How to make a bottle that you can eat. What to do with plastic bottles. Master class from a plastic bottle. Chandelier

It is known to everyone and is used as packaging for a wide variety of products: water, juices, soft drinks. What is it made of plastic bottle? Such containers play a ubiquitous role in our consumer lives. As our awareness of environmental issues that surround the plastic, many became interested life cycle of this material, from production to subsequent disposal in landfill or recycling. Awareness of this process can make consumers think more about how they use and dispose of waste.

Composition, main properties

What is a plastic bottle made of? It all starts with the receipt of raw materials - the extraction of oil, which comes from distant fields. After receiving it for further processing, everything is loaded into containers, on tankers and sent to factories. What is a plastic bottle made of? Oil. When hydrocarbons are heated and mixed with chemical catalysts, which causes polymerization, plastic is obtained. In addition, various components are extracted from it during processing. Then it receives gas, fuel oil and other products. What are plastic bottles made of? Most of them are made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET, also known as plastic). One of the important chemical parameters is viscosity, which is determined by the size of the polymer molecules. What are plastic bottles made of, how are they made from this material? Polyethylene tereflat is widely used in Russia for the production different kind blanks, the so-called "preforms". Further, after heating, forms of various types are made (blown out) of them, primarily plastic bottles.

what else can replace it? Not everyone knows that some manufacturers, taking care of the environment, use bioplastics from plant materials (Bioplastics). To do this, they are first subjected to processing to form polymers. This is followed by a transformation process, resulting in new material bioplastic. It is considered to be better for environment, since it does not require the extraction and processing of oil. However, such a replacement from plant materials quickly decomposes and is not stored for a long time. In addition, in cases of long exposure, bottles made of such material can be deformed and leak. There is also an opinion that the situation with bioplastics is also not complete without. Its production requires large areas of agricultural land for growing crops. In addition, they consume large amounts of water, fuel and other resources.

Fight against garbage

The production and consumption of plastic containers is constantly increasing all over the world. As a result, there is a storage of garbage that does not decompose. At the same time, plastic bottles are a very common form of waste around the world. However, thrown away, not all of them end up in landfills. The world's oceans are filled with such garbage, which poses a serious threat to many marine organisms. Instead of breaking down completely, the plastic actually breaks down into very small segments that can be consumed by ocean dwellers. The small town of Concord is the first locality in the United States, which banned the sale of water in plastic bottles.

Do not rush to throw away used plastic containers, because you can still find useful application. In a new review, the author has collected the most interesting and practical examples of what else you can use unnecessary plastic bottles for.

1. Decoration in a marine style

To create a unique nautical-style jewelry, you will need a small plastic or glass bottle, which should be filled with plain water and seabed attributes: sand, shells, large pearl-like beads, coins, shiny beads and glass shards. When all the components of the composition are folded, drop a drop of blue food coloring into the bottle, a few drops vegetable oil and some glitter. It remains only to tighten the cork well and the stunning decoration is ready.

2. Stand for books and magazines

Simple manipulations will allow you to turn an unnecessary canister of milk or juice into a convenient stand for books, newspapers and magazines.

3. Faucet attachment

Can be cut from a shampoo bottle comfortable nozzle for the tap, which will allow the child to wash his hands or wash himself without outside help, without flooding the entire floor.

4. Napkin holder

The detergent bottle can be used to create a bright and practical napkin holder, the design of which is limited only by your imagination.

5. Stationery organizer

Instead of just throwing away the next bottles of shampoo and shower gel, make bright and cheerful coasters in the form of funny monsters out of them. To get started, just cut off the necks of the bottles and mark the places for future cuts. From colored paper or fabric, you can cut a variety of decorative elements, like eyes, teeth and ears, and attach them to the bottles with superglue. Finished products are best attached to the wall using double-sided tape.

6. Containers for cosmetics

Cut plastic bottles are great for making adorable storage containers for makeup brushes, make-up, ear sticks and more.

7. Pouf

From a large number plastic containers, you can make a charming pouf, the process of creating which is quite simple and understandable. First you need to make a circle of plastic bottles of the same height and secure it with tape. The resulting structure must be well wrapped with a sheet of foamed polyethylene, securing all joints with adhesive tape. The base of the ottoman is ready, it remains only to sew a suitable cover for it.

8. Bracelets

Plastic bottles are an excellent basis for creating original bracelets. Use fabric, thread, leather, and any other materials to decorate the unsightly plastic base.

