Wishes of creative success for children. Cheerful wishes of good luck in the work of a creative person. Wishing a creative person. Creative success is

My dear, good morning!
Open your eyes soon!
Let the day pass like a fairy tale
And gives only miracles!
Please smile today
And don't forget about me!
Say goodbye to sorrows,
Let luck beat over the edge!

I wish you more beautiful moments
Best friends and compliments,
May the day be happy and successful
You are only more fun with every minute!

What does a good day mean to you?
This is when it's too lazy to be sad!
When happiness flows like a stormy river
And the heart laughs with joy again!
So today, my dear,
I wish you such a day!

You are the most beautiful!
And the most attractive
So let your day
It will be wonderful!

My most beautiful girl
With all my heart I wish you a good day,
Let everything go well with you
Let sharp corners be smoothed out.
I wish you much joy and happiness
Let it wash away with the rain of bad weather,
Let the news pleasantly surprise
May all good things surround you.

Wishing a girl a good day and mood

My love, let this morning
The most wonderful thing will be for you!
Every minute will be happy
Have a beautiful day ahead!
May success await you beyond the threshold,
You smile, think of me!
May the day be full of fun, laughter,
He promises the best for you!

I want to spend the day smiling!
After all, you are so charming and sweet, birds
I start to sing when I see you smile
To them, flowers bloom for you the answer, and I
I just love you and love your smile!
I ask you very much - always smile!
Have a nice day, love!

May the day please you with a gift
Let the sun look into your peaceful home ...
And from love, let it be only hot,
Tell me about it later in the day!
I want your day to be very nice,
So that there is a lot of happiness and good luck!

Luck will visit you today
My wish will fly to you!
It is magical and not simple,
So soft and precious!

I wish you a good day
The most beautiful girl on earth
Let the sun warm with its warmth
Let the whole day be filled with magic.
I wish you joy, good luck, happiness,
Let all misfortunes pass by
Let the mood be wonderful all day
Let luck follow you like a shadow.

A ray of sun falls through the window
Bunny caressing your eyelids.
But to wake up completely is not given,
You are still in captivity of beautiful bliss.
Hair scattered everywhere
On the pillow, and on the thin neck.
You lie naked in a dream
And this one is even nicer to me.
How magnificent in nakedness,
All your captivating forms.
I admire you, I'm sorry
Disturb the dream of a beautiful maiden.
But it's time to get up, I'll wake you up
You with a long, tender kiss,
Wake up the sun, I'll say quietly
Honey, I love you alone.

SMS wishes for a good day to a girl

And I wish with all my heart
You smile more often
Be fun and simple.
So that everyone around you loves
And remembered in difficult times.
Well, in general, be as cute,
As smart as now!

I rush to you with affection and warmth,
After all, you are the most important thing in my destiny!
I want to wish you today
So that you can dream all day long!
And let this day go wonderfully
May you be, as usual, you are lovely!

Have a good day!
Good times!
great achievements
And my compliments!

My love, I miss you so much
That just can't even find the words!
I'm sending you a message
To wish you a beautiful day!
I want this day to be easy
May you be as happy as anyone!

hello hello wake up
And smile beautifully
This is your sun
I'll tell you everything:
About how much I love you
And without you I can't
And for the rays to shine
It is necessary that the hands
Your hugged me!

The first ray of sunshine pleasantly surprised you,
He gave warmth, a smile, joy,
A good day morning portends
I wish you good luck from the bottom of my heart.
Have a nice day my love
There is no more beautiful you in the world
May the day give you many wonderful moments,
Victory to you, success, achievements.

Smiling passers-by
You shine with beauty!
My best -
This day is all yours!

Let important things be done
Complex tasks are solved
Let there be a lot of laughter around
And endless success!

I'm happy with you, that's for sure!
Baby, I love you so much!
And, that's because I even adore
I wish you a wonderful day!
More positive and good luck
Solutions to all existing problems!

Wishes for a good day to a girl in your own words

Good morning and have a nice day! And even though our city is not Paris, I am sure that you will conquer everyone today!

Today I wish you a smile, beauty to shine! May fate help you realize all your plans!

May the day be cool, may it bring a lot of success and new ideas, may everything succeed and a wonderful life will definitely begin today!

May this day be good! May it bring happiness, I wish you not to be bored, but to be cheerful, live and dance!

