Commas at introductory words and appeals. What are introductory words, and what punctuation marks do they require. The order of phenomena or thoughts and the connection between them

Request examples: honest, prof*es*or, windy, etc.

Appendix 2. Introductory words and combinations


Introductory words are words that are not formally related to the members of the sentence, are not members of the sentence and express the attitude to the reported or its characteristics. From a grammatical point of view, introductory words are represented by various verb forms (personal forms, infinitives, adverbs), nouns and pronouns (with and without prepositions), adverbs, nominal and verbal phraseological units.

Introductory words and combinations of words are highlighted (or separated) by commas. However, it is necessary to draw the reader's attention to two difficulties associated with punctuation in introductory words.

The first difficulty lies in the fact that among the introductory words and combinations there are very few that are used only as introductory and, therefore, are always isolated (for example, firstly, I think, if I may say so). In most cases, the same words can be used both as introductory and as members of a sentence (as a rule, predicates or circumstances) or auxiliary words (unions, particles). The differences between them show up in context. Examples of punctuation for words and combinations that can be used or are always used in the function of introductory words are given in the corresponding articles of the reference book.

The second difficulty is that the punctuation of words that are introductory also depends on their environment. The main rules and patterns that are not commented on in the dictionary entries are given below.

1. Meeting of two introductory words

When two introductory words (introductory combinations, sentences) meet, a comma is placed between them.

He, unfortunately, as you see, not bad-looking, that is, ruddy, smooth, tall ... I. Goncharov, Ordinary history. As a matter of fact, honestly speaking , I want love, or what, or - what is it called there? V. Veresaev, Sisters. And here, like a sin, as if on purpose, Uncle Misha arrives. A. Rybakov, Heavy sand. Actually , strictly speaking, in this situation, you should simply wake up. A. and B. Strugatsky, A billion years before the end of the world. ...This visit took the whole evening and completely destroyed the feeling of loneliness so beloved by him. Finally, maybe, and it's good that it destroyed ... V. Bykov, Poor people.

2. Introductory word and isolated turnover

An introductory word or combination can be at the beginning or at the end of a separate member of a sentence, and also be inside it. Punctuation marks in these cases are put as follows:

A) If the introductory word is at the beginning of a separate turnover, commas are placed before the introductory word and after the entire segregated turnover. No comma after the introductory word(in other words, the comma, which was supposed to “close” the introductory word, is transferred to the end of a separate turnover).

Little by little, everyone joins their company who have completed rather important homework, such as: talking with their doctor about the weather and about a small pimple that jumped up on their nose, learning about the health of horses and their children, however showing great gifts... N. Gogol, Nevsky Prospekt. ... Vera Nikolaevna experienced before her master - in general, not at all like Ivan the Terrible - a thrill in love, maybe even the worship of a loyal. V. Kataev, Grass of oblivion. I also used to write down my thoughts on anything, especially on cigarette boxes. K. Paustovsky, Golden Rose. ... Concerning the gold that Cagliostro mined without any labor from all other metals, e.g. copper, turning them into gold with the touch of his hands, Stroganov also had a low opinion. Y. Tynyanov, Citizen Ocher.

B) If the introductory word is inside a separate turnover, it separated by commas on both sides, while the signs at the beginning and at the end of a separate turnover are preserved.

Overwhelmed by these bitter thoughts, not quite, however, fair and inspired by Anikanov’s letter that excited him, Travkin went out of the barn into the cold dawn. E. Kazakevich, Star. This is my essay - or rather a lecture- has neither a definite form nor a chronological structure, which I do not recognize ... V. Kataev, My Diamond Crown.

C) If the introductory word is at the end of a separate turnover, commas are placed before separate turnover and after him. No comma is placed before the introductory word.

And instead of a speck ahead, another road appeared, that is, not exactly a road, an earth scratch, groove rather. V. Astafiev, So I want to live. For the holidays we decided to go somewhere, to Kyiv for example.

Note 1. If the turnover is enclosed in brackets, then the introductory word at its beginning or end is separated by a comma according to the general rule: He was a Kazakh with an almost Russian surname and a Russian (seems to be initial) education. Y. Dombrovsky, Keeper of Antiquities. Two are alive (as long as their bill is extended), // the third (extra, probably) buried in paradise... B. Okudzhava, The black raven will look through the white cloud ... At one time I even had a weakness (or courage maybe) to think in my mind how I would take it on, if yes, if only ... V. Nabokov, Dar.

Note 2. Introductory words before phrases that begin with the unions “how” and “to” are distinguished by commas according to the general rule: The day she lived seemed meaningless to her, in essence, as and all life. He thought for a moment probably to pick the right words.

