Why dream of a broken road. Why dream of walking with the dead. How did you get on the road?

  • Once I heard about this dangerous road. Today I am driving through it alone.
  • Bo Juyi (772-846)
  • The primary elements are earth, wood.
  • Elements - wind, humidity.
  • Emotions - anxiety, composure, fear, calmness, anger.
  • Organs - spleen, kidneys, liver.
  • Planets - Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter.
  • Explanation and interpretation
  • The understanding of the road is twofold - it is both an action and a mental state, it is both a static space (the symbol of yin is peace), indifferent to everything that happens, and the path is the movement of a person who actively overcomes this space (the symbol of yang energy is movement), that is, determining overcoming his emotions, desires and passions. A person's attitude to the path he follows will also determine the assessment of all the events that take place during this time. The path is a symbol of time: slowing it down (if the path is a symbol of violence against oneself, becoming painful and endlessly long, bringing fatigue and disappointment) or accelerating (if the path, despite the abundance of events and trials, creates conditions for a more complete and versatile understanding past and present). The path is a way to combine your past discoveries and the opportunity to test them now, a chance to reconsider your own opinion about events, people and emotions that control you. Everything indicates that the path or the road is a very important symbol for sleep. The road is yin, the opportunities offered by life, to go along the road is yang-action (internal choice of one of the external possibilities). Seeing the road in a dream, walking along it, knowing exactly where and why, is an attempt to reconsider one's attitude to the current situation, an intuitive understanding that, despite possible difficulties, the intended goal is really achievable.
  • To stray in a dream without a road, to be afraid, to go nowhere and feel fear of the road is a symbol of constant mistakes, a denial of fitness for the business you are doing; stray - a symbol of daily accumulation negative emotions, inconsistencies own desires and opportunities, forbidden things and failure. To go without knowing where and why, but with a clear desire for the need to achieve something - the search for a goal and necessary information. Half way to success is over. It remains to endure to the end: the goal is finally clarified in the process of movement. Seeing a distant, alluring road is a foretaste of a long, fruitful and interesting life. In the philosophy of the East there is the concept of Tao - a symbol of the life path. A person, a flower, a stone, a nation, a country, a planet - everyone has their own Tao. Tao is the correct flow of life between Earth and Heaven, which means health, happiness, fullness of creative forces, longevity, and so on. Everyone has only their own personal Tao (what is good for one may be bad for another); The Tao of a stone is to lie down, keeping the memory of the past, the Tao of a person is to continuously move forward spiritually. The road for all the people of the world has always been a symbol of life and movement, and therefore it plays a great role in dreams.

