The role of numerals in modern Russian. Syntactic features of cardinal numbers

The numeral is an independent significant part of speech that combines words that denote numbers, the number of objects or the order of objects when counting and answer the question how many? or what? Which the?.
Syntactic role: In a sentence, numerals often act as a subject, predicate, definition, less often as a nominal part compound predicate and circumstances. Cardinal numbers in combination with nouns are one member of the sentence in the forms I.p. and V.p. In other cases, they are different members of the sentence. Wed: There were three cups on the table. Three cups were missing from the table. The combination of an ordinal number with a noun is not one member of the sentence. For example: I love the evening light, and the first lights, and the sky is pale, where the stars are not yet visible (V. Bryusov).

Digits of numerals by value

Identify quantitative and ordinal numbers.
Cardinal numbers denote abstract numbers (five) and the number of objects (five tables) and answer the question how much?.
Cardinal numbers are whole (five), fractional (five-sevenths) and collective (five).
Integer cardinal numbers denote whole numbers or quantity. Integer cardinal numbers are combined with countable nouns, that is, with such nouns that denote objects that can be counted in pieces (two books, nineteen pages).
Fractional quantitative numbers denote fractional numbers or quantity (two-thirds, five-sevenths, thirteen-twenty-fifths).
Collective numerals denote the number of objects as a whole. The collective numerals include the words both, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Digits of numerals by structure (structure)

By structure, numerals are distinguished simple, complex and compound.
Simple numerals are one-component (two, two, second).
Compound numerals are not one-component, that is, they are written with spaces (fifty-five, five tenths, five thousand fifty-fifth).
Compound numerals - which have two or more roots (five-hundred, five-and-hundred-thousandth).

Declension of numbers.

Changing numerals in cases is called declension. The numerals two, three, four, forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half, one and a half hundred are inclined in a special way:
Cardinal numbers do not have a gender category (except for the numerals one, one and a half, two), do not change by numbers (except for the numeral one).

The numeral one agrees with the noun to which it refers in gender, number and case (one berry, one pencil, one window; one berry, one pencil, one window). All other numerals in combination with a noun in the form of the genitive case are used in the form of the nominative case (two friends, five tables, twenty meters).

Numerals from five to twenty and thirty are inclined according to the model of nouns of the III declension:
R. five fifteen thirty
P. (o) five fifteen thirty
The numerals forty, ninety, one hundred, when declining, have only two forms: I., V. - forty, ninety, one hundred; R., D., T., P. - forty, ninety, one hundred.
When declining numbers from fifty to eighty and from two hundred to nine hundred, both parts of the word change:

I. seventy
R. seventy
D. seventy
V. seventy
T. seventy P. (o) seventy
two hundred nine hundred two hundred nine hundred two hundred nine hundred two hundred nine hundred two hundred nine hundred two hundred nine hundred
When declining compound numbers, each word changes:

The numeral thousand is declined as a noun of the first declension; numerals million, billion, trillion - as nouns of the II declension.

Lecture, abstract. Discharges of numerals by construction and meaning,
declension of numerals, syntactic role - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

Numerals do not have their own clause member function. In a sentence, they are usually used as part of a phrase with a noun (five days, three hundred and forty people) and act as one member of the sentence: Five days have passed.

Here the phrase five days is the subject.

Cardinal numbers can be members of a sentence only when denoting a number, not a quantity. For example: Five is not divisible by two without a remainder. (Five is the subject, two is the object).

To correctly choose the form of a dependent noun in a phrase, you need to take into account the following pattern: in the form of I.p. and V.p. the numeral controls the noun, requiring the form R. p., and in other cases it agrees with the noun, acting in the form of the same case as the noun. Compare, for example: two pears, but two pears, two pears; five books, but five books, five books.

The numeral one is distinguished by its functional features, it is consistent with nouns in gender, number and case (one table, one car, one window; one day; with one task), including compound numbers (one hundred and one student; five thousand one hundred and one rubles) .

