860 government decree. On the requirements for the provision of public roads with road service facilities located within the boundaries of the right of way. Cable requirements and laying methods

Judicial practice and legislation - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2012 N 860 (as amended on May 15, 2019) "On organizing and conducting the sale of state or municipal property in electronic form" (together with the "Regulation on organizing and conducting the sale of state or municipal property in electronic form")

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.08.2012 N 860 "On the organization and conduct of the sale of state and municipal property in electronic form", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 22.07.2002 N 549 "On approval of the Regulations on the organization of the sale of state or municipal property through a public offer and without a price announcement", ed. dated 02/12/2011 N 71 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution N 549) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08/12/2002 N 584 "On approval of the Regulations on holding a tender for the sale of state or municipal property", as amended. dated 12.02.2011 N 71 (hereinafter - Decree N 584) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12.08.2002 N 585 "On approval of the Regulations on the organization of the sale of state or municipal property at an auction and the regulation on the organization of the sale of state or municipally owned shares of open joint stock companies at a specialized auction", ed. dated 12.02.2011 N 71 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution N 585)


The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. In order to provide state authorities and the population of the country with comprehensive and objective information on the state of road safety, prepare once every two years a state report on the state of road safety in the Russian Federation.

Prepare the first state report in 2001.

2. Approve the attached preparation of the state report on the state of road safety in the Russian Federation.

3. Assign responsibility for the preparation of the state report on the state of road safety in the Russian Federation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

4. Financing of work on the preparation of a state report on the state of road safety in the Russian Federation is carried out at the expense of the federal budget funds allocated for the maintenance of the federal executive bodies participating in the preparation of this report.

(approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17 2000 N 860)

1. The state report on the state of road safety in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the report) is an official document prepared in order to provide state authorities and the population of the Russian Federation with systematized information on the state of road safety.

2. The report serves as the basis for the formation and implementation of a unified state policy in the field of road safety, the identification of priority areas of activity in this area, as well as the development of measures aimed at preventing road traffic injuries and reducing losses from accidents in road transport.

3. The report should reflect:

the state of affairs with accidents in road transport;

condition of the road transport infrastructure;

the results of the implementation of state regulation measures, including supervision and control in the field of road safety, and their effectiveness;

scientific developments, domestic and foreign experience in the field of road safety.

4. The structure of the report is developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation jointly with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, other interested federal executive bodies and approved by the Government Commission of the Russian Federation for Road Safety.

The list of materials required for the preparation of the report and the deadlines for their submission are determined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

5. The report is developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics and other interested federal executive bodies and organizations, regardless of the legal form, operating in the field of road safety. movement.

To resolve organizational and technical issues related to the preparation of the report, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation creates an interdepartmental working group, which, in agreement with the interested federal executive authorities and organizations, includes specialists from these bodies and organizations.


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2012 N 860 "On the organization and conduct of the sale of state or municipal property in electronic form"

2. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, within 6 months from the date of this resolution, submit to the Government of the Russian Federation a draft act on the approval of the list of legal entities for organizing the sale of state or municipal property in electronic form.

3. The implementation of this resolution is carried out by federal executive bodies within the established number of employees of their central offices and territorial bodies, as well as budget allocations provided for by federal executive bodies in the federal budget for leadership and management in the field of established functions.

on organizing and conducting the sale of state or municipal property in electronic form
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2012 N 860)

1. This Regulation establishes the procedure for organizing and conducting the sale of state or municipal property in electronic form (hereinafter, respectively - property, sale of property) by holding an auction with an open form for submitting proposals for the price of property (hereinafter - the auction), a specialized auction, competition, sale of property through a public offer and without announcing the price in accordance with the requirements established by the "On Privatization of State and Municipal Property" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law on Privatization) and this Regulation.

The relations regulated by this Regulation are not subject to the norms established by the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2002 N 549 "On approval of the regulations on the organization of the sale of state or municipal property through a public offer and without announcing the price", dated August 12, 2002. N 584 "On approval of the Regulations on holding a tender for the sale of state or municipal property", dated August 12, 2002 N 585 "On approval of the Regulations on the organization of the sale of state or municipal property at auction and the Regulations on the organization of the sale of state or municipally owned shares open joint stock companies at a specialized auction", unless otherwise provided by these Regulations.

2. The sale of federal property is carried out by the Federal Agency for State Property Management and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (in relation to the released military property of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) or other persons determined in accordance with the privatization (hereinafter referred to as the seller), and when selling property, located in the state ownership of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or in municipal ownership, sellers are determined in the manner established by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or legal acts of local governments.

3. The seller engages a legal entity from among the legal entities included in the list of legal entities approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for organizing the sale of state or municipal property in electronic form (hereinafter referred to as the organizer), registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, owning a website in the information and telecommunications network " Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the electronic platform, the "Internet"), corresponding to the requirements for technological, software, linguistic, legal and organizational means for ensuring the use of the Internet site, on which the sale will be carried out in electronic form, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the requirements approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation).

