The development of psychological knowledge the first ideas about the psyche. The history of psychology as a science, the main stages of its development. Data processing methods

Since ancient times, the needs of social life have forced a person to distinguish and take into account the peculiarities of the mental make-up of people. In the philosophical teachings of antiquity, some psychological aspects were already touched upon, which were solved either in terms of idealism or in terms of materialism. So, materialistic philosophers antiquities Democritus, Lucretius, Epicurus they understood the human soul as a kind of matter, as a bodily formation formed from spherical, small and most mobile atoms. But idealist philosopher Plato understood the human soul as something divine, different from the body. The soul, before entering the human body, exists separately in upper world where he learns ideas - eternal and unchanging essences. Once in the body, the soul begins to remember what it saw before birth. Plato's idealistic theory, which treats the body and mind as two independent and antagonistic principles, laid the foundation for all subsequent idealistic theories.

Great Philosopher Aristotle In the treatise "On the Soul" he singled out psychology as a kind of field of knowledge and for the first time put forward the idea of ​​the inseparability of the soul and the living body. The soul, the psyche is manifested in various abilities for activity: nourishing, feeling, moving, rational; higher abilities arise from lower ones and on their basis. The primary cognitive faculty of man is sensation; it takes the form of sensuously perceived objects without their matter, just as "wax takes the impression of a seal without iron and gold." Sensations leave a trace in the form of representations - images of those objects that previously acted on the senses. Aristotle showed that these images are connected in three directions: by similarity, by contiguity and contrast, thereby indicating the main types of connections - associations of mental phenomena.

Thus, stage I is psychology as the science of the soul. This definition of psychology was given more than two thousand years ago. The presence of the soul tried to explain all the incomprehensible phenomena in human life.

Stage II - psychology as a science of consciousness. Arises in the 17th century in connection with the development natural sciences. The ability to think, feel, desire is called consciousness. The main method of study was the observation of a person for himself and the description of facts.

Stage III - psychology as a science of behavior. Arises in the 20th century: The task of psychology is to experiment and observe what can be directly seen, namely: behavior, actions, reactions of a person (motives that cause actions were not taken into account).

Stage IV - psychology as a science that studies the objective patterns, manifestations and mechanisms of the psyche.

The history of psychology as an experimental science begins in 1879 in the world's first experimental psychological laboratory founded by the German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig. Soon, in 1885, V. M. Bekhterev organized a similar laboratory in Russia.

2. The place of psychology in the system of sciences

Thus, by establishing the laws of cognitive processes (sensations, perceptions, thinking, imagination, memory), psychology contributes to the scientific construction of the learning process, creating the possibility of correctly determining the content of educational material necessary for the assimilation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities. By revealing the patterns of personality formation, psychology assists pedagogy in the correct construction of the educational process.

A wide range of tasks that psychologists are engaged in solving determines, on the one hand, the need for the relationship of psychology with other sciences involved in solving complex problems, and on the other hand, the allocation within the psychological science itself of special branches engaged in solving psychological problems in a particular area of ​​society. .

Modern psychology is among the sciences, occupying an intermediate position between the philosophical sciences, on the one hand, the natural sciences, on the other, and the social sciences, on the third. This is explained by the fact that the focus of her attention is always a person, who is also studied by the sciences mentioned above, but in other aspects. It is known that philosophy and its integral part - the theory of knowledge (epistemology) solves the question of the attitude of the psyche to the surrounding world and interprets the psyche as a reflection of the world, emphasizing that matter is primary, and consciousness is secondary. Psychology, on the other hand, clarifies the role that the psyche plays in human activity and its development (Fig. 1).

According to the classification of sciences of Academician A. Kedrov, psychology occupies a central place not only as a product of all other sciences, but also as a possible source of explanation for their formation and development.

Psychology integrates all the data of these sciences and, in turn, influences them, becoming a general model of human knowledge. Psychology should be viewed as the scientific study of human behavior and mental activity, as well as the practical application of acquired knowledge.

3. main psychological schools.

Psychological direction- an approach to the study of the psyche, mental phenomena, due to a certain theoretical base (concept, paradigm).

psychological school- a certain trend in science, founded by its major representative and continued by his followers.

So in psychodynamic ( psychoanalytic) in the direction there are classical schools of Z. Freud, the school of C. Jung, Lacan, psychosynthesis of R. Assagioli, etc.

