Formal business style speech summary. Official business style of speech, its main features. Genres of formal business style

Officially- business style- this is the style of documents: international treaties, state acts, legal laws, regulations, charters, instructions, official correspondence, business papers, etc.

Despite the differences in content and variety of genres, the official business style as a whole is characterized by a number of common features. These include:

1) conciseness, compactness of presentation, economical use language tools;

2) the standard arrangement of the material, the often obligatory form (identity card, various kinds of diplomas, birth and marriage certificates, money documents, etc.), the use of clichés inherent in this style;

3) the widespread use of terminology, names (legal, diplomatic, military, administrative, etc.), the presence of a special stock of vocabulary and phraseology (official, clerical), the inclusion of complex abbreviated words and abbreviations in the text;

4) frequent use of verbal nouns, denominative prepositions (on the basis of, in relation to, in accordance with, in fact, by virtue of, for purposes, at the expense of, along the line, etc.), complex conjunctions (due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, etc.), as well as various set phrases, serving to link parts of a complex sentence (in case ...; on the basis that ...; for the reason that ...; with the condition that ...; in such a way that ...; the circumstance that ...; the fact that what ... etc.);

5) the narrative nature of the presentation, the use of nominative sentences with enumeration;

6) direct word order in a sentence as the prevailing principle of its construction;

7) tendency to use complex sentences reflecting the logical subordination of some facts to others;

8) almost complete absence of emotionally expressive speech means;

9) weak individualization of style.

11. Journalistic style of speech: purpose, genres, style features and language features.

The subject of journalism is life in society, economics, ecology - everything that concerns everyone.

Journalistic style is used in the socio-political sphere of activity. This is the language of newspapers, socio-political magazines, propaganda radio and television programs, comments on documentaries, the language of speeches at meetings, rallies, celebrations, etc. Publicistic style is speech activity in the field of politics in all the variety of its meanings. The main means of journalistic style are designed not only for the message, information, logical proof, but also for the emotional impact on the listener (audience).

Characteristic features journalistic works are the relevance of the issue, political passion and imagery, sharpness and brightness of presentation. They are conditioned social purpose journalism - reporting facts, forming public opinion, actively influencing the mind and feelings of a person.

Publicistic style is represented by many genres:

1. newspaper - essay, article, feuilleton, reportage;

2. television - analytical program, information message, dialogue in live;

3. oratory - speech at a rally, toast, debate;

4. communication - a press conference, a meeting "without a tie", teleconferences;

§2. Functions of journalistic style

One of important features journalistic style is a combination within its framework of two functions of language: the function of the message (informative) and the function of influence (expressive).

The information function is inherent in all styles of speech. Its specificity in a journalistic style lies in the subject and nature of the information, in its sources and addressees. Thus, television programs, newspapers and journal articles inform the society about the most diverse aspects of its life: about parliamentary debates, about the economic programs of the government and parties, about incidents and crimes, about the state of environment about the everyday life of citizens.

The method of presenting information in a journalistic style also has its own distinctive features. Information in journalistic texts not only describes the facts, but also reflects the assessment, opinions, moods of the authors, contains their comments and reflections. This distinguishes it, for example, from official business information. Another difference in the provision of information is related to the fact that the publicist tends to write selectively - first of all, about what is of interest to certain social groups, he highlights only those aspects of life that are important to his potential audience.

Informing citizens about the state of affairs in socially significant areas is accompanied in journalistic texts by the implementation of the second essential function of this style are the functions of influence. The goal of the publicist is not only to tell about the state of affairs in society, but also to convince the audience of the need for a certain attitude towards the facts presented and the need for the desired behavior. So journalistic style open tendentiousness, polemicism, emotionality are inherent (which is caused by the desire of the publicist to prove the correctness of his position).

In various journalistic genres, one of the two named functions can act as a leading one, while it is important that the influence function does not crowd out the information function: the promotion of ideas useful to society should be based on complete and reliable information to the audience.

Formal business style modern Russian literary language operates in the field of administrative and legal public activities. It is implemented mainly in writing: in the texts of laws, decrees, orders, contracts, various official documents (statements, certificates, powers of attorney, receipts, etc.), in business correspondence of legal entities and individuals.