Note 3. Some sources indicate that introductory words rather, more exactly giving the statement a clarifying character are separated by commas, while the members of the sentence following them are not separated. Such punctuation is indeed possible: But you boy rather I owe something to your name. L. Kassil, Get ready, Your Highness! And in front of Tanya's door, rather, the floor below crowded the line of congratulators. S. Soloveichik, Team "Seven Winds". I roll from side to side rather, from the stomach to the back and think ... About what? Yes, all about the same... V. Nekrasov, Look and Something. Outside the window, Leonid knew, there is a withered branch of an old poplar, and attached to it, more precisely, a “glass” of radio wiring is screwed into it. V. Astafiev, Sad Detective.

However, in examples from fiction, a different arrangement of punctuation marks is often found: clarifying sentence members introduced by words rather, more exactly are isolated, and these words themselves, standing at the beginning of a separate turnover, in accordance with the general rule, are not separated from it by a comma (but sometimes they can be separated by a dash): Unfortunately, doctors still have little ability to recognize hysterical, rather mental, the nature of a number of diseases. I. Efremov, Razor's Edge. A whole series of characters rather opinion carriers, seems to me possible to be embodied in the characters of the modern Soviet-human comedy. Y. Olesha, The Book of Farewell. partisan leader, more precisely, the commander of the Kezhemsky association of partisans of the Trans-Urals, sat in front of the speaker's nose in a defiantly casual pose ... B. Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago. ... The she-wolf suddenly clearly heard in herself, more specifically inside the womb, live jolts. Ch. Aitmatov, Scaffold. Analyze the past ratherbad things in the past, makes sense only if, on the basis of this analysis, it is possible to correct the present or prepare the future. V. Nekrasov, In the trenches of Stalingrad. I want to write easy, not difficult. The difficult thing is when you write thinking that someone will read it. syntax branch, ratherrod of syntax, threatens you all the time. Y. Olesha, The Book of Farewell.

3. Introductory word and union

Introductory words and combinations may or may not be separated by a comma from the preceding coordinating conjunction, depending on the context.

Comma after union put, if the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged to another place in the sentence without violating its structure.

I only learned that he had once been a coachman for an old childless lady, ran away with a trio of horses entrusted to him, disappeared for a whole year and, should be, being convinced in practice of the disadvantages and disasters of a wandering life, he returned himself, but already lame ... I. Turgenev, Singers. However, Volodya, seeing how difficult it was for the boy, did not swear at all, a, vice versa said something encouraging. Y. Vizbor, Alternative to the summit Klyuch . Before leaving, I took out a list from under the glass and, with extreme pressure, blacked out the word "Volobuy" with my rainbow pen. I decided on this because it was shaggy with paper villi and, means, it was already scratched before me with a claw ... K. Vorobyov, Here comes the giant. She suffered for a very long time after separation, but, as is known time heals all wounds.

If the withdrawal of the introductory word is impossible (i.e., the union is included in the introductory construction, forming a single combination with it), then the comma after the union not put(usually this happens with the union a).

“You don’t interfere with me at all,” he objected, “if you please, shoot, but by the way, as you please; your shot is yours; I am always at your service." A. Pushkin, Shot. You, it seems, then loved the Portuguese, // Maybe, with the Malay you are gone. A. Vertinsky, Where are you now ... The grass in our clearing, yellowed and smoky, nevertheless remained alive and soft; it's better to say, lost guys. V. Rasputin, French Lessons. Whether gas appears randomly or not, whether it is associated with cyclones, which means whether it is possible to predict on this basis - the question needs to be clarified. A. Gladilin, Forecast for tomorrow.

The introductory word is usually not separated by a punctuation mark from the joining union at the beginning of the sentence.

And in fact , for these four years, while serving in the gymnasium, I feel how strength and youth come out of me every day, drop by drop. A. Chekhov, Three sisters. “No, life is still wise, and one must obey its laws,” he said thoughtfully. - And besides, life is Beautiful". A. Kuprin, Lenochka. And generally speaking , now, when he was a little distracted from the thought of the loss of the violin and began to consider what exactly was stolen from him from personal belongings, household property, some kind of shy awkwardness appeared in him ... A. and G. Weiner, Visit to the Minotaur. On the second floor there was a soft carpet in the corridor, and Dmitry Alekseevich felt the closeness of his superiors. And indeed, he immediately saw a plate of thick glass: "Director". V. Dudintsev, Not by Bread Alone. In 1925, he seemed to still have some time left. Yes, besides, he has already done something worthwhile. D. Granin, Bison.

Note. When the intonation highlights the introductory word, it can be separated by a comma from the union: But , to my great annoyance, Shvabrin, usually condescending, decisively announced that my song was not good. A. Pushkin, Captain's daughter.

4. Introductory word on the border of homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence

Introductory words and combinations standing on the border of homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence and related to the word or sentence following them are not separated from it by a comma: There was a sharp knock the shutter must have broken. A. Chekhov, The Bride. (Compare: There was a sharp knock. Must be, the shutter broke.)

introductory sentences have meanings close to the meanings of introductory words and combinations. They are distinguished by commas, or, much less often, by a dash: led me as they said in the old days, the mysterious power of predestination. V. Kataev, Holy well. Now,as befitting real state, Shvambrania had to acquire a history. L. Kassil, Konduit and Shvambrania. how it is customary to say in newspaper reports, "its walls have seen" many famous people. K. Paustovsky, Golden Rose. ... Sitting here under fear of death and - what's worse- in pouring rain. E. Kazakevich, Star.

