We are writing a book: about the necessary basic knowledge and sources of information. Sources of Information Mentioning someone's views in a reference

In the process of preparing and conducting any study, five main stages can be distinguished:

Stage of accumulation of scientific information: bibliographic search for scientific information, study of documents, main sources of the topic, compilation of a literature review, selection of research aspects;

Formulation of the topic, goals and objectives of the study, definition of the problem, justification of the object and subject, goals, main tasks, research hypotheses;

Theoretical research - substantiation of directions, choice of a general methodology, methods, development of a concept, parameters, formulation of research conclusions;

Conducting an experiment - developing a program, methodology, obtaining and analyzing data, formulating conclusions and research results;

Registration of the results of scientific research, conclusions, recommendations, clarification of scientific novelty and practical significance.

As you can see, the study begins with an analysis of information materials on the chosen topic. Information is divided into:

Survey (secondary) review of scientific materials;

Relerative, which is contained in the descriptions of the prototypes of scientific problems;

Abstract (secondary), which is contained in annotations, summaries, abstracts;

Signal (secondary) - data of the previous message;

Reference (secondary) - systematized brief information in any branch of knowledge.

Therefore, when processing information, it can be divided into two groups.

Primary information is the initial information, which is the result of direct sociological experimental research, the study of practical experience (these are the actual data collected by the researcher, their analysis and verification).

Secondary information is the result of analytical processing and publication of information on the research topic (these are published documents, a review of information on the topic). This is:

Information publications (signal information, abstract journals, express information, reviews);

Reference literature (encyclopedias, dictionaries);

Catalogs and file cabinets;

Bibliographic publications (schemes 10,11).

This information serves as a theoretical and experimental foundation, the basis for conducting scientific research, is proof of the scientific validity of its work, reliability and novelty.

Scheme 10. Scheme of the process of collecting and analyzing scientific information.

Scheme 11. General scheme collection and analysis of scientific information.

Reliability is sufficient correctness, proof that the named result (law, set of facts) is true, correct. The reliability of the results and conclusions is substantiated by experiment, logical proof, analysis of literary and archival sources, tested in practice. There are three groups of methods for proving reliability: analytical, experimental confirmation of practice.

Analytical methods belong to the most important methods of scientific knowledge. their essence is the proof of the result through logical, mathematical transformations, analysis of statistical data, published and unpublished documents (accounting, planning, analytical, questionnaire).

During the experiment, scientific research is carried out, theoretical and experimental results are compared. When comparing the scientific result with practice, it is necessary to match the theoretical provisions with the phenomena that are observed in practical situations. Therefore, to study theoretical foundations research topics require a deep study of information sources.

Knowledge of published information allows you to better comprehend the scientific and practical material of other scientists, researchers, to identify the level of knowledge of a particular topic, to prepare a review of the literature on the topic. The researcher receives the necessary scientific information in libraries and bodies of scientific and technical information.

The forms of customer service in libraries are almost the same everywhere:

Reference and bibliographic service;

Reading room;

Loan or interlibrary loan (ILO);

Correspondence subscription;

Production of photos and photocopies;

Microfilm production.

To process sources on the selected topic, the information retrieval apparatus of the library is used.

Libraries use an information retrieval language (IPL) of a library-bibliographic type: universal decimal classification (UDC) and library-bibliographic classification (VBC).

UDC systematizes all human knowledge in 10 sections, where each section has ten divisions, and so on. In addition, each new concept receives its own numerical index.

Knowledge index notation

Name of the knowledge index

Philosophy, psychology

Social Sciences, Tourism Economics

Philosophy, linguistics

Mathematics, natural sciences

Applied knowledge

Art, applied art

Fiction, literary criticism

Geography, history

The code designation indexes all scientific knowledge, phenomena, concepts. And each new knowledge finds its place when it arises. Depending on the needs of the division of the information retrieval language, other signs are added to the main indices, which increases the specialization of the UDC. For ease of perception, every three characters are separated by a dot (for example: 53376).

For many years UDC has been used as the most perfect classification of knowledge. But subsequently, the emergence of new concepts in the scientific and practical activities of people led to the introduction of library and bibliographic classification (LBC), which has a different system for classifying and indexing human knowledge. The main part of its alphanumeric indexes is based on the decimal principle. The main sections of the LBC are distributed in 21 departments, each of which has its own index with capital letters of the Russian alphabet, for example:

Knowledge indices Name of knowledge indices

B Natural sciences

In Physical and mathematical sciences

D Chemical sciences

D etc. Geosciences, etc.

These information retrieval languages ​​are used in the organization of library collections. Catalogs are the basis of the library's information retrieval apparatus. This is arranged in alphabetical order of the publication description card. In the alphabetical catalog - by the names of authors and titles of publications, regardless of their content; in the subject - cards with descriptions of literary sources are grouped by subject headings, also in alphabetical order, the main catalogs are formed according to the principle of the alphabet or the principle of systematization of knowledge. In addition to the main directories, auxiliary directories are created: a catalog of periodicals, card indexes of articles and reviews. The main catalogs are systematic and alphabetical.

Alphabetical catalogs contain cards for books arranged in alphabetical order of authors' surnames or titles, while the first letter of the word is taken first, according to which goes description, then - the second, etc.

Systematic catalogs contain cards for books, in which the titles of works are arranged by branches of knowledge, in accordance with the current classification of science.

Subject catalogs contain cards with titles of works from specific problems and questions of the same content.