Road in a dream- You crossed the road, and it’s uncomfortable, somehow chilly, you don’t know what awaits you. You have stepped out of your comfort zone in reality. This means that you have decided, ready, or forced, to do something unusual. Stereotypes are broken with a bang or seriously challenged. Although, you can resist such changes if you yourself have not decided to change something.
A dirty, winding, bumpy road in a dream is interpreted as impending troubles, a difficult path to the goal, quarrels with loved ones, difficult life situations. Fall into a ditch or hole in the road - get into predicament, an ambiguous situation, miss a profitable chance. Railway, seen in a dream, is a dangerous omen for love affairs and personal relationships. Separation, scandals and strife, even betrayal - that's what you can expect after such a dream.
For lonely people, a railway in a dream promises a long journey.
Road- this is the path from something, to something, movement, development. It may also be that it serves as a kind of barrier, or border. In this case, in a dream, you do not walk (ride) along it, but cross it.
The road can be any: a narrow path, a sidewalk or a multi-lane tarssa, the essence remains the same.
The road leading to the graves is a dream of illness or accident.
The road that has led you to a dead end means life's obstacles.
Other side of the road. If unpleasant characters or things from the other side cannot cross the road and get to you, you feel protected, although you know that there is danger. Maybe it's yours close person protects you. And you know it. Tell him thanks! Admit that you love him, so early in the morning! Smile It may also be that those from whom you should expect trouble simply do not notice you. The boss didn’t catch you playing solitaire, in other words, you are sure that your luck is the result of luck. Another thing is if the dangers freely pass to you. Some kind of decrepit old woman with a creepy look, for example, or a black cloud. You probably feel fear, powerlessness, a helpless desire to stop it. Someone violates your personal boundaries, tries to get into your soul, manipulate you. You feel it. It is possible that this is an illusion, but it is worth taking a closer look at who you are afraid of and why. It is possible that guests from the other side can symbolize inevitable unpleasant events. Again, they may seem inevitable only to you, you should pay attention to this. It happens that in a dream you are in some comfortable, pleasant place - in a city, for example - but completely voluntarily leave this city, blocking the road. Although, it may not be entirely voluntary.
If you dreamed of a road to paradise, this is for profit.
If you dreamed of a road high in the mountains, then in life you set yourself unrealistic goals.
If you dreamed of a road with no end in sight, it means that soon you will have to work hard.
If you dreamed of a road full of people and cars, then soon you will meet someone you have long wanted to meet.
If you dreamed that you were walking along a very winding road, be prepared for trials.
If you are walking or driving along the road in a dream, this is big changes.
If you walked along the road for too long in a dream, but found that you were going the wrong way, this is disappointing.
If you dreamed that you were winding along a winding road or even got lost at a crossroads, then most likely you were confused in your own life. It is necessary to reconsider your life views and adjust your plans.
If the road is paved with stones, then the things that you have planned for the near future will bring success, income and self-satisfaction, although in the first couple everything will not be easy.
If the road you are walking in a dream is smooth, it means that you are waiting for a change for the better.
If a wide, even road spreads out in front of you in a dream, this portends you a successful continuation of the work you have begun, an upcoming journey, new prospects.
An abandoned, dusty, overgrown road or path in a dream speaks of your torment caused by dullness, mediocrity, inability to stand out from the crowd, lack of attention and admiration of others.
Sleep walking up the road- to good luck and luck, down - to trouble.
When in a dream you go somewhere off-road, but overcome this difficult path, expect success in business that will come to you thanks to your perseverance and diligence. There are situations when a person sees a deserted road in a dream. Such a dream suggests that in life you feel lonely and it seems that those around you do not understand and do not support you.
It is also necessary to break, and experience troubles, for the sake of future success.
To move in a dream on a flat and clean road- to quickly achieve the goal, along an uneven road with stones and sand - to difficult trials.
road crossing- crossing a certain border, or the inability to overcome it if the road cannot be crossed. Who or what is on the other side? And what do you experience in a dream in relation to such an environment? It happens that in a dream it is difficult to cross the road, for example, the flow of cars interferes. This can be interpreted as some kind of psychological or some other barrier that prevents something important from being done in reality. It is worth taking a closer look at your unmet needs. You really want to cross this road, and on the other side you see a loved one. Probably, you, in fact, have a certain coldness of relations, and you want to get closer to this person. Or your home or hometown is on the other side, but you cannot get into it, although you long for it. It may be related to homesickness.
Crossing the road. How do you feel about where you live now? Where would you like to live? There is a cheerful company on the other side - you may feel loneliness. There the sun is warm, but here it is damp and uncomfortable - probably, in reality, some discomfort is felt. It may be otherwise: you do not want to get on the opposite side at all. It's scary, dark, damp, lonely. And here you are quite comfortable. Moreover, you do not want someone or something to come from that side to you. In this case, the road means protection.
Roadblock. A new habit, disappointment in belief, rejection of something, a new daily routine - all this disrupts your comfortable state, makes you adapt, develop immunity. The same role of a barrier and protection can be played by a doorway, a gate - in general, everything that needs to be crossed, crossed, crossed.
The road dreamed during sleep symbolizes life path person. Scheduled life goals and the manner in which they are carried out are correct when the road you see in dreams is straight and wide.
Build, pave your own road- to receive approval, praise, qualitatively perform the work entrusted to you.

Every day, in one way or another, we find ourselves on the road that leads us to work, home, business, to relatives and friends. And what does it mean if you dreamed of a road at night? To interpret such a dream, we turn to the most authoritative dream books of our time for help.

What is the dream of the road: dream book of Gustav Miller

This dream book claims that in a dream it is very important to pay attention to how the dream road looks like. If you are moving along an unfamiliar and rocky road, then in reality things await you that will bring trouble or simply be a waste of your time. If you see a lot of trees or flowers along the sides of the road, then in real life unexpected luck may smile at you. If you walk along the road side by side with friends, this is a symbol of great family happiness and prosperity. If in a dream you lost your way, then you risk making a serious mistake in business or at work. Such a dream signals the need to be more vigilant and diligent in business.

