Julia Wang smiles. What happened to the winner of the "Battle of psychics" Julia Wang. Julia Wang's life before drastic changes

Looking at the photo, many cannot even imagine that this is the same person. Where are your gorgeous hair, full lips? You are ill?! - now and then the fans of Julia Wang, the heroine of one of the seasons of the Battle of Psychics, scream.

Julia herself recently added fuel to the fire by posting a photo where she looks “really bad.”

At least that's what the fans think. And the star herself calls them stupid as boots.

Fans are worried about Julia. Many of them are confident in the celebrity's terrible illness or even "karmic retribution."

Although, as for me, everything is much simpler. The fact is that the appearance of the girl in the show was frankly unnatural. I had no illusions about the face, hair, lips, etc. In addition, she always went out to act in powerful makeup, which gave her the necessary resemblance to a witch (you didn’t think that she walked the streets in the form of a shocking witch all her life?). Now this is obvious, but in 2014 such “beauty injections” were new, and an unusual appearance, combined with an interesting image, caused a stir.

And now, Julia, apparently tired, and maybe she thinks that it is no longer fashionable to "inject". This is what happened to her. Moreover, she is leaving somewhere in Europe, it seems, and there fashion trends come and go even faster.

All that happened to her, in fact, was that her “beep” was a little blown out, her eyebrows became wider and more natural, and her hair extensions were probably removed. In addition, several mimic wrinkles appeared.

Overall, it's certainly different than the face people saw on the show. But, on the other hand, I am disturbed by the fact that people with a clearly unnatural appearance are considered beauties, and people who look like people are already moving into the category of "sick and miserable."

Worse than this fact is only the fact that someone still believes in the "Battle of psychics", which does not honor either Soviet or Russian education. But that's a completely different story.

By the way, what do you think when you see a clearly "improved" female appearance? Do you think it's beautiful, or do you really dislike it, or do you not care?

Julia Wang is the winner of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics rating project, a sorceress who calls herself the Spirit of Chaos. She was repeatedly accused of deception, self-promotion, but she confidently led the competition between magicians, shamans and mediums.

Today, she has remained a woman of mystery, whose age, origin and personal life are not known to the general public.

Childhood and youth

Psychic Julia Wang has three biography options. It's hard to tell which one is real. The woman has so confused everyone with conflicting information about herself that it is extremely difficult to separate truth from fiction.

According to Julia Wang, she was born in the German city of Förstenberg. Prior to that, she "lived 150 lives, each of which she remembers perfectly."

According to other sources, Julia was born in Riga on October 29, 1981. In this city, according to the sorceress, there are many amazing sacred places and corners that the psychic considers "places of power." Wang attended a regular school, but she had no friends and girlfriends. The girl led a secluded life, shunned people and peers. She was not interested in games and toys. She didn't have dolls either.

The girl's mother, Tatyana Vladimirovna, worked as a nuclear physicist. And although she did not have psychic abilities, she always treated her daughter with understanding. After all, according to Julia, which Tatyana Vladimirovna herself later confirmed, the girl's father was "a certain alien, an extraterrestrial being who appeared on earth in the form of a man."

After contact with him, the woman gave birth to an amazing girl. At the age of 3, Wang already knew how to read, and the books that interested her were not fairy tales about or, but occult literature.

With her first husband, who is considered the father of Julia Wang, her mother divorced when her daughter was still a baby. She married a second time to a man with whom the girl did not have a relationship. Wang says that he drank, beat his wife and molested his stepdaughter. For this, the girl, in a fit of anger, even broke his head with a brick, and after that she left the house.

Modeling career

Later, Julia Wang left her hometown for the capital and took up a modeling career, as she had all the necessary parameters and qualities of a model. Her height is almost 180 cm.

Friends expose the mysterious girl, leaving no stone unturned from her secrets. They consider the third version of the biography to be true, in which there is no mystery at all. Familiar witches reported that the real name of Julia Wang is Yulia Gavrikova. She was born in the village of Nelyudovo near Novgorod. She lived with her mother and grandmother, as her father, a military man, left the family. After the divorce, he left for a town called Bor, where he works as a photographer.

At the age of 17, Julia Wang (aka Yulia Gavrikova) moved with her mother to the capital. Model appearance allowed her to make a good career. The girl starred in candid photo shoots. She claims that her photos were decorated with fashion magazines in Paris. But people who have known the beauty for a long time call another city in which she flashed as a model - this is Nizhny Novgorod. And the stories about the capital of world fashion, as well as about Milan, New York and London, are allegedly the fruit of Gavrikova's imagination.

