International Day of Science and Humanism. World Humanism Day History and traditions of the holiday

Nuremberg, 25 June 2018. Humanists from all over Europe gathered this weekend in Nuremberg on the occasion of the General Assembly of the European Humanist Federation (EHF). The General Assembly was followed by the Humanisten Tag, significant event member organization EHF Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands - Bayern (HVD-Bayern).

During the General Assembly, the members of the Committee returned to a very successful year. Advocacy in the European Parliament, along with the Higher Alliance for Choice and Dignity in Europe, resulted in a resolution condemning attempts to limit abortion in Poland. Activities in the Council of Europe have led to increased awareness of the political and legal strategies used by conservative religious groups. EHF actions at the UN level have contributed to the formation of the UN interpretation of the right to life and advocacy at the EU level, together with the International Humanist and Ethical Union (International Humanist and Ethical Union,), contributed to the recognition by EU institutions of discrimination and persecution of non-believers around the world.

This year also saw the launch of the new EHF visual identity, website and newsletter, as well as the first steps towards building more effective knowledge management within the organization.

Based on them, the delegates had the opportunity to discuss future activities and shape the EHF's strategic plan to strengthen the voice of humanism in an era when extremist and populist discourses are gaining momentum and increasingly challenging human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

“All forces, whether they come from member organizations, the Council or staff, will be needed to address the upcoming political and social problems. The European elections will be especially important. At a moment when Europe stands at a turning point in its history, progressives and democrats cannot afford to lose them,” said Giulio Ercolassi, President of the European Humanist Federation.

The General Assembly was followed by the second edition of the Humanisten Tag, a festival organized this year by CVF member organization HVD-Bayern dedicated to human rights and the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The opening ceremony featured a lecture by Heiner Bielefeld, former UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, who gave a lecture on the balance between freedom and security.

Over the weekend, visitors to the Humanisten Tag had the opportunity to take part in a range of presentations, panel discussions, workshops and art events related to key issues relevant to humanists and progressives, as well as to gather key local, national and international actors civil society and influential people. Members of the EHF participants contributed to the event by sharing best practices from their respective countries.

To receive additional information about HumanistenTag visit the festival website:

Marc Soignet| Communication and Advocacy Officer

European Humanist Federation

Campus de la Plaine ULB, Accès 2, cp 237
1050 Brussels, Belgium
T +32 2 627 68 30

The European Humanist Federation is the largest umbrella of humanist associations in Europe, promoting a secular Europe, defending equal treatment of everyone regardless of religion or belief, fighting religious conservatism and privilege in Europe and at the EU level

World Humanism Day

June 25, Saturday, from 15:00 in the round hall of the Sakharov Center (1st floor)

will take place

Round table,

dedicated to the annual International Day humanism

and the 3rd anniversary of the death on June 24, 2013 of the largest Soviet and Ukrainian philosopher E.K. Duluman

Topic of the Round Table:

"Problems of humanism and globalization in a changing world"

Ivaneev Sergey Vasilievich talk about the modern understanding of atheism

Buryanov Sergey Anatolievich will make a report "The meaning and prospects of internationally recognized human rights, including freedom of thought, conscience and religion, as well as secularism of the state in the face of global challenges"

also expected:

Shapovalov Nikolay Ivanovich (University "Synergy")

For participation in round table Everyone is welcome, pre-arrangements for participation can be made by e-mail [email protected]

Event format:

Reports 15-20 minutes, questions to the speaker and answers - 5 minutes up to 5 questions, general discussion - short speeches-cues of 3-5 minutes, the duration of the event is 3-4 hours.

On the subject: actual speech by N.N. Moiseev at Moscow State University, September 1997, International Conference on Humanism


Report read on International Conference by humanism. Moscow, Moscow State University, September 1997

One of the most profound thinkers of the 20th century, Niels Bohr, once said that it is impossible to describe a truly complex phenomenon with the help of one language, whether in natural science or society, even if it is the language of modern science.