Psychology of activity- a domestic trend in psychology that does not accept purely biological (reflex) foundations of the psyche. From the standpoint of this direction, a person develops through the internalization (transition of external to internal) socio-historical experience in the process of activity - a complex dynamic system of interaction between the subject and the world (society). The activity of a person (and the person itself) is understood here not as a special kind of mental activity, but as a real, objectively observed practical, creative, independent activity of a particular person. This direction is primarily associated with the activities of S.L. Rubinshtein, A.N. Leontiev, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya and A.V. Brushlinsky.

Behaviorism- a behavioral direction that considers learning as the leading mechanism for the formation of the psyche, and the environment as main source development. Behaviorism itself is divided into two directions - reflex (J. Watson and B. Skinner, who reduced mental manifestations to skills and conditioned reflexes) and social (A. Bandura and J. Rotter, who studied the process of human socialization and took into account certain internal factors - self-regulation, expectations , significance, accessibility assessment, etc.).

cognitive psychology- considers the human psyche as a system of mechanisms that ensure the construction of a subjective picture of the world, its individual model. Each person builds (constructs) his own reality and builds his relationship with it on the basis of "constructs". This direction gives preference to the study of cognitive, intellectual processes and considers a person as a kind of computer. To one degree or another, J. Kelly, L. Festinger, F. Haider, R. Shenk and R. Abelson contributed to it.

Gestalt psychology- one of the holistic (holistic) directions, considering the body and psyche as an integral system that interacts with the environment. The interaction between man and the environment is considered here through the concepts of balance (homeostasis), the interaction of the figure and the background, tension and relaxation (discharge). The whole is viewed by Gestaltists as a structure qualitatively different from the simple sum of its parts. People do not perceive things in isolation, but organize them through the processes of perception into meaningful wholes - gestalts (gestalt - form, image, configuration, integral structure). This trend has taken root both in general (W. Keller, K. Koffka, M. Wertheimer), social (K. Levin), and personality psychology and psychotherapy (F. Perls).

The psychodynamic direction laid the foundation for a number of psychological schools. His “father” is Z. Freud, who developed the principles of classical psychoanalysis, and his closest students and associates later founded their own schools. These are K. Jung - analytical psychology, K. Horney - neopsychoanalysis, R. Assagioli - psychosynthesis, E. Berne - transactional analysis, etc. This direction considers the "vertical structure" of the psyche - the interaction of consciousness with its unconscious part and "superconsciousness". This direction made the greatest contribution to the psychology of personality, to motivational theories, and its influence can be traced both in humanistic and existential psychology. Without this trend, it is now impossible to imagine modern psychotherapy and psychiatry.

Humanistic psychology- a person-centered direction, which considers human life as a process of self-actualization, self-realization, maximum development of individuality, the inner potential of the individual. The task of a person is to find his own natural path in life, to understand and accept his individuality. On this basis, a person understands and accepts other people and achieves inner and outer harmony. The founders of this direction are K.Rogers and A.Maslow.

existential psychology- The psychology of "existence", the being of a person is one of the most modern trends, most connected with philosophy. This direction is sometimes called phenomenology, since it gives value to every moment of a person's life and considers the inner world of a person as a unique universe that cannot be measured by any instrument, but can only be known through identification, that is, becoming this person. The development of this direction is primarily associated with L. Biswanger, R. May, I. Yalom, but K. Rogers and A. Maslow also contributed to it.

Depth psychology- a direction that unites currents and schools that study the processes of the unconscious, the "inner psyche". The term is used to designate the specifics of the "vertical" study of the psyche in contrast to the "horizontal".

Psychology of Spirituality- a holistic direction that combines "purely" scientific and religious approaches to man. This direction is the future of psychology and is to some extent connected with all others. The psychological interpretation of the concept of spirituality is still being developed. However, in any case, spirituality is connected with what unites people, makes a person whole and at the same time with the manifestation of human individuality.

The specific range of phenomena that psychology studies are sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings. Those. everything that makes up the inner world of man.

Psychology problem - ratio inner world man and phenomena of the material world. Philosophers have also dealt with these questions. Understanding the subject of psychology in science did not develop immediately. The process of its formation took place in four stages.

Stage 1 (5th century BC) - the subject of study was the soul. Ideas about the soul were both idealistic and materialistic.