The main features of the official business style:

1. The accuracy of the presentation, which does not allow for the possibility of other interpretations. This is due to the necessary absolute adequacy of the understanding of documents.

2. Detail, exhaustive presentation.

3. Stereotyping, standardization of presentation (the heterogeneous phenomena of life in an official business style fit into standard forms (questionnaire, certificate, instruction, law, statement, business letter, etc.), everything is regulated in business (legal) relations, so its standards are significantly facilitate).

4. Must-prescriptive modality (character) of presentation. Business speech is characterized by a special way of presentation - a statement, an assertion.

5. Official and unemotional.

These features of the official business style are manifested not only in the system of linguistic means, but also in non-linguistic ways of designing specific texts: in the composition, the nature of the heading, the selection of paragraphs, that is, in their standard design, which allows them to be presented in the form of ready-made forms, where part of the text fixed, fixed and cannot be changed.

Document is a means of fixing in a different way on a special material of information about events, phenomena of objective reality and mental activity of a person, intended for transmission in time and space for storage and public use.

Documents are divided into official and personal . Personal documents include documents created by individual citizens: autobiography, application, power of attorney, receipt. Documents such as a passport, certificate, education documents are also personal and are handed out to citizens.

Service documents come on behalf of institutions, organizations, enterprises or representing officials.

Traditionally allocate 5 main groups of service documentation :

1. Organizational - regulations, charters, instructions, rules, schedule;

2. Administrative - resolutions, orders, orders;

3. Reference and information - letters, telegrams, reports and explanatory notes, protocols, acts;

4. About personnel- orders on personnel, personal files, characteristics;

5. Proposals, statements and complaints of citizens.

In addition, documents are classified:

1. Place of compilationdomestic(created by the institution itself in the process of documenting its activities) and external(come from outside, from other institutions, organizations and individual citizens).

2. Content complexitysimple(reflect one issue or touch on one topic) and complex(dedicated to several issues at the same time).

3. By shapeindividual(compiled on an arbitrary basis); typical , representing the sample text; stencil, when part of the document is printed in advance (permanent information), and part of the text is entered during its compilation (variable information).

4. By stages of creationoriginals(documents created for the first time by an individual or collective author) and copies(repeated, absolutely accurate reproduction of the original, certified in the prescribed manner). The most common types of copies are extract- a copy of the part of the document that is handed out; vacation– a full copy of the sent document, filed in the file of the sending institution, duplicate- has the same force as the original.

State standard on organizational and administrative documentation introduces uniformity in the execution of documents, which contributes to the acceleration of their processing. The maximum composition of document details is defined ( props is the information element of the document). Each of them is assigned a strictly mandatory place. It is the set of details that determines the type of document. Each document must be drawn up in accordance with the form adopted for this variety ( form- this is a set of details inherent in a certain type of document, arranged in the established sequence). In total, 31 details are provided for organizational and administrative documents. We list some of them: the name of the ministry or department, the name of the organization, the name of the type of document, the place of preparation or publication of the document, the date, the addressee, the signature, the seal, the text - the content of the document, which can be drawn up in the form of a table, questionnaire, or a free statement of the essence of the issue ; when including several questions, decisions or conclusions, it is advisable to single out sections, subsections, paragraphs.

The document can be drawn up on a form in accordance with the requirements of the accepted standard. Form- this is a sheet of paper with permanent details or parts of them reproduced on it in a typographical way. There are two types of forms - for letters and for organizational, administrative and other documents, as a rule, in two formats - A4 and A5. The use of forms gives information an official character, facilitates the execution and further use of the document. Forms of documents of a mass character, as a rule, contain stencil parts of the text, which are supplemented with variable information during the execution of the document.

Let us dwell in more detail on the features of compiling some documents of a personal nature: autobiographies, statements, powers of attorney, receipts, resumes.



I, Smirnova Tatyana Petrovna, was born on April 15, 1992 in Tver, in the family of a military man.

My father, Petr Nikolayevich Smirnov, is a retired colonel in the medical service. Smirnova's mother, Elena Dmitrievna, is a doctor at the regional clinical hospital.

In 1999 she entered high school No. 32 in Tver, which she graduated in 2009 with a silver medal.