The language of science is the language of interpretation. Moreover, it is impossible to understand the phenomenon with the help of one interpretation (model). Each of them is just an element of that hologram, which allows us to understand the meaning and content of what is happening. Awareness of the enduring value of interpretations is, first of all, awareness of the value spiritual world another person who creates other interpretations, this is the realization of the self-worth of a person as such. This is the conviction that the picture of what is happening that he gives birth to is also necessary for me. And this is one of the principles of humanism, giving birth to a human community of the highest level.

“How much we know and how little we understand!” - these famous words of Albert Einstein speak of the narrowness of the worldview, which is the birth mark of a person. Humanism is the only weapon capable of erasing it, or at least weakening its influence on the fate of our species which entered into force the logic of the development of Nature on the path of ascent to Reason. And overcoming the heritage of biosocial laws, which is still preserved in the consumer society today.

That is why the conversation about humanism has not only a general civilizational, but also quite practical value. I really want to explain my understanding state of the art society, to show that the synthesis of humanism and modern natural science- the only barrier against the impending totalitarianism, this new version of the Middle Ages, which this time with absolute certainty will lead humanity, and maybe the entire biosphere, to degradation and death.

In my report, I will try to give one of the interpretations modern stage social development, which may be useful for understanding what is happening.

* * *

1. The development of mankind, the development of civilization and the spiritual world of man as its component follow, like the development of living matter, the general logic of the development of Nature. Calm, if you like, Darwinian development is replaced by periods of catastrophes, or bifurcations, with a complete and fundamentally unpredictable change in the very nature of the evolutionary process and the principles that regulate human life. This is - common property dynamic systems, first described in detail by Henri Poincaré back in late XIX century. Violation of the stability of development and the transition to the bifurcation phase can occur due to both external factors, and internal, when fluctuations accumulate.

Today humanity is on the verge of such a restructuring.

Now there is a lot of talk about ecological crisis, in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the principle of "sustainable development" was proposed, but the reality is much more tragic than it is accepted in official documents, representing the matter as if there are already recipes that allow avoiding a possible catastrophe and continuing to improve that technogenic, consuming civilization, which, in fact, is responsible for all the difficulties that people face now.

Here are a few thoughts on this.

Thousand 10-12 years ago, mankind experienced a shock, which is usually called the Neolithic revolution. This was not the first crisis in the history of the formation of the species. Homo sapiens, which could stop its development. It, like the previous ones, was generated by the logic of the development of Nature, the features of anthropogenesis as a dynamic process. But it was he who laid the foundation for all modern civilizations and the worldview that underlies the planetary activity of man today.

At the beginning of the Neolithic, mankind improved its stone weapons, created, in particular, throwing weapon, which allowed him to become a monopolist in the ecological niche in which he lived, and for a relatively short term lime all large-hoofed animals - the basis of their diet. The struggle for a diminishing resource and real hunger have put humanity on the brink of death. It is unlikely that any intelligent alien who visited the Earth could have predicted that people would be able to find that, perhaps, the only way of life that would allow a person to get out of the crisis and continue his ascent along the path of Reason, that they would figure out how to cultivate the land and breed livestock, and will be able to create a new ecological niche for its further development. It is unlikely that he could have imagined that humanity would follow the path it has been following for the past 10,000 years.

It is important that what happened was not foreseen by previous history, not foreseen by evolution. This is what I especially want to emphasize.

Then people were able to survive, and began new period"ascent of man on the steps of Reason": man began to create a second nature. Property arose, people rebuilt their entire range of aspirations and, as a new one, also hardly accessible to foresight, created an idea of ​​humanism - the antipode of those aspirations that formed the foundations of an appropriating civilization. Even in ancient times, an understanding of the value of another person began to arise. And not only as a carrier of some possible material goods, but as a person as such with his own spiritual world. Thus, in the depths of an appropriating civilization and growing individualism, something opposite to it began to arise, capable today of becoming the support of the future.

And this breakthrough into the future was made not by the people of the Mousterian culture, who gradually disappeared from the face of the Earth, but by the Cro-Magnons, who at first lived in the valleys of the great rivers.