To use catalogs, you need to know the principle of their construction well.

The leading place belongs to the alphabetical catalog. They can be used to determine which works of a particular author are available in the library. The cards of the catalog are arranged according to the first word of the bibliographic description of the book: the last name of the author or the title of a book that does not have an author. If the first words match, the cards are placed behind the second word. Cards of authors with the same last name - alphabetically by their initials.

In the systematic catalogs, the cards are grouped in a logical order by subject matter. The sequence of map placement corresponds to a certain bibliographic classification - UDC or LBC.

The reference apparatus of the systematic catalog includes reference links, reference cards and an alphabetical and subject index. The link indicates where the literature from a nearby or related issue is located (“see also”), starting cards (“see”) show in which department the literature on this issue is located.

The subject catalog concentrates similar materials in one place, which is very convenient for the researcher.

Bibliographic indexes are the key to library catalogs. They can be different in their tasks, content and form. To determine the state of knowledge of the topic, you need to contact information publications that are issued by institutes and services of scientific and technical information, information centers, libraries and cover all industries. National economy. Here you can get acquainted not only with information about printed works, but also with embedded ideas and facts. they are characterized by the novelty of the information presented, the completeness of the coverage of sources and the availability of a reference apparatus, which facilitates the search and systematization of literature.

The collection and processing of these materials in Ukraine is carried out by the Book Chamber of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific, Technical and Economic Information (Ukrintei), the National Library of Ukraine. V.I.Vernadsky and other library and information institutions of the national or regional level.

The bulk of the publications of these institutions is divided into three types:




Bibliographic publications show what has been issued on the issue of interest to the researcher; often these are signal pointers without annotations and abstracts. Their value lies in the promptness of information about the publication of domestic and foreign literature.

Abstract publications contain publications of abstracts with a summary of the content of the primary document, factual data and conclusions (express information, abstract journals, collections, etc.), for example: RJ “Economics. Economic Sciences. Bibliographic indexes are published by the Book Chamber of Ukraine: “Chronicle of Books”, “Chronicle of Newspaper Articles”, “New Editions of Ukraine”, etc.

For the search and analysis of literature published in past years, there is a retrospective bibliography, the purpose of which is the preparation and dissemination of bibliographic information about publications for a certain period of time in the past. These can be: thematic reviews, price lists of publishers, attached literature lists, etc.

As well as information publications NTI bodies for information retrieval should use automated information retrieval systems, databases and data banks, the Internet. Through the Internet service, you can get a variety of information. It is no coincidence that they say that the Internet knows everything.

Behind last years the state system for collecting, processing, storing, effectively searching for and transmitting information using modern computer technology is being widely developed. The development of a methodology for creating effective information systems is carried out by the science of informatics, which has a number of specific areas of development:

Technical creation of automated information retrieval systems;

Software for computers with programs for users;

Algorithmic - development of algorithms for the maintenance of databases and data banks.

A set of unified information and services presented in a standardized form is called an information product - these are specialized regulatory publications, state standards, building codes, etc.

The accumulation and storage of large information arrays - databases, allows you to systematize documents according to the characteristics of a certain subject, as well as form data banks for the operational multi-purpose use of relevant information.

In recent years, the use of information WEB-pages of computers has become quite popular.

Isn't the WEB a counterbalance to the library?

This network provides an opportunity to change the most important foundations for the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge in the world - in short time. Millions of people use the WEB for quick information search, verification and discussion.

The Internet and the WEB are becoming an information source for millions of people. In addition, these are most often children of school age. These future adults are learning how to accumulate and work with information, and for most of them this network is more attractive than a library or a teacher. Why?

Its attractiveness is that users have access to information without any help, participation or guidance of a second person (teacher, librarian) and can be used at any time of the day, no need to go anywhere, especially since information can be obtained as needed.

And yet the WEB is not a universal replacement for the library.

What are the disadvantages of WEB?

1. Not all information is posted on the WEB pages, but what is very short in volume, the content contained in digital form is very limited compared to printed materials.

2. WEB - does not always meet the standards of reliability. Most of the materials published without reviews, without verification, guarantees (for example, in medicine, these are the thoughts and visions of individual authors).

C. WEB - has no cataloging (description of content, form) is only a minimal structure of information materials.

4. Not provided efficient search information of fundamental scientific knowledge, and it is more suitable for the exchange of fresh information and communication.

In the future, the library will exist as:

Specially established funds of documents that should be located in the premises of libraries;

As a physical space for materials in non-digital form and as an access point for those who cannot afford to have the necessary means to obtain information;

The accumulation of metadata or descriptions of the content of materials, for reference and ease of retrieval of information;

Preservation of documents and associated metadata;

Scope of access and instruction services.

The functioning of automated information processing systems (ASOI) is based on the machine transformation of information from the corresponding problem. ACOІ is used in the research process in connection with the growth of information volumes to such limits when it is impossible to investigate any problem without a computer. The structure of the information system includes a data bank: a file, a file section, a set of files grouped in a data bank.

The data bank is a set of files grouped in data arrays.

It is known that in the practice of international organizations in the process of exchanging information and in solving problems of international economic, scientific, technical, cultural, sports and other relations, abbreviated names of countries are used - blocks of alphabetic and numerical identification of countries.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed codes for each country.

