Compatibility Leo and Aquarius: zodiacal magnetism. Leo and Aquarius - compatibility of men and women

The signs are opposite in temperament and worldview. No wonder they are located opposite each other in the zodiac circle. And yet, the compatibility of Leo and Aquarius is due precisely to their opposite. This is one of those rare cases where minus times plus makes plus. The relationship between Aquarius and Leo can grow into a strong one. family bonds if the partners manage the differences and focus on finding compromises.

Leo and Aquarius Compatibility

Opposites attract - this is how the love horoscope of the famous astrologer Linda Goodman characterizes the couple of Leo and Aquarius. The sun endows both signs with sociability, extravagance, rejection of narrow frames. And although Leo and Aquarius are strikingly different in character and elements, they are well suited to each other. Both are noble and independent, have friendliness and generosity, always ready to help. The concentrated intelligence of Aquarius and the expressiveness of Leo create harmonious compatibility in marriage and mutually enrich the qualities of the spouses.

In the business sphere, these signs of the zodiac will have to try to reach mutual understanding. The Leo boss, reveling in her own power and caring for personal comfort, underestimates and angers the executive and ambitious Aquarius subordinate. Even with a role reversal, Leo and Aquarius are unlikely to become more compatible.

But compatibility in love relationships will become harmonious if Aquarius discards bias and learns from a partner the ability to plan their time and achieve goals. And Leo will listen to well-deserved criticism, descend from heaven to earth and admit that he is not so perfect. Given these shortcomings of the zodiac partners, we can say that the most successful compatibility will be in a pair of Leo men and Aquarius women.

This sex ratio is advantageous for the couple and sexually.

Compatibility in sex between Leo and Aquarius is high. Partners are attracted to each other. Sexual attraction in such a union often gives impetus to the development of long-term relationships. In sex, as a rule, the initiative remains with Leo. But his partner is not against such a distribution of roles.

The girl and the guy of these zodiac signs cannot be called the most passionate and ardent lovers. And love relationship between them are also contradictory: the king of animals takes care of his own pleasure, and for Aquarius, prelude is more important. To unite the erotic compatibility between Leo and Aquarius, their common passion for experiments in bed is capable of. Here they have something to offer each other.

The meaning of the moon and the axis of relations

To answer the question: are partners compatible (Aquarius and Leo) - in love astrology, the relationship axis Ascendant - Descendant helps. The first sign characterizes a person as a person, the second - his relationship with a partner. Since Leo and Aquarius are located at the diametrical ends of the zodiac circle, they are called opposite signs in astrology and are for each other the Ascendant and Descendant, respectively.

The analysis of the Descendant allows us to evaluate the prospect of compatibility in love between Aquarius and Leo. It gives an understanding of what a person expects from a partner and what he can get from him:

  • The ascendant is in Leo, the descendant is in Aquarius: the location speaks of a person as a bright and energetic leader. Universal recognition is very important to him. But first of all, he is waiting for recognition from a partner. This karmic connection assumes from the descendant prudence and the ability to think soberly, which the ascendant lacks.
  • The ascendant is in Aquarius, the descendant is in Leo: it characterizes a person as freedom-loving, out-of-the-box thinking and intellectually developed. At the same time, he lacks emotionality and ardor in love, which he seeks to receive from a partner in exchange for loyalty and friendship.

An equally important clue for unraveling compatibility according to the love horoscope of Leo and Aquarius is given by decoding Lunar nodes. These are symbolic points of intersection of the orbits of the Earth and the Moon. Their meaning determines the karma of a person, helping to understand his destiny and the experience of past incarnations. There are two diametrically opposite Lunar nodes: South (Ketu) - describes previous experience, North (Rahu) - indicates what a person should strive for.

When compiling astrological chart for each pair, it is necessary to take into account in which of the signs of the zodiac the Lunar nodes are located. So, if the South Node is in Aquarius, and the North Node is in Leo, this means that such a person must show his individual qualities, not be afraid to stand out from the crowd, even if in the end he remains alone. The position of the South Node in Leo, and the North Node in Aquarius suggests the opposite: a person needs to stop being a black sheep and learn to live in a team. The meaning of the Lunar nodes helps to better understand the karmic essence of the compatibility of the zodiac signs Leo and Aquarius.

Leo woman and Aquarius man

The first thing the Lioness will face in this relationship is the refusal of her lover to enter into a legal marriage. In fact, behind the stubbornness of the Aquarius man lies a desire to get away from the pressure of the Leo woman. In addition, he values ​​his independence and freedom so much that he is not ready to sacrifice them even for the sake of his beloved girl.

In a business partnership, both signs have something to learn from each other. A man appreciates the sharp mind and humor of his partner, and she easily implements his successful ideas. There is no doubt whether Leo and Aquarius are compatible in work. Certainly yes. They are like left-handed and right-handed: united, they act as one.

No less high is the compatibility of the union “he is Aquarius, she is Leo” in marriage, it can become strong and long. If the partners refuse mutual reproaches and begin to yield to each other. This requires considerable endurance and wisdom, and therefore is feasible in a pair of already mature lovers who have experience of a long relationship.

Usually, a romance between a Leo woman and an Aquarius man begins with an intimate relationship.

The physical attraction of the signs is so great that they do not immediately notice the love that has arisen in their hearts. interferes with this and complex nature both. True to her word, the Lioness does not understand the emotional restraint of her admirer, his disregard for the reviews of others, love of freedom and idle talk. At the same time, the man is in no hurry to win the lady's heart, because he considers her too inaccessible and proud. But if the Aquarius man and the Leo girl manage to assess the compatibility of their couple, they can live a long and happy family life.

According to statistics, in a combination of signs, a man Aquarius and a Leo girl have the fewest divorces.

LEO + AQUARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility Leo Man and Aquarius Woman

Compatibility Aquarius Man and Leo Woman

Aquarius compatibility in marriage with the signs Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

Leo compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

A lion. Love Horoscope. With whom Leo-Man Will Be Happy in Marriage. Compatibility

Compatibility Horoscope - Leo

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Compatibility Horoscope - Aquarius

And yet contrary to perfect match Leo women and Aquarius men for marriage signs often come later long years life together. A woman is able to become a caring wife and loving mother for their child, and the man is a demanding but fair dad. Sooner or later, everything happens like this, but the love of freedom of the beloved, his unwillingness to legitimize the relationship infuriates the partner. She must show the natural softness that Venus gives women, and quietly push her beloved to make the right decision.

Problems in the compatibility of a pair of a Leo girl and an Aquarius man provokes the partners' rejection of each other's characters.

The girl is annoyed by the unwillingness of a man to move to career heights, his restraint in the manifestations of emotions, love of freedom, detachment, frivolity. On the contrary, it seems to the husband that the wife encroaches on his freedom, cares too much about the opinions of others, is greedy for flattery and compliments. But most of all he is outraged by the jealousy of his wife.

