Planet in plastic packaging project. How to rid the planet of garbage - new technologies and experience of the USSR. Mountains of plastic bottles

The educational project is addressed to students in grades 7-11 for a deeper acquaintance with the subjects "Chemistry", "Biology", "Geography".



Project theme: "Planet in plastic packaging"

Methodical presentation:

  1. Introduction;
  2. Methodological passport of the educational project;
  3. Project implementation;
  4. Findings;
  5. Student submissions in a learning project.

1. Introduction:

The theme of the project was chosen taking into account the educational situation in the subject of geography, biology, chemistry to deepen knowledge and apply them in life.


  1. by type of activity - search;
  2. by the nature of the subject-content area - ecological;
  3. by the nature of contacts - long (1 academic year).

2. Methodological passport of the educational project:

  • Addressing: The educational project is addressed to students in grades 7-11 for a deeper acquaintance with the subjects "Chemistry", "Biology", "Geography".


The educational project is included when studying the topics: "Interaction between man and nature" in grade 7, "Natures of Russia" in grade 8 and "Chemical industry" in grade 9. In the 10th grade when studying the topic: "Global problems of mankind."


Included in the topics "High-molecular compounds" grade 10, "Structure of matter" grade 11.


The educational project is included in the study of the following topics: “Prokaryotes” Grade 7, “Man and the Environment” Grade 8, “Relationship between Man and the Environment” Grade 9, “Cell” Grade 10, Grade 11 “Global Environmental Problems”.

  • Topics of the educational and thematic plan of the subject:


Interaction of human society and nature (Grade 7);

Biological resources, protection of flora and fauna. (Grade 8)

Chemical industry (grade 9)

Global problems of mankind (grades 10-11);


Diversity, structural features and origin of prokaryotic organisms (Grade 7)

Man and his health (Grade 8)

Biosphere and man (grade 9)

The structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (Grade 10)

Biosphere and man (Grade 11)


Polymers (Grade 11)

Biopolymers. Organic and inorganic polymers. Reactions of polymerization and polycondensation (grade 10)

  • Educational, developmental, educational goals and objectives:

1. Involvement of students in various activities and independent acquisition of new knowledge;

2. Introducing students to understanding the environmental problems of our time;

3. Individual organization of students' activities and development of communication skills through work in small groups;

4. Formation of skills to logically build forecasts, projects, defend and argue your point of view

5. To form a positive emotional and aesthetic experience of students.

6. Expanding horizons and developing interest in school subjects.

  • Age of students– 9-10 grade.
  • Project time- 1 academic year.

3. Security:

  • Material and technical equipment and information support:

A computer.

Video camera


Photos from areas contaminated with plastic waste

Photos of plastic bottle recycling plant

Laboratory equipment and chemicals

Exhibition of samples of plastic packaging material

Samples of recycled plastic bottles

Video material - interviews with city residents and housing and communal services workers

Additional attracted information resources: reference materials, Internet resources.

  • General academic skills required for students to work on the project: the impact of pollution on the environment.
  • Motivation to work:

Search for the causes of environmental pollution;

What is the impact of packaging material on the environment

Ways to recycle plastic waste.

4. Status of the educational project:

  • Project authors - 9th and 10th grade students.

Solyanova Ksenia 10th grade

Erokhin Vladislav Grade 10

Rybalsky Kirill Grade 10

Kazakova Maria 10th grade

Tenchurina Victoria Grade 10

Karpushov Maxim 9 "b" class.

Sborshchikova Victoria 10 cells.

Pavlishina Polina 9 "b" class.

Klygin Anton 9 "b" class.

Geography teacher - Panfilova T.I.

Biology teacher - Trishkina O.V.

Chemistry teacher - Zaletova O. M.

  • User experience- in educational activities;
  • Degree of distribution: FKOU secondary school named after A.N. Radishchev, Kuznetsk-12.

5. Implementation of the project:

Work on the project began with an excursion into nature with 9th grade students. We saw the degree of pollution of the forest area of ​​our city with plastic waste, which greatly changed its appearance. This led to the idea of ​​studying the issues of creating packaging material from plastic, its impact on the biosphere and ways of recycling plastic waste.

"That bird is bad,

who pollutes her nest"

(folk proverb).

Have all mankind and each of us become like this bird?

In September of this academic year, we traditionally went on an excursion into nature in order to study water, air and soil. Every time we see a serious anthropogenic impact - large piles of garbage, the basis of which is plastic packaging. And we wondered if our planet would be completely wrapped in plastic. Do we really need such packaging, why does it accumulate so much in the environment, is there a possibility of recycling it at the present time?

For man, as for any species, nature is the environment of life and the source of existence. Currently, environmental problems are a very acute issue. People especially suffer from pollution by industrial waste.

We tried to answer these questions in the course of our work.