9. Stand for sweets

The bottoms of plastic bottles of different sizes, painted in the desired shade, can be used to create a spectacular multi-level stand for convenient and beautiful storage of sweets.

10. Scoop and spatula

Plastic milk and juice canisters can be used to create a practical scoop and a handy little spatula.

11. Protective cap

A simple cap that can be made from a regular plastic bottle will help protect your phone from snow or rain.

12. Lamp

A small plastic canister can be a wonderful base for creating an original lamp.

13. Jewelry Organizer

A stunning multi-level organizer that can be made from several plastic bottle bottoms strung on a metal needle.

14. Planters

Storage containers for spare parts.

Spacious containers made from waste plastic canisters will help to put things in order and maintain order in the garage, which are perfect for storing small parts, nails, screws and other small things.

17. Toy

Armed with scissors, felt-tip pens and paints, you can turn unnecessary plastic containers into fun toys, the process of creating which, as well as the result itself, will undoubtedly attract the attention of children.

Continuing the topic with your own hands.

Empty plastic bottles create a lot of inconvenience. You can’t throw them into the trash can, since just two thrown bottles instantly fill it. Many people wonder what can be made from plastic bottles and how they can be usefully used in the household. If you think and show a little imagination, it turns out that almost everything can be made from a plastic bottle, from a feeder to an original garden arbor.

Products for the home

Consider what useful household items can be made from a simple plastic bottle. One of these useful products is a cosmetic bag. To complete the bag, you will need two containers with a volume of 5 liters each.

And from the bottoms of ordinary bottles of 1.5 and 2 liters, you can easily make coasters, photo.

original boxes

Various little things, for example, spools of thread, pencils, small toys will be perfectly stored in neat boxes made in a special style. A certain design will be given to them by the upper fabric part, which is sewn to the cut off bottle and tied in the form of a bag. Such a container is decorated to your liking: with children's stripes, bows, ribbons, beads, buttons, etc., photo. Stickers or cut-out figures are glued onto the plastic part. Children will love these boxes, they will love to collect their treasures in them, which will have a beneficial effect on cleanliness in the house.

mobile phone holder

From a plastic bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters, you can build a very useful holder for mobile phone. You will need it if there is no place near the outlet from which you can charge the phone this device. To build such a holder, a plastic container is cut so that a mobile phone can be placed in it in a vertical position, and a round hole is cut out for the junction of the plug and socket.

Plastic bag dispenser

If you are tired of plastic bags lying around the kitchen, a plastic bottle bag dispenser will help you to place them in one place. A 3 liter container is suitable for this. Her bottom and neck are cut off in a narrow place and attached upside down to the door. Bags can be folded into the upper wide opening, and it is convenient to get one bag from the lower narrow one.

Children's bracelets

Kids will love the fun bracelets made from plastic bottles, especially if you let them get involved in the making process too. A one and a half liter plastic container is wrapped in several places with double-sided tape and even rings are cut out in the form of bracelets. Then the protective film is removed from them and multi-colored, suitable-sized patches of felt or other dense fabric are glued to the sticky surface. Beads, bows, buttons and other small accessories are sewn to this surface.

Original curtain

If you want to surprise your guests, you can assemble and hang a stylish curtain from the bottoms of plastic bottles in the room. Especially it will fit into the interior in high-tech or modern style. Of course, the longer and larger you want the curtain, the more bottles you will need to make it. For plastic containers with a volume of 1-1.5 liters, the bottom is cut out so that it resembles a flower. Closer to the edges, holes are made with a hot needle and a fishing line is pulled into them. Then they collect all the flowers on a fishing line in the form of a curtain. Such decoration is usually hung in a doorway or near a window. You can change the color of the curtain by choosing colored bottles, or use spray paint to decorate the product to your liking.

To produce a stunning effect, a hole is punched in the middle of each flower and a diode is inserted. Then the curtain can shine like a beautiful garland.

Flower pots

From the bottle you can make original flower pots. Some cut a hole in the side of the container, some cut it in half. In this case, the fantasy is limitless. And if you cut and decorate the bottles in a certain way, you get such masterpieces.

Products from plastic bottles for summer cottages

Of course, the most uses for empty plastic bottles are found in suburban area. They are used to construct irrigation devices, fences, decorations, interior details for a country house and other useful things.


One of the most simple designs from a plastic bottle is a sprinkler. It is very easy to make: many holes are pierced in a plastic bottle with an awl or cuts are made with scissors. Then the finished sprinkler is added dropwise near the plants so that only the neck looks out of the ground. After that, water is poured into it, which, gradually seeping through, will irrigate the earth.