In family life, a woman Leo and Aquarius will maintain compatibility and love if they borrow the qualities they lack from each other. The girl becomes more balanced, evaluates others more critically and needs their laudatory assessment less. A man under the influence of his beloved becomes more organized, responsible and gentle in the manifestation of feelings. In such a pair, there is no doubt whether the girl Leo and Aquarius are compatible.

Leo man and Aquarius woman

In the first days of acquaintance, the Aquarius woman seems feminine and sincere, elegant and tactful to the Leo man. The initiator of the novel is usually a guy, he begins to actively court, demonstrating generosity, generosity and kindness. However, today a complaisant and caring admirer, tomorrow may seem like a real lion, exposing aggressiveness and egocentrism.

In the meantime, the relationship of lovers is just beginning, love compatibility between Leo and Aquarius is envious. The guy surrounds the chosen one with such care and love that her life is like Garden of Eden, full vivid impressions and pleasant surprises. There is a strong sexual attraction between partners. And even the disadvantages that attentive woman Aquarius notices in the character of a fan, do not destroy the couple.

If the romantic stage, during which both Leo and Aquarius evaluate whether they are compatible, goes well, then the girl will receive a reliable life partner. She will live behind Leo as if behind a stone wall. Their relationship is reminiscent of the father-child model. True, so that love does not go out under the onslaught of mutual reproaches and pressure from the man, the girl will have to skillfully bypass the outbursts of his anger.

If she does not have enough endurance, compatibility in a couple is Aquarius, he is Leo can stagger. Aquarians will reproach Lviv with arrogance, tyranny and extravagance. In return, they will certainly hear accusations of their own carelessness and indecision. Partners can cope with this by accepting each other's shortcomings and focusing on the strengths.

It is easier to do this for representatives of both signs born in the year of the Tiger, Cat (Rabbit) or Horse. They are characterized by greater tolerance for the shortcomings of a life partner.

Both Lviv and Aquarius cannot be called homebodies. They often appear at social events. And they like to spend time apart. This does not reduce the degree of compatibility between the Aquarius woman and the Leo man, but, on the contrary, increases mutual interest. The spouse takes over the acceptance of all important decisions, focuses on work, takes care of the family, and in return receives the undeniable role of the head of the family. A woman with Leo lives carefree, she realizes herself as caring wife and loving mother.

But she should not abuse her position. Otherwise, the man will accuse her of irresponsibility and shifting the care of the family onto his shoulders. To avoid scandals, a girl should express her opinion and position on issues that are fundamentally important for her personally or the whole family. Demonstrating a willingness to discuss problems will increase the spouse's trust. And then you definitely won’t have to doubt whether the pair of Aquarius and Leo are compatible.

There are people whose quirks should be treated with condescension - and not even try to understand them. The personality of the Aquarius woman is so full of zest that any of her actions borders on cheerful madness. But will it scare the Lion? Not at all. The windy eccentric amuses him and saturates his everyday life with the most bright colors and unexpected discoveries. However, now Leo will never have everyday life, because he fell in love with a holiday girl.

No, the Aquarius woman is not always carefree, cheerful and spontaneous - periods of elation for people of this sign alternate with periods black melancholy. Fortunately, they are short lived. Unfortunately, their arrival is unpredictable. This is one of the few character traits of the beloved, from which Leo tears his hair. The second is a deadly combination of infantile irresponsibility and obstinate nihilism. Separately, these qualities do not honor their owner, but together they cause thirty-three misfortunes that fall on Aquarius almost every day. What is teenage maximalism? Or maybe just a way to get attention? Inconsistency in character? Probably a bit of everything. Well, if Leo immediately understands that this is not curable, then the couple will avoid many useless quarrels.

She was always drawn to people like Leo. In her girlish daydreams, from the very age when girls become girls, there was an image of the Protector - a strong and powerful man, able to solve problems, while at the same time generous enough to forgive her weaknesses. Yes, the Leo man can be merciless to enemies, but with women he is gallant and charming. Aquarius was not mistaken in her choice: now all her days will be filled with his sun. She needs warmth so much - almost more than the patronage of this regal man. A little advice to everyone who wants to become an object of adoration for an Aquarius girl: if she is sad, hug her, stroke her hair and whisper in her ear "do not worry, I'm with you." Perhaps this gesture will not seem like a serious event to you, but she will immediately cease to feel like a child lost in the night forest. She already sees in you the Defender, the hero of her dreams - and all that remains for you is to justify the trust that is written in her wide-open clean eyes.

Now you understand why it is better if Leo becomes the chosen one of Aquarius? He will not only be able to provide her with a comfortable, carefree and relatively calm existence, but he will also be wise enough not to try to drive her into the framework of “normality”. Leo does not give out such primitive assessments as “normal” and “abnormal” at all. Maybe he'll even take part in some of her follies if he finds them curious - but he certainly won't ban anything for no particular reason. They have fun together: they can attend parties, travel, give each other unexpected gifts. The oppression of the routine of life will certainly not touch them. I would like to think so. Because routine and boredom are detrimental to both one and the other sign.

But Leo must be clearly aware that he is fully responsible for his woman. He will always have to think for two. He will have more responsibilities than her - however, rights too. The only thing he can never do is part with his eccentric. Because she looks at him with that same selfless trust, from which Leo feels twice, three times stronger, more powerful and more courageous than he really is. Telling her one day “you are free” is like leaving a child in the forest at night. She does not need ephemeral freedom, she needs a Protector. If Aquarians are constant in anything, it is in the need to be loved - and, of course, to love in return. Albeit in their own unusual manner, in which they do everything, no matter what they undertake.

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Compatibility Aquarius (female) - Leo (male)

The basis of this union should be the conscious patience and restraint of both partners. Aquarius and Leo are opposite signs and can complement each other wonderfully if they don't run out of patience before they find a common language.

Aquarius-Leo compatibility: how to seduce a Leo man?

The Leo man is proud, loves to shine and wants to see the most beautiful woman in the world. If Aquarius manages to find a balance between extravagance and social conventions, then she becomes charming: elegant, unusual, with a "zest". She needs to pay increased attention to her appearance: the charm that she is endowed with by nature will not save her from failure in the eyes of Leo if he perceives her as an eccentric. But the style of a woman with charm available to her will attract his attention. Some of the character traits of the Aquarius woman will also be attractive to Leo. This is her kindness and sincerity. The lion himself is generous, does not tolerate petty, noble and will not accept a selfish and unfriendly woman nearby. Aquarius has a generous soul, which is a big plus. It’s not bad if Aquarius directs the ability to be keenly interested in people to Leo himself - he is not indifferent to the attention of others. And finally, common interests play an important role. If the Aquarius woman and the Leo man have a significant business for both, it will be easier for them to find a common language.