One of the main sources of pollution is the products of the chemical industry, which is the "locomotive" of scientific and technological progress. The uniqueness of this industry lies in the fact that with its help people can create materials that do not exist in nature. The product range of the chemical industry is plastics, synthetic resins, synthetic rubber and polymers, etc.

Our study began with an integrated lesson in geography, chemistry and biology, which introduced the production of plastics. Then, using Internet resources, the students got acquainted with the production of plastic packaging (plastic bottles). The children studied in great detail the production of polyethylene terephthalate and its products. Different types of containers (plastic and glass) were compared, advantages and disadvantages were revealed. At first glance, plastic packaging is an excellent packaging material. But the amount of plastic packaging is increasing every year not only in production, but also in waste. Plastic products are thrown into nature as waste, in the amount of 260 million tons. in year. Plastic waste as household waste heavily pollutes the surface of the entire earth, they are carried by rivers and streams into the oceans, forming giant floating islands. Which cause significant damage to the Earth's ecosystem. We have proven that the chemical industry is not only a vanguard industry, but also an environmental disaster.

Based on the integrated lesson, the idea arose to study in more detail the impact of plastic waste on the Earth's ecology and present the material in the form of a project. Working groups were created, the participants of which showed the results of the research in the form of presentation reports.

The first group conducted a raid on the outskirts of our city. The guys took pictures of the resting places of the townspeople. Most of the trash found was plastic bottles. Then they conducted a social survey of housing and communal services workers and residents of the city. The report was presented in the form of a video report.

The second group investigated the impact of plastic waste on the environment. The guys presented material on the pollution of land and the oceans. They showed the threat to living organisms from plastic waste (bottles, corks, disposable syringes, bags, etc.), which cause the death of marine and terrestrial animals. Getting acquainted with the material, they found that nature itself activated evolutionary mechanisms and began to "create" bacteria that "eat" plastic.

Another group of students explored the possibility of recycling plastic waste. They got acquainted with the Resurs LLC plastic bottle processing plant, which is located on the territory of the Penza region in the village of Chaadaevka, at which 100 tons of bottles are processed per month. This is an excellent raw material for the production of paving slabs, packaging tape, brooms and accessories for kitchen sets.

Students presented a research report on a given topic in the form of a report, video material and presentations at a scientific and practical conference of students from their school.

We students, the new generation, want to know what the future holds for us.

We want to offer people to live more rationally:

  • use only environmentally friendly type of packaging material;
  • clean and waste-free production;

Changes in the natural environment that are unfavorable for mankind can be eliminated using modern achievements.

If each of us begins to take care of nature at least at the household level, then we can reduce the negative impact on the planet.


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"Planet in plastic packaging" Conference


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Advantages of plastic packaging over other types of packaging

Scope of plastic packaging Boxes Cubic containers Barrels and cans Canisters Bottles and cans Cube containers Containers Waste containers Pallets (pallets) Buckets and cans

glass 1. Heavy 2. Transparent 3. Colors - brown or green 4. Breaks during transportation 5. Recyclable 6. Shelf life of products in containers - many years

plastic 1. Weighs about 28 g 2. Transparent 3. Attractive appearance 4. Can be painted in various colors 5. Comfortable to hold in hands 6. Does not break during transportation 7. Recyclable 8. Shelf life of products in containers is 2 weeks according to German standards, in Russia - up to 3 months. 9. In the light, it passes ultraviolet rays and oxygen inward, and carbon dioxide outward.

Is it useful to use plastic? Today, when we drink drinks from plastic bottles, coffee from plastic cups, we snack on the go from plastic plates with plastic forks. When water runs into our houses through plastic pipes, and the walls are pasted over with plastic panels, in a word, when “the plastic world has won”, it would be reasonable to ask the question, how safe is it all? .. .


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GARBAGE NEAR US Photoshoot from places of "rest" of residents of the city of Kuznetsk - 12

In our town there is such a problem as unorganized waste disposal. We often witness how garbage is not thrown into bins or special containers, but right under our feet or into the bushes. We invite you to visit the resting places of our citizens

Each person throws out about 400 kg of household waste per year, which contains food waste - 40%, waste paper - 15%, textiles - 5%, wood - 5%, household appliances - 0.5%, plastic - 20%, scrap metal - 3 %, glass - 3%. And that's just the garbage that ended up in landfills. And how much of this garbage is thrown out in the forest belt, on roadsides and other places? Let's get a look!

At the House of Officers

Behind the officer's house

Pavilion "Sura"

Walkway to the stadium

In the woods behind the cafe "Beehive"

On the way to the garages

On the shore of a picturesque lake

Behind the bench in the stadium

Appeal to residents: Yes, it is possible to change the trend of increasing garbage thrown out by each individual resident of the town. But it is in our power to stop throwing garbage at our feet, first of all polluting our native and beloved city of Kuznetsk -12.


