Birthday contests are fun at the table. Funny competition with photos “Can you guess?”. Free your opponent from clothespins and win

Big company may meet for any occasion. It can be any event like birthday or housewarming. In any case, for the event to be successful, the organizer, and this one is always present, needs to be well prepared.

Organization of birthday contests and quizzes

To make the holiday a success, it is worth paying attention not only to questions regarding the menu, table setting and musical accompaniment.

All this, of course, is important, but also to achieve the most pleasant effect, you should take care of contests and games. And nothing that the company consists of adults - they are also not averse to having fun and fooling around.

Difficulties may arise in the fact that not the entire company will consist of well-known people, it is quite likely that there will be those whom you have seen only a couple of times or do not know at all. In this case, it is important that communication is equally easy for all participants, and no one feels “out of place”.

Here, games and contests for a birthday at the table are very useful, as they help to defuse the situation. Also, the company can have people different sexes and ages. This should also be taken into account and strive to ensure that the program contains entertainment that is interesting to all categories of people.

For example, older people will appreciate quizzes, and young people will appreciate funny pranks. Here are some options for contests that your friends and family will love and turn a banal feast into a truly unforgettable holiday.

Fun contests for a large group of adults

Table funny competition “Who thinks about what”

For this competition, you need to prepare well. Pick songs that have funny lines that could pass as someone's thoughts.

The main thing is that there is nothing offensive in them, and make a cut from these lines. For example, such lines as: “I want to get married, I want to get married”, “Natural blond, there is only one in the whole country” will do. Find a hat, the funnier it is, the better.

During the feast, the chosen host announces that he has a mind-reading hat. Then he dresses it in turn on the heads of all the guests. As soon as the hat touches the person's head, the assistant turns on music selection with the correct line. The main thing here is that the words of the song are suitable for this guest.

Competition with a glove and water “Glorious milk yield”

Stock up on medical gloves, one per guest. In each of the fingers (at the very end), make a tiny hole with a thin needle. Now it remains to conveniently fasten the gloves on the chair and pour water into them.

The task of the guests is to try to milk their glove as quickly as possible. It is especially fun if the guests are completely unfamiliar with village life.

Laughter and joy are guaranteed for everyone, the main thing is to overcome embarrassment. And if the participants have already tasted some alcohol, then watching their efforts is a pleasure.

Funny contest with photos “Can you guess?”

You need to find photos of celebrities on the Internet or in a magazine. The host (better if it's you) chooses any guest and asks him to turn away. Then he explains the rules: “I will now show the guests a photo of an animal, your task is to ask quality questions and guess who is in the photo.” Guests can only answer “yes” or “no”.

Now the host shows a photo of the star, and the player, believing that the photo is an animal, asks ridiculous questions: “Does the animal have a tail?”, “Does it eat grass?” etc. The fun hall (and the player after the end of the competition, when he understands what's the matter) will receive in full.

Competition for those who love movement

Guests are divided into teams of the same number of people. The bigger the team, the better. Each team chooses a color for themselves, and the participants tie a ball of the corresponding color to their leg. You need to tie it with a thread so that the ball lies on the floor (it doesn’t matter how far from the leg).

The host gives a signal, after which each team tries to burst the opponent's ball. The one whose ball failed is out of the game. The team whose player keeps his ball until the end of the match wins. To make it more difficult, each team can choose several colors, but then you need to remember your team exactly so that in the heat of battle the balloon does not burst on your own.

The game is good for stretching between delicious meals. It can be carried out both indoors and outdoors.

Fun competition for lovers of delicious drinks

It is required to prepare ten disposable glasses and drinks. In front of the guests, different drinks are poured into each glass. Both ordinary and flavored with salt, pepper or other spices can be poured (so that the taste deteriorates, but does not bring harm to health).

Glasses are placed in a tight pile. Those who wish are given a table tennis ball, and everyone throws it into a glass. In which of the glasses the ball will fly, then the player must drink.

These funny contests at the birthday table will make your holiday even more interesting!

Funny games for birthday guests

Blindfold contest “Make a wish come true”

Each of those present puts one item in a bag. A leader is chosen who is blindfolded.

His task is to pull one thing out of the bag and say what its owner should do. Here everything depends only on the imagination of the presenter. He can offer to sing, crow and much more.

Most importantly, the task should be humiliating for the guest, and also contain difficulties in performing.

Competition for art lovers “Modern storytellers”

Each participant of the event has the skills of a certain profession. But than more people works in a certain area, the more in his vocabulary appropriate terminology appears. It can be easily used not only for business, but also for fun. Give each player a piece of paper and a pen.