Films and creativity

In 2012, Julia Wang, according to her, decided to leave the modeling career and the catwalk and focus on magic. In addition, she entered GITIS and received a diploma as an actress. A cinematic biography of Julia Wang is several films.

The debut work of the actress is the TNT comedy project "The Best Film-2". Later, the girl starred in episodes of "Day Watch" and "Tumblers", played the role of Andrei's girlfriend in the comedy "Balzac Age, or All Men Are Their Own ...". The last work in the filmography of the actress was the role of Elena Proklova in the comedy "The Best Day-2", which was released in 2009. Her partners on the site were,.

Julia Wang in the movie Day Watch

According to Julia Wang, she decided to continue her education in London, at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. She received a diploma in 3 specialties at once - stylistics, design and photography.

Returning to Moscow, the girl managed to work as a stylist, costume designer and singer. After all, higher powers rewarded her with a voice of 4 octaves. Some regulars of Moscow nightclubs recall the singer who performed under the stage name Flora Wang.

Julia Wang acted in films

Another talent that Julia Wang possesses is the ability to combine different ingredients to create incredible scents. She allegedly learned this at the French school of perfumery, and the gift of a perfumer came from “the life in which she was a priestess of the cult of Ra.” There she learned how to mix potions, oils and incense.

extrasensory perception

Julia Wang claims that she realized unearthly power and abilities after reading and understanding the book "The Tao of Chaos". Then the girl discovered esotericism for herself. From the age of 3, she read Scandinavian runes, Sephirothics, alchemy, studied Western ceremonial magic, as well as voodoo and necromancy. In the villages she learned witchcraft and Russian witchcraft, learned to use herbs, stones and oils for magical purposes.

Julia Wang started painting at the age of 3. The images confused adults, because the baby depicted not cartoon characters, but space, gods of world religions and occult symbols. At the age of 5, she drew the first deck of cards on which Julia Wang made her first predictions and fortune telling. The adults to whom she predicted the future soon became convinced of the veracity of the girl's predictions.

At the age of 7, Julia Wang surprised her mother and grandmother with philosophical poems about death, rebirth and magic. Relatives knew that the girl was able to hear ultrasound, the movement of electric current and see radiation.

Julia Wang did not come to the TV show "Battle of Psychics" in order to compete with its participants. For her, it was a matter of life and death.

Skeptics of the project - the Safronov brothers - often made fun of the participant. The magicians believed that she came to the show solely for the sake of fame and PR. None of them believed that this girl of model appearance had superhuman, paranormal and psychic abilities. And Julia Wang turned out to be the brightest participant in the show. And in the truest sense of the word. Her extravagant outfits, bright red lipstick and flashy make-up attracted everyone's eyes.

Julia Wang - winner of the show "Battle of Psychics"

For 3 months after the next test, the participants left the project, but Julia Wang remained. Little by little, skepticism and ridicule dissipated, replaced by admiration and surprise at the abilities of this girl. More than once the participant became the best at the end of the week. She managed to get around the strongest competitor -. The main rival went with her, as they say, “nostril to nostril”, but it was Wang who was declared the winner of the 15th season. She was preferred by 70% of the viewers who voted.

It seems that the girl achieved what she wanted: she woke up famous. Participation in the "paranormal" project turned her into a star. On the street, Julia Wang could not appear unnoticed: people who wanted to get an autograph, take a picture together or find out their fate lined up to her. But there were also plenty of skeptics who claimed that they were facing a brilliant swindler and a charming swindler.

In 2015, a program was released on the NTV channel, where Julia Wang was also invited. She stated that she no longer wants to engage in magic and extrasensory perception, but will switch to more mundane affairs. But already in 2016, the sorceress went along with the winner of the previous season of the Battle of Psychics to the mysterious Schaaken Castle in the Kaliningrad Region.

Julia Wang and Alexander Sheps - "The Secret of the Well in Schaaken Castle"

Ghosts allegedly settled there, who walked along the corridors and halls at night, frightening passers-by and visitors. Julia Wang and Alexander Sheps visited the castle as part of the TNT project "Psychics are investigating."

Personal life

The personal life of Julia Wang, like her biography, has several development options. The long-legged beauty herself claims that she does not want to start a family and have children. She's only good when she's alone.

However, in 2005, Julia Wang revealed that she had experience of living together with a man. With him, the girl at one time lived under the same roof. But he turned out to be homosexual.

People who know the heroine say that the sorceress has a stormy youth behind her back. For example, the singer says that he met a beauty in a nightclub in the capital. Then she was an ordinary party girl, a glamorous girl who did not talk about any psychic abilities.