What is the dream of the road: Vanga's dream book

If you dream of a crooked road, then this is a clear indication of your bad thoughts or deeds. Think about it, maybe you are going in the wrong direction, for which you can pay. If in a dream you see a straight and wide road, then in real life you have chosen the right, although sometimes difficult, path that will allow you to have a strong family, a stable job and material well-being. If the dream road is deserted, then most likely in reality you suffer from loneliness. If you pave the way, then thanks to perseverance, perseverance and work, you will achieve in life high altitudes. If the road you walk in a dream is dusty, then in reality you are surrounded by evil and deceitful people who are trying in every possible way to harm you and defame your good name. If the road in a dream is narrow, then your path to happiness and prosperity will be difficult, but in the end you will be able to achieve what you want.

What is the dream of the road: intimate dream book

This dream book claims that the dreamed road is a reflection of your life path. If the road is not smooth, but on the contrary, it consists entirely of bumps and potholes, then your personal life is very confused and difficult. You have to constantly overcome obstacles and barriers, in the occurrence of which in most cases you yourself are to blame. If the road is flat and smooth, and ideally goes uphill, then very soon you will achieve everything you want.

What is the dream of the road: old French dream book

If in a dream your road is replete with obstacles, and it’s hard for you to follow it, then in real life the path to achieving your goal will be far from easy. If the road is beautiful and shady, then your life will be long and serene. If the road is full of twists and turns, then failure awaits you. Why dream of a direct road? Such a dream is very a good sign and portends quick luck and the fulfillment of your desires. Also close happiness is symbolized by the railway seen in a dream.

The road in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. In the form of a road, both life in a general sense and a specific life situation at this stage can be displayed.

Most often, dear in a dream, a person is shown in which direction his life is moving. ; his thoughts and actions ; his intentions, or an important matter.

I repeat once again, in one dream the road can mean a general picture of life, and in another dream the road can be a symbol of a specific life situation, which is important for a person right now. You can understand this by carefully remembering the details of sleep.

If in a dream you are walking along a road that causes you fear, discomfort, the road is in the dark, the road goes down, or into unpleasant places, caves, pits, etc. - such a dream can most often warn you that the path in life or the direction that you have chosen is not quite right ; selected not the most the best way possible in this situation.

Stones, pits, fences on the road in a dream are difficulties and obstacles on the way to the goal, which are likely to occur in reality.

If in a dream the road is clean, bright, pleasant for you, you easily walk along it - you probably chose correct solution, direction and are going to go "right way".

The road in a dream going up - this most often means that the path to success is open in front of you. But the way up is always efforts that in the end give the desired result.

dream road leading to clean water, green trees and grass - this is the path that leads to the symbols of life, and therefore it is the path that leads only to good. Trees can mean people, or simply be a symbol of life.

People on the road in a dream - in reality these are those who are related to an important life situation for you. By their behavior in a dream, you can try to determine their attitude towards your intentions and deeds.

Example 1: Vasya dreams that he is walking along a dirty gloomy road that goes to a ravine. Then Masha runs up, grabs Vasya by the hand and persistently pulls him back. Such a dream may mean for Vasya that he is up to something not very good, or his lifestyle leads Vasya to trouble. But Masha is making efforts in reality so that Vasya rethinks his actions and corrects the current life situation.

Example 2: Vasya dreams that he is walking along a clean, bright, beautiful road and he wants to go there, because he sees beauty and light ahead, but then Masha runs up and pulls him back by the hand. Such a dream means that Vasya most likely chose the right direction in life and is moving towards success, but Masha does not really like Vasya’s success in reality and she wants Vasya to turn off the right path, or Masha does not want to change for the better and does not want this for Vasya, who wants to make the right decision.

Standing at a crossroads in a dream, or at a fork in the road - most often this is an upcoming difficult choice, on which the development of a future life situation depends.
If in a dream you chose a road, then remember what kind of road you chose and the situation around, and draw conclusions about the quality of the upcoming choice. Maybe it's not too late to change the situation? And it can only strengthen your confidence in the right choice.


Traveling in a dream along a rocky unfamiliar road means new things, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time.

The road, along the sides of which trees and flowers grow, portends unexpected luck.
If you are accompanied by friends while walking along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family hearth, where children will be happy, and husband and wife are devoted to each other.

If you dream that you have lost your way, this is a warning: you need to get rid of thoughts about happy past operations, as your business is in danger of failure. Sleep encourages the manifestation of great diligence in work.

To dream that you are looking at a highway (autobahn) or driving along a highway is a sign that you will make a great and pleasant journey, from which you will benefit greatly. For young people, this dream promises strong and noble desires.