What does an ideal couple look like: an Aquarius woman - a Leo man?

A couple of Aquarius women and Leo men can always be found at public events. They are active public life, paying especially much attention to charity: Leo - to get a share of recognition and admiration, Aquarius - because he feels in his element, improving the world together with like-minded people. They are also interested in other social events, and they themselves are the hosts of holidays and parties with great pleasure. Leo gives the idea brilliance and luxury, and he himself reigns in the circle of invitees, and Aquarius knows how to find a “zest” that makes their events original and original. Even non-public simple people This couple knows how to be in the center of crowded events. The Aquarius woman, in alliance with Leo, receives the support of a person who is able to take responsibility for himself and for her. In return, she gives Leo sincerity and kindness. Leo appreciates this, because he suspects (and often rightly) that he is mostly surrounded by flatterers and sycophants.

What are the difficulties in the union of the Aquarius woman and the Leo man?

It will be very difficult for the Aquarius woman when she encounters the hypocrisy of Leo, more precisely, with that trait of him that she perceives as hypocrisy. Aquarius is open to all soul and behaves naturally. But the Leo man, who raged a minute ago during a domestic scandal, as if nothing had happened, will smile at the guests who came by chance. For Aquarius, this behavior is unpleasant, she considers him two-faced. But it is unlikely that she will explain this to Leo. He has his own opinion on this matter: hiding his mood for him is a commendable habit of saving face and not dedicating others to things where he did not look very beautiful (and losing his temper, in Leo's opinion, is ugly and shameful). A naive Aquarius woman may at first assume that Leo is smiling because the conflict has been settled. But as soon as the guests go out the door, how Bad mood will return to him. This behavior is extremely annoying Aquarius. In retaliation, she will use the weapon that she owns perfectly: she will move away from Leo, begin to demonstrate inner freedom, and ignore his bad mood. This will lead to a new round of quarrel, because Leo does not forgive when he is not noticed.

Before you get offended by a two-faced Leo, remember well: Have you ever gotten into an unpleasant situation just because you could not hide your true feelings? Did you get? Well, if you didn't like it and you want to change yourself, then you have before your eyes an example of a different behavior. And if you think that misunderstandings with others from time to time are better than hypocritical behavior, just agree that the other person has his own opinion on this and he is going through awkward situations harder than you. In both cases, there is no need to blame Leo and get annoyed with him. But there is no need to pretend like nothing is happening. Both Aquarius and Leo belong to the signs of the fixed cross - the biggest stubborn zodiac. Aquarius must re-stubborn Leo and teach him to solve the problem in the "here and now" style, and not keep a stone in his bosom. Leo can withdraw into himself, move away from the conversation, douse him with icy cold - but Aquarius will be able to find an unusual approach to him and teach Leo to resolve conflicts faster.

Aquarius woman and Leo man compatibility at work

Both of these signs are stubborn and persistent, and Aquarius is also clairvoyant to the level of clairvoyance and gushing with ideas, and Leo is a leader and creative person. Can't they work? Unfortunately, they can - in uninteresting, boring, monotonous jobs. In all other cases, they find a common language well and show high professional results.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Leo man - colleagues or partners

If they like the job, they work with full dedication. They need to avoid only one thing: the attempts of Leo, even in an equal position, to seize informal power and command Aquarius. In this case, a conflict is possible, up to a complete break. business relations.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss, and the Leo man is the subordinate

Leo is not a very good subordinate. He is diligent, because it is bad to work below his dignity, but he is proud, proud and loves to be in the spotlight. In any case, he will try to make a career. Fortunately, the Aquarius woman is so democratic in leadership that Leo doesn't feel any pressure. She is one of the few people he works well with in the subordinate stage of his career.

When the Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and the Leo man is the boss

The Leo man is the best boss you can imagine: strong, condescending to the weak, confident. Teams under the leadership of the Lions thrive. But not Aquarius! They have a hard time with control, and Leo loves to patronize. Aquarius's attempts to get out of control are perceived as a violation of the working regime and optional, and soon enough Aquarius begins to look for a new job.

Aquarius Woman and Leo Man Compatibility in Friendship

Aquarius woman and Leo man are great friends. Let them have disagreements on many issues, but the same activity, interest in what is happening around, sociability, extroversion allow them to get along well. The Aquarius woman is unusually attentive to her friends, and Leo loves to be treated with attention and interest. In response, he is ready to support Aquarius with his reputation, experience and connections where she recklessly sees no danger. Partners of these signs should be afraid of betrayal. The Aquarius woman is not particularly interested in romance outside of the main relationship, but Leo is able to get carried away by the romantic and unpredictable Aquarius woman.

Aquarius woman and Leo man

When talking about the compatibility of people born under the signs of the Zodiac Leo and Aquarius, the expression "opposites attract" comes to mind.

They can be easily fascinated with each other and, at the same time, it is quite difficult for them to be together. Leo and Aquarius are the fifth and eleventh signs and are quite far apart in the zodiac system. No wonder they have very little in common.

She must be careful not to hurt his ego, and he must avoid trying to control her unstable personality. It is believed that the compatibility in love of these zodiac signs is insignificant. Let's try to figure it out.

He and she

The Leo man is full of energy, persistent, noble and rather affectionate. He is also generous, considerate, cautious, immodest. And although he is not cruel, he never retreats in a dispute, he always strives for victory. He is the king of the castle, and is looking for an adoring queen who will admire him.

The Aquarius woman is a soft, talkative, modest and unstable lady with a friendly and kind disposition. She is a bit careless and a big dreamer. Her calm and peaceful nature makes her think of her as a very quiet and obedient girl. However, she is very prone to tears and emotions.

In a relationship, an Aquarius woman loves to be comforted by her beloved. She cares little about the opinion of her man, but if he supports her, she will prove to be a great helper and best friend.

Union of Fire and Air?

A cold and calm Aquarius woman attracts a hot Leo. But he longs for love, cordiality, but she remains somewhat aloof. Because of this, most quarrels arise between them, compatibility decreases.

As an air sign of the zodiac, the Aquarius woman is alive and full of ideas. Leo man, in turn it is fire sign which delights her.

Their witty conversations are exciting, they challenge each other. He loves his unique look on the world, and she appreciates her strength of character.

The precious gift of unconditional love comes into the relationship between a Leo man and an Aquarius woman when they want to be together.

Love relieves Leo of uncertainty, gives strength to understand the desires of his beloved Aquarius, to give her freedom. And she begins to understand the needs of her partner Leo and becomes gentle, expressive, showing her love, devoting more time to him.

Not only do they feel physical attraction, but they also admire and respect each other's personalities. Leo knows how to bring warmth into her life, and she knows how to make life more interesting and full of adventure.