Occasionally in fiction there are examples of emphasizing dashes and introductory words: Gladyshev looked at his interlocutor and suddenly realized: “But you, Vanya, probably don’t know that man descended from a monkey.” - " As for me- even from a cow, ”said Chonkin. V. Voinovich, Life and Extraordinary Adventures of a Soldier Ivan Chonkin.

In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas at the introductory word(s).

People then were already accustomed to death, and, (1) it would seem, (2) that they need another one? But the city raged, (3) Nina's name became known to everyone, (4) and there were no indifferent people. Everywhere, (5) wherever you go, (6) it was heard:

- Well, how is our Nina? Will they save ... that's grief!

(1) Stalingrad was ruthlessly bombed day and night.

(2) One day Voronin called Chuyanov.

- (3) Trouble! he said. - (4) In the morning, one reptile wriggled out of the clouds

and dumped a half-ton land mine right ... right at the plant, where, you know, how many people had gathered.

(5) The dead were buried, the wounded were taken to hospitals, but a girl, Nina Petrunina, remained in the dead factory building. (6) Alive! (7) But there is no strength to pull it out. (8) Her legs were crushed by the wall, and the wall barely holds. (9) It seems that you breathe a little on it - and it will collapse at once. (10) Seventeen years old. (11) I want to live. (12) Beautiful ... the girl is painfully beautiful!

- (13) It is necessary to save! Chuyanov shouted. - (14) By all means. (15) I will come myself. (16) Now.

(17) People then were already accustomed to death, and it would seem that they have one more? (18) But the city was seething, the name of Nina became known to everyone, but there were no indifferent people. (19) Everywhere you go, you can hear:

- (20) Well, how is our Nina? (21) Will they save ... that's grief!

(22) Does it not happen that the fate of one person, hitherto unknown to anyone, suddenly becomes the focus of universal compassion, and many people anxiously follow someone else's fate, which worries them and in which the fate of many is sometimes expressed.

(23) Chuyanov arrived. (24) Voronin shouted to him from a distance:

- (25) Don't come close! (26) The wall is about to collapse...

(27) Nina Petrunina lay calmly, and Chuyanov did not forget her beautiful face, the fan of her golden hair until the end of her life, and the girl’s legs, already crushed, rested under the huge and multi-ton mass of a dilapidated factory wall, which barely held on. (28) Nina's mother also sat here.

(29) Chuyanov only touched her shoulder with his fingers, said:

- (30) They will come now ... they will give an injection so that they do not suffer.

(31) Nina was fed, they gave her painkillers all the time, and from time to time she asked:

- (32) When, well, when will you save me? ..

(33) Volunteers appeared - soldiers from the garrison.

- (34) Guys, - Chuyanov told them, - whatever you want, but the girl needs to be pulled out. (35) I won’t promise you orders, but you will have lunch in the dining room of the regional committee ... (36) Help me out!

(37) It’s better for me not to say what the eyewitnesses said: “The deadly work continued for six days. (38) The fighters carefully knocked brick after brick out of the wall and immediately put props in place of each knocked out brick. (39) Brick by brick - prick by prick. (40) Finally, Nina was removed from under the destroyed wall.

(41) Probably, the long-standing and natural property of the Russian people affected - to empathize and sympathize with someone else's grief; this is a wonderful quality of the Russian people, now almost lost and squandered in its mass egoism. (42) Then this quality was still alive, and it warmed people's souls more than once ... (43) Think: after all, these volunteer soldiers from the Stalingrad garrison understood that, saving Nina, every second they could be buried with her under a collapse walls!

(According to V. Pikul) *

* Pikul Valentin Savvich (1928-1990) - Soviet writer, author of numerous works of art.

Replace the colloquial word "at once" in sentence 9 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.


We replace the colloquial word "at once" in sentence 9 with a stylistically neutral synonym "instantly" or "immediately".

Answer: instantly or immediately.

Answer: immediately

Source: FIPI Open Bank, option 457E2C

Relevance: Corresponds to the demo version of the current year

1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist I. B. Golub: “Incomplete sentences with a bright expressive coloring can successfully compete with complete sentences.” Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of I. B. Golub. The essay must be at least 70 words. A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase from the text: “Probably, the long-standing and natural property of Russian people has affected - to empathize and sympathize with the grief of others ...” Give 2 (two) arguments from the read text in your essay, confirming your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

3. How do you understand the meaning of the word KINDNESS? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic “What is kindness”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second - from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


1. An incomplete sentence is one in which any member of the sentence is omitted. In a speech situation, especially often in colloquial speech, there is not always a need to use "extra" words, speech is reduced, but at the same time its imagery is not lost, and often strengthened. This is the statement of the famous linguist I. B. Golub: “Incomplete sentences with a bright expressive coloring can successfully compete with complete sentences.”