Wangi's dream book.

Seeing a crooked road in a dream is clear evidence that your thoughts and actions leave much to be desired. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. If you don’t change your mind, then two paths await you: to the cemetery or to prison.

If you dreamed of a straight wide road, then in real life you are on the right, albeit not quite an easy path. After a while you will have stable work, sustainable financial situation and beloved family.

Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands and loves you, but this is far from the case. Find peace by turning to God, and your life will improve.

Laying a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life, becoming a truly great person. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remembering your Hard times.

If in a dream you are walking along a dusty road, this means that there are many deceitful people around you, evil people who seek to harm you by any means, discrediting your good name in the eyes of your loved ones.

Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a prophecy that you will have to go through a difficult path to fame, a stable life and financial position. But in the end, everything will work out.

Walking in a dream along a cobbled road is a sign that you are walking a slow but sure path to your goal.

If you dream that you have lost your way, this is a warning: you need to get rid of thoughts about happy past operations, as your business is in danger of failure. Sleep encourages the manifestation of great diligence in work.


Walking along the road is sadness, hard work.
Curve, potholes - losses.
A new road is a change in business, a crisis.
The narrow road is a temptation.
Wide, straight - not a quick future success.


Pave the road - praise.
On a magnificent straight road to go - the support of society, good career opportunities.
Such a road then descends, then rises - difficulties in life caused by reasons beyond your control, historical events.
The road winds and winds - the detour path will lead to success faster.
A waypost on the road is a sign of decisive change, a warning about the possibility of going the wrong way.
A barely noticeable path is to become a pioneer in something and experience great difficulties from this.
The overgrown road is your unpopularity.
A very dusty road - to experience a feeling of being lost in the crowd, suffering from the inability to stand out.
Walking along a very bad pavement - there will be difficulties and conflicts in public life.
Walking along the cobblestone pavement is a thorny path, an opportunity to rely on someone else's help and experience.
Any obstacle on the road is usually a symbol of fear of life.

Dream Interpretation Road ROAD - if in a dream you are walking along a good and easy road, then very soon luck will smile at you, your desires will come true. If the road is difficult, then you will have to overcome many obstacles on the way to your goal. A beautiful shady road promises a long, serene life. If in a dream a winding and narrow road opens up in front of you, failures lie in wait for you. Riding a railroad in a dream means that you will soon succeed in business. An unexpected stop or tremors, shaking on the road promises failure, a broken union. If an accident happened to you on the road, it means that you will face many obstacles to your desires and plans, but you will be able to overcome them. To dream that someone set off on a journey by rail with a bride is very auspicious sign, portending happiness and success in all matters. Old French dream book

Interpretation of sleep Road A road without a goal is an annoying affair, an experience; stand at a crossroads - you won’t be able to make an important decision; to go a wide road - joy and satisfaction, a narrow one - troubles, trouble. Going the road is sadness. The road is crooked, in potholes - losses; toboggan - in vain; wet - lacrimal. Ukrainian dream book

The meaning of sleep Road If you dream of a straight wide road - in real life you are on the right, albeit not quite easy, path. After a while, you will have a stable job, a stable financial position and a beloved family. Laying a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remember your hard times. Walking along a crooked road is clear evidence that your thoughts and actions leave much to be desired. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. A deserted road is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands and loves you, but this is far from the case. Traveling in a dream along a rocky unfamiliar road means new things, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time. The road, along the sides of which trees and flowers grow, portends unexpected luck. If friends accompany you on this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family hearth, where both parents and children will be happy and devoted to each other. Going off the road in a dream is a sign that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and incur financial losses as a result. Modern dream book

Dream Road Traveling in a dream along an unknown bumpy road portends new beginnings that will bring you nothing but trouble and loss of time. If trees and flowers grow along the road, unexpected luck awaits you. If you are accompanied by friends: You are waiting for a happy family life with obedient children faithful wife(or reliable husband). Go astray: means that you will make a mistake in solving a trade-related issue, and this will subsequently bring you losses. Modern dream book