The task is that the player chooses any fairy tale for himself and tries to write its analogue, but only in professional language, for example, turn the fairy tale into a police report or a medical report. After the specified time has elapsed, all fairy tales are read out and the winner is selected by general voting. It becomes the one whose fairy tale is the funniest.

An interesting competition for guests “Guess what is in the picture”

It is necessary to find some interesting image and prepare an opaque sheet, significantly bigger size. A hole is made in the sheet with a diameter of not more than three centimeters. The image and the sheet covering it are installed in a place convenient for all participants. The facilitator must move the sheet with the hole over the mysterious image so that the participants can see small pieces of the drawing.

The winner is the one who guesses faster than others what drawing is hidden behind the sheet.

Entertaining game “Write a funny story”

Participants sit in a circle. Each is provided with a pen and paper. The facilitator asks his first question: “Who?” Participants write on a piece of paper the character they have chosen for their story, after which they fold the piece of paper so that the word is hidden, and pass it to the one on the right.

The facilitator asks the following question. For example: “Where is it going?” Again, everyone answers (you need to answer with a detailed sentence, and not a few words), bends the sheet and passes it on. And so on until the host runs out of questions.

There are no restrictions on the questions, but they must be asked in such an order that the answers together form a coherent story. As a result, when the story is written, all creativity is read aloud.

Incendiary contests for adult parties

A fun game with clockwork dances and a headscarf

All you need for this game is a small handkerchief and good music. The music should be cheerful, so that the guests would be happy to perform unimaginable pirouettes.

You need to become in a large circle, and choose the first player. For fun, you can do this with the help of lots.

The one who happened to dance is located in the center of the circle, a scarf is tied around his neck, and everyone starts dancing. The central dancer, after a certain number of movements, must give his handkerchief to any other person. To do this, without stopping the dance, he takes it off himself and ties it in a knot around the neck of the chosen guest, after which he kisses him.

The selected guest with a headscarf stands in a circle and dances, and through a short time passes the handkerchief on.

The dancing continues until the host turns off the music. When everything is quiet, the one who is in the circle at that moment should shout something funny, for example, crow.

Funny contest to dress up a friend and speed

Participants are selected and randomly divided into pairs. By the number of pairs, you need to pre-assemble packages with a variety of clothes. The number and difficulty of dressing all sets should be as similar as possible. All players are blindfolded. Within the couple, there is a choice of who will wear and who will wear.

On a signal, the first one starts to get clothes out of the bag and tries to put them on the second participant. Time is given only a minute. The victory is for those who put on more clothes and do it more correctly. You can not limit the time, then those who quickly put on all the things from the bag win. It is especially funny when a couple of two men have to wear only women's clothes.

Hit the target in the "Brave Hunters" contest

Two or three teams of three people are formed. They will be hunters. One of the participants will play the role of a boar. Each hunter receives tightly folded pieces of paper - they will be a kind of cartridges. Hunters strive to hit a wild boar, but not just a wild boar, but a special target.

The target is drawn in advance on a cardboard circle.

At the beginning of the game, this target is fixed on the clothes of the boar, approximately on the lower back. On a signal, the wild boar tries to run fast and dodge, and the hunters aim at the target with all their might. The space for hunting is limited in advance, and the time is clearly defined. You need to engage in such entertainment while still sober. Also, hunters cannot hold a boar by force.

Fun game for greedy people with balloons

Buy and inflate a sufficient number of colorful balloons in advance. Scatter them on the floor before playing. Participants are selected and, as soon as the go-ahead is given and the fun musical accompaniment, everyone starts trying to catch and hold maximum amount balls.

Cool games and competitions for the company of drunk guests

Contest with a bakery product "Guess the poem"

The selected participant puts in his mouth so most baked goods to talk was very, very difficult.

After that, he is given a sheet with a verse (the main thing is that no one knows this verse).

The second player listens carefully and writes down what they understand, after which they read it. The resulting text is compared with what was actually in the task. You can use not only poetry, but also prose.

Funny competition with chairs and a rope “Obstacle”

Two couples are selected (mandatory guy and girl). On the free place two chairs are placed, between which a tight rope is stretched. Each guy must take the girl in his arms and step over the rope. In no case should you touch the rope.

The task is executed in turn. After taking the first height, the rope rises higher and everything is repeated until someone can cope with the height.

Pair competition for accuracy “Cigarettes and potatoes”

Two participants are selected. A rope is tied to the belt of each, on the tail of which hangs big potato. You also need to stock up on two packs of cigarettes, already empty.

The task of the players is to push their pack faster than the opponent with the help of tied potatoes until it reaches the intended finish line.

