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The Russian writer was born in 1744. He spent his early years in Moscow. His father was a soldier in the Moscow garrison, so Mikhail Chulkov was familiar with military service firsthand. He studied at the gymnasium, which was attached to the university. Thanks to this, it can be argued that he received a good education.

Creative biography of Mikhail Dmitrievich Chulkov

1760 - the beginning of the career of Mikhail Chulkov. He becomes a lackey at the royal court. Then he moves up the career ladder, and becomes a camera footman. After some time, Mikhail takes the post of court quartermaster. During his work, he meets more than once with the heir to the royal throne - Paul. Chulkov hoped that the future ruler would be able to change the political system to Russia. He had many hopes, since, first of all, he saw in the heir the grandson of Peter, who at one time was able to change Russia for the better, strengthen its defenses, improve foreign political relations, and Mikhail also hoped that Paul would be able to develop the navy, which was created by his grandfather. He hoped to create new reforms that would help in the further development of the country.

In the same year, 1760, but in its second half, the literary and publishing activities of the writer began. This year will be the most productive. During this time, Mikhail Chulkov publishes many collections and works. More specifically, in just a year, Mikhail managed to publish four collections of stories and fairy tales. He will release the fifth collection only in 1789, which will be called Mockingbird, or Slavic Tales. In this collection, the patriotic notes that the writer experienced while writing his works are clearly felt. These works primarily reflect the reality, reality, life difficulties that people experienced in Russia. He described their life and everyday problems.

The year 1767 was marked by the publication of a book called A Brief Mythological Lexicon. In his new book, the writer tried to explain all the ancient names that are found in myths and legends. He also explained some of the terms.

Two years later, in 1769, after the release of the book, Mikhail Chulkov publishes a magazine called “This and that”. But it was not his only journal. The second one was called "Parnassian squealer". Both, first of all, were designed for the middle class, especially the merchants, since in his journals he tried to reflect precisely their way of life, their political views, attitudes towards the state and society. Also, Mikhail Chulkov, together with N.I. Novikov releases their joint work called "Collection of different songs". Here, first of all, folk songs were collected, but apart from them, Mikhail also included songs by M.V. Zubova and some other authors. The writer is called the very first author of the Russian novel, which is called "A Pretty Cook, or the Adventures of a Depraved Woman." He writes it in 1770, where he describes the life of the widow of a sergeant. Here he was able to show the attitude towards widows on the part of society, how it affects the individual.

In the same year, Mikhail enters the public service. So, by 1779 he became a secretary at the College of Commerce. Then he was promoted up the career ladder. He became a collegiate assessor, after some time he became a court adviser. At the same time, the writer does not stop his creative activity. But this time he focuses on a completely different topic. Now he is interested in the history and economy of the country. On duty, he often came across legislative papers and contracts. Chulkov also had access to the archives, thanks to which he had a clear idea of ​​the state and development of Russia. Some writers claim that the writer thought about creating a history of Russian trade, even at the beginning of his career takeoff. The work itself was called "Description of the exact state and properties of Russian bargaining from the possession of Peter the Great to the present prosperous time of the reign of the great Empress Catherine II." In it, he described the events of the 1720s-1760s. The work of the writer consisted of two parts. The first part included legislative materials that the writer managed to collect. The second part consisted entirely of documents. First of all, it is worth saying that this work is something like a draft version, and Chulkov did not want to publish it. This work was primarily intended for employees of the College of Commerce. It was rather a reference material that only knowledgeable people could work with, but not ordinary citizens.

1774 - A.R. Vorontsov takes the place of the President of the Commerce Colleague, who assisted Chulkov in writing his work. It was Vorontsov who was able to ensure that the writer could easily be in any archives and read many secret documents. Mikhail hoped to create a reference book on the history of Russian trade since ancient times. The writer had to do a lot of work in order to systematize all the materials that he needed to create his guide. First of all, he had to analyze a lot of legislative acts, and choose those that were useful for his work. Then - the search for relevant documents. The whole problem was that there were a lot of materials, and it was almost impossible to select the most important. A lot of time was spent on the creation of this work.

In addition to archival materials, Mikhail also searched for published ones. He looked through already published books and reference books in order to avoid ridiculous mistakes in his work. The writer had to copy a lot of data, since he could not take out the documents themselves from the archive. He had to resort to the help of scribes who helped him in this difficult work. The foundations of his work were data for the 17th-18th century. Many documents of this time were included in his work in their entirety. The work was published from 1780 to 1788. He used all the data that was available to him: historical, ethnic, geographical... He used the writings of the most famous historians and economists.

In the last years, before his death, Chulkov was able to carry out many of the plans that he had. This became possible also due to the fact that his financial situation improved. Now he could afford what he could only dream of before.

Chulkov did not forget about his creative activity. He published some ethnographic materials. So, in 1786, his new work, entitled "Dictionary of Russian Superstitions", was published. Here he tried to describe traditional rites, customs, folk holidays - everything that could characterize the people. The writer was very sensitive to the principle of equality of all peoples. He believed that no one could be superior to others. Every faith is worthy of respect. Each of them is interesting in its own way. The faith of others must be respected.

