the New Year long before it arrives, although this is often limited holiday menu and choice of outfit. But to make the holiday much more fun, you should think over in advance various funny cool contests for the New Year that will accompany you all the festive night. At the same time, it is not so important whether the holiday will be held in the family circle or in the company of friends, because any company will be happy to have fun.

  • Seated table
  • Movable

Seated table

Reveal the secret

This game can take part big company divided into two groups. All participants need to distribute sheets of paper and pencils. One group writes questions on their sheets of paper, and the second - answers. Both those and others should be standard for this kind of competitions, for example:

  • Are you cheating on your spouse?
  • Do you drink champagne in the morning?
  • Do you steal from someone else's refrigerator?
  • Do you walk around the apartment naked?
  • Do you talk to your cat/dog?
  • Do you love your mother-in-law/mother-in-law?
  • Do you eat boogers from your nose?
  • Do you want to kill your boss?
  • Do you forge your boss's signature?

Answers might sound like this:

  • With pleasure.
  • Only if no one sees.
  • Regularly.
  • Every day.
  • Only in company with wife/husband.
  • If you really want to.
  • Never tried.
  • Daily in the morning and before dinner.
  • Only if you're drunk.

Then all the questions are put in one pile, and the answers in another. The first player names the person to whom he will now turn with a question and, taking out a piece of paper with a random question, begins with the words “Reveal the secret ...” and then reads out the text of the question. The participant called to answer draws a random answer from the appropriate pile and announces it to the audience. Then he himself turns into a questioner, choosing the next participant to answer, and so on.

There are no winners in this game, but everyone will laugh heartily at the ridiculous combination of some questions and answers.

Not without me

The essence of this game is that for any question of the presenter, the players should simply give their first and last name. Do you think what to do? But this is one of the funniest New Year's contests for adults. During the game, all the hooligans, villains and pranksters will be revealed. All the salt is in questions, for example:

  • Who stole the governor's car? - the first player rises and answers: I, Peter Sidorov.
  • Who drank the prime minister's vodka?
  • Who picked their nose today?
  • Who ate all the herring under a fur coat?
  • Who stole food from the cat's plate?
  • Who came here without panties?
  • Who went to bed yesterday with someone other than their wife/husband?
  • Who ate garlic and sticks to everyone with kisses? Etc.

Jar to jar

For this event, you will need cans of drinks or cups of yogurt. Everyone is given the same jars, and then, in turn, the participants put their jar on the predecessor's jar until someone's jar falls, then the person who put it performs a phantom and leaves the game, and it resumes from the beginning and continues until There will be one winner who will get the prize.

I'll make a toast from the heart

In this competition, the participants stand in turn, introduce themselves, and then must say a phrase, the beginning of which is “My friends, I wish everyone ...” and then three words starting with the same letter as his name. It will be especially difficult for Catherines, Yuris and people with similar uncomfortable first letters in this table sitting competition, for which it is not so easy to come up with wishes.

I cry crocodile tears

All participants in this competition receive a pen, a sheet of paper and a card with a question, the answer to which they must write on this sheet. The sheets are then folded and put into a bag or box. After that, each participant in turn takes out one piece of paper at random and begins the phrase with the words “I cry crocodile tears because ...” and ends with the words written on the piece of paper. The phrases are very funny. Here are some questions you can ask the participants of the competition:

  • Why do panties fall off?
  • Why the sky is blue?
  • Why black blacks?
  • Why does a cat have four paws?
  • Why is lemon sour?
  • Why can't you eat stool?
  • Why don't divers drown?

want more funny contests? Then follow the link to our other article!

President's New Year's greetings

The best tasks for the New Year's competition with phantom are those that involve all guests and are associated with toasts. In this competition, any guest can become the president of the country for a minute.

According to the fantas that fell out, everyone gets 5 words that he must smoothly fit into his New Year's speech. The facilitator needs to prepare unusual words to make them funny congratulations, for example, bananas, Chinese, duck, crane, worm or broth, mole, Turks, radish, airship.

The funniest and most coherent presidential speech will be awarded a prize.

Read lips

This competition consists of rounds, each of which involves two players, whose ears are put on headphones with music playing. The music must be loud enough so that the players cannot hear each other's words. Then one player asks the second a question, and he must read his lips and give his answer. After a while, they switch roles. The winner is the couple that understands the most questions.


For the competition, you need to prepare cards with the names of 12 signs of the Zodiac. The host invites each participant to pull out any card without showing it to the others, and then he must, without words, but only with facial expressions and gestures, explain to the public which sign he got.

honest confession

This is entertainment, like many games and competitions for the New Year for cheerful company requires a little preparation. In this case, on scraps of paper, you need to write funny or ambiguous words (boat, deer, capricious, ram, kikimora, etc.) and put them in a bag or box. During the game, someone pulls a piece of paper out of the bag and, staring seriously at the neighbor, loudly says, for example, "I am a ram." If no one laughed at the same time, then the action passes to the neighbor and beyond. If someone breaks down and laughs, then the move goes to him.

Smell the smell

The host prepares for this game several items that have different strength and characteristic odors ( various fruits, spices, a drink bottle, a cigarette, a banknote, etc.).

The first participant is called, to whom the leader blindfolds and then brings prepared objects in turn. The player has only a few seconds to determine by smell alone, without touching the object with his hands, what is in front of him.

The one with the most sensitive nose, which made it possible to identify the most items, is the winner.


Photo studio

Everyone who has gathered will be happy to take part in this competition. Everyone should draw a card with the role that he has to play. He has only a few seconds to figure out in what position to appear in front of the others, and what emotions to show. Then the presenter is armed with a camera and begins a photo session. He introduces the participant and the role he got in turn, and then takes a couple of pictures of the “actor”. It is desirable that the images can be immediately displayed on big screen for all the participants to have a good laugh. And later, these pictures can be sent to all guests of the holiday by e-mail.

