Comic questions for February 23 for schoolchildren. Competition for women "The most attentive"

February 23rd is just around the corner. As part of the congratulatory program for future defenders of the Fatherland, we invite teachers to conduct an interesting and very exciting quiz.

2. Who does not have insignia on uniform?

3. What do the letters in the abbreviation Airborne mean?

4. Do tankers wear helmets or hard hats?

5. What is the name of the room intended for the soldiers to live?

6. What breed of dogs serve most often at the frontier?

7. In an apartment - this is a room, but on a ship - this is ...?

8. Who is higher in rank - captain or major?

9. What does the expression: “Take the tongue” mean?

10. If a person controls a helicopter, what is the correct name for his profession?

11. What is a live cartridge made of?

12. What is the name of the solemn passage of military equipment and troops?

13. Finish the proverb: "Machine and shovel - ...".

14. What is pressed with a finger when firing a pistol?

15. Who is a sniper?

16. What is "more powerful" - a machine gun or an assault rifle?

17. In what order should military units be arranged so that the numerical strength increases: regiment, platoon, battalion, company?

18. At what time on weekdays in the army are the commands: “Rise!” and "Hang up!"?

19. How many stars does a senior lieutenant have?

20. From what word did the name "vest" come from?


1. Headdress of sailors. 2. Sailors and soldiers. 3. Airborne troops. 4. Helmets. 5. Barracks. 6. Sheepdogs. 7. Cabin. 8. Major. 9. Capture the enemy. 10. Helicopter pilot. 11. From the shell - shells, powder charge, primer and bullets. 12. Parade. 13. Friends of a soldier. 14. On the trigger, not on the trigger. These are different parts. 15. Sharpshooter. 16. Machine gun. 17. Platoon (up to 60 people); company (up to 250); battalion (up to 900); regiment (until 2700). 18. At 6-00 and at 22-00. 19. Three. 20. Body.

Quiz for future defenders of the fatherland - scenario

The holiday has two parts.: 1) a quiz tournament prepared by the boys, and 2) competitions

They are invented and carried out by girls.

Holiday preparation

Boys form groups at will to represent a kind of troops, prepare clothing attributes: shoulder straps, berets, ribbons, emblems, stripes, badges. In addition, they come up with questions for a quiz using books, encyclopedias; pick up songs or chants for the parade. Parents, grandfathers, veterans invited to the class and young soldiers who served in the army actively help the children. We recommend reading A. Mityaev's books "The Book of Future Commanders" and "The Book of Future Admirals". They contain both questions and answers.


The first stage of the holiday "History of our army".


The winds blow in February

Rising, rushing into the distance

Howling loudly in the pipes

Aircraft links.

Snake rushes along the ground

It celebrates February

Light ground.

Army birth.

S. Marshak


Our army has an ancient and glorious history, although the army began to be called not so long ago

Over two hundred years ago. Russians

So in ancient times our ancestors were called

They were brave and fearless warriors who did not give the enemy the opportunity to conquer their lands. At the end of the VI century. the Byzantine emperor wrote about the Russians this way: "... they love freedom and are not inclined to either slavery or obedience. The brave, especially in their land, are hardy; they easily endure cold and heat, lack of clothing and food. Their young men skillfully use weapons ". Another Byzantine wrote about the Russians: "This people is courageous to the point of madness, brave, strong." The campaigns of Prince Oleg, the victories of the famous commander of Kievan Rus, Prince Svyatoslav and his squads put an end to the devastating raids of the Khazars, Pechenegs, Polovtsy, made Russia a strong state, and its soldiers


Such Russian commanders as Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, and in our time marshals Konstantin Zhukov, Konev, Rokossovsky and others became especially famous. You will learn more about them when you study the glorious history of the Fatherland.


Now let's start the quiz. We ask questions in a circle: 1st group

2nd, 2nd group

3rd, etc. And so on three times (each group asks a total of three questions and answers three questions). If a group cannot answer a question put to it, another one who knows the answer answers.

Quiz questions.

1. Name the great Russian commanders.

2. What orders were named after Russian generals? (The Order of Alexander Nevsky, established in the 18th century, the Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov, they were awarded during the Great Patriotic War).

3. In ancient times, when people acquired surnames, they received them according to their character, appearance, and occupation. What are the names associated with military affairs? (Warriors, Cossacks, Streltsov, Druzhinin, Pushkin, Pushkarev, Soldiers, Gusars, Fighters and other great-grandfathers, these people managed to stand up for their native land!).

4. What are the tanks? (Heavy, light, medium, floating).

5. What does the word boarding mean? (The method of conducting naval combat. The enemy ships approached and grappled with hooks. Sailors engaged in hand-to-hand combat to destroy or capture the crew and the ship itself).

6. In which country did the first tank appear? (In Russia, in 1915, it was called an all-terrain vehicle. The British were the first to establish the production of tanks in 1916. Hence the word tank was assigned to this machine).

7. Name the first Russian order. (Order of St. Andrew the First-Called).

8. Which commander commanded the Russian army during the war with the French in 1812? (Mikhail Kutuzov).

9. Name the types of troops in the modern army. (Artillery, motorized rifle troops, armored, infantry, marines, airborne, engineering, aviation).

10. What are the different types of troops? (Uniform, emblems on the sleeves, shoulder straps, emblems on the buttonholes, etc.).

11. Who built the world's first airplane? (Engineer A.F. Mozhaisky. In the summer of 1882, the first flight in history was made in Krasnoye Selo, near St. Petersburg).

12. What were the first planes used for? (For reconnaissance. Then air combat and bombing were added to reconnaissance).

13. Name the first multi-engine aircraft that were built in 1913. They were used for bombing. ("Russian Knight" and "Ilya Muromets").

14. Who conducted the first dogfight? (Staff Captain P. Nesterov. He first flew in the form of a loop. It was called the Nesterov loop, or dead loop. In this battle, Nesterov again used a ram for the first time. This was in 1914).

15. Continue the row: battle, battle, battle ... (battle).

16. What is the name of the artist who depicts battle scenes, scenes of military life? (Batalist).

17. What were the rewards for Roman soldiers? (Wreaths).

18. What is a "pig", "ticks"? Draw them. (Battle order of troops).

19. Who was the first to be awarded the Order of Suvorov, I degree? (Marshal G.K. Zhukov).

20. Name the most memorable military parades on Red Square. (The 1941 parade, when the Germans came close to Moscow, and the Victory parade in 1945).