Unfortunately, the authors of the “sustainable development” principle do not take into account the described circumstances. For the emergence and development of humanism - this, perhaps, is the process that will be an alternative to universal consumption.

2. Of the various variants of the civilizational code, the one that is characteristic of the technotronic civilization turned out to be the leader. It ensured the ever-accelerating growth of the technical and scientific equipment of mankind. As a result of this process, man is now an absolute monopolist in his own, created by himself, ecological niche, more precisely, in his ecumene, which the whole planet has become. But biological development man ceased in the previous interglacial period. So people live with the genetic make-up of mammoth hunters and the aspirations nurtured by owning property. If we follow the logic of anthropogenesis, which determined all the epochal events in the history of the formation of man, then we should expect the onset of a tragic crisis. Man will turn the biosphere into a waste dump, resources will be reduced, and the history of mankind will enter a state of bifurcation with an unpredictable outcome. And not somewhere beyond the distant horizon, but in the coming decades. Humanity, most likely, will not survive the crisis at all.

In other words, the development potential that was laid by the previous Neolithic crisis has been exhausted. A person is expected to transition to a new way of life with new structure values.

Could it be otherwise? Can a person avoid catastrophe and the risk of being drawn into a bifurcation process? That is, is there any hope of stepping over the laws of that logic of development of our biological species, which I called the logic of Nature? But Nature, in which the role of the human mind was insignificant.

About 25 years ago, I introduced the concept of the ecological imperative as a set of restrictions that a person has no right to overstep under any circumstances. Violation of this forbidden line is deadly! Today we already know whole line similar bans. Nuclear war is unacceptable, for example. We also know that the biosphere is capable of losing stability due to our illiteracy or our greed, its development can go in a direction where there is simply no place for a person. And this can happen almost imperceptibly, from the accumulated waste of human activity.

In other words, we already know something. And we are sure that today science is capable or will become capable in the near future to determine this forbidden feature with one or another accuracy. But where is the guarantee that billions of people will comply with the developed system of prohibitions? Within the framework of the principles that defined the contours of our modern civilization, you can not hope for it!

This means that a person will either have to get involved in the process of bifurcation and die in the struggle for a disappearing resource, or rebuild the foundations of his civilization in such a way as to prevent a catastrophe. And above all to rebuild the foundations of their morality. That is, the ecological imperative inevitably requires the approval of the moral imperative as well. So is there any guarantee that such a restructuring will happen or even can happen? And will it happen in those generations for whom the talk of a catastrophe is heard in the future tense?

3. The answer to the question posed does not have an unequivocal answer, especially since we have less and less time left. And realizing that time is now working against us, we must hurry. Let's try to see what we can expect in the coming decades.

The transformation of the planetary situation can have several development scenarios. But the most likely one - I would call it anti-humanistic - is almost obvious.

The likely scenario is a continuation of the course of events that we have observed in recent decades. Gradually, the regime of new totalitarianism is being established in the world. It is not customary to talk about this out loud, and even more so in the media, although the concept of the “golden billion” is becoming more and more common. But this is a fact. I'll try to comment on it.

The world arises transnational corporations(or "global division of labor", as its apologists say), and it is mortally dangerous for any country to be outside this system of financial and industrial relations. This circumstance has various consequences. Trade is growing, technology is developing rapidly, but ... There are also frightening consequences. And above all, the gap in the level of social labor productivity in different parts planets. And hence, as another consequence, the gap between the standard of living of developed and backward countries is continuously growing. This fact in itself is extremely dangerous, and it can become the cause of a conflict that is deadly for all mankind. But it causes another phenomenon on a planetary scale: a certain "devil's pump" has started working. What is its essence?

As the planet slowly becomes one economic system, since not only goods, but also capitals and any resources can flow through any borders without much difficulty, and the efficiency of their use in different countries different, and this difference is growing rapidly, then a natural direction of their movement arises. Like a hydraulic system. As a result, not only capital and material resources leave poor countries, but talented people leave for where their use is more effective.