We will confirm the statement with examples from the text of Valentin Pikul. In sentences 13-16 ((13) It is necessary to save! - Chuyanov shouted. - (14) By all means. (15) I will come myself. (16) Now.) sentences numbered 14 and 16 are incomplete. In sentence 14, the predicate "it is necessary to save" is omitted, in sentence 16 - the predicate "I will come." The use of omitted predicates would deprive the hero's speech of emotionality - without them, the phrases sound clear, concise, there is a feeling of confidence that Chuyanov knows what he is saying, and Nina will definitely be saved.

The examples given confirm the correctness of I. B. Golub’s statement that incomplete sentences may well be a means of speech expressiveness.

2. “Probably, the long-standing and natural property of Russian people has affected - to empathize and sympathize with someone else's grief ...”, - words filled with great humanism, faith in the Russian national character. Indeed, it has long been customary in Russia: to cope with trouble with the whole world, to rush to the aid of one's neighbor.

People, even those who did not know Nina at all, showed empathy and complicity in her fate, because these are natural manifestations of humanity.

Compassion and a desire to help are important manifestations of kindness. When we do good, life around becomes brighter, which is why the multiplication of good is always rewarded a hundredfold.

3. Kindness is one of the most valuable human qualities, the manifestation of which makes it possible to judge the true value of a person. Kindness is the ability to empathize, the desire to help, selfless service to people.

In the text of Valentin Pikul we find confirmation of the above words. Volunteer soldiers were ready to sacrifice themselves in order to save the girl Nina from the rubble, although “they understood that, saving Nina, every second they could be buried with her under the collapse of the wall!” Is this not an example of great compassion and kindness.

Kindness will not let you pass by someone else's pain, someone else's misfortune. In our region there is a permanent action "Flower-Semitsvetik". During this campaign, funds are collected for the treatment of sick children. Several hundred small patients of the most difficult departments of children's hospitals have been returned to normal life thanks to this action. Thanks to all caring people, people who imperceptibly do good.

Someone famous said: "Good does not need justification." And, probably, it is correct. Good can only be selfless, otherwise it will cease to be good.

"In my opinion" is separated by commas or not?

The Importance of Punctuation

Knowing punctuation is extremely important. Unfortunately, the average Russian does not know that “by the way”, “maybe”, “firstly”, “in my opinion” are separated by commas. And the word "probably" is not always even written with the letter "e" at the end.

When we communicate with a person not live, but via the Internet, we often encounter illiteracy on the other side of the chat. This, of course, spoils the impression of the interlocutor, because it is literate people who are able to draw our attention to their personality. If we see that all the commas are in place, all the words are spelled correctly, the thought is expressed clearly, immediately there is a desire to get to know the person better, there is a feeling that we are communicating with an intelligent, well-read and wise interlocutor.

Some people believe that literacy is unimportant in everyday communication. It's their business. Perhaps such people can impress us with something else. But if you work with clients? By communicating with them, you represent the company. Your potential client may also refuse your services if he understands through correspondence that you cannot competently build an elementary proposal.

Modern bloggers post their posts 3 times a day. And many already have several thousand subscribers. And of these, a third are schoolchildren and students who, thinking that their idol is perfect in everything, adopt, due to their inexperience, the spelling of words and the style of expressing thoughts. If an Instagram star becomes famous, she should think about the fact that she has a huge responsibility. You should not forget about your audience and send posts to your friends for at least an elementary check - there will definitely be at least one friend who can help.

In general, as we see, there are solid pluses in literacy. And now let's study how introductory words are written and how they stand apart in a sentence.

What are "introductory words"?

Introductory words are combinations of words or words that are not members of a sentence. With their help, we express our attitude towards what we communicate. Introductory constructions and words in writing in a sentence are distinguished by commas, and in oral speech they are distinguished intonation, that is, by pauses or rapid pronunciation.

Meanings of introductory words

They have different meanings. Consider the following table with relevant examples:

Values Introductory words Examples
1) Degree of certainty

Confidence: Of course, undoubtedly, without a doubt, of course, certainly, really, of course, really, in fact, etc.

Uncertainty: probably, I suppose, must be, I think, apparently, maybe, in some sense, suppose, it seems, suppose, I hope, anyway, etc.

Definitely the best lesson of my life. - "certainly" is separated by commas

Apparently, he didn't like the show, so he left a little early.

2) Expression of feelings

Approval: fortunately, which is good, to the general joy, which is even better, etc.

Perplexity: surprising, strange, to amazement, incomprehensible matter, etc.

Fears: God forbid, the hour is uneven, what good, etc.

Regret: unfortunately, unfortunately, to great regret, even worse, unfortunately, unfortunately, as if on purpose, alas, etc.

