Presentation on the theme of the reserve protected areas of the Crimea. Class hour "Reserved places of Crimea". class hour (Grade 7) on the topic. Type of lesson: discovering new knowledge, gaining new skills

Reserves of Crimea

The presentation was prepared by the primary school teacher of the MBOU "Rodnikovskaya school-gymnasium" Mashakova A.Sh.

  • Reserve- a piece of territory on which the entire natural complex is preserved in a natural state. Hunting and any human economic activity is prohibited here. Reserves are usually closed to tourists. This is strictly guarded territory!
  • In the Crimea 7 .


It was organized in 1928. More than 200 species of vertebrates live (half of those found in the Crimea). Red deer, Crimean roe deer, mouflon, black vulture, griffon vulture and other rare animals live in the forests.

More than 1200 species of plants grow on the territory (almost half of the entire flora of Crimea). Oak, beech and hornbeam forests are of particular value.

One of the largest in the Crimea. Created in 1973

Any economic activity is prohibited on the territory of the reserve, except for scientific and research developments.

In the mountainous part of the reserve there is Mount Ai-Petri, the famous Devil's Staircase, the Three-Eyed (Ice) Cave, and the Wuchang-Su waterfall.

Devil's Ladder Pass

Three-Eyed Cave

mountain slopes

  • Forests occupy 75% of the entire territory. On the mountain slopes - pine forests (57%), beech and hornbeam.

Cape Martyan

It is located to the east of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, the area is 240 hectares. Created in 1973 and designed to preserve the area of ​​the Mediterranean nature in the Crimea. A relic Mediterranean forest is protected here, in which more than 500 plant species grow.

Of particular value are the communities of the rarest relic - the red strawberry tree, listed in the International Red Book.

"Red Books"


Juniper high

Swan Islands- branch of the Crimean natural reserve.

One of the largest concentrations of waterfowl in Eastern Europe is located here: more than 230 species, 18 of which are listed in the Red Book.

Every year up to 5,000 people arrive here from the south. swans.

Colony of gulls

It has more than 30 thousand individuals. During the summer, seagulls destroy almost 2 million birds. ground squirrels and up to 8 million mice.

Karadag Reserve

The youngest on the peninsula (1979), located in the southeast of Crimea.

Flora includes about 1050 plant species.

Only here lives Poyarkova's hawthorn

Tulip Koktebel

Yaskolka (Crimean edelweiss)

Area 450 ha. It is located on the northwestern coast of the Kerch Peninsula (Leninsky district, Shelkino).

Founded in 1998 Represents virgin areas of the feather grass steppe.

Among the plants growing here are white violet, tulips, 5 species of feather grass, Galiev's cornflower, fine-leaved peony, etc.

225 species of plants are listed in the Red Book.

35 species of animals are included in the Red Book (yellow-bellied, snakes, steppe viper, steppe harrier, kestrel, ferret, ground squirrel, etc.)

Ferret steppe

  • The Opuk Nature Reserve was established in 1998 in the south of the Kerch Peninsula for the conservation and reproduction of steppe natural complexes of the Crimean plains and aquatic complexes of the Black Sea.
  • Area of ​​the Opuk Reserve is 1592.3 hectares, of which 62 hectares are the waters of the Black Sea with the islands of Rock-Ships, towering in the sea 4 km from the coast.

In addition to the reserves in the Crimea formed:

32 state reserves,

73 protected monuments of nature,

25 protected botanical gardens and monument parks,

11 reserved areas.

natural resources needed keep and multiply !

Subject. "Specially Protected Natural Territories (PAs) of the Republic of Crimea"

Grade : 9

Lesson topic: " PAs of the Republic of Crimea". (slide 1.)

Lesson type: travel lesson.

Setting a goal by students (slide 2.)

Target :

  1. Educational: the formation of ideas about specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Crimea.
  2. Educational: fostering love for the native land and a sense of pride in the Republic of Crimea, respect for nature.


To form an idea about protected areas and their main categories;

To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the Motherland as a whole.

Planned results:

Subject: knowledge of the basic concepts, their differences among themselves, protected areas of the Republic of Crimea;

Personal: the development of curiosity and a sense of patriotism.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Equipment and materials:multimedia projector, handouts (map of the Republic of Crimea).

Basic concepts studied in the lesson:Specially protected natural areas: state nature reserves, state nature reserves, natural monuments, reserved tracts, landscape and recreational 2 parks, natural parks, parks-monuments of landscape art, zoological parks, botanical gardens and dendrological parks.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

All mankind has a common home - the Earth. It's not as big as we think. And if we do not use the natural resources of our planet rationally and prudently, then humanity simply will not have a future.

The problems of rational use of natural resources are closely related to the problems of protecting and transforming nature.

The epigraph of the lesson is the words of A. Griboyedov.“Crimea is an amazing treasury, a natural museum that keeps the secrets of millennia ...” (slide 3.)

