The content of vitamins in various fruits and vegetables. Vitamins in vegetables and fruits. Amino acids in a pharmacy: a list of drugs, a rating of the best, composition, indications for use and rules for taking

Fruits are a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. They must be consumed daily and preferably fresh, as some vitamins and nutrients are destroyed during transportation and storage. The fruits can be eaten individually or prepared in many different fruit smoothies that will not only be tasty and beautiful, but will also bring great benefits to the body.

Nutritionists recommend consuming these healthy foods during their ripening period, since it is at this time that they contain all the useful elements necessary for full and healthy development. What vitamins are found in fruits and how much benefit do they bring to a person?

How many vitamins and minerals are in 100 g of fruit?

The minerals and vitamins in fruits vary depending on their variety, maturity, and storage conditions. All of them are undoubtedly very useful, but some fruits stand out by the number of useful elements that make up their composition.


Vitamin A 0,003-0,02 mg
Vitamin B1 0,04-0,06 mg
Vitamin B2 0,02-0,06 mg
Vitamin B3 0,2-0,6 mg
Vitamin B5 0,2-0,3 mg
Vitamin B6 0,06-0,4 mg
Vitamin B9 0,005-0,185 mg
Vitamin C 7-180 mg
Vitamin E 0,1-0,4 mg

What fruits are the healthiest?

Group B and A elements

Many useful substances are found in apples, peaches, kiwi, oranges and watermelons, they are rich in vitamin A, which affects the formation of hormones that improve vision and hair growth. This element helps to strengthen bone tissue and teeth, preventing their fragility and dry skin. Also, when using these fruits, there are a large number of other vitamins and minerals in the composition.

Pineapples, grapefruits, mangoes, lemons, pears and bananas contain more vitamin B1, which is responsible for the body's metabolic processes. By saturating the body with this element through the use of fruits, the nervous, cardiovascular and muscular systems improve. Also, these fruits prevent the development of the beriberi disease (avitaminosis of vitamin B1), in which there is a violation of the processes of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

More than other fruits of vitamin B2 are found in kiwi, the use of which has a beneficial effect on the formation of blood cells that promote the transfer of oxygen to tissues and organs. Without this element, the metabolism of carbohydrates in the human body is disturbed. Watermelons, peaches, bananas and kiwis are also rich in vitamin B3. There is so much niacin in them that with daily use a person can normalize the functioning of the nervous system in a short time, improve the condition of the skin, eliminate insomnia, clarify the mind and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

A lot of vitamin B5 is included in the composition of oranges and bananas, without which the process of cholesterol production is not carried out. It is cholesterol that promotes the release of vitamin D by the skin and the production of steroid hormones. The vitamins that make up these fruits have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person, improving his well-being and preventing the development of various ailments. Without the vitamins that make up watermelons and bananas, the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins is impossible, which contribute to the appearance of antibodies that form the immune system. These fruits contain many elements of group B, namely pyridoxine, which has a beneficial effect on the interneuronal connection of brain cells.

Elements C and E

Which fruits contain the most ascorbic acid? Most of this element is part of mango, watermelon, orange, lemon, kiwi and apples. The anti-scurvy element prevents the development of scurvy and is the strongest natural antioxidant that binds free radicals, which prevents the formation of cancer cells. The influence of vitamins that make up these fruits has a beneficial effect on the state of the heart system, gastrointestinal tract and skin. Useful components of these fruits are widely used not only in cosmetology, but also for the manufacture of medicines, as they contribute to the healing of skin tissues.

What fruits have a positive effect on the production of sex hormones? According to the content of vitamins of groups B and E, kiwi, watermelon and peaches are in the first place. Yes, they contain in their composition an element responsible for the reproductive functions of a person and increasing potency. In addition, the most valuable tocopherol has an antioxidant effect on the body, protecting a person from cancer.

Fruit harm

Despite all the benefits provided to the human body, this product can be harmful to health. For example, it should not be consumed with food containing a large amount of fat in its composition. Small putrid spots on the surface of the fruit indicate that it is not fresh and may contain large amounts of dangerous toxins.

Some types of this food, eaten on an empty stomach, may not be digested and cause indigestion. Together with unwashed skin, a lot of harmful microorganisms can enter the human stomach, so it should be thoroughly washed before use.