Here are some possible roles:

  • Negro playing on drums;
  • depraved Snow Maiden;
  • tired deer;
  • tipsy Baba Yaga;
  • obese Chinese;
  • smiling cobra, etc.

Such funniest contests for the New Year will not only not let you get bored, but will also leave a wonderful memory of a great event.

Dangerous dances

5-8 people can participate in this game. An inflated balloon is tied shortly to each participant's leg. When the competition begins, the task of all players is to burst the balloons of other participants, protecting their own from the same fate. The one whose ball survived becomes the winner of this fun New Year's game.

wish box

The host distributes leaflets and pens to all guests, in which they must write what action they would like to see during this competition from one of the players. Then all the pieces of paper with wishes are collected in a box, from which the host invites everyone to take turns pulling out one at a time and doing what is written there.

The wishes of the guests can be very diverse and sometimes hilarious, for example, one of the men may have a desire to make up their lips with bright lipstick.

Catch the egg

For this entertainment, you need to prepare whole egg shells in advance, for which you need to make a small hole in the egg with a pin and slowly drain its contents. Next, couples wishing to participate in the competition are recruited. The host explains to them that one participant should try to carefully throw the egg, and the second to catch it and not break it.

At the same time, players who were given empty eggs in their hands should not hint about this to their partners in any way. Therefore, the participants who have to catch the eggs look very focused and worried about how to catch the egg so that it does not break in their hands. When the throw is made, the most interesting thing will be to observe the reaction of the players.

Reindeer in harness

All guests are divided into two teams. The host gives the first participant from each team a long rope. At the command "start!" he must tie his belt with a rope, then shout “harness!”, after which the second member of the team must run up to him and do the same actions, and so on, until all the “deer” are in a single harness. A well-deserved prize for this very funny contest for the New Year will be given to the team that harnesses the fastest.

Warming up with the whole body

The host must prepare in advance cards on which a certain part of the body is drawn or written: index finger, ear, chest, heel, stomach, eye, back, elbow, and so on. The first participant draws a card, and after him the second participant does the same. They need to touch the indicated parts of the body. It's funny if one's nose falls out, and the other has a "fifth point", but they still need to "warm up" by rubbing these parts of the body. Then comes the turn of the second pair, then the third and so on. The most hilarious couple will receive a well-deserved prize.

You will find even more New Year's contests for adults in another article on our website.

A drop in the sea

Here you will need to recruit two teams (more if there are a lot of guests), each team needs to be given a teaspoon. A couple of meters from each team, you need to put a stool on which there is a full bottle with some kind of drink and a second stool with an empty glass. On command, one participant from each team, armed with a teaspoon, runs to their bottles, from which they fill a full spoon with liquid, with which they move more carefully to the glass, where the contents of the spoon are poured, return to their team and pass the spoon and baton to the next participant . So they will have to run until the glass is full, and the very last participant must drink this glass. Naturally, the team that can do it faster than the rest will win.

Diver on land

The participants of this competition will have to sweat, because the matter here will not be limited to notes or balls, but binoculars and flippers will be required. Participants of the competition must take turns putting on flippers and, putting binoculars to their eyes, overcome the given route. This is not at all as easy as it seems, the clumsy movement of the participants will cause everyone to laugh. The main thing is that everyone else needs to be on the alert, not allowing the "divers" to demolish the Christmas tree, overturn the table or trample any of the guests.


In this game, whites act as snowballs. air balloons, they should be prepared and inflated before the game as much as possible. All guests must be divided into two teams and choose a captain in each. The captains are given a large trash bag with holes for the legs. They must climb into the bag, leaving its mouth open.

At the command of the host, the rest of the team members enter the game, who must collect the "snowballs" scattered on the floor and send them to the captain's bag. At the same time, uplifting music plays. At some point, the host commands “stop”, the music stops and the game stops. It's time to sum up the results in the sense of counting snowballs. The team with the most of them wins.


The celebration of the New Year should not be limited only to a generous feast and numerous gifts, they should be supplemented interesting contests for the New Year. You can please loved ones with the following entertainment.

All the celebrants must be divided into pairs, for each of which a set of robes was prepared in advance. One of the couple needs to be blindfolded. Then he must blindly take clothes out of the bag and put them on his partner. The winner will be the couple that not only manages the fastest, but also does it most skillfully. To make the competition even more fun, it is advisable for each couple to choose unexpected and unusual clothes.


In this competition, men will have to try on the profession of a couturier. First you need to draw on big sheet paper smart women's dress with many decorative elements: neckline, flounces, cuffs, ruffles, etc. The host of the competition (of course, a lady) in turn calls the names of these elements to the participants, and they must indicate where they are on the drawn dress.

The contestant who makes a mistake is eliminated, and the one who lasts the longest becomes the winner of the contest and is awarded the title of "famous couturier".

If these mobile contests are not enough for you, be sure to read New Year's Contests for the Whole Family" - there you will find even more interesting fun.


All guests of the holiday can take part in this game. Props for it must be prepared in advance - beards, masks, funny hats, family shorts, etc. These things should be enough for all participants in the competition, in addition, you will need an orange. Players must stand in a circle, in the middle of which is placed a box with props.

The host turns on the music, after which the participants begin to pass an orange to each other. Then the music suddenly stops, and the one who has a citrus in his hands must randomly remove an object from the box and try it on himself.

The winner is the player who was left without a fashionable outfit. Although laughter will definitely be caused by all the other ridiculous-looking participants.

Who said?

All guests can also participate in this game. new year party. Here you will need helium-filled balloons, which should be enough for everyone. In turn, each player turns away from the others, and one of them inhales noble gas from the ball and says congratulations to the driver. Tom needs to guess who congratulated him with a greatly changed voice. Everyone who guesses correctly the first time is declared the winner of the competition.