Wherever the couple is, they are happy everywhere! Whether it's a green meadow snowy mountains, sea or beach, they will always find some romantic moment and interesting activities to save their relationship. And the music of love plays for them! So how can you say that these signs are incompatible?

Leo and Aquarius is one of the sweetest unions among all the signs of the zodiac. They are able to solve almost all issues in bed, where the partner becomes not an adversary, but an assistant, ready to surrender to her man.

Their bond is extremely strong, being a mixture of mental, emotional and physical passion. Their love is romantic, where souls and bodies merge together.

Although Aquarius is a dreamy woman, but as soon as she falls into the arms of an emotional passionate Leo, all their differences disappear. The Aquarius woman warms up with the Leo man, bringing out the best of her qualities.

Causes of disagreement and solutions

The main obstacle to compatibility between Leo and Aquarius is their different understanding of love. For Leo, love is a great passion, full of extravagance.

For Aquarius, this is more of an intellectual communication, where they can exchange ideas, get new experience. While Leo expects and is ready to offer complete dependence and loyalty to a partner, Aquarius protects personal freedom.

The source of this difference may be their different ruling elements. Leo is a fire sign which makes it hot passionate lover, he is capable of a deep connection with his partner. Aquarius is ruled by air, she is prone to romantic feelings and emotional detachment.

This aspect can be a stumbling block in the Leo-Aquarius partnership, and the only way to overcome this is to treat each other with greater understanding.

There are other compatibility barriers for these zodiac signs. They are both stubborn, which adds to the tension in the relationship.

  • She is annoyed by his arrogance.
  • He tends to pout when he doesn't get the attention he deserves.

The Leo man can teach the Aquarius woman self-control. And she, in turn, show him that he shouldn't be so proud of himself.

An Aquarius woman who has many friends of both sexes must be careful not to upset the Leo man. He needs constant affection, and if he does not receive it, he becomes simply unhappy. They need more patience for the relationship to develop.

What will strengthen the relationship?

In the end, one can draw strength from mutual respect for each other's abilities:

  • Leo recognizes the intellectual prowess of his Aquarius girlfriend and appreciates her ability to foresee the future.
  • Actually the lion is like fiery zodiac sign, he is able to become the inspirer of significant projects and ideas.
  • On the other hand, the discerning mind of Aquarius will recognize leadership skills my boyfriend Leo.
  • She may even ask for his support to turn her ideas into reality. Thus, they complement each other perfectly.
  • Their relationship can refresh and motivate travel, common projects and other things they do together.

Compatibility of the Aquarius-Leo pair according to the Zodiac is quite possible. But it takes a lot of work from each partner to be successful in a relationship. If she stocks up on patience, and he learns to listen, they will be a brilliant couple.

Leo Man and Aquarius Woman - Compatibility

The compatibility of the Leo man and the Aquarius woman is such that in such love union there are quite a few difficulties and obstacles, but they are surmountable. And in order to overcome them, it is necessary that both in this pair show wisdom and exceptional patience towards their partner. Leo and Aquarius - very various signs of the zodiac, and from this point of view they can perfectly complement the bad and good qualities each other. But for this, again, it is necessary that they manage to maintain restraint, and endure until the moment when mutual understanding and trust is formed in their love union.

The Leo man is a business executive, and it is difficult for him to accept the fact that his Aquarius woman is not a homebody, and is unlikely to spend the days of her life at the stove, and do only household chores. For him, this is of course a very negative point, but unfortunately he is unlikely to be able to force his woman to act differently, and even if he succeeds, she will be extremely unhappy, and accordingly this mood will be transmitted to her husband.

The relationship of this couple usually does not begin with passionate feelings and confessions, and the Leo man and Aquarius woman usually do not show any excessive emotions at the first meetings, and do not burn with passion for each other. This couple is not about “love at first sight”, since the feelings of both partners in such a relationship grow gradually, step by step, lining up into a clear picture. And they part, if the relationship still does not work out, also with a creak, and not suddenly. Both must realize a lot in order to make a decision.

Lapping to each other Leo and Aquarius can last for a long time, and to call these relations very simple - just the language does not turn. The Leo man is a bundle of energy, and can do great things at work or in his career. The Aquarius woman is always mysterious and unpredictable, and what to expect from her is always incomprehensible. Therefore, you should not expect a quiet and peaceful union from this couple, but dreams, unusual adventures, fantasies, and diversity - in their personal lives will be more than enough.

In many ways, this couple will also be kept intimate relationship because they are top notch. In bed, these two seem to dissolve into each other, and all the contradictions between Leo and Aquarius seem to disappear without a trace. Sometimes it seems to both of them that it would be better if they didn’t get out of bed at all, because when they get out, difficulties and showdowns immediately begin.

Positive Compatibility Leo Man and Aquarius Woman

The ideal union of the Leo man and the Aquarius woman is the union in which each of this couple receives satisfaction of their basic needs. The Leo man can really appreciate the Aquarius woman for her kind and open disposition, for the fact that she always behaves sincerely with him, and does not seek to flatter - but says what she thinks.

He really likes it, although sometimes it hurts. The Aquarius woman sees support and strength in Leo, she feels in him the masculinity and protection she needs. She can safely shift all responsibility for family affairs to Leo, and be 1000% sure of him.

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These two - Leo man and Aquarius woman, quite often attend various cultural and public events and events. Both do not recognize laziness and boredom, and strive for an active life position, and, accordingly, to the expenditure of energy in public life. When this couple does charity work, or community service- then the Leo man enjoys this, since it is important for him to be admired and recognized for his positive qualities, and the Aquarius woman gets high from communicating with large quantity new people, and improves the world around.

Leo and Aquarius sometimes like to organize an event themselves, and usually organize everything so that it is a very luxurious and vibrant event. At the same time, the Aquarius woman is able to bring a bit of originality to such an event by doing something unusual and extraordinary, which will greatly surprise the guests and visitors of the event.

Negative Compatibility Leo Man and Aquarius Woman

The difficulty of the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Leo and Aquarius lies in the area of ​​the fact that sometimes the Leo man behaves too self-confidently, admiring himself and his behavior, and the Aquarius woman may well decide that this is banal hypocrisy, and it will disgust her very much. Since the second nature of the Aquarius woman is sincerity, openness and naturalness, all this is very unpleasant for her, and she will definitely express her displeasure. After all, when she feels bad and or doesn’t like something, she talks about it openly.

The Leo man always tries to keep his face in society, his status and his social position and reputation are important to him. At the same time, of course, when there will be serious problems and difficulties, and in his soul, as they say, will “cross the cats” - then he will still remain with a smile on his face, and will not show what is happening inside him. For an Aquarius woman, this is strange, and it repels her - she considers such behavior to be false.