  • Citrus fruits contain the highest amount of vitamin C than other fruits;
  • Yellow and orange fruits contain a lot of beta-carotene;
  • The apple contains polyphenols that reduce blood sugar levels;
  • Fruit diet increases sexual desire;
  • Watermelon contains the highest level of lycopene, which reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms;
  • The peel of the fruit concentrates the greatest amount of nutrients, so it should not be excluded from food;
  • Bananas are a source of fructooligosaccharides (fructose molecules) that are beneficial for the intestines;
  • Peach is less caloric than pears and apples;
  • The fruit diet should not last more than two weeks, as the fruits do not contain sufficient protein and iron;
  • No need to get hung up on one type, it is better to add new fruits to your diet every day.

This vitamin is very important for the human body. In order for it to regularly enter the body, you need to know where vitamin A is contained.

Rich products can be found in any store. If these products are eaten regularly, cooked correctly, there will be no lack of retinol.

Table: foods containing vitamin A in large quantities.
Products Serving Size Vitamin A (mcg) RAE
Vegetables and fruits
Sweet potato or sweet potato, with skin, boiled 1 medium 1096
Pumpkin, canned 125 ml (½ cup) 1007
carrot juice 125 ml (½ cup) 966
Carrots, cooked 125 ml (½ cup) 653-709
Carrots, raw 1 medium (61 g) 509
Spinach, cooked 125 ml (½ cup) 498
Turnip greens, cooked 125 ml (½ cup) 290-466
Tomato, raw 1 medium (123 g) 300
Romano salad (Roman lettuce, romaine) 250 ml (1 cup) 258
Red lettuce (lettuce) 250 ml (1 cup) 218
Chinese collard greens, cooked 125 ml (½ cup) 190
Red pepper, cooked 125 ml (½ cup) 106
Apricots, dried (dried apricots, apricots) 60 ml (¼ cup) 191
Apricots, canned 125 ml (½ cup) 169
Cereal products This food group contains very low amounts of retinol.
Milk and dairy products
Cow's milk cheese, hard 50 g 243
Cheddar, no fat 50 g 220
Cow's milk cheese, semi-soft 50 g 204
Munster, Neuchatel, Gruyère, Cheddar, Colby 50 g 132-158
ricotta 125 ml (½ cup) 140-156
Blue / Roquefort 50 g 99-147
Processed cheese slices, Cheddar 125
Skimmed, 1%, 2%, chocolate milk 250 ml (1 cup) 137-163
3.3% homogenized 250 ml (1 cup) 119
Soy milk 250 ml (1 cup) 103-104
Meat and meat products
Liver, turkey, cooked* 75 g 16950
Liver, veal, cooked* 75 g 15052-15859
Offal, turkey, cooked 75 g 8053
Liver, beef, cooked* 75 g 5808-7082
Liver, lamb, cooked* 75 g 5618-5836
Liver, pork, cooked* 75 g 4054
Liver, chicken, cooked* 75 g 3222
Fish and seafood
Eel, cooked 75 g 853
Tuna, raw or cooked 75 g 491-568
Herring, salted 75 g 194
Mackerel, cooked 75 g 189
Clams, cooked 75 g 128
Salmon, cooked 75 g 112 -118
Oysters, cooked 75 g 110
meat alternatives
Eggs, cooked 2 large 190-252
Fish fat 5 ml (1 teaspoon) 1382

Peculiarity! The presented products will be absorbed better if they are consumed fresh. Before use, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the daily rate of retinol. This will avoid overdose and its side effects.

Conditions for the absorption of vitamin A

Under certain conditions, this vitamin is absorbed better:

  • Simultaneous intake of vitamins A and E. They complement each other, enhance the effect. Products that contain vitamin A and E at the same time: carrot juice, dried apricots (dried apricots, apricots), tomatoes, spinach, sweet potato, pumpkin, broccoli.
  • Eating fresh vegetables and fruits. Heat treatment destroys this substance, it disappears, since a person does not receive the necessary vitamins.
  • Healthy lifestyle. Bad habits lead to the fact that the body ceases to absorb useful substances. When smoking, drinking alcohol, retinol is not absorbed properly. With the rejection of bad habits, the absorption of retinol increases several times.
  • Healthy bowel function. If the microflora in the intestines is healthy, retinol is absorbed perfectly. However, in case of violations of the work of this organ, the substances necessary for the body are excreted without being absorbed.
  • The use of foods containing fat. They increase the flow of bile and thereby promote the absorption of retinol.

