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The pygmy marmoset monkey is a small and funny creature! She is just perfect for keeping at home. Provided that the marmoset is properly cared for, it will entertain its owners for many years to come. Marmoset monkey, the cost of which in Russia ranges from 80 to 100 thousand rubles, is not completely capricious in the choice of food, does not have a nasty aroma and does not cause any disturbance at night with its joyful and cheerful twitter. Marmosets lead a diurnal lifestyle.

Marmoset monkey is the smallest primate on our planet. They grow only up to 10-15 cm in length (excluding the tail). Their tail is much longer than the body - from 18 to 22 cm! They weigh only some 100-150 grams, can you imagine? Well, true pocket monkeys! Their fur is quite thick, longish and colored in brown-golden colors on the back and orange (or snow-white) on the abdomen. Thick tufts of hair growing around the muzzle make the visual effect of the mane!

Choosing a terrarium

Now the marmoset monkey (photo 1, 2, 3) is no less popular among established people than classic pets: dogs, cats, hamsters and parrots. For their proper maintenance, a spacious and bright terrarium is needed, in which there should be a lot of twigs, snags and ladders. This will allow your "children" to jump with all their hearts! For example, for a pair of marmosets, you need to choose a terrarium, the length of which is at least 1 meter and the height is 1.5 meters. The larger and more spacious the “house” for the monkey, the more fun it will be in it.

Loneliness is boring!

The pygmy marmoset monkey does not like loneliness. If you have money, then it is better to get a pair of these monkeys. Do not be surprised, after “moving” to a new “house”, they will initially be afraid of you and your smallest movements. Fortunately, these funny creatures are quite easy and quick to tame, enthusiastically following everything that happens around them.

Lovely and peaceful

Marmoset monkey is a very cute and friendly creature. She treats her owner very well, and in some cases even perceives him as her own! This is manifested in the fact that the monkey, with great pleasure, begins to sort out the hair on the head of a person in search of fabulous fleas, also with big hunt accept affection.

I think you will agree with me that it's so nice to squeeze this tiny magic of nature in your arms! But it's better to restrain yourself. The fact is that these creations are quite delicate and fragile. Many owners of marmosets generally recommend not to pick them up very often, especially “lisping”. Monkeys need more natural content - in a terrarium.

There are filed!

In general, marmosets are insectivorous animals. Apart from this, in nature they often feed on the eggs of birds, honey, small lizards, plant products. At home, these cuties need to be fed with fruits (pears, bananas, oranges, apples) and berries. Many owners of marmosets are advised to include various varieties in their diet. baby food(cereals and mashed potatoes), also vitamin supplements. In order for the monkey to have a different menu to choose from, several bowls of food must be placed in the terrarium at once - one for a certain kind food. Don't forget the bowl of water too!

Balm for the heart!

Dwarf marmosets are very funny and cute domestic monkeys. You can't even imagine how they frolic. Like small children! Give these wonderful creatures your care and affection, and you will see that they will certainly reciprocate.

Igrunka this is the smallest one. The primate will fit in the palm of an adult. Its height without a tail is 11-15 cm. The tail itself is 17-22 cm long. The baby weighs 100-150 g. This animal has a long and thick coat.

Most often, primates can be found not far from rivers, in places where they overflow their banks during the rainy season. Precipitation annually falls 1000-2000 mm. The acceptable temperature for them ranges from 19 to 25°C. Some species have adapted to survive in harsh conditions north Atlantic. Or in arid places where the rains are seasonal.

The drought can last up to 10 months. The temperature in such areas is not as stable as in the Amazon forests. And there is less vegetation in it. Animals rarely come down to earth. Most of the time they spend in the trees. But primates do not climb to the very top, but live within 20 m from the ground, so as not to become a victim birds of prey.

Pictured is a white-eared marmoset

Little marmosets sleep at night and stay awake during the day. Get up 30 minutes after the first rays of the sun and lie down 30 minutes before sunset. The lodging for the night is a hollow on a tree, which has a dense crown, which is intertwined with a liana. Half of the day they bask in the sun, and the rest of the time they look for food and take care of each other's coat.