2017 is declared the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation(slide 4), it is held in order to attract public attention to the issues of conservation of natural heritage sites and in connection with the 100th anniversary of the creation of the first state natural reserve in Russia in 2017(Barguzinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve).

The homeland for us in the broad sense of the word is Russia, but each of us has a small homeland, and for us it is the Republic of Crimea.(slide 5.)

In today's lesson, we will travel through the unique regions of the Republic of Crimea. These are specially protected natural areas. They are designed to preserve natural complexes, rare species of animals and plants.

II. Learning new material.

To travel along our route, you need to know the basic concept of what are specially protected natural areas?

During the lesson, students' answers, identifying the most active.

What is an OOPT? (slide 6.)

Specially protected natural areas- plots of land, water surface and airspace above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance, withdrawn by decisions of state authorities in whole or in part from economic use and for which special protection regime.

The main objectives of specially protected natural areas:

Preservation of unique natural landscapes;

Protection of endangered species of plants and animals;

Providing ecological conditions for their existence;

Protection and protection of natural areas visited by tourists.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimeathere are 196 objects (slide 7.)natural reserve fund of different categories with a total area of ​​220 thousand hectares, which is 8.4% of the total area of ​​Crimea.What is the area of ​​Crimea? 27 thousand sq. km

Today, specially protected territories of the Republic of Crimea are represented by:

State natural reserves;

landscape and recreational parks;

natural parks;

State natural reserves;

monuments of nature;

Reserved tracts;

Parks - monuments of gardening art;

zoological parks;

Botanical gardens and dendrological parks

Work in pairs. Identify types (slide 8.)

Pictures of species (slide 9-13)

Nature reserves -these are specially protected territories (water areas) excluded from any economic activity for the sake of preserving intact natural complexes, as well as individual species of plants and animals.

Reserved tracts- forest, steppe, and other isolated unique integral landscapes. Any activity that violates natural processes is also prohibited on their territory.

Reserves - these are protected areas with a less strict regime. They allow those types of economic activity that do not harm protected objects. They can be botanical, zoological, hydrological, and others.

natural parks combine the tasks of nature conservation and limited use. They are open for educational tourism and short-term recreation of citizens.

In the territories landscape and recreational parksa differentiated protection regime is established: a protected area, a recreation area, an economic zone.

Parks monuments of landscape gardening artvaluable samples of park construction are announced. Excursions and mass recreation of the population are provided on their territory, plantings are cared for.

Monuments of nature -sightseeing natural objects to be protected (rocks, caves, trees, etc.).

Zoological parks -institutions for keeping animals in captivity for the purpose of their demonstration, conservation, reproduction and study, including scientific.

botanical gardens- territories where collections of living plants from different parts of the world and different climatic zones are cultivated, studied and demonstrated for research, educational and educational purposes.

dendrological park 3 - the territory allotted for cultivation in the open ground of woody plants (trees, shrubs, lianas), located according to systematic, geographical, decorative and other features.

Work in pairs

1. Define a protected area, put a number

Territory name

Territory name

zoological parks


Monuments of nature

nature reserves

Landscape and recreational parks

Dendrological parks

natural parks

Parks-monuments of landscape gardening art

Reserved tracts

botanical gardens

Self-esteem 10-9 “5; 8-6- "4"; 5-"3"

2. Fill in the table

No. p / p


Geographical position

Year of foundation

Are under protection


The central part of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains from Yalta to Alushta


Vegetation, trees, swans


Forest zone of the South Coast


Endemic and relict plants


35 km southwest of Feodosiya


flora, fauna


Kerch Peninsula


steppe vegetation


Kerch Peninsula


steppe vegetation

On the map of the Republic of Crimea (handout) during the lesson, each student enters the name of the protected area of ​​the Republic of Crimea.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are the followingstate natural reserves: (sweet 14.)Crimean nature reserve, Yalta mountain-forest nature reserve, Karadag nature reserve, Opuksky nature reserve, Kazantip nature reserve (slide 5).

One of the oldest reserves in Crimea is the Crimean Natural Reserve, founded in 1913. The largest reserve of the Crimea with an area of ​​88.6 hectares. The reserve includes 5 forest areas and the Razdolnensky ornithological branch "Lebyazhy Islands".List (slide 15-20.)

Yalta nature reservefounded in 1973,

Karadag nature reservefounded in 1979,

Kazantip Nature Reservefounded in 1998

Opuksky nature reserves in 1998.

Crimean nature reserve (slide 21)rich in vegetation. More than 1200 species of plants grow here (half of the Crimean flora). The largest population in the Crimea of ​​the Crimean subspecies of red deer lives in the reserve. In addition, roe deer and wild boar are found in the forests of the reserve. Often there is a hedgehog, a red fox.

