Language signs of conversational style. Speech in colloquial style and its distinctive features. What genres stand out in the journalistic style, how are they characterized

Under colloquial style Speech is usually understood by the features and color of the spoken language of native speakers of the literary language. The spoken language has developed in the urban environment, it is devoid of dialect features, it has fundamental differences from the literary language.

Conversational style presented both orally and in writing - notes, private letters.

The sphere of colloquial style of speech is the sphere of domestic relations, professional (oral form).

Common features: informality, ease of communication; unprepared speech, its automatism; the predominant oral form of communication (usually dialogic), a monologue is possible.
Emotionality, gestures, facial expressions, the situation, the nature of interlocutor relationships - all this affects the characteristics of speech, allows you to save the actual language means, reduce the language volume of the statement, simplify its form.

The most characteristic linguistic means that create style features are:

In vocabulary and phraseology

words that have a colloquial coloring, including everyday content; specific vocabulary; many words and phraseological units with expressive and emotional coloring (familiar, affectionate, disapproving, ironic). Limited: abstract, foreign origin, terminological vocabulary; book words.

However, the vast majority of words are commonly used, neutral.


more often (situational).

Word-building features

colloquial style are associated with its expressiveness and appraisal.
Suffixes of subjective assessment with the meaning of flattery, disapproval, magnification, etc. are widely used. (noodle, sun, cold, dirt); with the coloring of colloquialism: -to- (sleepover, candle), -yaga (laborer, laborer), -yatina (vulgarity, vulgarity), -sha (doctor, usher).

Formation of adjectives of estimated value ( big-eyed, thin, healthy), verbs ( play pranks, talk, get healthy, lose weight).

To enhance expression, word doubling is used ( big-very big, big-eyed-big-eyed, black-black).

In morphology:

there is no predominance of the noun over the verb. Verbs are more common here. More often (than in the artistic style of speech) personal pronouns and particles are used (including colloquial: well, here it is).

Very common possessive adjectives ( Petya's sister, Fedorov's wife).

Participles are rare, participles are almost never found. Short adjectives are rarely used.

Among the case formations, variants of the forms of the genitive and prepositional cases in -y (from home, on vacation, no sugar).

Trend: do not decline the first part of your own name (to Ivan Ivanovich), do not decline compound numbers (out of two hundred and thirty-five), decline abbreviations (in RAI).

The tense meanings of the verb are varied (past and future in the meaning of the present). Verbal interjections (jump, lope, bang) are widely used.

Characteristic features of the syntax

incomplete sentences, interrogative and imperative sentences.

Order of words in a sentence


Simple verbal predicates expressed by the infinitive ( she's crying again); interjection ( and he bangs on the ground); repeating the predicate ( and do not do).

Impersonal sentences are widespread in colloquial speech. In oral speech, pauses, the emphasis of certain words in the voice, the acceleration and deceleration of the tempo of speech, the strengthening and weakening of the power of the voice are of great importance.

In oral colloquial speech, there are many peculiar turns that are not characteristic of book speech.

For example: People are like people; And the boat swam and swam; The rain keeps pouring; Run and buy some bread; Oh, smart one! So I will listen to you! And he called me a friend! What a man! Found someone to be friends with! Good helper!

Emotional and expressive assessments of a subjective nature are also characteristic of colloquial speech, since the speaker acts as a private person and expresses his personal opinion and attitude. Very often this or that situation is evaluated exaggeratedly: “Wow the price! Go crazy!”, “Flowers in the garden - the sea!” , "I am thirsty! I'll die! The use of words in a figurative sense is typical, for example: "You've got porridge in your head!"

The colloquial style of speech is characterized by rich pictorial and expressive possibilities of the language. Poets, writers, publicists often turn to the means of speech expressiveness.

Word order in spoken language is different from that used in writing. Here the main information is concretized at the beginning of the statement. The speaker begins his speech with the main, essential element of the message. To focus the attention of the listeners on the main information, they use intonational emphasis. In general, word order in colloquial speech is highly variable.

So, the dominant of colloquial style, especially colloquial speech that exists in the oral form of informal personal communication, is the minimization of concern for the form of expression of thoughts, hence phonetic fuzziness, lexical inaccuracy, syntactic carelessness, the widespread use of pronouns, etc.

Sample Conversational Style Text

- What time is it? Something is hunting. A seagull.
- The people from idleness got into the habit of cracking, as Gogol said. I'll put the kettle on now.
- Well, you and I have earned a lot today, but do you know what idleness is?
- I guess.
- and what would you do then when idleness comes?
- I can not even imagine. After all, it is necessary to study, idleness!

Hey good man! the coachman shouted to him. - Tell me, do you know where the road is?

The road is here; I’m standing on a hard lane,” answered the roadman, “but what’s the point?

Listen, little man, - I said to him, - do you know this side? Will you take me to bed for the night? (A. Pushkin).

Exercise 3. What linguistic means make the text emotional?

It was about the tree. The mother asked the watchman for an axe, but he
did not answer her, but got on his skis and went into the forest. Through
half an hour he returned. Okay! Even if the toys were not so well dressed, even if they were made of rags, they looked like cats, even if all the dolls had the same face - straight-nosed and goggle-eyed - and, finally, cones wrapped in silver paper, but such a Christmas tree in Moscow, of course, no one had. It was a real taiga beauty - tall, thick, straight, with branches that diverged at the ends like stars.

(A. Gaidar).