Free your opponent from clothespins and win

Couples are called to a large free space in the room. 14-20 clothespins are attached to the participants (of course, on clothes). After that, the players' eyes are tied and they must, while the perky music plays, find and remove the maximum number of clothespins from the opponents.

Competition with fins and binoculars “Diving race”

Participants are selected who put on flippers and, looking through binoculars, but only with reverse side must reach the finish line.

Memory and mindfulness game “Come up with associations”

Those who wish sit down or stand in a row, so that the beginning and end are tracked. The first player comes up with some completely unrelated words. The one following him must connect them and tell a story with them, which could very well be in reality. Then he says a new word. The third one adds text with this word to the voiced situation.

Example: the first two words are “telephone” and “birch”. The situation with them is as follows: “The wife is tired that her husband is talking on the phone all the time, and he began to live with him on a birch.” The new word might be "sofa," in which case one might add to the situation: "Sleeping in the nest was not as good as sleeping on the couch." And so it goes, as long as there is a fantasy.

For complexity, the host can at any time ask one of the players to repeat everything that was said earlier. The one who fails is out.

Competition for a group of people “How to find application”

Five to ten people are selected. Any object is placed in front of them. Their task, in turn, is to voice the application of this subject. Moreover, the options should be as applicable as possible. The one who does not invent anything is out. Whoever survives to the end wins.

It would be a good idea to supplement contests with prizes. You don't need anything expensive. Small trinkets, such as key chains or figurines, are perfect. If the event is on the occasion of the New Year, then prizes can be chosen with the theme of the symbol of the year or Christmas tree decorations. Also on any holiday can be used as prizes chocolate bars, candy, not fragile fruits.

Prizes will add enthusiasm to the guests and the desire to win, so the comic fight will become even more interesting and lively.

Funny contests at the birthday table at the table will turn your name day into an unforgettable celebration. Moreover, any competition can be made more difficult or more creative elements can be added to it. And, most importantly, they can be held not only on holidays. Give good mood yourself and loved ones at any time. After all, it only takes a little imagination.

This competition is perfect for a fun company, where everyone knows each other well. Everyone sitting at the table in turn (clockwise) names a part of the body or item of clothing that they like in a neighbor, for example, eyes, neck, hands, dress, and so on. When all the guests have named, the host announces that now it is time to kiss the part of the body that was named by them.

Fastest of all

The host distributes sheets to all participants on which the words of a complex tongue twister are written, for example: Four black, grimy imps drew a drawing in black ink for tacking ships carrying a caravel to the cavaliers and the queen. Whoever is the fastest and, most importantly, correctly, can pronounce a tongue twister, will get a prize, for example, a bag of nuts or a toy microphone.

Around the world

Time to remember the countries of the world and travel. Guests in a circle name one country each (in alphabetical order) and a few words characterizing this country. Who can not name for a long time - drops out of the circle of participants. Naturally, letters such as “ё”, “й”, “ъ”, “ы” and so on do not participate. For example, the first participant says Australia - kangaroos, aborigines, the second participant says Belarus - potatoes, Lukashenka, and so on.

Help me eat it

Participants have their hands tied so that left hand one guest was connected to the right of the other, and the right hand of the guest was connected to the left of the neighbor nearby. Dishes are placed in front of the participants, such as salad plates or yogurts. At the start command, the guests begin the meal. Whoever can eat the dish the fastest wins.

Table school of laughter

The host starts the sentence, and the guest continues it, but in such a way that it is funny. To do this, the leader must prepare several well-known catchphrases based on the number of invited guests. If the guest cannot remember the sentence, he can invent a continuation himself, the main thing is that loud laughter is heard in the room. The funniest participant gets a prize. For example: the bisector is ... (a rat that runs around the corners and divides the corner in half); According to the law of Archimedes ... (after a delicious dinner, wipe your hands on a neighbor) and so on.

Drawing on a plate

Each guest is given a small tube of mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard. These are the paints with which guests must paint the most beautiful and interesting picture on their plate. Here everyone turns on their imagination and gets to work. For the most wonderful and magnificent art, guests receive prizes.

The best bartender

Of all the tools at hand on the table, each of those sitting at the table must figure out how to make the most interesting and beautiful cocktail, for example, mix a few drinks, decorate with fruit from the table and add some kind of personal touch. Based on the voting results, we determine the best cocktails, and prizes are awarded to cool bartenders.

Throughout the year we have many different holidays. Often we celebrate them according to the same scenario, take these cool table contests for your birthday and you will remember the cool atmosphere around for a whole year.

Very often, festive events take place in the usual way. Real hospitable hosts try to create an unusual atmosphere during the holiday. They want to take care not only of a chic table with original snacks, but also of a festive mood.