Idealism considers consciousness, the psyche as a primary substance that exists independently of the material world. The representative of this trend is Plato. From the point of view of materialism, mental phenomena are the result of the vital activity of the matter of the brain. Representatives of this trend are Heraclitus, Democritus, Aristotle. The duality of the soul is dualism. It was presented in the most developed form in the teachings of Rene Descartes.

2nd stage (17th century) was marked by rapid development natural sciences and the subject of psychology was consciousness. It was understood as the ability to feel, desire, think. The material world has not been studied. The method of studying consciousness was introspection, that is, self-observation, self-understanding, and the scientific direction became known as introspective psychology. The representative of this trend was the English scientist John Locke. Within the framework of introspective psychology in 1879. In Leipzig, Wilhelm Wundt created the first experimental psychological laboratory. This event marked the emergence of the experimental method in psychology, and 1879 marked the birth of scientific psychology. The criticism of introspection that began (the impossibility of simultaneously performing an action and analyzing it; ignoring the unconscious, etc.) prepared the transition to the next stage.

3rd stage (19th century) - in connection with advances in medicine, experiments on animals, behavior becomes the subject of psychology. The main scientist of psychology in this direction is John Watson. There was a powerful scientific direction in American psychology, which was called behaviorism. Behavior was explained by the nature of the stimulus that causes the response (behavior). At this time, there are a number of attempts to explain behavior not by stimuli, but by other factors. This is how the main psychological concepts:

Gestalt psychology - Wolfgang Köhler, Max Wertheimer. The subject of study is the features of perception.

Psychoanalysis and neo-Freudianism - Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Alfred Adler. The subject of study is the unconscious.

Cognitive Psychology - Ulrich Neisser, Jerome Simon Bruner. The subject of study was cognitive processes.

Genetic psychology - Jean Piaget. The subject of psychology is the development of thinking.

The Gestalt psychology movement took shape after the publication in 1910. M. Wertheimer of the results of the study of “illusory movement. Starting with the study of the processes of perception, Gestalt psychology quickly expanded its scope, including the problems of the development of the psyche, the analysis of intellectual behavior. higher primates, consideration of memory, creative thinking, the dynamics of the needs of the individual, etc. Representatives of Gestalt psychology suggested that all the various manifestations of the psyche obey the laws of Gestalt. Since in the early years the main object of their research was the processes of perception, they extrapolated the principles of the organization of perception to the psyche in general: the attraction of parts to form a symmetrical whole, the grouping of parts in the direction of maximum simplicity, closeness, balance, the tendency of each mental phenomenon to take a definite, complete form.

Within the framework of Gestalt psychology, a lot of experimental data was obtained, which remain relevant to this day. The most important law is the law of constancy of perception, fixing the fact that the integral image does not change when its sensory elements change. The principle of a holistic analysis of the psyche made it possible scientific knowledge the most complex problems of mental life, which until then were considered inaccessible to experimental research.

In the teachings of Z. Freud, the phenomenon of the unconscious has become the main subject of psychological research. Freud created a dynamic concept of the human psyche, the formation of which big influence provided by the physical picture of the world that prevailed at the time.

The psychoanalytic approach as a whole has had an enormous impact on the attitude of the twentieth century. It can be noted that psychoanalysis has become the worldview of modernity and has penetrated into all spheres of life. For psychological science However, despite the mythological nature of psychoanalytic constructions, the reorientation of research on the problems of motivation, emotions and personality turned out to be valuable.

Cognitive psychologists are working on creating models of various functions of the human psyche (sensations, perception, imagination, memory, thinking, speech). Models of cognitive processes allow a fresh look at the essence of human mental life. Cognitive activity is the activity associated with the acquisition, organization and use of knowledge. Such activity is typical for all living beings, and especially for humans. For this reason, research cognitive activity is part of psychology. The research of cognitive psychologists covers both conscious and unconscious processes of the psyche, while both of them are interpreted as various ways information processing.

Currently, cognitive psychology is still in its infancy, but has already become one of the most influential areas of world psychological thought.

Behaviorism. The origins of behaviorism should be sought in the study of the psyche of animals. Behaviorism as an independent scientific trend is based on the work of E. Thorndike, who, based on the study of cat behavior, formulated two basic "learning laws". The law of exercise says that the more often actions are repeated, the more firmly they are fixed. The law of effect indicates the role of rewards and punishments in building or destroying various forms behavior. At the same time, Thorndike believed that rewards are more effective regulators of behavior than punishments. However, J. Watson is considered the real father of the behaviorist. He saw the task of psychology in studying the behavior of living beings that adapt in physical and social environment. The goal of psychology is to create means to control behavior. Pedagogy has become the center of interest of psychologists in this area. Proper upbringing can direct the formation of a child along any strictly directed path.