Daily rate

The daily norm of this substance varies depending on the sex and age of the person:

  • Children: 600 mcg.
  • Women: 800 mcg.
  • Men: 700 mcg.
  • Women during pregnancy: 1200 mcg.
  • Women during breastfeeding: 1300 mcg.
  • People of retirement age: 700 mcg.

Peculiarity! Women during pregnancy and lactation need more retinol, since at this time it is necessary not only for a woman, but also for a child. Useful substances are needed by a woman and a growing body.

What vegetables contain the most vitamin A?

Experts identify the following list of vegetables with a high content of vitamin A:

  • Sweet potato, yellow and orange varieties (961 mcg);
  • Carrots (852 mcg);
  • Spinach (469 mcg);
  • Parsley greens (421 mcg);
  • Pumpkin (288 mcg);
  • Beijing cabbage (223 mcg);
  • Broccoli (77 mcg);
  • Zucchini (56 mcg);
  • Onion (50 mcg);
  • Tomato (42 mcg);
  • Iceberg lettuce (25 mcg);
  • Sweet pepper (23 mcg).

If salads are prepared from vegetables, they should be seasoned with butter or sour cream. In no case should you use mayonnaise, as it will not allow beta-carotene to be properly absorbed.

Sweet potato, yellow and orange varieties (961 mcg)

Carrots (852 mcg)

Spinach (469 mcg)

Vitamin A in carrots

Carrots are rich in this substance. Experts advise to use it daily. Before use, it is important to familiarize yourself with the content of the vitamin in the product and the rules of consumption. If certain mistakes are made, it is possible to reduce the assimilation of the product to 90%. Only with a high assimilation of the substance, the human body will benefit.

How much vitamin A in carrots

  • The mass of one medium-sized carrot is 128 g and contains 1 g of vitamin A.
  • 100 g of carrots contain 0.8 g of vitamin A.
  • 1 cup (236 ml) of carrot juice contains 2.2 g of vitamin A.

Vitamin A may not be fully absorbed if a person eats carrots incorrectly, cooks them in the wrong way.

How to eat carrots to absorb vitamin A

In order for the human body to assimilate the maximum amount of a substance, you need to remember several conditions under which vitamin A is absorbed:

  • Carrots are consumed with fats. It is absorbed much better this way. Without fat, 90% of the substance will be excreted from the body. This means that the body will not receive any benefit. Carrots must be mixed with butter, sour cream. They help beneficial substances to be better absorbed in the intestines.
  • It is better to use a fresh product. When frying, vitamins disappear and the body is not absorbed at all. It is necessary to accustom yourself to the regular use of fresh carrots. It can be eaten at any time of the day, but absorption is better in the morning.
  • This vitamin is well absorbed in liquid form. It is useful to use freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Important! This product can be mixed with honey, butter or sour cream to enhance nutrients, better absorption of beta-carotene. However, it must be remembered. that an overdose of the vitamin can lead to side effects. Do not consume more than four or five carrots a day.

Fried carrots will not bring benefits, it becomes harmful to the body. Fried carrots can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, so this treatment is unacceptable.

What fruits have vitamin A?

Fruits are filled with a large amount of this substance. That is why they must be consumed regularly. The highest content is found in the following fruits:

  • Apricot (96 mcg);
  • Persimmon (81 mcg);
  • Grapefruit (46 mcg);
  • Mandarin (34 mcg);
  • Plum (17 mcg);
  • Nectarine (17 mcg);
  • Peach (16 mcg);
  • Orange (11 mcg);

Important! Fruit should be consumed fresh, without heat treatment. Thus, useful substances in it are preserved, do not disappear. Fruit should be eaten ripe. There is little vitamin in immature and overripe, besides, they can harm the human body, cause an upset of the gastrointestinal tract.

How much vitamin A is in fish oil?

For the human body, fish oil is incredibly useful, it contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Fish oil contains 30 mg of vitamin A per 100 g of the product. This drug should be used with caution in order to prevent an overdose of vitamin A.