When expressing a distributive meaning, the numeral can be in the form D.p. or V.p., the noun is always in the form of R.p. The numerals two, three, four, ninety, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred are used only in the form V.p. (issue three rubles, one hundred rubles), one only in the form of D.p. (one copy, one person). The remaining numerals can be used in variant forms (five rubles each - five rubles each). Variant in the form of D.p. (received five rubles each) is considered more bookish and outdated.

To create the meaning of uncertainty, approximateness, instead of the exact designation of the quantity, change the order of the components in the phrase of numerals with nouns. Wed: they brought two hundred and two hundred books, read for two hours and two hours.

Among cardinal numbers, fractional numbers are traditionally distinguished (two fifths, one whole and three tenths). When declining, all the words that make up the numeral change: two fifths, one whole and three tenths. In essence, this special type quantitative phrases.

In scientific grammar, the category of cardinal numbers includes indefinitely-quantitative numbers that do not have a quantitative-numerical value, indicate only an indefinite amount, they are similar to definite-quantitative numbers in grammatical properties: they control R.p. These words are many, few, few, many, as many as, several, some.

The words a lot, a little, a little, a lot do not change in cases, the rest are declined, in R.p., D.p., T.p., P.p. agree with the noun: how many friends there are, how many friends I gave my watercolors.

Collective numerals denote a certain number of items in the aggregate: two men, seven kids.

They are a small group of words formed from cardinal numbers within the first ten: two, three - with the suffix -oy (e), four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten - with the suffix -er (o). They are included and non-derivative word both (both) with the collective and pronominal meaning "both one and the other."

Collective numerals are combined with a limited range of words. So, they are used with personal nouns of masculine and generic(two men, four guests, three orphans); with the words children, kids, guys, people, person (meaning people): four children, five people, three unknown persons; with substantives denoting a person (six patients, two leaders); with personal pronouns (there are three of us, five of them); with words with the meaning of immaturity (two camels, five cubs).

Collective numbers are combined with nouns pluralia tantum: two points, three days. Starting with the word five, it is also possible to use quantitative numbers: five days - five days. Note that collective numerals in combination with inanimate nouns are used only in the form of I.p. - Vp, and in oblique cases are replaced by quantitative ones: three days have passed - three days later. In combination with animate nouns, collective numerals are used in all cases: three friends, three friends, etc.

Besides, in colloquial speech collective numerals are used with nouns denoting paired objects (two boots).

Collective numerals do not have categories of gender and number, they change by cases, in a sentence they perform the syntactic function of a subject or object only together with nouns.

You should also pay attention to the use of the word both (both). In combination with the words of women. kind it is recommended to use the form both (on both sides of the street), with the words husband. kind – form both (both computers are under repair).

Ordinal numbers indicate the serial number of the subject in the count (first course, second course).

According to their morphological features, they are identical to relative adjectives: they change in gender, number and case, agree in gender, number and case with nouns, have the same set of endings.

But, coinciding in form and syntactic function (definition function) with adjectives, ordinal numbers have a number of features that allow them to be classified as numerals:

1. The value of the order of objects in the count, that is, the value of the exact number.

2. Semantic and word-building correlation with cardinal numbers. In addition to the ordinal numbers first and second, all the rest are formed from cardinal numbers (fifth, twentieth, hundredth). When forming an ordinal numeral, only the last component changes from a composite quantitative numeral: house fifty-fifth, apartment one hundred and thirty-seventh. Wed with the original designation with cardinal numbers: house fifty-five, apartment one hundred and thirty-seven. Compound ordinal numbers are used very widely in various areas of life, in particular, when designating dates and numbers: the twenty-seventh of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three. Such compound ordinal numbers have only the last element - the ordinal proper.

3. Like quantitative, ordinal numbers can be indicated by numbers (33 years, 33rd spring).

All this gives reason to include this group of words in the numerals as a special category.