21. Name the great Russian naval commanders. (Admiral F. Ushakov

Never been defeated, like A. Suvorov; admirals M. P. Lazarev, P. S. Nakhimov, V. A. Kornilov, V. I. Istomin, S. O. Makarov).

22. Name warships. (Boat, cruiser, battleship, destroyer, destroyer, minesweeper, battleship).

23. What orders are named after Russian admirals? (Order and medal of Ushakov, order and medal of Nakhimov).

24. Who established the St. Andrew's flag? (Peter I in 1699. This is the stern flag of the Russian Navy. It is white with a diagonal blue cross of St. Andrew the First-Called, hence the name Andreevsky).

25. What does the marine word polundra mean, and where did it come from? (This word is Dutch, meaning literally: be afraid of an object falling from above, this is a danger signal).

26. When did the Russian military fleet begin to be created? (At the end of the 17th century, the first warships were launched under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, father of Peter I. But none of them ever saw the sea. Only under Peter I did Russia reach the seashores and began to have the most powerful military fleet ).

The winners of the quiz, those who scored the most points, are awarded medals, which depict the insignia of military distinctions of various branches of the military.

You can sing songs (of your choice): "A soldier is walking through the city", "Don't cry, girl", "A detachment was walking along the shore".

Scripts and scenes. Scenario for February 23. Scene to February 23. Scenario at school on February 23. February 23. Scenario. Scene Scenario for the holiday on February 23.

  • Sports and gaming holiday February 23- script for February 23
  • Police Academy - script for February 23
  • Knightly Tournament - Scenario February 23
  • Knight's Tournament-2 - February 23 Celebration Scenario
  • Knighting - 23 February Defender's Day game
  • Oh, good fellows - script February 23
  • Call of the Jungle - script for February 23
  • That's right - the script for the celebration of February 23
  • February 23- script for adults
  • February 23 in the family circle - we celebrate at home
  • Police Academy - script for February 23
  • Men in the office - script February 23 for a corporate party
  • Dad's holiday - competition for grades 1-4 on February 23
  • Heroic fun - script for grades 1-4 on February 23
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day - script for students in grades 1-4 on February 23
  • Big maneuvers - February 23 celebration scenario for grades 5-8
  • Tournament of real knights - scenario February 23 contest for grades 5-8
  • Battle of ships - Competitive game program for February 23 for children 7-11 years old
  • Come on boys - script for grades 9-11 on February 23
  • One hundred ideas for a hundred friends - February 23 celebration script
  • Competition program for February 23 - script for February 23
  • February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day - script for February 23
  • Come on, boys - competition program script for February 23
  • Come on boys 2 - February 23 script for grades 9-11 on February 23
  • Come on, narni - a sports competition dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • Ball of the Hussars - script February 23
  • Quiz for the future defenders of the fatherland - scenario February 23
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day - scenario February 23
  • moristic script - Humorous script for February 23
  • Sports and gaming holiday on February 23 - scenario for February 23
  • Literary and musical composition - script for Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • February 23 for adults - script for February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • Soldiers-children - the script for the celebration of February 23
  • Competition program for February 23 - February 23 celebration scenario
  • Crossword and riddles for February 23 - February 23
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day - script February 23
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day-2 - scenario February 23
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day-3 - scenario February 23
  • Soldiers were walking aty-baty - a festive program for younger students
  • Quiz - script February 23
  • The unfading feat of the people - the scenario of the holiday for students on February 23
  • Knight's sword - February 23 script - Holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • New Amazons or what they are, men - congratulations on February 23
  • Thirty-three heroes - a scenario dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland for children 5-6 years old
  • Brave, dexterous, strong, skillful - February 23 game-competition
  • Sports game holiday dedicated to February 23 - scenario February 23
  • Magic dream - February 23 scene for dads. Performed by high school students
  • About Yegor, about the tsar, about the silver spear - February 23 History in verse
  • Corypheus-Tsarevich - February 23 script of the holiday
  • How Piggy was preparing for the holiday of men - February 23 script of the holiday
  • Characters:

    2 leading, Man, Man, Man.

    1st Leader: In such a good and evening hour We have gathered together now!
    2nd Leader: We want the lovely smiles to shine in this wonderful hall!
    1st Leader: How good men are! Their eyes are the mirror of the soul!
    2nd Leader: They are waiting for festive moments: Attention and entertainment!
    1st Leader: Let's not waste time - It's time for us to congratulate men!
    2nd Leader: Today is a man's day by right, He gives them honor and glory!


    On the tablet is a greeting card with the following text:
    Our _____________________ men,
    We have reasons to congratulate you!
    You ______________ and ________________
    And for that we are very grateful!
    Although February is snow-white outside the window, -
    We love you heartily and tenderly!
    You are welcome ___________, ____________, _________, __________ and ___________!
    We celebrate this holiday with you,
    We wish you happiness, peace, goodness!
    Stay ___________, __________, __________, __________ and ___________!

    The presenters ask the ladies present at the evening which representatives of the stronger sex attract them.

    Answers fit into the gaps on the greeting card, and then the entire text is recited.
    (Suddenly, a Man in a paratrooper uniform lands on the stage from above with a parachute.)

    1st Leader: It seems that in honor of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, a landing force is landing to us.
    (The hosts raise the parachute, from under which the Man appears.)
    2nd Lead: What a man! Man: (cheerfully) This is a good place to land!
    1st Leader: Especially for real men. Man: That's right! (salutes)
    2nd Leader: February 23 brings us the representatives of the stronger sex from the sky.
    The male: I see a lot of them in the hall.
    2nd Leader: You are right, there are enough heroes of the occasion here.
    The male: In this case, they should be the center of attention.
    1st Leader: We absolutely agree with you. (to the audience:) We invite real men to take the stage!


    The contestants squat in a circle (the formed circle is fenced with pins), stretch their arms forward with their palms and, hitting the opponents' palms, try to push each other out of the pins. Contestants who touch the floor with their hands or leave the circle leave the stage.
    The prize is received by the one who has not left the combat limits to the last.