I would like to go to the table

some funny New Year's contests require simple attributes like dice like the next. The host must come up with tasks in advance for all possible numbers that have fallen out, for example:

1 - ditty;
2 - dance of small swans;
3 - tap dance;
4 - apple;
5 - a symbol of the New Year;
6 - "birch" or "bridge".

Participants take turns throwing the dice and performing the task that fell to them, and only after that they have the right to sit down at the festive table.

Did you like our fun New Year's contests? Which one would you choose for your holiday? Or maybe you have your favorite pastimes? Tell us about them in the comments.

The New Year is just around the corner, and the time of widespread corporate parties is approaching. Yes, and at home, many groups of friends will probably want to diversify their vacation with games. And now is the time to pick up contests for the New Year 2019.

Remember: what is ideal for a small group of vacationers is not at all suitable for a large corporate party. And at home you can afford more than in the same restaurant.

New Year's contests for a home holiday

In small companies, it is worth giving preference to those contests for the New Year, which involve the inclusion of all those present so that no one is bored. And it’s not so difficult to take 5–7 people in one competition.

Take care of prizes in advance. Even an adult wants to receive some material proof of his victory. Let it be the most ordinary sweets, tangerines or simple souvenirs with the symbol of the year. At the end of the evening, participants can count who has collected more prizes. It's also a lot of fun.

New Year's melody

For this competition, you will need several identical bottles into which water is poured for different levels. It turns out a kind musical instrument. The bottles are put on the table, and guests are offered to perform any New Year's melody on these bottles with the help of an ordinary spoon. The winner is the one who, according to the general opinion, extracted the most similar melody.

Joke with a beard

Each person in the group takes turns telling a joke. If one of the others says that he knows this anecdote and really continues it, then the narrator is put on a cotton beard. In the end, the one with the shortest “beard” wins. And the most "bearded" can be appointed Santa Claus.

Find a Christmas tree

Another very fun competition New Year. To do this, you will need to pre-purchase a car flavor in the form of a Christmas tree. They usually have a very strong, specific smell. It is hidden somewhere in the room, and the guests must find the object by smell.

hold snowflake

This contest will again require some cotton wool. You need to make something like a small and light snowflake. It should be possible to keep it on weight with a stream of air. A snowflake is tossed up, and the participants must blow on it from below, preventing it from falling. The winner, of course, is the one whose snowflake later falls to the floor.

New Year's gift

3 people can participate in this competition at the same time. The gender of the participants does not matter. One of the three is placed in the center of the room. He will New Year's gift. The other two are bred on opposite sides of the "gift" and blindfolded. One is given ribbons in his hands, he must tie bows on the gift by touch. The second one should also untie them to the touch.


This competition is designed for a rather warm company. A paper sheet is laid on the floor, long, but not too wide. A roll of standard wallpaper is ideal. Further, women are offered to overcome the "brook" without getting their feet wet, that is, to walk along its two banks, legs wide apart. First time women try it with open eyes, the second time - with closed ones.

Moreover, when the first of them overcomes the "brook", the rest should be outside the room. When a woman finishes the test, but has not yet unleashed her eyes, one of the men present lies down on the "brook".

The woman's eyes are opened. She sees a man and, naturally, is embarrassed. Now you are invited to participate next woman. The first sees how the competition actually took place, calms down and laughs.

I have in my pants

This is just one of those rare occasions when ordinary newspaper headlines can be useful. Journalists are now particularly zealously competing in originality. Cut out the most unexpected ones and put them in an envelope. Then this envelope starts in a circle. Each participant takes out one headline and says “and in my pants ...” and reads the headline from the pulled out piece of paper.

New Year's contests for a small company in a restaurant

In this case, there are some peculiarities. Funny competitions for the new year in a restaurant can be quite moving, but not too much so as not to damage furniture and utensils. Therefore, it is not necessary to involve all those present in the competitions at once. It is better to involve 2-3 people. Contests are also welcome, allowing you to have fun without leaving the table. In this case, you can have fun even where there is no special agreement for this.

Congratulations alphabetically

Invite the guests to take turns congratulating the audience and say toasts, but not just like that, but alphabetically. The first one says a toast to the letter “a”, the second - to “b”, and so on. The most fun, of course, begins, towards the end of the alphabet, in the area of ​​​​the letters "y", "s", as well as solid and soft sign. The winner is the one whose congratulations or toast will be the most fun.

The original is supposed to be a competition with a fake, drawn pie, on each piece of which predictions are written or drawn. So, a drawn penny portends wealth; heart, of course, love; envelope - news, news, and so on.

You can hold a contest with a real pie, in every piece of which such a prediction is hidden. Fortune-telling and predictions are invariably successful. People always want to know what the future holds for them. And even if fortune-telling is comic, it gives a lot of pleasure.


The perfect competition for the new year in a restaurant. Firstly, guests do not have to get up anywhere, and secondly, it is quite fun and interesting. Remind guests of the plots of several famous fairy tales, offer to choose one for themselves and retell it, but slightly changing the genre. It can be a detective story, a thriller, a romance novel. If desired, you can spend several rounds, changing fairy tales and changing genres. In each round, the author of the most interesting version is selected as the winner.

two oxen

Two participants are selected. They are placed with their backs to each other, a rope tied into a ring is thrown over them in the manner of a team. A chair or table with a prize is placed in front of each participant at a distance of several meters. The task of the participants is to pull the opponent and be the first to grab their prize.


For this cool contest for the new year, you will need some kind of delicate product: jelly, jelly, soufflé. The task of the participants is to eat their portion as quickly as possible with the help of matches or toothpicks. This competition is good because it does not involve getting up from the table, it is quite fun for both participants and spectators.


Another "sitting" competition. Each participant is given a pen and a piece of paper where he must write down everything New Year's dishes, for example, the letter "n". When the lists are ready, the participants read them one by one. The one with the longest list wins.