Exercise 4. Determine the stylistic and semantic originality of the highlighted words.

1. He is completely reached. 2. What are you doing here bazaar arranged? 3. I will visit you in the evening I'll take a look. 4. I will not go before anyone bow! 5. The child also needs injection have. 6. And, by the way, he is a figure at his work.

Exercise 5. Expand the meaning of colloquial metaphors.

1. Why are you sitting inflated? What is not satisfied?

2. It is necessary that the foreman was toothy a guy so that he could talk with the authorities and with the suppliers, and make a suggestion to his own comrades.

3. The family almost never has everything smooth. Here Nadia is offended by her Peter, but she herself also has a character - not sugar.

4. If you don’t develop your will from childhood, then you will grow up not as a man, but as a rag.

5. He is now so caught up in this problem that he is forced to
doing anything else is completely useless.

Exercise 6. Match the meanings of the underlined words. Determine which ones are stylistically neutral and which ones are colloquial.

1. Nikolai in childhood is strong stuttered. About fishing you tell me don't stutter.

2. Under wadded blanket will be hot to sleep. What are you today cotton some.

3. He was in love with me, even wooed. Woo me master in our workshop.

Exercise 7. Decide which of the two synonyms is neutral and which is colloquial.

1. The controller, my dears, also has a hard job: firstly, stowaway to find the passenger, and secondly, to make him pay the fine. I didn't put on my jacket today, but the money was all there. Well, I had to go to work. hare to go - there was no time to return.

2. - How did you spend your vacation? - I went to the Oka, lived in the village.
all day long went through the forest. Ah, what a delight! Today is half a day
dangled shopping for gifts. The people before the holiday - not
God bless!

3. - Well, tell me honestly: you are got scared then? Tell me honestly. Well, I was a little scared, of course. And you would be in my place didn't flinch?

4. Distribution of books disposes of Valentina Vasilievna, you should contact her. - Who do you have control work here in command?

Exercise 8. Determine the meanings of the highlighted words.

I wake up in the morning, someone bale bale on glass. 2. There were cakes in the refrigerator. And cakes bye-bye. 3. Well, I think, now I'll sit down and study. And here - ding. - The wolf is coming. 4. - Is Irina at home? - What you! Came, ate, changed clothes and fyut! - And Zhenya swims - Oh oh oh! At least put him on the rescue team.

Exercise 9. Explain the meaning of the highlighted expressions.

With you, Artem, no stake, no yard. At a nearby large station, workers brewed porridge. These smugglers Grishutka became across the throat. Disappeared as if he had sunk into the water. I was looking for up to the seventh sweat. "He fell like snow on his head" Rita said laughing. By night he completely exhausted. Case not worth a damn. I in these cases shot bird. Tell me, Tsvetaev, why are you on do you have a tooth?

Exercise 10. Explain the meaning of the following phraseological units. In case of difficulty, refer to the phraseological dictionary.

To be in the seventh heaven; do not believe your own eyes; walk on hind legs; open your mouth; freeze in place; both ours and yours; be silent like a fish; walk around to about; from small to large; play cat and mouse; come out dry from water; lead a cat and dog life; written in black and white; the house is a full bowl; chickens do not peck money; only bird's milk is not enough.

Exercise 11. Write phraseological units with the word eye. Pick up similar phraseological units from your native language.

Don't take your eyes off; eat with eyes; flap your eyes; do not close your eyes; pull the wool over someone's eyes; close (to what), open eyes (to whom, what); speak in the eye; speak for the eyes; talk face to face; need an eye for an eye; do by eye; blurred in the eyes; spin before the eyes; sparks from the eyes fell; hide your eyes; go wherever your eyes look; do not believe your eyes; fear has big eyes.

Exercise 12. Replace the highlighted combinations with phraseological units with the word eye.

Such apples were sent to me from Georgia yesterday - extraordinary beauty! 2. My friend and I do wood inlay work. But in a different way. He will calculate everything, copy the drawing, then select the tree as if. And I - without any precise calculations. As a result: I envy him, he envy me. 3. Now Sergey should come to me. You won't be offended if we go straight to my room? We really need to talk alone. 4. Something Ivan to us hasn't come for a long time. Maybe he went somewhere? 5. That closet all over the room spoils- somehow it becomes a pity: they are used to it, sort of like a family member. 6. I think: what is Frolov trying to do not meet with me, meet - tries not to look on me. Well, then he himself came and honestly told everything.

Exercise 13. Name the colloquial phraseological units you know with the words head, hands, tongue. Pick up similar phraseological units from your native language.

Exercise 14. Using the suffixes -UN / UN-I, -UH-a, -USH-a, -UShK-a, -L-a (LK-a), -K-a, -G-a, -IK form colloquial nouns , with the meaning "the name of a person according to an excessively manifested feature."

Boast, grumble, walk, work, yawn, whimper, whine, chat.

Task 15. Explain what words these colloquial verbs are formed from.

To be idle, to be frank, to be cautious, to be liberal, to be fashionable, to be modest, to be capricious, to be delicate, to be lazy.

Exercise 16 . Determine from the context what semantic-stylistic shades each of the selected nouns has.

1. Alexander! You are already an adult, and I intend to talk to you like a man to a man. 2. Sasha, you listen to what your father tells you! he's worried about you, and he knows life better than you. 3. Sasha! Don't fool Tymna - you don't have any urgent business right now. So come with us. 4. Ah, Sasha! Come on, brother, come in, they just talked about you. Just in time for tea. 5. Sasha, you could rest a little. Go, son, take a walk in the fresh air.