General: joking aside, in fact, I dare to say, to tell the truth, I must say, fair, true, speaking between us, I confess, in essence, in conscience, etc.

Unfortunately, my friend did not wait for me, so I had to go home alone at night. - "unfortunately" is separated by commas

Strangely, my stomach didn't hurt after yesterday's heavy dinner.

3) Ownership of the message (to whom it belongs, the source of the message)

According to (someone), according to (someone), according to (someone), according to (someone), in my opinion, in my opinion, according to a proverb, in your opinion , according to rumors, from the point of view of (someone), they say, they say, they say, as I think, as they say, as I remember, as it is known, as it was indicated, as it turned out, as they said (once), etc.

I think it's going to rain soon - "I think" is separated by commas

They say that treatment should not be delayed.

4) Remarks on the way thoughts are framed

In other words, it is better to say, in a word, in other words, in a word, roughly speaking, in fact, in fact, directly speaking, or rather, to say directly, in short, easier to say, how to say what is called, so to speak, etc.

Roughly speaking, I need to finish this assignment by next Monday. - “roughly speaking” is separated in the sentence by commas

Simply put, you need to submit the original certificate to the university you want to enter the most.

5) The order of thoughts, their connection

firstly, secondly, thirdly, so, so, therefore, therefore, thus, on the contrary, by the way, for example, on the contrary, in particular, for example, moreover, moreover, moreover, moreover, in addition, moreover , on the one (other) side, however, in general, moreover, the main thing, by the way, therefore, by the way, etc.

I visit your coffee shop quite often. For example, most often I take a latte. - "for example" is separated by commas

By the way, will you bring my book the day after tomorrow?

6) Evaluation of measure and degree

At least, at least, to a large extent, to some extent, etc.

At least you arrived on time. - "at least" is isolated

The heat in the summer, to one degree or another, is felt throughout Russia.

7) Drawing attention to the speaker

You see, as you see, do you know, do you believe, do you understand, allow me, can you imagine, imagine, listen, believe, confess, do not believe, notice, if you want to know, agree, remind, emphasize, repeat what is important, essentially and etc.

Believe me, after I slept 10 hours, everything went away. - "do you believe" is isolated

Imagine, yesterday I stood waiting for my trolley bus in the rain for about an hour, but in the morning I did not get sick.

We hope that with the help of the table we have quite clearly explained the punctuation marks in sentences with introductory words and constructions.

Introductory deception words

Do not forget that there are homonymous constructions that usually confuse when studying the rule. In many sentences, introductory words are members of the sentence. Let's see in what situations they are part of the grammatical basis. Compare the following examples:

  • The doctor's decision was undeniable. The doctor's decision was undeniably correct.
  • To my happiness, a sense of satisfaction was added. Luckily for me, the project was delivered on time.
  • Everything seemed so boring. Everyone seemed to be bored.

As you can see, we cannot at first glance determine whether this is an introductory word or part of a grammatical basis. Be sure to read the sentence to understand the meaning, and then highlight the members of the sentence. Commas do not separate words that form a grammatical basis.

Define Syntax Function

So, you met introductory words in a sentence, but there is no comma after them, although the source is very reliable. And so you asked yourself: so the words “generally”, “really”, “however” are separated by commas or not?

The answer is simple. It is necessary to track their syntactic function in the sentence. It depends on this whether a comma is placed or not. Let's look at some examples:

  1. The word "in general" is isolated if it has the meaning "generally speaking". Compare: I generally do not eat dairy products. I am not allowed to consume dairy products at all.

  2. The combination "in any case" is introductory, if it has a restrictive-evaluative value. Compare: Anyway, you did the task first. I must at least help you with the test.
  3. The word "probably" is introductory, if used in the sense of "probably". Wed: There will probably be a thunderstorm in two hours. I know for certain (=certainly, undoubtedly) that there will be a thunderstorm in two hours.
  4. The word "really" is introductory if it means "true, exactly." Cf .: Indeed, I have already seen this picture. I'm really (=really, really) smart, according to the results of the test.
  5. The combination "really" is not introductory in the meaning of "really". Wed: You are really smart. Why is he really mad at me? (meaning of bewilderment, indignation)
  6. If the word "however" can be replaced by the union "but", then a comma is not needed. Wed: However, I will try to get into the budget with my points.
  7. The combination “in my opinion” (note that the spelling is separate) is not isolated if it is a preposition and a pronoun. For example: A play was staged according to my script. In my opinion (introductory word, written with a hyphen), it turned out well. - here "in my opinion" is separated by commas.

Important note

Identical to the introductory words, interjections and the words “yes”, “no” are distinguished by commas in the letter. Look at the following examples:

  • Oh, how long do we have to go.
  • Wow, it's raining!
  • No, I will not eat this soup with meat.
  • Yes, somehow the weather did not work out today, we will have to cancel the trip.


