Human impact on nature, negative impact. Why people do not protect nature Nature destroyed by man

It's like scenes from a disaster movie about the end of the world...

Everyone knows that human activity has a bad effect on the environment. But few can correctly imagine the extent of the damage we are doing to nature. These photos will show you the problem for what it really is.

When you see the consequences of deforestation or oil puddles in the ocean, it becomes somehow uncomfortable. We have not been able to wisely use the riches that our planet has so generously endowed us with. Today's deplorable state of the environment should finally enlighten us ... After all, every person can help nature, at least stop harming it.

1. Melting glaciers in Norway.

2. Perhaps the Maldives will soon go under water, as the water level in the ocean is rising by leaps and bounds.

3. Parade in Germany. Looking at the crowds at such events, you understand how densely populated the major cities of the world are.

4. Place of diamond mining, Russia.

5. Surfer and a wave of garbage, Indonesia.

6. The consequences of deforestation in Canada.

7. Countless shipping containers in the port of Singapore.

8. Burning oil slick in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.

9. Coal-fired power plants in the UK

10. This is what a densely populated area in Mexico City, Mexico looks like. There is no trace left of nature...

Share these shocking footage with your friends and don't forget to watch your behavior towards the environment. Remember that even at the local level, a small change for the better can make a big difference! In any case, I want to believe that humanity will someday learn to live in harmony with nature...

Now, lately, I have been more and more concerned about the question of whether we are handling what nature gives us correctly, because everything is very deplorable in the countries of Europe and the 3rd world, despite all the chic and splendor of everyday life. Few people are now really attracted to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpreserving nature and. Everyone is trying to fill their pockets with more money, no matter how they get it.

Let's take a look at some countries where natural resources are on the verge of extinction.

Kenya: Lake Naivasha. Not far from it are greenhouses of flowers. They occupy a huge territory, the flowers are sprayed with pesticides every day, which pollutes the lake very much, but people have jobs, of course poorly paid, but still there! From here, flowers are transported throughout Europe for a distance of about 6,000 km. Nairobi has the largest slum block in the world, people here survive in disgusting conditions.

People's Republic of China: 2 thermal power plants are launched every week, which consume coal as fuel. It is because of this that China firmly ranks first in the world in terms of the amount of gas released into the atmosphere, which destroys the ozone layer.

The population in China is the largest in the world. And therefore, it is not surprising that the city with the largest number of people living in it is also in China, this is Chongqing. Population - 34 million inhabitants.

AT South Korea There is one of the largest shipyards in the world. The economy of the state is developing rapidly. Wealth comes at the price of pollution. Seoul is the most polluted city in the world in South Korea.

Nepal: it has been proven that the air around the peaks of the Himalayan range is as dirty as in our cities. Why? The fact is that the flows of atmospheric air are delayed by the mountains. Scientists believe that by 2035 most of the glaciers of the Himalayas may disappear, and yet they are the main source of water for large rivers in Asia.

India: in the 60s, agriculture was intensively developed in the country, which led to the depletion of groundwater. When wells begin to dry up, women dig reservoirs with improvised means to collect rainwater! Mumbai has become one of the largest cities in the world with a thriving stock exchange. more and more money and people, and less and less water ...

Indonesia: local tree species are being replaced by palm crops, they provide oil, it is already part of many products around the world. This is far from a useful product. In many rivers in Indonesia, the water has turned red-brown, because there are almost no trees in the mountains, and the earth is crumbling.

Thailand: Thangga Bay, near Phuket. Mangrove trees are disappearing, thanks to which there are many fish and shrimp. But the emerging shrimp industry, the shrimp business, has greatly contributed to the disappearance of mangrove trees. The thing is that for the growth of shrimp, the reservoirs in which they are bred must be constantly saturated with antibiotics, which have a deadly effect on trees. But on the other hand, on all the beaches where tourists rest, there are shrimp!

USA: a mighty military power, the largest consumer on the planet. In America, everything is tied to oil. Basically, all cattle farms exist only thanks to oil. Modern animal husbandry practices are terrible because the by-product is a large amount of poisonous gases - more than from all vehicles combined. 60% of the entire grain harvest goes to feed animals, so those who value natural resources convince us.