Peculiarity! Fish oil is most often consumed in the form of capsules. They are easy to take, do not cause disgust. Such a complex contains a detailed dosage, so that a person will be able to avoid an overdose. The capsules are usually used 1-2 times a day, but the exact dosage is applied to the capsules. It depends on the age and gender of the person.

Useful video

Watch a helpful video explaining which products contain retinol:

In contact with

Currently, there are many different fruits in stores and on the market. All of them are valuable and nutritious for the human body in their own way.

In order not to harm, and not only benefit your health, you need to know the composition and beneficial properties of fruits.

List of vitamins and minerals in fruits

Fresh fruits are a source of protein, fiber, organic acids, mineral salts, enzymes, plant pigments, essential oils. Organic acids and trace elements strengthen immunity and health. Unlike vitamins synthesized chemically, they are completely absorbed and do not have a harmful effect on the body.

The most famous of them are vitamins:

  • C - ascorbic acid;
  • D - water-soluble compounds of hydrocyanic and nicotinic acids;
  • B12 - water-soluble compounds of cobalt and hydrocyanic acid.

Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant and a catalyst for biochemical reactions. It provides nutrition to the organs and tissues of the body, strengthens the immune system, and restores metabolic processes. It is found in large quantities in lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits. Provides the absorption of oxygen by the muscles and brain tissue. Deficiency of ascorbic acid causes scurvy, in which bone and connective tissues are destroyed, teeth fall out, and vitamin deficiency occurs.

Vitamin D takes part in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, activates enzymes. Together with vitamin A, it is involved in the formation of the bone skeleton, cartilage and teeth. Lack of it leads to rickets, in which, under the influence of their own weight in young children, the bones of the legs are bent. Synthesized by skin cells when exposed to ultraviolet rays. It is found in the body in the bones and in the form of compounds with calcium: calcium D3 and calcium D6.

Vitamin B12 takes part in the reduction of iron during the transfer of oxygen by erythrocytes and in the process of hematopoiesis. Its low content in the body disrupts the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues, resulting in iron deficiency anemia, in which the immune system weakens and the cells of the muscles, nerves and brain constantly experience an acute oxygen deficiency.

To find out how many vitamins and minerals contain your favorite fruits, you should refer to the following table.

A pineapple:

  • vitamins: A - up to 9 mcg, C - 40–100 mg, B1 - up to 0.09 mg, B2 - up to 0.04 mg;
  • minerals: K - up to 0.4 g, Ca - up to 0.049 g, P


  • vitamins: A - up to 0.1 mg, H - up to 0.1 mg, C - up to 100 mg, B1 - up to 0.05 mg, B2 - up to 4 μg, B9 - up to 9 μg;
  • minerals: K - up to 0.24 g, Ca - up to 49 µg, P - up to 5 mg, Mg


  • vitamins: A - up to 0.29 mg, C - up to 14 mg, B1 - up to 0.05 mg, B2 - up to 0.09 mg;
  • minerals: K - less than one gram, Ca - less than one gram, P - less than one gram, Mg - 25-50 mg, Fe - 1-1.9 mg.


  • vitamins: C - 1-4 mg, B1, B2, B3 - less than 5 mcg;
  • minerals: K - up to ½ g, Ca - up to one gram.


  • vitamins: A - up to 0.02 mg, C - up to 100 mg, B1 - up to 0.05 mg, B2 - up to one gram, B3 - up to 1/2 gram;
  • minerals: K - 0.15–0.24 g, Ca - up to 0.049 g, P


  • vitamins: A - 0.01-0.02 mg, C - 5-14 mg, B1 - 0.01-0.05 mg, B2 - 0.01-0.04 mg, B3
  • minerals: K - 0.15–0.24 g, Ca


  • vitamins: A - up to one milligram, C - 40–100 mg, B1 - up to one milligram, B2 - up to one milligram;
  • minerals: K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe.


  • vitamins: A - up to one gram, C - 15–39 mg, B1 - up to one gram, B2 - up to ½ milligram;
  • minerals: K - up to one gram, Ca - up to 0.049 g, P


  • vitamins: A - 0.01-0.02 mg, C - 40-100 mg, B1 - up to one gram, B2 - up to one milligram;
  • minerals: K - up to one gram, P - less than one gram, Fe - 1–1.9 mg.