You can slightly modernize this competition. Participants do not make preliminary lists, but simply take turns naming their dishes. Can't be repeated. Whoever finds it difficult to answer is out. The last one standing wins. This contest awakens the appetite very well, and it is convenient to hold it, for example, between appetizers and hot dishes.

New Year contests for corporate parties

Corporates usually involve being in one place a large number people who do not know each other. It is here that for the first time employees of different departments meet, who, in ordinary life they do not communicate with each other in any way, and even at all are at enmity. Therefore, competitions for New Year's corporate parties should unobtrusively bring people together. Here, team entertainment, pair competitions and the like are used.

Chief Accountant

On the poster randomly draw various banknotes in a variety of currencies. Banknotes must be recognizable. The task of the participants is to count the banknotes starting from the first and ending with the last. Moreover, all currencies must be counted simultaneously: 1 ruble, 1 dollar, 1 euro, 2 euro, 2 dollars, 2 rubles. The one who never fails wins.


Since a separate hall is most often rented for corporate events, mobile contests can usually be afforded here. The diver competition will require two pairs of fins and two binoculars. Participants go to the start in twos, put on fins, take binoculars and, looking at it from the opposite side, try to overcome the distance as quickly as possible. This is quite difficult, so you should not make the distance too long, and even more difficult, with large quantity turn and obstacles.

Baba Yaga

The meaning is similar to the previous one. Participants put one foot in the bucket and hold it with their hand. In the second hand they are given a mop. Baba Yaga in a mortar with a broom is ready. It remains only to find out which of the two (three) is more agile and faster.


Team competitions are also good for New Year's corporate parties. For example, next. Participants are divided into 2 teams and each of them is given a ball. Teams first open new planet, that is, inflate the resulting balloon. And then they pick up markers and begin to populate this planet. That is, to draw inhabitants on the ball. When the allotted time ends, the leader counts the inhabitants on both planets. The team with the largest population wins.

Damaged Phone and Associations

Do not forget about the good old, time-tested games. For example, a broken phone. Participants sit in a circle or a chain, depending on the capacity of the hall. In principle, you can play it without leaving the table. The first participant whispers a hidden word into the neighbor's ear. It is usually advised to do this quickly and indiscriminately. But in fact, no matter how you pronounce your word, there are many people in a long chain who hear it wrong. Whispering does not contribute to speech intelligibility. As a result, you need to compare the initial and final word.

The association game is not too different from the "telephone". In this case, the participants do not repeat the word they heard, but tell their neighbor their associations: Santa Claus - gifts - a holiday, and so on.

The main thing is that the suit sits

This competition is best held towards the end of the evening, when the guests are already slightly drunk, get to know each other and are ready for really fun competitions. A bag with various funny clothes is prepared in advance: felt boots, scarves, scarves, family underpants, diapers for adults, padded jackets, glasses with a mustache, and so on. The contestants are seated in a circle, and a bag of clothes is passed around the circle while the music is playing. When the music stops, the person who has the bag left, without looking, takes out one item from there and puts it on. The winner is the one who wears the least "competitive" clothes. However, by the end everyone looks fun.


Participants are again divided into two teams and handed out to them 8 inflated balloons. Each team has its own color balls. For example: red and blue. Letters are written on the balls with a marker so that the result is the word "Snowman".

From these 8 balls you can make other words. This is what speed teams will do. The facilitator asks questions, the answers to which can be laid out from given letters. A point is earned by the team that completes the task faster. The team that scores more points than the opponent wins.

paper dress

This competition is played in pairs. The task of a man is to create a dress for his female model from toilet paper. You can't use anything but paper. But you can do anything with it: twist, plug, tie in a bow. The contestants retire to a separate room, then the girls come out and show off their outfits. Please note, the model should come out in THIS by itself. The audience chooses the winners.

When choosing contests for a corporate party, try to alternate between mobile and seated games. To begin with, choose calm and not too frivolous tasks, allowing the participants to get to know each other and loosen up. Toward the end, when people are already relaxed enough, you can afford more daring contests for the new year.


New Year's Eve always begins with New Year's wishes, and after festive table with New Year's toasts. We will start with them.

New Year's toasts and wishes

The New Year is a holiday of contrast: it’s frosty, snowy, dark outside, but at home it’s sunny, fun, warm, the Christmas tree is smart, the table is festive. We wish this contrast to be carried through the whole year, and no matter how the winds and snowstorms rage, no matter how uncomfortable it is around, let it be sunny and warm at home and in the soul. For the fulfillment of desires!

At this table, all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike her, the hearts of our women would be warmed by love for us, men, in the New Year. For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

Let's drink to the fact that in the New Year everyone is wise and kind, fair and cheerful, there are more kind words and good health with a margin!

Let the frost play more fun

Let it freeze your cheeks

Happy New Year, I congratulate you

Happy first day of January!

Let the snowflakes of fluffy snow

Kiss you for me!

New Year is the brightest, most beautiful and fun party. A green elegant Christmas tree with multi-colored toys, sparkling and shiny, splashes of champagne, general revival and joy. We wish everyone the same life in the New Year - colorful and sparkling, promising and generous, like a New Year's holiday!

By tradition, we celebrate the New Year with champagne. May our life in the New Year be like this champagne - light, exciting, fragrant and overflowing!

Once there were three strangers. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened them and asked: “Who are you?”

— Health, Love and Wealth. Let us sleep over.

Sorry, but we only have one. free place. I'm going to talk to my family about which one of you to let in.

The sick mother said, "Let's let Health in." The daughter offered to let Love in, and the wife suggested Wealth. While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared.

So let's drink to the fact that in the New Year in our house there will always be a place for Health, Love and Wealth!

What is the glass made of?

From a support and a bowl for drinks.

What is a person made of?