I approve:______________Date:____________Russian language Grade 7 November 9, 2016

Topic: Syntactic role of numerals

Purpose: 1. to systematize and generalize students' knowledge about the numeral as a part of speech;
2. consolidate the skills associated with the use of numerals in oral speech(observe the norms of use in agreement with the noun);
3. to cultivate interest in the Russian language among schoolchildren.
Type of lesson: repetition and systematization of knowledge.
MO: practical, visual - illustrative.
During the classes:
1 . Org. stage.

So, Blitz survey based on the material covered:

1.What is numeral?
2. All numerals are divided by value into .... (quantitative and ordinal)

3. Among the quantitative numerals stand out ... (whole, fractional, collective)
4. Quantity. numerals in composition are .. (simple, complex and compound)

2 .Vocabulary dictation.

The teacher dictates the names of the numerals, the students should divide them into two groups:

into simple numbers and composites.

Three, forty-eight, one thousand nine hundred ninety-ninth, eightieth, ninety,

one hundred and thirty, three hundred and forty-eight, two, twelve, two thousand and six, eight hundred

fifteen, three hundred thirteen, two hundred and twenty-second, one million three hundred and forty (1340000), five thousand eight hundred, thirty-two.

3 .Then students should make sentences with all numbers. it

the task is done independently.

Underline the numerals as part of the sentence

Seven guys went camping. The first ray of the sun woke the girl. Add six to ten. The train leaves at two o'clock. The boy bought five notebooks. Seven six-forty-two.

4 . Task: from cardinal numbers 6,3,4,2,1,10,7,13,19,20
Form ordinal numbers

5 .Exercise. Rewrite and indicate the type of numerals by structure (simple, complex, compound).

Fifteen, seven, one hundred and sixteen, eighteenth, eleven, six hundred, seventieth, ninety-sixth, seven hundred forty-one, three hundred twenty, fourth, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand

6 .Exercise. Numbers represent cardinal numbers. Indicate the line in which all the numerals are simple and write them in words.

a) 19, 15, 1000 b) 8, 1000, 100, 1 c) 19999, 300, 4, 17 d) 3, 29, 18, 41

7 . Write the numbers as collective numbers. There are (3) friends sitting at the same table. Aunt Masha has (4) children. (5) climbers have gone to the mountains. There were (6) scissors on the table, (3) days passed.

8 .1. Decline the ordinal number eighth .

2. Decline the compound number, the year of your birth. (2001st year)

3. convert cardinal numbers to ordinals: 1819, 48, 90, 15, 12, 4, 22, 800.

9 . write the numerals in words, agreeing them with the nouns:

It's my birthday… ; before 8 (March) you need to buy flowers; I will remember about 1 (September); by 9 (May) it is necessary to prepare a concert.

10 .1. In what numeral should HH be written?

2. In what numerals should you write - b at the end of the word:

3. In what numerals should you write - b in the middle of the word:

11 . Warm up
- How many fingers are on the hand? (5)
- How many months in a year? (12)
How many tails do 5 cats have? (5)
- How many rings Olympic flag? (5)
How many toes are on two feet? (ten)
- How many suns are in the sky? (one)
How many paws do two chickens have? (four)
- How many gold medals received
Kazakhs at the Olympics in London? (7)
- How many eyes does a person have? (2)
How many corners does a square have? (four)
How many arms does a dog have? (zero)
- What time of year? (four)
- How many days are there in a week? (7)
How many sides does a triangle have? (3)
How many nuts are in the empty glass? (zero)
- How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33)

12. Proverbs and sayings.
Remember the proverbs and sayings in which there are numerals
There is safety in numbers.
You cut down one tree, plant ten.
Better to see once than hear a hundred times.
If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.
Two of a Kind.
Do not recognize a friend in three days - recognize in three years.
It takes three years to learn to be industrious; it takes only three days to learn to be lazy.
Without four corners, the hut is not cut.
Seven do not wait for one
Seven times measure cut once
Spring and autumn - eight weather per day.
Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
13. Numerals in the titles of fairy tales.
Remember the names of fairy tales in which there are numerals

Masha and three bears

14 . Read it with poetic intonation:
714, 15, 3247
16, 318, 140, 327
3, 28, 220, 126, 1245
615, 18, 2225
713, 116, 512, 43
2000000, 320, 17, 333.

