Manifestations of selenium in the signs of the zodiac and houses according to Vronsky. Lunar nodes, Lilith and Selena in signs

The subject of Selena in the horoscope is much less hyped than the descriptions of the meanings of the position of Lilith. However, in our practice, we must take into account the values ​​of both of these fictitious and significant points of the sky. One of the accessible and easy-to-remember interpretations of the positions of Selena in the signs of the Zodiac belongs to the pen of the famous Riga astrologer Sergei Vronsky. The following excerpts are taken from the seventh volume of Vronsky's fundamental work " classical astrology". The Latvian astrologer names Selena Lulu in his own way. We will use the name of this fictitious point, which is more familiar to the Russian-speaking audience.

Unfortunately, despite its authority and significance, which cannot be denied, the methodology and views of S. Vronsky were outdated even at the moment when he wrote the lines of his books. This can be seen from the example of many of his statements, among which we note the following, since it could well serve to form the views of A. Astrogor, the founder of the "formula of the soul" methodology. In any case, the position of Astrogorus is identical to the position of Vronsky expressed below: “The karma of a person is created not only by the Descending Moon Node, but also by Lilith and retrograde planets, and in the process of redemption or mitigation of Karma, mainly the Ascending Moon Node, Lulu and direct planets with a strong space status and undamaged."

Of course, our entire horoscope is always karmic, and retrograde planets cannot be singled out separately as projections of some karma. Astrogorus interpreted this for himself in such a way that retrograde is always a karmic debt with a minus sign, which is not necessarily true. The presence of strong direct planets in the chart can also easily be attributed to karma. Recent astrologers also believe that not only Lilith belongs to generic programs and karmic heritage, but also Selena (Lulu).