Reproduction and lifespan

Females who have reached 2 h. years of age, choose a partner themselves. There may be several males. Pregnancy lasts 140-150 days. These primates do not have seasonal breeding. The female can give birth twice a year. Usually there are 2, rarely 3 cubs in a litter.

In the upbringing of the offspring, the father is mainly involved. But taking care of the babies is the duty of the whole flock. One newborn can have up to 5 nannies. The role of the female is to feed her offspring and restore her strength.

Newborn marmosets weigh about 14 g. After being born, babies hang on their mother's stomach for several months, closer to milk. And when little marmosets get a little stronger, they sit on the backs of their fathers for up to 6 months.

A month after birth, babies molt and become covered with hair characteristic of adult. Already in the third month, the cubs walk on their own, and those who do not want to do this are forced.

After 6 months, marmosets eat adult food. Puberty starts at 12 months. Only after 18 months they will become completely independent. Sexual maturity occurs after two years. At this age, the leader encourages them to leave the pack and start their own family.

Marmoset monkey usually lives up to 10-12 years. In one zoo, a record was broken. The primate lived there for 18.5 years. There is a high mortality among cubs of marmosets. Out of 100 births, only 67 babies will survive. In nature, their populations are threatened by the destruction of their habitat. Are under threat of destruction lion marmosets. 11 other species are also at risk.

On the picture lion marmoset

In nature, primates are awake for 12-14 hours and it is important not to break this daily routine. It is recommended to install a special lamp for them, which gives good lighting.

It is better to keep the temperature always high enough, not lower than 20 degrees, so that they feel comfortable. What else is important to remember, marmosets are afraid of drafts.

The cage regularly needs to be cleaned, otherwise the old smell, it perceives as a stranger and will begin to strongly mark the territory, which is undesirable for the owners. A place to stay for the night is a must. Primates are shy and need to have a place to hide.


The diet of marmosets is varied. AT wild nature the menu consists of frogs, chicks, small rodents, as well as fruits, fruits and berries. Primates like to drink tree sap, eat gum and some resins.

Gather mushrooms, nectar, flowers. The most important marmoset food are larvae and insects. These proteins are enough to satisfy the needs of little monkeys.

To get the juice from the tree marmosets gnaw bark, thereby stimulating the secretion of more tree sap. Then the monkey scoops out or licks the discharge. In search of food, primates do not walk alone, but in small groups.

They get food with the help of incisor teeth. drink fresh water, which is collected on leaves, in flowers or in plant shoots. Due to their small weight, animals can reach for fruits on the thinnest branches, which monkeys larger than them cannot do.

In captivity, chicken meat is given instead of frogs and other creeping marmosets. Snails and insects can be purchased at pet stores to replenish protein supplies. Can be given boiled eggs, cottage cheese and milk.

They usually become attached to those who feed them. At the time of feeding, marmosets are best used to their new owner. These animals are well adapted to the new diet.

The price of marmosets

Marmoset cost not little. Not all pet stores sell it. The little monkey is sold privately or in big cities such as Moscow or Kyiv. Marmazette in Kyiv costs 54,000 gr. The price of a dwarf marmoset in Moscow from 85,000 rubles.

white-eared marmoset costs from 75,000 to 110,000 rubles. If there is a desire and opportunity to acquire such charm, then all the same buy a marmoset it won't be that easy. This is due to the fact that there are very few of them on sale.

Very often people start at home unusual pets. Among these exotic creatures is the marmoset. This is a small monkey that weighs only 100 grams, and its height is only 13 centimeters. But it is very difficult to buy such a “little man”. First, you need to pay attention to the conditions of keeping such an animal from the seller. If the marmoset lives in a spacious aviary or cage, then this is one positive thing. If the animal looks fearfully at buyers through a rusty cage, then it is better to say goodbye to such a seller forever and look for the monkey elsewhere.