The slopes of the Crimean mountains are covered with oak, beech, pine forests, the peaks are occupied by mountain meadow steppes. Many of the most important rivers of Crimea originate in the reserved mountains: Alma, Kacha, Ulu-Uzen, Avunda, Derekoika and others (slide 6).

On the territory of the reserves, rare species of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Crimea are protected. Among them are endemic 4 Crimea: Bibirshtein's stem, Pallas' flax, Crimean backache.

Opuk Nature Reserve, why is it named like that? Legend.

After the reserves the Red Book (slide 21.)

Get to know othersspecially protected natural areasRepublic of Crimea.

1. Landscape and recreational park"Atlesh" (slide 22).

The park is located in the Chernomorsky region, on the Black Sea coast. Atlesh represents numerous cozy backwaters, steep cliffs, deep caves and majestic stone arches, which were formed as a result of the action of the winds and the wayward sea.

No wonder the beauty of these places was filmed in many films, for example,
"Amphibian Man", "People and Dolphins", "Pirates of the 20th Century".

Trailer "Amphibian Man". Why filmed in the Crimea? On the Black, and not the Sea of ​​Azov? (slide 23-24.)

On the territory, in addition to land routes, it is planned to create a marine ecological route, as well as equip the territory with recreation areas.

On the territory of the landscape and recreational park "Atlesh" there are the following representatives of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Crimea: Tarkhankut onion, Dzevanovsky wormwood, sheep cornflower, Black Sea scallop.

What natural areas are protected in the Chernomorsky region? (slide 25.)

(slides 26-27)

2. Natural Park "White Rock"(slide 28-29).

The White Rock, or as it is also called Ak-Kaya, is one of the most beautiful places in Crimea. The mountain rises 325 meters above the valley. From the foot of the cliff, there is an amazing view of the mountain range in the south and the endless steppe expanses with ridges of ancient mounds in the north.

The White Rock is immortalized not only in numerous photographs, but also in films. It was here that the films "The Headless Horseman", "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines", "The Leader of the Redskins", "Armed and Very Dangerous" were filmed.

What natural zone of Crimea resembles the prairies of America? (slide 30)

Trailer "Headless Horseman" (slide 31.)

A hiking trail with a length of about 2.5 km is planned on the territory of the natural park.

3. Monument of nature"Mount Cat" (slide 32).

Mount Koshka is one of the brightest and most interesting landscape monuments of the Crimean coast. By its nature, it is a rejection from the main ridge of the Crimean mountains and gradually moved along the slope to the sea. The monument of nature is located near the village of Simeiz (Big Yalta) on an area of ​​50 hectares.

On the territory of the monument, it is planned to create hiking and equestrian ecological routes. Here under protection there are: Malvovidny crail, sheep cornflower, bearded oats.

Park monument landscape gardeningart "Forossky"

4. Landscape park in the village of Foros. Founded in 1834. The area is 70 hectares, of which 30 are occupied by cultural plantations (lower and middle zones), and 40 are forest park (upper) zone. The central part of the park - "Paradise" is considered beautiful. There is a picturesque cascade of reservoirs here. The lower part of the park smoothly turns into the beach. In the lower part of the park there is a mass grave of soldiers of the Soviet army and the grave of Alexander Terletsky, a Soviet partisan. In 1963, an obelisk was installed on it (slide 21).

Reserved tract "Yayla Chatyrdaga"(slide 34-35).

Yayla Chatyrdag is part of the Chatyr-Dag mountain range. On the Upper Plateau are the two highest points of the mountain: Cape Eklizi-Burun, rising to a height of 1527 meters and Cape Angar-Burun 1453 meters above sea level. These peaks are considered one of the most magnificent observation points of the mountainous Crimea.

The nature of the Yayla Chatyrdag tract is fertile. There are almost no shrubs on the upper plateau, with the exception of rare juniper bushes, but there is a huge variety of herbs. There are about 50 species of various herbs here and it seems that the air is simply saturated with their amazing aroma.

Yayla Chatyrdag ranks first among other Crimean yaylas in terms of the number of caves and karst funnels, there are more than 1000 of them. The tract of Yayla Chatyrdag has long been one of the favorite places for tourists. (slide 23).

Under protection are: May lily of the valley, white-bottomed belladonna, Cossack juniper, scabiosa hawkweed, Black Sea marigold (slide 24).

State natural reserve"Hapkalsky" (slide 36-37).

The specially protected natural area got its name thanks to Khapkhal gorge, adjoining in the southwest to Demerdzhi-yayla.

The reserve was founded in October 1974, the area is 250 hectares.
The forest of the Khapkhal gorge is represented by such tree species: hornbeam, beech, as well as oak, linden, mountain ash, hazel and dogwood, there are areas of a two-century forest where sessile oak and Crimean pine grow.