The foundations of Russian scientific psychology were also laid in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. There is a formation of "reflexology" - Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, Boris Gerasimovich Ananiev.

The 4th stage (20th century) is marked by the appearance in Russian psychology of the dialectical-materialistic concept, which is based on philosophical theory reflections. The subject of study was the psyche. At this time, a great contribution to the development of science was made by Pavel Petrovich Blonsky, Konstantin Nikolayevich Kornilov. One of the most important trends that emerged in the 1920s and 1930s was the “cultural-historical theory” developed by Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky, then the psychological theory of activity associated with the name of Alexei Nikolaevich Leontiev. The subject of study was mental activity.

Cultural-historical approach in psychology. L.S. Vygotsky suggested the existence of two lines of development of the psyche: natural and culturally mediated. In accordance with these two lines of development, "lower" and "higher" mental functions are distinguished.

Examples of lower, natural, mental functions are the child's involuntary memory or involuntary attention. The child cannot control them: he pays attention to the fact that vividly, unexpectedly, what is remembered by chance is remembered. Lower mental functions are a kind of rudiments from which higher mental functions grow in the process of education. The transformation of lower mental functions into higher ones occurs through the mastery of special tools of the psyche - signs and is of a cultural nature. The cultural-historical approach in psychology continues to fruitfully develop even now, both in our country and abroad. This approach proved to be especially effective in solving the problems of pedagogy and defectology.

Activity approach in psychology. In the activity approach, the question of the origin of the psyche in the animal world was first raised. To explain how and why the psyche arose in phylogeny, A.N. Leontiev put forward the principle of the unity of the psyche and activity. Activity is described as consisting of three structural units: activities - actions - operations. Activity is determined by motive, action by purpose, and operation by specific conditions.

Activity forms the human psyche and manifests itself in activity.

The humanistic psychology of Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow appears in the West. The subject of study is personality traits.

Humanistic psychology. Representatives of this direction are A. Maslow, K. Rogers, V. Frankl. the main postulates of this direction are: 1. The holistic nature of human nature; 2. The importance of the role of conscious experience; 3. Recognition of free will, spontaneity, responsibility and creative power of man. Humanistic psychologists denied the existence of the original conflict between man and society and argued that it was social success characterize completeness human life.

The merit of humanistic psychology lies in the fact that it has put the study of the most important problems of the personality of being and development in the foreground, and has given psychological science new worthy images of both the person himself and the essence of human life.

In the 60s, a new direction attracts attention - the transpersonal psychology of Stanislav Grof, which studies the limiting possibilities of the human psyche.

Currently, there is an integration of different directions. Psychologists use the concepts and methods of one direction or another, depending on the characteristics of the problems and tasks being solved. There is no single concept of the subject of psychology.

Psychology is both a very old and very young science. Having a thousand-year past, it is nevertheless all still in the future. Its existence as an independent scientific discipline barely dates back a century, but it can be said with confidence that the main problem has occupied human thought since the very moment when a person began to think about the secrets of the world around him and learn them.

famous psychologist late XIX- beginning of the XX century. G. Ebbinghaus was able to say very succinctly and precisely about psychology: psychology has a huge prehistory and is very short story. History refers to that period in the study of the psyche, which was marked by a departure from philosophy, rapprochement with the natural sciences and the organization of its own experimental method. This happened in the last quarter of the 19th century, but the origins of psychology are lost in the mists of time.

The very name of the subject in translation from ancient Greek means "psyche" - the soul, "logos" - science, teaching, that is - "the science of the soul." According to a very common idea, the first psychological views are connected with religious ideas. In fact, as evidenced true story science, already the early ideas of the ancient Greek philosophers arise in the process of practical knowledge of man, in close connection with the accumulation of the first knowledge and develop in the struggle of the emerging scientific thought against religion with its mythological ideas about the world in general, about the soul in particular. The study, explanation of the nature of mental phenomena is the first stage in the development of the subject of psychology.