Secondly, you need to try to choose a healthy animal. A healthy marmoset has a very even layer of fur, and there is not a single bald patch. You also need to carefully examine the teeth and eyes. little creature. It is recommended to take a pet with you at a young age. This is about 4 months old. And it is advisable to take a couple, as these "little men" need society.

The next task of the new owner will be home improvement for his little tenants. For housing, a spacious cage is suitable, in which there will be small rods. Marmosets can even live in terrariums. If there is a storage tray in the cage, then it must be changed once every four days. If this is not the case, then a baby diaper should be placed on the floor of the cage, which is changed every day.

Since these creatures live in trees in the wild, you also need to create an imitation of the forest at home. For this, ladders, various branches or ropes are suitable. These items must be placed in a cage. Also in their home should be feeders for food and drinking water.

The owner will have to get used to the unusual daily routine of these creatures. They wake up with the first rays of the sun, and at the same time they begin to scream and talk cheerfully in their own language. These restless animals lie down only at sunset. They also need to create humid climate, for example, 60%, since they live in the tropics.

Marmosets are very afraid of drafts, and therefore there should not be open windows near their dwellings. But you can put the cage under the lamp, as the monkeys love to bask under the warm rays.

The diet of marmosets is quite diverse. It consists of various fruits, vegetables as well as insects.

Monkeys are very friendly creatures. From the first day you need to accustom them to yourself. At the same time, you can not speak loudly with them, and even more so shout. When they are released from the cage, all windows and doors must be closed. This creature can hide from the house at any moment, and then it will take a long time to look for your pet.

Marmoset is a very interesting creature. And with proper care, she will become good friend for the whole family.

The animal world is incredibly diverse and fascinating, while people know so little about it. Primates are of particular interest, their demeanor attracts animal lovers, so many of them want to have a monkey as a pet.

smallest primate

The pygmy marmoset is the smallest representative of primates. This miniature monkey is funny and playful. Its dimensions are amazingly small: from 10 to 15 cm, and the length of the tail is about 22 cm. The weight of the monkey is no more than 100-150 g. Despite its size, it is a real primate.

The only thing that distinguishes her from her relatives large sizes, is that her tail is not grasping, and her hind legs are longer than her front legs. Ears are not visible and hidden under the coat, and smart eyes are most often gold or Brown framed by light circles. The pygmy marmoset has a soft, thick and fluffy coat, which can be of various colors: from light brown to almost black, sometimes with black or white speckles. Due to the splendor of fur and thick undercoat, animals seem larger than they really are.

The habitat of the smallest primate

This species of monkey lives mainly near the Amazon. They rarely descend to the ground, live mainly in trees, sleep in a hollow and are diurnal. The pygmy marmoset monkey is rather shy. Sensing the slightest rustle, animals of this species hide in the branches of trees. Marmosets live in groups, protect their family members, but do not tolerate strangers in their habitat. Most often, their group consists of 3-4 adult monkeys, 2 teenagers and 2 babies. They make a variety of sounds: chirping, chirping, squealing when frightened.

The pygmy marmoset is an exotic animal. Grooming is an important part of her life. Primates feed mainly on insects, but their diet also includes fruits. They like to eat berries, leaves and small mammals drinking tree sap. Predatory beasts and birds are life-threatening marmosets.

Primate puberty

After 2 years of life comes puberty. The gestation period of females lasts from 130 to 140 days. Often twins or triplets are born. But there are no more than 3 cubs in the litter. For the first few months, little monkeys hang on their mother's stomach and suck her milk. After 5 months, the cubs become independent, and are considered adults and mature at 2 years from birth. There are times when the male takes care of the litter no less than the female.

The pygmy marmoset can be a good, mischievous and cheerful pet, but it is quite difficult to care for it. Such monkeys do not survive in conditions that are too far from their natural habitat, therefore they require special care and a lot of attention. But it's worth it. If you go out and tame this monkey correctly, he will become cheerful and active and will never mind playing with the owner. Marmosets are very funny. Live in natural environment approximately 18 years, and in captivity - 15 years.