Also, for convenient watering, they actively use the watering bowl known from childhood, which is done by piercing the lid in several places.

Plastic lamps for giving

If in your country house there is not enough lamp or chandelier, you can easily make an original and interesting option from plastic bottles. For this, empty containers with a volume of 0.5 liters in the amount of 35-50 pieces are suitable. The upper parts of the bottles are cut so that petals are obtained, which are then straightened and given the desired shape, photo.

Then the transparent flowers are painted in any color to taste with the help of spray paint. You can also decorate them in two or three colors. All products are attached to a wire ring with a wire and suspended from the ceiling with a rope.

There are options for other fixtures that frame and mask a simple light bulb. Most importantly, do not let the plastic elements touch the light bulb, otherwise they will melt and give a very bad smell. You can also use energy saving lamp which doesn't get very hot.

Garden fence

Many summer residents are wondering what can be made from bottles for a flower bed that would perform a certain function and at the same time look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. This option includes a fence of empty bottles. It is very simple to make it, just stick plastic products into the ground along the entire border of the garden. Only first they should be filled with sand and closed with a lid. The advantages of such a fence are obvious: the earth is not washed out by showers, and they always look neat.

For the construction of this fence, you will need a lot of empty bottles, so it will take a long time to collect them. They must be the same size.

Decorative decorations for a summer cottage

You can make decorative flowers and butterflies from bottle plastic, they decorate a metal fence in the country, flower pots, hang on a tree, etc. Petals or butterfly wings are cut out with plastic scissors, and then the edges are melted so that they take the desired shape. When heated, the plastic takes the required form quite well. A thick wire is used to form the stem. Stamens are made of beads, the product is decorated different colors. It turns out very beautiful and original, photo.

If you want to spruce up your yard with large, eye-catching pieces, make a palm tree using green and brown plastic bottles. But first, they need to cut off the bottom. The barrel is made of a wooden or metal rod, on which brown bottles are strung upside down. Branches are obtained by stringing green bottles on curved rods. Do not forget to arrange the edges of green bottles in the form of leaves.

Various funny little animals at their summer cottage look very cute. AT recent times they often decorate not only summer cottages, but also adjacent territories in front of multi-storey buildings. With their cute appearance, they cheer up not only children, but also adults. What can be made from empty plastic bottles? The simplest is pigs. You just need to cut and bend the ears, attach the tail and color. But there are many crafts and more complex ones. Very often they make swans, hedgehogs, kittens and other characters. Here are some more examples of what can be made from plastic bottles, video.

bottle path

From the bottoms of plastic bottles, a very beautiful and useful path is obtained. Please note that they should be laid on loose sand so that the parts can be well stuffed with them. This will eliminate the possibility of their deformation in the process of walking. This track has a useful advantage - it does a great foot massage.

Household products for summer cottages from plastic containers

If you want to make something useful out of an empty plastic bottle, we have several options.

Wash basin

From just one empty bottle you can make a convenient outdoor washbasin. A plastic container with a closed lid and a cut off bottom is turned upside down and suspended from the base. Then fill the bottle with water. When the lid is slightly loosened, water will pour out. By the way, such a washbasin will be very relevant for a picnic. It takes up little space and can be hung from any tree.

Still, it’s better not to cut off the bottom of the washbasin to the end, but leave it as a lid that can be easily closed and opened. It is needed to protect the water from the ingress of leaves, insects and other debris.

Mosquito trap

To sit quietly in the evening in nature, you can not do without a mosquito trap. It is very easy to make it. Need to cut off the bottle upper part and push it into the other part with the neck down. To make insects more likely to fly into the trap, darken it with cloth or paper.

The bait is made from sugar-yeast syrup. A trap with such contents will attract not only mosquitoes, but also flies, wasps and bees. Don't forget to clean it periodically.

Tool boxes

To make drawers fit more rectangular bottles. One side of the bottles is marked with a marker and cut with scissors. Here are all the boxes ready. It is convenient to store various little things in them: nails, bolts, screws, dowels, nozzles and more.

Greenhouses, gazebos and other structures made of plastic bottles

Entrepreneurial people try to save money and come up with an excellent alternative from plastic bottles together with expensive greenhouses.

In any home, family, especially after the holidays, glass bottles accumulate, but you don’t always want to throw them away. Yes, and you don't have to. In this article we will analyze what can be made from empty and beautiful glass bottles.