With regard to Ukraine, the following blocks of alphabetic and numeric identification are traditionally used:

Two-letter alphabetic code of Ukraine-UA - recommended international organization on standardization (ISO) for international exchanges, which makes it possible to form a visual association with the common name of Ukraine without any reference to it geographical position or status;

The triliteral serial number - 804 - is assigned by the statistical bureau of the United Nations and is used for statistical calculations.

These Ukrainian identification blocks are fixed for use by the International Organization for Standardization in the NSO 3166-88 standard “Codes for representing named countries”.

The UN in its work also uses these three blocks of identification of Ukraine.

Not much time has passed since, and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalism - ICIJ, based on these documents, has prepared a new grandiose "gift" for corrupt politicians. The leak of secret documents showed how involved in concealing income in offshore zones presidents of large and small powers, their relatives and associates.

Biggest Panamanian Firm Document Leak Reveals Corruption of World Leaders
The documents contain the names of 72 current and former leaders of states, including leaders accused of plundering their countries. This list contains the names of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, King Saudi Arabia, President of the Russian Federation Putin and his close friends, Bashar al-Assad and the leader of the nation of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

ICIJ director Gerard Ryle said that "the leak will be the most with a strong blow offshore of all ever undertaken. "It seems that someone really powerful and knowledgeable, having struck at the offshore business, declared a war on corruption, concealment of income and money laundering on a global scale.

Why so much fuss about the Panama Papers
Let me remind dear reader that this blog is not about politics, but about information and its search on the Internet. In this case, these things, of course, are intertwined. But, this article is intended only to highlight an extraordinary event from the information side. While there is noise and foam around PanamaLeaks, we will try to analyze this event and its consequences.

It should be said that the withdrawal of funds to offshore companies, as a way of avoiding taxation in your country, is strictly not a crime. Yes - ugly, yes - not patriotic, but not a crime. In countries where it is allowed. Everything is so, but when it comes to businessmen or actors, as is the case with football player Lionel Messi or stunt actor Jackie Chan.

If information is found on the economic entity of interest, you can enable automatic monitoring of changes in registers that relate to this company or entrepreneur. Updated information will be sent to your e-mail. The developers of the service do not hide their plans for the development of the project. It is planned to add analytical information: articles in the media, the reputation of business entities based on feedback from business partners, the financial analysis, the probability of bankruptcy, etc.

Of course, too little time has passed yet to draw any conclusions on the work of the search engine. Perhaps there will be more problems. I foresee, for example, the contradictions associated with the concept of trade secrets. In general, we will see how the project develops and wish you good luck!

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Well, as usual, the video, comments to which are absolutely not needed.

As the source notes, the information he published is only a kind of trial portion. The true amount of data at the disposal of journalists is much larger. Thus, the words of the representatives of the journalistic consortium that quiet world offshore waiting for a real "earthquake" seem quite plausible.

More recently, French developers have presented to the Internet audience a new search engine Qwant (qwant.com). The French themselves call their search engine revolutionary. According to the co-founder, Qwant is both holistic and open-minded. It offers information without making any preference in the SERPs.

The development of Qwant went on for two years. As the developers admit, the main goal of the new search engine is to overtake and overtake the largest search engine Google. So, qwant.com launched on February 13, 2013. On this moment the system is being tested and is available in 35 countries in 15 languages.

Among the features of the new search is the distribution of the found results into categories. So, you can find information on social networks - this is the Social column or, for example, scroll through the data from the news feed (Live). The Web column displays the most popular articles for your query, while the Shopping column displays commercial information about the product you requested.

In the very middle of the page is the Knowledge Graph column - there you can get short description your request - what it is, where it applies, etc. - as described in explanatory dictionary. In addition, Qwant offers image and video output on request. There is also a big difference here from Google, Yandex and other search engines, where you need to go to a special tab to view images for a search query.

Qwant can be called one of the most user-friendly search engines. It offers a large number of settings for a more convenient display of data for you. The columns of the issuance categories can be changed according to their location among themselves. For example, if you are primarily interested in the news line, you can move it to the left so that it is the first to catch your eye, and the list with commercial information can be moved as far as possible to the right.

Let's do a little testing of the search engine. Let's say we are interested in the work of Monica Belucci. We open the qwant.com start page, which, by the way, is very similar in design to Google. We enter "Monica Belucci" in the line and see the following: at the very top we are offered videos and photos of this famous actress, while you can scroll through the media results right at the top using the arrow without going to the photos tab.

In the Web column, we see links to several of the most relevant sites that have information about Bellucci - Wikipedia, KinoPoisk, etc. In the Live column - news about the actress ( latest interviews, photo shoots, etc.), in the Social column you can see people's reviews of Monica Belucci from social networks, but in Shopping we see a list of sites where you can buy films with Monica.

As you can see, the system aims to provide answers to any user request, without imposing the results on the user, but offering them in several categories to choose from. The creators of Qwant themselves confirm that the main focus was on improving the search for information on popular social networks.

Of course, cloud technologies are paid, because you use third-party servers. But such a service has a large number of advantages, in particular:

The client should pay only for the amount of memory in the storage that he actually uses, and not for renting the server;
- the customer does not need to purchase, maintain and maintain their own storage equipment, which greatly reduces production costs;
- all technical issues regarding maintaining the integrity of the posted information and data backup are carried out by the provider, which does not require the participation of the client in this.

Why cloud storage is attractive
You have probably used file sharing services, of which there are still a huge number. There you could upload your own file, which becomes available to any user who can find your file by tag or name. Unlike them, cloud technology provides complete privacy. That is, only the owner of the information can use the posted data, and he enters the system with his login and password.