In 2009 she entered the Tver State University at the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work with a degree in Clinical Psychology. Currently I am a third-year student and head of group 33.

01/15/2012 Smirnova

Statement. This document is addressed to the head of the institution. Requisites: addressee, addressee (last name, first name, patronymic, position - for internal documents, address, phone - for external documents), content, signature, date.


Rector of TVGU

Belotserkovsky A.V.

4th year students

Faculty of Philology

Petrova A.M.


I ask you to change my surname from Petrova to Ivanchenko in connection with my marriage.

Attachment: photocopy of marriage certificate.

25.02.2012 signature

Power of attorney. This is a document indicating that one person (principal) grants the right to some other person (attorney) to commit certain actions or receiving goods and materials. Powers of attorney can be issued by officials (in this case they are written on forms) and by individual citizens (in this case they are drawn up in any form). Requisites: title of the document, surname, name, patronymic of the principal (often with an indication of passport data); surname, name, patronymic of the person to whom the power of attorney was issued (often with indication of passport data), content of the power of attorney, signature, date; the signature of the official who certified the signature of the principal; stamp, date.


Power of attorney.

I, Baranova Maria Nikolaevna (passport 2904 No. 759302, issued by the Zavolzhsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Tver on May 15, 2005), trust to receive my wages for September 2011 Burenok Vera Nikolaevna (passport 3502 No. 543819, issued by the Central District Department of Internal Affairs of Tver on 10.07.02).

09/30/12 signature M.N. Baranov

Signature Baranova M.N. I certify.

Head of the personnel department signature N.L. Stepanov


Receipt. A receipt is a document certifying the receipt of any valuables (money, things, documents). The receipt may contain a circumstance that is recorded with an indication of the return period. Requisites: title of the document, content: position, surname, name and patronymic of the person who issued the values, a list of values ​​with an indication of the quantity; signature, date.



I, the librarian of school No. 7 in Tver, Zakharova Elena Ivanovna, received from the warehouse manager of OOO PTNP Stepanov Alexei Fedorovich bookcases for equipping the school library in the amount of 10 (ten) pieces with a total value of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles.

Summary. The content of this document will give a potential employer a first impression of you. The resume must be well written. First of all, you need to focus on your strengths. professional qualities. The document is left neatly and no more than two pages.

Be sure to include the following information about yourself:

1. Name, address and phone number.

2. The position you are applying for.

3. Previous track record.

4. Education.

You can indicate those additional knowledge and skills that, in your opinion, may be of interest to a potential employer. It is not necessary to list all the recommendations that you have, but you should indicate that you can provide them if necessary.

Be extremely honest. Do not exaggerate your abilities and do not write about having received an education that you really do not have. If a scam is ever discovered, you can lose your job.

You should not focus on the negative aspects of your past experience, it is better to concentrate on positive aspects. No need to show wit or depth of judgment in a resume. Write clearly and concisely, honestly describing the qualities you possess, but without being bragging.

The resume should be printed on good paper and look neat and attractive.


Monicheva Irina Sergeevna

170005, Tver, Komsomolsky prospect, 9, apt. 35

52-11-19; 89038887766

e-mail: [email protected]

Purpose: Getting a job as a clerk, secretary, assistant

Age - 22 years old


2006 – 2011 Tver State University

Faculty of Management and Sociology

Specialty: Documentation

2007 – 2009 Courses in English

Professional skills and knowledge:

- work with documentation (in Russian and English);

- business correspondence;

- organization of the office work process;

- organization of office work;

- participation in negotiations with partners;

- English - fluent;

- work with office equipment;

- Confident PC user (Windows, Word, Excel, Internet Explorer, Power Point)

It is known that the activity of lawyers is multifaceted: it is directly related to the drafting of various documents, and participation in the debate of the parties on litigation, and to the promotion of legal knowledge, etc. This obliges them not only to know the factual material well, but also to be able to present it in the accepted form, in other words, each time to make an appropriate choice from the means available to the language. However, often their search is carried out largely intuitively, which significantly reduces the quality of speech.

For the activities of lawyers, it is important to know the features of, first of all, two language styles - official business and journalistic. In fact, when drafting various legal documents, such as interrogation protocol, court decision, and the like, a lawyer must have a good idea of ​​the specifics of the official business style. To speak to an audience (in court or explaining laws), he needs to know the main features of a journalistic style.