Task 17. Try to restore the full form of the following colloquial phrases. Pattern: Not seen with a baby stroller? - Did not see woman with pram?

1. Do you have a cough?

2. With green balconies - is this yours?

3. I'm two in thirty and one bagel?

4. Behind me in glasses and a woman with a child.

5. Didn't you pass here in a gray coat?

6. In a blue robe, she always flirts with him.

Task 18. Write down these combinations in two columns: in the left - stylistic neutral, in the right - stylistic colored (i.e. colloquial everyday).

Steep descent, steep temper; household, home child; wave a handkerchief, wave out of town; go down the slope, go down the deuce; military glory, combat girl; hold on to the city, hold on to the chair; climb a tree, climb into a stupid story.

Task 19. Replace phraseological units with synonymous words or free combinations.

1.0 they live soul to soul with their mother-in-law, she was just lucky with her mother-in-law. 2. I am in these tables no boom-boom. 3. Don't worry! We will honor them honorably. 4. Didn't they know they were coming here for work and not for a picnic? But they don’t want to work properly - good riddance! 5. You don’t explain to me, it’s been like two times two - four for me for a long time. 6. - Does Kostya get bored there? - What you! He and Petka - you can’t spill water, he has no time to think about us.

What are the linguistic signs of style?

Combining book and colloquial vocabulary in one context, a combination of official business and emotional expressions, the use of words in a figurative sense (the so-called "newspaper figurativeness": white gold - cotton, blue roads - sea routes, etc.), interrogative, motivating, exclamatory sentences, repetitions, appeals, rhetorical questions, etc.

What genres stand out in the journalistic style, how are they characterized?

A genre is a historically established and developing type of work.

Essay - a small literary work, a brief description of life events (usually socially significant). There are travel, portrait and problem essays.



Reliability of facts, events;

Use of figurative - expressive means;

The presence of an important problem (for a problem essay).

Oral presentation is a speech, the main task of which is communication, the ability to convey information to your listener, to convince him, to prove his point of view.


Colloquial, socio-political vocabulary;

Simple sentences;

Incomplete offers;


phraseological units;

Image means.

The report is a detailed discussion, distinguished by the completeness of the disclosure of the topic and completeness.


It is built in the form of reasoning;

The use of words should, must, must, must be.

Practical tasks

According to experts from the Russian embassy in Ankara, the customs union will (at least initially) be more beneficial for the EU. Turkey will benefit primarily from the removal of quotas for the export of its textiles to European countries. Meanwhile, the Europeans will see significant benefits from the liberalization of imports to Turkey.

1. What do these words of foreign origin mean? Give their interpretation. Pick up Russian synonyms for them. Use a dictionary of foreign words when completing the task.

Alliance, accommodation, letter of credit, apartheid, scam, bill, briefing, debtor, dumping, deportation, dilemma, hierarchy, investor, congregation, conglomerate.

ALLIAMNS, a, m. [fr. alliance union, association]. Union, association (usually - states, organizations) on the basis of contractual obligations.||Cf. bloc3, coalition, front (in the 6th value).

North Atlantic Treaty (Block, Alliance, Pamkt)

alliances, -a

ALLIANCE, -a; m. [French. alliance]. Public.

Union, association of political parties, economic groups, etc. to achieve any common goals. Military, political a. // Expand.

Union, the connection of individuals with each other. Marriage a. Acting and directing a.

A, m. (book). Union, union. International cooperative a.


Synonyms: alliance, association, unification, union

ACCOMMODATION, -and; well. [lat. accommodation]. Specialist.

Adaptation to smth. A. eyes (the ability of the eye to adapt to viewing objects at different distances).< Аккомодационный, -ая, -ое. А-ая способность глаза. Аккомодантный, -ая, -ое.

And, well. (specialist.). Adaptation (of an organism). A. organs of speech. A. eyes (the ability of the eye to adapt to viewing objects located at different distances from it). || adj. accommodative, th, th.

Synonyms: adaptation, adaptation, adjustment


1. A monetary document containing an order from one credit institution to another to pay someone. a certain amount at a time or in parts (bank.). Deposits are paid out in any savings bank of the USSR.

LETTER OF CREDIT, -a; m. [French. accreditif]. Finance.

A nominal monetary document certifying the order of one credit institution to another to pay the specified amount. Deposit money for a. Payment of money under a letter of credit.< Аккредитивный, -ая, -ое. А-ая форма расчётов. А-ое поручение.

A, m. 1. A registered security containing an order from one credit institution to another to pay someone. a certain amount. Keep money in a letter of credit. 2. A bank account that provides the counterparty with the opportunity to receive payment for something on agreed terms. following the execution of the order. || adj. letter of credit, -th, -os. Letter of credit form of payment. Letter of credit order.


letter of credit


paper, motto, account

apartheimd, -a


apartheimd [te]

APARTHEID [te], -a; m. [from Afrikaans apartheid - separation].

The policy of domestic, political and economic division of the country's population along racial lines. apartheid victims.

[te], -a, m. An extreme form of racial discrimination, expressed in the restriction of the rights of the indigenous inhabitants of the country and in their territorial isolation. apartheid victims.


apartheid [te]

Synonyms: Separate living

AFE "RA, s, f. [French affaire - business] (colloquial). A dubious, unseemly enterprise pursuing the goals of personal gain. Indulge in scams or scams. Profitable a. ? back forward?