The backward countries are losing not only resources, but also genetically valuable material. Their lag continues to grow, and there are fewer and fewer hopes to change this situation. And almost 90% of the world's population lives in backward countries.

But this pump also works in the opposite direction. The countries of the "golden billion" cannot live without ferrous metallurgy, harmful chemical industry, without storage radioactive waste etc. And all this is gradually transferred to backward countries, ensuring democratic order and a prosperous ecological situation in ecologically clean "villages" of the countries of the "golden billion".

The described picture is the scheme of the new totalitarianism, creating a situation in which the zombie population of five billion people in poor countries will ensure the democratic and ecological well-being of the countries of the “golden billion”. This scenario seems to me quite realistic. The world has already embarked on the path of its implementation.

But the finale of the order that I have called the new totalitarianism seems to me no less obvious, because it does not decide the main thing. It keeps a person as an absolute monopolist, and then, following the logic of Nature, it will inevitably lead a person to degradation and death. And it can happen without flashes. nuclear war. In one of the novels of HG Wells, something similar was already described.

I do not want to be an oracle, but certain features of the degradation of the spiritual world of people living in the countries of the "golden billion" are already visible. However, this is another topic. And it will take us far enough. But one thing is clear: the “golden billion” scenario is the most obvious and simple. He follows the logic of Nature and will lead mankind to degradation.

4. Can humanity take a different path, can a different scenario be realized? I think it can, although the likelihood of its implementation is very small and will require extraordinary efforts from civil society.

Let's conditionally call it humanistic. It is indeed a conventional name. But it corresponds to its essence, because at the heart of such a scenario lies the idea of ​​the self-worth of man, his civilization, focused on the preservation of man. I could also call this scenario noospheric. It corresponds to the ideas that Teilhard de Chardin, Vernadsky and their followers tried to formulate. Back in 1904, Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky said that humanity is becoming the main geological force of the planet, in order to preserve itself, it will be obliged to take responsibility not only for the development of society, but also for the biosphere as a whole!

At the edge of the 1960s and 1970s, I began to analyze these ideas. And I tried to formulate the main, as it seemed to me, not so much a scientific as an ethical principle: the implementation of the humanistic idea of ​​the noosphere requires ensuring the co-evolution of man and the biosphere. As science develops, the term "co-evolution" will be more and more saturated with concrete content. However, its meaning seemed clear enough to me anyway: the development of such human behavior that is capable of ensuring not only the development of society, but also the development of the biosphere, the growth of the diversity of its elements and, ultimately, its stability, i.e., the ability to fend off a catastrophic development of events.

But harmony with Nature requires harmony in human relations, it begins precisely with relations between people. It can only be implemented in special conditions the existence of society, with a special structure of its social relations, a special range of aspirations of individuals, their harmonious diversity!

We get a new knot of problems, which clearly highlights the need for rational knowledge and a humanistic attitude to the environment. If you like, the decoding of such statements contains precisely the program of active actions. The humanistic paradigm becomes a real necessity. I think this is the key to the future.

In the implementation of such an idea, perhaps, the essence of all the efforts necessary to ensure the existence and development of the amazing phenomenon Nature - man. Without this, no principles of "sustainable development" will be able to stop the run to the abyss!

And such a humanistic position seems to me the only alternative to the impending crisis. It denotes a new humanistic level of anthropocentrism - the preservation of man not only for the sake of man, but also for the sake of the preservation and development of the biosphere, that is, the sphere of existence and development of life.

But it is infinitely difficult to implement. Pascal seems to have once said that a person needs to learn not to lie to himself! Without it, he will not be able to find his way to the future. Unfortunately, we haven't learned this yet.

Humanism needs the true truth: people should see reality in all its naked "terribility", but not fall into hopelessness, because the human potential is huge.