What can be made from bottles for the home

To date, many bottles have a non-standard shape and their variety is very large. Make useful DIY decorative crafts from glass bottles that will add zest to your interior or exterior of your home and bottles will no longer be just trash for you. From empty glass bottles you can make stylish vases, all kinds of candlesticks, chandeliers, glasses, magnificent flower vases, terrariums for plants, hedges, it is interesting to arrange flower beds in the country and much more, for which your imagination is enough.

Just before you give empty glass bottles a second wind, you need to decide what you want to do and choose the range of possibilities. Crafts from glass bottles can be divided into two large groups:

  • Interior- this group includes crafts to fill the interior and create a positive mood (chandeliers, coasters, vases, candlesticks and much more).
  • Exterior- a group of crafts to create comfort in the country, in a country house (paths, hedges, etc.)

Bottle vase

The simplest and most beautiful thing in the interior is a flower vase. Vases with flowers create coziness and warm atmosphere in the house. They can be placed anywhere, on tables, on the floor, on shelves. Whole bottle- a ready-made vase for flowers. There are many ways to mono decorate a bottle.

Bottle vase. Acrylic painting method

Manufacturing process:

  1. To do this, take a beautiful bottle of wine, unusual shape, cover it with acrylic or oil paint (for example, white), if necessary, apply a second coat of paint. Complete guide as
  2. Then take a beautiful lace, 10 centimeters wide and glue it at the bottom of the bottle. (see photo).
  3. The last touch left is to put flowers in a vase. And your house will shine with tenderness.

Also, vases can be not only desktop, but also wall-mounted. Make a wooden base by attaching it to the wall, and put a vase of flowers in the middle of it.

Set of vases for table decor

wall vase

Hummingbird has a whole selection of master classes - see the link!


No lamp that emits artificial light gives such a romantic effect as the light of a smoldering candle. The fire of a candle can make the atmosphere of any room more mysterious and exciting, but at the same time more calm and comfortable. The most ideal solution would be to make an individual candlestick with your own hands.

Candlesticks from a bottle

Candlesticks from transparent bottles

The easiest way to make a candle holder is from the bottom halves of bottles. To do this, you need to cut the bottle. How to cut a glass bottle? There are several options. Most often they use a special machine or a glass cutter, but not everyone in the house has such tools. Therefore, at home, glass can be cut with a burning thread.

To do this, you need to thoroughly moisten the middle rope in acetone (or nail polish remover), wrap it around the bottle in the place where you need to cut it, set it on fire, and then sharply dip it into ice water (water / ice \u003d 1/1). Step by step.

Candlestick from the bottom of the bottle

Get a perfectly straight cut. Then, to process the edges so that they are smooth, use an emery wheel or waterproof skin. When working, be sure to follow the safety measures.

Manufacturing process:

  1. After you cut the bottle, melt the paraffin in a water bath.
  2. Then we take a piece of the wick, put it in the bottom of the bottle, fixing it with a dry piece of paraffin, and fill it with melted paraffin, while fixing the wick in place with something. Let it dry completely (1-2 hours). That's all, our wonderful candle is ready to use.
  3. Or just insert a thick candle into the bottom of a glass bottle for another great candle.

Wine bottle chandelier

If you are tired of old shades, then another variety for your home will be made from wine glass bottles with your own hands.

It is necessary to cut off the bottom of the wine bottle, and we use this bottle as a ceiling lamp, it is only necessary to carefully fix the cartridge with the light bulb. Also, mono is not limited to only one ceiling, and make a whole royal chandelier in the same way, which will decorate your room and fit perfectly into your interior, especially in a country house.

Do you want to make such a lamp? - Below are 3 detailed and step-by-step lessons!

Gorgeous bottle chandelier

The finished cartridge with wiring is inserted into the cropped bottle

Rustic chandelier


The simplest and most popular crafts made from glass bottles are various elements of dishes. If you want to make flat dishes with your own hands, you must contact the workshop, where, when high temperatures, it will be given a different shape.

Although there is an easy way to make a plate at home, as mentioned above. And your plate is ready to use.

Original serving of a dish in a plate from a bottle

Plates for sweets

To make a plate for sweets, you need:

  1. take a tray or an old plastic plate,
  2. make a round hole in the middle, and put it on the neck of the bottle.
  3. the bottle can be decorated with various decorative elements (paint, beads, pebbles and much more)

Original plate for desserts

Jars for bulk products

By cutting off the neck of the bottle and polishing the edges, you get an original jar for bulk products. Which will delight you with its appearance when preparing various dishes.