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Recycling plastic bottles

In Russia, PET bottles are not recycled en masse. In 2008, in the village of Chaadaevka, Penza region, LLC (open company with limited liability) "Promupakovka" was established for the processing of plastic bottles.

This is where used plastic bottles are transformed from recycled into a new product.

Initially, the bottles are crushed and washed. They produce flake - plastic flakes. Crushed plastic bottles are chemically decomposed into their constituent parts.

1 The granules are used to make packaging tape. The company processes 100 tons of bottles per month and receives 70 tons of packaging tape every month, that is, about 1,000 tons of products per year.

Standard tape width - 12 mm, thickness - 1 mm. Its strength allows you to hold a maximum weight of 1,400 kg. These products are sold in: Kazan, Samara, Voronezh, Tambov, Saransk, Tolyatti, Ulyanovsk, Volgograd, Syktyvkar, Moscow.

1 It is noteworthy that plastic bottle caps are used for the production of car tires, ceramic tiles, in which plastic is used as a binder instead of cement. It is with such tiles that many territories and sidewalks of the city of Penza and the region are laid out. They also produce other commercial products.

1 PET granules are also used in other industries. And from it a good raw material is obtained for the textile industry, the manufacture of tiles. From recycled PET, after adding fiberglass to it, abrasive wheels are produced for grinding and polishing. The company "Ford" casts engine covers for trucks, and "Toyota" - panels, bumpers, doors for cars from polymer compositions containing recycled PET.

Less and less nature, More and more environment! Robert Rozhdestvensky


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Shugurov Alexander

Yakupova Kamila

Maltseva Julia Arkhipov Mikhail

Klygin Anton Makarenko Kirill

Melnikov Daniil Golovanova Alina

Karpushov Maxim


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Favorite city - Kuznetsk -12

The conference was prepared and held by: 1 . Kazakova Maria 2. Sborshchikova Victoria 3. Erokhin Vladislav 4. Rybalsky Kirill 5. Solyanova Ksenia 6. Tenchurina Victoria 7. Pavlishina Polina 8. Karpushov Maxim 9. Klygin Anton 10. Teachers: Zaletova O.M., Trishkina O.V., Panfilova T.I.


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Developed by: 10th grade student Ksenia Solyanova Checked by: chemistry teacher Zaletova O.M.

What is plastic The history of plastic The difference between polymer and plastic and its production The use of celluloid The basis for the production of synthetic plastics Polymerization Polycondensation

The first plastic was obtained by the English inventor Alexander Parkes in 1855. Parkes named it parkesine (later celluloid). The development of plastics began with the use of natural plastic materials. Then continued with the use of chemically modified natural materials


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The impact of modern packaging on the environment Less and less environment, More and more environment! Robert Rozhdestvensky

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) argue that various toxins enter the human body through plastic utensils and packaging for various food products. Stylish, colorful and original packaging for any product is a kind of fashionable and spectacular branded clothing, as well as a guarantee of the efforts and costs invested in the production of products. Statistics proves the fact that well-designed products in high-quality packaging are sold much easier and more expensive than similar products in “gray and faceless” packaging, or without it at all.

MOSCOW, November 10 - RIA Novosti. Valery Spiridonov, the first candidate for a head transplant, talks about how the land and oceans of the Earth are rapidly "overgrown" with plastic debris, how it affects the functioning of ecosystems and how it can be combated.

The era of plastic

Often, the modern benefits of civilization create not only convenience for people, but also cause irreparable damage to nature. In the last 10 years alone, more plastic products have been produced worldwide than in the previous century.

Disposable tableware, bags, packaging, bottles and various containers are the most common types of plastic waste that we "produce" every day. Only five percent of its volume is ultimately recycled and reused in everyday life and life.

Plastic causes serious damage to the environment, from its production to disposal. Factories producing plastic products release up to 400 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per year, and approximately 800 species of animals are now under threat of extinction due to eating and poisoning with plastic.

Disposable bags clog city sewer systems and create flood threats, plastic debris litter beaches and recreational coastal areas, hurting the tourism industry.

The soil

Scientists: Stomachs of 90% of seabirds were filled with plasticOceanologists conducted a large-scale study of the diet of seabirds, which unexpectedly showed that the stomachs of 90% of sea birds contain particles of plastic, which indicates a greater scale of plastic pollution in the sea than previously thought.

It is known that plastic decomposes for about two hundred years. Once in the ground, plastics break down into small particles and begin to release chemicals added to them during production into the environment. It can be chlorine, various chemicals, such as toxic or carcinogenic flame retardants.

Microgranules of plastic and its chemicals seep through the groundwater to the nearest water sources, which often leads to the mass death of animals.


According to UN environmentalists, about 13 million tons of plastic waste enters the ocean every year.