Such a feast will remain in the memory of all guests for a long time. Therefore, people are trying to come up with various cool board games for adults' birthdays that can not only amuse guests, but also train their brains.

Cool competition at the table called "Spy Passions"

These contests are based on solving mysterious stories with a lack of information.

All people, despite the number of years, love secrets, especially when a gift awaits the winner at the end of the competition.

We determine the subject in an interesting competition with forks

This game is as follows: you need to identify the object without seeing it. The participant is blindfolded. He holds in his hands only two forks, with which he must guess as many objects as possible within two minutes. You can't touch things!

Things can be very diverse, for example: a scarf, a banana, a wallet, a comb, an apple, a candy, and so on.

To make the task easier for the participant, he can pose leading questions to the facilitator. Such as: “Is this made of plastic?”, “Is this edible?”, “Is this a household cleaner?” and another set of questions to help identify the subject.

The answer can only be "No" or "Yes". Whoever guesses the most and correctly, he becomes the winner. This game will bring a big charge of good mood.

Imagination game "Guess who I am"

This is a fun adult birthday board game with questions and answers.

All participants of the competition are pasted paper with an inscription on their foreheads. It can be: an object, an animal, a character from a movie or cartoon, a popular person.

People taking part in the game see all the inscriptions, except for their own. All players in turn ask questions. For example: "Is this a vegetable?" or "I am a man." The answers to them will be "Yes" or "No".

The first person to name their character will be the winner.

If a person does not guess correctly, then he leaves the game or he is given some kind of punishment. If the game seems too difficult, then you can give extended answers, with a more complete description.

Magic ball with riddles on the sheets

For this game, you need to prepare a small surprise, riddles of varying complexity and foil. Write riddles on paper.

The surprise is wrapped with the first layer of foil, a leaf with a riddle is glued to it. This manipulation is done about 7 times. On top are easy riddles, and closer to the surprise are more complex ones. The facilitator reads the inscription.

The one who guessed the riddle removes the foil and reads the next riddle. This process is repeated until the last layer of foil is removed.

The winner is the participant who guesses the most difficult riddle and accordingly remove the last layer of foil. He also gets a gift.

What is the prize in the bag?

This contest is perfect for a birthday. The name of the birthday boy is taken as a basis. It will be great if it is long and almost corresponds to the number of guests. For example, the name Michael. It consists of 6 letters.

In a special bag we put 6 gifts for each letter. For example: M - soap; I - figs; X - halvah; A - orange; I - toffee; L is a lemon. Players are given little hints. The player who guesses the item is the winner.

Game without additional details "Sentry"

This is simple game, no props are needed here, it will bring a lot of unforgettable emotions in every company.

  • Players are divided into pairs;
  • Each is given a piece of paper and a pencil. A word is written on a leaf, any noun. In total, you can make up to 20 words;
  • Leaves are folded into an opaque container or bag. One participant holds a bag and takes out leaflets in turn. He explains to his partner an object written on paper without saying its name aloud. For example, "orange" means "it is a round edible fruit."
    If the partner guesses the word, then the turn of the next piece of paper comes.

Each pair of participants has only 20 seconds to solve, then the capacity passes to the next pair of players.

The task is complicated by the fact that in this short time it is necessary to solve as many words as possible. Players gesticulate, stutter, stutter, this creates a lot of laughter.

Funny contests held on the name day of "Nonsense"

These fun birthday table contests are based on a random match of words that can reveal all the secrets of the players.

The sudden “truth” can not only cheer everyone up, but also reveal the secrets that are deep in the subconscious.

Ask a question and get an answer on the sheets

The terms of the game are clear from its name. Questions and answers are written on pieces of paper, and laid out text down into two piles. The first participant takes out a piece of paper with a question and appoints another player who takes out a piece of paper with an answer and reads it aloud. Then everything repeats from the beginning.

During this competition you will find out the most unexpected secrets of your friends.

Making history with the alphabet

In front of the participants of this game, cards are laid out on which all the letters of the alphabet are written. The first participant takes out one card with a letter, and the remaining players call this letter by word, but this must be done in such a way that the result is a funny story.

For example, on the letter "K": "Kuzma rolled steeply towards the cat when someone threw a ladle." The more fun and resourceful the players are, the funnier the game will be.

Find the missing words in the guest story

The host of the competition writes a story in advance, in which all the characters are guests of the holiday. However, some words are missing in this narrative, their participants must come up with themselves.

Each player in turn says the word that is not in the text. It can be: verb, noun or adjective.

The most successful fit here unusual combinations and turnovers. The main thing is to have fun! When the words are all inserted, the general work is read aloud.