So, today we have taken a few steps forward and overcome illiteracy in terms of introductory words. We hope that now you can not only write correctly, but also explain why “in my opinion” is highlighted with commas. Learn and respect the Russian language!

The combination " in my opinion» may or may not be an introductory construct. Most often, in our opinion, it happens.

Almost any introductory word or introductory combination of words has a so-called modal meaning or modality. This is some general approximate lexical meaning inherent in a whole large group of semantically similar constructions.

In our example, the combination "in my opinion" can be programmed into the modality " source of opinion”or to “uncertainty”, “non-guaranteedness”. That is, a person can use this introductory construction when he wants to say:

  • “Yes, that’s exactly what I think, and not someone else.”
  • "I'm not sure about this fact, I just think so."

If it is clear in the sentence that “in my opinion” (make no mistake and do not write a hyphen between “according to” and “my”) has such modal meanings, then it is necessary to separate this introductory part of the sentence with commas. And this punctuation mark will be on both sides.

for example:

  • "Human beings, in my opinion, are created by aliens." (the author has no guarantee of the truth of this statement; therefore, he used an introductory construction close to “in my opinion”, “it seems to me”, “maybe”, “according to me”).

Try removing this entire introductory passage from the sentence. The modality will disappear, but the essence will remain. As you can see, commas are placed both before and after.

Now let's look at a slightly different example:

  • "This tactless man drove, in my opinion, like a drunken tractor driver through a clean rye field."

Why are there no commas on both sides? There is one, and even that only because there is a “how” with the rest of the comparative turnover. But because we brought a rather rare sentence, when "in my opinion" not refers to introductory words. There is no modality indicated above, of course. Commas are not needed.

Part 2. Read the text and complete tasks 2-15

Task number 10. OGE.

"5" 34-39 points!!! (87 - 100%)

"4" 25-33 points!!! (64 - 85%)

"3" 15–24 points (39–62%)

"2" 0 - 14 points (0 - 36%)

In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas at the introductory word(s).

  • introductory word - this word(or a phrase), which is part of the sentence, but does not enter into a syntactic relationship with its members. Usually gives information about the source of the message or connection with the context, and also expresses an attitude towards the statement (evaluation).

Signs of introductory words and constructions

  • they cannot be asked a question from other members of the proposal;
  • they are replaced by synonymous introductory words and constructions;
  • they are easily removed from the text without losing the meaning.

  • Introductory words and constructions in the letter are highlighted

on both sides commas if applicable in the middle of a sentence ;

on the one hand, if it is at the beginning or at the end of a sentence.



1. Confidence or uncertainty


of course, certainly, undoubtedly, without any doubt, however, obviously, certainly, of course, without a doubt,

it goes without saying, really, probably, perhaps, probably, probably, in all probability, probably,

Very soon, undoubtedly the birds will fly south.

maybe, maybe, should be, it seems, it would seem, apparently, apparently

This Sunday we possibly let's go fishing.

apparently, perhaps, actually, really, really

in fact, in essence, in essence, right, presumably, I think, I hope, I suppose ...

List of introductory words (examples). The following categories of introductory words and constructions can be distinguished



2.Different feelings and emotions


fortunately, unfortunately,

fortunately, unfortunately,

to joy, to chagrin,

to our joy ,

to regret, to annoyance,

on the horizon we saw a large ship.

unfortunately, surprisingly

to amazement, to horror,

to shame, to happiness, to joy, to misfortune, what good, there is nothing to hide a sin, a strange thing, an amazing thing ...

List of introductory words (examples). The following categories of introductory words and constructions can be distinguished



3. Source of the statement


speak, report, transmit, according to the words ...,

according to the post...

distant lakes,

According to information...

rumored rich in fish.

according to...

to my mind , according to you

our way, your way ,

in my opinion, according to rumors,

according to legend, I remember, hear, say ...

List of introductory words (examples). The following categories of introductory words and constructions can be distinguished



4. The order of phenomena or thoughts and the connection between them


so, therefore, means, on the contrary, on the contrary, further, finally, however, by the way, in general, in particular, first of all, in addition, moreover, therefore, for example, for example, most importantly, thus, by the way, by the way, by the way, by the way, Firstly Secondly… ,

on the one hand, on the other hand, I repeat, I emphasize ...

Nikita's whole life was not a constant holiday, but, against, was a non-stop service.

List of introductory words (examples). The following categories of introductory words and constructions can be distinguished



5. Evaluation of the style of expression, the way of expressing thoughts


in a word, in one word, in other words, in other words, in other words, in short, to put it simply, to put it mildly,

if I may say so,

Word, the role of each remark is huge.

if I may say so,

with permission to say

it's better to say so

in general, or rather, more precisely ...