Attempts to stop the catastrophic trend have been going on since the middle of the 20th century. Even then, environmentalists sounded the alarm about the growing "Great Garbage Patch", which currently, according to various estimates, covers up to one percent of the Pacific Ocean.

According to forecasts by the British Ellen MacArthur Foundation, by 2025 for every three kilograms of fish in the world's oceans there will be a kilogram of garbage, and by 2050 the mass of waste will be higher than the combined weight of all fish on Earth.

Plastic makes up 80 percent of all debris in the world's oceans. Under the influence of sunlight, it breaks down into small particles. Plastic microgranules accumulate persistent toxic substances on their surface.

Undecomposed plastic bags end up in the stomachs of marine mammals and birds. Ecologists have calculated that tens of thousands of birds, whales, seals, and turtles die from this every year. Animals die of suffocation, or indigestible debris accumulates in their stomachs and interferes with their work.

The result is that the same waste that we throw away is returned to us back on the dining table along with food or water.

Salt is no longer

Recent studies by scientists confirm that these fears are well founded. For example, NYU professor Sherry Mason argues that plastic is already everywhere: "In the air, in the water, in the seafood, in the beer we drink, in the salt we use."

In his work, the scientist examined 12 different types of salt from grocery stores around the world. The found particles of plastic indicate that people constantly consume it in food. The calculation showed that Americans eat over 660 plastic particles a year, with an average recommended salt intake of 2.3 grams per day. The consequences of plastic consumption for human health are still little studied, but it is undoubted that it has a negative impact, as it does on any living organism.

Spanish ecologists have also found microplastics in two dozen samples of table salt. Most often, they found in them polyethylene terephthalate, a polymer used in the production of plastic bottles. Another international team of scientists has found other types of plastic in salt, such as polyethylene and polypropylene.

Sources of pollution

According to environmentalists today, China is the leader in pollution of the world's oceans. It is followed by other Asian countries - Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The inhabitants of the sea coast in these states do not always care about its cleanliness and all the garbage here, as a rule, ends up in the ocean.

The total number of daily discarded plastic products in the US, EU, Norway and China reaches 37 thousand tons, in Russia - no more than 10 thousand tons. Existing plastic recycling technologies can only partially solve the environmental problem.

Legislative regulation

Proposals are being put forward for a consolidated international action plan to address the problem of plastic waste.

Experts from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) acknowledge that the problem has been exacerbated by prolonged inaction. Under the auspices of UNEP, the World Campaign to Combat Marine Litter has been launched.

An illustrative example is the Italian city of Capannori with a population of 46,700 people. In 2007, a zero waste strategy was introduced here. In ten years, the volume of garbage has been reduced by 40 percent. At the same time, only 18 percent of waste ends up in landfills.

It is worth noting that such a strategy requires certain investments and should include mechanisms for financing the fight against garbage. Alternatively, there is the "polluter pays" principle. For an industry with $750 billion in annual revenue, it could be quite effective.

More than 40 countries have established legal restrictions and bans on the use of plastic bags in their territories.

© AP Photo / Eric Risberg

© AP Photo / Eric Risberg

There are no such laws in Russia yet. According to current estimates by environmentalists and economists, Russian industrial enterprises produce approximately 26.5 billion plastic bags. If all of them were collected, then it would be possible to cover an area three times the size of Moscow.

In this regard, Greenpeace Russia launched the campaign "Package? - Thank you, no!" The purpose of the campaign is to call on the largest supermarket chains to abandon plastic bags. Anyone can support the program by sending a letter of appeal to retailers on the organization's website.

Personal culture of consumption

Every day we have an alternative: buy mineral water in a glass or plastic bottle, take disposable paper utensils or plastic plates for a picnic, use reusable shopping bags or shopping bags. Environmental concern or personal convenience? The choice determines the level of a person's self-consciousness.

Of course, such a culture in society is instilled over the years. The less each of us begins to use plastic in everyday life, the faster manufacturers will reduce its production. Don't choose "disposable" plastic solely because of its low price - often many plastic items can be replaced with reusable products made from more environmentally friendly materials.

For example, calculations by British analysts show that the reuse of plastic packaging will save up to 120 billion dollars every year. Decreasing plastic production, it seems to me, can increase the demand for more environmentally friendly reusable products from other raw materials and make them cheaper by increasing their mass production.

It is quite likely that we will be able to turn the tide in a few years and stop or at least slow down the environmental catastrophe.

There are other futuristic views on pollution problems. According to some scientists, irreversible changes are already taking place on our planet, we are threatened by a shortage of drinking water, global warming and other things that will make the Earth unsuitable for human life.