Moreover, if this couple starts to sort things out on this matter, it will turn out that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to come to an agreement. The Aquarius woman will accuse the Leo man of duplicity and hypocrisy, and he will tell her that you can’t openly show your emotions in public, and this entails a loss of reputation and status. He believes that it is better to remain silent with guests or in society - and then find out everything alone with his chosen one. As a result, such conversations will always come to conflicts and deadlocks.

Unfortunately, if here both will not come to terms with the behavior of their partner, serious difficulties may arise. The Aquarius woman can begin to take revenge on Leo for his behavior, becoming cold, and even to a certain extent squeamish towards him, and in response he can flare up and start getting excited. After all, when they keep a distance with a Leo man, it hurts his pride - and this is the biggest tragedy for Leo. He cannot stand being disregarded, and will not forgive such things under any circumstances.

Horoscope Leo-Aquarius - well-being of the union

The compatibility of Leo and Aquarius is such that in order to achieve prosperity and harmony in such a love union, the Aquarius woman needs to restrain her grievances against the Leo man and try to accept the lifestyle that he leads and his temperament. If she considers that he wears a mask all the time, she may begin to remember the moment when her excessive manifestation of feelings led to very awkward events, and she was ashamed after that. Perhaps this will help to be more tolerant of Leo, and his habits of character, and not try to remake him in his own manner. Yes, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to convince and change Leo here, because he is very proud, wayward, and power-hungry. With Leo, only affection, love, and female cunning can help.

If the Aquarius woman has enough wisdom and ingenuity, she may well find the key to Leo's heart and conquer him - or rather, he himself will bow to her over time, but this requires patience and the ability to find a common language with him. But it will pay off handsomely - in this case, the love of this couple can bloom, and happiness and harmony will be an unacceptable component of your every day.

How an Aquarius woman will interest a Leo man and attract him

The Leo guy can be conquered by the Aquarius girl if this couple finds common goals and aspirations. In this case, it is much easier to establish mutual understanding in this union, and build relationships that will grow every day. Since Leo is vain, and loves to be given undivided attention, it is better for the Aquarius woman to direct all her focus of attention to him. She is an excellent conversationalist, and can make it clear to the person with whom she communicates that he is the only one in the whole world, and she is only interested in him. And with Leo, this is not just necessary to do, it is necessary - so that he feels next to Aquarius in seventh heaven.

In order to arouse the genuine and undivided interest of the bright Leo man, you also need to remember his desire to always maintain status and reputation in society. Therefore, he really appreciates when a beautiful well-groomed woman is next to him. If Leo sees that you support his status as a man in society, he will be devoted to you. But if a woman is sloppy, does not look after her beauty and appearance, and, according to Leo, “shames” him in front of other people - he will not endure such a long time.

It is important to note that since the Aquarius woman is a very creative and extraordinary person, it is difficult for her to strike a balance between extravagance and elegance. Sometimes she will look very strange and even defiant to others, and this will be very disturbing to Leo. Aquarius needs to think very seriously about her behavior and beauty in society, but if she makes certain efforts in this direction, then everything can work out. in the best way, Leo-man will be simply subdued by his chosen one, and will consider her an ideal match for himself.

Friendly Compatibility Leo Man and Aquarius Woman

The friendship between the Leo man and the Aquarius woman is always very strong and reliable, these two find a common language with each other very well, and are friends with great joy. Sometimes, of course, they also have quarrels and conflicts, and disagreements will certainly meet on their way, since both in this pair are very energetic and active, but all this can be overcome.

In this friendly union, the Leo man receives his share of attention to his own person, and is satisfied with the way Aquarius treats him. The same, in turn, finds in him strong man and great support in any life situations. He can help her both with advice and practical actions. Often Leo can also help with their status in society, connections or reputation.

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense. It is very desirable to find out the exact compatibility of your zodiac sign with the sign of a man. This can be done by clicking on the button below:

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The friendship of this couple may well turn into a romance, and the Leo man and Aquarius woman will quickly begin to fall in love. These signs are set up for a long-term relationship, so this can very well lead to the fact that Leo will make an offer, and formed real family.

Work and career - how compatible are Leo and Aquarius?

The Leo man and Aquarius woman are a great working pairing that can show that they are capable of great accomplishments together. It essentially depends on only one, but the main factor - whether the work will inspire and delight them, or it will be boring for them. If this couple likes the work, then they will achieve almost everything they dream of. Both have all the qualities to come to great results: confidence, perseverance, stubbornness. The Leo man is the undoubted leader in this working bunch, and he will set the tone and act as a locomotive, while the Aquarius woman will generate new ideas and show her remarkable intuition, predicting the development of events.

In any case, this couple is very successful in work and business, and if the stars align, they will work to the limit of their strength - and will achieve their goals very quickly. Leo and Aquarius are able to take the biggest peaks together.

If you want to be with your beloved man, you need to figure out if you are compatible according to your zodiac sign? How to understand that she is in love

According to the compatibility of Aquarius women and Leo men, there are many contradictions in their family union, and so that family life lasted happily ever after, they both need to exercise conscious patience and restraint. Aquarius and Leo are opposite signs and therefore can complement each other perfectly, of course, if they do not run out of patience before they can find a common language. It is difficult for a Leo man to come to terms with the fact that he does housework.

The relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Leo man rarely starts with “love at first sight.” Both partners need time for feelings to mature, but these relationships do not end immediately suddenly. The period of courtship in this couple can also be delayed, but, despite the fact that the partners have already managed to somehow get used to each other, their relationship cannot be called simple.

The Leo man is very energetic, and the Aquarius woman is very unpredictable, so they will not have a quiet family haven. There are always a lot of lively, bright, unusual and amazing feelings in these relationships. Also in this union there are a lot of fantasies and tricks, cunning and humor, original intimate fun. By the way, partners manage to solve many problems in bed. Under a common blanket, many contradictions simply disappear. A strong bodily attraction over time smoothes sharp corners in views and opinions, in convictions and worldviews, in temperament and in characters.

Compatibility Aquarius woman - Leo man - PLUSES

In an ideal pair of Aquarius women and Leo men, each partner finds what he was looking for. support and can calmly give him all the responsibility, even for his life. And the Leo man appreciates the Aquarius woman for her sincerity and kindness, as he feels that there are a lot of flatterers in his life.

The ideal pair of Aquarius woman and Leo man often attends public events. Both love an active social life and charity work. Being engaged in charity, sponsorship, the Leo man receives his share of recognition and admiration, and the Aquarius woman enjoys simply improving her world. Also, the compatibility pair Aquarius-Leo herself likes to arrange various events. The Leo man enjoys his royalty, strives to give everything shine and luxury. And the Aquarius woman is able to make sure that each event is original and original, having its own “zest”.