Smile! Happiness is near! To reach him! You just have to smile, and everything will come by itself!

May this day bring good luck, because you, my love, mean a lot to me!

May today bring good luck, fill your life with happiness!

Dear, let today be joyful and cool, beautiful and in this life not at all in vain, but good, kind, bright, very cool and noticeable!

Let the sun smile at you! I wish that everything today is desirable and possible! If only everything worked out that day, and of course it came true right away!

Good for, my gentle sun! For such an amazing little man like you, he must be good. May incredible luck and magical luck be with you all day long, a kaleidoscope of colorful events will give you unthinkable happiness and set you up for fantastic success.

Today I wish you a smile, beauty to shine! May fate help you realize all your plans!


Let this day be clear, kind, sunny, beautiful. And let him give you a million positive!


May your goals be worthy, talented plans, the tasks set by you be solvable, dreams come true, and desires come true.


Good morning. Let this fresh dawn give you a great mood. May today be your best day. I wish you that all your wishes come true, that all your plans turn into reality. May this morning be the happiest, may the weather suit your mood. May my love be a talisman for you throughout the day. Joy to you, my dear, prosperity and all the best.

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Dear, let today be joyful and cool, beautiful and in this life not at all in vain, but good, kind, bright, very cool and noticeable!

Best wishes for a good day to a girl in your own words

My sweetest and most beloved girl in the world, I wish you a wonderful morning and good health. Let the sun give you the warmth of its rays, and let the earth give you a gentle sunrise. I give you the most tender kiss, may it make your whole day successful. I wish you good news today, may your dreams come true. Good morning to you, my joy, and a wonderful day. Good meetings to you and new achievements. Let my love be a talisman for you for the whole day.


Let the day start with a smile, throw all unnecessary problems, worries out of your head, and just enjoy this wonderful day, let only wonderful people surround you today and the world gives you a charge of vivacity for the whole day. May your eyes shine with happiness and sparkle with beauty. All the work goes like clockwork, and the day will go just fine. Have a nice day and good mood.

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With all my heart I wish, my dear, to always remain as beautiful and delightful! Joy to you and happiness, success and recognition! I wish you to meet this day and all subsequent ones in the most wonderful mood! Be always the most beloved, healthy, strong and happy!


My love, I hasten to wish you a good, clear, kind, successful, fruitful, fun day. I hope it will be full of bright emotions and confident victories, pleasant words and successfully completed deeds. Kiss, hug and send a breath of inspiration!


Have a good day! I want to say today. And yesterday I wanted to, and two days ago, and three ... This is happiness - waking up, thinking about you and knowing that I will fall asleep in the cozy embrace of your hands. Have a good day! I want to be there every minute, remove everything unnecessary, gloomy, gray from your soul, protect peace. Have a nice day, my happiness!

Sincere wishes for a good day to a girl in your own words

My beloved girl, my happiness and my reward, I wish you a successful and bright day, a wonderful mood and a miracle, pleasant surprises and joyful moments. May the day be fruitful and bring a lot of impressions.


Start your day with a gentle smile that will return with joy, with an affectionate word, because it will return to you with successful deeds, reward you with pleasant communication, and give you a great mood. May this day be kind, cheerful and successful in an endless series of your happy days.


My beloved and charming girl! I wish you a wonderful day. Let harmony and joy accompany you, nothing overshadows your beautiful features. Let a gentle smile bloom on your lips more often today. Be calm, peaceful and remember me.


If the day starts with good and pleasant emotions, then everything will go like clockwork. In fact, you don’t need so much to be happy - you just need to learn to enjoy the little things and not pay attention to the fact that there are a lot of negative emotions around. I want to wish you a great day, a sea of ​​positive emotions, joyful moments that will allow you to relax a little during the working day. I really want you not to think that there may be problems, difficulties and troubles, because they should not interfere with enjoying every day. Remember that every day gives us the opportunity to change a lot in our lives, to rethink a lot, gives us time to develop. I wish you to live every day in such a way as to receive the maximum amount of positive emotions. Let this day be no exception.


I wish you today, my angel, to finally open your wings folded behind your back and fly out into the sky. Feel again how the wind envelops your face, and the cities under you turn into toys.