5. So, humanity is on the threshold. What awaits us there, in the fairly near future, what kind of civilization can become, which, bypassing the crisis, will make new step on the path of Reason - we do not know. The truth will be revealed to us as we move. But we know our first steps. And the main one is to tell people the truth. Society should not know the statements of politicians, for whom ecological problems, issues of morality and morality and the inscription on the banners "humanism and humanism" serve only political and ultimately self-serving goals. Civil society should fulfill the covenant of Pascal!

And the second task, similar to the first one, is education. At all levels, for all ages - EDUCATION! We call it ecological or noospheric, the humanists will probably call it humanistic. Which is basically the same thing!

This, of course, is not enough. But absolutely necessary!

1997 N.N. Moiseev


Dear colleagues! Dear friends!

The Russian Humanist Society, a voluntary public scientific and educational organization for the promotion of humanism, invites you to take part in the preparation and conduct of the " world day humanism”, which is celebrated on June 21, 2015.

The holiday "World Humanism Day" was approved in 1986 at the World Congress of the International Humanistic and Ethical Union in Oslo and since that time has been increasingly celebrated in many countries of the world, helping to unite people who share the ideas and principles of modern secular humanism.

Holding events in honor of World Humanism Day in Russia is one of the events held jointly with the Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) (International Humanist and Ethical Union - IHEU) and the European Humanist Federation (EHF) (EuropeanHumanistFederation - EHF), of which the Russian Geographical Society is a member .

We propose to fill the information space of the Internet, TV, reading rooms of large public libraries in Russian cities with the ideas and values ​​of humanism: human rights, freedom, civic responsibility, non-violence, human dignity, mercy, equality, social justice.

Everyone can take part in:

dissemination of the ideas of humanism in a virtual humanistic flash mob in social networks"VKontakte" and "Facebook";

· organizing and holding interactive events with readers of large libraries in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities dedicated to the promotion of goodness, justice, human dignity and other ethical, civil, legal and environmental values ​​of humanism.

World Humanitarian Day Program





Where: June 21, 2013, Russian State Art Library, Moscow, Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 8/1 (next to Teatralnaya metro station).

Organizer: Interregional Public Organization Russian Humanistic Society, Center for Research "Humanity" at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Organizing Committee: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosova V.A. Kuvakin, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of MAMI Ya.B. Golovin, Ph.D. n. L. I. Krashkina, Ph.D. n. I. M. Shishkin, L.R. Askhanova, N. A. Gergo.

12.00 Opening of the conference.

Opening remarks by V.A. Kuvakin and Ya.B. Golovin

Welcome speeches of the conference guests

Participants' speeches:

V.A. Kuvakin. Humanism as a system of values.

Golovin Ya.B. The role and place of the Russian Geographical Society in modern Russia.

Shishkin I. A. The idea of ​​integral (integral) humanism as a response to the spiritual demand of modern man.

Askhanova L. R. The results of the trip of the delegation of the Russian Geographical Society to General Assembly European Humanist Federation in Athens.

Savin Ya. F. Scientific ways of liberation from the illusions of identity.

Brodsky D. (subject to be confirmed)

Golomolzin A. (subject to be confirmed)

15.00 – 15.30 Coffee, tea, sandwiches

Round table: “Development and promotion of the ideas of humanism in modern Russia: from spontaneous humanism to conscious humanism”.

17.30 - Summing up the results of the conference.

Participants and guests of the conference will be able to get acquainted with modern literature by humanism.


In the Year of Childhood in Ugra, increased attention is paid to children with special needs, in particular, autistic children. Governor of Yugra Natalya Komarova focused on this. With the support of the government of the region, associations of parents of such children are being created in the district, seminars are held for them.

This topic was supported by the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko. Today "Local time" cites Valentina Ivanovna's opinion on the problem of raising autistic children.

There is a famous saying: time heals. However, it not only heals, but also gives rise to diseases characteristic of a particular period. One example of this is autism spectrum disorder (ASD). What we commonly call autism. According to world organization health care, today people with this diagnosis make up about 1% of the world's population. Scientists are concerned that prevalence statistics this disorder in the world over the past ten years has grown 10 times, and it is believed that the upward trend will continue in the future.