SCAM; (colloquial) SCAM, -s; well. [French] affaire - business].

Risky, fraudulent business; dubious deal for the purpose of profit. Small, large a. Get into scams.

Y, well. Unscrupulous, fraudulent enterprise, business, action. Get into scams.

Emphasis: scam [not scam]

Synonyms: enterprise, transaction

BILL, i, m. bill]. In Great Britain, the USA, Canada and other English-speaking countries: the bill submitted for consideration by the legislature, as well as the name of certain constitutional acts (eg, the Bill of Rights).||Cf. statute (in the 2nd meaning).

bill bromker, -a

Bill of Rights (in England, USA)


BILL, - me; m. bill] In the UK, US and some other countries:

a bill submitted to the legislature; and the title of certain constitutional acts.


synonyms: bill

BRIMFING, a, m. [< англ. briefing инструктаж < brief краткий, сжатый].Краткая пресс-конференция с информацией по актуальным вопросам текущей политики.Бримфинговый --относящийся к брифингу, брифингам.

briefing, -a

press briefing,



preMS-brimfing [not re]


BRIEFING, -a; m. [from English. briefing] A brief press conference, which sets out the position of the government, official department, etc. on a specific issue or information is given about the course of international negotiations, the views of the parties, etc. Conduct b. for accredited journalists. The ministry took place b. on the fight against crime.

Ah, m. (official). Short press conference. Conduct b.


synonyms: meeting, mini-briefing, press briefing, press conference

debitometer, -a



DEBTOR [de] and [de], -a; m. [lat. debtor] Account.

Debtor.< Дебиторский,

Aya, oh. Accounting D debt.

A, m. (special). The same as the debtor. || adj. receivable, -th, -th.


synonyms: debtor

Dumping DE "MPING [de], a, m. [English dumping] (econ). Selling goods on a foreign market at a price below cost, the same as junk export.

DUMPING [de], -a; m. dumping] Economy

Sale of goods in foreign markets at lower prices (than in the domestic or world market)

prices to drive out competitors.< Демпинговый, -ая, -ое. Д-ые цены.

[de], -a, m. (special). One of the means of competition is the sale of goods in foreign markets at prices lower than in the domestic or world market. || adj. dumping, th, th. dumping prices.


dumping [de]

synonyms: export

deportation, and

deport/amtsi/ya [y/a]

deportation, and

DEPORTATION, -i; well.

Expulsion from the state or resettlement to a new place of residence as a measure of criminal or administrative punishment. D. from the country. D. of entire peoples.


deportation, and

synonyms: exile, exile, resettlement, exile, removal

dilemma, -s



DILEMMA, -s; well. [Greek dy (s) - twice and lzmma - sending]

A judgment or conclusion containing two mutually exclusive propositions from which one must be chosen.

A situation in which the choice of one of two opposite possibilities is equally difficult. Hamletovskaya D.: to be or not to be.

Y, well. 1. A combination of judgments, conclusions with two opposite provisions, excluding the possibility of a third (special). 2. A situation where the choice of one of two opposite solutions is equally difficult (book). Face a difficult dilemma.


synonyms: alternative, question, choice, task, one of two.

HIERA "RHI" I, and, f. [Greek hierarchia] (book). 1. The order of subordination of the lower to the higher according to precisely defined degrees, gradations. Church and. Public and. In the tsarist army there was a strict and. ranks.

HIERARCHY, -and; well. [from Greek. hieros - sacred and archz - power] 2. Arrangement of parts or elements of the whole in order from higher to lower or from lower to higher. Arrange according to hierarchy. I. language levels. //

Natural subordination of parts of one whole. Social and.< Иерархический, -ая, -ое.Подвести искусства под и. порядок. И-ие чины. И. принцип управления в технике. И-ая лестница (ступени подчинения). Иерархически, нареч. Расположить что-л. и. Иерархичность, -и; ж.Культивировать и. Строгая и. чего-л.

And, well. (book). The order of subordination of the lower (ranks, positions) to the higher; in general an arrangement from the lowest to the highest or from the highest to the lowest. Service and. || adj. hierarchical, -th, -th. Hierarchical ladder (levels of subordination).


hierarchy, and


hierarchy see degree

INVEMSTOR, a, m., shower. [German] investor< лат. -- см. инвестировать].Лицо или организация, осуществляющие инвестицию; вкладчик.Инвемсторский --относящийся к инвестору, инвесторам.

investor, -a



INVESTOR, -a; m.

The person, organization or state making the investment; contributor.

A, m. The contributor (individual or legal entity) making the investment. || adj. investor, th, th.



synonyms: contributor, investor, speculator, sub-investor

CONGREGATION, and, f. [fr. congrégation< лат. congregвtio соединение].1.Собрание, организация.2.В католической церкви: объединение монашеских общин, следующих одному уставу.3.В Ватикане: комиссия, ведающая важнейшими вопросами вероучения, культа, назначения епископов, управления церковью и др.Конгрегациомнный --относящийся к конгрегации (в 1--3-м знач.), конгрегациям.

congregation, and

congregation, and

synonyms: assembly, brotherhood, association

CONGLOMERATE, -a; m. [from lat. conglomeratus - accumulated, collected]

Mechanical connection of smth. heterogeneous, disorderly mixture. K. tribes and peoples. K. ideas.

Sedimentary rock, consisting of fragments of various rocks, cemented pebbles.< Конгломератный, -ая, -ое (2 зн.). К. пласт.