Noun and adjective in play

In this game, the principle is the same as in the previous one. The last participant in the row names the word, saying what gender it is (female or male). For example, "Servant". Then all the players, in turn, say adjectives-epithets. The last player calls the hidden word.

The result is: "Handsome, charming, nasty, cute, extravagant sideboard." The competition goes pretty fast. All participants change places.

"I'm in my pants right now..."

The idea of ​​the game is not revealed until the last. All players sit in a circle. Each participant tells the person sitting on the left the name of any series, movie or cartoon. The participant remembers, but the next player calls a different name, and so on.

Then the host of the competition tells each player to say "In my pants ..." and name the film, the name of which was heard from a neighbor.

Imagine how much laughter the guests will have when they hear that “Cat Leopold” or “Friends” is hiding in the indicated place.

Creative contests for friends "Discover your talents"

The games that are presented below will help to reveal talent, artistic and Creative skills from its members.

As a result, they will be able to determine the funniest and most talented.

Dance sitting and have fun

Participants in this competition sit on chairs in the center of the room. The groovy music turns on, and they start dancing while sitting. The host calls those parts of the body that should be dancing at the moment.

For example, “Now we are dancing with our eyes, lips, then with our eyebrows, then with our feet” and so on. The audience determines who danced better on a chair.

Try to make the unsmiling princesses laugh

Some time is given for this competition. If all the unsmiling princesses were made laugh, then their rivals win, and if not, then the unsmiled ones become the winners.

Become a real sculptor and create a masterpiece

For this competition you will need plasticine. One player names any letter of the alphabet, and the other players must mold an object from plasticine for given letter.

Funny game "Mouth full of sweets"

This game is quite popular. She needs some candy. Players put candy in their mouths and say, "Happy birthday!"

Then the turn of the next candy comes and the same congratulation is repeated. The winner is the participant who large quantity sweets will pronounce this phrase most clearly and legibly.

Keep coordination in the mindfulness game "Tower"

This game is not for the faint of heart. The most favorable moment for it to start is when the guests have drunk a little, but they can still maintain coordination.

A “tower” is made from domino plates. They should be marked with the letter "P". Then the second, third floor is built, and so on. All participants put on one plate.

The player who accidentally broke the "tower" is poured an additional portion of alcohol.

Who will quickly collect the puzzles

For this competition, you will need puzzles for 54 pieces, you can choose a larger version. Players are divided into two teams and collect a picture for speed. A very long collection of puzzles can tire players. So the main thing here is not to overdo it.

The most common game for adults "Pantomime"

This game is very common, everyone knows and loves it since childhood. It is suitable for different age groups. Her other names are "Cow", "Crocodile". You can play both in a team and alone.

The facilitator chooses one person from each group and gives him a word. At first, these are simple names of objects or animals.

Then the tasks become more difficult. Words are more complex. Such as: "deposit"; "reality"; "hatred"; "London"; "Africa". Each player must show his friends what it is without making a sound. For the guessed word, the team gets a point.

Whose toast is better at a party

No celebration, especially a birthday, is complete without toasts. However, not everyone is able and willing to speak them. Usually, greetings come down to banal wishes for “health, happiness and love.” In order for the wishes to become original, it is necessary to say toasts on the following conditions:

  • Say wishes to the birthday man in thematic style. It all depends on the contingent of the assembled company. There may be congratulations in the style of "Alice in Wonderland", "lads" with a thieves' vocabulary or using Tolkien's works;
  • Congratulations that say about food: "Let everything be in chocolate";
  • Composition of poetic congratulations;
  • Congratulations related to the animal world "Fast as a doe!";
  • Make a toast in a foreign language;
  • Congratulate the birthday man using different words taken from the ceiling. For example, moon, book, shoes, director, plane, etc.;

Assignments are written on paper and distributed to all those present. The list can be big.

Magic fairy tale about a birthday boy

Participants are divided into two teams of the same composition. Everyone writes words on paper. The latter should be dedicated to some topic.

So, one group writes down the words associated with "Birthday". Another team describes the character of the hero of the occasion, the events of his life, comes up with associations associated with him.

Guests can be divided into women's and men's teams. Then women describe men (courage, bravery, gentleman). And the men of their companions (grace, beauty, femininity).

Then the players change notes. The sheets are turned clean side up. Players, in turn, take out leaves and come up with a sentence with a given word. The team should be able to related story. Then it's the turn of the other team.

Guess what's on the plate

This competition is held during meals. The host says the letter of the alphabet, and each participant must quickly name the product that is on his plate.

In this game, you cannot name the letters: “i”, “ё”, “ь”, “ъ”, “ы”. The player who guessed first becomes the leader.