List of introductory words (examples). The following categories of introductory words and constructions can be distinguished



6. Call to the interlocutor


see (whether), see (whether), understand (whether), understand (whether), know (whether), know (whether), understand, understand, believe, listen, agree, imagine, imagine, excuse, forgive, believe (whether), believe (whether), please

Explain to me please what miracles are


1. Confidence or uncertainty

2.Different feelings and emotions

3. Source of the statement

4. The order of phenomena or thoughts and the connection between them

5. Evaluation of the style of expression, the way of expressing thoughts

6. Call to the interlocutor

№ 1! They are not introductory and are NOT separated by commas: little by little, at the beginning, suddenly, as if, after all, allegedly, in the end, hardly, after all, even, exclusively, precisely, as if, almost, as if, just, moreover, meanwhile , by suggestion, simply, by decision, by decree, approximately, moreover, almost, therefore, simply, decisively, once, as if, on top of everything, since, as it were, decisively, exclusively, here, approximately, even.

No. 2! The particle used to be separated by commas.

From morning to evening, it happened, I just think: how can I please her.

Task execution algorithm.

1) Remember if the word that you consider introductory refers to those words that are not highlighted in the letter. 2) Take it out of the sentence. Has the meaning changed? Separate with commas. 3) Try to ask a question for a word that you think is introductory. If not specified, it is most likely introductory and is separated by commas. 4) Remember the meanings of the introductory words. Is your word one of them?

1. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas at the introductory word(s).

  • Lyosha did not answer immediately, (1) because in such cases, (2) as you know, (3) an invisible conductor gives a sign to invisible violins, (4) and joining a sounding orchestra is not easy for an unusual person.
  • - I remember, (5) - Lyosha said carefully and, (6) it seems, (7) did not spoil anything.
  • - Because I’m reading about Clairaut, (8) and his name was Alexis.

2. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas at the introductory word(s).

  • - Vadik, (1) wait!
  • Vadimka turned around: Nikolai Yegorych, a collective farm veterinarian, (2) an old friend of his father.
  • - That's what, (3) go to grandfather Boris, the hunter. Silva littered him, (4) brought eight pieces. Maybe (5) the old man will take yours.
  • Inspired, (6) Vadimka rushed to the hunter's house ...

3. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas at the introductory word(s).

She runs past easily and freely, (1) as if no one is standing under the windows and waiting for her. Of course, (2) she doesn’t care, (3) he’s worth it or not. Whether he exists or not. And this chubby, (4) on the contrary, (5) speaks herself, (6) and does not run away, (7) and calls him to listen to the nocturne and drink tea.

4. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas at the introductory word(s).

The coastal wind, (1) trying to blow, (2) lazily fiddled with the sails. Finally, (3) the heat of the sun produced the desired effect; (4) the air pressure increased, (5) it easily dispelled the fog and poured out along the yards into scarlet forms, (6) full of roses. Pink shadows glided over the whiteness of the masts and rigging, (7) everything was white, (8) except for the outstretched, (9) smoothly moved sails of the color of deep joy.

5. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas at the introductory word(s).

- Perhaps (1) I see something. But only the most important thing, (2) - he answered and whispered, (3) as always, (4) something inaudible. Many years have passed, (5) and Dina remembers little from that time.

6. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas at the introductory word(s).

  • They stood, (1) clinging to each other, (2) - a young guy and a girl. Neither me, (3) nor the old man, (4) seemed to (5) notice. And I also saw windows. Wide open windows in neighboring houses.

7. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas at the introductory word(s).

  • Singing, (1) which is natural, (2) was inaccessible to a child, (3) who had absolutely no hearing. But this problem was solved by a punctual visit to the school choir, (4) where I sang barely audibly, (5) and for this my diligence was given a solid four, (6) and I was terribly pleased with this.

8. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas at the introductory word(s).

  • The ambulance raced through the streets. Where did she run? To a person (1) in trouble? Or returned to the parking lot?
  • The siren's voice rose. He, (2) seemed, (3) either took off under the clouds, (4) then fell rapidly. It sounded (5) like a battle alert.

9. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas at the introductory word(s).

And she stroked and stroked Alexei's cold hand and, (1) apparently, (2) achieved her goal. The hand turned pink, (3) became warm, (4) and one day Pryakhin looked at Aunt Grunya consciously and began to cry.

10. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas at the introductory word(s).

Mikha told in detail (1) how in the morning, (2) on the way to school, (3) he pulled the poor fellow kitten almost out of the very mouth of the dog, (4) who was going to bite him. But he could not take him home, (5) however, (6) he could not, (7) because the aunt, (8) with whom he had lived since last Monday, (9) still does not know how he would react to this.

  • - 2367
  • - 245

Video material to the topic of the lesson.

  • min, 02 sec)
  • min 35 sec)
  • min, 57 sec)
  • min, 18 sec)
  • min 57 sec)

An introductory word is a word (or phrase) that is part of a sentence, but does not enter into a syntactic relationship with its members. Usually gives information about the source of the message or connection with the context, and also expresses an attitude towards the statement (evaluation).

In this task, you will come across such a phenomenon in the Russian language as introductory words and constructions, and the site will help you figure it all out.