I wish you a wonderful day today. May it pass quickly and cheerfully and bring you many creative ideas, victories and accomplishments. Let the whole day pass on an optimistic note. May success and good luck accompany you today in all your affairs. So that the authorities praised and raised the salary. May your guardian angel help you today and protect you from all adversity. Let the sun illuminate your path and warm with its rays. I wish you a great mood and cheerfulness for the whole day. Let this new day bring many new impressions, pleasant moments, many discoveries and bright emotions. Let all your plans come true, and everything will be successful!

Don't look at me with fear
Today I am kind and friendly,

To work in my garden!

Come to me collectively
On Saturdays for super pancakes!

To my dear son-in-law
Needed nothing
So that neither in summer nor in winter,
Didn't wander around idle.
So that you are lucky in everything
In love and money
So that neither night nor day,
You did not know laziness.
Congratulations, brother-in-law
Happy birthday to you
And I wish with all my heart
You inspiration!

May the holiday be happy, kind, bright,
And the soul will not be bitter from wine,
Let the wishes become sincere and hot,
And let luck settle into the house itself,
I wish you happiness and success
Beautiful songs, happiness and warmth,
Let the brightness of laughter not cease in the house,
So that life is beautiful, joyful!

Congratulations son-in-law
Take from mother-in-law.
You have become like a son to me,
Give me a kiss, smack
And on the other cheek!
All the best to you
I wish very much
At leisure and at work,
Wherever you are, everywhere
Be happy, son!

Two roads, two paths
We were able to find love
And they bought a son-in-law
Like a gift from fate itself.
May the Lord keep you
And our glorious bright family,
You are the head of the son-in-law family,
Our man, our son.
Happy birthday dear
Our beloved, dear,
Smile and live
Give us grandchildren.

On your birthday, son-in-law, hello,
Be healthy and cheerful
Vigorous life for many years
Music and songs!

Funny congratulations to the son-in-law happy birthday

I wish now my own son-in-law
Do not waste your masculine charm on trifles.
To love a spouse - in the sense of my daughter,
Health to spend only on the family.

Bondage is forestier for others to hunt,
You remember: you have a family, work.
Let friends rush to the football match,
But you are not with them - you have a family.

Let others have barbecue, ear and bite,
But you're not ready to betray your family.
Well, in general, to make life easier,
Decide everything yourself and listen to your mother-in-law less!

When such a son-in-law is near,
Grace is everywhere in the house,
You son-in-law do not lose heart
Accept congratulations!

I wish you son-in-law
All decisions light,
To live together as a family,
Never to grieve!

Always be a man
Let the years color you
Don't be sad, don't be sad
Let the capital grow!

Son-in-law and mother-in-law in a joke -
How can you not joke here.
Well, we will break this stamp -
We will live together with the son-in-law.

I wish you a birthday
Strong affectionate love.
May prosperity and health
Your years will run.

Let the wife - my daughter -
It will be happiness for you.
May there always be a reason
You please me.

Zyatek, how would it be in life
Easier for all men
To marry ladies
But not a single mother-in-law to boot!
But that fantasies are empty,
I want to always be strong
Do not give up at the mercy of the mother-in-law,
Granite will not exude water!

Happy birthday we son-in-law
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
We give toasts and hugs,
We wish you to live long in happiness,

Do not be sad, do not know adversity,
overcome troubles,
increase income,
Don't know defeat

Respect and care
To give to a dear family,
Let work be a joy
Don't have to grieve!

Funny short congratulations to son-in-law happy birthday

Don't look at me with fear
Today I am kind and friendly,
Well, what are you hiding, dear, in a corner,
Do you hope to become inconspicuous?

Happy birthday, my priceless son-in-law,
Let health not fail you
To be big, healthy,
To work in my garden!

Let the salary grow actively,
And let there be no war in the family,
Come to me collectively
On Saturdays for super pancakes!

My son-in-law, dear,
Accept congratulations
From my beloved mother-in-law
I wish you fun!

Success, prosperity,
Health and happiness!
Love without a trace
And so that without bad weather.

May wishes come true
And joy will come.
Troubles will be forgotten
The sun will rise!

Boy, you're not stupid at all
I knew where to find happiness.
Happy birthday, don't miss
My dear, beloved son-in-law!

The Siberian forest is far from us,
Autumn is long overdue...
I shout "ay" to you, son-in-law!
You are thirty-eight today!