    2nd Leader: At one time, ladies adopted a lot from the male half.
    Man: What do you mean?
    2nd Leader: For example, in the ladies' wardrobe there are things that previously took place in the men's wardrobe.
    1st Leader: I wonder if our ladies know about this?
    2nd Leader: Let's get to know them.


    The presenters invite the ladies present in the hall to name the things that have passed to them from the men's wardrobe (trousers, stockings, wig, etc.). The most active are invited to the stage. Man: I can hardly imagine myself in stockings and a wig. 1st Presenter: Surely, the ladies also hardly think of you in all this attire. 2nd Presenter: Actually, the fair sex understands men in their own way.


    Ladies who excelled in the previous game receive a tablet with an album sheet, a marker and a card with one of the concepts (for example: “A man at a party”, “A man in a garage”, “A man on a fishing trip”, etc.) The concepts are not announced in advance.
    Within five minutes, they must schematically depict the essence of their concepts, then the masterpieces appear for everyone to see.
    The prize is given to the contestant whose drawing was understood by the audience in accordance with the given concept.

    The male: Here, it turns out, how you, dear ladies, see us men. I want to offer you an amusing quiz called "A man through the eyes of a woman."


    The ladies present in the hall choose one correct answer from the three given by the Man for each question of the quiz.

    1. What will the man do with the candy?

    a) will quickly eat it whole;
    b) eat slowly, biting off a little, determining its filling;
    c) refuse it, so as not to drop the dignity of the stronger sex.

    2. What dishes would a man prefer in a restaurant?

    a) exotic
    b) ordinary;
    c) what his mother used to tell him when he was a child.

    3. What will a man do when he comes to the store to update his wardrobe?

    a) before buying, consult with the seller, having learned his opinion;
    b) immediately ask the seller for a model of a certain color and size;
    c) after long viewings and fittings, without making a choice, he will leave with nothing, postponing shopping until the next time.

    4. How will a man who travels in an unfamiliar area and suddenly go astray act?

    a) ask for directions from the first person you meet;
    b) will get angry in uncertainty;
    c) will start looking for the way on his own, relying on his intuition.

    5. What will the man behind the wheel do when the traffic light turns green?

    a) quickly rush forward, ahead of others;
    b) slowly move off;
    c) will create a traffic jam, fascinated by a lady in a nearby car.

    1st Leader: Ladies and men are always unrevealed secrets for each other.
    2nd Leader: And men are sometimes real surprises.
    Man: It's probably because we love surprises.
    1st Leader: Then you should deliver them.
    2nd Leader: Surprises, fly to the hall!
    (6 paper parachutes with cases from kinder surprises suspended from below land in the auditorium from above. Six men who caught the parachutes are asked by the presenters to go backstage.)
    The male: Are the surprises over yet?
    1st Lead: Men's surprises begin!


    Six men become contestants. Backstage, they open the cases hanging from the parachutes and find a note with the name of an animal in them. Then the contestants, in order of priority, enter the stage and, with the help of pantomime, portray their animals. Before the exit of each contestant, the presenters announce: “The man is at work”; "A man at home"; "Man driving"; "The man in the restaurant"; "Man at the resort"; "Man with Friends"
    Prizes are awarded to those whose animals are recognized by the public.

    2nd Leader: No one expected such surprises from the representatives of the stronger sex.
    1st Leader: It should be noted that men are always in a hurry somewhere.
    The male: We are in a hurry not to miss our happiness.
    2nd Leader: However, the lucky ones are speeding up.
    1st Lead: I wonder where the happy man is in a hurry?
    2nd Leader: There are many answers to this question today.
    (Presenters with microphones descend into the auditorium and receive answers to this question from the representatives of the stronger sex.)
    1st Leader: And I thought that happy men rush only to the garage.
    The male: A man and a car are inseparable concepts.
    2nd Leader: Our next competition for true motorists!


    Contestants receive a balloon and a bicycle pump. Then, blindfolded, they begin to inflate their balloons with pumps.
    The prize goes to the contestant who inflates the balloon the fastest and bursts it.

    1st Leader: Men are happy when they have pumps in their hands, and ladies when they get two outfits out of turn.
    2nd Leader: Usually it happens like this.
    (The hosts and the Man go to the left side of the wings, from the opposite side of which the characters of the interlude “Two outfits out of turn” appear.)


    She is:(demanding) I want two outfits out of turn!
    He: Go, peel the potatoes and wash your socks - your wishes will come true.
    She is: These are not my desires! These are duties that an irresponsible husband forgets to fulfill!
    He: And what duties, in your opinion, should a conscientious husband have?
    She is: The most ordinary ones: on weekdays - to serve coffee in bed, on weekends - to present flowers, and on holidays - to please with expensive gifts!
    He:(dreamy) Why, then, was I not born a woman?
    She is: Now I understand why you always get yourself only blue shirts!
    She is: For your weakness!
    He:(modestly) Actually, since I married you, my weakness stopped.
    She is: And you hid it from me?
    He: Isn't it noticeable?
    She is: This immediately catches your eye if you enter our bedroom! No wonder my friends asked me one juicy question: why are our beds far apart!
    He: And what did you answer them?
    She is: My husband has a pig!
    He: Sounds convincing.
    She is: This is not your “mumps”, but you are a real boar!
    He: Scream louder - people might think that we are celebrating the Year of the Boar.
    She is: I have been celebrating it ever since I married you!
    He: Fine, fine. Now I'll go and make you gifts.
    She is:(enthusiastically) Finally, the Year of the Dragon begins for me! What do you want to give me?
    He: Peeled potatoes and washed socks.
    She is:(excitedly) Now you will make such presents to yourself all the time!
    He: After your hands, they look spectacular.
    She is: It seems like you just dreamed of being born a woman!
    He: But he was not born.
    She is: Today I give you this happy opportunity!
    He:(surprised) And then who will you become?
    She is: And I'll live your philistine life!
    He: No wonder my friends asked me why our beds are far apart.
    She is: Did you do this with them in our bedroom?
    He: No way. We are quite satisfied with the cuisine.
    She is:(sobbing) That's why the table's legs are loose.
    He: Three bottles of beer for three is not a great load.
    She is:(excitedly) Then why are they wobbly?!
    He: You always live in the kitchen - you know better.
    She is:(incredulously) What are you implying?
    He: For your weakness.
    She is:(modestly) Actually, right after we got married, my weakness stopped.
    He: Then why are you living in the kitchen?
    She is:(excitedly) I want to prove to you that I am a strong woman: indifferent to men, not glued to the bed!
    He:(dreamy) Why wasn't I born a woman?
    She is: Your dream has come true - two outfits out of turn!
    (The sideshow characters bow and move to the right side of the wings, from the left side of which the presenters enter the stage.)