15 Questions:

1. Part of speech denoting the number of objects.

2. Numerals that answer the question how much?

3. Numerals that answer the question what?

4. A number greater than three but less than five.

5. The number is less than twelve but greater than ten.

6. Ten divided by two.

16. Reflection.

What did you repeat today? (It is correct to use numerals in oral speech, write numerals correctly, see, hear and be able to correct grammatical errors associated with violation morphological norms numerals).

17 . Homework. Summing up the lesson. Grading.

The noun is a part of speech.

The syntactic role of numerals in a sentence. (6th grade)


- familiarization with the signs of the numeral as a part of speech(general value, morphological features, syntactic role in the sentence),

Distinguish numerals from other parts of speech with a numerical value;

Be able to find numbers in the text;

To develop the creative, speech and mental activity of students;

Raise interest in learning the Russian language.

During the classes

1.Org. moment.

2. Psychological preparation of students for the perception of a new topic.

Guys! Today in the lesson we continue to study the section "Morphology", we continue to get acquainted with the parts of speech.

Let's get back to the mystery. Think about how it might be related to the topic of the lesson:

(reading the epigraph, finding a clue Slide 1)

From what part of speech will we meet today? - Try to guess for yourself.

Who and what in question?

Many-legged riddle

Two legs on three legs

And the fourth in the teeth.

Suddenly four came running

And they ran away with one.

Two legs jumped

Grabbed three legs

Three legs screamed

Shouted to the whole house -

Yes, three by four!

But four squealed

And they ran away with one. (K. Chukovsky) answer: two legs - a boy, three legs - a stool, four legs - a dog, one leg - a chicken)

Do you know the answer? And what words helped to find the answer? Those are numbers. Or words?

(answer: two legs, three legs, four legs, one leg)

One, two, three, four - these are the words of a new part of speech, the name of which, as you rightly noted, is associated with the word "number" (we write it down on the board and in a notebook)

So, you will study numerals.

We must know ……

learn to…

(- get to know the part of speech,

Find out what the noun means

What question it answers, how it changes, the syntactic role, in what styles of speech it is used.)

Yes, today we will get acquainted with this part of speech, its meaning and syntactic role in a sentence, let's touch* on the question in which styles of language it is most often used. Other questions will be discussed in more detail in the next lessons.

At the end of the lesson, you should know the definition of the numeral and be able to find it in the text.

3. Learning new material. (in the course of studying the topic, we draw up a diagram, board, notebooks)


Quantity Order

How? Which?

five fifth

5 5

Syntactic role

Work on the definition of the name of the numeral.

We turn to the topic of the lesson: we are already familiar with nominal parts of speech. What? (noun, adjective. The name numeral is derived from the word "number" and is formed by analogy with the names of two other nominal parts of speech (noun, adjective). – in the course of working on the term, fill in the rule with gaps

NUMBERAL NAME - A PART OF SPEECH WHICH DESIGNATES ________________ OBJECTS, __________________ AND ALSO _____________ OBJECTS _________. NUMBERAL NAMES ANSWER THE QUESTIONS _________ AND _____________.

NUMBERAL NAMES CAN BE ____________________.

Define these parts of speech. What about the numeral? (an independent part of speech that means ....)

What do the nouns mean?

Proposal work. Write off, punctuate, open brackets. (written on the board) - ask questions to the numerals, find out what they mean, define the numeral, work on the syntactic role in the sentence)

Three brothers went swimming*, two are swimming*, and the third is lying on the shore*. (explain spelling and punctuation, difficult sentence, scheme.)

Conclusion: answer the question how much? Which? Indicate the number and order of items when counting. (testing ourselves in the textbook) - work on the definition ... ask 3-4 people

Let's see what member of the sentence can be a numeral (subject, definition)

Let's do exercise 83 from R.T.