  • vitamins: A, C, B1, B2, B3;
  • minerals: K - less than one gram, Ca - less than 1/10 of a milligram, P, Mg, Fe.


  • vitamins: A - less than 0.1 milligram, H - up to one gram, C - 5-14 mg, B1
  • minerals: K - less than one gram, Ca - less than ¼ gram, P - less than one gram, Fe - 2-3 mg, high content of boron and silicon.

Dried rosehip:

  • vitamins: A > 2 mg, C - up to 1/10 mg, B1 - up to one gram, B2 - less than one gram, B3 - 1–1.9 mg;
  • minerals: K, Ca, P, Mg - up to one gram, high copper content.


  • vitamins: C - 1-4 mg, B1 - up to one gram, B2 - up to one gram, B3 - up to one gram;
  • minerals: K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe.

Benefit and harm

Vitamins are not a protein compound or a source of energy for body cells. However, without them, the metabolism goes wrong and the immune system does not work. Their lack is reflected in well-being and causes serious health problems:

  • D - rickets and bone fragility;
  • A - decrease in visual acuity;
  • C - scurvy, anemia, general weakness;
  • B - migraine, fatigue, depression, anemia;
  • E - muscle pain, weakness, cramps.

Doctor Mitsuyoshi Urashima from Japan found a 50% reduction in the incidence of influenza when taking large doses of vitamin D during the epidemic. He also noted an increase in the intervals between attacks of bronchial asthma and a speedy recovery from acute bronchitis. On the basis of microscopy of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, he proved that the cause of asthma is an imbalance of vitamins and hormones.

Physician Mario Farbi from California proved the effect of vitamin D on the synthesis of interferon. This protein kills tuberculosis bacillus, influenza virus, foreign cells.

Doctors Ken Sicares and Zhong Lu from Australia, based on observations of patients with type 2 diabetes, concluded that vitamin D increases the production of insulin by the pancreas. Doctor Grant from San Francisco proved that lymphoblastic leukemia with high blood levels of vitamins C and D progresses much more slowly. Yoon Kiung Song, Doctor of Medical Sciences from Korea, reported that ascorbic acid is a good prophylactic against heart attack, vascular accidents and coronary spasm. Jason Hall and a group of doctors from the USA proved the role of vitamin A in triggering the body's immune response.

At the Cancer Center (Texas, USA) they received remission within five years in ten out of thirty-four patients with severe leukemia. For these patients, remission within five years is considered clinical recovery. This success of a conservative method of treating oncological diseases was awarded an honorary diploma and a prize at the International Congress.

Despite the huge number of clinically proven facts of a beneficial effect on the human body and a complete cure for cancer, I would like to draw attention to the possible negative consequences that arise from the uncontrolled use or overdose of vitamins, as well as the recommendations of experts:

  • rare allergic reactions to vitamins and fruits containing them;
  • caution when taking vitamins in people with urolithiasis due to changes in urine pH;
  • the need to consult a doctor before taking vitamins in people with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • strict adherence to the recommended daily dose.

Daily rate


How many vitamins are in 100 grams of fruit?

The healthiest fruits

According to endocrinologists, biochemists and nutritionists, the nutritional value of fruits lies in their complex effect on the human body.

Rich in trace elements and organic acids, they have a diverse vitamin composition, due to which:

  • are a source of natural vitamins and microelements;
  • help to restore strength after grueling workouts, severe injuries and operations;
  • ensure the growth and development of the child's body;
  • useful for women who "eat for two" during pregnancy and lactation.

From the point of view of medicine, some fruits are the most valuable.

  • Apple. Contains vitamins, iron compounds and pectin. From applesauce with the addition of magnesium and molybdenum, a natural radioprotector is made, which was used in the menu of the liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Magnesium and molybdenum replace transuranium elements in the human body, they are excreted back into the large intestine, where they are bound by apple pectin.