Ordinary users have fallen in love with such technologies because now there is no need to litter the computer with tons of old information - on any computer you can always find several gigabytes of old music that may be useful someday, a collection of films that have already been reviewed several times, documents that have already been have been printed and used.

But, nevertheless, all this information must be stored somewhere. Cloud services offer to clean up the space on the computer directly by sending all the data that is not yet needed to the "cloud". To do this, you only need to be willing to pay some fees and have a high-speed Internet connection.

Another feature of cloud storage is that you can get stored data at any time and from any device. That is, if you sent a movie "to the cloud" from a computer, you can take it back to your computer from a laptop, tablet, smartphone ... The main thing is that you have a password and login with you.

Which cloud storage to choose?
There are a huge number of cloud services, and they are constantly evolving, offering not only storage space, but also related services. Below are the most popular ones.

1. Windows Live SkyDrive - Offers the most amount of server space. Registered users can store up to 25 GB of their own information in the cloud for free. Office documents uploaded to cloud storage can be edited and opened right in the browser. Synchronization can be performed from several computer devices at once.

2. DropBox is a very famous service among regular users, but it only offers 2 GB of space for each of its clients. If you use a paid account, you can expand your capabilities up to 20 GB.

Graph Search (hereinafter referred to as GS) is the name of the Facebook (FB) update recently announced by Zuckerberg, which further "socializes" the first social network on the planet. The beta release of the new service has been launched so far only in the English-language segment of Facebook. Search "know-how" will become available to Russian-speaking users of the social network later, but you can add your account to the "waiting list" right now.

Technically, GS is a filter system that uses the Bing search algorithm inside the social network and allows you to search for people, interesting places, music (in a subsequent update), photos that are relevant to your Facebook interests. For a social media user, Graph Search will look like a search bar at the top of any FB page.

When you enter a query in the GS search string, the result is collected on a separate page bearing the name of the query (for example: "My friends in Rio"). It is planned to search by likes, comments, media content, photo tags. The date of the next update of the intelligent service is not yet known.

Facebook Graph Search - how does it work?
The start of development was given by the statement: for the user, the recommendation of a friend is more significant than the ratings of thousands of unknown people. So, using Graph Search, you can find, for example:

Photos of fellow students before 1995;
- squash lovers from your city;
-photographs of friends taken in Indonesia;
-favorite metropolitan sushi bars of your friends;
-Sights of Prague or Paris visited by your friends.

Cause for concern or false alarm?
The first news about Graph Search caused some concerns among FB users. Yes, the intelligent service is very attractive in terms of search capabilities, but many are afraid of the use of social search by marketing companies, intelligence agencies, criminal gangs, government agencies, unscrupulous owners of Internet services to collect information. Are the concerns justified?

On the one hand, Graph Search does not change privacy settings, therefore, only FB users for whom they are open can "give out" private data. On the other hand, transcontinental corporations, government intranets and even banks suffer from "information leaks". Is Facebook safe in terms of security? Time will tell.

Compiled by: Mats L.V.


  • Quote (English citation) - a verbatim excerpt from any text, provided with a link to a source published earlier.
  • Citation is one way to tell readers that some of the material in your work came from another source.
  • The citation provides readers with the information they need to re-search for the source:
    • information about the author;
    • title of the document;
    • publication date;
    • number of pages of material;
    • and etc.


  • ALWAYS when you take someone else's ideas or words, you need to show their source.
  • The following situations almost always require a citation:
    • when you use quotes;
    • when paraphrasing ideas;
    • in the case of using an idea already expressed earlier;
    • when you mention someone else's work;
    • when any work had a significant impact on the formation of your own ideas.
  • use a fragment of the material, and not the entire material;
  • clearly (with quotation marks) highlight the beginning and end of the quoted fragment;
  • indicate the full name of the Author or Authors (as complete as possible);
  • indicate the exact title of the work;
  • if an electronic document is used, indicate the exact link to the source web page (and not to home page the site from which the material was taken).
It should be remembered: subject to the design of the boundaries of the quote and a link to the source, quoting is not plagiarism.


  • “When writing a dissertation, the applicant must cite the author and source from where he borrows materials or individual results.
  • “When using in the dissertation ideas or developments belonging to co-authors with whom scientific papers were written, the applicant is obliged to note this in the dissertation.”
  • "The specified references should also be made in relation to the scientific works of the applicant, performed by him both in co-authorship and alone."
  • “In the case of using borrowed material without reference to the author and source of borrowing, the dissertation is withdrawn from consideration, regardless of the stage of its consideration, without the right to re-defend.”
Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees: approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2002 N 74 Russian Federation of January 30, 2002 N 74 (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 20, 2011 N 475)

Russian Science Citation Index - RSCI

  • RSCI is a specialized information product that collects and processes complete bibliographic information about scientific articles and other scientific publications, annotations and article lists of literature cited in articles.
  • RSCI data help to conduct an objective assessment of the activities of various scientific and educational organizations, research teams and individual researchers, as well as to determine the impact factors of periodicals.
  • A prerequisite is a unified format for the design of reference lists of references - in in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5_2008 "Bibliographic reference"(Regulation RSCI).
  • A dissertation is a scientific work and references in it are drawn up in accordance with the specified GOST. Dissertations are included in the RSCI.
  • This standard has been developed taking into account the main regulatory provisions of the international standard ISO 690:1987 “Documentation. Bibliographic links. Content, form and structure” (ISO 690:1987 “Information and documentation – Bibliographic references – Content, form and structure”) and the international standard ISO 690-2:1997 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic links. Part 2. Electronic documents and parts thereof" (ISO 690-2:1997 "Information and documentation - Bibliographic references - Part 2: Electronic documents or parts thereof").
  • APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated April 28, 2008 No. 95-st.