The features of the official business style were formed as a manifestation of its social function or purpose: it serves the relations of people that arise in the production process.

Formal business style- this is the style of state acts, laws, international documents, charters, instructions, administrative and clerical documentation, business correspondence, etc. With its help, communication is carried out between various institutions and organizations, as well as the contact of the authorities with citizens. The official business style is also used in the activities of the police, the prosecutor's office and the court.

The purpose of this style shaped the choice of language means. Of all language styles, business style is considered the most conservative and monotonous. Understandable, because he serves the office. And any paperwork requires rigor in the execution of documents, accuracy and brevity in the presentation of their content.

Officially- business speech the nature and stylistic connotation of prescription and duty is characteristic, since the normative and regulatory function of law approved by state power finds its expression in laws and in general in official documents.

In accordance with the named properties of official business speech, its integral, specific style features are accuracy, conciseness, concreteness, objectivity and accessibility. Accuracy in business style plays a special role, as in official documents the uniqueness of the expression is required. Clarity of wording, strict normalization and standardization are essential in a business document. Official business speech is characterized by frequent repetition and uniformity of speech means, so language cliches appear in it. They are caused by the fact that the subject of business speech is strictly defined, limited, the situations of its application are relatively few and of the same type. Facts of the same type are drawn up by documents of a certain type, homogeneous in name, form and content. Examples of stationery stamps are expressions like in pursuance of the order, in order to improve, for the past period, bring to the attention- stereotypical, template, but relevant in a business document, in standard official business texts.

A stamp in a business document helps to express an idea in a more concrete, concise and generally understandable way. Consequently, what is commonly called a clerical stamp is a completely justified and even necessary sign of an official business functional style.

Lexical, morphological and syntactic features business speech are determined by the main features of the business style and vary depending on the genre and content of the business document, i.e. depending on the affiliation of the latter to a particular branch of state and public activity.

These linguistic features of the official business style, due to their attachment to business speech, their functional conditionality and constancy of use, are the functional and stylistic norm of the official business style.

Lexical features. The vocabulary of business style is characterized by the widespread use of professional terminology (legal, etc.): lawsuit, code, legal capacity.

A characteristic feature of the business style is the use of stable phrases, standard turns: subject to satisfaction, to avoid, to impose a penalty, to come to an agreement; criminal case, prosecutor's supervision, investigative bodies.

Business speech is distinguished by the absence of words in it with the meaning of a subjective assessment, which is explained by the properties of speech, the task of an objective attitude to the events described, devoid of emotionality and a subjective view of things.

The specificity of business speech requires the use of words only in their direct meaning.

Morphological features. The official business style is purely personal in nature. Therefore, it is characterized by the predominance of the name over the verb, the widespread use of verbal nouns ( non-compliance, performance), as well as the use of numerous nominal phrases that give the text an official tone.

Nouns denoting positions in business style, as a rule, are used only in masculine (investigator Ivanova, witness Petrova, director, accountant).

Business texts are also characterized by the use of nouns denoting the names of people on the basis associated with some action or state, for example: witness, adoptive parent, buyer, accused, victim, prisoner.

The need for accuracy and objectivity in the presentation of events in a business document causes the predominance of nouns over pronouns in a business style.

Business texts are characterized by the frequent use of verbs in imperative mood and infinitives. This linguistic feature is associated with the imperative nature of the official business style, with its prescriptive and regulatory function. : The court had to leave the application without consideration and clarify the right to sue on a general basis.

Business speech is also characterized by the use of complex prepositions: in effect, in part, for the purposes of, in relation to.

syntactic features. In order to achieve conciseness and accuracy in a business style, parallel syntactic constructions (participles and adverbial phrases, constructions with verbal nouns).

Stringing case forms: to analyze the results of experiments, implement the decisions of the meeting, familiarize the audience with the achievements of advanced production.

Special form of the predicate: to hit - to strike, to insult - to inflict an insult, to accuse - to charge.

Passive structures: traces found, convicted of fraud, marriage annulled.