Some of them suggest not to look for new ways to save the Earth, but to focus on finding new planets that are most suitable for the resettlement of mankind. Even leaving aside questions of ethics and morality, it seems to me that such a path is not reasonable from a strategic point of view. It’s easier to put your “beautiful and well-equipped house” in order by cleaning it than to build and settle in a new one.

Plastic pollution of the planet has reached incredible proportions. As a result, manufacturers have realized their responsibility, and the governments of a number of countries have taken active steps in the fight against plastic. Almost every day you can see the news that another country, city or company refuses plastic and, first of all, disposable products. 40 states have already joined the anti-plastic campaign. Recycle has collected the most striking examples of the fight against plastic pollution.

Plastic bag ban in Kenya

Kenya has become known for enacting the most stringent plastic bag ban in the world. For using the package, you can get a fine of 32,500 euros or a prison term of up to four years.

Now the authorities are claiming victory, and their success is so impressive that other East African countries such as Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and South Sudan want to follow Kenya's lead.

The Minister of the Environment says that the attitude of manufacturers has changed markedly: “Now companies themselves turn to us and offer new solutions”. PET bottles are next in line for the government, and interested companies are already proposing a management scheme to help organize the collection and recycling of bottles.

Single-use plastic ban in the European Union

The European Union will introduce a ban on single-use plastic utensils, as well as a fee of 80 cents per kilogram of unsuitable for recycling waste.

In particular, it is proposed to ban disposable tableware, cutlery, drinking straws, cotton swabs and plastic balloon holders. In addition, restrictions may also apply to plastic packaging for food sold by takeaway eateries.

First of all, drinking straws and cotton buds will be banned.

EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger has proposed charging EU authorities 80 cents for every kilogram of plastic waste that is unsuitable for recycling. Such a measure can reduce the volume of plastic waste.

According to a study by the Cologne Institute for German Economics, every inhabitant of Germany annually produces 37 kilograms of plastic waste.

The ban will also apply to MEPs in Brussels. Thus, all plastic utensils will be removed from the dining room of the European Parliament in Brussels, and they will not drink water from plastic bottles at meetings.

Instead, more than 150 fountains with drinking water will be installed in the premises of the European Parliament. The phase-out of single-use plastic will begin in July 2019.

Single-use plastic ban in India

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that the country will be phasing out single-use plastic by 2022.

“The choices we make today will determine our future,” Modi said. “This choice will not be easy, but modern technology, global partnerships and awareness of the importance of the goal will help us achieve our goal. Let's stop plastic pollution together and make our planet a better place to live."

The situation with plastic pollution in India is now catastrophic, most of the plastic garbage ends up on the coast and beaches, in the country's rivers, and then into the ocean.

The second most populous country in the world still does not have a developed waste sorting and recycling system.

According to the Ministry of Urban Development, India generates 160,000 tons of garbage daily.

Since 2017, the capital of India, Delhi, has already banned the use of disposable plastic tableware, glasses, bags and other items. By 2022, this ban should extend to the entire country.

India's goals turned out to be too optimistic, according to the UN. For example, the UK is ready to phase out single-use plastic only by 2042.

UK ban on plastic straws and ear sticks

The British government intends to ban plastic straws and cocktail sticks, as well as ear sticks in England.

The UK plans to completely get rid of these plastic items by 2042 as part of a national strategy.

“Plastic waste is one of the biggest problems for the ecology that exists in the world, they are especially dangerous for the ocean,” British Prime Minister Theresa May said in this regard. “The UK government is the world leader on this issue and the British have shown enthusiasm and energy in welcoming our plastic bag tax and microparticulate ban.”

The government estimates that about 8.5 billion plastic straws are thrown away in the UK each year. They are particularly detrimental to marine animals and ocean ecology.

According to experts, by 2050 the volume of plastic waste produced will reach 12 billion tons.

About 60 UK independent music festivals have already said they plan to get rid of single-use plastic items by 2021, according to the BBC. In addition, a number of them have already promised that in 2018 festivals will no longer serve plastic straws for drinks.

Refusal to use plastic in hotels, shops and restaurants

A positive example was also contagious. Hotels, restaurant chains and large shopping centers have also announced that they will take part in the fight against single-use plastic.

For example, IKEA plans to stop selling and using single-use plastic in its stores and restaurants by 2020.

This will affect 363 of the company's stores and restaurants worldwide. In particular, they will gradually phase out or find sustainable replacements for drinking straws, disposable tableware, freezer bags, trash bags, and plastic-coated paper plates and cups.

By the end of 2018, 650 hotels of the international hotel chain Hilton will stop using plastic straws and bottles.

Thus, the company will become the first international hotel operator to abandon plastic products on such a large scale.

Representatives of the McDonald's chain also announced the refusal of plastic straws for drinks from the beginning of May 2018.

Moving away from drinking straws is in line with the company's plan to only use packaging from recyclable, renewable or certified sources in fast food chains by 2025.