DIFFERENCES GOST 7.1 - 2003 and GOST R 7.0.5 - 2008

  • Bibliographic description - a set of bibliographic information about a document, its component part or group of documents, given according to certain rules and necessary and sufficient for general characteristics and document identification. General requirements for the bibliographic description of the document and the rules for its compilation are determined by GOST 7.1-2003 . "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and compilation rules". Compiled without connection with the text.
  • Bibliographic reference - a set of bibliographic information about the cited, considered or mentioned in the text of the document by another document, necessary and sufficient for its general characteristics, identification and search. Compiled on the basis of the principle of conciseness in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008. Mandatory connection with the text of the work - citation.


  • The rules for presenting elements of a bibliographic description in a reference are carried out in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 and GOST 7.82-2000. In this case, the form of a brief description is allowed.
  • Elements and areas in the bibliographic description are preceded by prescribed punctuation marks (according to the old terminology, conventional separators). Unlike ordinary grammatical signs, prescribed punctuation marks perform the identification functions of areas and elements. The title is separated from the description by a dot. Description areas are separated from each other by a dot and a dash.


  • A bibliographic reference (BR) can be full or short, depending on the type of reference, its purpose, and the presence of bibliographic information in the text of the document.
  • A short reference, intended only to search for a document - the object of the link, is compiled on the basis of the principle of conciseness in accordance with the requirements of this standard.
  • In this manual, all examples are given in short form.


  • the dot and dash character separating the areas of the bibliographic description is replaced by a dot;
  • abbreviation of individual words and phrases is used for all elements of the bibliographic record, with the exception of the main title of the document;
  • indicate either the total length of the document (page) or information about the location of the link object in the document.


  • hyphen ( Difficult words: economic and mathematical, black and white, etc.);
  • math minus (-56, -0978.46);
  • dash (a sign of prescribed punctuation in BO);
They vary in size, thickness and application. Here's what it looks like enlarged:
  • hyphen - on the keyboard;
  • minus - Ctrl + Gray;
  • dash - Ctrl + Alt + Gray;
  • off-text links - placed outside the text of the document or part of it, are placed after the main text;
  • in the off-text bibliographic reference, bibliographic information about the document is given;
  • are made using references in the text:
Reference in text:

In the text link:
10. Berdyaev N. A. The meaning of history. M.: Thought, 2011. 175 p.
  • The reference sign consists of numbers enclosed in square brackets:
Option 1.
- when sending in this way, in the list after the text, you must indicate the page from which the quote was taken.
Option 2.
- with such a referral, the list after the text indicates the total volume of the document (number of pages)
  • references are made uniformly throughout the document.


  • If the referral contains information about several links beyond the text, then the groups of information are separated by a semicolon:
Option 1
Option 2


  • In case of consecutive arrangement of references to the same off-text reference, the second reference is replaced by the words "Ibid" or "Ibid" (from "Ibidem") (for sources in languages ​​with Latin script);
  • If the source is the same, but the page changes, then the page number is added to the word "Ibid":
[Ibid. S. 24],
  • After "Ibid" a period is put, the page is indicated by a capital "S.", and not lowercase, as in the main reference.


  • If the text is cited not from the original source, but from another document, then the words “Cit. on:":
[Cit. by: 12, p. nine]


  • If not a quote is given, but a mention of someone's views, thoughts, ideas, but still not based on the primary source, then the words “Reported from:” are cited in the reference:
[Quoted from: 15]


  • One
Vylkova E.S. Tax planning: textbook. for university students. M.: Yurayt, 2011. 639 p.
  • Two authors:
Kosolapova M.V., Svobodin V.A. Complex economic analysis economic activity: studies. for university students studying in the direction of preparation. "Economics" and specialty "Accounting. accounting, analysis and audit”. M.: Dashkov, 2011. 246 p.
  • Three authors:
Pivovarov S.E., Tarasevich L.S., Rakhmatov M.A. international management. 4th ed. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2011. 640 p
  • Four or more authors:
Operations management: for bachelors: textbook. in the direction of "Management" / S.E. Pivovarov [i dr.]. SPb. [et al.]: Piter, 2011. 540 p.
Finance and credit: studies. for university students studying in economics. specialties / N.V. Baidukova [and others]; ed. M.V. Romanovsky, G.N. Beloglazova; St. Petersburg. state University of Economics and Finance. 2nd ed., revised. and additional Moscow: Yurayt, 2011. 609 p.


  • Kovshikov V. A., Glukhov V. P. Psycholinguistics: theory speech activity: studies. allowance for students. Moscow: Astrel; Tver: AST, 2009. 319 p. (Graduate School).
  • Talashkin G. N. Methods of overcoming crisis situations in the functioning of the investment and construction complex of Russia: dis. ... cand. economy Sciences: 08.00.05 - Economics and management. nar. economy (economic security; economics, organizational and management of enterprises, industries, complexes) / St. Petersburg. state University of Economics and Finance. SPb., 2011. 159 p.
  • Talashkin G. N. Methods for overcoming crisis situations in the functioning of the investment and construction complex of Russia: author. dis. ... cand. economy Sciences: 08.00.05 Economics and upr. nar. economy (economic security; economics, organizational and management of enterprises, industries, complexes - construction) / St. Petersburg. state University of Economics and Finance. St. Petersburg: SPbGUEF, 2011. 21 p.
Before ellipsis followed by a space.