This is a global problem. Not coincidentally since 2007 international community declared April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day. This day is also celebrated in Russia, since the number of children with ASD in our country is large. It so happened that we do not yet have exact statistics on autism. Domestic experts, WHO experts give a figure for Russia: one autistic person for 150-160 children.

By world standards, the figure is not the highest. At the same time, it is not small: autism is one of the four most common chronic childhood diseases.

There is no consensus on the causes of ASD. There is no unity on the question of whether to consider autism as a disease in a strictly medical significance of this term or is it a feature of individual development. After all, some of the children with ASD are bright, talented personalities, sometimes on the verge of genius. It is also not clear why the number of autistic children is increasing so rapidly.

Nevertheless, some indisputable conclusions have been drawn. They are. Firstly, special children need a special approach. Secondly, today RAS is a lifelong disease. The earlier a child is diagnosed with autism, the more effective help can be provided. And one more, in my opinion, especially important conclusion: assistance with autism includes not only the medical component itself, but also a set of measures for the social adaptation of autistic children to ordinary life in society.

The accumulated experience suggests that timely diagnosis and social adaptation - key factors child rehabilitation. The emphasis in this process should be on a personal approach, on the development of a personal development strategy for the child, on measures of social rehabilitation. In other words, we are talking not just about therapy, but about humanistic therapy.

Russia has embarked on the path of forming such a system. In 2014, our country joined the WHO documents defining comprehensive and coordinated efforts to help people with ASD symptoms. They include specific practical steps aimed at improving the efficiency of diagnosing autism, at expanding opportunities for people with ASD to receive education, vocational training, get a job.

World experience suggests that measures for the rehabilitation of autistic children give particularly successful results when ASD is diagnosed in a child early, preferably before the age of one and a half. That is why it is so important to include an appropriate procedure in the medical examination of children, starting from infancy, and the participation of specialists who own the appropriate methods. The Ministry of Health of Russia has made changes to the accounting system, according to which autistic people do not dissolve in total mass children with special needs, but are taken into account separately. This makes it possible to plan both the amount of assistance to such children and the quantity and quality of training of specialists in the field of ASD.

AT last years Russia has gained experience in creating a barrier-free environment for children with severe autism in educational organizations. Special educational conditions are created among peers for special children, psychological and pedagogical support is provided. But the debate over which way of educating autistic children is preferable: teaching them in special schools or inclusive education continues.

In my opinion, spears break in vain. Since the Soviet era, correctional schools in our country have accumulated a large positive experience in teaching, educating, treating, and socially adapting such children. The successes of our country in this direction are recognized in the world. True, they are achieved in isolation from ordinary children, ordinary life. Inclusive education eliminates this shortcoming. But it also has its drawbacks. After all, a lot to provide pedagogical, psychological, medical care autistic children can be done by specialized regional centers.

In short, there is no ideal method of teaching children with ASD in all respects. I believe that, at least in the foreseeable future, he will not appear. Therefore, I think it is necessary to preserve and support all proven types of training, education, and adaptation. Professionals and parents should have a choice. Moreover, not only in megacities, but also in small towns, remote settlements. In the current difficult conditions, expanding the network and improving the quality of work educational organizations, focused on the education and social adaptation of children with ASD, other developmental features, should remain among the priorities of executive authorities at all levels.

Assistance to autistic children, their further support is an area in which the state of affairs is a visible and accurate indicator of the level of humanism not only of the state, but also of society. This work includes more and more non-profit organizations, volunteers. However, the scale of this activity, compared to a number of other countries, leaves much to be desired.

In order to rectify the situation, it is necessary that citizens know more about autism and autistic people, about what they can do for these and other children with special needs. An important role here belongs to the media, and, it should be noted, they keep this topic in their field of vision. But the state should also think about how to encourage people to a wider and active participation in such activity. It's not about material, but about moral incentives. People do charity according to the call of the heart. But it is important for them that the state and society see their work and appreciate it.

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