Ah, m. 1. Mechanical connection of something. heterogeneous, disorderly mixture (book). K. opinions. 2. Clastic rock - pebbles mixed with sand, gravel and boulders (special). || adj. conglomerate, th, th.



Synonyms: society, mixture

2. Determine the nature of the errors in these sentences, correct them.

Elections of the governor of the region are scheduled for June.

Pleonasm. June and so the month, just "for June."

In the city of Rostov-on-Don, elections of the mayor of the city were held.

Pleonasm. Rostov-on-Don - it is clear that the city. Remove clarification.

Now we are busy with the process of building new facilities.

Construction is a process, simply "building".

When the hunter looked up, he saw a bear in front of him.

Pleonasm. Raise - already up, just "raised".

You will take the test in December, closer to May.

December and May are somehow not very related. But, to be honest, I can not figure out how to fix it. There is no logic.

Due to the fact that our children quickly learn the material, our teachers have developed an intensive teaching method.

The union "if ... then", and not "something ... then", should be removed "then".

3. Explain the meaning of these phraseological units, give examples of their use in speech. Use a phrase dictionary.

Close your eyes to something; not for fear, but for conscience; not himself; skin and bones; reluctantly; down in the mouth; at worst; keep gunpowder dry; baptism of fire; unsalted slurping.

Turn a blind eye to something - Intentionally not paying attention to something, not noticing something (usually unpleasant, unwanted or reprehensible

We must turn a blind eye to many things and not rave about happiness, not dare to grumble that it will slip away - that's life! (I. Goncharov.)

not out of fear, but out of conscience - very conscientiously, with a sense of responsibility (to do something).

The huts were cut down firmly. It was evident that the Old Believers built them slowly and worked, as they say, not for fear, but for conscience (V. Arseniev. In the Ussuri region).

he is not himself - very excited, upset; I lost my calmness, calmness, self-control. From noun. with meaning faces: father, brother ... not himself; sister, mother ... not herself; parents ... not their own.

Your letter alarmed me so much that for the second day now I have been walking around not myself. (A. Pushkin.)

skin and bones - extremely emaciated, emaciated.

The old woman was sitting on the edge of the stove, her legs dangling. Her face was pale yellow - skin and bones ... little life was visible in her eyes (F. Reshetnikov. Glumovs).

reluctantly - with great reluctance, forcing oneself, against desire (to do something).

Nikolai went to the Polytechnic Institute against his will, reluctantly (I. Uksusov. After the war).

as if lowered into water - oppressed, mentally depressed by something, dejected.

Anton Fedorovich didn’t even grin at this, but he immediately got up and walked away from his interlocutor and was as if lowered into water for the whole evening (Pisemsky. Russian liars).

at worst - in the most extreme, in the worst case. = Worst case. ? Best case scenario. More often with verb. owls. type: make, send ... in what case? at worst.

A man must feel the power in his hands. Now to wave a scythe or, at worst, a rake. (P. Melnikov-Pechersky.)

keep gunpowder dry - be in full combat readiness.

We are surrounded, he said, by enemies. - We must ... keep the gunpowder dry (B. Gorbatov. Alexey Gaidash). -- The expression is attributed to a well-known figure in the English bourgeois revolution of the 17th century. Oliver Cromwell, who allegedly told his troops when they were to cross the river. "Trust in God, but keep your gunpowder dry."

baptism of fire - 1. The first participation in the battle. They met their own near Kursk, and already in March 1943 Misha Rukanov became a cadet of an anti-aircraft school. A few months later - a baptism of fire near Vitebsk (V. Khalin. I do not tolerate injustice ...)

2. The first serious test in any business. Before the armed uprising in December 1905, the people in Russia proved incapable of mass armed struggle against the exploiters. After December, it was no longer the same people. He was reborn. He received a baptism of fire (Lenin. Letter to the workers of Krasnaya Presnya)

unsalted slurping - having been deceived in their expectations, not having achieved what they wanted; to no avail. With verb. nesov. and owls. type: go, go, go, go ... how? unsalted slurping.

The fox missed the live and went away slurping unsalted. (A. N. Tolstoy.)

(?) Nesolono - adverb from the adjective unsalted; slurp - a short form of the past participle from the verb slurp - "eat something liquid, scooping with a spoon." In connection with the high cost of salt in Russia, food, as a rule, was salted immediately before eating. The unwelcome and uninvited guest received salt less than others and left without salty slurping.

4. Place the stress in the words. In case of difficulty, refer to the spelling dictionary.

Mouth, cooking, thinking, Ukrainian, pullover, adolescence, customs, August, mold, sorrel, reopen, regular, prey, clog, seal.

Mouth (volcano, cannon)

culinary<1999: кулинамримя>


Ukrainian, -ntsa; R. pl. -tsev [not Ukrainian, -ntsa]

Pullomver [not pullover, half-weather]

Omtrochestvo, -a.

Customs, -and; R. pl. customs [not customs].


Moldy, moldy [not moldy, -emet].

Sorrel, -yam, oh sorrel [not shamvel, -ya].

cherish, cherish, cherish

frequenter - me

Dobymcha [not dobycha].

clog, -ryu, -rit

Clog (sya), -ryu (sya), -rish (sya).

Sealing (sya), -rum, -rumesh, -rumet (sya) [do not seal (sya)] (in all meanings).