In the Khapkhal Gorge, the Ulu-Uzen East River forms a series of rapids andDzhur-Dzhur waterfall, 15 meters high. This is the most full-flowing waterfall of the Crimea. It does not dry out even in the driest time of the year. The water in the waterfall is cold even in summer (7 0 С) (slide 26).

After filling out the sheets, assessment by the teacher.

Endemics (slide 38-40)

Relics (slide 41-42)

Need protection (slide 43)

Black Sea. Magomayev "Blue eternity" (slide 44.)

Every year the school carries out the protection of the Black Sea. For what purpose? (slide 45)

A poem about the sea. (student for the competition "Protection of the Black Sea")

III. Summing up the lesson.

Protecting nature, protecting its wealth is the constitutional duty of every person.

Today you have consolidated and expanded your knowledge about specially protected natural areas as one of the areas of protection of the world natural heritage. Many of you worked actively at the lesson today and helped both your classmates in studying the topic and me in conducting the lesson.

The pace of centuries... Years, decades, centuries make up an inextricable chain of epochs, embodied in the works of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Protection of cultural heritage, ecological habitat has become one of the most important tasks. Crimea should turn into a cultural, historical and natural reserve.

Crimean people love their land very much. Wherever a Crimean person is, he will certainly say: there is no land better than Crimea. This is the land of our Crimea.(slide 46.)

Consolidation. Questions (slide 47)

At home, you are invited to think about another problematic issue. Environmental scientists argue that for the full protection of nature on Earth, at least one third of the entire land surface must be declared specially protected natural objects. How can this affect the development of the world economy and the solution of global problems of mankind?

Prepare a report on the endemics of the Chernomorsky region.


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Slides captions:

The topic of the lesson is “Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Republic of Crimea” (PAs)

The main goals of specially protected natural areas are: - preservation of unique natural landscapes; - protection of endangered species of plants and animals; - provision of ecological conditions for their existence; - protection and protection of natural areas visited by tourists.

Crimea is an amazing treasury, a natural museum that keeps the secrets of millennia.. A.Griboyedov

2017 is declared the year of ecology in the Russian Federation

Small Motherland for us - the Republic of Crimea

PAs are plots of land, water surface and airspace above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have a special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance, which are withdrawn by decisions of state authorities in whole or in part from economic use and for which the regime of special protection is established"

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea, there are 196 objects of the natural reserve fund of different categories with a total area of ​​220 thousand hectares, which is 8.4% of the total area of ​​Crimea. Today, specially protected territories of the Republic of Crimea are represented by: - ​​State natural reserves; - landscape and recreational parks; - natural parks; - state nature reserves; - monuments of nature; - reserved tracts; - parks - monuments of landscape gardening art; - zoological parks; - botanical gardens and dendrological parks

Nature reserves Reserved tracts Reserves Natural parks Landscape and recreational parks Parks-monuments of landscape art Natural monuments Zoological parks Botanical gardens Dendrological parks Identify types of specially protected areas.

1. Botanical gardens 2. Monument parks of landscape art

3. Dendrological parks 4. Natural reserves.

5. Reserves 6. Protected areas

7. Natural parks 8. Landscape and recreational zones

9. Natural monuments 10. Zoological parks

The following state nature reserves are located on the territory of the Republic of Crimea: Crimean Nature Reserve, Yalta Mountain Forest Nature Reserve, Karadag Nature Reserve, Opuk Nature Reserve, Kazantip Nature Reserve Cape Martyan Reserve. Apply to contour map

The Crimean nature reserve was founded in 1913. The reserve includes 5 forest areas and the Razdolnensky ornithological branch "Lebyazhy Islands". Ornithological Reserve "Lebyazhy Islands" is of international importance

The formation of the Yalta mountain-forest nature reserve took place in 1973. Many plants that are part of the unique sub-Mediterranean undergrowth, as well as tall pine, oak and beech forests, were taken under state protection.

Between Feodosia and Sudak, the ancient volcanic massif Kara-Dag rose above the sea. The age of Kara-Dag is determined at 150 million years, the oldest volcanic massif of the Jurassic period, a pantry of various minerals. Karadag

On the Black Sea coast of the Kerch Peninsula, on Cape Opuk, there is a mountain of the same name - a bright attraction in these desert places. In 1998, the Opuk Nature Reserve was created. Under the protection of the state, on an area of ​​​​more than 1.5 thousand hectares, there are endless steppes and their "population". Why is it so named?