Manifestations of Selena in the signs of the Zodiac according to Vronsky

Selena in Aries Selena in the sign of Aries makes a person be morally pure, noble, generous, motivating a person to become a fighter for a just cause and justice. To accomplish this difficult task, Selena activates and excites the psyche of the individual, increasing his optimism, altruism, love for children, as well as giving indulgence to the mistakes of others, self-esteem, as well as the ability to admire and be inspired. People with Selena in the sign of Aries are distinguished by benevolence, the desire to help the weak, helpless, offended, sick, strengthening their spirit, helping them overcome barriers and obstacles, and also expanding their spiritual horizon. For this they are rewarded with inner satisfaction and joy.
Selena in Taurus Selena in Taurus gives rise to a desire in a person to give up unnecessary and unnecessary material assets in favor of spiritual values ​​that can be directed to the benefit of others, for example, to relatives, others and in general the whole people. To do this, Selena gives her wards increased perseverance, perseverance, endurance, endurance, patience, foresight of the consequences of an undertaking or deed, as well as self-confidence, prudence, friendliness and goodwill. It enhances the love for people, nature and animals, especially for the arts, such as music, singing, and for everything graceful and beautiful**.
Selena in Gemini
Here Selena makes you love your neighbor as yourself. The same applies to brothers, sisters, neighbors, work colleagues. A person is able to serve them faithfully without selfishness, self-interest, without expecting any gratitude. People who have Selena in the sign of Gemini are conductors of high human ideas, mediators between human desires and the command of God. For this purpose, Selena enhances the physical and intellectual mobility of these people, efficiency, ingenuity, agility of mind and sleight of hand, the ability to adapt to people, love for nature, animals, endows them with a desire to help those in need.
Selena in Cancer
Selena in the sign of Cancer makes a person obey the laws of his state, the traditions of the people and ancestors, the parental home. Luck is only possible native land, home ****. Here, Selena also gives love to the past, antiques, and also gives a person a sense of duty, an obligation towards relatives, relatives and loved ones, whom he will strive to take care of until the end of his days.
Selena in Leo Selena here enhances creativity, self-esteem, nobility, generosity, benevolence, generosity and endows love for life, people, art and mass spectacles. For such people, conscience and justice come first. As a rule, they take care of others, take care of them, direct all their strength and energy to helping those who need it. Success is expected in everything where you can show administrative talent, organizational skills, and the ability to lead. Biggest Success awaits those in whom Selena forms a conjunction with the star Regulus.
Selena in Virgo In the sign of Virgo, Selena enhances intellectual abilities, while at the same time contributing to the elevation of the spirit, deepening and expanding the spiritual horizon. Here it increases industriousness, efficiency, sense of duty, caring, gives modesty, conscientiousness, honesty, decency. There may also be a craving for self-sacrifice and self-restraint.
Selena in Libra Selena in the sign of Libra gives its owner humanism, altruism, the desire for justice. Such people dream of a bright future for all mankind. The owners of Selena in Libra strive for harmony and concord, they are decent, sociable, friendly, accommodating, polite, diplomatic, strive to smooth out contradictions and seek a compromise in any tense situation to the best of their ability. Selena here contributes to success in the art world. Selena gives particular success to people in whom it is in conjunction with the stars Spica and Arcturus (23-24 degrees of Libra).
Selena in Scorpio Selena in Scorpio smooths out the manifestation of animal instincts, passions, sexual claims, replacing them with pure human love with pronounced own dignity and inner pride. Selena in Scorpio gives a tendency to selflessness and self-sacrifice for the benefit of any lofty idea or loved ones. Here Selena promotes spiritual rebirth and evolution. Successful activities can be in which you can apply organizational talent, the ability to lead. Selena in Scorpio contributes to the implementation of ideas and plans. Such people succeed in the military field, in forensics, detective bureaus, the fight against crime, as well as in the sciences, especially the occult, in medicine, surgery, herbal medicine.
Selena in Sagittarius Selena in Sagittarius promotes growth spiritual qualities, the expansion of the spiritual horizon. hallmark such people is their cosmopolitanism. They are distinguished by strong optimism, altruism, physical and spiritual mobility, striving for personal and spiritual freedom, independence and independence. The owners of Selena in Sagittarius are balanced, noble, generous, hardworking, efficient, merciful, compassionate, love nature and animals. Selena helps all their affairs related to other countries, foreigners, as well as with theology, missionary work, philosophy, religion and natural sciences.
Selena in Capricorn Selena in Capricorn brings to the fore prudence, thoughtfulness, sobriety, logic, diligence, hard work, perseverance, stability, endurance, endurance, self-esteem and inner pride. Often such a person shows self-denial and self-sacrifice. Selena in Capricorn contributes to labor and life success, social uplift, but only if a person gives his energy and strength for the benefit of other people. Successful can be public service, political arena, service in security agencies, in the party and trade union apparatus. Fields of activity - architecture, construction, agricultural policy, National economy, as well as agriculture and forestry, mining, work in mines and mines.
Selena in Aquarius
Selena in the sign of Aquarius increases the thirst for freedom, independence, independence. A person is characterized by altruism, a tendency to patronize friends and like-minded people. All of them receive moral and material assistance. People with Selena in Aquarius are usually the soul of the society or company they belong to. They try to promote original ideas salvation of the world and mankind and pave the way for their implementation. These are fighters for humanism, everything new and progressive. Selena in Aquarius promotes professions such as psychology, sociology, parapsychology, psychoanalysis, the occult sciences, and also helps researchers, innovators, innovators.
Selena in Pisces
Selena in the sign of Pisces gives a person abilities in the field of the occult sciences. Meditation, mediumistic sessions and other occult experiences will not bring harm here, but on the contrary will help to understand oneself and the world. Such people have a strong and subtle intuition. These are humanists and altruists endowed with the ability to foresee. They grasp a lot and guess with their inner instinct. People with Selena in Pisces are compassionate, merciful, ready to help those who need it. They voluntarily go to self-denial and self-sacrifice for the good of others, they are inclined to forgiveness. There is also a strong love for nature and animals. Selenium in Pisces contributes to the practice of medicine, psychology, and the occult.