5. Describe this fragment from a newspaper article. What style is this text? Why? Pay attention to the means and techniques for implementing expressiveness. What vocabulary is used in this article? In which sentence did you notice the stylistic contrast? Is it justified, in your opinion?

According to experts from the Russian embassy in Ankara, the customs union will (at least initially) be more beneficial for the EU. Turkey will receive real benefit, first of all, from the removal of quotas for the export of its textiles to European countries. Meanwhile, the Europeans will see significant benefits from the liberalization of imports to Turkey.

1. This fragment from a newspaper article refers to the official business style, the style of documents, contracts, legal laws, regulations, charters, business papers, etc. This fragment is an example. It is characterized by the use of managerial terminology, stable speech patterns, enshrined in the norms and rules of the unified state system of office work: "experts of the Russian embassy", "customs union", "removal of quotas", "import liberalization".

2. In this fragment, there is no emotionally colored vocabulary, figurative means, clarity and standardization, words-terms, standardized phrases are traced.

“Removal of export quotas” is the norm of something allowed. Therefore, this combination has the meaning "removal of these norms."

"Liberalization (import)" - indulgence, harmful connivance.

3. In the last sentence, the stylistically neutral combination “significant benefits shine” is used. It is not appropriate for this style, because. the statement must be precise, dispassionate, using bookish, official words and expressions. It is also inherent in the conversational style. This is the stylistic contrast.

Conversational style

  1. The sphere of functioning of the conversational style, extralinguistic features that determined this style, its main function.

  2. Style-forming features of conversational style and linguistic means of their implementation.

  3. Stylistically marked language means of all levels (phonetics, vocabulary, word formation, morphology, syntax).

 Conversational and everyday style (colloquial speech) is characterized by special conditions of communication: the lack of preliminary consideration of the statement and the selection of language means, the immediacy of speech communication between communicants, the ease of the speech act. This led to the use of non-codified linguistic means of the literary language and the inclusion in colloquial speech of vernacular that goes beyond the limits of the literary language. Non-verbal means of communication and consideration of the situation play an important role. In general, colloquial speech is characterized by increased expressiveness. Conversational style can be implemented both orally and in writing; in addition to performing its main function - communication, it is often used in works of art to create a speech portrait of a character, to realistically depict the described social environment, and serves to create a stylization or comic effect.

The main characteristics of the conversational style are presented in the following table.


household, informal relations


specific person or group of people



Style-forming features

carelessness, familiarity



inconsistency, discontinuity

emotionality, appraisal

Language Implementation

activity of non-bookish means at all levels of the language

incompletely structural design of language units

language units of a specific meaning, activation of personal forms of the verb, personal pronouns

weakening of syntactic links, their lack of expression

evaluative and emotional-expressive units of all levels

^ 1. After analyzing the table

A) Tell us about the language resources of the conversational style (at the level of vocabulary, word formation, morphology, syntax), complete the table with your own examples.




word formation




Up to zero consonant in combination with other consonants,

Vowel [o] in the first pre-stressed. syllable of borrowed words,

Vowels to zero sound in the vicinity of sonorant consonants;


- specific vocabulary

Expressive-colored vocabulary;

suffixes of subjective evaluation,

suffixes with functional coloring of colloquial style,

non-suffix formations,

word formation,

doubling words with additional prefix

dominance of verbs

increased frequency of personal pronouns,

possessive adjectives,

variant of case endings in –y in Genus. and Pr. P.,

a tendency to not decline the first part of compound names,

verbal interjections

one-part and incomplete sentences,

activity of connecting structures,

reverse word order, the predominance of composition over submission,

activity of non-union proposals,

contamination, parcelling,

activity of interjections and particles

b) Answer the following questions:

  1. How can one explain the frequent use of incomplete sentences in colloquial speech?

  2. What linguistic features in colloquial speech can be explained by the desire to save speech efforts?

  3. How does the tendency to redundancy manifest itself in colloquial speech?

  4. How is emotionality and expressiveness achieved in colloquial speech?

  5. By what signs can one judge the features of the communicant's linguistic personality?
2. Read the article by L.V.Knorina 1 . According to what parameters, in her opinion, it is possible to distinguish the components of an individual style in colloquial speech?

^ Practical tasks
1. Determine the stylistic affiliation of the texts and prove your point of view, noting the lexical and syntactic features:

BUT. - Oh, Van, I'll die from acrobatics!

Look how it spins, brat!

^ Our manager, comrade Satyukov,

Recently in the club so galloped.

And you will come home, Ivan, eat - and immediately on the sofa,

Or you scream when you're not drunk.

^ What are you, Ivan?

- You, Zin, run into rudeness.

Everything, Zin, you strive to offend.

Here in a day you are so full of somersaults,

You come home - there you sit ...(V. Vysotsky).
B. It means that the old woman has passed away... Old women, they always pass away... Or they give their souls to God, it depends on what kind of old woman. Yours, for example, is small and in the body, which means it has passed away. And, for example, which is larger and thinner - the one, it is believed, gives her soul to God. Here you are, for example, a prominent man, of lofty stature, although thin. You, it is considered, if, God forbid, you die, then you have played the box. And who is a merchant, a former merchant guild, that means he ordered to live long. And if someone is of a lesser rank, for example, a janitor, or one of the peasants, they say about him: "spread over or stretched out his legs." But the most powerful when they die, railway conductors or someone from the authorities, it is believed that they gave oak(I. Ilf, E. Petrov).