If no one calls the word for this letter, then he receives a gift. For holding celebratory event it takes a long time to prepare. You need to buy a lot of products, cook a lot of different food from them.

Guests can be asked to help prepare the competition program. They can bring props or crafts with them. But just do not dedicate them to the plan.

Let it be a surprise for them. Any celebration will become original and memorable if you approach its preparation with all your heart.

Everyone likes to spend time interestingly with friends, but sometimes you want to diversify this leisure time with something. Games, quizzes will help to do this. Thanks to them, the time spent together will fly by more fun, and everyone will have an excellent mood.

How to organize contests and games for a group of friends - ideas

To come up with entertainment, you need to take into account some details. It is necessary to take into account where the party or corporate event will be held: at home, in the country, in a restaurant. Be sure to take into account whether there will be children, drunk people, unfamiliar people in the company. Absolutely for each of the above formats there is great options games.

Comic tasks for guests at the table

Suggest board games for a fun indoor company:

  1. "Acquaintance". A game for a feast at which unfamiliar people gathered. It is necessary to prepare matches according to the number of guests. Everyone draws one at a time, and the one who gets the short one tells one fact about himself.
  2. "Who am I?". Each of the company writes a word on the sticker. The papers are then shuffled and sorted at random. Each player sticks a sticker on his forehead without reading what is written. You need to guess the word by asking leading questions: “Am I an animal?”, “Am I big?” etc. The rest answer only "Yes", "No". If the answer is yes, the person asks further. I did not guess - the transition of the move.
  3. "Crocodile". The most popular competition for a fun company. It is especially funny if the players are slightly drunk. One of the participants suggests to the leader a word or phrase in a whisper. The latter must show the encrypted with gestures. Who guesses what is shown, he gets the role of the leader. The word is given to him by his predecessor.

Interesting competitions in nature for a fun company

Adults and teens will enjoy being active outside with these games:

  1. "Quest". On the territory where you rest, hide the "treasures" with small prizes. In different places, place hint notes or pieces of the map so that they also have to be looked for. Solving these ciphers using their intellectual data, players will gradually approach the treasures. Quests - best contests for a fun company in nature.
  2. "Toptuns". Divide the participants into two teams: red and blue. Tie to the feet of the players of each company air balloons corresponding colors. Participants must burst the balls of opponents with their feet. The team that completes the task faster will win.
  3. "Original Football". Divide into two teams with an even number of players. Mark the field, mark the gate. In each team, divide the players into pairs, put them shoulder to shoulder. Link right leg player with partner's left foot. Playing football like this will be very difficult, but fun.

Music competitions

Fun noisy games for music lovers:

  1. "Relay race". The first player sings the verse or chorus of any song. The second chooses one word from the sung and performs his composition with it. It is desirable that there are no pauses, as soon as the previous person has finished singing, the next one starts immediately.
  2. "Musical Hat" Write a lot of leaves with different words and put them in a hat or bag. In turn, each player takes a piece of paper. He must remember the song in which the word indicated on the card is present, and sing it.
  3. "Question answer". You need a ball to play. All players are located in front of the leader. He picks up the ball, throws it to one of the participants and calls the performer. He must sing his composition. If the player did not come up with a song, he becomes the host. If the latter re-names some performer, then he is replaced by the participant who first discovered the error.

Fanta for a fun company

Everyone is familiar with the classic game, so it makes no sense to dwell on it. There are many more fun variations of this competition for men's, women's and mixed companies:

  1. Fanta with notes. Each player comes up with a task, writes it down on a piece of paper. They are mixed and put together. Participants take turns taking out cards and doing what is indicated on them. If young people who know each other well are playing, the tasks can be vulgar. Those who refuse to carry out orders should come up with some kind of fine, for example, drink a glass of alcohol.
  2. Fanta with lots. In advance, the players make a list of tasks and their order. They are announced in order. Who will be the performer is determined by a draw. You can just prepare a few long matches and one short one. The owner of the latter will do the job. It is desirable to impose a penalty for failure to comply.
  3. Fanta with a bank. Suitable for well-known people whose behavior and fantasy will not surprise anyone. It is necessary to organize the process of distribution of the queue of participants (preferably by lot), but it is desirable to keep the order of the players secret. The first comes up with a task, the second either completes it or refuses. For the refusal, he pays the previously agreed amount of money to the general cash desk. The bank is received by the volunteer who is ready to complete this task (except for the person who offered it). After the first round, it is better to change the serial numbers of the participants.