You are a hot blooded guy
Let dreams come true
Let the fish peck every time
Your forest will be rich!

In your heart you are a noble "homebody",
So let the family know no trouble!
Let comfort reign in the house
Let everyone love you and wait!

Happy birthday, son-in-law!
Cheers to you, friend!
You have us, which means
You won't be alone.
You are our friend and brother and son,
Be always healthy, love,
Be a cheerful optimist
Stay young.
We wish you
Happiness and good luck in fate,
And let everything be cool
Both at work and in the family!

Son-in-law is happiness and joy in the family,
A son-in-law is a kind and strong helper,
Son-in-law, I wish you on your birthday
To be the most frisky, powerful man.
Find reciprocity with our daughter,
Joy and happiness awaits you ahead,
You are very smart, she is golden,
We wish you happiness without end and edge.

Happy birthday, dear brother-in-law!
You are in the opinion of the mother-in-law
Well done - neither give nor take -
(And) with a wallet not skinny!
Only you are valuable to us
Not at all powerful
And the radiance of kind eyes
And big soul!
On your birthday, we
We wish you all the best
Happiness, joy in fate -
Without end, without end!

Funny funny congratulations to son-in-law happy birthday

We wish our beloved son-in-law a lot:
Led to the house without traffic jams road.
The sweet wife did not run out of flowers,
Her to make everyone's dreams come true.

And I would take care of everything, everything on myself
And your whole family shone with happiness!
But seriously, removing the humor,
We have the best son-in-law in the world!

Dressed up for the parade
You, son-in-law, an aristocrat,
Kind of clean cool
The raspals fall in a row!
To feed for nothing
In any tavern, brothers,
You drank men's drinks,
But healthy to be very!

Happy birthday my son-in-law!
Jack of all trades,
He knows everything and knows everything
And it succeeds everywhere!

Being my son-in-law is not easy, I know
My character is very difficult.
But you're great, I respect you
Managed to adapt to life with me!

Zatek, happy birthday! Health and happiness,
Career growth, patience, love!
And if problems suddenly occur,
We will solve them, come to me!

I am grateful to you for the grandchildren, for the daughter,
I do not wish a different fate for them.
Perhaps you are the best! She said, period.
Now pour. Happy birthday, dear!

I approve my daughter's choice
I congratulate you today
You are worthy of my daughter
And the man is very slim

You are always natural
And often you are solemn
Very romantic for my daughter
And optimistic for me
Oh, we have you energetic
And naturally logical
So God bless you
And high spirits.

Let someone's son-in-law splinter
Well, you are like a son to me.
You will understand everything without question
After all, you are the commander in the house.

My daughter is happy with you -
This is the main argument.
I wish you a birthday
positive change.

Funny funny congratulations to son-in-law happy birthday

Happy birthday, dear brother-in-law!
Let me kiss you!
Let me shake your hand
How I love you!

Happiness, my precious son-in-law,
Treasure for my daughter is priceless!
Be lucky, cheerful, cool,
Let there be comfort in the house

And a big bowl of borscht,
Happy birthday, our joy!

I congratulate my beloved son-in-law
And I say from the bottom of my heart
What do I wish you on your birthday
Happiness, love and give
Our warmth and gifts, of course,
Boldly go through life
May she be happy, successful,
And take care of our daughter!

What do you wish, son-in-law?
There is a good word: son!
I accept you as a son
I trust you my daughter
Love her, don't hate her
Help the family more often.
I wish you love, consent.
Let bad weather pass by.
Don't get irritated over trifles.
I wish you children in your life
Don't delay, hurry up!
After all, children in life are not a hindrance,
And to me, in old age, joy.

Dear beloved son-in-law,
What do you wish us?
Save a lot of money
And always be healthy
Always live happily
Never get angry
And love your wife
Always give her flowers!

With all my heart, son-in-law, congratulations,
We wish you joy, good luck and fun,
So that tomorrow morning a slight hangover,
Reminds me of the holiday without a doubt.

Zyatek, hello to you from your mother-in-law,
Happy angel day to you, dear,
Live happily and long
Always be yourself!

I send you love from my heart
My wishes for a good day!
Let the sun smile at you from the sky
Rays of kindness warming the window.