Psychology as a science has special qualities that distinguish it from other scientific disciplines. As a system of proven knowledge, few people know psychology, mainly only those who are specially engaged in it, solving scientific and practical problems. At the same time, as a system of life phenomena, psychology is familiar to every person. It is presented to him in the form of his own sensations, images, ideas, phenomena of memory, thinking, speech, will, imagination, interests, motives, needs, emotions, feelings and much more. We can directly detect the basic mental phenomena in ourselves and indirectly observe in other people.

The subject of study of psychology is, first of all, the psyche of man and animals, which includes many subjective phenomena. With the help of some, such as, for example, sensations and perception, attention and memory, imagination, thinking and speech, a person cognizes the world. Therefore, they are often called cognitive processes. Other phenomena regulate his communication with people, directly control his actions and deeds. They are called mental properties and states of the individual (these include needs, motives, goals, interests, will, feelings and emotions, inclinations and abilities, knowledge and consciousness). In addition, psychology studies human communication and behavior, their dependence on mental phenomena and, in turn, the dependence of the formation and development of mental phenomena on them.

Mental processes, properties and states of a person, his communication and activity are separated and studied separately, although in reality they are closely related to each other and form a single whole, called human life.

Psychology has come a long way of development, there has been a change in the understanding of the object, subject and goals of psychology. Note main stages its development.

I stage− psychology as the science of the soul. Arises in the 5th century BC. in connection with the appearance of Aristotle's treatise "On the Soul", which is considered the first psychological work. The presence of the soul tried to explain all the incomprehensible phenomena in human life.

II stage- psychology as a science of consciousness. It arises in the 17th century in connection with the development of the natural sciences. The ability to think, feel, desire is called consciousness. The main method of study was the observation of a person for himself and the description of facts.

Stage III- psychology as a science of behavior. Arises in the 19th century. The task of psychology is to set up experiments and observe what can be directly seen, namely: behavior, actions, reactions of a person (motives that cause actions were not taken into account).

IV stagemodern stage development of psychology (from the 20th century to the present). Psychology today is a science that studies the facts, patterns and mechanisms of the psyche. It was formed on the basis of a materialistic view of the world. Modern psychology was formed on the basis of a materialistic view of the world.

Thus, modern psychology - this is a science that studies the phenomena and patterns of development and the mechanisms of the functioning of the psyche as a special form of life. object its study is the human psyche, and subject - facts, patterns, mechanisms of the psyche. At the same time, under psyche understand the property of the brain to reflect objectively and independently of consciousness the existing reality, which ensures the expediency of human behavior and activity.

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Bibliographic list
Abramova G.S. Practical psychology: Textbook for universities. - M, 2001. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Activity and personality psychology. - M., 1980. Ananiev B.G. Man as an object

Psychology of Personality
Biological, social and spiritual in a person's personality.................................................................. ......................................100 Personality theories……………………… …………………102 Approx.

Psychology interacts with many industries scientific knowledge. Many branches of psychology arose at the intersection with other sciences and are related, applied branches of scientific knowledge that explore the patterns of objective reality from the standpoint of the subject of psychology. On fig. 1.8 shows the relationship between individual industries psychology and related scientific disciplines.

Rice. 1.8.

1.4. The history of the development of psychological knowledge

Let us briefly consider the main stages in the emergence and development of psychology as a science.

Individual(from lat. individuum - indivisible, individual) or individual- This

  • an individual person as a unique combination of his innate and acquired properties;
  • the individual person as a social being that is more than a combination of innate qualities;
  • a person as a separate person in the environment of other people.

Subject(from lat. subiectum - subject; subject, individual) is

  • a person, as a carrier of any properties, personality;
  • a concrete carrier of subject-practical activity and cognition, a carrier of the active;
  • a person whose experience and behavior are the subject of consideration; all other people are objects for this person.

Personality- This

  • man as a carrier of consciousness (K.K. Platonov);
  • social individual, object and subject of the historical process (B.G. Ananiev, [ , C. 232]);
  • "social individual, subject public relations, activities and communication" [, p. 122];
  • "the qualities of an individual acquired by him in social and objective activity and inherent only to this individual" (AV Petrovsky, );
  • "a distinctive and characteristic pattern of thinking, emotions and behavior that forms the personal style of the interaction of the individual with his physical and social environment" [ , p. 416];
  • "a set of individual psychological characteristics, which determine the attitude towards oneself, society and the surrounding world as a whole, which is peculiar for a given person" (Yu.V. Shcherbatykh, [S. 199]).

Individuality- this is the uniqueness, the uniqueness of human properties.