Conclusion: any member of the sentence (we repeat parsing suggestions).


5. The difference between numerals and other parts of speech. observation.

What parts of speech can express numerical value? For this….

Form the following parts of speech from these numerals: verb, adjective, noun. (work in pairs)

Two - double, double, double

Three - triplet, triple, triple

Conclusion: What parts of speech can express a numerical value? (nouns, adjectives, verb)

And what is the main difference between numerals and other parts of speech?

(can be written both in numbers and in words) - performing exercise 82 from R.t.

followed by verification)

6. Consolidation of theoretical material.

Define numeral. What part of the sentence can be a numeral.

7. Work with text (printed out for each student). The ability to find numbers in the text. Determine the role of numerals in the text (accuracy).

good tree

Whom will you surprise with a birch? Look out the window in the city, whether in the countryside, everywhere you will see a birch tree in your attire two the main colors of Russian nature: the greenery of the meadows and the whiteness of the snow-covered fields.

Another birch is kind to people. In ancient times, people called it a tree four affairs: first business is to illuminate the world, second - Maintain cleanliness third - silence the cry fourth - Heal the sick. The lightest is a birch torch. Birch broom in the bath "keep cleanliness." The creak of the cart was quieted by birch tar. From all sorts of ailments, an infusion of birch buds treated.

What a native, warm, faithful tree!

Y. Krutogorov

Text analysis:

Does the title indicate the topic or the main idea?

Determine the type of speech, style (reasoning, journalistic)

Are there nouns in the text? Name them.

(we find out how many useful properties at the birch!)

Write down the sentence "In ancient times ..."

Determine the syntactic role of numerals.

. Write out sentences that have numerals, underline the numerals as members of the sentence.

feathered clock

(According to. M. Demenyuk)

8*. Independent work(test) - printout. Circle the correct answer.

The test offers you 5 tasks, each with 4 possible answers, you need to circle the correct answer.

1. Indicate the correct statement

A) A numeral is an independent part of speech that denotes an object and its order in counting.

B) The numeral is an independent part of speech, which denotes the number of objects, the number, as well as the order of objects when counting.

C) The numeral is a service part of speech, which denotes the number of objects, the number, as well as the order of objects when counting.

D) A numeral is an independent part of speech that denotes a sign of an object.

2. What member of the sentence can be a numeral?

A) subject and predicate

B) a minor member of the proposal

B) circumstance and addition

G) different member suggestions

3. Indicate the line in which there are only numerals answering the question how much?

A) six hundred, forty-two, three

B) second, twenty-two, nine

B) fifth, sixth, fortieth

D) one hundred, fifteen, fiftieth

4. Indicate the line where only numbers are written

A) seven-year-old, six-string, double

B) first, eight, thirty

C) sixth grader, five, seven

D) ten, twenty-three, three times

Let's make a self-test, correct the mistakes, if any, put a mark: if there are no errors - "5", one mistake - "4", two mistakes - "3", if there are no more mistakes, don't set yourself anything, you still need to practice. Waiting on Thursday for those who made mistakes (many)

I see that you have learned a lot about the numeral today. Did we reach the goal of the lesson?


- What I found out .... Remembered...

Of course, you guys have long been familiar with figures and numbers. Every day you are faced with a huge number of different numbers. And at home, when, for example, you watch TV (channel one, channel two, third, and so on), and at school, and especially in math classes, and even on the street, we are all surrounded by numbers and numbers. We can find a person if we know the address (house number and apartment number), in big city at the bus stop we will wait for the bus of the exact number that we need.

And imagine what would happen if there were not a single number in our world ...

(wouldn’t know what year it is and what date, how old each of us is, we wouldn’t be able to buy anything in the store, because there would be no prices, money, and there wouldn’t be shops either. We would lose such a concept as time : would not know the history, events when the discoveries took place)

As you can see, people without numbers would not be able to live and work normally.

Counting arose in ancient times, and people counted on the fingers of their hands. There was a time when the count reached only four - according to the number of outstretched four fingers. Then came the count of fives. With the development of life, counting improved, and, finally, a modern count appeared - in tens.