Entertaining games and birthday contests

This is special holiday in which all attention is paid to the birthday man. However, a few contests for a fun company will never be superfluous. There is a mass good options verbal and active games that will not divert attention from the hero of the occasion, but will allow you to have fun. They will be especially suitable for children's day birthday, because it is not so easy to entertain little guests with something.

Fun games and contests for adults


  1. "The bottle on new way". On the notes, do tasks that the participant will have to complete in relation to the birthday person (“Kiss on the lips”, “Dance a slow dance”, etc.). Leaves are folded into a bowl or box. Players take turns spinning the bottle. The one pointed to by the neck takes the task at random and completes it.
  2. "For the anniversary." In a circle, people sitting at the table are given a roll of tear-off toilet paper very fast. Each of them takes as much as he sees fit. Players take turns calling interesting facts about the birthday man, how many leaves they hold in their hands. Instead of interesting features from the life of the hero of the day there may be wishes, funny stories, secrets.
  3. "Alphabet". Those sitting at the table should take turns wishing something to the birthday man. They pronounce one word at a time in alphabetical order (complex letters are excluded). The one who did not come up with a word for the dropped letter is out. The one who remains last wins.

For kids

The little birthday boy will like such contests for a fun company:

  1. "Story". The birthday boy sits in the center of the hall. The children take turns coming up to him and show what they like to do. The player whose task the baby fails gets candy
  2. "Colors". The birthday boy becomes his back to the children and calls any color. Those who have this color in their clothes hold on to the corresponding thing and remain standing. Whoever did not have the right color - run away. Caught by the birthday boy becomes the leader.
  3. "Chamomile". Cut out a flower from paper, write funny easy tasks on each petal (“Crow”, “Dance”). Have each child pick a petal at random and complete the task.

Birthday doesn't have to be boring. Often it is held in nature with barbecue or in the country - there is always a lot of entertainment. But if it's a children's party or different reasons there is no way to go somewhere, for example, autumn and rains? You can diversify the celebration by using contests that are held right at the table.

For adults

Offering adult company some kind of competition, you must always adhere to a few rules so as not to get quarrels instead of merry laughter.

  • First, no one can be forced or persuaded to participate.
  • Secondly, all competition rules must be explained very clearly.
  • Thirdly, any competition implies prizes, so you should prepare something small, symbolic in advance.

magic leaf

Virtually no preparation required. The presenter (the birthday man or someone who helped prepare) has several pictures that no one but him sees. Each of them will need to be demonstrated to the audience, having previously closed it with a large “magic sheet”, in which two or three small holes have been made. By swiping the picture several times in different directions, the presenter makes it possible to see part of the picture and offers to guess what is hiding magic leaf. The winner is the most big-eyed, the one who names the image first.

spinal intuition

It can only be carried out in a company in which they drink alcohol. Props:

  • vodka,
  • pure water,
  • three stacks.

When a competition is announced, it is better to immediately decide on the participants, since not everyone can drink vodka. Everyone plays in turn. When the player turns away, three piles are placed on the table in front of him. Of these, one will be with water, and the remaining two will be with vodka. It is desirable to pour equally, exactly half. The participant, turning, must drink one shot and drink another, without choosing. It is assumed that the first glass contains alcohol, and the next - water to drink. The person with the most developed intuition wins, the one who has never made a mistake.

Sphinx excerpt

It is better if the table is rectangular. Those sitting at the table are divided into pairs according to the principle “opposite each other”. One of the couple will be a sphinx, and the other will experience his famous equanimity. Sphinxes are given a pencil or an ordinary thin ballpoint pen in turn. This item must be placed on upper lip. The disturber sitting opposite must make the sphinx drop the pencil. At the same time, it is not allowed to make any sudden movements or make very loud sounds. To embarrass the sphinx is supposed to be a quiet conversation.


It is good to spend during the change of dishes at a table that is not too large. Props:

  • clay bowl;
  • many different coins;
  • saucers and Chinese sticks according to the number of participants;
  • stopwatch or watch with a second hand.

The competition is held on time. Choose from 30 seconds, a minute or two. During this time, each participant must drag with the help of Chinese sticks to his saucer as much as possible more coins. The winner - the greedy one - is the one who has the largest amount.

Three-liter jar

Props are not needed at all.. The more people involved, the more fun. The competition is held when it is no longer possible to move, everyone has eaten and nods. Choose an arbitrary letter of the alphabet, preferably the one with which many words begin. Everyone in turn will name some material object, you can even something animated, starting with this letter. The main condition is that the object must fit into a hypothetical three-liter jar . You can't repeat. The answer is given no more than 30 seconds. If there is no answer, the participant is eliminated. The laurels of the winner belong to the most savvy - the last remaining.

bearded man

The competition is held in the company of those who love jokes. Props: cotton wool and thin tape. Host: the best joker. He starts telling an old "bearded" joke. After the first or second phrase, it stops, and someone at the table needs to continue the story. After a successful continuation, the narrator is glued to the chin with a small piece of cotton wool. Whoever has the longest (or widest) beard wins.