May good luck and luck be with you,
May your mood be wonderful.
Accept this verse from me with a smile.
Everything gonna be alright! Have a good day!

Good morning. Have a good day.
Catch a positive charge from me.
Let everything work out, everything works out
Luck may come easily into your hands.

Do not try to be sad, smile wider,
After all, there is so much beauty in the world.
I love you very much, dear sun,
And I look forward to meeting you.

My beloved little man, my joy, I wish you good morning, a wonderful mood and bright inspiration. May the day be successful and easy, happy and joyful. I kiss you and hug you tightly.

May it bring you good luck
This most beautiful day
May all questions and tasks
Decide quickly, in an hour!

I wish you a lot of positive
More energy and strength!
Spend this day happily
To give joy every moment!

Let the day start positively
Filled with bright sunshine
Let it pass actively
And everything will be fine in life!

I wish that all-all plans
Into reality just embodied
So that feelings are a joyful fountain
They burst brightly from the heart!

Hello! How is your day? How are you?
I wish you good luck
So that everything works out, so that it is easy
And to be lucky in everything today.

I'm with you in my thoughts, with you in my soul,
I will give you a positive attitude.
You are the sun, happiness, you are everything to me.
See you! Kiss. Have a good day!

I wish you a wonderful day.
May success never leave you.
Let the day be pleasant, active,
Light, bright, very productive.

Guardian angel will take care
So that the offender disappears and the tormentor.
The sun's ray will not leave a shadow,
Let there be neither sadness nor laziness.

I only wish you luck, love
And of course have a nice day!

Let the day be good
Good luck find you!
May all people be kind
With whom this day will bring!

Let the smile be radiant
Shines brighter than the sun today!
You accept the world gratefully
And all good things will come back to you!

I wish you a bright mood
Just charge everyone in the area!
Let both goals and aspirations
Fate brings out without interference!

Let this day go by smoothly
Let it be easy every hour
May it be filled with happiness
And a bunch of pleasant phrases.

Let all plans come true
Unnecessary running will slow down...
I wish you a good day
You, beloved person.

Gentle light paints the morning
Your lovely eyes...
My happiness, my miracle
I want to tell you:

May your day go well
And give only success
Do not be sad in vain -
There will be joy without interference!

May this day be wonderful
As sweet and gentle as you are.
Let the breeze with a light breath
You will be swirled in a dance of warmth.

Let your ideas, beginnings,
My love, they will lead to success,
May your efforts be rewarded
Well, let the soul and heart sing.

Looking for wishes for a good day to your beloved, beloved (man, woman, girl, boyfriend)? You can find them here on Fani-Hani's website! We have presented the best selections of poems and wishes in prose for any occasion, including wishes for a good day. Choose the ones you like and send it via SMS. Especially if you are apart. Your soulmate, friend, husband, wife will be delighted to receive a sincere poem wishing you a good day. You can also hand over the wish personally, or make a small pleasant surprise. Write out a wish for a good (good) day on a postcard, paper and hand it over personally, send it in the form of a letter or leave it on your pillow in the morning. This little nice gesture will cheer you up for the whole day. Please your family and friends more often, and our site will help you with this!


Good morning. Have a good day.
Catch a positive charge from me.
Let everything work out, everything works out
Luck may come easily into your hands.

Do not try to be sad, smile wider
After all, there is so much beauty in the world.
I love you very much, dear sun,
And I look forward to meeting you.


My beloved little man, my joy, I wish you a good morning, a wonderful mood and bright inspiration. May the day be successful and easy, happy and joyful. I kiss you and hug you tightly.


Have a good day
Light and warm
Clear, nice...
Well, just good.

To avoid sadness
gloomy mood,
I send gentle hugs

And good luck
Let it accompany everything
Bad luck is bad
Completely absent.


I wish you only a good day
And if suddenly something, you remember me,
How I smile, I tell you
About how much I love you!

Then the mood will fly up immediately,
And great success awaits you
Let your eyes shine with happiness today,
After all, our love will create miracles!


Hello! How is your day? What's up?
I wish you good luck
To make everything work, to make it easy
And to be lucky today.

I'm with you in my thoughts, with you in my soul,
I will give you a positive vibe.
You are the sun, happiness, you are everything to me.
See you! Whole. Have a good day!