8. Homework: linguistic fairy tale (creative, texts printed out) or 5-6 proverbs in which there are numerals, explain the meaning of 2-3 proverbs, determine the syntactic role in sentences.

linguistic fairy tale.

Numerals love counting! Not immediately, a person learned to count and created a numeral. Of all the parts of speech, this is the youngest.

Do you want to hear how the Numeral was first put forward by other parts of speech? Unfortunately, we got to the end of their conversation.

Who is in favor of this proposal, please raise your hand, - said the Chairman. - Noun, count the number of votes.

Someone shouted: “A lot!”, and the noun picked up:

A lot of!

You didn't count! Or do you not want to count?

Comrade Chairman, - the Verb intervened, - a noun does not know how to count in order, it has singular, denoting one thing, and plural with the meaning of an indefinite set.

But then who will count our votes? - the Chairman was upset.

Numeral!!! the room sighed in unison.

Here, it turns out, what an important part of speech is the Numeral.

V. Volina

On the basis of a linguistic fairy tale, write an essay - a miniature "This important part of speech ...".

1. The concept of a numeral.

The numeral is an independent part of speech, which includes words denoting

Numbers (twice two is four)

Number of items (four tables) or

Counting order (fifth house)

and answering questions How many?, which the?

Scheme 1. Numerals as part of speech

2. Discharges of numerals.

From the point of view of meaning and grammatical features, numerals are usually divided into groups, or categories.

Discharges are groups of words united by a common meaning and having the same grammatical characteristics.

The numbers are divided into quantitative and ordinal.

To quantitative numerals include words denoting quantity ( five houses),

number ( five not divisible by two no remainder), item number (house number five).

To ordinal numerals include words denoting the order of objects in the count ( fifth house).

Scheme 2. Digits of numerals

3. Cardinal numbers.

Within the group of cardinal numbers, in terms of meaning and grammatical properties, the following subgroups can be distinguished:

Cardinal numbers denoting whole numbers,

Cardinal numbers denoting fractional numbers,

Collective numbers.

Quantitative numbers denoting whole numbers are numerals that name the amount of something in whole units: two table, five tickets thirty three ship. Note that these words are combined with nouns that name objects that can be counted (one cannot say two gold or three youth).

These words change by case ( five, five, five) and do not have categories of gender and number (except for numerals one two). Word one can have masculine, neuter, and feminine forms: one, one, one and form plural: alone.

numeral two/two varies by gender, keeping differences by gender in I.p. and V.p.: two shirts, two table.

Fractional cardinal numbers denote fractional numbers and fractional quantity ( two thirds, zero point seven tenths). These numerals are combined both with the names of objects that can be counted, and with real and collective nouns: two-thirds table, one tenth youth, three-fifths gold.

The words of this subgroup change by case: three fourths, three fourths etc., but have no gender or number.

The exception is the number one and a half, which has two forms: m. and f. R. ( one and a half month, one and a half minutes), as well as fractional numbers, which include numbers one and two. At the same time, while maintaining the category of gender, these words in the composition of fractional numerals by gender do not change and are always used only in the form zh. R. One seventh of a table, two fifths of a book.

The last subgroup of cardinal numbers - collective numerals. This subgroup includes 10 words: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, both.

All these words change in cases ( two, two, two etc.).

Word both/both varies by case and by gender, where both- masculine and neuter forms both- female.

4. Structure (structure) of numerals.

By their structure, numerals can be simple, compound and complex.

Simple numerals consist of one word ( eight, five, twenty). Composite - from two or more eighty two, fifty three, five hundred twenty five).

In terms of the number of roots in a word, complex numbers are also distinguished. These include words containing more than one root. The words fifty, sixty, seventy are complex, because have two roots.

Fractional numbers - compound ( three tenths), numeral one and a half- simple, numeral a hundred and fifty- complex.