Jars for storage of loose products. You can use a cork or foam ball as a lid


Already knowing the principle of cutting a bottle, you can try to make a glass mug, just remember to carefully process the edges. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle and separately the very top of the neck, then glue the neck to the bottom as a handle with liquid nails and your glass is ready.

Glass bottle mug

Whiskey bottle soap dispenser

bottles beautiful shape serve as a liquid soap dispenser for you. This option will certainly look original to your bathroom.

  1. To portray such beauty and practicality, instead of a cork, attach a pump or nozzle for liquid soap or dishwashing detergent that is left with the used one.
  2. You can fix the nozzle with liquid nails or pick up a bottle with a suitable thread.
  3. If you want to leave the label and so that it does not get wet from water, cover it with a transparent varnish.

Done, you can already enjoy.

Whiskey bottle soap dispenser

Wine bottle shelves

Using glass bottles to support wooden shelving is a wonderful idea. Hollow bottles are incredibly strong and easily hold wooden boards (overlaps). To do this, it is enough to make several holes in wooden boards, connecting them with bottles and your book house is ready.

Bottle storage shelf

Hangers and hooks

Glass wine bottles will find their use in the hallway if they turn into an unusually original hanger. This idea was first introduced by Lucirmás in Milan. On the one hand, it is an art, and at the same time a useful thing.


  1. To make a hanger, we need wine bottles with a long neck.
  2. It is necessary to cut them at such an angle that they are at the required slope on the wall.
  3. Then we attach a mirror or glass base to the wall and glue our neck with liquid nails.

If it was not possible to carefully glue and the glue is visible, the base can be decorated with a cord.

DIY designer bottle hanger

Glass bottle tables

As well as for the manufacture of shelves, you will need a board of the shape and size that you would like your table to be.

Bottle coffee table

bottle table template

We drill holes for the necks of the bottle and insert them. And your table will certainly please with its originality not only you, but also your guests.


Planted original DIY crafts can decorate not only the interior of your home, but also the exterior.

Hanging terrarium

Transparent bottles of any glass are perfect for home terrarium or pots for live plants. Such a hanging flower bed gives the impression and feeling that the bottle has grown from plants, and not vice versa. It is very simple to make it, you need to cut off a small part of the bottle, plant a plant inside on the ground. Also, they can be not only suspended, but also desktop or wall.

Bird feeders

Feeders can be made from inverted bottles. Fill the bottles with food or grain, after fixing it in a wooden structure, turn it upside down, and put a glass or saucer under the bottom. Part of the food will be poured into a glass or on a saucer. As soon as the birds peck at the food, it will gradually fall asleep. Such feeders can be safely hung on trees and they will decorate your site.

Bird feeders on a wooden mount

Stylish bottle bird feeder

"Music of the winds" from bottles

These bells are made from a colored glass bottle, after cutting it into several parts. In the largest part and the rest of the small ones, it is necessary to make holes for the wire with decorating material, which will connect all the cut parts of the bottle together.

Such a thing will look fabulous in your summer garden.

Flower beds and fences

Making a flower bed out of bottles for the garden is not so difficult. And so we start:

  1. For the base we take car tires. Bottom part bases are plastered with mortar.
  2. The first row is laid with the necks towards the center, the second and subsequent in the same way, but with a gradual shift so that the bottles are stacked in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. All voids are filled with mortar to make the structure stronger.
  4. The last layer is fixed with a solution, covered with soil, and only a wide part of the bottles should remain on the surface.

Round flower bed of bottles

It is also very easy to make a glass bottle fence by separating vegetables and berries with a decorative fence. First, draw the boundaries of the divisions, then dig a ditch to install the bottles, placing them tightly in a row, and then tamp the soil around.

Fence for a flower bed

The fence made of bottles also looks very original. It is especially beautiful if the bottle is different shapes and colors.

original bottle fence

Mounting process:

  1. We dig long wooden poles into the ground. Optionally, poles can be built into a wooden base.
  2. In each bottle in the bottom you need to make a hole 1 centimeter larger than the diameter of the pole.
  3. We string the bottles on the poles and fix the bar on top.

Also see a detailed photo master class.

Prepare the base for the poles

Stringing bottles on poles

Making such crafts will entertain you, as well as benefit not only you, but also the environment.

When I go to the factory, I often have no idea what awaits me there. I had to visit the largest glass container production beyond the Urals, and I imagined huge production areas,.

Text and photo: Vadim Makhorov (original)

It often happens when I go to the factory, I can’t even imagine what awaits me there. This time it was the same, I had to visit the largest glass container production beyond the Urals, and I imagined huge production areas, but in reality everything turned out differently.