From the body - the material support - and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink so that in the New Year our glasses are more often filled with fine wine, and the cups of the soul with wonderful feelings!

Joking predictions "What is the coming year preparing for us?"

Cut out the cards, stick them on thick paper, and then put them in a bag, box or bag. Invite the players to take one. Read the predictions, which can be supplemented with funny comments.

Another option for presenting predictions is “forfeits”. The host collects small items from those present in a box. Then he takes out the object, and someone else takes out a wish card. After the announcement, the owner of the "fantas" is found.

You will find new feelings and new friends

Your life will not be without storms, but a courageous heart is not afraid of storms.

Everything will be, both bad and good, but thank fate - there is more good

Receive an inheritance from a relative you don't know

Get big win in the lottery

Your wallet will get bigger!

Get rich, but not money

you fall in love with yourself interesting person

This year will start with a joke and end with a serious relationship.

The words will come true: “I came, I saw, I conquered!”

Trust facts, not words

A change is waiting for you vivid impressions

Fireworks of bright events await you in the third decade of the year. Start preparing immediately

waiting bad event do not twist the button - it will definitely come off

Giving your beloved (beloved) a bouquet of daisies, count all the petals. Should come out: love!

You are lucky! So be humble and don't grab more lucky tickets

When crossing the road, look around - there is a chance to meet your fate

If you wear clothes inside out on April 1, you will be noticed by many people of the opposite sex. Maybe you will meet love!

Smile! And no one will call you a gloomy person. Be quiet! And no one will call you a bore

you will live to gray hair, and everyone will be trusting, like a child!

Your life is an endless road, so choose a reliable means of transportation on it

new year zodiac

In the meadow among the daisies

Sheep roam over the river.

Among them is one lamb -

He's such a cocky

He has sharp horns

And the character is cool too.

Be careful, passerby

They will give under the knees!

Gentlemen who are ready

Stand up for the lovely ladies

Aries wishes from the heart,

So that they do not give in the horns.

The calf licks with a warm tongue...

Our childhood smells of warm milk.

Let us mom kind word meet,

Let the puppy barking ring in the hallway,

May our children be healthy

Let there be enough milk for everyone!


You are so similar to each other -

Where one goes, there another.

And you on the path of life

We want to find a couple!

We want you to look ahead

And backing away is so bold!

Don't have to blush

For work and no work!

May your route be correct

And on the shoulder of the load.

And let them call you for beer

Not as an appetizer...

Everyone knows that a proud lion -

Sign of kings and queens.

I wish you that in everything

You were perfect.

Then you will be king

Your destiny, of course!

The virgin came to visit us - generous

Harvest autumn gifts.

May your honest labors

They will bring good results!

The scales of goodness play tricks so often...

And that's exactly what happens in life

Just like in a store! And they won't...

And if you don't watch it, you're a fool yourself.

May we be trusting, like children!

May you not have to regret it.

Let love be answered with love

And you will be repaid for good.


Drunk with a terrible poison -

As if happy with everything

Scorpio swears in love...

And suddenly it bites painfully!

Don't call him cunning

We all need to remember

That you can't find love anywhere

So that it is completely without poison!

In your every business

Among any lands

Achieve the goal

Hit the target!

My sharp horn is a shining sword!

I will keep you out of harm's way.

So that among life's anxieties

At the crossroads of all roads

Could always help

A brave knight - Capricorn!

Water is the beginning of all beginnings.

Do you agree? Certainly!

When water is not in speeches

Full, full, but in the rivers.

We love the ocean and the pond,

And frequent light rain ...

And let the tears flow!

But only from happiness ...

Let you in the heat and in the cold

A smile lives on the lips

And serves your desires

Golden miracle fish!

Divination with a grain of rice

Cut out the divination circle. Choose the question. Take a grain of rice and throw it from elbow height, aiming at the center of the divination circle. Find the answer to question asked under the number indicated by the grain.


1. Will my intention end happily?

2. Is such and such a person faithful to me?

3. Should I bother about such and such a matter or leave it?

4. Will I see my loved one soon?

5. Should I marry the one I think about?

6. Will what I think come true?

7. Does the one I think about love me?

8. Should I agree to this or not?

9. Will I get what I promised or not?

10. What will happen to me today?

I! Should I go this way or not?