Scheme 3. Structure of numerals

5. Syntactic function of numerals.

In a sentence, cardinal numbers make up one member of the sentence with the noun in which they stand. Thus, they can be any sentence member that a noun can be.

Three girls under the window

They spun late in the evening (A. Pushkin).

(...) And my choice blesses only three favorite faces. (B. Akhmadulina).

He traded greyhounds for them three dogs!!! (A. Griboyedov).

Ordinal numbers are either definitions or part of the predicate.

I repeat everything the first verse ... (M. Tsvetaeva).

101st I will never! (E. Evtushenko).


Exercise 1.

Write the text, determine the digits of the numerals.

On August 22, 1880, the first tram appeared in St. Petersburg. But only in 1892 tram traffic began in Kyiv. The length of the first branch was 1.6 kilometers. The first subway in our country was opened in Moscow on May 15, 1935. The length of the first line was 11.6 kilometers and it had 13 stations.

How important is it to answer the question how much? Both our losses and our gains may depend on the correct answer. In this lesson, you will learn how to correctly decline cardinal numbers denoting whole numbers.

1. The meaning of fractional numbers and their compatibility with nouns

Fractional cardinal numbers denote fractional numbers and fractional quantities ( two thirds, 0.7 etc.). These numerals are combined both with the names of objects that can be counted, and with real and collective nouns. Two third tables. One tenth of the youth. Two-fifths of gold.

However, the numerals of this category cannot be combined with animate nouns. The exception is the word a hundred and fifty(= one and a half hundred = 150). We cannot say, for example, one and a half dogs and we can say one hundred and fifty dogs.

Of the one and a half hundred dogs of the South Russian Shepherd Dogs, there were only five.

Word a hundred and fifty although it is fractional, because a hundred and fifty- this is one and a half hundred, but he calls an integer, because one and a half hundred is 150. That is why a hundred and fifty is the only fractional numeral that combines with animate nouns.

2. Structure of fractional numbers

In their structure, all fractional quantitative numbers are composite, that is, they consist of 2 or more words. Three tenths, seven eighths, three fourths. In this case, the first part of fractional numbers is represented by an integer cardinal number, and the second part is represented by an ordinal number.

The exception is the numbers one and a half / one and a half and a hundred and fifty, since they consist of one word, unlike the rest of the fractional numbers. Wherein one and a half- simple, a hundred and fifty- complex.

3. Morphological features

All fractional cardinal numbers change in cases.

numeral one and a half varies by birth and has the forms of m. and cf. R. and the form of R: one and a half and one and a half. one and a half month, one and a half apples, one and a half weeks.

As you remember from the previous lesson, numerals one and two also have a genus category ( one - one - one, two - two). Getting into the composition of a fractional numeral, these words retain their generic characteristics, but are used only in the form zh. R.: one tenth, two tenths, one eighth, two eighths etc.

4. Declension of fractional cardinal numbers

In terms of structure, there are 2 subgroups in the group of fractional cardinal numbers:

§ simple (non-compound) numerals ( one and a half, one and a half)

§ compound numerals (all others, for example 2/5).

Numerals of the first subgroup one and a half / one and a half and a hundred and fifty have 2 forms: I. p. and V. p. ( one and a half / one and a half and a hundred and fifty) and the form for other cases ( one and a half, one and a half hundred).

Table 1. Declension of numbers one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred

In the numerals of the second subgroup - in compound fractional numbers - both parts are declined: the first part is declined as the corresponding whole number, the second - as an ordinal number in the plural. or units h. ( one seventh, three sevenths etc.).

Table 2. Declension of compound fractional numbers

5. Syntactic characteristics

Nouns used with fractional cardinal numbers stand in the form of R. p. units. or many h. The number form of a noun depends on the meaning.

Compare: One second pear and one second pear, two thirds of a glass and two thirds of glasses. i.e. units hours \u003d part of one object, pl. h = part total items.

In a sentence, fractional cardinal numbers make up one member of the sentence with the noun in which they stand.

We haven't seen each other one and half year.

The world ocean occupies three fourths of the planet.

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