It will be about the Novosibirsk enterprise JSC "Plant" Ekran "". The history of the plant began after the Great Patriotic War- exactly then Soviet Union thought about creating a base for the production of vacuum devices for radar and television. In 1948, a decision was made to build a plant, and in 1954 it already began its work as an enterprise in the electronics industry for the production of electron-optical devices, cathode-ray tubes for oscillography and kinescopes for completing television factories. For decades, the plant regularly supplied its products to the needs of partner enterprises, but, with the cessation of mass production of television equipment in Russia in 1994, it was redesigned for the production of glass containers.

glass line.

Today JSC “Zavod “Ekran”” is an enterprise that occupies a leading position among manufacturers of glass containers in the territory from the Urals to Far East. The product range of the plant consists of bottles made of colorless glass with a capacity of 0.25 l to 1 l for bottling alcoholic beverages, beer and carbonated drinks; jars for juices, sauces and other canned foods with a capacity of 0.25 to 3 liters; brown glass bottles.

Glass furnace.

Speaking of the largest production of glass containers beyond the Urals, I meant that the production capacity of the enterprise is 620 million pieces. glass bottles per year. If we divide by 365, we get about 1.7 million pieces. in a day. Novosibirsk alone would have so many bottles, glass containers are in demand among Siberian and Far Eastern districts RF, as well as Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

But the largest production in this case is just two workshops (the production of a colorless bottle and a brown one).

Finished, but not yet quality controlled bottles.

The glass container production technology consists of the following sequential processes:

  • preparation of raw materials,
  • blending,
  • glass melting,
  • forming and annealing products,
  • quality control and packaging.

The preparation of the feedstock is the purification of the initial raw materials from unwanted impurities and their preparation for further processing and use. This is followed by warehousing certain types raw materials and supply of raw materials to the receiving hoppers.

The charge is a dry mixture of materials that are fed into the furnace to produce glass. The main thing in the process of preparing the charge is weighing the components in certain proportions and mixing them in order to obtain a homogeneous mass. The following raw materials are used to prepare the mixture: quartz sand, dolomite flour, cullet, technological chalk, alumina, soda ash, sodium sulfate, decolorizers, dyes, etc.

Let's move on to the workshops of the new glass complex.

Glass furnace, into which charge and cullet are fed. The productivity of such a furnace is about 180 tons of glass melt per day.

Glass melting is the most complex operation of all glass production, is produced in continuous bath furnaces, which are pools made of refractory materials.

When the mixture is heated to 1100 - 1150 °C, silicates are formed, first in solid form, and then in the melt. With a further increase in temperature, the most refractory components completely dissolve in this melt - a glass mass is formed. This glass mass is saturated with gas bubbles and is heterogeneous in composition. To clarify and homogenize the glass mass, its temperature is increased to 1500 - 1600 °C. In this case, the viscosity of the melt decreases, and, accordingly, the removal of gas inclusions and the production of a homogeneous melt are facilitated.

Glass mass at the exit from the furnace.

The color and transparency of the bottle is determined by the addition (or absence) of dyes and opacifiers to the mixture. Silencers (compounds of fluorine, phosphorus, etc.) make glass opaque. Dyes include cobalt compounds ( blue color), chromium (green), manganese (violet), iron (brown and blue-green tones), etc.

The process is pretty stinky.

Glass melting is completed by cooling the glass mass to a temperature at which it acquires the viscosity required for the production of products by blowing.

Supply of glass mass to glass lines. At the bottom of the frame, two bright drops of glass mass are falling - these are future bottles.

The process of creating glass goblets.

The finished glass mass is fed to molding machines, where products are molded using appropriate equipment.

Ten section line producing brown glass bottles.

After passing through the molding process, the product undergoes additional heat treatment (annealing) in direct heating furnaces. Annealing is necessary to remove the internal residual stress in the glass container, which gives the product safety during further processing and operation. Product temperature at the inlet to the annealing furnace: e.g. 400 - 500 °C, and at the outlet: 50 - 80 °C.

Glass containers after annealing.

Spraying the bottles with a special solution that prevents scratches and scuffs on the bottles during transportation.

The product is ready, it remains only to pass the quality control.

The glass complex is equipped with modern inspection machines that every second scan the parameters of each bottle for compliance with the requirements of the buyer.

Packaged products.

I showed the process of making bottles at a new glass complex. There is another workshop (we started with it), where they make transparent bottles and jars, where quality control is done manually.

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