A characteristic feature of business speech is also the predominance of complex sentences: a simple sentence cannot reflect the sequence of facts to be considered in an official business plan. For example: He was found guilty of taking advantage of Popov's housing difficulties, abusing his trust, receiving 2 million rubles from him, allegedly for paying to the housing cooperative, and some time later he deceived Marchuk in the same way.

Business style syntax is characterized by a strict and definite word order in a sentence. This is due to the requirement of consistency, consistency, accuracy of presentation of thoughts in business texts.

A stylistic feature of business speech is also the predominant use of indirect speech. Direct speech in an official business style is resorted to only in cases where verbatim citation of legislative acts and other documents is necessary.

So, the official business style, as one of the varieties of literary speech, has a clearly defined specificity, reflecting its social purpose.

Russian language and culture of speech: a course of lectures Trofimova Galina Konstantinovna

Lecture 1 Features of the official business style. Speech business man

Features of the official business style. business man speech

1. Features of the official business style.

2. Culture of business communication.

3. Conditions for successful business communication.

4. National features of business communication.

Everyone knows the tale of two bear cubs who shared the found cheese. They did not trust each other and asked the fox to share the cheese. As a result, the fox ate all the cheese, and the cubs got nothing. Also instructive is the story of two sisters who had only one orange. They cut him in half. It turned out at the same time that one of the sisters needed a peel, and the second - juice. Each of them would receive twice as much if they took into account the interests of each other.

For success in communication, it is very important to take into account the interests, values ​​​​of the addressee, his expectations and goals, as well as the scope of communication. This principle is especially important in business communication, which serves the formal business style.

The official business style serves the sphere of official business relations, that is, relations that arise between state bodies, between organizations or within them, between organizations and individuals in the process of production, legal activity.

In the official business sphere, the language of people connected by the interests of the case is used, who have the necessary authority to establish business relations, resolve business problems. That's why they talk about business communication.

Oral business speech is addressed to the interlocutor and suggests the possibility of influencing him. For this purpose, it is used, in addition to verbal, non-verbal language. Business communication has its own lexico-grammatical and stylistic specificity.

The vocabulary of official business speech uses a large number of international vocabulary, standardized expressions, cognate words, nouns with a generic meaning, as well as abbreviations, compound words. Verbs and verb formations are widely used - participles, gerunds, verbal nouns and adjectives.

The syntax is characterized by the presence of incomplete, impersonal sentences, appeals, connecting constructions, simple sentences, introductory words and phrases. Prepositions and passive constructions are used, a large number of homogeneous members of the sentence.

Business communication requires the strict use of speech structures, a standard, jargon, etc. is not allowed. Business communication requires knowledge of a professional language, knowledge of terms specific to a particular area of ​​communication (legal, diplomatic, managerial).

The main requirements for the oral speech of a business person are as follows:

- accuracy and clarity (use of words in the correct meaning, exclusion of foreign words used without necessity),

- brevity (no repetitions, tautologies),

- concreteness

- correctness

- normativity,

- logic

- reasoning

- standardized speech formulations.

Business communication may be necessary (when, without interpersonal contacts, the implementation joint activities impossible), desirable (certain contacts contribute to a more successful implementation of tasks), neutral, undesirable (makes it difficult to achieve the goal).

Business people have to constantly communicate with people standing on different steps service ladder. Therefore, they talk about vertical and horizontal relations. On the vertical - these are subordination relations, they are due social status, administrative and legal norms and are characterized by the subordination of the younger to the senior in rank. A vertical dialogue has historically developed in Russia.

Horizontal relations involve participation in joint activities on the principles of cooperation, mutual understanding, taking into account common interests. Currently, in the business life of Russia, there is a transition to subordination and partnership relations.

A specific feature of business communication is its regulation, i.e., obedience to established rules and restrictions. There are so-called written and unwritten rules of conduct. Regulation (protocol) involves compliance with the norms of business etiquette, which reflects the accumulated experience, moral attitudes of certain social groups and people of different nationalities. The protocol prescribes how to behave in a business setting, at a meeting, negotiations, as well as how to dress, what to give, how to conduct business correspondence and much more. A very important place is given to speech etiquette. At present, a whole system of speech formulas has been created for each speech situation.