Dream Road The road symbolizes the unknown, the obstacle, the expectation. Seeing the road in a dream, do not rush to get ready for the journey. In many fairy tales and legends, the road is considered a symbol of the beginning of the unknown. On fabulous roads there is a magic stove, an apple tree and a hut. In epics, the Russian hero stands at the crossroads of life's roads. Everyone knows that "All roads lead to Rome." If in a dream you see yourself on a deserted road, then you have a difficult life choice. To see a long road means suspense and surprise. A dream in which you walk along the road not alone, but with some kind of companion, predicts the appearance in your life of a person who will share your life's hardships with you and walk this path next to you. To dream about how you climb a narrow mountain path is a symbol of an unexpected obstacle in your affairs. Walking in a dream along a flat and smooth path - happiness and well-being. If you saw a close person or friend walking towards you on the road, it means you will receive unexpected news from loved ones. A dream in which you are lost and cannot find your way means that in reality you cannot determine your life path. folk wisdom reads: "God gave the way, but the devil is the hook." Seeing yourself walking along a dirty, broken road means that in order to achieve what you want from life. You will have to overcome many difficulties and problems. If in a dream you are building a new road, it means that in reality you will be made a very important and promising proposal. Aesop's dream book

What is the dream of the road Walking the road: labor to ask about it: bad advice, uneven road: losses from enterprises to get lost or go astray: domestic trouble railroad: urgent business. Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Road Road: means the way to the goal. If it is straight, even and clean: it means that the achievement of the goal will be very simple and fast. If the road is winding, narrow and dirty, on the way to the implementation of your plans you will encounter all sorts of difficulties, obstacles, and obstacles. If the road goes uphill, it means that your affairs will improve, you will be more and more lucky, and your vital energy will increase. If the road goes downhill, it means that there will be less and less luck, and your strength will melt away day by day. Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation Road One road points to the canons of Islam (Sharia). And different roads are innovations in Islam (bid a). Walking in a dream along a crooked, winding and dirty road means it is wrong to live and sin. To walk on a straight, even and wide road means to follow the path of truth, goodness and happiness. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Road The dream in which you are walking along the road portends hard work. Finding out the way from passers-by - get bad advice in reality. Get lost or go astray - to domestic confusion and quarrels. Rough road - incur losses from an enterprise that has not justified itself. A good, straight as an arrow main road portends joy, prosperity, success. Curve, winding, with many sharp turns - such a road in reality will turn into obstacles in the execution of plans. Difficult road - you have no choice in how to achieve your goal. Diverging in different directions - you will face a difficult choice between good and evil. A cobbled road means that good luck will come to you after a while. If in a dream you are walking along an unfamiliar road, it means that in reality you will spread to a new business, more profitable and promising, and failures will leave you. Walking along an abandoned road overgrown with grass and weeds - in reality, get evidence of someone's intention to slander you. The road, along the sides of which leafy trees and various flowers grow in rows, promises you unexpected luck. If at the same time you go along it in cheerful company friends - such a dream portends you the creation of an ideal family hearth, in which love, harmony and mutual understanding will never go out both between spouses and between parents and children. Walk the road to heavy fog or a snowstorm and go astray - in real life you will make a mistake in important issue which will cost you dearly. Walking along the cobbled pavement portends a smooth life road; if the pavement is with potholes, you will soon experience a severe shock. Find a horseshoe on the road and pick it up - in reality you will suddenly receive funds from a source that you didn’t even know about. Riding a horse on the road means fulfillment of desires, riding some other animal portends fleeting hobbies and frivolous entertainment. Ride along scenic roads among an unusual landscape in an old carriage drawn by horses, means long-term success, material prosperity and awareness of the vanity and transience of one's efforts in the face of death, inevitable, like a change of seasons. Drive along the road by car, bus, etc. - strive for quick success and the slower to achieve it. To go and see the railway portends a hasty business. Seeing road poles - to success in business, the road map is a sign of trickery and deceit. A small road, that is, a path, portends a life without obstacles. If it is very narrow, then in reality you will be tempted. Ride along it - you will reach the goal of your aspirations. Going off the track threatens with the loss of honor and property. Stomp on foot along the path - a good prospect will open in terms of work. The path, long untrodden and overgrown, portends a happy marriage. Lying on the sidelines - lead a pleasant life in every way. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Road Roads: an individual path or motive towards the realization of a goal. Children's railway (circular road): a model of the structure of consciousness. Long road: a period of time part of the road traveled will be the past while the road ahead: the future. Choice of the road: an alternative strategy of action. High road / Low road: idealistic path / selfish path. Fork in the road: part with someone or with old habits. Crossroads: a union of oppositions, a meeting of two conflicting paths. Back on the road: new developments lie ahead. Climbing a steep road: tense condition, sexual tension. Pleasant/Unpleasant Road: Road evaluation reflects the individual's unconscious view, which may differ from the conscious one, and this may cause conflict or misjudgment of the path. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Road A new, big road: predicts travel or success in all endeavors pitted, potholes, dirty road: to trouble, loss, quarrels, major family problems are also possible Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation Road ROAD - there will be guests, a journey // someone will die, go to the soldiers, to a long journey; endless - experiences, empty deeds; go the wide road - haste in business, joy; narrow - hard work, labor, poverty, trouble, trouble; to go along the road - labors, you will find money or lose what you had, sadness; difficult - loss; direct - success, good; curve, in potholes - a fight, a loss; stony - labors, torments; toboggan run - empty; wet road - tears; asking for directions is bad advice. Small Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Road The dream in which you are walking along the road with friends means that in the future you will have a strong family. Your loved one will be faithful and devoted to you, children will delight you with their successes. However, an unfamiliar road promises acquaintances that will not bring anything good. Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Dream Interpretation Road Road: symbolizes your life path at this stage. Straight wide road: good opportunities, success. Narrow, crooked, uneven road: difficulties, obstacles in life. Crossroads: big changes. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Road Road: This is your direction in life. Take a close look at the road. Is your road rocky? Curvy or straight? Does it go downhill or downhill? Is she clean? It is a symbol of your destiny, your direction in life. Take a look at the forks. Forks in the road mean major decisions that you have to accept. Road condition: symbolizes the course of your life in this moment. American dream book