Wish sms good day beloved, beloved


Let this day go by smoothly
Let it be easy every hour
May it be filled with happiness
And a bunch of nice phrases.

May all plans come true
Unnecessary running will slow down...
I wish you a good day
You, beloved person.


May the day go well
Your success will multiply
The weather will be clear
The most beautiful life!

Let troubles-sorrows
Forgotten in a moment
Let the day be like a holiday
Filled with nothing but happiness.


Whatever the weather is now,
No matter what problems swarm around,
Let the sadness not touch your eyes.
Rejoice in the day that it has happened again.

Paint it with watercolors of emotions,
Scatter-ka and sequin a little fun.
And let the bright sun into your soul.
Have a good day! And enjoyment for an hour.


Let there be a lot of positive
Do not know sadness and anxiety!
Let the prospects open
On this wonderful day!

I wish you a lot of luck
For success to find you
And colorful mood
To have a great day!


May this day be wonderful
As sweet and gentle as you are.
Let the breeze with a light breath
You will spin in a dance of warmth.

May your ideas, undertakings,
My love, they will lead to success,
May your efforts be rewarded
Well, let the soul and heart sing.

SMS wish a good day to your beloved, beloved


Gentle light paints the morning
Your lovely eyes...
My happiness, my miracle
I want to tell you:

May your day go well
And will give only success
I do not miss in vain -
There will be joy without interference!


I wish you a wonderful day
And have a good morning.
May the sun shine brightly on you today
The impossible becomes possible!


I sincerely wish you a pleasant, successful and good day. May it be fruitful and rich. Let it be possible to realize all plans and desires. May this day bring only joy, good luck and good emotions.


Accept as a gift from me:
"Have a nice day today!"
And let a simple wish
Hear clearly the universe.
May the road be smooth
Let there be not a lot of things,
The weather will be just heaven
Let happiness overflow
Luck guides the way
And nowhere to turn from it!


I wish you a good day
May you succeed without any problems
Remember me with a happy smile
After all, I love you so much, bright sun!

Let this day be colorful
Fill it with your rainbow light
Let your angel keep you from troubles,
Flying always right after you!

Good morning wishes and good day


May this day be successful
May this day be good!
May it bring you only joy
Let him be the best!

Let him give you a smile
It will go easily and carefree.
Let it leave in your memory
After myself, only happiness notes!


May your day be sunny and clear
Let the ray of the sun shine with warmth.
I want to congratulate you on a good morning,
Good morning and good day.

In all matters of good luck and luck,
Be patient if things go wrong.
Smiles, happiness, laughter, mood
And all worldly pleasant blessings to you.


I wanted to wish
The mood of the living
Don't get bored and don't get bored
Happiness and all.

Be always positive.
Remember I love you.
Smile beautifully.
Have a wonderful day!


May the day be good
Good luck find you!
May all people be good
With what this day will reduce!

Let the smile be radiant
Shines brighter than the sun today!
You accept the world gratefully
And all good things will come back to you!

I wish you a bright mood
Just charge everyone in the area!
Let both goals and aspirations
There will be no obstacles!


I wish you a happy day
Live today brightly and happily!
Let the colorful flow of emotions
Fill your life with goodness and positivity!

I wish that plans and all goals
Came true very simply, without difficulty,
To make your eyes shine with sunshine
May success always await you!

Good day wishes for a man/woman


Have a nice day,
Smiles, kindness and luck.
May this day give you
Good luck, love and inspiration.

Have a nice day and bright moments,
Today I wish you
Just don't get mad, just believe
There are no people like you.

Believe in my sincerity and kindness,
And in the most tender feelings
Have a nice day, good luck in business,
And never be sad!


I wish you a good day
Dear heart man!
May the day not be in vain
Let success be in business!

Let there be no problems today
The mood will be great.
Nothing will be spoiled
Have a great day baby!


Good morning! Have a nice day,
Bright smiles and in the heart of fire,
Warm hugs, good luck in business.
Wings of success - wide scope!

Happiness, good to you, loved ones, on this day!
Let idleness and laziness bypass you,
Let words not diverge from deeds.
I wish you a peaceful sky!


My joy, I wish you the most beautiful and good day. May everything work out for you! May all your goals be successfully achieved, may you have high enthusiasm and good mood all day long, self-confidence and good luck in everything. Love you.