    1st Leader: The outfits have been awarded, now it's time to play!
    2nd Leader: The most festive game for everyone... Together: "February guessing games"!


    The hosts say quatrains with unfinished last lines. Those present in the hall must guess the corresponding rhymes. Game to activate the public.

    1st Leader: February gave us all
    Neither warmth nor freshness grew,
    And such a wonderful day -
    We call him... ("Male")

    2nd Leader: Ladies in the evening in excitement
    Prepared pickles,
    For men's straight gait
    We also bought ... (Vodka)

    1st Leader: Strong sex without worries
    The grocery store leads a trip:
    They need one trifle -
    Five-star... (Cognac)

    2nd Leader: Ladies on their feet a little light
    They induce their marafet;
    They give in bundles of bright
    Guys... (Gifts)

    1st Leader: The men are not far behind
    Near the mirror they scurry:
    Before taking a hundred grams,
    They dream of conquering ... (Dam)

    2nd Leader: The table is set, fun, laughter,
    Men have great success -
    In such happy moments
    They get... (Compliments)

    1st Leader: On a holiday, ladies will not refuse:
    Respect with a word of affection,
    Well fed vysusno -
    Men will not be ... (Sad)

    2nd Leader: Hour of fun is the best chance
    Make a curtsey,
    And then, no matter what,
    To be under ... (Table)

    1st Leader: The holiday is not to blame
    That a detachment dived under the table -
    The men are a bit tired
    Very sweet ... (Drowsed off)

    2nd Leader: In the morning the strong sex will wake up
    Dive into weekdays again.
    Oh, what a prankster he is -
    Men's Day - February ... (Holiday)

    (A peasant appears on the right side of the wings with a hammer in his hand, dressed in a work uniform.)

    Man:(cheerfully) Good evening! Shouldn't something be nailed, screwed or repaired here ?! (pulls screwdriver out of pocket)
    1st Leader: What a business man.
    2nd Leader: Thanks, I do not need it now.
    Man: Then I'll stay with you a little, - suddenly my help is needed!
    1st Leader: Of course, stay - have fun with everyone in honor of the holiday.
    Man: It's possible! After all, I know the business, and I do not forget the entertainment! (B balloons fly from above into the auditorium: 3 red and 3 yellow.)
    2nd Leader: Surprises have arrived in our hall again! Dear men who caught air souvenirs, we invite you to the stage!
    (Six men with balloons take the stage. The presenter bursts one of the red balloons in which there was a note.)
    1st Leader: Now we will find out what a surprise is fraught with a red ball! (reads the text of the note)
    “There are hands and a hammer,
    Nails and sticks
    So, the case will make sense
    And the joy of the little ones!”
    Man: This is just my part! (takes out 3 hammers, 3 bars and 18 nails from behind the scenes)

    COMPETITION "Scoring"

    Men who catch red balls receive a hammer, a bar and 6 nails each. Their task is to drive nails into a bar with a hammer.
    The winner is the one who copes with the task ahead of everyone (the quality of work is also taken into account).

    2nd Leader: Now let's reveal the secret of the yellow ball!., (bursts one of the yellow balls and announces the note in it :)
    "You need screws and a screwdriver
    Definitely fit!
    To keep the hooks straight
    There are no better helpers!


    The men who caught the yellow balls receive from the Peasant a screwdriver, a wooden plank with holes for screws and 6 household hooks each. Their task: to screw the hooks to the bar with a screwdriver.
    The prize is given to the most agile and skillful contestant.

    Man: Masters and hooks rejoice!
    1st Leader: Russia has been famous for artisans from time immemorial. Whatever the city, then its craftsmen.
    2nd Leader: And our cities, by the way, are named after male names.


    The presenters invite the representatives of the stronger sex present in the hall to name cities with male names (Ivanovo, Vladimir, Borisoglebsk, etc.). The six most active are invited to the stage.
    Man: In every city there are avid fishermen! Am I right? .. Then we'll have a fun fishing trip!


    A peasant takes out three ropes from behind the curtains, tied together in the middle, where a dried vobla is suspended. Six men who took an active part in the previous game, take up the sticks that are at the ends of the ropes and diverge in different directions.
    To cheerful music, they wind the rope around a stick, thus approaching the wobble, which will get the most agile.

    1st Leader: Men, as you know, will never refuse to eat.
    2nd Leader: Are they well versed in cooking?
    1st Leader: This is easy to find out if you play the game "The Way to a Man's Heart".


    The hosts ask the strong half of the audience to give names to what will be discussed below:
    1. A dish prepared with the participation of a cow and a chicken. (Omelette)
    2. Oriental dish, on solemn occasions crowned with a ram's head. (Pilaf)
    3.Maxi cake. (Cake) 4. Pig layer. (Salo)
    5. Apricot, who went on a dry hunger strike. (Dried apricots)
    6. Bagel-undersize. (Drying)
    7. Soft-boiled potatoes. (Pure)
    8. The fruit boxers love. (Pear)
    9. Ears with curd filling. (Vareniki)
    10. Fruit kefir is not our way. (Yogurt)

    The game assumes choral responses. The culinary savvy take the stage.
    Man: Come on, food lovers, take apart the air sausages!


    Those who distinguished themselves in the previous game form 2 teams, the captains of which the Muzhik gives a balloon in the form of a sausage to the captains. Standing in a column, the contestants pass each other the ball, sandwiched between their legs (it is forbidden to help with their hands). The winner is the team whose sausage was tested by all its participants in the minimum amount of time.

    2nd Leader: Men have not only a good appetite, but also mental abilities.
    1st Leader: Our game is proof of that.
    2nd Leader: Representatives of the stronger sex, charge your brains!