Disneyland, Starbucks and other companies around the world are also planning to fight single-use plastic.

Plastic bag ban in Chile and Bolivia

Chile has become the first country in Latin America to legally ban the commercial use of plastic bags.

Under a new law passed by Chile's National Congress and signed into law by President Sebastian Piñera, small businesses in the country will be required to completely phase out the sale and use of plastic bags within two years.

Large companies are required to stop using plastic bags within the next six months. Violators of the law will have to pay a fine of $370.

Piñera said the new rules would be a great step towards a clean country.

“We want to move from a culture of single use, where everything is used and thrown away, to a healthy culture of recycling,” the president said.

Prior to this, the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, also called for the abandonment of the use of plastic bags.

“We have to get away from the consumer culture, we didn’t use such bags before, we are falling into Western culture,” Morales said during the signing of the law on waste management.

According to statistics, 3 billion plastic bags are used annually in Bolivia. The standard time for using each package is no more than 20 minutes.

Complete phasing out of single-use plastic in Costa Rica

Costa Rica could become the first country in the world to completely phase out non-recyclable plastic.

It is assumed that not only plastic bags and plastic containers will be banned, but also disposable tableware - in particular, plastic forks and plates, lids for coffee cups and other goods. According to plans, Costa Rica will get rid of plastic by 2021.

In Costa Rica, 4,000 tons of solid waste is produced daily, 20% of which is not recycled, but remains in the rivers of Costa Rica, on ocean beaches and in forests, polluting nature.

In addition to phasing out plastic, Costa Rica plans to neutralize carbon dioxide emissions by 2021 by switching to renewable energy sources.

Through investment in new technologies, the government plans to replace single-use plastic products with innovative ones.

Banning all single-use plastic on an island in the Caribbean

Dominica, a state located on one of the islands of the Caribbean Sea with an area of ​​​​754 square kilometers, will introduce a ban on the use of single-use plastic from January 1, 2019, reports

In particular, the ban will affect plastic straws, disposable tableware, including plates, knives and forks, as well as polystyrene mugs and containers.

The innovation was announced on Twitter

26.04.2012 - 23:37

It is said that plants and factories pollute the environment the most. Perhaps, if we talk about air, then this is true. However, household waste, which is generated by 7 billion inhabitants of the Earth, has flooded our planet already beyond measure ... What can each of us do to make the world cleaner? Read some useful tips and find out how the "garbage business" was in the USSR...

Mountains of plastic bottles

We go to the store, buy milk, meat, cottage cheese, bread, vegetables, fruits, soda, sweets and other products. By the end of the day, there are several plastic bottles, plastic bags, cans, boxes in our trash can. And so every day, month after month, year after year... Not only we, but also our neighbors, and millions of other people are machines for the production of garbage. All these disposable products of the chemical industry are sent to a landfill, where they burn, without ozonizing the atmosphere at all.

And thousands of factories are increasing their capacities, creating more and more new plastic bags, bottles, boxes ... Is it necessary to say that their work devours natural resources and pollutes water and air?

And this is another part of the trouble - plastic containers, which, as we know, cannot decompose, are already lying around in every corner, under every bush and tree - in all places where the owner of the planet walked.

Have you seen, at least in the picture, the Great Garbage Patch in the Atlantic Ocean? This is a huge amount of garbage, consisting mainly of plastic packaging thrown into the water. This heap contains more than a hundred tons of garbage!

However, let's not talk about the obvious - everyone knows perfectly well that our planet is threatened with an ecological catastrophe. Let's still find out how you can deal with garbage evil.

USSR - we have no garbage!

So, 70-80s, the Soviet Union, a small provincial town. Everyone went to the dairy store with a 3-liter can and a liter jar for sour cream, which served faithfully for years. Sometimes milk was sold in glass bottles, which were then taken back (for money).

The same was true for lemonade bottles. "Pinocchio" or "Duchess" cost 25 kopecks, and an empty bottle was taken for 10 kopecks. Alcohol bottles were also put into circulation over and over again. Many people even kept crates of empty bottles as capital.

Mayonnaise was sold in the famous little jars. I don’t know if they were accepted back, because it didn’t occur to anyone. They were very cherished, because jars have always been used, for example, for testing in a clinic.

Almost all bulk goods were brought in large cardboard boxes, and upon purchase they were wrapped in paper bags - sweets, sugar, cereals, pasta. Fish, meat, fruits, and vegetables were wrapped in paper.

Vegetable oil in the store was stored in barrels (like herring). The saleswoman poured oil into your bottle and wrapped the herring in paper.

Bread was sold without packaging, and it was brought from the bakery hot, in wooden trays, which, after being unloaded on the store shelves, were immediately sent back.