C) determines, in the cases established on privatization, the initial sale price of property, the price of the initial offer and the cut-off price when selling property through a public offer, a single sale price when conducting a specialized auction, as well as the "auction step" and "reduction step";

E) determines, in agreement with the organizer, the start and end dates for registration on the electronic site of applications, the date and time of the procedure for the sale of property;

G) determines the amount, term and conditions for making a deposit by individuals and legal entities for participation in the sale of property at an auction, tender, sale of property through a public offer (hereinafter referred to as applicants, deposit, respectively), as well as other conditions of the deposit agreement;

I) checks the correctness of the documents submitted by the applicants and determines their compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the list published in the information message on the sale of property;

K) organizes the preparation and publication, in accordance with the procedure established on privatization, of an information message on the sale of property and on the results of the sale of property, as well as posting information on the Internet in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal Law on Privatization, "On Personal Data" and this Regulation;

K) takes, on the grounds established on privatization, a decision to recognize applicants as participants in the sale of property (hereinafter referred to as participants) or to refuse admission to participate in the sale of property, drawn up in a protocol;

A) provides the ability to register the seller and applicants on the electronic site, enter identifying data (username and password) and the ability to change the password, opens the working section for the seller on the electronic site, to which only the seller has access (hereinafter referred to as the "personal account"), as well as a section to which only the seller and participants have access (hereinafter referred to as the closed part of the electronic platform);

D) ensures the acceptance and registration in electronic journals of applications and documents attached to them (in the journal for receiving applications), as well as proposals of participants on the price of property;

E) ensures that applicants submit applications provided that they fill in all the fields, as well as the termination of the submission of applications after the deadline for their acceptance, specified in the information message on the sale of property;

E) provides notification of applicants about the decision taken by the seller to recognize them as participants (winners) or to refuse admission to participate in the sale of property, as well as other notifications provided for by these Regulations;

G) ensures equal access of participants to the procedure for the sale of property, the reliability of the functioning of the used software and hardware of the electronic platform, the use of electronic documents in the sale of property;

6. The organizer annually, before January 25, submits to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service an annual report on activities, including, among other things, information on sales made, as well as information confirming the compliance of the electronic site with the requirements approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation .

B) ensuring the confidentiality of information about received applications and documents attached to them, as well as information about the persons who submitted applications, with the exception of cases where the seller has access to applications and documents provided for by these Regulations, until the information on the results of receiving applications (definitions) is posted on the electronic site participants);

C) compliance of the electronic site with the requirements approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. In the event of non-compliance with the requirements, the organizer, within one hour from the moment he became aware of this, is obliged to post on the electronic platform, as well as send to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service, information about the non-compliance, including the date of its occurrence, taken or planned measures to eliminate the identified non-compliance.

Within one hour from the time of suspension of the sale of property, the organizer shall post on the electronic site information on the reason for the suspension of the sale of property, the time of suspension and resumption of the sale of property, notify the participants about this, and also send the specified information to the seller for inclusion in the protocol on the results of the sale of property.

10. Document flow between applicants, participants, organizer and seller is carried out through an electronic platform in the form of electronic documents or electronic images of documents (documents on paper, converted into electronic digital form by scanning with preservation of their details), certified by the electronic signature of the seller, applicant or participant or a person entitled to act on behalf of the seller, applicant or participant, respectively. This rule does not apply to a contract for the sale of property, which is concluded by the parties in a simple written form.

    Appendix N 1. The minimum requirements for servicing road users for the provision of public roads of federal, regional, intermunicipal and local significance with road service facilities located within the boundaries of the right of way of roads Appendix N 2. Requirements for the list of minimum necessary services provided on road service facilities located within the boundaries of the right of way of roads

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2009 N 860
"On the requirements for the provision of public roads with road service facilities located within the boundaries of the right of way"

With changes and additions from:

at road service facilities located within the boundaries of the right of way of roads, the minimum necessary services are provided in accordance with the requirements for the list of minimum necessary services provided at the road service facilities located within the boundaries of the right of way of roads, in accordance with Appendix N 2.

Public roads of federal, regional, intermunicipal and local significance are equipped with various road service facilities.

The objects are located within the boundaries of the right of way of such roads and can be combined into complexes.

The minimum necessary requirements for the placement of these objects are given.

Thus, motels should be located on the motorway and the expressway of category 1B (the maximum distance between them is 250 km).

On roads of other classes (categories), gas stations, catering points, service stations, car washes, recreation areas, and trade enterprises should be located.

The maximum distance between objects is determined (depending on the class (category) of roads).

The requirements for the list of minimum necessary services provided at road service facilities have been established.

Thus, motels should be equipped with toilets, catering facilities, laundries, communication facilities, showers, guarded parking lots.

Rest areas should have toilets, garbage bins, vehicle parking, tables and benches for rest and eating.