    The hosts read out the phrases, and the men present in the hall should name them in one word.
    1. Jacket for a diaper. (Vest)
    2. Folklore text for ingenuity. (Mystery)
    3. Letters lined up for roll call. (Alphabet) t
    4. Great-grandmother's audio system. (Gramophone)
    5. The epicenter of the donut. (Hole)
    6. The reverse side of the back of the head. (Face)
    7. An occasion to publicly cuddle with a lady. (Dance)
    8. An insect suffering from unrequited love for a person. (Mosquito)
    9. Part of the face, which is sometimes hung. (Nose)
    10. A plant that is responsible for the relationship between people with its head. (Chamomile)

    The smartest are invited to the stage.

    Man: For those who know how to charge their brains, there is a contest called "February Humor"!


    The man offers the smartest men funny situations:

    On February 1, 23, as a gift from your beloved, you will receive a funny souvenir - horns.
    2. In the midst of the celebration, a pretty stranger suddenly appears and introduces herself as your mistress.
    3. The wife calls the cat by your name, and calls you Murzik.
    4. Alone with you, your beloved constantly faints.
    5. On Sunday you were fixing your 1 year old son's crib and found an unused condom in it.
    6. Your wife calls you Petya in the morning, Grisha in the afternoon, Dima in the evening, and Kolya at night, despite the fact that you are Aleksey according to your passport. Competitors answer all questions in order of priority. The winner (there may be several) is determined by the applause of the audience.

    1st Leader:(to the Man) Tell me, what else can distinguish men?
    Man: With his prowess and musicality!
    2nd Leader: Can these concepts be compatible?
    Man: And how! Now my friends will come here and together we will do something for you!., (shouts towards the right wings:) Hey friends, your help is needed! (Four men come on stage, one of whom plays an accordion, and four women.)
    1st Leader: Excuse me, we were talking exclusively about the representatives of the stronger sex.
    Man: Ladies - the decoration of our daring quintet!
    ladies: (roaringly) Wow!
    2nd Leader: In that case, we are all aware.
    Man: Men's ditties! (The peasant and his friends sing ditties. Women are located between the performers, “hoot” and dance to each tune.)


    1st: We will sing to you now
    Under the accordion ditties!
    You arrange a dance
    Wives and girlfriends!

    2nd: We met with the cutie
    Evening on the street!
    So that no one touches her
    I'm afraid to screw up!

    3rd: What's up with the girlfriend
    Blue eyes!
    My gifts to her
    Like any!

    4th: Me wife for behavior
    Suddenly announced a boycott;
    Set a table for two people
    Doesn't invite me to eat.

    5th: I'm after my wife
    Cared for a whole year
    Cavaliers day-to-day
    He dared her!

    1st: Together my wife and I
    We go fishing:
    She sings songs,
    No fish, sorry.

    2nd: Invites you to visit
    My sweetheart is not always:
    If you need to arrange something -
    Know me then!

    3rd: I got lucky with my girlfriend
    She doesn't need much!
    And how they went to the registry office with her, -
    Requires outfits.

    4th: The accordion plays well -
    Round buttons!
    I recognize my cutie
    I'm always on the ass!

    5th: We cheered you up -
    It became more fun!
    clap us now
    From the heart soon!

    Man:(to the hosts) How do you like our daring quintet?!
    1st Leader: It was unsurpassed!
    Man: I won’t talk in vain! .. (glances at his friends, who show him in the direction of the wings) My friends let me know that I need to help somewhere! Have fun entertainment! (To the tune of an accordion, a peasant with friends and girlfriends heads towards the right wings.)
    2nd Leader: Friends are wonderful, especially if they are male!


    The hosts say quatrains with unfinished last lines. All those present in the hall must guess the male names that rhyme with the end of the third lines. Choral responses are expected to activate the audience.

    1. The musician is great:
    And play and sing.
    It will be fun in the world
    If next to you ... (Petya)

    2. Cavalier he is what you need.
    There is no end to the girls.
    Out on a date again
    Daring handsome ... (Misha)

    Z. Any business argues
    In his "golden" hands.
    Call - you soon
    It always helps ... (Andrey)

    4.0n - the soul of an honest company:
    Say a toast, sing a verse.
    If you hear "Great!" -
    Without a doubt, this is ... (Vova)

    5.Hiking - his element:
    The expanse of native expanses beckons.
    Can't sit at home
    Romantic with a backpack... (Roma)

    b. He is resourceful and courageous,
    You won't get lost anywhere with it.
    Everything has a sense of proportion
    Serious... (Valery)

    7. He is an excellent interlocutor,
    It will reveal many topics to you.
    Books to read amateur
    At leisure, smart ... (Vitya)

    8. “What a dandy is exquisite” -
    He hears from all sides.
    Do not find sweeter and more beautiful
    Groom than dandy-... (Sasha)

    9. Loves speed very much,
    You will be blown away with the wind.
    Will overtake everyone on the road,
    He will only sit behind the wheel ... (Serge)

    10. He loves the comfort of home,
    The table will be set - the highest class.
    Door open for friends
    At the gallant ... (Nikita)

    1st Leader: It is a pleasure to deal with an exquisitely polite and amiable man.
    2nd Leader: Of course, with such a gallant gentleman, each of us will feel like a true lady.
    1st Leader: But, unfortunately, the age of courtesy and courtesy remained in the distant past.
    2nd Leader: Do not draw pessimistic conclusions. I see a very suitable candidate in the front row, (referring to a man of pleasant appearance:) May I invite you to the stage?
    Man: Of course, (rises to the leaders)
    1st Leader:(admiringly) He's just a man!
    2nd Leader:(to the Man) Let me ask you one delicate question.
    Man: I don't mind.
    2nd Leader: Are you men always truthful?
    Man: To be responsible for all the representatives of the stronger sex is in itself an untruthful act.
    1st Leader: So, you should ask the men present in the hall.
    2nd Leader: Surely a funny game will make their answers more truthful.

    GAME "Well, VERY TRUE!"