2. Select a text written in a conversational style and analyze it according to the scheme.

  1. Determine what field of activity this text is related to and in what form (oral or written) it is implemented.

  2. Follow the logical content in this text. Find out how completely and consistently the logical information is presented in it; whether the unity of the theme is maintained; whether the argument is used.

  3. Determine what place the emotional-evaluative content occupies in this text. Analyze what (to whom) the emotional assessments of the speakers are directed and by what linguistic means they are expressed.

  4. Think about how the economy of the speaker's speech efforts is expressed and how the informative incompleteness of the verbal series in your text is filled.

  5. Highlight the language "signs" of the conversational style (lexical, morphological, derivational, syntactic).

  6. Try to characterize the communicants by their speech behavior.

3. Analyze the dialogue in this fragment of the text, prove that it belongs to the colloquial style, and identify other style "blotches".

- I am an employee of the newspaper "Sutki" - Bobkin ... Here is my card. Numerous readers of our newspaper have long been burning with the desire to know what new play your brilliant pen is now working on. What new burning images are in your inexhaustible portfolio ...

  • Fu you ... - Krapivin sighs heavily. - I don't write anything. No images. Get off me... Mr. Trepkin.

  • Bobkin ... Well, at least not the content, but only the title, - the reporter prays in a honeyed voice.

  • And there is no title. "The turmoil in the corridor, or the Brave General Anisimov" ... "Zhuchkin's suspicion" ... "Two pairs of boots and not a single driver" ... "Beauty with a spanish fly." Young man, leave me alone. I strongly advise you to do this in your own interests. Go away, Mr. Drobkin.

  • ^ Ha-ha-ha, - the reporter laughs obsequiously and quickly strikes something in a notebook.

  • And let me ask, dear teacher, although it may be a bit of an indiscreet question: are you very excited before the first performance of your amazing plays?

  • ^ Oh, oh, groans Krapivin, thumping into an armchair and wiping his forehead with a handkerchief. - I'm terribly worried. I'm terribly worried. I don’t eat anything for a whole month ... I don’t leave the ice bath ...
The reporter nods his head and scribbles hastily. Fright seizes Krapivin.

  • What do you write there? Do you hear me or not? I said this jokingly, out of anger ... Put your vile book in your pocket. Put it down, I tell you. Otherwise... Do you see this bronze figurine?

  • Your bust, it seems? Trubetskoy's work?

  • Not mine, but Shakespeare's... But all the same, you understand very well what I can do with this bronze, young man, - he adds in a fallen voice, - oh, please leave my house. Go away, Mr. Tapkin.(A.I. Kuprin "Interview").

4. Compare your analysis with the analysis performed by student M. Alekseeva. On what do you agree with her, on what do you disagree? What shortcomings in her analysis did you notice?
The analyzed text is a conversation between a writer and a reporter and is an example of spontaneous communication, despite the fact that one of the participants in the conversation is trying to transfer the conversation into the sphere of professional communication.

The whole dialogue is a set of inconsistent phrases of the participants, there is no logical connection. Even the topic of the conversation is not clearly framed, although the reporter tries to determine it, but the only thing he succeeds in is to grasp the last words of the writer and ask a question or answer with a remark on them.

An important place is occupied by emotional and evaluative content. The greatest expressiveness is observed in the writer, it is in his remarks that emotional units of different levels are most active. An example is the use of such a figure of speech as menopause: “I'm terribly worried. I'm terribly worried"; hyperbole: "ice bath", metonymy: "bronze" (about the figurine). Interjections play an important role in the transfer of state: the private use of “oh, ah” helps to understand his attitude both to the interlocutor and to the conversation as a whole.

Another function of interjections is in speech economy. This linguistic feature of the colloquial-everyday style is also manifested in the use of simple, and often simply incomplete sentences. The syntax is also characterized by a broken structure.

^ Another feature of the syntax relates to the repeated use of imperative and interrogative sentences.

According to this text, it is undoubtedly possible to characterize the participants in the conversation. One is a reporter - an annoying, narrow-minded person who likes to use grandiloquent words in his speech: “a brilliant pen”, “burning images”, “amazing plays”, etc. The writer treats him with disdain, this can be seen from his answers: "get rid of", "vile book" and others. How badly the writer misrepresented the reporter's last name creates a comic effect and shows his attitude. This can also be seen in the contrast of syntax: the reporter uses long complex sentences, and in response he hears monosyllabic remarks.
5. Analyze an excerpt from a letter from V. Astafiev to E. Gorodetsky and highlight all the signs of a conversational style.

Only today, on the sixth, when I came to my senses and pushed myself away, I looked through the manuscript with your notes and said to myself “well done” for having guessed to send the manuscript to you, because one inaccuracy about the geological institute in Novosibirsk, in case of swearing at this thing (and she, I think , no blowjob), would be a sort of curiosity. And everything else will be very helpful and useful to me, at least information about the Graphite settlement on Kureyka or geographic and geological clarifications. "Sleep" I will probably greatly reduce, and then my "fad" will decrease somewhat. This “punktik”, Zhenya, is like a splinter in a peasant. I know about him, but I can’t cope, and that’s it, I want to beat the face of the intelligentsia, especially individually, the peasant has always been respectful to the real intelligentsia and, most importantly, he knew how to guess it exactly, and what an intellectual I am, Zhenya ?! With the additions of “folk”, “natural” - this is already a collective something, like a modern house, it seems to be a house, and people live in it, and at the same time a construction and not a house at all, similar in face to the owner, crispy, groaning, thoughtful towards old age, all made of breathing wood ...