Have a nice day
I sincerely wish
To not get tired of things

And let it soar in the air
On your way reigns
Only luck.

Funny wishes for a good day in verse


I wish you a good day
To make him happy in the morning
Everything will work out, I know!
The day will be simple - beauty!

To fill with smiles.
He brought a lot of happiness to the house.
Colors diluted afternoon tea.
The evening presented a fairy tale.


I wish you a good day
To have no worries.
Everything will work out, I know
If you believe in advance.

Let the work argue
Friends rejoice.
And success a hundredfold!
Hug. I.


I wish you a wonderful day.
May success never leave you.
Let the day be pleasant, active,
Light, bright, very productive.

Guardian angel will take care
So that the offender disappears and the tormentor.
The ray of the sun will not leave a shadow,
Let there be neither sadness nor laziness.

I only wish you luck, love
And of course have a nice day!


May the day bring joy and luck
And also positive, mood
Vivid impressions and ideas,
Meet good and kind people.

Take luck by the hand
After all, together with her you are on the way,
Do not be nervous, do not be offended in vain,
Have a nice day.


Let the sun shine on you clearly
I wish you joy, warmth,
Let everything be just wonderful
Let all things work out!

Let the smile bloom
On your clear face!
And whatever the soul desires
Fulfilled today!

good day poems


Let the sun shine today
Warm and clear for you
Everything in the world succeeds
The mood will be great.

You'll see, it's a good day
It will, I know for sure
After all, love is in your hands
I am happy to send.


May it bring you good luck
This beautiful day
May all questions and tasks
Decided quickly, in an hour!

I wish you a lot of positive
More energy and strength!
Spend this day happily
To give joy every moment!


May the day bring good luck
Let only joy be in him,
Let everything inside you sing
From happiness a strange nightingale,
Let your boring hours
Minutes suddenly turn
And may yours be pleasant
A well deserved leisure!


Luck be with you today
And every moment will be joyful!
Remember, only you control fate,
But still, always hope for a miracle!

Today all dreams will come true
Believe in yourself, because I believe in yours!
The world is full of smiles, love, kindness,
Just open your doors for him!


I want to wish my loved one a good day! So that only nice people surround you today. So that there is a lot of joy, successful deeds, good events and interesting news. I love you my golden!

Good morning and good day wishes


My love, let this day
It will only bring you joy
Your face will not be touched by the shadow
Sadness, unwanted worries.

Let the mood be cool
In everything there is success,
Does not leave inspiration.
Don't forget - you are the best!


Have a nice day,
Promise not to miss me
May the day be bright, light and clear,
To make everything work out great today!


May the day be successful
And warm weather.
Let all matters be resolved
And adversity will pass.

In the morning chill
A good day will come.
You will smile
Bloom like a lilac.


Smile, let this day
Will be bright, full of good luck!
Let the light burn in the eyes
And all tasks will be solved easily!

Let love help you
Make dreams come true!
Let a smile shine on your face
Life will be full of good!


Let the day start positively
Filled with bright sunshine
Let it be active
And everything will be fine in life!

I wish that all-all plans
Into reality just embodied
To feel like a joyful fountain
They burst brightly from the heart!


You are the giver of life
The life that is doomed with happiness!
And all the soul goes up
And heart to heart flies!

So let this good day
You open the door to joy
Let the shadow illuminate with happiness
I missed you in my heart.


Hope this happy day
It will give you a lot of positive
Let the bright light burn in the eyes,
Walk stubbornly and beautifully towards your dreams!

Today the whole world is open for you
May all your dreams come true without interference!
Let confidence reign in the soul
What a great success awaits you!


May luck be with you
Walks strictly on the heels!
Don't sit still, don't stand
Go ahead with your dreams!

Smile loved ones,
Raise your neighbor's mood
Give joy to colleagues
Love the whole world, without exception!

I wish your day
Was full of happiness and fun
Without sadness, all kinds of worries,
So that life gives pleasure!


I wish you a good day.
Let everything work out, what is in your plans.
Everything will go well, I know for sure
I have no doubt about that!


I send you love from my heart
My wishes for a good day!
Let the sun smile at you from the sky,
Rays of kindness warming the window.

May good luck and luck be with you,
May your mood be wonderful.
Accept this verse from me with a smile.
Everything gonna be alright! Have a good day!

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