    10 balloons fly from above into the auditorium. The hosts are asked to catch the balls exclusively for the male half and go on stage with them. Then those who came out in order of priority take out banknotes printed on a color printer from the wallets of the leaders, on the reverse side of which there is one question each:
    . Do you compliment ladies?
    . Do you watch erotic films?
    . Does belly dancing turn you on?
    . Do you suffer from jealousy?
    . Do you enjoy Mogol Gogol?
    . Is scrambled eggs and sausage your signature dish?
    . Is the Kama Sutra considered your reference book?
    . Are you a notorious ladies' man?
    . Have you ever been in the role of a woman?
    . Do you accept gifts from the gentle sex?

    The answers to the questions are in the balloons:
    . There was not and will not be.
    . Let's talk about this without witnesses.
    . This is the most enjoyable for me.
    . Every time I go to bed.
    . This is my hobby.
    . Once a day I allow myself this pleasure.
    . When there are guests in the house.
    . Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.
    . If there is no second half nearby.
    . Not without it. The players pop their balloons and read out the notes with the answers.

    For frankness, everyone receives sweet prizes. The presenters leave two strong men on stage, motivating that their answers seemed to them the most truthful.

    1st Leader: Undoubtedly, only knights of ladies' hearts can be extremely truthful.
    2nd Leader: And where are the ladies of our knights?
    Man: The ladies are waiting for a special invitation.
    (Two participants of the previous game go to different sides of the wings and bring 5 miniature girls onto the stage.)


    Girls form 2 teams, both men become captains. To cheerful music, they pick up each member of their team in turn and carry them to the chair and back. The team wins, in which in a short period of time all the girls have been on their hands.
    1st Leader: There are a great many men known for their achievements, and if you remember all of them, it will take more than one evening.
    2nd Leader: Then let us pay attention to the glorious triples!
    Man: I start: Athos, Porthos, Aramis.
    1st Leader: Coward, Dunce, Experienced.
    2nd Leader:(to the audience) And now, dear audience, let's play with you!


    Those present in the hall name the men who make up the famous triples (you can do without names and surnames, for example: three heroes, three fat men, three princes).
    The game provides for massive non-prize responses.

    1st Leader: After such a game, I would like to invite three representatives of the stronger and fairer sex, who have shown competence in glorious threesomes, to the stage.
    (Three men and three women enter the stage.)
    2nd Leader:(to those who left) Remind everyone, please, the name of the festive evening ... Our next contest is called the same way!


    Higher men and women form opposite-sex pairs. Men sit on chairs and put on wigs with shoulder-length hair (if the contestants have their own suitable hair, you can do without wigs), women take a card from the Men's tray with the inscription: "man"; "man"; "man".
    To the tune of the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune" they make their male assistants hairstyles with the given name (combs, invisibles, elastic bands and small hairpins are given as improvised means).
    The winner is chosen by audience applause. Male assistants receive sweet prizes for patience and endurance.

    1st Leader:(to the Man) Let me know, is this your first time on stage or has your debut already taken place?
    Man: I performed with the school theater studio.
    2nd Leader: Have you played female roles?
    Man: It happened once - instead of a sick girl, he dressed up as Baba Yaga.
    1st Leader: Probably, you broke the thunder of applause.
    Man: Some asked for an autograph.
    2nd Leader:(to the hall) An incomparable spectacle when women are played by representatives of the stronger sex! Let's name these wonderful actors!


    Those present in the hall say the names and surnames of the actors who played female roles (O. Tabakov, A. Kalyagin, A. Danilko, etc.).
    Everyone who took part in the game is awarded a prize - a balloon, after which the men are left on the stage.

    1st Leader:(to men) We will not ask you to try on women's dress, but you will have to show your artistic abilities!


    The men who took part in the previous game are given markers. In 1 minute, they must depict female legs on their balloons.
    The prize will go to whoever has the most.

    2nd Leader:(to the Man) Tell me, could you perform something on this stage in honor of the holiday?
    Man: Comic advice for the stronger sex!

    (to the motive "Songs about the moonshine still" from the movie "Moonshiners")

    1. If you don’t feel like getting up early,
    And warmed up a soft bed,
    So you are friends with her -
    You can't break up!

    2. If your wife sent you to the grocery store, -
    Let the whole evening wait later:
    Expectation in favor of her -
    Will love you more!

    Z. If your wife made an omelet for you
    And she said that there were no more products,
    So you are now a cock -
    You can have two hens!

    4. If you wash your own socks
    And at the same time you die of longing, -
    Smile out loud
    And the longing will go to the socks!

    5. If your wife is used to being jealous
    And to get your nitpicks, -
    Let him go to the circus, and that hour
    Take a break from stupid phrases!

    b. If a neighbor often began to drop in,
    who has no wife yet,
    Post a dossier about him -
    He will welcome guests!

    7. If your spouse brings you horns as a gift,
    So, she will also be lucky with the present:
    You hooves at the right time
    Provide without embellishment!

    8. If the mother-in-law was suddenly overstayed with you, -
    Dress up at home, you, like a Papuan,
    Beat loudly on the drum -
    The sofa will not be nice to her!

    9. If your wife gave you a concert, -
    Give her back the bus ticket
    Close the door behind you
    She needs another viewer!

    10. If a garage has become a mile of your apartment,
    Do not constrain his modest surroundings, -
    Can you live in peace
    And don't worry about the past!

    1st Leader:(to the Man) Your comic advice amused not only the representatives of the stronger sex, but also the female half of the audience.
    2nd Leader: Thank you for the pleasure and please come to the auditorium. (The man takes his seat in the front row.)
    1st Leader: All the day gave men's fun!
    He provided a reason for entertainment
    And left a good memory
    He filled our hearts!
    2nd Leader: So let the holiday not leave us,
    After all, there are real men,
    With which the twists are unknown!
    Let us say goodbye - in a good hour!

    As we remember, before the holiday on February 23 was called the Day of the Red Army, the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy, today is the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland. In the titles - the modern history of the Russian warrior. Of course, the main characters of the holiday are people in uniform who have taken an oath to serve the Fatherland faithfully. However, among the people, the concept of "defender" is interpreted more broadly: not only a warrior, but also one who can be called a real man. Because, apparently, the tradition appeared on February 23 to consider a men's holiday. Real men, in addition to the qualities already mentioned, are distinguished by fortitude, the ability to withstand difficulties, the ability to make friends, come to the rescue, nobility, a chivalrous attitude towards a woman, caring for loved ones.