Many people brought transparent plastic bags with them to stores, but it was a terrible shortage, so they were washed and dried after use. The same was true for large bags of drawings, which faithfully served the family for more than one year. However, only young people were fond of colorful scarce packages, the rest - both old and young - peacefully went to the store with string bags and shopping bags.

Clothes and shoes were also packed in paper or boxes. Household chemicals were mostly contained in cardboard packaging and were rare, the housewives used mainly laundry soap. Shampoo was a luxury, everyone washed with bath or toilet soap, which was sold without packaging.

Household appliances with the last of their strength served one family for many years, and for this reason they were practically not thrown away. If the well-deserved washing machine, which had worked faithfully for 25 years, was thrown into the trash, then nimble pioneers immediately dragged it to scrap metal (household appliances were mostly made of iron, even vacuum cleaners).

As a result, the garbage was practically only tin cans, paper and food waste. Moreover, the latter in small towns went to another bucket - to feed small and large livestock - their own or neighbors, because many kept rabbits, chickens and goats.

By the way, in Leningrad until the 90s there were containers for food waste, which were taken to the nearest state farms. Now, garbage rats feed on this waste, on which herds of pigs and cows can be raised ...

Of course, few people want to return to the USSR and the era of total food shortages, but something useful can be gleaned from history ... But more on that below.

Don't pollute the planet!

What can we do here and now to make the planet cleaner?

First, we need to support producers of environmentally friendly packaging by buying their products. On sale began to appear products contained in vegetable parchment, which decomposes in the soil into glucose and water, without emitting harmful gases.

Secondly, perhaps some people should reconsider their diet. Now there are many products that, as they say, "neither mind nor heart."

For example, soda containing sugar, which makes you want to drink even more. Ordinary water (you can drink it with lemon) quenches thirst much better. Or chips and other snacks, which the chemical industry has much more to do with than the food industry.

You can list such products for a long time, but this is a topic for another article. Just read the composition of the products that you are going to buy and think - do you need THIS in your body? Both the health benefits and the planet will become cleaner, because without eating something harmful, you will not throw away the packaging of this product.

Thirdly, it is worth adopting some experience from the USSR. In the markets, for example, natural products, but they cost the same as in supermarkets, and sometimes much cheaper.

Meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey, even vegetable oil are sold by weight. Of course, sellers pack everything in the same bags, but you can bring reusable containers - bottles, cans, containers.

To this day, draft milk is sold in the markets, which, oddly enough, is cheaper and is not reconstituted from powder (you can see for yourself - market milk, after standing overnight in the refrigerator, pleases with cream in the morning).

On the market, you can also buy draft sour cream, loose cottage cheese, yogurt, curd mass, even condensed milk and jam. But if only a thousand people buy milk and sour cream “in a jar” at least once a week, then there will be a thousand less plastic bottles in the world ...

The same applies to packages - if at least a thousand people come to the store with "their" grocery bag, then the world will become cleaner. By the way, now light shopping bags have appeared on sale, which are conveniently folded and fit even in ladies' handbags without taking up space. If such bags appear in the notorious thousand people, then in a year the world will become cleaner by 365 thousand plastic bags ...

But there are millions of us! If the old and banal truth that the Earth is our common home reaches millions, and they do at least a trifle for the good of the planet, then the environment will become a million times cleaner ...


"That bird is bad,
who pollutes her nest"
(folk proverb).

Have all mankind and each of us become like this bird?

For man, as for any species, nature is the environment of life and the source of existence. Currently, environmental problems are a very acute issue. People especially suffer from pollution by industrial waste.

We tried to answer these questions in the course of our work.

One of the main sources of pollution is the products of the chemical industry, which is the "locomotive" of scientific and technological progress. The uniqueness of this industry lies in the fact that with its help people can create materials that do not exist in nature. The product range of the chemical industry is plastics, synthetic resins, synthetic rubber and polymers, etc.

Our study began with an integrated lesson in geography, chemistry and biology, which introduced the production of plastics. Then, using Internet resources, the students got acquainted with the production of plastic packaging (plastic bottles). The children studied in great detail the production of polyethylene terephthalate and its products. Different types of containers (plastic and glass) were compared, advantages and disadvantages were revealed. At first glance, plastic packaging is an excellent packaging material. But the amount of plastic packaging is increasing every year not only in production, but also in waste. Plastic products are thrown into nature as waste, in the amount of 260 million tons. in year. Plastic waste as household waste heavily pollutes the surface of the entire earth, they are carried by rivers and streams into the oceans, forming giant floating islands. Which cause significant damage to the Earth's ecosystem. We have proven that the chemical industry is not only a vanguard industry, but also an environmental disaster.

Based on the integrated lesson, the idea arose to study in more detail the impact of plastic waste on the Earth's ecology and present the material in the form of a project. Working groups were created, the participants of which showed the results of the research in the form of presentation reports.