  • Banana. Contains sucrose, glucose and a fairly large amount of vegetable protein and fiber.
  • Orange. Contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, essential oils and dyes. The peel contains up to 40% of vitamins.
  • Grape. It is a source of potassium. Contains large amounts of glucose and sucrose.
  • Pear. In addition to sucrose and glucose, it contains a large number of grains that stimulate digestion.
  • Apricot. It is of value in fresh and dried form. All useful substances are preserved during drying.
  • Lemon. It contains a large amount of vitamin C. For medicinal purposes, a decoction of the zest is prepared along with the skin. The peel contains up to 40% of vitamins.
  • Persimmon. Contains a large amount of tannin and other astringents and tannins. It is used to treat gastritis, stomach irritation, scarring of an old ulcer.
  • Peach. Contains glucose, vegetable fibers and a small amount of hydrocyanic acid aldehyde.
  • Pomegranate. Contains a large amount of iron. Juice from grains and peel cures anemia and restores blood composition without injections and pills.

  • Plum. It has choleretic and laxative effects. Most strongly affects the intestines prunes in fresh and dried form.
  • Watermelon. 60% consists of water. Contains a large amount of glucose and citrulline, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the epithelium of the renal tubules. It has a strong diuretic effect.
  • Cherry. Contains pigment, a small amount of sucrose and tannins.
  • A pineapple. Tropical fruit containing essential amino acids.
  • Avocado. tropical fruit. Contains monounsaturated, easily digestible fats.
  • Kiwi. tropical fruit. Contains a large amount of antioxidants.

In the next video, three simple smoothie recipes are waiting for you.

Everyone knows about the high content of vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables. They are also rich in minerals and trace elements. These products contain a lot of useful substances that have a positive effect on the activity of enzymes, improve metabolism, and also strengthen the entire body as a whole. The composition of the fruit includes fiber, which affects the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Vitamins in fruits

Fruits are a storehouse of vitamins, fiber and trace elements. They are most useful when consumed fresh, as they lose some of their useful substances during long-term storage and transportation.

In order for the body to be saturated with the necessary elements, doctors recommend eating fruits daily, special emphasis should be placed on seasonal fruits.

So what vitamins are in fruits? They may include: vitamins A, C, PP, E, B vitamins, potassium, iron, fluorine, calcium, zinc, sodium, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus.

  • apples - they contain vitamin A and C, this fruit is able to increase the acidity of the stomach, strengthen the cardiovascular system, overcome blood diseases, affect pressure and obesity;
  • peaches contain vitamins PP, B2, A, they are extremely useful for those who suffer from improper bowel function and heart problems;
  • pears are rich in vitamin B1 and C, they will help those who are worried about the kidneys, have a diuretic effect and will resist inflammatory processes in the body;
  • grapes contain a lot of useful substances - vitamins B1, C, B6, PP, B12, P, magnesium, manganese cobalt, organic acids, this fruit will be a savior for those who have problems with stool (has a diuretic and laxative effect), with kidneys, liver, and will also help with hypertension and lung disease;
  • strawberries and wild strawberries hide a huge supply of vitamin C, these berries affect almost the entire body, especially the cardiovascular and immune systems;
  • bananas are vitamin B6, which is needed for the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, this product has a beneficial effect on the nervous and circulatory systems.

Summing up, we can say that among fruits, the leaders in the content of the following useful elements will be:

  • vitamin C - blackcurrant, strawberry, grapefruit, rosehip, kiwi;
  • vitamin E - apricots, peaches, cherries;
  • vitamin A - apricots, mountain ash, wild rose;
  • vitamin P - mandarin grapes, cherries.

vitamins in vegetables

And now it's time to find out what vitamins are found in vegetables.

Vitamins in vegetables:

  • parsley, onions, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, spinach - vitamin A, which increases the level of glycogen in the muscles of the heart and liver, maintains the condition of the cornea, eye glands and epithelium;
  • lettuce, onions, sweet peppers, parsley - vitamin C, affects the elasticity of blood vessels, fights SARS and scurvy, destroys toxic substances;
  • peas, spinach, beans - vitamin E, a protector of the eyes, skin, liver and a fighter for the "beauty" of the body;
  • beets, tomatoes, sorrel, radishes, parsley - vitamin P, makes the walls of blood vessels stronger, affects the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • carrots, spinach, onions - vitamin PP, fights cholesterol;
  • cauliflower, tomato, spinach - vitamin K, improves blood clotting;
  • beans, watermelon, tomatoes, melon, spinach, radish, radish - B vitamins, fight nervous exhaustion, support the body's recovery process from long-term treatment with pills, help to absorb useful substances;
  • beets, parsley - vitamin U, acts as a prophylactic and as a fighter against ulcers and gastritis.