    The proposed contests and quizzes (questions) will help your warriors show their best qualities.

    Quiz questions:

    How many battles did A.V. Suvorov lose? (None.)

    What commander, having read in the writings of the philosopher Democrat that there is not one, but many Universes in the world, exclaimed in despair: “But I haven’t conquered this one yet!” (Alexander the Great.)

    What is the day of June 24, 1945 famous for in Russian military history? (On this day, the Victory Parade took place in Moscow.)

    Is it a fighter's headgear that is worn during combat to protect the head from injury? (Helmet)

    Why do soldiers wear boots? (On the ground)

    Is that a tanker's headgear? (Helmet)

    A soldier is given, and colleagues use it more often than he does. What's this? (Name)

    From what utensils even the most skilled soldier will not be able to eat? (From empty)

    Headdress worn by the Red Army? (Budenovka)

    What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk)

    Headgear worn by paratroopers? (Beret)

    How many tablespoons of millet porridge can a very hungry soldier eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second will not be eaten on an empty stomach)

    Is a headdress part of a soldier's summer outfit? (cap)

    Which car wheel does not rotate when the commander-in-chief drives up to the headquarters? (Spare)

    A headdress intended for officers? (Cap)

    Why does a soldier carry a rifle? (Over the shoulder)

    Antique clothes of a Russian warrior? (Mail)

    What are the names of the three most famous ancient Russian heroes? (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich)

    What kind of combat projectile is called "pocket artillery" by experienced soldiers? (grenade)

    From which work are the words: “Born to crawl cannot fly?” (M. Gorky, “Song of the Falcon.)

    The first competition is a "duel".

    The competition can include arm wrestling (hand wrestling), tug of war, pull-ups on the crossbar, push-ups, etc.

    The second competition is dedicated to the Beautiful Lady.

    The “knights” are blindfolded, given felt-tip pens or pencils. It is necessary to draw a portrait of a beloved woman on sheets of paper. The one with the drawing that looks more like the Beautiful Lady wins.

    The third competition is "Treasured Pen".

    "Knight", blindfolded, by touch determines the hand of his Lady.

    The fourth competition is poetry.

    Each "knight" needs to come up with a quatrain with the given words: lady, love, honor, blood, etc.

    The fifth competition is "The most eloquent".

    It is necessary to pronounce tongue twisters quickly and with the least errors. Each participant receives a sheet with the text and read in turn:

    * Arkhip is hoarse, and Osip is hoarse.

    * Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt.

    * He reported, but did not report, but began to report - he reported.

    * There is grass in the yard. Firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.

    * Coconut cookers cook coconut juice in a short cooker.

    * Macho at the ranch in a poncho eats lecho and kharcho.

    * Deftly maneuvering in laryngology, a laryngologist easily treats laryngitis

    * Either Borya bought a roll of roofing for Tolya, or Tolya bought a roll of roofing for Borya.

    * Before he lied that the vrunometer exploded.

    * Nervous constitutionalist found acclimatized in Constantinople

    * Our Balkan from Baikal lapped. Balkan lapped, but not shallow Baikal

    The sixth competition - "Sharpshooter":

    Shooting at targets in darts with darts or throwing tennis balls into buckets.

    The seventh competition is "Obstacle Course".

    The stages included in this relay race can be very diverse. It all depends on the imagination of the organizers and the physical fitness of the participants. Pull multi-colored ropes at different heights, through which participants must jump over or crawl under them.

    The eighth competition - "Hand-to-hand fight".

    The “soldiers” stand opposite each other, take their right hand behind their back and take hold of their left ankle. It is necessary, moving on one leg, to make the opponent lose balance and release his hand.

    The ninth competition - "Outfit out of turn".

    Give the participants a certain amount of potatoes, pots, knives. You need to quickly peel the potatoes.

    The tenth competition - "Rise".

    Prepare for each "soldier" belts, footcloths, boots, shirts or vests and other things. Add to this women's things, baby caps, nipples. Light a match while it burns (as in the army), the privates must get dressed. Whoever manages to pull on as many things as possible wins. Choose the most suitable soldier for service and the most extravagant.

    Eleventh contest - "Do you know...?"

    Questions with random answers. Because Almost no one knows about this and was not going to ask:

    * How many more times is it impossible to fold a regular sheet of paper? (More than seven)

    * What is the name of the only planet in the solar system that rotates counterclockwise? (Venus)

    * What does the word - aiguillettes mean? (plastic things at the ends of the laces)

    * In what can pearls be dissolved? (in vinegar)

    * Who can't stick out their tongue? (Crocodile)

    * What part of the hand can't we lick? (Elbow)

    Summarize the competition. Present awards (“medals” and “orders”). Raise the "Private" in rank and announce the absolute winner: the one who won the most contests. The rest of the "warriors" receive prizes in various categories: "The most resourceful", "The most charming", etc.

    To defend the motherland

    In rain and snow

    Every day comes out

    Valiant soldier.

    The border is locked

    And order in the sea

    Freely fast birds

    In blue space.

    Apple trees bloom in the gardens

    The fields are spinning.

    Peaceful rest, peaceful work,

    Be, country, happy!

    Contests on February 23 are a great opportunity to check whether male defenders are strong enough, dexterous and brave enough and make sure that they can protect loved ones in case of danger. And funny contests for February 23 will slightly dilute the harsh atmosphere of the holiday of real men and allow you to have fun from the heart.

    By the way, do not think that the competitions on February 23 are intended only for the stronger sex. Ladies can also take part in some competitions if they want, of course. Besides, it's not much and their holiday - is there any point in congratulating the defenders if they have no one to protect?

    COMPETITION: "Dashing Cowboys"

    For this competition, you will need raw eggs, a few plastic bags - T-shirts and ropes or tape. Two eggs are placed in each bag (and preferably in several bags nested in each other, for reliability). The number of egg packs must match the number of participants. Then, a package is fixed on the belt of each participant (in front) with the help of ropes or adhesive tape.

    Participants are divided into pairs. The task of each player is to break the eggs hanging on the opponent's belt without the help of arms and legs and keep his own bag safe and sound. The contest continues until there is only one winner.