Compatibility female Aquarius - male Leo - MINUSES

The main problem of the compatibility of the Aquarius and Leo zodiac signs is that the Aquarius woman perceives the behavior of the Leo man as hypocritical. The Aquarius woman is used to behaving naturally and openly. If she is in a bad mood, then she does not hide it from others. And "your face". Therefore, if guests suddenly appeared during a quarrel, he will be cheerful and cheerful, as if nothing had happened, despite the fact that a volcano raged in him a minute ago. The Aquarius woman is uncomfortable with this behavior and she considers it two-faced. She will not succeed in explaining this to the Leo man, since he has a clear position on this matter: it is shameful and ugly to lose your temper in front of people, and besides, you should not devote others to your seed affairs. The Aquarius woman is naive, and at first she may consider that the scandal is over, since the Leo man smiles. But, no matter how, as soon as the guests leave the house, Leo will “roar” again and the bad mood will return to him.

The Aquarius woman is very annoyed by this behavior. In order to take revenge on the Leo man, she will show coldness towards him, create a distance and ignore his bad mood in every possible way. Her behavior will only complicate the situation, and the “fire” may break out from new force. The Leo man does not forgive when he is not noticed.

Horoscope Aquarius-Leo - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Leo, in order for their family to have harmony, first of all, the Aquarius woman needs to learn not to be offended by the Leo man. If you really consider him two-faced, then remember how many times you got into an awkward position just because you could not restrain your feelings? Surely you did not like your behavior, and you would like to change. So, . In addition, the opinion of each person must be respected. If the Leo man thinks that he is doing the right thing, do not try to convince him. After all, it is probably more important for you to be happy, and not right.

How can an Aquarius woman conquer a Leo man?

To make it easier for the Aquarius girl to conquer the Leo guy, she should find common interests with him. Then it will be easier for you to find mutual understanding. It will be good if the Aquarius woman directs her ability to be keenly interested in people to the Leo man himself. He likes to be the center of attention.

Also, if you decide to win such a bright man, then you should remember that he is very proud, loves to shine and he just needs to see next to him the same beautiful woman as himself. The Aquarius woman needs to pay more attention to her appearance. She is naturally endowed with charm, but this will not save her if she looks like an eccentric in society. The Aquarius woman needs to find a balance between extravagance and social conventions. Then she will be able to become charming, elegant, "with a twist", and the Leo man will be subdued.

Also, such character traits of the Aquarius woman as kindness, sincerity and generosity will be very attractive to the Leo man. He himself likes to show generosity and does not tolerate penny. And his nobility will not allow him to be close to a selfish and unfriendly woman.

Aquarius Woman and Leo Man Compatibility in Friendship

The Aquarius woman and the Leo man are almost always great friends. Yes, they have many disagreements, but since both are active, extroverted, sociable and show a sincere interest in what is happening around, these differences seem not so significant. The Aquarius woman knows how to show attention to her friends, and the Leo man is a cent when he is treated with attention and interest. And the Aquarius woman, in turn, receives support and connections from the Leo man. He helps her a lot with advice, experience and his reputation.

A romance can begin between an Aquarius woman and a Leo man, so half of these signs should be on your guard. The Aquarius woman loves a permanent relationship and she is not interested in novels, but she will not be able to resist the onslaught of the Leo man if he is carried away by the romantic and unpredictable Aquarius woman.

Compatibility of Aquarius Woman and Leo Man in Business

The Aquarius woman and the Leo man can work well together and show stunning results, but only if their work is not boring and monotonous. Both the Aquarius woman and the Leo man are both stubborn and persistent in achieving goals. The Aquarius woman has the ability to see the situation literally through and through, and ideas pour out of her like from a cornucopia. And the Leo man is a leader and a creative person.

When an Aquarius woman and a Leo man are colleagues or partners, this union can be very successful. But, the Leo man should avoid trying to command the Aquarius woman and show her informal power. If this can be avoided, then the business union will bear good fruit. Both partners are able to work with full dedication.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss, and the Leo man is the subordinate, the balance of power is not bad. The Leo man does not like to be in the swarms of a subordinate, and sooner or later he will make a career. But, the Aquarius woman is one of the few bosses with whom the Leo man can work together. The Aquarius woman in the role of boss is very democratic and does not exert any pressure on her subordinates. And the Leo man is diligent, proud, proud and does a good job so working badly is below his dignity.

When the Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and the Leo man is the boss, such an alliance will not last long. The Leo man is a born boss, and almost everyone likes to work under his leadership. He is strong, condescending to the weak, confident and bold. Wherever a male Leo is the boss, business flourishes. But, the Aquarius woman is difficult with him. In addition, he likes to patronize and control the process. And the Aquarius woman cannot stand to be controlled by her work. She tries to avoid this, which is perceived by the Leo boss as a violation of work discipline and optionality.

When talking about the compatibility of people born under the signs of the Zodiac Leo and Aquarius, the expression "opposites attract" comes to mind.

They can be easily fascinated with each other and, at the same time, it is quite difficult for them to be together. Leo and Aquarius are the fifth and eleventh signs and are quite far apart in the zodiac system. No wonder they have very little in common.

She must be careful not to hurt his ego, and he must avoid trying to control her unstable personality. It is believed that the compatibility in love of these zodiac signs is insignificant. Let's try to figure it out.

He and she

The Leo man is full of energy, persistent, noble and rather affectionate. He is also generous, considerate, cautious, immodest. And although he is not cruel, he never retreats in a dispute, he always strives for victory. He is the king of the castle, and is looking for an adoring queen who will admire him.

The Aquarius woman is a soft, talkative, modest and unstable lady with a friendly and kind disposition. She is a bit careless and a big dreamer. Her calm and peaceful nature makes her think of her as a very quiet and obedient girl. However, she is very prone to tears and emotions.

In a relationship, an Aquarius woman loves to be comforted by her beloved. She cares little about the opinion of her man, but if he supports her, she will prove to be a great helper and best friend.

Union of Fire and Air?

A cold and calm Aquarius woman attracts a hot Leo. But he longs for love, cordiality, but she remains somewhat aloof. Because of this, most quarrels arise between them, compatibility decreases.

As an air sign of the zodiac, the Aquarius woman is alive and full of ideas. Leo man, in turn, is a fiery sign that admires her.

Their witty conversations are exciting, they challenge each other. He adores his unique view of the world, and she appreciates her strength of character.

The precious gift of unconditional love comes into the relationship between a Leo man and an Aquarius woman when they want to be together.

Love relieves Leo of uncertainty, gives strength to understand the desires of his beloved Aquarius, to give her freedom. And she begins to understand the needs of her partner Leo and becomes gentle, expressive, showing her love, devoting more time to him.