  • Information technology in business: Sat. report participants of the 3rd international conf., June 14-17, 2011, St. Petersburg / Feder. education agency, St. Petersburg. state University of Economics and Finance, Dept. informatics; [ed. V.V. Trofimov]. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2005. 32 p.
  • Strategic measures and industrial policy for the development of the Russian economy: Sat. materials of the International scientific-practical. Conf., St. Petersburg, March 15-16, 2001 / St. Petersburg. state University of Economics and Finance; editorial board: S.R. Gidrovich (editor-in-chief) and others. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2001. 400 p.


  • Scientific session of the faculty, researchers and graduate students based on the results of research in 2009, April 21-28, 2009: brief. abstract report Part 1 / St. Petersburg. University of Economics and Finance. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg University of Economics, 2010. 131 p.


  • The role of the financial and credit system in the implementation of priority tasks of economic development: materials of the 2nd intern. scientific conf., 29-30 Jan. 2009: in 2 volumes. Vol. 1 / Feder. education agency, St. Petersburg. state University of Economics and Finance; ed. V.E. Leontiev, N.P. Radkovskaya. St. Petersburg: SPbGUEF Publ., 2009. 320 p.


  • Legislation on competition and consumer protection: Sat. norm. acts and doc. / comp. N. N. Zakharova; ed. and intro. Art. P. V. Krasheninnikov; State Antimonopoly com. Ros. Federation. M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 1998. 781 p.


  • Business in St. Petersburg: Entrepreneur's Handbook. SPb.: Inform.-ed. agency "Lik", 2002. 238 p.
  • Shirshov E.V. Information and pedagogical technologies: key concepts: dictionary / ed. T.S. Butorina. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2009. 253 p.


  • Altman G.S. Sale of goods: per. from English. St. Petersburg: Grin, 2009. 224 p.


  • Anthology of Russian Philosophy: in 3 volumes. T. 1 / St. Petersburg. state un-t, Philos. faculty, St. Petersburg. Phil. Ros. customs acad. named after V.B. Bobkov, St. Petersburg. University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Acad. humanitarian. sciences; editorial board: A.F. Zamaleev [et al.] St. Petersburg: Sensor, 2000. 639 p.
  • Fitzgerald F. Selected works: in 3 volumes: per. from English. T.1. M.: Artist. lit., 2009. 445 p.


  • Dneprova T.D. Transformation of incomes of the population and their state regulation / St. Petersburg. state University of Economics and Finance. SPb., 2010. 214 p. Dep. In INION RAN 06.10.2010, no. 99076.


  • Grishchenkov A.I. Socio-economic conditions for adaptation of migrants in the countryside // Problems of APK. - 1996. - No. 10. - S. 29-34. - Rec. on the book: Increasing the efficiency of agro-industrial production in the conditions modern forms management. - Voronezh, 1995. - 223 p.


  • OECD Economic Reviews. Russian Federation, 2005 / Center for Cooperation with Countries in Transition, Org. economy cooperation and development. M.: TsISN, 2005. 218 p.
  • Economy and politics of Russia and neighboring countries: analyt. review, Apr. 2009 / Ros. acad. Sciences, Institute of World Economy and International. relations. M.: IMEMO, 2009. 42 p.


  • Management accounting / Anthony A. Atkinson. 5th ed. Pearson: Prentice Hall, 2007. 656 p.
  • Weber J. Logistikmanagement. Stuttgart: Schaffer-Poeschel, 1998. XV, 392 s.


  • Bank of Russia: [website]. URL: http://www.cbr.ru/ (date of access: 05/11/2011).


  • Mokhov P., Parov R. Retail turnover planning // Marketing in trade. 2009. No. 5. S. 44−56.
  • Grishchenkov A.I., Glushak N.V. Status and prospects for the development of the innovation sphere in Russia // Questions of Economics and Law. 2011. №1. pp. 12–26.
  • Drozdovskaya L. P., Rozhkov Yu. V. Nikiforov IN Information and credit market: formation and regulation // Banking. 2010. No. 7. S. 57−63.
  • Baigulov R.M. Development of the scientific and technical potential of the region // Economics of agricultural enterprises. 2010. No. 3. S. 13−15.


  • On countering terrorism: Feder. law Ros. Federation dated March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ: adopted by the State. Duma Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federation 26 Feb. 2006: Approved Federation Council Feder. Sobr. Ros. Federation March 1, 2006 // Ros. gas. - 2006. - March 10.


  • Improving the process of teaching and educating students on the basis of psychological and social research / A. I. Grishchenkov [et al.] // Achievement of science and best practices in production and educational process: materials of scientific and practical. Conf., October 10 – 12, 2010, Bryansk, 2010, pp. 12−16.


  • Grishchenkov A.I., Bogdanovskiy V.A. Determination of the complex of adaptive characteristics of migrants in the village. scientific tr. - St. Petersburg, 2010. S. 18−25.


  • Grishchenkov A.I. Restoration of the labor potential of a small village // Problems of agrarian policy and market development in the Russian Federation: abstract. report intl. scientific-practical. Conf., April 21 - 23, 2009. Rostov-on-Don, 2009. P. 18−24.