On the social network, you can find a story that Julia Wang at one time met with the son of a famous singer, Daniil Gradsky. But his father forbade him to communicate with the girl. Allegedly because of this, some frames of the video of the Dynamite music group, in which Wang and Gradsky were together, were cut out.

There was another person who claims to know a girl named Julia Wang. said that the heroine of the TV show was her hairdresser not so long ago. But Julia denies their acquaintance. She believes that Gordon was simply jealous of her husband. Meanwhile, the man only interacted with the psychic because he was interested in the supernatural.

Julia Wang expose from "You Won't Believe"

Julia Wang's age is as mysterious as the heroine herself. Some argue that she is in no way less than 35 years old, but not more than 40. The plastic surgery that the girl resorted to, according to the paparazzi, does not allow her to understand how old she really is. Julia Wang herself claims that she never did plastic surgery and did not change her already perfect appearance.

However, many skeptics compare her old photos and current ones and notice that the beauty has enlarged her breasts and made her lips plump. Only once Julia Wang agreed that she turned to beauty doctors for help. But only then, to reduce the lips.

Julia Wang now

During her participation in the program “The Battle of Psychics”, Julia accumulated material and published the book “No way. Nowhere. Never”, which contained poems, thoughts, drawings by Wang. But in 2018, another ex-participant of the program said that the girl copied many of her thoughts from his blog. The magician announced that he was going to file a lawsuit against a fraudster.

After the end of the project, the girl seemed to have gone into the shadows. But at the end of 2017, her subscribers "Instagram" were surprised at the changes in the image of the witch. She dramatically lost weight, did a boyish hairstyle and began to wear men's suits. Some accused Julia of anorexia, others - of a split personality. But there were also enthusiastic responses in the comments. Wang herself said that she was not used to living with patterns, and once she wanted to change her image. This was supported by her current life partner.

Julia Wang has changed

Soon, the changed Wang admitted to deceiving viewers, saying that she had never had supernatural powers, and the image in which she was on the project was a figment of the producers' imagination. In addition, she participated in the exposure of the show, saying that everything that happens on the set is a production.

Now the girl is engaged in the fact that she makes fragrances and produces handmade soap.


  • 2000 - "Victim"
  • 2004 - “Balzac age, or All men are their own ...”
  • 2005 - Day Watch
  • 2007 - "Tumbler"
  • 2009 - "The Best Movie 2"
  • 2009 - "Galygin.ru"

Julia Wang received her peak of popularity after the fifteenth season of the TV show "The Battle of Psychics". The latest news says that Julia Wang has aged dramatically. This is confirmed by repeated photos, and the reason, which has become obvious to everyone, is considered to be repeated plastic surgery. They have already helped more than one girl grow old quickly. How did Julia come to all this and become so famous? What secret of her popularity can she not reveal to anyone? It all started from early childhood, which deserves special attention.

Julia Wang is the pseudonym of a girl, under her real name Yulia Vladimirovna Gavrikova

Julia Wang: The Early Years

Julia Wang is the pseudonym of a girl, under her real name Yulia Vladimirovna Gavrikova. Now this person refers to himself as the "Spirit of Chaos". There is no reliable data about her field, the girl carefully misled all her fans. However, there are at least three most common biographies. According to the actress and model, she was born in Germany, in the glorious town of Förstenberg. But, it is difficult to believe the words of a person who claims to have lived one hundred and fifty (150) lives and remembers everything to the smallest detail. There were other data in which the city of Riga is indicated as the homeland, and the date of birth is October 29, 1981. However, there are several versions about her date of birth:

  • October 29, 1981;
  • October 19, 1988;
  • October 29, 1978;
  • October 29, 1979.

Yes, it is not only Yulia who is misleading us, but also other sources that pop up on the Internet. Wang went to a regular school, but from childhood she was a withdrawn child. Despite the surrounding fuss, no one approached her and she never made friends. She was not attracted to socializing with peers and was not drawn to the opposite sex, as is often the case with people in adolescence. From childhood, she seemed like an adult - toys, dolls did not attract her. At the age of three, Julia already knew how to read, and not just read children's fairy tales, but complex occult literature, and it was really interesting for her.

There is one interesting fact that Julia Wang told the public. It happened to her mother, an alien creature came to earth in the form of a man, after contact with which this wonderful girl was born. This story is confirmed by Yulia's mother, and therefore was not surprised by her extraordinary abilities.

In the early days of her life, Julia had a stepfather who only did what he did in the evenings in the company of alcohol, beat his mother and molested the maid. Not quite suitable for the German mentality. From this follows the third version of the biography, which says that the girl was born in the village of Neklyudovo. Everything went on until Julia, in a fit of anger at her stepfather, gathered courage and decided to take a responsible step. This painful incident was the reason to leave her home and engage in progress towards the success that the girl has now achieved.