The regulation of business communication also means its limited time frame. Business meetings have strict rules. To this end, a range of issues to be discussed is outlined in advance and thorough preparations are made for the meeting.

When communicating, it is very important to create a favorable psychological climate. For this it is recommended:

- Greet the interlocutor with a sincere smile, a friendly look, address him by his first name or patronymic or using the addresses adopted in a particular country.

- Show your desire to understand the position of the interlocutor, focus on the result expected by the interlocutor.

- Try to identify positive traits interlocutor.

- Consider the emotional state of the interlocutor.

- Emphasize equality of positions, behave calmly and confidently.

- Emotionally support the conversation.

- Express sincere approval (all people love to be praised, talk about their merits).

- Give compliments. Any business conversation, commercial negotiations can be started with them. The more compliments a person makes, the more he gets them.

An important feature of business communication is the strict observance by its participants of the role role: boss - subordinate, partners, colleagues, etc.

According to psychologists, each of us in communication represents one or another type. Depending on the role in communication, the type of character, various groups are distinguished. Currently, entire systems have been created for determining the type of personality based on various signs.

So, the American psychologist Everett Shostrom believes that a manipulator sits in every person. It distinguishes the following types:

- dictator (dominates, orders, governs),

- a victim of a dictator (obeys orders),

- calculator (deceives, lies, tries to outwit),

- stuck (craves to be the subject of worries, makes you do everything for yourself),

- bully (exaggerates aggressiveness, manages with the help of threats),

- nice guy (kills with kindness, moralist),

- judge (does not trust anyone, critical),

- protector (cares for others, overemphasizing it). Based on them, 4 types of people in business communication are distinguished:

- active - plays the role of a person full of strength;

- passive - pretends to be stupid and helpless ("Kazan orphan");

- Competitor - a fighter in the tournament;

- indifferent - plays a role, knocking out concessions.

Curious is the so-called psycho-geometric approach to personality typology, which was substantiated by the American psychologist S. Dellinger. This approach is based on what kind of geometric figure a person prefers.

For example, a “square” loves to work, loves stability and order, lives according to a plan. His speech is logical, consistent, detailed, monotonous, with clichés and terms.

"Triangle" - leader, energetic, decisive, pragmatic, ambitious, non-self-critical, detonator of interpersonal relationships. Speech is logical, clear, focused on the essence of the matter, fast.

The Rectangle is dissatisfied with itself, inconsistent, tends to be supportive. Speech is confused, emotional, unclear.

"Circle" strives for harmony in relations, benevolent, seeks to empathize, tries to please everyone, often indecisive. Speech - often deviating from the main topic, smooth, emotional.

"Zigzag" likes to sharpen the conflict, is witty, strives for independence, feels the mood of people, is unrestrained, expressive, does not bring things to the end. Speech is inconsistent, associative, bright.

Successful business interaction is determined by how the goal is set, the interests of partners are determined, the strategy and tactics are chosen.

In business communication, such qualities as commitment, loyalty to the word, organization, observance of moral standards are valued.

In practice, there are different forms business communication: conversation, negotiations, meetings, presentations, telephone conversations, briefings. All of them have their own characteristics and scope, but the flow process is approximately the same.

As a rule, the following stages are distinguished in business communication: establishing contact, orientation in a situation, discussing issues, making a decision, achieving a goal, getting out of contact.

Establishing contact is very important. Sometimes a person is hindered in establishing contact:

- the halo effect - everything good is attributed to a positive person, with a negative attitude towards a person - everything bad, even his positive actions are regarded in this case as negative;

- typification effect - a judgment about a person is made from the point of view of one's own experience or the opinions of others;

- the effect of primacy - the first impression of a person is the strongest and it is difficult to reverse it.

In business communication, both the pros and cons of a person's individual characteristics are demonstrated. Therefore, business communication requires introspection and constant monitoring. AT Ancient Rome, according to custom, a slave was placed behind the victorious commander, who during the procession shouted out the phrase: “Be careful not to fall”, thus reminding him that he is just a man.

In the process of business communication, various techniques are used to help achieve the goal. (Cialdini described them in The Psychology of Influence.)

The principle of contrast, when the difference is exaggerated. (Perfectly used by sellers. They show the expensive item first, and then the cheap one, first bad house, and then a good one, but not the best, but the one that needs to be sold.)