Psychology of Personality(eng. personality psychology) - a section of psychology in which the nature and mechanisms of personality development are studied, various personality theories are built.

Brief summary

Psychology is a field of scientific knowledge that studies the patterns of emergence, formation and development of mental processes, states and properties of humans and animals.

Target psychological research– study of the role of mental functions in the individual and social behavior, as well as the physiological and neurobiological processes underlying cognitive activity and behavior of people.

The object of psychology is the psyche, the subject is the main laws of the generation and functioning of mental reality.

Psyche - general concept denoting the totality of all mental phenomena. There are four groups of mental phenomena: processes, states, personality traits and mental formations.

  • Define the terms "psyche" and "psychic phenomena", describe the main groups of mental phenomena and approaches to their classification.
  • Analyze the methods of psychological research, indicate the areas of their application.
  • Expand the place of psychology in the system of scientific knowledge, describe the relationship between individual branches of psychological science and related scientific disciplines.
  • Describe the main stages in the formation and development of psychology, name scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of psychological knowledge at each stage.
  • Give definitions of the basic categories of psychology: individual, subject, personality, individuality; describe their characteristics.

    Object, subject and tasks of psychology.

    The subject of psychology - This psyche as the highest form of the relationship of living beings with the objective world, expressed in their ability to realize their impulses and act on the basis of information about it.

    The subject of psychology is a person as a subject of activity, systemic qualities of his self-regulation; regularities of the formation and functioning of the human psyche: its ability to reflect the world, cognize it and regulate its interaction with it.

    The subject of psychology is understood differently in the course of history and from the standpoint of different areas of psychology.

    Soul (all researchers until the beginning of the 18th century)

    Phenomena of consciousness

    The direct experience of the subject


    The origin of mental activities


    · Unconscious

    Information processing processes and the results of these processes

    · Personal experience human

    The object of psychology - This laws of the psyche as a special form of human life and animal behavior. This form of life activity, due to its versatility, can be studied in a wide variety of aspects that are being studied. various industries psychological science.

    They have as their object: norms and pathology in the human psyche; types of specific activities, the development of the human and animal psyche; relation of man to nature and society, etc.

    The main task of psychology as a science is to reveal the laws of the emergence, development and course of a person’s mental activity, the formation of his mental properties, the identification vitality of the psyche and thereby assisting in its mastery, its purposeful formation in accordance with the needs of society.

    Specific tasks of psychology:

    Elucidation of the nature and essence of mental activity and its connection with the brain, the function of which is this activity, its relation to the objective world.

    The study of the emergence and development of mental activity in the process of biological evolution of animals and the socio-historical development of human life. Elucidation of common and different in the psyche of people and animals, features of human consciousness in various social conditions life.

    The study of the emergence and development of the child's psyche, as well as the identification of the progressive transformation of the child into a conscious personality; revealing how his psychological characteristics are formed in the process of education and upbringing.

    Study of the structure of human mental activity, the main forms of its manifestation and their relationship.

    The study of the emergence of sensations, perception, attention and other reflections of objective reality and how they regulate this reality.

    Disclosure psychological foundations training and education, the study of the qualities and properties of the teacher's personality.

    Identification and study of psychological characteristics various kinds production, technical, creative and other activities of people.

    The study of the characteristics of the mental activity of adults and children with defects in the brain and sensory organs.

    The concept of the psyche.

    The psyche is a property of highly organized living matter, which consists in the active reflection of the objective world by the subject, in the construction by the subject of a picture of this world inalienable from him and in the regulation of behavior and activity on this basis.

    From this definition follows a number of fundamental judgments about the nature and mechanisms of manifestation of the psyche. First, the psyche is a property of only living matter. And not just living matter, but highly organized living matter. Therefore, not every living matter has this property, but only that which has specific organs that determine the possibility of the existence of the psyche.

    Secondly, main feature psyche lies in the ability to reflect the objective world. What does this mean? Literally, this means the following: highly organized living matter, which has a psyche, has the ability to obtain information about the world around it. At the same time, the receipt of information is associated with the creation of this highly organized matter of a certain mental, i.e., subjective in nature and idealistic (non-material) in essence, image, which, with a certain measure of accuracy, is a copy of the material objects of the real world.

    Thirdly, the information received by a living being about the surrounding world serves as the basis for the regulation internal environment of a living organism and the formation of its behavior, which generally determines the possibility of a relatively long existence of this organism in constantly changing environmental conditions. Consequently, living matter, which has a psyche, is able to respond to a change external environment or on the impact of environmental objects.