    COMPETITION: "One Punch"

    The host explains the rules of the game: “A real man must be strong as a lion and be able to break boards and bricks with one blow of his fist. Let's check if our men are capable of this? Unfortunately, we don’t have boards and bricks, but we do have a matchbox. I am sure that for our strong men to flatten him is a piece of cake!”

    The host takes an empty matchbox, opens it, puts the inner box on its side, and puts a lid on top perpendicular to the box. The task of the players is to flatten both parts of the box with one blow of the fist. This task is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance - the first time no one succeeds in flattening the boxes. If none of the participants manage to cope with the task, you can award a prize to the most diligent or the funniest strongman.

    COMPETITION: "Football with matches"

    The matchbox can be used for another competition - but in this case it should not be empty, but full. In addition to the box, you will need ropes and plastic bottles with a small amount of water (for gravity) according to the number of participants and two improvised football goals (they can also be made from bottles placed at some distance from each other).

    The players are divided into two teams. A bottle of water is tied to each participant's belt (the length of the rope should be such that the bottom of the bottle is just below the knees). A matchbox is placed on the floor in the middle of the room - a “soccer ball”. The task of the participants of each team is to score boxes into the opponent's goal and protect their own goal. At the same time, the boxes can only be pushed with a bottle, it is forbidden to touch the box, ropes and bottles with your hands! The team that scores the first goal is considered the winner.

    COMPETITION: "Every man should..."

    As you know, every man in his life must do three things: build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. Planting trees in February is pointless, raising children is a purely individual matter, but in the construction of houses you can practice and compete.

    For this competition, you need to prepare a large number of parts from a children's designer (such as Lego). All the details fall into a large pile in the center of the room. At the signal of the leader, the players must run up to the pile, take one (only one!) Part, return to their place and run for the next one.

    After the agreed time, the host gives a second signal, and the players begin to build a house from the reclaimed parts. You can leave them the opportunity to exchange the necessary parts from other players by mutual agreement. The victory is awarded to the participant who built the most spectacular and solid house.

    Log between legs

    Two teams of 4-7 guys are formed.

    The guys clamp a pre-prepared thin log or pole between their knees. You cannot hold the log with your hands!

    On command, they run to the opposite wall of the hall, turn around and return to the start.

    Who will come first?

    Shoulder straps Two teams.

    DJ-animator puts shoulder straps on the shoulders of the first.

    The task is to run the distance without dropping shoulder straps and put them on the shoulders of the next relay participant. You can not hold shoulder straps with your hands.

    If the shoulder strap fell (at any stage, even the reverse one), the player returns to the start, the shoulder straps are put on his shoulders again, and he again runs his distance.

    King's Musketeers

    Two chess pieces are placed on the edge of the table.

    In the hands of two players - swords or rapiers (you can - fake ones).

    The task is to make a lunge (step forward) at the signal of the animator and hit the figure with an injection.

    Perimeter running

    A bit like rugby.

    A group of guys (at least the whole class) runs around the perimeter of the hall.

    In the corners girls are waiting for them: they catch guys. (You can't pull too hard.)

    Who has overcome the next cordon - runs further.

    The last one not caught wins.

    Option: The girls run, and the guys catch.

    iron face

    Task for two participants: in 60 sec. fasten as many clothespins on your face as possible.

    The most agile

    The animator invites the guys to participate.

    Everyone gets a bunch of rubber bands of a certain color.

    Task: during the time the song is playing, each of the participants “rings” as many girls as possible, putting on an elastic band around their ankles.

    Chunky-cheeked lip-slap

    We need a supply of sucking candies like "Barberry".

    Two compete.

    They take turns putting candy in their mouths and, looking at the opponent, loudly and clearly say into the microphone: - "Puffy-cheeked lip-slap."

    You can't swallow sweets.

    The winner is the one who puts more sweets in his mouth and at the same time clearly pronounces the treasured phrase.


    Two teams. Each receives a handful of coins.

    At a distance of 4-5 meters from the "airfield"-start, the animator sets two "goals" - a jar or a hat.

    Players "fly" towards their "goals" holding coins between their knees.

    Then they "bomb" them - they try to get into the jar with coins.

    The team with the fewest coins scattered across the floor wins.

    Broom on the forehead

    Who is the longest, balancing, hold the broom on his forehead?

    Pick up a chair

    Exercises of strong people with a chair:

    Take the chair by the bottom of the back leg with one hand. Raise it so that the seat remains in a horizontal position.

    The same, holding the chair by the front leg (this is harder).

    Take the chair with both hands on the top of the back. Raise it above you on outstretched arms and lower it down (without putting it on the floor). Who will do this exercise more times?

    magnet man

    The animator gives the participants of the game cards with letters.

    Participants must attach cards to body parts whose names begin with the indicated letter and hold them.

    The winner is the one who manages to place on himself - and not to drop! - more cards.

    William Tell

    The men are playing.

    From their belts hangs an apple on a string.

    In front of each on the floor is a plank with a nail.

    The task is to prick an apple on a nail as quickly as possible (“hit the apple with an arrow”).

    Come on the side! Jump higher!

    Two guys are playing. Task: be the first to read what is written on the back of the opponent and not let him read the inscription on his back.

    You can jump and dodge, but you can't use your hands.

    On the back of one assistants attach the inscription COME IN SIDE!

    The inscription JUMP HIGHER is attached to the back of another!

    The audience encourages the players with exclamations: “Come in from the side!” “Jump higher!”, but they do not realize that these are the inscriptions.

    Press in a fist

    Who will be the first to crumple the newspaper with one hand and gather it all into a fist? Starting position: playing with two fingers, holds a newspaper sheet by the tip.

    Bend curly

    Animator, referring to the guys:

    Who can bend a nail with their hands? Not just bend, but bend curly? The author of the most interesting nail figure will receive a prize. Bending with bare hands only!

    Nails should not be too thick. :-)



    Who will sit down and straighten up on one leg, holding a full mug of water in his hand, stretching his other leg forward and not touching the floor with it, without leaning on anything with his free hand? Do not spill water!

    It's not that easy. Prize must be good.


    Who will be the fastest to pour a sprite from a jar into a glass?

    The glass is on the floor, and the player is holding the jar, ... clutching it with his knees.

    Don't help with your hands.

    Any number of players.

    Have questions?

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