Dream Interpretation Way, road Way, road. If you dream that you have lost your way, this is a warning: you need to get rid of thoughts about happy past operations, as your business is in danger of failure. Sleep encourages the manifestation of great diligence in work.
Road in a dream Road. Traveling in a dream along a rocky unfamiliar road means new things, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time. The road, along the sides of which trees and flowers grow, portends unexpected luck. If friends accompany you along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family hearth, where children will be happy, and husband and wife are devoted to each other. Going off the road in a dream is a sign that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and incur financial losses as a result. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Road If in a dream you walked along an unfamiliar rocky road, then new difficult things await you. The road, on the sides of which trees and flowers grow, is a dream of unexpected luck. If you are accompanied by friends on this road, you will be lucky in family affairs. If you lost your way in a dream - you can make a mistake in solving some business issue and suffer financial losses as a result. Here is how Nostradamus interpreted dreams about the road: If in a dream you walked along a deserted road, then in real life you are clearly hiding something. Don't do it: you need someone's help. They paved the way in a dream - in the future, make a great discovery, than earn respect a large number of people. We saw three parallel roads in a dream - drive carefully, otherwise you will have an accident. The number "3" can be interpreted different ways: the number of people injured, the number of cars involved in the accident, or that the accident will occur at an intersection. We saw a crooked road in a dream - it means yours future life will be unstable. We walked along a dusty road - in the future you will be influenced bad people. Do not succumb to any persuasion and do not try to join their sect. If you dreamed of a crowd walking along a dusty road, then such a sect will appear very soon. A dreaming narrow path is a good omen. Your road is not like any other, but for you it is the most correct. The dream indicates that you are a bright, original person who will achieve great success in his life. If in a dream you walked along a cobbled road, then you can do something bad that you will regret all your life. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about the road in her own way. The crooked road is dreamed of by those whose thoughts and deeds leave much to be desired. Change direction, otherwise everything will end very sadly. I dreamed of a straight, wide road - it means that you are going the right, although not the easiest, way. You will achieve your goal: after a while you will have a stable job, a stable financial situation and a beloved family. A deserted road is a dream for those who in real life feel lonely and are very worried about this. It seems to you that no one understands and loves you, but this is far from the case. If in a dream you paved the way, then thanks to your strong character and hard work you will achieve great heights in this life. You will become a truly great person, but having achieved a high position, do not forget your neighbors, remember that you also had to go through hard times. A dusty road seen in a dream means that there are a lot of deceitful, evil people around you. They seek by any means to harm you and discredit your good name. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Road If you walk in a dream along a good road, then this dream portends you success in trade, in agriculture, in love. married woman the dream promises a successful birth, her whole family - happy life. If in a dream you see a winding road passing through a thorny bush, then this dream predicts disappointment and treachery of friends. Old English dream book