Vronsky on the manifestations of Selena in the houses of the horoscope

Selena in the 1st house
Selena in the first house of the horoscope strengthens a person's faith and hope for a better future, gives love to people, nature, animals. Here it strengthens the will and spiritual strength of a person, his sense of inner dignity, gives self-confidence, courage, penetrating power, spiritual and intellectual abilities, as well as an attraction to the secrets of nature and the occult sciences. People with Selena in the 1st house are optimistic, noble, generous, honest and fair, they try to take care of everyone and help everyone. Such a position of Selena strengthens vitality, portends a person a long fruitful life for the benefit of people. Happiness accompanies them until the end of life. Often there are phenomenal or psychic abilities. Success is foreshadowed in all cases that require leadership skills and organizational talent.
Selena in 2nd house
Selena in the II house enhances the nobility of a person, as well as prudence and a sense of mercy. In this case, a person is not a slave of the "golden calf" and rejects the power of money, leaving himself just enough to make it possible to live in peace without luxury. Everything that he has is superfluous, he gives to the sick, the low-income, the needy. Money, if easy to earn, is just as easy to squander. The own well-being of such a person is only the result of innate talents, abilities and his own work. Good luck portends activities in the field applied arts, the art industry, the craft and the arts in general. Selena in the II house promotes successful financial transactions and trade.
Selena in 3rd house
Selena in the III house contributes to good, good relations with siblings, neighbors and work colleagues. People with this position of Selena in the chart inspire hope and faith in people who have lost it, help the sick recover, the weak-willed gain self-confidence, and bring those who hesitate into a state of peace of mind helping them get back on their feet. Such people attract all necessary information, which, after processing and filtering, is passed on to others. Connections, contacts, agreements, unions, treaties, contracts, any partnership, cooperation or co-authorship bring them success and spiritual satisfaction. Success here is possible in all "paper" cases, journalism, pedagogy, and translation activities.
Selena in IV house
Selena in the 4th house patronizes the home and her own hearth. This position of Selena creates a harmonious environment and warmth in the parental and family circle, turning native home shelter from any kind of weather. It guarantees the help of parents and household, a long, fruitful life, a secure old age. Free professions, work at home, occult sciences and arts can bring success. Selena in the 4th house favors acquisition land plot and real estate. May indicate good heredity and the possibility of inheritance.
Selena in the 5th house
Selena in the 5th house increases the potential of pure, idealistic love and the ability to resist temptation, protects against seduction and falsehood. Here happiness is foreshadowed in children and offspring, to whom a person is ready to give himself completely. He will strive to give them all his creative heritage. Good progress is possible in the sciences, pedagogy, wherever required strong spirit enterprise and entrepreneurship: in trade, medicine, financial transactions, public speaking, in the world of art, especially on the theatrical stage, stage and in all kinds of entertainment enterprises.
Selena in the 6th house
Selenium in the VI house helps to get rid of diseases. In the event that they come, they will be easily overcome *****. Here, Selena enhances diligence, efficiency, a sense of duty and responsibility both for her work and for the fate of other people, for example, her servants, subordinates, patients. Selena in the 6th house promotes the profession of a doctor, healer, astrologer, although success is also possible in science, financial and banking, wherever exact calculation, planning, logic, analysis, methodology, pedantry and pragmatism are required. Love for nature, animals, rural lifestyle plays a big role.
Selena in the 7th house
Selena in the 7th house brings joy and happiness in marriage and harmony in business partnerships, creates favorable conditions for successful cooperation and co-authorship, and contributes to an excellent microclimate in the work team. Partnership and public opinion plays a big role in the life and destiny of a person, much more than his personal desires and aspirations. This position of Selena often indicates a long, fruitful life, high social status and a good material base, contributes to gaining popularity and fame. Success is heralded in the world of art and social work.
Selena in the 8th house
Selena in the VIII house gives her wards a potential vitality and inexhaustible energy, protects against serious illnesses and accidents, contributes to a good inheritance. Selena in the 8th house mediates between man and higher powers protecting him from occult influences. This position of Selena contributes creative activity, the accumulation of spiritual fruits that should be given away for the benefit of future generations, favors areas of activity related to science, technology, the occult, military affairs, forensic science, and finance.
Selena in the ninth house
Selena in the IX house gives rise to the desire for knowledge, interest in the culture, traditions, cults and rituals of other peoples. Happiness awaits a person far from their native places. Trips, travels and connections with foreigners can be successful. This position of Selena awakens in a person a craving for missionary work, educational work, encourages charity. Occult knowledge, healing abilities can be useful. Selena activates here the desire to direct one's abilities for the benefit of society, gives the favor of those in power and fate.
Selena in X house
Selena in the 10th house favors the career and contributes to the achievement of the tasks set for oneself. It creates the appropriate circumstances, opens the right doors, directs to help the right people. As a result of active and disinterested activity, a well-deserved reward, fame, popularity come to a person. Selena here gives a person the motivation to become the leader of society, the party. Success in life will bring those professions that are indicated by the sign of the Zodiac, in which Selena has its location in the radix.
Selena in the 11th house
Selena in the XI house of the horoscope brings joy and happiness through true friends and devoted associates. It gives honest guardians, good patrons, the favor of the authorities and government officials, the opportunity to receive patronage, recommendations. Selena here protects from false friends, gives the opportunity to choose the environment of her own free will. It is easy for people with this position of Selena to gain spiritual freedom, independence and self-sufficiency. Selena in the XI house favors the implementation of ideas and plans, helps in professions related to scientific research, technology, electronics, cybernetics, bionics, occultism.
Selena in the 12th house
Selena in the XII house helps her wards to avoid the insidious machinations of secret enemies, contributes to their exposure. It is also possible that former enemies eventually become his friends and voluntarily move to his camp. We protect a person from seduction, falsehood, temptations, disappointments and delusions. The closer Selena is to the Ascendant, the more favorable the omen for a person. Success is possible in professions related to medicine, healing, extrasensory perception, psychotherapy, the world of art or the occult.