Insignificant foreigners, we gave you shelter, and you are arrogant! He turned to the citizens and asked what punishment they would like to inflict on the queens. Do whatever you want, - answered the people, - we ask only to save us from such power. Do you hear the voice of the people? It is the insignificant buzzing of mosquitoes, the women answered. -Hey, warriors, show them our severity! Don't you dare move!" shouted the beggar. "Otherwise, you will perish from one movement of my hand. Having said this, he raised his hand to the sky and said: I conjure you this very minute to turn into birds, the touch of which would be unpleasant for a person. Your throne will turn into a rock with nests of birds! Legend. Mountain of two hoopoes - Opuk

Kazantip Cape Kazantip is located in the northern part of the Kerch Peninsula, which since 1998 has had the status of a reserve. Cape is an ancient fossil reef, it is composed of bryozoan limestones.

On the territory of the reserves, rare species of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Crimea are protected. Among them are Crimean endemics: Bibirshtein's sapling, Pallas's flax, Crimean backache Why is the Red Book being created?

Landscape and recreational park "Atlesh". P represents numerous cozy backwaters, steep cliffs, deep caves and majestic stone arches, which were formed as a result of the action of the winds and the wayward sea. Films were shot: "Amphibian Man", "People and Dolphins", "Pirates of the 20th Century" and others.

Why was the film shot in Crimea? On the Black, and not the Sea of ​​Azov? 1961 "Lenfilm". The action takes place in one of the Latin American countries

What protected areas are there in the Chernomorsky region besides Atlesh?

Dzhangulskoe landslide coast

Kalos Limen is the oldest and most significant archaeological site in the North-Western Crimea, being at a great distance from other ancient cities of the peninsula. It was located in a convenient harbor, which was the same in the location of all Greek settlements, which gave them a lot of advantages, and the specified settlement was also given the name - Beautiful Harbor, which is fully consistent with reality.

Natural Park "White Rock"

Natural Park "White Rock" or as it is also called Ak-Kaya is one of the most beautiful places in Crimea. The mountain rises 325 meters above the valley. From the foot of the cliff, there is an amazing view of the mountain range in the south and the endless steppe expanses with ridges of ancient mounds in the north. The White Rock is immortalized not only in numerous photographs, but also in films. It was here that the films "The Headless Horseman", "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines", "The Leader of the Redskins", "Armed and Very Dangerous" were filmed.

The Headless Horseman is set in Texas in 1850. USSR production "Lenfilm", 1973. What natural zone of Crimea resembles the prairies of America?

Mount Koshka is one of the brightest and most interesting landscape monuments of the Crimean coast. By its nature, it is a rejection from the main ridge of the Crimean mountains and gradually moved along the slope to the sea. The monument of nature is located near the village of Simeiz (Big Yalta) on an area of ​​50 hectares. Here under protection there are: Malvovidny crail, sheep cornflower, bearded oats.

The park is a monument of gardening art "Forossky" Landscape park in the village of Foros. Founded in 1834. The central part of the park - "Paradise" is considered beautiful. There is a picturesque cascade of reservoirs here.

Yayla Chatyrdaga

Yayla Chatyrdag is part of the Chatyr-Dag mountain range. On the Upper Plateau there are two highest points of the mountain: Cape Eklizi-Burun, rising to a height of 1527 meters and Cape Angar-Burun 1453 meters above sea level. These peaks are considered one of the most magnificent observation points of the mountainous Crimea. There are about 50 species of various herbs found here. Yayla Chatyrdag ranks first among other Crimean yaylas in terms of the number of caves and karst funnels, there are more than 1000 of them. The tract "Yayla Chatyrdaga" has long been one of the favorite places for tourists. Under protection are: May lily of the valley, white-bottomed belladonna, Cossack juniper, scabiosa hawkweed, Black Sea marigold.

Reserve "Hapkalsky"

The specially protected natural area got its name thanks to the Khapkhal gorge, which adjoins Demerdzhi-yayla in the south-west. The reserve was founded in October 1974, the area is 250 hectares. The forest of the gorge with tree species: hornbeam, beech, as well as oak, linden, mountain ash, hazel and dogwood, there are areas of a two-century forest where sessile oak and Crimean pine grow. In the Khapkhal gorge, the Ulu-Uzen East river forms a series of rapids and the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall, 15 meters high. This is the most full-flowing waterfall of the Crimea. It does not dry out even in the driest time of the year. The water in the waterfall is cold even in summer (7 0 C)

What are endemics?

What are relics?

Today, the Black Sea ecology is in a state of crisis. The influence of negative natural and anthropogenic factors inevitably leads to changes in the ecosystem. Basically, the water area suffered the same problems as other seas.

The pace of centuries... Years, decades, centuries make up an inextricable chain of epochs, embodied in the works of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Protection of cultural heritage, ecological habitat has become one of the most important tasks. Crimea should turn into a cultural, historical and natural reserve. Crimean people love their land very much. Wherever a Crimean person is, he will certainly say: there is no land better than Crimea. This is the land of our Crimea.