Not only do they feel physical attraction, but they also admire and respect each other's personalities. Leo knows how to bring warmth into her life, and she knows how to make life more interesting and full of adventure.

Wherever the couple is, they are happy everywhere! Whether it's a green meadow, snowy mountains, sea or beach, they will always find some romantic moment and interesting activities to keep their relationship going. And the music of love plays for them! So how can you say that these signs are incompatible?

Leo and Aquarius is one of the sweetest unions among all the signs of the zodiac. They are able to solve almost all issues in bed, where the partner becomes not an adversary, but an assistant, ready to surrender to her man.

Their bond is extremely strong, being a mixture of mental, emotional and physical passion. Their love is romantic, where souls and bodies merge together.

Although Aquarius is a dreamy woman, but as soon as she falls into the arms of an emotional passionate Leo, all their differences disappear. The Aquarius woman warms up with the Leo man, bringing out the best of her qualities.

Causes of disagreement and solutions

The main obstacle to compatibility between Leo and Aquarius is their different understanding of love. For Leo, love is a great passion, full of extravagance.

For Aquarius, this is more of an intellectual communication, where they can exchange ideas, gain new experience. While Leo expects and is ready to offer complete dependence and loyalty to a partner, Aquarius protects personal freedom.

The source of this difference may be their different ruling elements. Leo is a fire sign, which makes him a hot, passionate lover, capable of deep bonding with his partner. Aquarius is ruled by air, she is prone to romantic feelings and emotional detachment.

This aspect can be a stumbling block in the Leo-Aquarius partnership, and the only way to overcome this is to be more understanding with each other.

There are other compatibility barriers for these zodiac signs. They are both stubborn, which adds to the tension in the relationship.

  • She is annoyed by his arrogance.
  • He tends to pout when he doesn't get the attention he deserves.

The Leo man can teach the Aquarius woman self-control. And she, in turn, show him that he shouldn't be so proud of himself.

An Aquarius woman who has many friends of both sexes must be careful not to upset the Leo man. He needs constant affection, and if he does not receive it, he becomes simply unhappy. They need more patience for the relationship to develop.

What will strengthen the relationship?

In the end, one can draw strength from mutual respect for each other's abilities:

  • Leo recognizes the intellectual prowess of his Aquarius girlfriend and appreciates her ability to foresee the future.
  • In fact, Leo, as a fiery zodiac sign, is himself able to become the inspirer of significant projects and ideas.
  • On the other hand, the shrewd mind of Aquarius will recognize the leadership qualities of their Leo boyfriend.
  • She may even ask for his support to turn her ideas into reality. Thus, they complement each other perfectly.
  • Their relationship can be refreshing and motivating for travel, shared projects, and other things they do together.

Compatibility of the Aquarius-Leo pair according to the Zodiac is quite possible. But it takes a lot of work from each partner to be successful in a relationship. If she stocks up on patience, and he learns to listen, they will be a brilliant couple. Author: Svetlana Prus

Maria Svetlaya

Representatives of both signs are bright and outstanding personalities. Just as air, which is the element of Aquarius, can feed the flame, to which Leo belongs, so in this pair, a man and a woman can complement each other. From the outside it seems that they are very similar, but this is only externally. Both are swift, sociable, always ready to rush to help. But due to the difference in life principles and habits, it is very difficult to guarantee a successful relationship. Here it is likely happy marriage, and a short but stormy romance.

These signs attract each other like a magnet.

But as soon as they are at arm's length, not only passion begins to flare up between them, but also a whole heap of mutual discontent.

Compatibility table Lviv and Aquarius

Compatibility Leo Man and Aquarius Woman: Pros and Cons in a Relationship

If both signs make enough effort, they have a great chance to build a harmonious relationship, where each partner complements each other. The Aquarius woman will receive support and protection from a strong Leo, and in return she will give sincerity and warmth of relationships that the king of beasts appreciates so much. Such a couple feels comfortable at social events, and often they themselves are their organizers. The sociable and charming Leo easily becomes the soul of the company, and the creative Aquarius knows how to make any event unusual and memorable.

But there are also problems. These signs are considered among the most stubborn throughout the zodiac. Therefore, it will be very difficult to convince each other of anything. Here, a woman will often have to show softness and in a roundabout way turn a man in the direction she needs.

And therefore, if guests come to the house of this couple at the height of a quarrel, it will be difficult for them to keep emotions in themselves. But Leo, in order not to fall face down in the dirt, will keep a mask of cordiality. And this can deceive the lady, who considers the conflict resolved. But the mask will last exactly until the door is closed behind the guests. Aquarius, with her directness, these attempts to keep a face will be considered hypocrisy. But, perhaps, the air sign also has something to learn from the fiery Leo ...

Are they compatible in love?

With respect and mutual interest, Leo and Aquarius will make a wonderful couple. Leo will be pleasantly surprised and touched by immediacy and warmth air sign, her sincerity and friendliness. For these qualities of her, the loving king of beasts will give her a feeling of a reliable shoulder, protection and tenderness. Despite the shortcomings of the Leo man, the Aquarius woman is ready to accept them, because for her his undeniable advantages are much more significant - generosity, the ability to accept responsibility, the desire to develop for the sake of people close to him.

When a Leo feels needed and loved, it motivates him to bring out his best qualities.

Leo guy and Aquarius girl in sex

In bed, this couple is simply made for each other. Especially vivid erotic experiences are obtained with Fire and Air after high-profile scandals. The intensity of emotions that rose during a quarrel spills out into passionate intimate games. And than stronger scandal- the brighter the sparks. Therefore, it is not always clear what caused the disagreement: a thirst for further reconciliation in bed or a real clash of opinions. The sexual attraction between Leo and Aquarius is felt already in the first moments of their acquaintance. Therefore, it is not surprising that they do not delay getting to know each other intimately. The Aquarius girl is always ready for experiments, and her Leo partner is only too happy to embody her desires and support her in the most immodest fantasies.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

Husband Leo and wife Aquarius a prime example Marriage is about continuous improvement and learning. In these relationships, each of the partners will constantly learn: to feel the spouse more deeply, to change himself for the better. For example, an Aquarius girl will work on self-control so as not to hurt a touchy Leo with her emotional outbursts. At the same time, she can become a support and inspiration for a fire sign. After all, it is the air that can make the fire burn brighter.

With such a wife, the imposing and ambitious Leo will be able to achieve high altitudes and get the most flattering reviews of your career

In the early days of marriage, quarrels will be frequent. But years later, having studied the habits, feelings and desires of a partner, this couple, like wine, will become better. Over time, both will learn to resolve any differences peacefully, without offending each other. Lies on Leo financial security his "pride", and Aquarius takes on all the worries of motherhood. Although Leo will periodically participate in the educational process with pleasure.