* Vronsky S. Classical astrology. Volume 7. Planetology. Part IV. Pluto, Chiron, Proserpine, Lunar nodes, Lilith and Lulu. - M., 2005. - C.204.
** If Selena is seen as a spiritual ability of a person, then it would be more logical to say that Selena in Taurus gives talent in the field of art, and not just a love of music and singing. A person can love art with any position of Selena in the cosmogram.
*** It seems that the most important thing is that Selena in Gemini is a born master of communication, possessing the spiritual ability to establish communication with anyone and through this communication to heal a person, or at least just help him.
**** This, of course, is a strong exaggeration. A person is free to use the power of Selena or not to use it - it's up to him. But not only the position of this fictitious point speaks about the zone of luck in a person’s map. If a person has indications on the aspects and the strong position of Jupiter for good luck abroad, will Selena somehow cross it out?
***** Here, as in a number of cases above, Vronsky, alas, is wishful thinking. Selena in the VI house does not at all make a person healthy, as practice shows, but in fact it can give him the talent of a healer or a scientist.

Are you in past life could be a white magician, that is, they well understood the shortcomings of human nature, struggled with their own shortcomings, went through purification, through severe suffering. And also this position can be if you have become a victim of white magic. Being born with such a white moon is like compensation for being a victim of white magic.

At the first level, the white moon does not give you a fall, does not allow you to develop secret vices, you are turned away from practicing black magic, you are, as it were, saved from the influence of black magicians, sadists, rapists, perverts.

At the second level, you continue to do the same as before, that is, fight with your shortcomings, work on yourself, purify yourself, reach a higher level, fight evil to the best of your ability.