The biggest hassle is arranging housing for the monkey. The homeland of marmosets is the jungles of Latin America, so living conditions in a cage should be very close to the natural environment. The temperature should be maintained throughout the year within the range of +25 ... +28 degrees Celsius. This is very important for the viability of the animal.

Inside the cage, you must definitely put a small house where the animal can hide. In addition, there should be enough spacious space inside and a lot of decorative elements, such as branches, sticks, creepers, on which the marmoset can climb.

It is better to hang the animal house at a distance from the floor. Here the animal will feel safe and calm. It is better to keep primates in pairs, then they young age much easier to get used to life in captivity and give birth to offspring. The cage should always be clean, general cleaning should be carried out at least once a month. The animal must have pure water, but in no case cold, otherwise it will easily get sick. Cold drink, food and open drafts are dangerous to the health of primates. You should not let the marmoset out of the cage unattended, it can run away, and it will be extremely difficult to find an animal the size of a mouse in the house.

Primate nutrition

Feeding a monkey does not cause much trouble and unnecessary costs if you know the simple principles and rules. A monkey should not be given human food. What is tasty for a person can be deadly for a "pocket" monkey. You have to be careful with sweets. You can't give sugar at all. Fruit should be in your daily diet. Water should be filtered or defended. Once a week, you can treat unwashed dried fruits - they are useful and strengthen the gums. You can give compote or juice, but not purchased, but freshly squeezed. This is a very important clarification, because purchased juice additives can be poisonous for this. little animal. Proteins are also an important part of the diet. The norm of protein can be given in the form of crickets, grasshoppers or chicken meat.

How much will it cost to buy the smallest primate?

Many, probably, will certainly want to become the owner of this cute animal after reading the article. How much does a pygmy marmoset cost and where to buy such an animal? Today it will not be difficult to find offers for the sale of such monkeys. However, you should immediately warn those who are interested in the dwarf marmoset: the price of the animal is quite high. Few can afford to pay $ 1200-2000 for a primate - and this is exactly how much this little monkey costs.

You won't be able to help smiling at this cute and tiny creature with big almond shaped eyes. Her name is the pygmy marmoset, and she is the smallest monkey on Earth.

Habitat of the pygmy marmoset

South America - the upper reaches of the Amazon (Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru).

Dwarf marmosets prefer bamboo and reed thickets. They can also be found near temporarily flooded coastal areas. tropical forests and near economic areas.

Appearance of a dwarf marmoset

The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey.

The length of adults of the pygmy marmoset is 20.8-38 cm, most of which falls on the tail.

The body color is mostly yellow-brown, the belly is white, and the tail is decorated with black and gray rings.

All five of her thumbs grow unnaturally long and prehensile claws. The hind legs are longer than the front.

The eyes of these little monkeys are large, almond-shaped. The circumference of the eyes is devoid of wool. The ears are small, bald, and almost invisible due to the thick and long hair. The fur on the upper body is longer than on the lower, and the face is completely hidden under it. His long tail These babies keep the balance.

Food of pygmy marmosets

Little marmosets are not picky eaters, they eat everything from berries and fruits to insects and small birds. Clinging to tree branches and making holes in them, the marmoset drinks juice. She can be in this position for hours until she sucks out the liquid. As a rule, more than half of the diet of marmosets is occupied by plant juice.

Reproduction of dwarf marmosets

Females have the right to choose their own partner, and more than one male can be them. One pregnancy of a female pygmy marmoset brings 2-3 cubs of 14 g each. After the first time and up to 6 weeks, the babies move on the backs of males. The cubs need to wait another 18 weeks until full maturity, at this age they are already able to search for their own food and become completely independent.

Behavior and social structure of pygmy marmosets

Dwarf marmosets are very secretive and cowardly monkeys. Sensing a minimal threat, they immediately hide between the leaves of trees. It is worth trying hard to watch them in the wild.

Dwarf marmosets have interesting ability- Turn your head 180 degrees. Marmosets are very nimble and mobile primates. With their tiny size, they are capable of jumping 5 meters high and 2 meters long.

Dwarf marmosets live in small flocks of 2-10 individuals. One flock consists of a dominant pair and their offspring.

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