Dream Interpretation Road The road is wide: go the wrong way. Bumpy: It will be a pleasant journey. Narrow, winding: there will be a surprise on the way. Receding into the distance, into the mist: the future is uncertain. You have to be careful! The moment of choice is approaching. Crossroads, fork, do not change the decision that has already been made. You will be provoked and persuaded, but you do not give in. Road sign: good prospects in any business that you undertake. If there are several signs, then there is a choice: to the left, money, to the right, glory, straight trips. What you choose in a dream will tell you the choice in reality. Esoteric dream book

dream interpretation Black cat ran across the road A black cat crossed the road - Unfortunately, unfortunately.
Road in a dream Cross someone's path: interfere, cause anger. You have crossed the road: to a hindrance, failure. A hare or a wolf crossed your path: to bad luck. Folklore dream book

Dream Interpretation Road Gypsies believe that to see a wide, straight road in a dream means that you will easily achieve everything in life, without any effort on your part. A winding road with ups and downs: to the same life with many ups and downs, as well as changes in financial situation. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Road Walk along the wide road: the day will end with a party with friends. The road that goes into the distance: there is an important meeting ahead, the outcome of which will be successful. The road is narrow and potholed: you are mistaken about other people's intentions. Dream interpretation horoscope

Dream Interpretation Road "The roads we choose", "at the crossroads", "dark, demonic path", "our path is in darkness": the wrong direction of life "highway": where the majority goes "to take something on the road": thrift, specific interpretation depending on the subject “middle of the road”, “middle path”: moderation “edge of the road”: go to extremes “end of the road”: completion of any period or dead end “get on the warpath”: conflict “go on the high road ”: robbery, robbery “run across, cross someone’s path”: prevent “go off the rails”, “get off track”: go the wrong way. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Road The understanding of the road is twofold: it is both an action and a mental state, it is both a static space (the symbol of yin is peace), indifferent to everything that happens, and the path is the movement of a person who actively overcomes this space, that is, determines the emotions, desires and passions that overcome him. . A person's attitude to the path he follows will also determine the assessment of all the events that take place during this time. To stray in a dream without a road, to be afraid, to go nowhere and feel fear of the road: a symbol of constant mistakes, a denial of suitability for the business you are doing to stray: a symbol of the daily accumulation of negative emotions, the inconsistency of your own desires and capabilities, forbidden things and failure. To go without knowing where and why, but with a clear desire to achieve something: the search for a goal and the necessary information. Imperial dream book

Dream Interpretation Road The road is your direction in life. Take a close look at the road. Is your road rocky? Winding or straight road? Does it go downhill or downhill? Is she clean? It is a symbol of your destiny, your direction in life. Take a look at the forks. The forks in the road mean the most important decisions that you have to make. The condition of the road symbolizes the flow of your life at the present moment. Dream Interpretation Lynn

Dream Interpretation Road Road: This is your direction in life. Pay close attention to this sign. Is your road rocky? Is it twisted? Is it straight? Is it heading downhill or coming downhill? Is the outlook clear? It is a symbol of your destiny, your direction in life. Take a look at the forks. Forks in the road: symbolize the most important decisions you have to make. The condition of the road suggests the course of your life at the present moment. Declare to yourself: "My destiny is revealed clearly and auspiciously." Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Road Road: there will be guests, a journey / someone will die, go to the soldiers, to a long journey endless: experiences, empty deeds go the broad road: haste in business, narrow joy: hard work, labors, poverty, chores, hassle to go along the road: labors, money you will find or you will lose what you had, sadness difficult: direct loss: success, good crooked, in potholes: fight, rocky loss: labors, torment toboggan road: empty wet road: tears ask for directions: bad advice. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Road Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Road If you dream of a straight wide road, in real life you are on the right, albeit not quite easy, path. After a while, you will have a stable job, a stable financial position and a beloved family. Laying a road in a dream: evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remember your hard times. Walking along a crooked road: clear evidence that your thoughts and actions leave much to be desired. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. Desert road: a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands and loves you, but this is far from the case. Traveling in a dream along a rocky unfamiliar road means new things, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time. A road along the sides of which trees and flowers grow: portends unexpected luck. If friends accompany you along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family hearth, where both parents and children will be happy and devoted to each other. Going off the road in a dream: a sign that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and incur financial losses as a result. Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream Interpretation Road Build: to well-being go along the road: to a prosperous career growth driving on the road: dream clue: you should rest outside your home. Road: to diseases of the legs, respiratory organs, digestion. This time you will make a fundamentally wrong decision, which will have a very negative impact on your personal life. Build a road: to well-being, walk along a road: to a successful career, drive a car: a dream-tip: you should rest outside your home. Railroad: to a long journey, a business trip. Road signs: various obstacles associated with insufficient education for your work. Traffic jam: unfortunately. Go astray: You will be led aside. The latest dream book