At the third level, when you are led by light forces, this is a magical initiation, you are a white magician who follows the path of fighting world evil, has contact with the higher world, conducts initiatives of the higher world and receives help from the dead, from the higher world, has magical protection.
Pavel Globa

White karma is the innate talent of a psychologist and the ability to practice cleansing magic. Since childhood, people with Selena in Scorpio have been disgusted with witchcraft. And if a person with such a horoscope listens to the voice of fate, he becomes a true warrior of Light, acquires the gift of directly communicating with Higher world. Your task is to develop psychological and parapsychological abilities, to come to the aid of those who suffer from mental wounds: then you will receive magical protection, you will be able to make contact with the other world.

L. Nevedomskaya, E. Demyanova

From May 18 to December 16, 1936, 1943, 1950; from May 17 to December 15, 1957, 1964, 1971, 1978, 1985, 1992, 1999, 2006 White moon was in the sign of Scorpio. All who were born at this time are born psychologists who have the opportunity to practice cleansing magic.

To the one who manifests the influence of the White Moon on lowest level, the strongest protection against any vices and sadomasochism is given; these people have an innate aversion to sexual perversion, black magic and sorcery. This is the reward for having undergone purification through suffering in the past. However, such protection is maintained only as long as the amount of a person's karmic merit exceeds the amount of rewards received by him. As soon as these values ​​are compared, the protection weakens or completely disappears, since this level of manifestation of light karma is just an exact retribution according to its merits. In order to strengthen ties with the world of light and increase light karma, such people need to develop their natural gift of a psychologist in every possible way and actively help others to overcome the accumulated mental pain.

Being manifested at an average level, the White Moon inspires a person to actively engage in psychology, he helps others willingly and a lot to solve their emotional problems, allows you to “pour out your soul” and “cry into your vest”. The more willingly such a person will help others in solving their problems. psychological problems, topics more secrets will be revealed to him.
People who have manifested the White Moon at the highest level are able to communicate even with various organs of their body and maintain them in good condition without any medication. They do not expect any reward for their victories in magical battles, because they perceive any dirt in the world as the impurity of their own body and do everything in their power to get rid of it.

My Selena (White Moon)

We read with our daughters about the manifestations of Selena (White Moon) ..

At my birth, Selena was in Cancer. I read and smile :).. Nature, caring for her, family, harmony in the family, cosmetics, customer care, preschool education, and so on, everything coincides. I feel it for a long time

Other sources:

In a past life, you were the keeper of traditions and the hearth, you could be an occultist, or you died defending a shrine, guarding a tradition. Therefore, on the first level of this life, you are rewarded with good family relationships, good house, good relationship with native people, homeland. At the second level, you are moving in the same direction as before, you are again the keeper of traditions, the hearth, and so on. And on the third level you are a person with a purified energy code, you can be a priest, come into contact with dedicated people. A white moon in Cancer very often means visiting a past life. You will be supported by tradition, your family, ancestors who died long ago, but true, as long as you live in your homeland. If you leave your country, then you lose the support of your ancestors.

Selena in Cancer: Help in matters related to the home, parents, family.
At the lowest level - help from parents, a solid good home, comfort. Obstacles in the betrayal of the motherland, in violation of traditions.
At the middle level - the study of history, traditions. Revival of origins.
At the highest level - knowledge of the origins, deep understanding of traditions. Priest.

It is very important for you to be the keeper of traditions - tribal, family, national.

To fulfill your destiny, you must become a good genius at home. Leaving for emigration, people with Selena in Cancer risk losing not only their homeland, but also the support of their ancestors.

Selena in Cancer - in a past life, the keeper of the hearth, traditions, values. Genus protection. A good parent, guarded their territories. Wealthy family, good parents. Protection from dead ancestors. Information comes to them during sleep. Harmony, order in the house. The place of safety is home. Great power - clan, relatives.