Nigeria: oil again. Here it is mined from underground. Nigeria ranks first in oil production in Africa, however, this country is one of the poorest on the planet. All the wealth of the country is being exported, and the locals are dying of poverty, there is a constant guerrilla war going on here.

Man is the main enemy of the planet - the place where he lives, he himself turns into a huge waste dump. Sad but true! Environmentalists have long been trying to appeal to the human mind by annually publishing materials about the damage people cause to the Earth, however, few people listen to the "greens". Let's take a look at the scale of the pollution problem in the world!

1. Just imagine: every year the world's oceans receive a "gift" from a person - 6 billion kilograms of garbage. And most of this garbage is. Toxic and non-degradable, it destroys marine life. As an example, 3 million plastic bottles are thrown away every hour in the US alone. Each discarded bottle decomposes within 500 years.

2. It's no secret that oil spills that occur due to accidents on tankers or on oil platforms become fatal for the inhabitants of the oceans, as well as for people. But, few people know that without any accidents, for every million tons of oil shipped, there is always one ton of spilled oil.

3. As for the purity of the air, there are more than 500 million cars in the world today. Experts estimate that by 2030 this figure will increase to more than a billion! This means that in just 13 years, air pollution will double. By the way, one of the countries with the highest level of air pollution in the world is considered. In Beijing, the pollution has reached such a degree that it is comparable to the 21st cigarette smoked a day.

4. An urgent problem has become electronic. For a couple of decades, this problem was not acute, but now, when technology: computers, televisions, mobile phones is becoming more accessible to consumers, even with low incomes, the situation is beginning to worsen. For example, in 2012 alone, people threw away nearly 50 million tons of e-waste.

5. Not many people have heard of light pollution, except for ornithologists and scientists. It is understandable - this type of pollution has almost no effect on people, but on birds - yes. So, because of the bright electric light, birds confuse days and nights, but this is not the main thing, scientists have found that light pollution can even change the pattern of migration of some animal species.

6. According to scientific studies, one in eight deaths in the world is somehow related to air pollution.

Only these five points show that our planet is in danger, and the sixth point shows that people harm themselves, forcing themselves to survive in conditions of anthropogenic pollution.

We can talk endlessly about how we all love nature, and in the meantime, the rivers, lakes and forests of our country continue to suffer from pollution and construction ...

1. Dvinsko-Pinezhsky forest (Arkhangelsk region)

This forest is considered one of the largest plain spruce forests in Europe, but today it is actively cut down. Since 1990, the territory of the Dvinsko-Pinezhsky forest has decreased by almost 30%.

Starichkov Island (Kamchatka Territory)

Fishing on an industrial scale destroys fish and crabs in the waters of the Avacha Bay, which is located near the Kamchatka island of Starichkov, which also affects the number of birds.

Southern Baikal (Irkutsk region, Republic of Buryatia)

The infamous Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill has been dumping production waste into the world's largest freshwater body of water for decades. Today, the lake still needs to be cleaned up.

Virgin forests of Komi (Komi Republic)

The Komi forests continue to suffer from drilling and blasting by gold miners.

Nenets Nature Reserve in the Pechora Sea (Nenets Autonomous Okrug)

The ecosystem of the unique reserve, according to WWF and Greenpeace forecasts, can be destroyed by the projects of the Gazprom Neft Shelf company, which is launching a platform for the development of an oil field here.

Mzymta River (Krasnodar Territory)

Olympic construction in the river area had a toxic effect on the ecosystem of this place: Mzymta is polluted with arsenic, phenol and oil products.

Zhupanova River (Kamchatka Territory)

Ecologists are sounding the alarm, because the planned construction of a cascade of small hydropower plants will lead to the fact that part of the Zhupanov River basin will fall under flooding, and the infrastructure of the hydropower plant will destroy not only part of the valley, but also its unique inhabitants, including wild reindeer.

Wetlands of the Kuban Delta (Krasnodar Territory)

On the one hand, the wetlands of the Kuban Delta suffer from industrial progress (extraction and exploration of oil and gas, pesticide runoff), on the other hand, from the negligence of the population, poaching and landfills.

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