The principle of reciprocity. People try to pay for services rendered. (They give a gift for testing, forcing them to buy something that is not at all necessary.) In this case, the person feels obligated and often gives more than they did to him.

The principle of social proof. People are guided by other people in a similar situation. The principle of participation in advertising famous athletes, politicians. This principle takes into account that only 5% of people are initiators, the rest are imitators.

The principle of favor. People are more willing to comply with the requirements of those they like or know. This is primarily due to physical attractiveness. In this case, positive qualities are automatically attributed to a person. We like people who are like us.

Lunch method. While eating, people are more willing to make positive decisions, make concessions. Therefore, many contracts are signed and decisions are made during a business lunch or dinner.

In the oral speech of business people, it is necessary to take into account etiquette norms. Experts advise: never talk about your personal life and do not ask about someone else's. And politely evade conversations on personal topics. So, when communicating on business, it is not recommended to keep talking about politics, religion, ask questions about income, salary.

The pace of internationalization of the economy, new electronic means of communication lead to the expansion of international contacts, the emergence of a large number of joint ventures, interaction between representatives of business circles different countries. Current knowledge and understanding national characteristics of all participants in communication is the most important condition for the effective solution of emerging problems.

Each nation has developed its own traditions of business communication, which are expressed in language, movements, gestures, etc. Thus, the culture of the United States is characterized as informal, individualistic, materialistic, focused on the value of time. In Japan and China, more time is given to the group than to the individual. Submission and cooperation are more important there. In Latin America or Saudi Arabia attached great importance traditions, ceremonies, it is customary to first talk on irrelevant topics and only then move on to the issue of discussion.

Each nation has features that need to be taken into account in business communication.

The characteristic features of Americans are energy, independence, enterprise, diligence. They are patriots. Their philosophy is to earn as much as possible and quickly. Their style is highly professional, they are individualists, they like to act without regard to their superiors. They are democratic, often behave informally, love jokes, value honesty and frankness, they save time and are distinguished by punctuality. They do not like pauses, decisions are made quickly and rarely change it.

The English are considered honest, reasonable, courteous. They are characterized by restraint, isolation, efficiency and enterprise. They prefer not to touch personal topics, they are conservative, gardening is a national passion. They solve problems not by phone, but, as a rule, by letters. Their word can be trusted. Verbosity is regarded as a violation of the rules of communication, the imposition of one's opinion.

The Japanese are very polite, so they don’t say “no”, looking into the eyes is considered bad manners, not handshakes are accepted, but bows, the more important the guest, the more bows. They negotiate as a team, never make decisions right away. If they are treated with courtesy, they usually make concessions. Russian journalist V. Tsvetov in the book "The Fifteenth Stone of the Reanji Garden" gives an example of negotiations between Japanese and American companies. When the Americans talked about their company, about the possibilities and benefits of cooperation, the Japanese nodded their heads and listened decorously. And then they began to ask questions that seemed irrelevant. The Japanese believed that the Americans were putting pressure on them, and the Americans were surprised by the requests of the other side and their questions. The negotiations were terminated.

Thus, business communication involves knowledge of speech etiquette, the rules for constructing business conversations and meetings, knowledge of the norms of the literary language, the use of the necessary speech formulas according to the situation. The effectiveness of business communication also depends on the knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the individual, which reflects the language, on the knowledge of the national characteristics of business people.

1. About What do you need to remember when preparing for a business conversation?

2. What techniques are most often used in business communication, what techniques do you use to achieve your goal?


Sample interview questions

1. Why do you want to work in our company?

2. What is your work experience?

3. What can you say about the company and its leader?

4. Are you willing to work as long as it takes?

5. What salary do you want to receive?

6. What kind of student were you?

7. What goal do you want to achieve?

8. How do you spend your free time?

10. Why did you leave your previous job?

11. Your strengths and weaknesses.

12. What is the most important thing in your life?

13. Do you like to work in a team?

When writing a resume

1. All information should fit on one page.

2. The text of the resume is typed on a computer.

4. Titles must be highlighted.

5. The resume is beautifully designed and on good quality paper.

6. All names are written in full.

7. Provide information that emphasizes your strengths and may influence the employer's decision.

8. Numbers are written in reverse chronological order.

9. Eliminate unnecessary random information. 10. Avoid blots, grammatical errors.

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19. Features of the culture of the New Age. Science and technology. Spiritual life of a person early XIX in. going on abrupt change human habitat - the urban lifestyle begins to prevail over the rural. In the 19th century a turbulent process begins. Thinking is changing