  • On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services: Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2010. N 31. Art. 4179.


  • The objects of compiling a bibliographic reference are also electronic resources of local and remote access.
  • Links are both to electronic resources as a whole (electronic documents, databases, portals, sites, etc.) and to components of electronic resources (sections and parts of electronic documents, portals, websites, publications in electronic serial publications, etc. . P.).

If links to electronic resources are included in an array of links containing information about documents various kinds, then in the links, as a rule, indicate the general designation of the material for electronic resources: [Electronic resource]

  • Avilova L.I. Development of metal production in the era of early metal (Eneolithic - late Bronze Age) [Electronic resource]: state of the problem and prospects for research // Vestn. RFBR. 1997. No. 2. URL: http://www.rfbr.ru/pics/22394ref/file.pdf (date of access: 19.09.2007).


  • If it is impossible to determine the date of publication or creation from the screen title page of an electronic resource of remote access (network resource), then the earliest and latest dates of creation of the resource that could be identified should be indicated.

For remote access electronic resources, a note is given about the access mode, in which it is allowed to use the abbreviation "URL" (Uniform Resource Locator - Uniform Resource Locator) instead of the words "Access Mode" (or their equivalent in another language) to designate an electronic address:


  • Date of access to the document - the date when the person making the link opened this document, and this document was available.
  • The date of circulation is given in parentheses and indicate the day, month and year:
Housing law: current issues of legislation: electron. magazine 2007. No. 1. URL: http://www.gilpravo.ru (date of access: 20.08.2007).


  • Brichkina R. I. Commerce in transport // Transport: online journal. 2008. URL: http://www.trans.ru/ (date of access: 11.05.2009).
  • Assessment of Russian leaders and the state of affairs in the Russian Federation. 07/22/2009 // Levada Center: [website]. URL: http://www.levada.ru/press/html/ (date of access: 25.07.2009).
  • Investments will remain raw // PROGNOSIS.RU: daily. Internet ed. Jan 25, 2006 URL: http://www.prognosis.ru (date of access: 19.03.2007).


  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part four) dated December 18, 2006 N 230-FZ (as amended on October 4, 2010) // Consultant Plus. Legislation.
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2010) (as amended and supplemented, effective from January 7, 2011). Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus" (date of access: 06.06.2011).


  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993) (subject to amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 N 6-FKZ, of December 30, 2008 N 7-FKZ). Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus" (date of access: 06/05/2011).


  • About form approval tax return on excise taxes on tobacco products and the Procedure for filling it out: Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2006 N 146n (as amended on June 17, 2011). Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus" (date of access: 06/05/2011).


  • On courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation: federal constitutional law of 02/07/2011 N 1-FKZ (as amended on 06/01/2011). Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus" (date of access: 06/05/2011).


  • On the rates of customs fees for customs clearance of goods: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2004 N 863 (as amended on July 20, 2011). Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus" (date of access: 06/05/2011).


  • On the issues of setting tariffs for the population by regulated organizations, including VAT: information letter of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation dated 08.08.2011 N SN-6273/5. Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus" (date of access: 06/05/2011).


  • Instructions on accounting and reporting for use financial resources for liquidation activities emergencies and their consequences from the reserve fund of the Government of the Russian Federation for the elimination of the consequences of emergency situations: approved. Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation N 34-19-3, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation N 61, Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation N VM-173 / 37-25 05.05.1994. Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus" (date of access: 06/05/2011).
  • Guidelines for the transition to the chart of accounts of budget accounting, applied from January 1, 2011: approved. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The document has not been published. Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus" (date of access: 06/05/2011).


  • On the delimitation of powers of bodies state power Petersburg in the field of railway transport on the territory of St. Petersburg: Law of St. Petersburg dated October 20, 2010 N 525-122. Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus" (date of access: 06/05/2011).
  • Moscow Kremlin [Electronic resource]: three-dimensional. guide. Moscow: New Disk, 2007. CD-ROM.
  • Prices and pricing [Electronic resource]: electron. textbook / E Vasilyeva and others; ed. V.E. Esipov. M.: KNORUS, 2010. DVD


  • Kurbatova A., Kuznetsova A. Marketing business simulation Markstrat // Strategic management. 2011. No. 2. URL: http: //grebennikon.ru/article-nz7n.html (date of access: 06/05/2011).


  • 2011 HALF TIME REPORT // Newsweek. July 4, 2011. p. 64-72. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed August 12, 2011).
  • Brimson J. Management paradigm: The untapped power of process laws // Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance (Wiley) 2011. 22, no. 3. p. 33-44. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed 08/12/2011).


  • McLean S. Business Communication for Success // POLPRED.COM. 2010. URL: http://polpred.com/3309 (date of access: 06/05/2011).
  • St. Petersburg real estate market is recovering: press review August 11, 2011 // POLPRED.COM. 2011. URL: http://polpred.com/id=387198 (Accessed: 06/05/2011).


  • On industrial production in January-July 2011 // UIS Russia. URL: http://www.gks.ru/bgd/172.htm (date of access: 06/05/2011).
  • Number of students educational institutions higher professional education // Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators - 2010 / federal Service state statistics. UIS RUSSIA. URL: http://www.gks.ru/regl06-18-1.htm (date of access: 06/05/2011).