The writer was very kind to the peasants, realizing how hard it was for them. That is why he created the "Rural Medical Book, or the Dictionary of Healing Diseases", thanks to which now everyone will be able to provide at least first aid if one of the relatives gets sick. So there was at least a small chance of a favorable outcome.

A lot of time was also taken by the publication of another work by Chulkov called "Legal Dictionary". Its practical significance was very great. This work was the only one where legal data, legislative acts were systematized ... everything that was necessary for a lawyer. Also, the writer was engaged in the publication of a work called "A Dictionary of Agriculture, Housebuilding and Cattle Breeding." This work took about 10 years, from 1780 to 1790. He worked together with M.I. Popov on compiling a dictionary of the Russian language. Also in his last years, the writer was able to publish the fifth and last part of the work called "Mockingbirds". It collected the most, perhaps, the most successful stories, among them - "Bitter Fate", "Precious Pike" and much more.

It can be argued that Chulkov made his unique contribution to the development of not only literature, but also history. He always fought against the ignorance of citizens, believing that people are the face of the country. He was able to do many things, and thanks to good luck in his work, he was able to achieve what he dreamed of. He was able to combine creative work and career. And in both he was able to advance and become famous.

Chulkov's ideal in relation to the economy was Peter I, who was able to change Russia. When Catherine II ascended the throne, the writer frankly said that he was against her policy, since it was at that time that Russia was constantly under fire from other countries. He also opposed the reorganization of the state apparatus. Perhaps that is why his works have ceased to be reprinted. In the 19th century, his writings were considered simply immoral.

We draw your attention to the fact that the biography of Chulkov Mikhail Dmitrievich presents the most basic moments from life. Some minor life events may be omitted from this biography.

Mikhail Dmitrievich Chulkov (1743-1792) was born, apparently, in the family of a merchant. In 1755-1758 he studied at the gymnasium for raznochintsy at Moscow University, in 1761-1765 he served as an actor in the court theater, but without success and therefore moved to the position of court footman. He began his literary activity with the composition of the comedy Call It What You Like (1765). He worked with particular success in narrative genres. The collection of everyday and adventure stories prepared by him, The Mockingbird, or Slavensky Tales (the first four parts were published in 1766-1768, the fifth in 1789) enjoyed great success. In 1770, the novel "A Pretty Cook, or the Adventures of a Depraved Woman" was published. The image of modern life from its everyday side is also given in Chulkov's journals - the weekly "This and that" (1769) and the monthly "Parnassian scribbler" (1770).
In 1770-1774, Chulkov’s “Collection of Various Songs” (four parts) was published, which, along with the songs of Russian writers, included a significant number of folk songs, in particular, songs about Stepan Razin were published. Back in 1767, Chulkov compiled a “Short Mythological Lexicon”, in which he tried to systematize Slavic mythology. Later, he continued this work, preparing the book Dictionary of Russian Superstitions (1782). In 1786 it was republished under the title "Abevega of Russian Superstitions".

From the end of 1770, Chulkov moved away from active literary work, moving to the civil service. Starting with the post of collegiate registrar in the College of Commerce, already in 1786 he was awarded the rank of court councilor, which gave him the right to personal nobility. After retiring, he became the owner of a small estate.

Mikhail Dmitrievich Chulkov

Mockingbird, or Slavic Tales


Mr reader! Whoever you are, it doesn't matter to me, just be a virtuous person, that's the most. You cannot guess with what intention I give out this collection of words and speeches, if I do not tell you myself; just don’t think that I intend to lie and, seeing you for the first time, deceive you. At the first meeting with anyone, I never lie, and unless I have already confessed enough, then it’s a sales business.

If you can believe me, as a person who knows how to lie very well and, in case of need, speak the truth involuntarily. And this can almost be considered the habit of the present world. (Hereinafter, the author's note.), Then I will say that I am releasing this book into the wild not in order to become famous for it, because there is nothing, because it is impossible for the whole world to seem like a trifle, but only in order to learn. I first imagine how much they will talk about it, gossip and calculate all the errors; then I, as a stranger, will listen to their conversations and henceforth refrain from my weaknesses. Another thing is that if I hadn't given it away and tried to compose something important, then, not knowing my mistakes, I would have put them equally in a good essay.

There is little or no morality in this book. It is inconvenient, it seems to me, to correct coarse morals; again, there is nothing in it with which to multiply them; so, leaving both of these, it will be a useful pastime of boring time, if they take the trouble to read it.

The opinion of the ancient writers, if someone despises small things, he can never understand much. I try to be a writer, if I ever succeed, and all my desire is based on this; and as this is still my first work, I did not dare to take up important matter, because suddenly it is not possible for me to be knowledgeable about everything, and in time, perhaps, I will receive this happiness that they will call me a writer; and when I take down this name, it is necessary that my mind is already enlightened and I become more knowledgeable, which I sincerely desire and ask my acquaintances that they also wish it for me, if they do not envy; and as a proof of their friendship, having read this book, they would open my errors in it in a friendly way, which will serve to my correction.