Trade enterprises should sell food, technical fluids and automotive accessories.

In addition, the equipment of road service facilities should ensure unhindered access for disabled people (including disabled people using wheelchairs and guide dogs) to them.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2009 N 860 "On the requirements for the provision of public roads with road service facilities located within the boundaries of the right of way"

In accordance with Article 22 of the Federal Law "On Ensuring Access to Information on the Activities of State Bodies and Local Self-Government Bodies", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached Rules for charging fees for providing information on the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies.

charging fees for providing information on the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2011 N 860)

1. These Rules determine the procedure for charging fees for providing information to the user, at his request, information about the activities of state bodies and local governments.

2. A fee for providing information on the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies is charged if the amount of information requested and received exceeds 20 pages of A4 format, or 10 pages of A3 format, or 5 pages of A2 format, or 1 page of a format exceeding A2 format (when information is provided on paper), or 1 megabyte (when information is provided in electronic form), based on the costs of making copies of the requested documents and (or) materials, as well as the costs associated with sending them by mail (except for the case provided for in paragraph 4 of these Rules).

3. If the volume of the requested information exceeds the volume established by paragraph 2 of these Rules, the costs of making copies of the requested documents and (or) materials shall be paid by the information user in the following amount:

10 rubles for each additional page of the requested information - if the requested information is stored in a state body and local government on paper in A4 format, or for each additional megabyte when providing information in electronic form;

20 rubles for each additional page of the requested information - if the requested information is stored in the state body and local government on paper in A3 format;

100 rubles for each additional page of the requested information - if the requested information is stored in the state body and local government on paper in formats from A2 to A0;

1000 rubles for each additional page of the requested information - if the requested information is stored in the state body and local government on paper in a format exceeding the A0 format.

4. At the request of the information user, the requested information on paper or in the form of information recorded on a computer storage device (computer hard drive, USB drive, disk array, etc.) can be transferred to the information user directly in a state body or body local self-government in the manner prescribed by the said bodies.

5. If the volume of the requested documents and (or) materials on paper is less than or equal to the volume established by paragraph 2 of these Rules, and the information is sent to the information user by mail, financial security for the costs associated with sending copies of these documents and (or ) materials to the user of information, is carried out within the budgetary allocations of the relevant budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, provided for by the law (decision) on the budget for the next financial year (next financial year and planning period) for management and management in the established field of activity to a state body or local government as a recipient of public funds.

6. If the volume of the requested documents and (or) materials on paper exceeds the volume established in paragraph 2 of these Rules, and the information is sent to the information user by mail, the costs associated with sending copies of these documents and (or) materials by mail to the user information, are carried out in full by the information user and are calculated in accordance with the tariffs for the provision of universal postal services in force on the date of registration with the state body or local government of the request, unless otherwise specified by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services.

7. If the amount of information requested in electronic form does not exceed the amount established by paragraph 2 of these Rules, and the e-mail address of the information user is specified in the request, the information is sent to the information user to the specified e-mail address free of charge.

8. If the amount of information requested in electronic form exceeds the amount established by paragraph 2 of these Rules, it is recorded on a computer storage device.

If the computer storage device is provided by the information user and the information recorded on the specified device is sent to the information user by mail, the information user pays in full the costs associated with sending the computer storage device by mail and calculated in accordance with the tariffs for the provision of universal communication services operating on the date of registration with the state body or local government body of the request, unless otherwise specified by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services.

If the user of the information does not provide a computer storage device to the state body or local self-government body, the cost of this device is included in the fee for providing information.

9. The requested information is provided by the state body and local self-government body, taking into account the requirements of these Rules, in the volume and format of documents and (or) materials available in the state body and local self-government body.

10. If, in accordance with these Rules, a fee will be charged for providing information on the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies, the information user who sent the request is informed about this within 7 working days from the date of registration of the request received in the prescribed manner. It specifies:

a) the scope and format of the requested information;

b) the amount of expenses for making copies of the requested documents and (or) materials, including the cost of a computer storage device purchased by a state body or local self-government body if the corresponding device is not provided by the information user;

c) the amount of the fee for sending the requested documents and (or) materials in full by mail (except for the case provided for in paragraph 4 of these Rules);

d) information required for filling out a payment document for transferring a fee for providing the requested information - in the manner established for transferring taxes, fees and other obligatory payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation;

e) the term for the user of information to pay a fee for providing the requested information, not exceeding the term for considering the request, established by Article 18 of the Federal Law "On Providing Access to Information on the Activities of State Bodies and Local Self-Government Bodies".

11. The information user transfers the fee for providing information on the activities of a state body and a local self-government body to an account opened for a territorial body of the Federal Treasury to account for revenues to the budget system of the Russian Federation and their distribution between the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, for subsequent transfer to the appropriate budget .

12. Information about the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies, provided on a paid basis, is sent (transferred) to the information user after payment for the provision of the specified information.

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