In the thirteenth year of her life, the girl became completely independent and learned business in the market. Communication with local businessmen allowed her to open up, to believe in herself and her abilities. She was captured in several domestic films, tried herself as a model, although she constantly listened to dissatisfaction from employers, due to her informal, gothic appearance.

Julia Wang's victory at the "Battle of Psychics" made a splash

From an early age, Julia found her calling, became what Julia Wang is now, and managed to take the right positions in life. Modeling career came in handy for her. Appearance has always been attractive, and the ideal height of 180 cm for the model was another reason to start a career. At the age of 17, Julia ended up with her mother in the capital, starred for fashion magazines and said that her photos were seen on the covers of the most fashionable magazines in Paris. But stories about Milan, New York and other large-scale cities turned out to be only a figment of the girl's imagination. Her old acquaintances knew the truth, in which she really was a brilliant model. It was in the city of Near Novgorod, and she starred in the following magazines:

  • playboy;
  • XXlady;
  • MAXIM.

Why mislead your audience, what could have happened and what is the girl really doing? That's right, nothing could happen, and these stories are needed only in order to attract even sharper attention to themselves. Although the photos were really good, this success did not suit Julia, and she decided to try herself as an actress, acted in films, and also went through auditions for the large-scale project “The Battle of Psychics”, where she was constantly discussed as the winner of the project.

Julia Wang's victory made a splash, because her attractive appearance in conjunction with such amazing abilities make her a superhuman. But in 2016, Julia Wang shocked with unhealthy thinness. According to the winner of the project, this is not anorexia, but she began to lose weight so as not to discredit her stunning appearance in any way. Julia Wang has lost weight and remains a slim and sexy girl even in 2017.

January has become too much of a surprise for all fans of Yulia. Julia Wang, 35, has aged rapidly and people do not understand the reasons for this incident. Maybe the plastic surgery is to blame for everything, which the actress resorted to more than once to maintain her appearance, or maybe the diets on which she sat “helped” her to grow old so as not to gain a couple of extra pounds. One way or another, the aged actress has not lost a single one of her fans, because this can be called her personal, adult and established image, which adds another mystery to Julia Wang.

Julia Wang, the winner of the 15th Battle of Psychics on TNT, shocked the audience of the project: not only did the star lose a lot of weight and cut off her blond curls, she also does not practice her psychic abilities after winning the Battle, declaring that she does not have them .

By the way, speaking about the fact that she is not a psychic, Julia Wang emphasized that the Battle of Psychics on TNT itself is a show, a production, and the producers came up with the image of a long-haired blonde in black to attract viewers: "That pig-faced man didn't exist."

The TV star also said that she did not change her image and always looked like in more recent photos, and what the creators of the project came up with disfigured her for the sake of high ratings.

Julia Wang: The battle of psychics - deception and staging

From the very first season of the Battle of Psychics on TNT, the opinions of the audience of the project were polar: someone believes in the existence of supernatural powers and a special gift in people, someone is skeptical, if not to the other world and the connection of a person with it, then to the “Battle” itself .

Julia Wang raised suspicions about the project and brought it to a new level with her behavior and statements. As soon as the girl got a victory in the 15th season of the Battle, she literally disappeared - she didn’t practice, didn’t communicate with her fans who fell in love with her at the Battle, and it turned out that now she is in Britain, married, living an ordinary life. Often it was said on the Web that Julia Wang is a liar, and the show itself is a production in which there are more "actors" than real psychics.

And Julia, it would seem, is the winner, there is a huge demand for the winners of such a rating project after the show, crowds of people are ready to pay considerable sums for their services. But for some reason she does not “practice”, although doubts about her have already arisen on the show.

Why did Julia Wang change, where does she live, what happened to her

More recently, fans of the show have been following her, who believe that everything is true there. She really made an impression, and above all with her appearance. She is quite beautiful, tall with a thin waist, beautiful eyes, and even a blonde with noticeable breasts. With such an appearance, success was guaranteed to her, in addition, she showed talents in the supernatural, which she could not confirm after the project.

After that, she disappeared and people began to forget about her. Over time, she became what she was - an ordinary person. She no longer played the role of a psychic, because it is known that she is a good actress and was involved in TNT projects at one time, by the way, she played evil spirits. After the project, few people remembered her until her new photos appeared and they began to discuss her again.

She apparently got tired of her image and she became who she was. Her image is truly amazing. One could say that she became a trans, if not for the information that she is married. And so she lost a lot of weight, stopped wearing makeup, wears mostly trouser suits and began to resemble a young man.

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