I must apologize for the fact that in such a simple style of my composition there are several foreign words. I put them sometimes for the best pleasing to the ear, sometimes in order to laugh at others, or for the reason that they would laugh at me. Man, as they say, is a funny and laughing animal, laughing and laughing, for we are all subject to laughter and we all laugh at others.

Above all, we have such writers who depict French words in Russian letters, and little-known people who study only one letter, and even then with copper money, when they see them printed, they think that this is the beauty of our language; and so they enter them in notebooks and then harden them; and I myself often heard them say: instead of "it's time for me to go home" - "it's time for me to take an interest. Instead of" retreat ": however, this is not good, but the need is not that there was a meaning, but the need is only for French. apartment"; instead of "he, being so young, exercises in red tape" - "he, being so small, exercises in amorous capitulations"; and the entire, read, Gostiny Dvor speaks through the lips of a recently manifested writer. I wish that gentlemen, who know little of the language, would not follow such a mentor, because foreign words are completely unsuitable for them and not every Russian person will understand their signification, and why use unnecessary things without need, and if you tell the truth, then they serve more harm to us than a dapper dialect.

Mr reader! I ask you not to try to recognize me, because I am not one of those people who knock on the city with four wheels and raise a lot of dust in the streets in summer; therefore, you do not need me. How little I have a clue, how low is my dignity, and it is almost impossible to see me among the magnificent citizens; and if you recognize me, then you will certainly have to help my condition at my request, which will be for you, perhaps, extra work; but there are many such people who are not at all willing to make aid; so if you are from this number, then do not try, perhaps, even then to look at me when you find some signs in me. I am dressed like all people, and wear a caftan with French burs; and what is even more noteworthy is that I am twenty-one years old and I am a man without any defect at all. As for humanity, that is, in all its image, it is only extremely poor, that all writers, almost petty, like me, have a common fate.

This is my opinion, but I don’t know how society will accept it: it’s better to write badly than to do nothing at all. When someone can arrange something, although not important, decently, then, it seems to me, it is easier for him to take up good things, but when someone who has not disposed of trifles, he can never arrange something important. Who swam on the river, he boldly embarks on the sea. Habit and frequent exercise in business, I have heard, lead to perfection. When we want to learn something, we approach it very stupidly, and that's why there was a proverb: "When you blush to sing the first song."

So, a generous and virtuous person will excuse me and wish me to learn; and if scoffers arm themselves against me, who, out of envy, try more to spoil a person than to correct, because they do not know how and instead of reason have this gift from nature, so that they laugh at both the bad and the good, not seeing the sense in both, then I will tell them a dream which I saw last night.

I dreamed that I was walking on Mount Venus and, having caught her two nymphs, kissed as much as I pleased, because I am a great hunter of kissing girls. Suddenly I heard the voice of a dying child. I am compassionate in reality, and not only in a dream; so, he rushed to save him. Running to the voice, I saw a vicious Ata sitting, crushing a young satyr in her knees. He was already dying, I pulled him out of her hands with great difficulty and with my diligence saved his life, which he was already preparing to lose. Suddenly, Mercury appeared before me and announced that he had been sent from the assembly of the gods, who demanded me to them. Then in an instant he transferred me to Olympus. Then I saw many sitting gods. Pan, approaching Jupiter, asked him to give me a reward for delivering his son, whom Ata wanted to kill, by me. Jupiter ordered to give his advice to everyone, with what to reward such a mortal who returned life to Panov's son. Mom's opinion was accepted best of all; with the permission of Zevesov, he gave me a pen and said that until the end of my life I can write with it, never refinishing it, and the more I use it, the more skillfully it will draw. So, I wrote this book to them, and as I used it for the first time, you can see that it has not yet been described, and according to Momov’s promise, maybe it will come to perfection in time and will draw more decently on paper.

So, giving out this book, I remembered the words of a certain talker: whoever wants to give himself up to the sea, he should not be afraid of weak excitement on the river.

By the name of the river, I mean scoffers, against whom my mouth can also dissolve freely, only I think that it will not be enough for them to win a joke with such an unimportant person, who is sometimes lighter than a soulless fluff and who, if necessary, also knows how to laugh it off.

The Tale of Siloslav

In the time of our ancient princes, before the time of the still great Kiy, in the place where St. Petersburg is now, there was a magnificent, glorious and populous city named Vineta; it was inhabited by the Slavs, a brave and strong people. The sovereign of this city was called Nravoblag; he was a brave commander in his time, took up arms against Rome and Greece and conquered many neighboring peoples under his region. Prosperity and wise laws from time to time brought his possession into a flourishing state; happiness, reason and strength appropriated everything according to his desire, and he was comforted and pleased, looking at the abundance and tranquility of his state, for the peace and prosperity of the people were all his well-being.

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