QUESTIONS 1. What is a protected area? 2. List the state natural reserves. 3. What is the difference between a natural monument and a natural park? 4. About what reserve is the legend "Mountain of two hoopoes"? 5. Protected areas of the Chernomorsky region? 6. What films were shot in Crimea? 7. Endemics of the Crimea? 8. What are relics?

imperial hunts. At that time, a huntsman service was organized for the royal hunting reserve, and on Mount Bolshaya Chuchel, forest areas were allocated for demonstrating animals brought to the Crimea - Caucasian deer, Dagestan turs and bezoar goats, Corsican mouflons, bison. With the advent of Soviet power in the Crimea, in 1923, on the site of the royal reserve, a reserve was created with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 23 thousand hectares, a weather station appeared here, a laboratory in which scientists conduct their research. During the Great Patriotic War, the reserve was badly damaged by fires, bison were completely destroyed and almost the entire population of deer, roe deer and other large animals died. In 1957, the reserve was turned into the Crimean State Protected Game Reserve. During the time of the Soviet leaders N. S. Khrushchev and L. I. Brezhnev, the former reserve turned into a hunting ground for high-ranking officials not only from the USSR, but also from other countries. The status of the reserve was returned to this territory only in June 1991 by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR. It is currently one of the largest, most interesting and important environmental institutions in Russia.

Specially protected natural territories of Crimea

Slide #1

The purpose of the lesson: explore the protected natural areas of Crimea; get acquainted with the types of specially protected natural areas, their function; study the development of the reserve fund in the Crimea.

Subject results. To teach to highlight the essential features of specially protected areas of Crimea; show the role of PAs (specially protected areas) for the conservation of the biological diversity of the biosphere; to form the ability to compare the PAs of the Crimea, to draw conclusions and conclusions based on comparison.

Personal results: the formation of an ecological culture based on the recognition of the value of life in all its manifestations and the need for a responsible, careful attitude to the environment;

Metasubject results: the ability to work with different sources of biological information: find biological information in various sources (textbook text, popular science and reference literature), analyze and evaluate information; the ability to classify - to determine the belonging of biological objects to a certain systematic group; the ability to compare biological objects and processes, to be able to draw conclusions and conclusions based on comparison.

Basic concepts and terms: specially protected territories, world heritage sites, nature reserves, reserves, national parks, natural monuments, arboretums, botanical gardens.

Equipment and materials : computer, screen, lesson presentation, printouts of didactic material for students.

Lesson type: discovering new knowledge, acquiring new skills and abilities.

Teaching methods : explanatory-illustrative, problem-search, brainstorming, group work.

During the classes

    Organization of the class (3 minutes)

Poems about the responsibility of man for the preservation of nature against the background of music

Good afternoon guys, today we have an unusual lesson, a lesson that makes you think, change your view of nature. I would like to start the lesson with a wonderful poem by the poet Alexander Smirnov.

Slides №2,3

There is just a temple, there is a temple of science,

(slides №4,5)
And there is also a temple of nature, with forests stretching their arms towards the sun and winds.

(Slide 6.7)

It is holy at any time of the year, open to us in the heat and cold. Come in here, be a sensitive heart,

(Slide number 8)
Don't desecrate his shrines.

Slide #9

Teacher questions:

    To whom is the poet addressing?

    What is the purpose of writing this poem?

    Updating the basic knowledge of students (4 minutes)

Slides №9,10

What unites the organisms shown on the slide? (endemic)

Slides №11,12

What unites the organisms shown on the slide? (relics)

Slides №13,14

What unites the organisms on the slide? (rare and endangered species of Crimea)

    Problem situation (2 minutes)

Slide #15

Facts about the daily extinction of species (graph)

Slides №16,17

Biodiversity and its role in the conservation of the biosphere

What to do in such a situation?

    Finding a way out of a problem situation by brainstorming (2 minutes)

Assumption : protect biodiversity at all levels: global, state, regional, local.

The key word is guard!

    Mini-lecture (15 minutes)

Slide #18

Specially protected natural areas - territories within which they are protected from traditional economic use and maintained in their natural state to maintain ecological balance, as well as for scientific, educational, cultural and aesthetic purposes.

Slide #19

At present, the total number of protected natural areas in the world has exceeded 2,600, with a total area of ​​over 4 million km2, which is 3% of the land area.

Slide #20

Reserves - areas of natural areas within which (permanently or temporarily) certain types and forms of human economic activity are prohibited.

Reserves - specially protected territories (and water areas) completely excluded from any economic activity for the sake of preserving rare and endangered species.

Reserve-hunting economy - a piece of territory set aside for intensive reproduction of game and intended for strictly regulated hunting.

National Park - usually a vast piece of territory allocated for the conservation of nature for recreational and aesthetic purposes, as well as in the interests of science, culture and education.

natural monument - individual natural objects (waterfalls, caves, geysers, unique gorges, ancient trees, etc.) that have scientific, historical, cultural and aesthetic significance.