12. When will I be rich or happy?

13. What does this dream signify?

14. Will I be welcome in that place?

15. What will my husband be like?

16. Will so-and-so marry me?

17. In what trade will I be happy?

18. Where, when and how can I find my happiness?

19. Will I get married soon?

20. Should I marry someone special?

21. What am I in next year expect?

22. Will I get what I intended to get in such and such a place?

23. What can I do to win the love of my subject?

24. In what kind of people should I look for my happiness and love?

25. What is the nature of some person?

Answers to question 1

1. End according to your desire.

2. If it is for the benefit of the neighbor, then it will be completed successfully.

3. Safely.

4. Intention will follow to your detriment.

5. Leave your intention better, it is empty.

6. It will end very well.

7. Leave it better if you do not want to suffer losses.

8. If it is good, then it is good, and if it is bad, it is bad

9. Leave everything without any hassle.

10. No, not well.

11. To your satisfaction.

12. If not to the detriment of the neighbor, then there will be success.

13. With God's help.

14. Nonsense you, brother, start.

15. Neither.

Answers to question 2

1. He is not very faithful to you

2. He is your friend only for self-interest.

3. Don't trust him.

4. He is faithful and devoted to you.

5. He is your true friend.

6. Don't rely too much on his friendship.

7. He is not very faithful to you.

8. His friendship for you is true.

9. He is more of a friend to you than you are to him.

10. He is faithful to you only in your presence.

11. In small things he is faithful to you.

12. He is faithful to you at times.

13. With others, he forgets about you.

14. He is your rare friend.

15. In your trouble, he is your truest friend.

Answers to question 3

1. You will achieve your goal, but at a loss.

2. Leave better.

3. Don't leave, what's yours will be yours

4. Through a short time you will know about it.

5. Busy while there is health.

6. Better leave. Time will make up for this loss.

7. Do not leave, it will be in your favor.

8. Stand strong for the truth and don't back down.

9. Leave better, so as not to lose more.

10. If there is even a small hope, then stand your ground.

11. If there is no hope for help, then do not get into trouble.

12. First, find the right path to that, and then take care of

13. It is better to entrust it to another, he will finish it sooner.

14. Do not chase after the big, do not lose the small, but what God sent is the softest.

15. If you hope for pleasure, then feel free to bother.

Answers to question 4

1. When the sun sets.

2. He doesn't even think about seeing you.

3. Soon, and love will crown your desires.

4. Never see him.

5. Don't wait for him.

6. Although not soon, you will still see him.

7. Though soon, but to your misfortune.

8. You will not see him soon.

9. You'll never see each other if you don't try.

10. Soon, and maybe tonight.

11. Two months later.

12. In a few months.

13. In a year.

14. Then you will see him when time permits.

15. Then you will see him when it comes to his mind.

Answers to question 5

1. Come out, you will be happy with him.

2. Marry better for another, but there is a lot of evil from the present.

3. Do not marry him, he is very jealous.

4. If he is nice to you, then why not go out?

5. Come out, you will be safe with him.

6. If you like liberty, then don't marry him.

7. If he takes you, then why not go?

8. Don't go out so you don't regret later.

9. Don't come out, he is very angry.

10. If you sincerely love and live honestly, come out.

11. With your temper, it's better to sit in girls.

12. If you don't want to lose your pride, then don't go out.

13. Be patient. It won't go away yet.

14. If you intend to love him alone, then marry him.

15. I do not advise, because he will firmly hold in his hands.

Answers to question 6

1. Will come true.

2. Will not come true.

3. It will come true, but not soon.

4. Impossible you think.

5. It will come true, but not in the way you think.

6. It will come true, but in favor of another.

7. If in three days it does not come true, then do not expect it.

8. And don't think about it.

9. You think about the impossible.

10. It will come true, but not in reality.

11. If it's good, it will come true, but if it's bad, it won't.

12. It will come true, but not in reality.

13. If someone helps you, it will come true.

14. You think empty, this will not happen.

15. After a while, it will certainly come true.

Answers to question 7

1. He loves your money very much.

2. Loves like old shoes.

3. Farmsteads are busy even without our health.

4. Loves sincerely.

5. Shows that he loves, but really does not.

6. Loves, but not only you.

7. Loves as much as you deserve.

8. Loves, but very indifferent.

9. Loves, but pretends to be on purpose.

10. Loves, but love hides from you.

11. She doesn't think about you at all.

12. She also has someone to love besides you.

13. She loves you more than you love her.

14. Her heart is tight without you.

15. She does not know how to love alone.

Answers to question 8

1. Agree, your benefit depends on it.

2. If there is no harm from this, then agree.

3. Agree. There is nothing bad here.

4. Disagree.

5. Do not agree, otherwise you will repent.

6. Think carefully first and then decide on it.

7. Agree quickly so as not to miss your benefit.

8. Better refuse.

9. You yourself know, just make no mistake.

10. Do not agree to not regret later.

11. Agree, otherwise you will regret later.

12. If there is no such doubt, then agree.

13. Leave everything if you want to be calm.

14. Think carefully.

15. Feel free to agree.

Answers to question 9

1. You will receive.

2. Right, hope you get it.

3. You won't.

4. Do not rely on the promise.

5. They have been waiting for the promised for three years.

6. No, although you truly hope.

7. It was easier to promise than to fulfill it.

8. Doubtful.

9. A great miracle will happen if you receive it.

10. Unreliable.

11. If you deserve it, you will receive it.

12. If you do not miss the time, you will get it.

13. Be content with the fact that you are flattered by hope.

14. If you serve against that, you will receive.

15. If you have not received a promise, then do not expect to receive it.

Answers to question 10

1. Today you will have sorrow.

2. Today you will be in the arms of love.

3. Today you will receive new news.

4. Sad news.

5. Today you will be in a cheerful company.

6. On this day you will be busy with chores.

7. Today you will have a profit.

8. Today you will receive joy.

9. Same as yesterday.

10. Today you will be surrounded by attention.

11. A little happiness.

12. Today you will not have time to have lunch.

13. Great changes.

14. Today you will lose some money.

15. The fact that you and will not come to mind.

Answers to question 11

1. Go.

2 Don't drive so you don't regret later.

3. Go, but come back soon.

4. If you go, you will incur an unnecessary loss.

5. Consult first with reasonable people.

6. If not far, then go.

7. Go, but be careful.

8. Stay better at home.