Chocolate for birthday

Props: chocolate. You can use a banana, then we change the name of the competition. Only two teams are participating. One half of the table - guests sitting on right hand from the birthday man, the second - on the left. If chocolate is used, then the tile is broken in half lengthwise. If banana, then one peeled fruit per team. The team that will congratulate the birthday person faster than others will win.

Congratulate better in chorus! To get to the actual toasts and congratulations, you need to collectively eat the proposed treat.

The beginner will be the one who sits at the far end of the table. You need to bite off a piece and pass it to the next one without hands.

Whose congratulations are better?

All those present will have to make a toast in honor of the birthday man or simply congratulate him. Toasts should not be too long. The unusual situation is that you need to speak completely without the usual words. The speaker will replace all words with something unintelligible, for example: “Ta-pamram-par-pad-pam padum-pa-dam, taram-taram-pam!” or “Shurum-barim, shur-shuram shurta-tam!” or something similar. Speech must be supplemented with expressive gestures, facial expressions, be sure to change intonations so that it immediately becomes clear to everyone - the person is making a toast! The winner is chosen collectively.


Props: pre-prepared cards with tongue twisters written in large letters. It is recommended to carry out when the guests are already a little tipsy.. This is a kind of "table" sobriety test. The host shows one of the cards. The tongue twister is first read slowly, then a little faster, while remembering it. After everyone has memorized the written words, they begin to pronounce them in turn. The participant who could not pronounce the proposed phrase three times quickly, without losing once, leaves. Then the rest learn a new tongue twister. The speaker is called the participant who has never made a mistake.

Children's competitions

Children's holidays, especially birthdays, cannot be imagined without games and competitions. And some of them are necessarily held right at the table.

The role of the leader is most often assigned to one of the adults, less often to the birthday man himself. In no case should you children's holiday forget about the prizes for the winners.

The best alphabet

Conducted with children who are already in school and know the alphabet (2-3rd grade is best). So you can combine a pleasant and fun activity with a repetition of school knowledge. Each child in turn should congratulate the birthday man. This is not easy to do, because you must begin your congratulations with the next letter of the alphabet. The leader can start with the letter "A". And then the children themselves must remember the next letter and come up with a congratulation starting with it.

Eat an apple

Couples will take part in this competition, they win, respectively, too. The host must break all the children into two. Props:

  • ropes or threads;
  • approximately the same size apples with small tails by the number of participants. They use not only apples, but also other fruits that can be hung on a string.

Each pair is given two pieces of fruit. One of the players holds the fruit by a string on the weight, and the second must eat it without using your hands. Then the children change places and do the same operation. The winner is the couple who coped with the "treat" the fastest.

Cheerful pencil


  • paper,
  • colour pencils.

Each guest is given a piece of paper and a pencil. Without the help of hands (you can only hold a pencil with your teeth!) Everyone must draw what else he (she) would like to give to the birthday man. The drawings are very funny! The "giver" should not admit what he painted, and the birthday boy will guess. In this competition, it is usually difficult to determine the winner. You can choose the one whose drawing turned out to be the most understandable.



  • cocktail straws according to the number of people;
  • two glasses for each. One of the glasses should be filled with plain water.

At the signal of the facilitator, all participants try to pour liquid from one glass to another. In this case, you can’t use your hands - only a straw: they collect as much water as possible into a tube, blow it into an empty glass, and so they act until all the water has been moved. The winner of the competition will be the child who will be the first to perform this complex operation.

hidden treasures

The competition requires careful preparation. Need to do quite a lot to have enough for everyone, color figured ice . It's better to have a spare. Each piece of ice is a chest in which a treasure is hidden. Any small object frozen in ice can be a treasure: a bead, a candy (ideally a caramel in a wrapper), etc. Children are given envelopes made of colored paper, each of which contains an ice chest. The essence of the competition is warm the treasure faster than anyone else with just your breath.


Another competition using fruits. Suitable for a small children's company at the table. Props:

  • fairly wide and deep containers with clean water, you can use ordinary, not too large pots;
  • about the same fruits.

For each container, it will be enough to take 2-3 apples and the same number of pears. Fruit must be washed well. At the signal of the leader, children without the help of hands, only with their mouths and teeth, must take fruits out of the water. The smartest and fastest wins.

In conclusion, you will find another interesting table competition, the rules of which we can see in the following video:

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