Slide #21

world heritage monument - in 1972, in the face of a growing threat to the natural and cultural heritage of mankind, UNESCO adopted the World Heritage Convention, establishing a Fund, the funds of which are used to protect monuments of world culture, unique natural areas or objects, as a rule, of national importance. Currently, 337 natural and cultural sites are included in the International World Heritage List.

Slide #22

Analyze the table. Select the top three.Determine in which country the conservation business is most developed, and which country practically does not deal with issues of nature protection.

Slide #23

1. The top three are:

1st place - New Zealand, 2nd place - Austria, 3rd place - Russia and Costa Rica

2. The maximum reserve business is developed in New Zealand (16% of the country - OO)

3. Practically does not deal with environmental issues Nicaragua (0.12% of the country - OO)

Slide #24

Reserves of Crimea

Slides #25 -32

Crimean State Reserve

Slides #33-35

Cape Martyan

Slides #36 -39


Slides #40-44


Slides #45-47


    Consolidation of the studied (17 minutes)

Slide #48

Working with a table. The teacher explains the conditions for working in groups. He asks to find task number 1 on the tables. The students complete the task. Self-test.

Slide #49

The teacher explains the conditions of task number 2, asks to find it on the tables. Semantic reading, detection of errors in texts. Mutual verification.

Correspondence of terms and their interpretations (task No. 3).

The teacher passes between the tables and checks the correct execution.

scoring groups.

Slide #50

    Reflection (2 minutes)

    Did you learn something new today?

    What seemed the most interesting?

    What do you think is the most important thing from what you learned?

    What conclusion did you come to?

Slide #51

Take care of the Crimean nature for future generations! Goodbye!

Class hour in 7th grade

"Reserved places of Crimea"

Target: to acquaint with the reserves of the Crimean peninsula - the beauty of nature, which must be protected in order to preserve the unique natural heritage for future generations.


  • fostering love for the nature of their country, a sense of patriotism;
  • fostering a culture of behavior in reserves and sanctuaries;
  • expanding the range of environmental knowledge.

Lesson progress

1. Teacher's word:

K.G. Paustovsky (1892-1968) wrote:

“There are corners of our earth so beautiful that every visit to them causes a feeling of happiness, vitality, tunes our whole being to an unusually simple and fruitful lyrical sound. This is the Crimea... Everyone who has visited the Crimea takes with him... regret and slight sadness, which memories of childhood evoke, and the hope to see this midday land again.

The great Chilean poet Pablo Neruda called Crimea an order on the chest of planet Earth. Not only him, but also many other creative people were fascinated by the beauty of this land, which the gods created for themselves, but then presented to people.

Crimea is an amazing place that was admired by everyone who has been here. He did not leave indifferent many writers, poets and artists who visited here. The delightful nature of Crimea, its turbulent history, multinational culture have inspired many generations of creative people.

Today we will talk about the wealth that is inexhaustible in this fertile land, but at the same time, which requires careful attitude, preservation - we will talk about the reserved places of Crimea.

Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary and see what a reserve is?
- The dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov saysThe reserve is a protected area where rare and valuable plants and animals are protected and reproduced.

Several students in our class found, studied and prepared material for the topic of our class hour in advance.

2. Performances of children.

Crimean reserve.

Crimean reserve is the largest on the Crimean peninsula.

It is among the highest mountain peaks, including such peaks as Chatyr-Dag, Demir-Kapu, Kemal-Egerek and the highest point of Crimea - Mount Roman-kosh.

Through reserve passes the Nikitsky pass - the highest pass in the Crimea.

The vegetation of the reserve is very rich and diverse, with more than 1200 species. Oak, beech and pine forests occupy the main area of ​​the reserve.

The fauna is represented by more than 200 species of vertebrates. Many of them are included in various environmental books and red lists. But the king of the reserve is a noble Crimean deer.

About 70 species of birds nest in the reserve. In more remote places, rare birds such as griffon vulture and black vulture nest.

There are 300 springs on the territory of the reserve. The most famous is Savlukh-su, whose water is rich in trace elements, especially silver, which allows the water to be usable for a very long time.

The territory abounds with cultural and historical monuments, there are about 80 of them. There are valuable archaeological excavations here.

Magnificent trout ponds are located not far from the mountain river Alma.

Crimean reserve engages not only in environmental protection and research activities. It is open for sightseeing and educational tourism.

Yalta reserve.

Yalta reserve located on the southern slopeCrimean mountains and stretched from Foros to Gurzuf for more than 40 km.

The climate in the lower part is predominantly Mediterranean, but becomes more moderate with increasing altitude. Due to this, the plant world is very diverse. Coniferous, oak and beech forests occupy large areas, but special attention is paid to the Crimean pine. In the reserve you can also find juniper and pistachio trees.

More than 35 species of mammals and about 150 species of birds, more than 20 species of reptiles and amphibians live here. The most common are red deer, roe deer, mouflon, Crimean fox, Crimean weasel, hare.