Dream Interpretation Road The road symbolizes your life path at this stage. Straight wide road - good opportunities, success. Narrow, crooked, uneven road - difficulties, obstacles in life. Crossroads - big changes. Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream Interpretation Way (highway, road) PATH (highway, road) is a too direct and unambiguous symbol that the ego of sleep uses, as a rule, without any subtexts and a double bottom. What is the path in a dream, the section of the road along which the sleeper moves, such will be his life path or the segment of the path in the future reality (slippery, ice-covered, straight, wide, narrow, dead end, potholes, swampy, etc.). Crossroads, crossroads indicate our opportunities, temptation ("to go to the side"), choice or distracting obstacles. The road in a dream (path), more often, does not reflect a waking event, but the beginning and course of a certain new period in the life of a waking sleeper, or the prospect of some kind of undertaking. Dream Interpretation East

Dream Interpretation Road If you dream of a straight wide road - in real life you are on the right, albeit not quite easy, path. After a while, you will have a stable job, a stable financial position and a beloved family. Laying a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remember your hard times. Walking along a crooked road is clear evidence that your thoughts and actions leave much to be desired. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. A deserted road is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands and loves you, but this is far from the case. Traveling in a dream along a rocky unfamiliar road means new things, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time. The road, along the sides of which trees and flowers grow, portends unexpected luck. If friends accompany you on this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family hearth, where both parents and children will be happy and devoted to each other. Going off the road in a dream is a sign that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and incur financial losses as a result. Women's dream book

Dream Interpretation Road Seeing in a dream a straight road that goes into the distance: to the upcoming big and long path to success. The highway you dreamed about: a harbinger of a serious and responsible meeting, on which your future will depend. A lot of dirt on the road - to failure in business. To see a dusty road in a dream means that you have to experience the feeling of being useless to society, the lack of like-minded people, but your opinion will turn out to be erroneous. A dream in which you see a road covered with asphalt means that you will encounter obstacles in solving issues that seemed to you quite simple or insignificant. Walking in a dream along a straight and good road: a harbinger of joy, prosperity and success, along a broken road along a curve: to sadness along the highway: to a pleasant trip or business trip along the pavement: to difficulties and conflicts at work on a cobbled pavement: it means that you need to solve your own problems. problems you will have on your own, you should not rely on someone. Long walk down the road and then find out what you're going to reverse side: means that failures await you, a turn of affairs in the worst side. A smooth bend in the road seen in a dream is a sign that you will be able to adapt to changing circumstances. A sharp bend or turn in the road is an omen of events that will dramatically change your life. To unexpectedly find yourself on the track in a dream means that with your perseverance and determination you will be able to convince others of the correctness of your views and proposals. Walking in a dream along the back streets, a roundabout way - means that on the way to achieving the goal you will encounter big obstacles and problems. Walking or driving off-road in a dream means that in reality you will have to be disappointed in a person whom you considered a very reliable friend or authoritative adviser. Stop at a fork in the road: a sign that you have to solve a number of serious and complex problems on which your future life stand at a crossroads: be unable to this moment make the right decision. Vote on the road: a sign that you will learn something new about yourself, discover new aspirations or desires in yourself. Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Dream Interpretation Road Any road in a dream: symbolizes your destiny, as well as the affairs with which you are somehow connected or intersected in life. To lose your way in a dream: this is a warning about some mistakes that you risk making. Seeing an obstacle ahead of you on the road is a harbinger of an imminent difficulty. If, obstacles are visible not only in front, but also behind you: this is a sign that your past mistakes may soon seriously hinder you. If in a dream the road takes you to a level, beautiful place: this is a sign of an imminent improvement in your affairs. Trees planted along the road: mean some business or events in which you can be involved in one way or another. Beautiful, healthy trees Flowers planted along the road, if they are beautiful: portend unexpected good luck. Busy freeway: symbolizes in a dream business activity and industrial affairs. Crossroads in a dream: means that your interests may conflict with other people's interests, and this is fraught with conflicts. Crossing the road: also a sign that you risk entering into a dangerous confrontation with someone. If the road forks, such a dream portends a difficult choice that you have to make. Tips received in a dream

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