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China through the eyes of a business man

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The Fundamentals of Business Etiquette in China

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§ 2. Style of business communication “Less words, more deeds” “Moscow was not built immediately” Russian sayings What is the path to mutual understanding in business cooperation between the French and Russians? First you need to analyze the features of your own culture. Very important

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Lecture 15. Features of ancient cultures 1. Primitive culture The period of cultural antiquity (primitive culture) is determined by the following framework: 40-4 thousand years BC. e. Within this period, the following are distinguished: 1) the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic): 40–12 thousand years BC. e.; 2) middle stone

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1. Biosocial features of a person Modern science considers a person as a special biosocial being with a specific anatomical structure, consciousness, articulate speech, and the social nature of life and activity. evolution process

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Lecture 1 scientific style speech. Its linguistic and structural features Plan1. Scientific style of speech and its sub-styles.2. Term.3. Linguistic features of the scientific style.4. Ways and methods of creating a scientific text. One of the areas human activity is an

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Lecture 3 Features term paper. Bibliographic description Plan1. Features of the course work.2. Text rubrication, bibliographic description. educational institution the student has to do their own scientific work, make experiments,

From the author's book

Section 4 Culture of official business speech

From the author's book

Lecture 3 Features of written speech in business communication. Types of documents, their design, language and style Plan1. Document norms (text and language).2. Speech etiquette of the document.3. Language and style of private documents.4. Language and style of service documentation.Currently

Characteristic for legal, administrative and social activities. For such a phenomenon as the culture of speech, the official business style is very important, because it is used to draw up documents and business papers related to state tasks, court cases and diplomatic communication. It is characterized by isolation, the stability of many speech turns, specific vocabulary and special syntactic turns. Documents written in a formal business manner are compact and filled with clichés and language clichés. These are international treaties, state decrees and acts, legal laws and court rulings, various charters and official correspondence, as well as other types of business papers that differ in accuracy and language standard.

This is a special culture of speech. The official business style, in addition to clichés and language clichés, includes professional terminology and archaisms in abundance. Polysemantic words are not used at all when using this style. Documents also avoid synonyms, and if they are used, then their style is also strictly observed and the vocabulary, as it were, is shackled into a framework, beyond which it is forbidden.

But the official business style uses nouns in abundance, naming people on the basis of activity, positions are always called in the masculine gender. Often words with a particle are used not as antonyms for the same words when they are used without negative particle. Popular in business documents are both complex and infinitives in the designations of actions performed or being performed. Enough great place in this style of speech, complex words are also assigned.

Formal business style is preferred homogeneous members. Passive constructions are also often used, that is, impersonal sentences without indicating the person performing the action. The genitive case of nouns forms a chain of syntactic constructions; sentences are often very common and burdened with a clause clause.

The official business style has two varieties: official documentary and everyday business style. The first group is the language of such legislative acts as the Constitution Russian Federation and its subjects, statutes and programs of parties, as well as diplomatic documents international importance, such as a communiqué, memorandum, convention, etc. The second group includes the language used in the process of conducting official correspondence and compiling private business papers. These include a variety of references, business letters, powers of attorney, announcements, statements, receipts, autobiographies, etc. It is known how the listed papers are standardized, which greatly facilitates their compilation. The information they contain is brief and used in a minimal amount.

It is known that English is a means of international communication. Therefore, official-business style of English is used in the diplomatic sub-style, when business papers are to be translated. Varieties of business speech in this case are determined by the scope of use. Trade agreements and contracts are maintained in the style of commercial correspondence. In the field of law, the language of codes, legal provisions, state and parliamentary decisions is used. Separately, the language of paramilitary business papers stands out.

Thus, the official business style of the English language is intended to play the role of a tool by which an understanding of the essence of the matter is achieved by the parties, which leads to the signing of various agreements.

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