Reserve open to visitors all year round, except for the very hot summer months, when the fire hazard increases. Here, special routes have been developed for tourists that pass through interesting natural objects: Ai-Petri teeth, Uchan-Su waterfall, Alimushka, Shishko, Stavri-Kaya rocks.

Climbing up to the Ai-Petri plateau, you can see a magnificent view of the Crimean coast. You can also climb here by cable car, the lower landing platform of which is located in Miskhor.cave Three-eyes, where one hall is open for visiting.

You can ride a horse through the pine-oak forest above Gurzuf; a special tourist route for horseback riding is organized here.

Yalta reserve this is another pearl of such a rich and unique Crimea.

Reserve Cape Martyan.

Reserve Cape Martyan is located in the south of Crimea, east of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

This is the smallestreserve Crimea. It is located on the cape of the same name.

The flora of the reserve includes more than 530 species of plants, 38 of which are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. The main objective of environmental protection measures is to preserve a unique corner of the Mediterranean nature (plants such as high juniper and small-fruited strawberry are of particular value).

The adjacent water area of ​​the Black Sea is also under protection. This is the only place where shipping and all types of underwater hunting and fishing are prohibited, due to which the number of underwater inhabitants has noticeably increased.

Black Sea dolphins often come here - common dolphin, bottlenose dolphin, azovka.

The fauna of the reserve is very rich: 150 species of birds, 18 species of mammals, 70 species of fish, 700 species of insects.

There is an ecological trail in the reserve, along which excursions are conducted.

In the summer season, you can swim on the beach of the reserve.

The tour desk offers excursions toreserve Cape Martyan with a simultaneous visit to the State Nikitsky Botanical Garden - the most popular excursion site in Crimea.

Karadag reserve.

Karadag reserve familiar to many travel lovers as the most beautiful corner of the Crimea.

The main attraction is the only extinct volcano in Europe, Karadag, which has preserved not only traces of weathering, but also traces of the eruption itself, which took place about 150 million years ago.

Since 1914, scientific work has been carried out here, and in 1979, on the basis of a scientific station, the Karadagreserve , which occupies the territory between the villages of Kurortnoe, Shchebetovka and Koktebel.

The fauna and flora of the reserve is very rich, with more than 2,500 plants and 5,300 animal species. Wild boar, fox, roe deer, squirrel, hedgehog, hare, stone marten live here.

The water area is inhabited by typical Black Sea inhabitants. Off the coast of the reserve you can meet the Black Sea dolphins azovka, bottlenose dolphin, and white-barreled dolphin.

The coast was chosen by crested cormorants, which form numerous colonies here.

A visit to the reserve is organized along special ecological trails, accompanied by scientific staff.

The rock-island of the Golden Gate is the visiting card of the reserve.

Bizarre rocks from ancient times excited the imagination, as evidenced by the names, translated from Tatar meaning Devil's Mouth and Devil's Finger. Unique landscapes have always attracted travelers and creative people here.

3. Word to the teacher

Crimea is a wonderful corner of generous nature, an open-air museum. The paths of its history are complex and whimsical. When you try to trace them from today, it begins to seem as if someone almighty was amused by this small peninsula, like a precious toy: “But I will do something else with it ... And what will happen?” ... .

Time changes, peoples change, but love for the Crimea remains unchanged ... Love for this amazing corner of the Earth.

4. Statements (along the chain) of class hour participants:

Crimea is a planet in miniature.
Crimea is a fragment of the ancient Oikumene at the very doors of Russia.
Crimea is halfway from the pole to the equator.
Crimea is a combination of all the healing forces of Nature and a reserve of her wonders,
Crimea is a land where something blooms all year round, every day.
Crimea is the arena of the game of all elements - sea, air and underground.
Crimea is a workshop of human genius and a museum of his creations.

Crimean reserve.

Nikitsky pass. memorial sign

Noble Crimean deer

Griffon Vulture Black Vulture

Spring Savluh-Su

Yalta reserve.

Teeth of Ai-Petri

Wuchang-su waterfall.

Three-Eyed Cave.

Reserve Cape Martyan.

Juniper High.

Dolphins of the Black Sea Belobochka bottlenose dolphin Azovka

Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Karadag reserve.

Volcano Karadag.

Rock-island Golden Gate.

Rock Devil's finger.

Crimea. Crimea is a planet in miniature. Crimea is a fragment of the ancient Oikumene at the very doors of Russia. Crimea is halfway from the pole to the equator. Crimea is a combination of all the healing forces of Nature and a reserve of its wonders, Crimea is a land where something blooms all year round, every day. Crimea is the arena of the game of all elements - sea, air and underground. Crimea is a workshop of human genius and a museum of his creations. Crimea is a hospitable home, always ready to receive guests.

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