Introductory words, phrases and sentences are called, with the help of which the speaker expresses his attitude to the content of the statement.

Video about introductory words in Russian

If you find it more convenient to watch the video, turn it on. Video without sound.

Signs of introductory words and constructions:

  • they cannot be asked a question from other members of the proposal;
  • they are replaced by synonymous introductory words and constructions;
  • they are easily removed from the text without losing the meaning.

Distinguish! The same words can be introductory and not.


Introductory words and constructions in the letter are highlighted on both sides with commas.

List of introductory words (examples). The following categories of introductory words and constructions can be distinguished:

Confidence or uncertainty of course, undoubtedly, without any doubt, obviously, certainly, of course, of course, it goes without saying, indisputably, really, probably, probably, probably, probably, in all probability, maybe, maybe, should be, it would seem apparently, apparently, perhaps, indeed, truly, truly, isn't it true, in fact, essentially, in essence, right, tea, presumably, I think, I hope, I suppose Very soon, of course, the birds will fly south.

This Sunday we may go fishing.

Various feelings and emotions fortunately, unfortunately, fortunately, unfortunately, to joy, to chagrin, to regret, to annoyance, unfortunately, to surprise, to amazement, to horror, to shame, to happiness, to joy, to misfortune, what good , there is nothing to hide, a strange thing, an amazing thing Suddenly, to our joy, we saw a large ship on the horizon.
Source of the saying they say, report, transmit, according to ..., according to the message ..., according to information ..., according to ..., in my opinion, in your opinion, in our opinion, in your opinion, in my opinion, according to rumors, according to legend, I remember, heard, say The distant lakes are rumored to be rich in fish.
The order of phenomena or thoughts and the connection between them so, therefore, means, on the contrary, on the contrary, further, finally, by the way, by the way, by the way, in general, in particular, first of all, in addition, in addition, therefore, for example, for example, most importantly, thus, by the way, by the way say, by the way, firstly, secondly, and so on, on the one hand, on the other hand, I repeat, I emphasize Nikita's whole life was not a constant holiday, but, on the contrary, was an incessant service.
Evaluation of the style of expression, way of expressing thoughts in a word, in one word, in other words, in other words, in other words, in short, to put it simply, to put it mildly, if I may say so, if I may say so, if I may say so, it is better to say, so to speak, what others are called; words actually, in general, or rather, more precisely, rather, and the like (if speaking can be added to them) In a word, the role of each remark is enormous.
Call to the interlocutor see (whether), see (whether), understand (whether), understand (whether), know (whether), know (whether), understand, understand, believe, listen, agree, imagine, imagine, excuse, forgive, believe (whether), believe (whether), please Explain to me, please, what kind of miracles are

Trap #1! They are not introductory and are NOT distinguished by commas: little by little, at the beginning, suddenly, as if, after all, supposedly, in the end, hardly, after all, even, hardly, exclusively, exactly, as if, almost, like would, just, moreover, meanwhile, by suggestion, simply, by decision, by decree, approximately, moreover, almost, therefore, simply, decisively, once, as if, on top of everything, since, as it were, decisively , exclusively, here, approximately, even.

Trap #2! Particle used to separated by commas.

Task execution algorithm.

1) Remember if the word that you consider introductory refers to those words that are not highlighted in the letter.

2) Take it out of the sentence. Has the meaning changed? Separate with commas.

3) Try to ask a question for a word that you think is introductory. If not specified, it is most likely introductory and is separated by commas.

4) Remember the meanings of the introductory words. Is your word one of them?

Parsing the task.

Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

It is (1) possible (2) to do, but not very soon. Claudia left (3) or rather (4) ran away, embarrassedly covering her face with a shawl.

Let's try to remove them from the proposal: Do it, but not very soon. Claudia left and ran away, embarrassedly covering her face with a shawl. In the first sentence, the word possibly is not removed, because without it it is violated, so it is not separated by commas.

In the second sentence rather easily extracted from the sentence. Also, you can’t ask a question to it, it belongs to the category of introductory words expressing a way of formulating thoughts. We conclude: in writing rather separated by commas.

Thus The correct answer is option #2.


1. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentences?

One of the heroes of the novel (1) of course (2) Eugene Onegin is a typical young nobleman of the beginning of XIX century. But the main character (3) without a doubt (4) A.S. Pushkin himself is the author of the work.

1) 1, 2 2) 1, 3 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

2. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which commas should be in the sentences?

The sounds of music from the open windows of the wing poured timidly, uncertainly: they (1) as if (2) were looking for, trying to express something. Just about (3) it seemed (4) the topic would be captured.

1) 1, 2, 3 2) 1, 2 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 3

3. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentences?

“Autumn Day in Sokolniki” is the only (1) apparently (2) painting by Levitan in which a person is present. This is a landscape where gray autumn (3) truly (4) comes to life.

1) 1, 2, 3, 4 2) 1, 2 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 3

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