Thank you, Zhenya, for reading something! Maybe you are used to it, but I have to read such a thick manuscript for a month. A window sill full of them has accumulated. I also got in touch with the theater and made many other obligations on myself. Well fool, so what can you do! And mumble! If I were a woman, they would cut everything down, only sawdust would remain ...

^ Thanks for the congratulations too!

I will transfer Goga to Tomsk. Simu labels from it. It's still not too late, especially for a book...
6. Highlight the remarks that irritated K.I. Chukovsky, replace them with remarks that correspond to the style.

One summer resident, while walking in the forest, carefully asked his wife:

  • Are you limited by a cape?
^ Turning to me, he immediately said, not without pride:

  • My wife and I never fight!
Moreover, I felt that he was proud not only of an excellent wife, but also of the fact that such words as “conflict”, “limit” are available to him.

We met. It turned out that he has either a vegetable garden or a garden in which he really likes to mess around, but the service distracts him.

  • ^ The time factor... There's nothing to be done! - again he flaunted the culture of his language.
With such panache I meet literally at every step.

I ask if there is glue in the editorial office, and I hear an arrogant answer:

  • I am not aware of these details.
^ On the train, a young woman praised her house:

  • Just go outside the gate, now the green array!
And it was evident that she was very proud of herself: she had such a “cultural” speech.

  • ^ What activities are you taking to activate the bite?
The young man saw a five-year-old girl standing and crying. He leaned towards her affectionately and, to my astonishment, said:

  • What are you crying about?
The cleaner, who was feeding the pigeons on the balcony, suddenly declared in her heart:

  • Anty pigeons are pure pigs, they should be annulled from here!

7. Read the information about the past scientific conference. Why can't this text be classified as scientific style? What do you think was the purpose of the authors and how did they achieve it?

^ Rocket Party

Last week at Moscow University there was a cool party about the problems of rhetoric and cool chatter. Despite the fact that in many offices without a maza you can’t get money for travel expenses, experts in the rhetoric and culture of the bazaar from different cities of the country have arrived in Moscow. In the reports of the party-goers, a bunch of hip jokes sounded, which interested the listeners in life and caused both a class discussion and individual raids on the speakers. Almost none of the speakers in kind did not load the audience and did not slow down the discussion. The participants of the party trudged and stuck out not only from the reports, but also from the clear chatter on the sidelines. In short, everything was nishtyak. As a result of the party, everyone who came to the university came to the unanimous conclusion about the shitty, damn it, the level of culture of the bazaar among our compatriots(N.A. Ippolitova, M.Yu. Fedosyuk).
8. Name the syntactic features of dialogical speech.

  • Have you ever seen storks?

  • Storks? What storks?

  • They say they are white.

  • Don't know. There are no storks in the city, and I have never been anywhere else. Why did you suddenly ask about them?

  • So. I remembered.

  • Are you cold?

  • No. And you?

  • No no(Vasiliev).

Any highly developed language has two speech forms - oral and written. Oral, which includes, first of all, colloquial speech, has been formed over the centuries and is associated with the historical development of its carriers - one or another people. At a certain stage, it became a kind of foundation for the formation of written speech. Further, both forms existed in parallel, opposing on certain grounds.


In linguistics, it is generally accepted that colloquial speech is a special kind of literary speech. The scope of its application is everyday everyday communication, the transfer of any information, the impact on the interlocutor, the expression of an emotional state. Traditionally, colloquial speech is opposed to book speech in a number of ways. It is based on dialects and dialects, surzhiks, urban slang and jargon, as well as elements of book speech. Like any significant language layer, colloquial has a number of distinctive features and features.

Features and signs of colloquial speech

Features of colloquial speech are associated primarily with its scope of use:

    If we talk about the oral form, then such speech is used, first of all, in dialogues - in conversations between two or more people. It can also be used in monologues addressed by the speaker to himself.

    Conversational speech is spontaneous speech. The speaker, as a rule, does not specially prepare for communication, does not think through his remarks in advance. They are pronounced depending on what and how the interlocutor or interlocutors answers him. Even if the conversation is scheduled in advance, it is characterized by a high degree of improvisation. In this regard, the fundamental difference between oral colloquial speech and, for example, written. In the letter, one way or another, there is an element of preliminary preparation, the selection of language means, a more thorough formulation of thoughts.

    Colloquial speech, as a rule, is used in an informal setting, with informal, relaxed communication. This is an important difference from an oral official business conversation, for example, a conversation between a boss and a subordinate or a speech with a scientific report or lecture.

    Conversational speech as such requires mandatory participation in the conversation. These can be separate remarks accompanying the interlocutor.

    Situation is also a hallmark of colloquial speech. Those. depending on the situation of communication, on the topic of conversations, information and semantic load, emotional state of the interlocutors, the level of their intellectual and spiritual development, professional sphere and sphere of interest, the content side of communication, and lexical-stylistic, grammatical means of expression will be determined.

    Active use of various non-verbal means of communication - facial expressions, gestures, laughter, intonation. Because one of the most important tasks of colloquial speech is understanding, these means make communication more accessible, expressive, facilitate understanding of its semantic orientation.

    Colloquial speech is characterized by the use of emotionally colored evaluative vocabulary, words with diminutive suffixes or with the meaning of exaggeration, interjections, incomplete or truncated sentences, reduction of vowels, tautology, discontinuous syntax of statements, etc.

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