It is also important that when it enters the stomach, vegetables do not oxidize, but increase gastric alkalinity, and this helps the digestive system. That is why nutritionists recommend choosing this product as a side dish.

Video on the topic of the article

If the law is unjust, then it is good to break it.

Top 10 Foods High in Vitamin C

The human body is not able to synthesize ascorbic acid on its own, therefore it must receive it from the outside.

Where is vitamin C found? Vitamin C is found in foods, mainly in vegetables, fruits and berries.

But how to choose from the whole variety of food plants? The table below will help you with this.

Vitamin C in food

Products Vitamin C,
mg/100 g (product)
Products Vitamin C,
mg/100 g (product)
Dry rosehip 1200 Rutabaga, gooseberry 30
fresh rosehip 470 radish 29
red sweet pepper 250 Green peas, radish 25
Sea buckthorn, black currant 200 celery greens 23 — 38
Sweet green pepper, parsley 150 Quince 23
120 Raspberries, melon, pineapple, potatoes, beans, chicken liver 20
Green dill, wild garlic 100 winter apples 16
71 — 92,1 Zucchini, cherry, chokeberry, lingonberry, cranberry, dark cherry varieties 15
Rowan red, cauliflower 70 Onions, cucumbers, beets 10
61,8 Apricot, peach 10
Oranges, strawberries, strawberries, red cabbage 60 Banana, plum, summer apples 10
Spinach, horseradish 55 Pumpkin 8
50 Grape 6
white cabbage, grapefruit 45 — 60 Carrot 5
43 eggplant 5
40 Pear 5
38 Pomegranate 4
beef liver 35 figs 2

After a brief analysis of the table data in Top 10 Foods High in Vitamin C You can add the following berries, fruits and vegetables:

1st place 2nd place
Rosehip dry and fresh red sweet pepper
3rd place
4th place
5th place
6th place
7th place
8th place
9th place
10th place

As you can see, the most vitamin C is found in rose hips, red and green sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, black currants, herbs, parsley and Brussels sprouts.

What has more vitamin C?

The undisputed "champion" in the content of ascorbic acid is rose hip. There is so much “ascorbic acid” in it that experts advise that after each taking the rosehip broth, it is imperative to rinse the mouth with water so that the tooth enamel does not collapse.

A lot of vitamin C is found in dill, wild garlic, kiwi, red rowan and cauliflower.

A fairly high content of vitamin C in oranges, strawberries, red cabbage, strawberries, spinach and horseradish.

Vitamin C in vegetables is most found in green and red sweet peppers, Brussels sprouts, wild garlic, as well as dill and parsley.

It is worth paying attention to the following fruits and berries with vitamin C: kiwi, oranges, grapefruit, wild strawberries and strawberries.

In this capacity, citrus is significantly inferior to its less “famous neighbors” in terms of rating.

Let's give credit to foods high in vitamin C, but let's not forget those that occupy the bottom half of the C-vitamin table.

All vegetables, fruits and berries contain many valuable substances, so you should not exclude them from your diet.

Important tips for proper preparation and consumption of foods rich in vitamin C:

  • A fresh apple contains the enzyme ascorbinase, which, if the integrity of the fetus is violated, destroys vitamin C. Therefore, it is better to cook five-minute compote from whole apples or bake them in the oven. When heated, unstable ascorbinase is destroyed, while ascorbic acid is preserved.
  • For a more complete preservation of the “ascorbinka”, it is also more useful to bake the potatoes in the oven with the peel or boil them “in their uniforms”. By the way, it was the widespread cultivation of potatoes in medieval Europe that managed to put an end to scurvy epidemics.
  • Rosehip can not be brewed with boiling water and infused in a thermos. In this case, only an effective choleretic agent will turn out. To get the maximum vitamin C from rose hips, it is poured with water at a temperature not exceeding 80 degrees, the container is closed with a lid and insisted for several hours.
  • There is also a lot of ascorbic acid in non-food plants. So, with a lack of vitamin C, decoctions, infusions and extracts from needles and currant leaves are very useful. And from the leaves of young nettles it is useful to make vitamin salads.

Properly cooked foods high in vitamin C help maintain health, youth and high performance.

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