9. Think about it carefully first.

10. If you go, you will not return soon.

11. If you go, you will unhappily return back.

12. If you go, it is unlikely that everything will turn out as you wish.

13. Go, your path will be safe.

14. If you go, something will happen in the house without you.

15. Don't drive yourself. But if necessary, send a true friend.

Answers to question 12

1. Under old age.

I. Then, when you grab the stars from the sky.

3. Be patient a little, happiness will not leave you.

4. At the age of 30 you will be rich and happy.

5. When you get married.

6. Then, when you correct yourself.

7. Happiness and wealth are not far from you.

8. When your parents move to the Champs Elysees and leave you a good inheritance.

9. When you listen to other people's advice.

10. You were born to be poor. Be patient, don't ask for more.

II. Then, when the golden rain comes.

12. You are already quite rich, what else do you need.

13. Then, when you find the treasure.

14. When you deserve it.

15. Then, when you get it with your own hands.

Answers to question 13

1. An important adventure.

2. Sadness.

3. Empty dreaming.

4. Great joy.

5. Well-being.

6. Great sorrow.

7. Unexpected happiness.

8. Big loss.

9. Unexpected news.

10. Unexpected guests.

11. Cheerful company.

12. Obstacle.

13. Illness.

14. Receiving a gift.

15. False slander.

Answers to question 14

1. We are glad, and they have been waiting for you there for a long time.

2. Happy. But don't be there for long or you'll get bored.

3. They can't stand you there.

4. We are very glad, and you will be detained there for a long time.

5. You will be well received there.

6. As happy as a bird in a cage.

7. You will not be very pleasant to them.

8. Very happy.

9. You will be needed there as much as the fifth wheel of a cart.

10. Neither happy nor sad.

11. They are waiting for you there.

12. We are very glad if you do not come to them empty-handed.

13. At first they are not very happy, but then they will detain you there for a long time.

14. We are glad as a Tatar.

15. Not very happy.

Answers to question 15

1. You will have a quite luxurious husband.

2. Hot-tempered, but cheerful disposition.

3. You will have a wayward husband.

4. An old man, and, moreover, terribly stingy.

5. Moody and angry.

6. Hardworking and affectionate person.

7. Military and worthy person.

8. A young and worthy person.

9. From order ranks.

10. Rich merchant.

11. The one you want.

12. An old man who will be jealous of you.

13. Poor but honest man.

14. Rich.

15. A poor person with whom you will endure poverty.

Answers to question 16

1. Take

2. Will not take.

3. Will take, but for a short time.

4. You are not rich enough for him.

5. He hardly thinks about you.

6. Although he promises, he won't take it.

7. Take. But after that he will regret it.

8. You are not worthy of him and you will not follow him.

9. If something does not interfere, then you will follow him.

10. Fortunately, you will follow him.

11. Do not feel sorry for him, he is not worthy of you. 1^. Take it, but you yourself will not be happy.

13. He, besides you, has someone to take.

14. He is already married.

15. Take, and you will be happy.

Answers to question 17

1. Bird bargaining will be very useful for you.

2. You will be happy in military service.

3. From a young wife you will be superbly happy.

4. In the crafts of different livestock you will be perfectly happy.

5. In no trades will you be happy.

6. Selling drinks is good for you.

7. You will find happiness in writing.

8. You will find a fair profit in petty goods.

9. You will be happy in marriage.

10. In plants you will be happy.

11. In sailing you will be abundantly happy.

12. Craft is the best craft for you.

13. You will be very happy in the forest industry.

14. You will gain happiness in war.

15. In love affairs you will be perfectly happy.

Answers to question 18

1. You will always find well-being with your labors.

2. By your labors in the very place where you are.

3. You are already quite prosperous.

4. You will always be in your current position.

5. Yours is such a share, and do not expect anything else from life.

6. For your brave deeds, you will be happy and prosperous.

7. A wife will bring you a prosperous life.

8. Your well-being is on a foreign side.

10. After a while, you will accidentally be prosperous.

11. In the midday side in perfect years you will be perfectly happy with trade.

12. About forty years of your life you will be prosperous in everything.

13. On the wild islands you will find your well-being.

14. Correct your disposition, then you will be prosperous by labors.

15. Nowhere and never, but you will always be what you are now.

Answers to question 19

1. No, not soon.

2. Then, when the crayfish will whistle.

3. In this year will surely come out.

4. You won't wait as long as you waited.

5. At the time when you will have a contented dowry.

6. It's up to you.

7. If your business about marriage has begun, then you will soon leave.

9. A good pullet will not stay long without a husband.

10. In your perfect years, you will not be slow to be married.

11. You will find out about it after a short time.

12. Soon you will be agreed, but misfortune will not let you go out.

13. You are ready to get married, but they won’t take you without a dowry.

14. One of your girlfriends is bothering you, otherwise you would have left soon.

15. You are still young for this.

Answers to question 20

1. Enter. You will both be well.

2. Join soon, bye a kind person takes you.

3. Don't join. You will live unhappily.

4. Do not enter, because he has no sincere intentions.

5. Hurry up, while both have a hunt.

7. Find out how the day will go.

8. No, don't join.

9. Come out, you deserve each other.

10. Enter while you have a chance.

11. Join, because no one else wants to contact you.

12. If a person of honest behavior, then enter boldly.

13. If you want to be unhappy, then join.

14. Ask your parents. What they say, obey them.

15. If you want to be ridiculed, then join.

Answers to question 21

1. Great diseases.

2. Great happiness.

3. Great poverty.

4. Profitable travel.

5. Happy meeting.

6. What you have seen and had so far. Various adventures.

8. All good and bad.

9. Joy and sorrow, happiness and unhappiness, health and disease.

10. All sorts of things, but more misfortune.

11. Both this and that.

12. Different sorrows, great labors and a quiet life.

13. Great changes.

14. According to merit and reward.

15. More sorrow than joy.

Answers to question 22

1. You will receive and be satisfied.

2. You will, but not soon.

3. No, you won't.

4. If you try hard, you will get it.

5. Doubtful, but try.

6. You'd rather get into bed than get.

7. Good behavior and understanding will deliver whatever you ask for.

8. If you had asked earlier, you would have received. Now you won't get it.

9. If there are patrons, then you will receive.

10. If you lighten your pocket, you will receive it, and without this, nothing will happen.

11. You will receive a refusal.

12. You will receive. Wait for the time.