    The emergence of psychology as a science. The history of the development of psychological knowledge.

    Since ancient times the need public life forced a person to distinguish and take into account the peculiarities of the mental make-up of people. In the philosophical teachings of antiquity, some psychological aspects were already touched upon, which were solved either in terms of idealism or in terms of materialism. Thus, the materialistic philosophers of antiquity Democritus, Lucretius, Epicurus understood the human soul as a kind of matter, as a bodily formation formed from spherical, small and most mobile atoms. But the idealist philosopher Plato understood the human soul as something divine, different from the body. The soul, before entering the human body, exists separately in the higher world, where it cognizes ideas - eternal and unchanging essences. Once in the body, the soul begins to remember what it saw before birth. Plato's idealistic theory, which treats the body and mind as two independent and antagonistic principles, laid the foundation for all subsequent idealistic theories. Great Philosopher Aristotle in his treatise "On the Soul" singled out psychology as a kind of field of knowledge and for the first time put forward the idea of ​​the inseparability of the soul and the living body. The soul, the psyche is manifested in various abilities for activity: nourishing, feeling, moving, rational; higher abilities arise from lower ones and on their basis. The primary cognitive faculty of man is sensation; it takes the form of sensuously perceived objects without their matter, just as "wax takes the impression of a seal without iron and gold." Sensations leave a trace in the form of representations - images of those objects that previously acted on the senses. Aristotle showed that these images are connected in three directions: by similarity, by contiguity and contrast, thereby indicating the main types of connections - associations of mental phenomena. Thus, stage I is psychology as the science of the soul. This definition of psychology was given more than two thousand years ago. The presence of the soul tried to explain all the incomprehensible phenomena in human life. Stage II - psychology as a science of consciousness. It arises in the 17th century in connection with the development of the natural sciences. The ability to think, feel, desire is called consciousness. The main method of study was the observation of a person for himself and the description of facts. Stage III - psychology as a science of behavior. Arises in the 20th century: The task of psychology is to experiment and observe what can be directly seen, namely: behavior, actions, reactions of a person (motives that cause actions were not taken into account). Stage IV - psychology as a science that studies the objective patterns, manifestations and mechanisms of the psyche. The history of psychology as an experimental science begins in 1879 in the world's first experimental psychological laboratory founded by the German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig. Soon, in 1885, V. M. Bekhterev organized a similar laboratory in Russia.

    The history of psychology is one of the few complex disciplines that synthesize knowledge in individual areas and problems of psychology. The history of psychology makes it possible to understand the logic of the formation of psychology, the reasons for the change in its subject, the leading problems. The history of psychology teaches not only factors, but also thinking, the ability to understand and adequately evaluate individual psychological phenomena and concepts. The logic of scientific knowledge, analysis of the formation of new methods and approaches to the study of the psyche prove that the emergence of experimental psychology and the methodological apparatus of psychology were determined and reflected by scientists.

    The history of psychology studies the patterns of formation and development of views on the psyche on the basis of analysis different approaches to understanding its nature, functions, genesis. Psychology is associated with various fields of science and culture. From its very inception, it was focused on philosophy and for several centuries was actually one of the sections of this science. The connection with philosophy was not interrupted throughout the entire period of the existence of psychology as a science, then weakened (as at the beginning of the 19th century), then strengthened again (as in the middle of the 20th century).

    The development of natural science and medicine has had and is exerting no less influence on psychology. Also, in the works of many scientists, there is a connection with ethnography, sociology, cultural theory, art history, mathematics, logic, and linguistics.

    In the history of psychology, the historical-genetic method is used, according to which the study of the past is impossible without taking into account the general logic of the development of science in a certain historical period, and the historical-functional method, thanks to which the continuity of the expressed ideas is analyzed. Great importance have a biographical method that allows you to identify possible reasons and the conditions for the formation of the scientific views of the scientist, as well as the method of systematizing psychological statements.

    The sources for the history of psychology are primarily the works of scientists, active materials, memories of their lives and activities, as well as an analysis of historical and sociological materials, and even fiction helping to recreate the spirit of a certain time.

    Until the last quarter of the 19th century, philosophers studied human nature based on their own limited experience, through reflection, intuition, and generalization. Change became possible when philosophers began to use tools that had already been successfully used in biology and other natural sciences.

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