Is there friendship if he is Leo and she is Aquarius?

Combination common features- communication skills social activity, interest in the world around - makes the friendship of such people strong and trusting. Even if Leo and Aquarius often have different opinions on a variety of issues, this does not prevent them from spending time together pleasantly and usefully. Aquarians are always attentive to their friends, and Lions, like no one else, appreciate attention. And as for the emergence of less platonic feelings, it is the fire sign that can ignite romantic feelings. Aquarius women are much less interested in intrigues on the side.

How to win a Leo man?

How to win a Leo man and build a relationship with him? This question will disturb almost every representative of the fair sex, who will be in close proximity to the gallant and bright representative fire element. It will be easy to get his attention. But in order to keep Leo close, you need to be an extraordinary person yourself, as well as have beauty, sophistication of manners and intelligence.

The Aquarius woman needs to find that very golden mean between some extravagance and observance of the rules of society.

But here's what Leo will appreciate without a doubt - the sincerity, directness and honesty of the air sign. And if a woman can generously bestow her attention on this slightly self-centered big cat, then she has every chance of success.

How to get the attention of an Aquarius woman?

She is all so mysterious and unusual ... What is going on in her head? Is it possible to fall in love with an Aquarius woman? This air sign loves freedom, and it is worth remembering this when trying to start a relationship with its representative. If a man is ready to give a woman the right to personal space, she will be with him. At the same time, Aquarians are very faithful, so there is nothing to worry about for the chosen one. A woman of this sign herself will not limit her beloved in communication and torment her with jealousy. But if she finds out that a man is cheating on her, she will suffer and will not be able to forget this representation for a very long time. Aquarians value sincerity, loyalty, honesty and integrity of character in a partner. Only with an already formed and established personality can such a woman live in harmony.

This is a sign of will. And if Aquarius realizes that the relationship has exhausted itself, she will not weave intrigues, but will openly end this once and for all.

Compatibility Horoscope for Leo Woman and Aquarius Man

Lioness and Aquarius if they reach formalization relationships, divorce is decided in very rare cases. If they have already created a family, this means that both feel a kindred spirit in a partner. But since a lot of roughness remains in such a pair, for grinding and peaceful coexistence, they often have to make a lot of effort on both sides.

Love relationship

This original pair always stands out from the crowd. A special atmosphere hovers around them, which often causes the envy of others. If Leo and Aquarius decide to be together, there is little that can stop them. Both will be surprised by the strong mutual attraction. A lioness usually chooses a more predictable type of man, and Aquarians do not often receive attention from such unusual and flamboyant women.

The romance between these two can start quickly. And although Aquarians do not show their feelings so much, the Lioness is able to feel a sincere attitude towards her and deep affection. But Aquarius will be able to amaze and charm the representative of the fiery verse with his creative and original courtship and gifts. They are both always surrounded by people: Lioness with his fans, and Aquarius with his friends. But the first understands how faithful the man is to her, and he, in turn, appreciates her freedom and does not limit her, in return receiving the devotion of this big cat.

couple sexual attraction

What awaits a couple in bed if he is Aquarius and she is Leo? In such a couple, the transition to intimacy can occur quite quickly after the start of the novel. The lioness will appreciate the ingenuity of the air sign, which will add spice to their everyday life every time. And Aquarius will be subdued by the open passion and strength of this woman. In bed, their compatibility is very high, which can be the basis for a long and pleasant relationship.

For such a couple, sex in the most unexpected places will be a refreshing variety and a spicy condiment.


Will something worthwhile come out if the husband and wife belong to completely different elements? Of course, it will come out if both are set for a strong union. If the representatives of these so different signs have decided that they are the fate for each other, then they have every chance for a long and happy marriage.

It is very important that Lioness and Aquarius are able to learn from each other all the time, adopting the most best features. For example, over time, the Lioness will become calmer to perceive criticism addressed to her, learn to honestly admit own mistakes and be less susceptible to flattering speeches. Aquarius, in turn, will learn to generously bestow warmth and love on his soul mate, will become more serious about his promises and words. Even if both cannot fully comprehend the nature and views of the partner, this will only add zest to their relationship. Their dissimilarity will allow year after year, spent together, to discover something new and interesting in a partner.

Over time, the Lioness will become calmer to accept criticism.

Their skills and abilities, directed in a single direction, can become a solid foundation for a family business. Aquarius has the ability to generate good ideas, and the Lioness has the ability to implement them in the best possible way.

How are Leo girl and Aquarius guy friends?

For a Leo girl and an Aquarius guy friendship may be ordeal . On the one hand, both have approximately the same outlook on life, similar interests and leisure activities. On the other hand, they have traits that annoy a comrade. For example, the patronizing notes of the Lioness offend Aquarius, and she, in turn, wants to feel her exclusivity even on a friendly path, while Aquarius does not distinguish her from others.

Such a friendship can be successful if both can allow the other to maintain their independence and will not try to change the comrade according to their needs.

There are usually no intrigues in such relationships, since both Leo and Aquarius value their pride too much

Yes, and they usually have little intimate interest in each other - if they like each other, then only as interlocutors and comrades.

How to win over an Aquarius man and build a relationship with him

The first thing you need to do to build a relationship with Aquarius is to make friends with him. Men of this sign often base their serious love attachments on her. If you become a close and reliable friend, it will be much easier to move into the category of a sweetheart. In addition, Aquarians are always looking to the future. Therefore, it will be useful to show him your planning and organization skills. Let this not concern the conquest of the world, but short-term plans and ideas will suffice. True, one must be prepared for the fact that sometimes the air sign is too distracted, moving away from reality. But if the couple has already established a dialogue, a simple conversation will be enough. Provided that Aquarius is interested in continuing the relationship.

The first thing a Lioness needs to do to build a relationship with Aquarius is to make friends with him.

Aquarians value a clear mind and can become confused when faced with excessive emotionality. Even their feelings and their companion, they will carefully analyze. In addition, among important qualities, without which it is difficult to have an affair with this serious sign:

  • loyalty,
  • punctuality,
  • sincerity
  • reliability.

If all of them are available, you can safely begin to charm Aquarius.

Is it possible to fall in love with a Leo woman?

In order to attract the attention of a bright Lioness, a man needs to win a comparison with her fans, who are always around. Women of the fiery sign prefer strong, self-confident and extraordinary men who can be proud of and who are ready to become an unshakable support in her life. But at the same time, the woman will still strive for leadership in the pair, and if the chosen one gives her the palm, at least in some matters, the Leo lady will be grateful,

Despite their desire for dominance, weak and unimaginative men who are easy to control will not even be able to attract her attention. Wanting to lure the Lioness into your networks, you need to calculate your capabilities in advance, including financial ones. She appreciates generosity and beautiful courtship.

December 15, 2017, 01:54
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