13. You will receive, but because of this you will have many enemies.

14. You will receive, but not without loss.

15. You will receive, but you yourself will not be happy with it.

Answers to question 23

1. Write a love letter.

2. Send rich gifts.

3. Try to give your beloved every pleasure.

4. Spare no money.

5. Stretch and break more often.

6. Dress fashionably.

7. Get comfortable with the person's surroundings.

8. Give yourself another head.

9. Do not spare affectionate words.

10. Whatever you do, everything will be useless.

11. Don't worry, they love you, but they don't let you know on purpose.

12. Try to please.

13. What you don’t do, you won’t love.

14. Better forget, then you will find solace.

15. Strong kisses, love antics and low bows.

Answers to question 24

1. Seek love and happiness from the young and cheerful.

2. Seek love and happiness from noble people.

3. Seek love and happiness from rich old women.

4. Dobrovitye.

5. Seek love and happiness from ordinary people.

6. For your kind soul, everyone loves and honors you anyway.

7. Look for love and happiness in those who appreciate you.

8. Seek love and happiness from your parents.

9. Seek love and happiness from lovers.

10. Be satisfied with your present happiness.

11. Look for both happiness and love in your uncle.

12. Seek happiness from your parents.

13. From relatives.

14. From funny people.

15. Look for happiness and love in old people.

Answers to question 25

1. Cheerful and voluptuous.

2. Ambitious, but benevolent.

3. Proud and proud.

4. Gloomy, but condescending.

5. Rude and quick-tempered.

6. Fickle.

7. Inclined to love. 8. Evil and miserly.

9. Humane and generous.

10. Sad, generous.

11. Gullible and vindictive.

12. Sincere and sincere.

13. Insidious disposition.

14. Talkative and crafty.

15. Honest and fair.


Enlarge greeting cards, copy and cut, put in a bag. Players are divided into pairs and pulled out of the bag merry wishes for each other.

Let the frost play more fun

Let it freeze your cheeks

Happy New Year, I congratulate you

With a year of joy, happiness, love!

We wish you a New Year

All the joys in the world

Health for a hundred years ahead

Both you and your children.

May joy next year

You will be a wonderful gift

And tears, boredom and trouble

Leave it in the old one.

May the New Year

which you meet

happy, peaceful

It will enter your life!

And all the good things you dream of

Let it come true and let it come.

Under the beat of the clock, under the clink of glasses

I want to celebrate the New Year

So that nothing remains:

No evil, no grief, no worries.

We wish Santa Claus

The bag brought you joy.

The second bag is with laughter

And the third - so that with success!

Your illness, sadness, longing -

Put everything in a bag for him.

Let him collect them

And take it with you to the forest.

May the New Year

Will come to your house.

Snowdrifts will bring,

Fun, music, poetry,

Sweets and delicious pies,

Hope, success and victories,

And kindness for many years.

We wish you bright and joyful days,

Health, success, reliable friends.

May the New Year bring you

More luck and less trouble.

May they come in the coming year

And good luck and success!

Let him be the best

The happiest for everyone!

Let in moderation - joy, in moderation - sadness.

Let the frost and snow be in moderation.

But let there be only happiness

Always bottomless and immeasurable.

Let winter be silvery powder

Spread any misfortune

We wish you all the best

In the upcoming New Year.

Happy New Year! May good luck

This year will give you

Complex tasks will be solved

And it will bring success.

So that the soul does not know worries,

And at midnight to the hour

There was moisture from the glass

You have drunk for us.

For love, for happiness to live

And cherish each other!

Win-win New Year's lottery

Prepare lottery prizes (see game cards). You can win prizes in different ways:

By choice, pulling out a number;

As a prize token for winning an attraction, performance, etc.;

Surprise for a neighbor - we draw a card for each other.

On a ticket by chance

Dropped you Indian tea

Get a balloon

Fly into space to the stars.

So that you write off with love,

You got envelopes;

That without stamps - do not defame,

You can buy them at the post office.

Should be happy in abundance

From the lottery You are now:

Three wonderful postcards

Prolottery for you.

You shouldn't be upset

You have new luck:

You got mustard

Delicious dining room.

And these simple small paper clips

Should definitely come in handy

So that the bonds of friendship are strong -

Every team needs them.

So that the facade and rear are clean,

Take this win.

To wash away sins and road dust,

You will receive a broom.

You look great:

Both clothing and hair.

And the reward is not in vain

Your winnings fell - a comb.

Don't be angry about winning.

You can take a ride on the broom from here.

Your surprise is quite rare -

Two paper napkins.

Get it, hurry up

You have a notebook - write poetry.

Lottery not at a loss:

Winning - a spool of thread.

And not empty, and not dense:

The prize is a fork of cabbage.

We issue without a document -

You got this tape.

So that always beautiful to be,

Hurry up to get the cream.

And in frosts, and in a blizzard,

You need matches in everyday life.

Do not get sick, be strong -

We hand you tablets (mint).

About all the news in the world

You will find out in the newspaper.

Here's a little brooch for you -

Smile a little.

You listen to advice:

Fruit is the best diet.

Oh, you must be happy

To get peas.

And here is the glorified cheese for you,

Fragrant, tasty - melted.

So as not to eat you in the dining room,

Get a bay leaf.

You got chocolate

Come visit us.

To throw off ten years,

The essence of the game: the player pulls out the task and without words, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures, tries to explain the task to those present.

New Year's divination

Preparing for the game: prepare a bag of Santa Claus or fortune cookies (you can see the recipe). Predictions can be found ready-made on the Internet, take from beautiful quotes and sayings of the sages.

The essence of the game: let everyone draw out something pleasant for themselves!

New Year's karaoke

Preparing for the game: pre-download songs on the New Year theme and print out the words.

The essence of the game: divide the guests into two teams and hold a song competition. Who is brighter, prettier and more vocal will sing rivals.

dress up the Christmas tree

Preparing for the game: not required

The essence of the game: 2 teams choose 1 participant each - he will be a Christmas tree. The rest, on a signal and for a limited amount of time, must decorate the Christmas tree various subjects found in the hall. Those whose team did it with great taste won.

Guess the movie by the phrase

Preparing for the game: pre-cut audio quotes from various films that mention winter, New Year and other thematic things.

The essence of the game: we turn on the blanks for the guests, you need to guess the name of the film.

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