have good genetics and can develop the ability to come into contact with truly churched people.
Manifesting at the lowest level, the White Moon, at least in childhood, guards the warmth of the hearth, maintains good relations with the ancestors and facilitates the path to recognition in the homeland. However, the whole family, up to the seventh generation, supports a person as long as the sum of a person's karmic merits exceeds the sum of the rewards he received. As soon as these values ​​are compared, the protection is weakened, since the lowest level of manifestation of the White Moon is just the exact reward of merit. The second condition for karmic support is strong connection with the motherland. To strengthen their ties with the world of Light, a person with such a karma needs to do a lot to protect the light traditions - family, national, religious, historical or occult.
Being manifested at an average level, the White Moon inspires a person to be active in maintaining the family, national, cult or religious traditions of their ancestors. The more time and attention such a person devotes to enhancing the traditions of their ancestors, the more fulfilling their own life becomes.
The one who managed to manifest the White Moon at the highest level does not want any rewards for this. He is happy that he has access to the holy Springs (in the same way, no one demands rewards for himself for drinking spring water, and not swamp rot). The genetic code of such a person is completely cleared.

a very interesting standing, a man in a past life was an occultist and the keeper of the traditions of his home and motherland. He could die defending the shrine, this is a symbol of the purified genetic code. Such a person shows best features ancestors, and in his house, as it were, he is constantly guarded by a guardian angel, and in his homeland as well. A person is given the opportunity to touch the highest source of knowledge. This person could be a great dedicated priest in a past life, who now receives help from dead ancestors. If he leaves his homeland, he loses this help. Here is the answer to the question of whether it is possible to leave your homeland somewhere and when.

On January 12, 2018, the White Moon enters the sensual, motherly sign of Cancer. She will stay here until August 15, 2018. Since Cancer takes care of the family, the hearth, Selena's energies will primarily be directed to relationships between relatives, home improvement. Also this good period to settle the formalities relating to the connection of a person with his homeland.

General influence of Selena in Cancer

While visiting Cancer, the White Moon shifts the focus to issues related to parental home, ancestors, immediate environment. Since it strengthens a person's connection with the homeland, it can provoke situations where it is important to obey the laws of one's country. Selena will also awaken love for the past. Because of this, there may be a desire to learn more about their ancestors. As a hobby, people can take up collecting antiques or turn their attention to archeology.

After January 12, 2018, many will have an excellent chance to clear the karma of the clan. This can be done by sincere concern for all relatives. It is important to pay attention to both infants and the elderly. During this time, family should come first. The White Moon will reward everyone who is devoted to their relatives, knows what mutual respect and loyalty are.

Cancer is strongly associated with aquatic environment and nature in general. Therefore, it is worth showing love to animals, plants. The reward will go to those who look after both their own and those of others. It is not necessary to get a cat or a dog, it is enough to visit an animal shelter and do something useful for them. Rural tourism flourishes at this time.

Positive influence of the White Moon in Cancer

The energies of Selena are soft, caring. The White Moon will bring benefit to all who respect its laws. To achieve the location of Selena, you must:

  • harmonize relations with relatives belonging to different generations;
  • do something good for the environment;
  • reconsider your diet, make food more useful;
  • to provide all possible assistance to children and the elderly.

After January 12, 2018, it will be useful for women to undergo a gynecological examination. It is also a suitable period for planning pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for young children. If you've been thinking about getting a pet, don't delay. Taking care of an animal will bring only joy.

The energies of the White Moon can be directed to home improvement. Cancer loves comfort. Repairs made during this period will create a cozy family nest, which will be warm and joyful not only for the household, but also for their guests. Selena in Cancer fuels interest in one's own kind. If anyone wanted to create a family tree or write a book about family traditions, it's time to do it.

The negative influence of Selena in the sign of Cancer

The energies of the White Moon are neutral. What they will bring - good or disappointment, depends on the person, on how he uses the opportunities provided. Much also depends on the aspects natal chart personality. If they are unfavorable, it will be difficult for a person to manage the energy of Selena harmoniously.

The White Moon in Cancer is able to increase sentimentality, sensitivity. Because of this, a person becomes too vulnerable, attached to relatives, home. Life comes first, the world outside the home does not exist. Hyper-protection is also awakening. That's just for others, such care is unnecessary, it suffocates them, does not allow them to live and develop normally. If you feel Negative influence Selena, meditate near the water, or turn on the music with the sound of the waves. Meditation will calm you down, help restore your strength and direct them in the right direction.