The first group conducted a raid on the outskirts of our city. The guys took pictures of the resting places of the townspeople. Most of the trash found was plastic bottles. Then they conducted a social survey of housing and communal services workers and residents of the city. The report was presented in the form of a video report.

The second group investigated the impact of plastic waste on the environment. The guys presented material on the pollution of land and the oceans. They showed the threat to living organisms from plastic waste (bottles, corks, disposable syringes, bags, etc.), which cause the death of marine and terrestrial animals. Getting acquainted with the material, they found that nature itself activated evolutionary mechanisms and began to “create” bacteria that “eat” plastic.

Another group of students explored the possibility of recycling plastic waste. They got acquainted with the plant for processing plastic bottles LLC "Resurs", which is located on the territory of the Penza region in the village of Chaadaevka, at the enterprise of which 100 tons of bottles are processed per month. This is an excellent raw material for the production of paving slabs, packaging tape, brooms and accessories for kitchen sets.

Students presented a research report on a given topic in the form of a report, video material and presentations at a scientific and practical conference of students from their school.

We students, the new generation, want to know what the future holds for us.

We want to offer people to live more rationally:

  • use only environmentally friendly type of packaging material;
  • clean and waste-free production;

Changes in the natural environment that are unfavorable for mankind can be eliminated using modern achievements.

If each of us begins to take care of nature at least at the household level, then we can reduce the negative impact on the planet.



We invited you to the conference "Planet in plastic packaging"

How did the idea of ​​holding a lesson, an environmental action and this conference come about ?

In September of this academic year, we traditionally went on an excursion into nature in order to study water, air and soil. Every time we see a serious anthropogenic impact - large piles of garbage, the basis of which is plastic packaging. And we wondered if our planet would be completely wrapped in plastic. Do we really need such packaging, why does it accumulate so much in the environment, is there a possibility of recycling it at the present time?

We will try to answer these questions during our conference.

Sborshchikova V.:

Somehow gathering with the last strength,
The Lord created a beautiful planet.
Gave her the shape of a large ball,
And planted trees and flowers there,
Herbs of unparalleled beauty.

Many animals began to be found there:
Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds.
Here's a gift for you, people, own
Plow the land, sow bread.
I bequeath everything to you from now on -
You protect this shrine!

Everything would be fine, of course,
But…civilization has come.
Technological progress broke free.
The scientific world, dormant hitherto, suddenly resurrected,
And he gave his infernal inventions to the earthly population.

Let's talk about one invention that the 20th century passed on to the 21st - the production of plastics.

The advantage of plastics over other natural materials (objects).

How are plastics produced chemically? What raw materials are used in this case, he will tell us -

Most of the polymeric materials are used in the production of packaging.

In what area is plastic packaging used?

This question will be answered by Kazakova Maria. Presentation 3 “Use of plastic packaging”

At first glance, people should be delighted with such an achievement in the field of chemistry, as a wonderful packaging material has been created. And how safe is it for a person and the world around him?

The properties of plastic were studied by students of the 9th “b” class.

Maxim Karpushov will talk about what they studied in the lesson.

Karpushov Maxim.

In the open integrated lesson "Chemical industry - a vanguard industry or an environmental disaster" we carried out research practical work on the study of the properties of plastic.

We see that the disposal of plastic waste is difficult and not safe. Can they be recycled? What impact does plastic waste have on the environment?

Word Tenchurina Victoria. Presentation 4 “The impact of plastic packaging on the environment”

Pupils 9 "b" in September went to the ecological path. Will tell us about the results of the tour Pavlishina Polina. Presentation 5 “Excursion to the natural complex”

Leading: Polina, what do you think, is garbage in nature an accidental phenomenon or is it a pattern even for our beloved city?

Polina: No, this is not an accident. In the vicinity of our town, garbage can be found everywhere and in fairly large quantities.

Leading: The children from the 10th grade became interested in this problem, who also participated in the ecological trail last academic year. They held a photo session and a sociological survey of housing and communal services workers and residents of our city.

Erokhin Vladislav will present you the results of his work. Presentation 6 “Trash around us”

Rybalsky Kirill will introduce you to video material filmed in our city.

As we can see, mountains of garbage are growing. Tons of plastic products end their lives in the oceans, forming floating islands. What to do? Will our beautiful planet end up in plastic packaging?

The Penza region did not stand aside either. She was one of the first to take part in the recycling and recycling of plastic bottles.

About the enterprise "Resource" will tell us Klygin Anton. Presentation 7 “Utilization of plastic bottles in Chaadaevka village”.

At the same open lesson, the guys suggested their ways of recycling plastic waste and formalized their ideas in the form of mini-projects that will be presented to us by

Leading: Children not only of our school are concerned about this issue, children of the whole world worried about the future. With the development of industry, people forgot about nature.

“The Girl Who Silenced the World” (video from

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