@ Muravyova Lyudmila, astrologer

White Moon in Aquarius
In a past life, you were an altruist, approached everyone on an equal footing, came to a state of complete freedom, clearly distinguished between good and evil, were a reformer, an inspirer, supported faith in people, brought freedom to other people and animals. At the first level, you get a reward in the form of the fact that no one puts pressure on you, you are independent. You are lucky in all new cases, it is easy for you to choose between good and evil, you Good friends. At the second level, you will move in the same direction, that is, you will be a reformer, an inspirer, an altruist. At the third level, when you become a conductor of light forces, you are able to modify the karma of people and your own karma too. Through you, a new bright faith, new religions, enters the world. You modify the relationships around you and lead people to a bright path.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the zodiac.

Selena in Aquarius: Help in reforming. Good relationship with friends. Independence.
At the lowest level - luck in all new endeavors, good luck, happy accidents. Friends support. Obstacles in the infringement of other people's freedoms, up to the impossibility of planning, up to the fulfillment of desires, exactly the opposite.
At the middle level - disinterestedness, ingenuity, helping friends, respect for other people's freedoms.
At the highest level - a conductor of the cosmic spirit, capable of influencing the fate of other people.

White Moon (Selena) in Aquarius

Fate has given you great chances for good luck in new, promising business, as well as good friends (at least in your youth). No one puts pressure on you, does not encroach on your freedom, and you yourself are ready to fight for the independence of other people. Children with Selena in Aquarius often let the birds out of the cage, and as they get older, they try to defend the rights of their buddies.

To strengthen the connection with the World of Light, you need to help others make a choice between good and evil, carry out the necessary reforms, inspire people to new achievements, and rescue from bondage all those who have been illegally deprived of their freedom.

Those who have reached top level manifestations of the White Moon in Aquarius become conductors of light forces, the founders of new spiritual teachings.

Selena in Aquarius - able to distinguish between good and evil. A good idea of ​​the world, of faith. Correct understanding of things. Their dreams, plans, hopes come true. Support in new beginnings, adventures. Faithful friends. Randomness leads to a positive result.

From February 15 to September 15, 1924, 1931, 1938, 1945, 1952, 1959, 1966, 1973, 1980, 1987, 1994 and from February 14 to September 14, 2001, the White Moon was in the sign of Aquarius.
All those who were born at this time are karmically connected with true spiritual freedom, knowledge of the power of Time, the separation of Good and evil.
The one who shows the influence of the White Moon at the lowest level is given great chances for good luck in new affairs, he has good friends at least in his youth. It is not uncommon for children with this karma to enjoy releasing birds from their cages, or to attempt to free another being in some other way. But the influence of the accumulated white karma is felt as long as the amount of a person's karmic services exceeds the amount of rewards received by him. If these values ​​are equal, the influence of the accumulated karma will disappear, since this level of manifestation of the white moon is just an exact reward to a person according to his merits.
In order to strengthen ties with the world of light and increase light karma, you need to protect the freedom of other people in every possible way, actively help them make a free choice between Good and evil, and rescue wild animals from captivity.
Being manifested at an average level, the White Moon gives a person the opportunity to successfully carry out sensible reforms and timely transformations. Such people do not feel tired when they work in a society of like-minded people and fellow believers. The more time and energy they spend defending the freedom of others, the freer they become. They successfully focus their efforts on the development of new trends in art, science and technology.
The highest level of manifestation of the White Moon is the ability to never make mistakes in distinguishing between Good and Evil, mastering the magic of time and the ability to correct the karma of other people in accordance with the laws of the Cosmos.

SELENA in AQUARIUS, a person in a past life was a friend to everyone, respected everyone, his uniqueness, he chose his own path and made his choice between good and evil. Such a person in real life will receive unexpected support in the field of everything new and sincere from friends in spirit. Selena here leads a person to a bright path and gives full realization of creative possibilities.

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