  • Love I. Corporate Governance and Performance around the World: What We Know and What We Don‘t // World Bank Research Observer. 2011. Volume 26, Issue 1. URL: http://elibrary.worldbank.org/content//1564-6971 (accessed 06/05/2011).
  • Gruwth of consumption and investment // World Development Indicators 2010. URL: http://data.worldbank.org/section4.pdf (accessed 05.06.2011).

GOST R 7.0.5–2008 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE. General requirements and drafting rules

  • GOST 7.0–99 Information and library activities, bibliography. Terms and Definitions.
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Writing is becoming popular these days. And everyone tries to write - both young and mature people - and about everything: both in the vein of fanfiction, and telling own stories. But the trend among novice authors is the same: it seems that only fantasy and imagination are needed for this. Invented - thought - wrote, and that's it. And I got a buzz from work, and happiness that I finished the book. And you can take on the next, again relying only on life experience, often modest, and fantasy. However, this is an amateurish approach.

Why amateurish? Because one fantasy is not enough for certainty. Very little. And when you ask novice authors questions - where are other cities and villages in your history, is it really one settlement and that's it? Why are two countries at war with each other? because from time immemorial it has been customary, and they do not divide the border lands, and politics has nothing to do with it? and the villain himself appeared so evil, and does he have a dark past? But what about the psychology of formation? - the answer is one. Peremptory and predictable: “This is fiction! It's a book! It's the same, after all! And here everything is possible!” And in fact…

Is everything possible in a fictional story?

Of course, a lot. The author's arbitrariness can justify magic, and the giants that have leaked into our world, and the aliens with the apocalypse, in the end. But the lack of credibility cannot be justified by fiction alone. And for reliability, knowledge, at least basic, and logic are necessary. For no one will believe in an illogical story. And no one will believe you as the author. And the book will be closed without reading it, charter.

What is required for credibility

1. .

The heroes of any story live in a world - modern, alternative or fictional. And the world is geography, culture, history, economics, sociology, politics and geopolitics. Least.
The world must be unfolded, even if all the events take place in one village. The reader should have the feeling that there are other countries and cities, mountains and seas outside the village. This means that knowledge about landscapes, climatic zones, flora and fauna, and so on will be needed.

People (or other beings) in any world:

They live in a society, and this is sociology: first of all, the structure of society (social ladder, clans and clans, aristocracy and merchants, social inequality, etiquette and norms of treatment);

Enter into economic relations(barter, commodity-money) with each other and with the state - and pay taxes;

They live according to the laws of the state, and this is a system of political administration, the ruling elite and the ruling circles (both the state and a single city), criminal and administrative laws.

Plus - foreign policy, if cities or countries are at war with each other. Plus culture - mythology, religion and other beliefs; original crafts and trades; clothes. Plus the history of the world (milestones in the development of the country / city) - possible wars, periods of prosperity / decline. Plus - the elementary (or somewhat modified, but stable and uniform for the world) laws of physics.

By the way, all of the above exists in our world, and it is not so difficult to build a fictional or alternative world on its basis. The main thing is to decide what you want to focus on, and based on this, gain the necessary knowledge. And if you, for example, write about two warring states, culture and society can be mentioned in passing. And throw all your strength into the study of geopolitics, diplomacy and economics.

2. Heroes / .

It is important to remember that these are independent people. And this is where knowledge comes in handy:

  • psychology (personality, temperaments, goals and motives of the personality, pyramid of needs, etc.);
  • interpersonal relations and conflictology;
  • sociology;
  • culture (because any person is a product of culture - or lack of culture);
  • philosophy (“to be or not to be”, yeah, the eternal philosophical problem, as well as “what to do?” and “how to live on?”);
  • biology and medicine - especially physiology and anatomy, so that your hero does not bandage a bruised calf on his knee.

In general, it is necessary to know physiological concepts, otherwise it happens that a person rubbed a bruised forearm, and they bandage his shoulder, because the author does not know where the forearm ends and the shoulder begins. The same applies to the location of the internal organs, the main bones of the skeleton and the features of arterial and venous bleeding. And the basics of nutrition, if you crave to put the hero in extreme survival conditions. And for the sake of interest, you can read what diseases are acquired with a long-term exclusively meat diet.

3. Science.

In any world, science will be present: even in ancient society there was medicine at the level of medicine, astronomy and mythology, natural history at the level of knowledge of the seasons and their features (primarily for agriculture). And if you write about a healer, then knowledge about appearance plants, about medicinal properties and combinations are needed.

Helpful Hint: When designing a world, figure out with what period (early, advanced, or late medieval), with what way - manufacturing, industrial or technological - of our world can be correlated with yours. And look for specific information, analyzing the features - is there a sewerage system or not, do they believe in gods or in higher power what typical buildings in cities are wood or stone. Accordingly, the development of crafts, and the social ladder, and even clothing and the composition of fabrics are analyzed.

Complicated? Of course it's difficult. 🙂 And it will be even more difficult if we remember the logic, because all phenomena, all the features of the world are interconnected, and the basis of all connections is those that need an eye and an eye. And therefore it will seem strange both a wooden city in a stone wasteland, and a toilet bowl with a shower in the absence of sewerage.

On the one hand, it seems that these are trifles, details, but it is these details that will either give credibility to the story, or make the reader snort disdainfully, declare “Author, this cannot be, you are delusional!” and close the book.

Also do not interfere knowledge from the field of philology:

  • about what composition is,
  • about how a hero differs from a character,
  • about the main and so on.

Many advise authors to receive a philological education as a specialized one, but not every good writer is now a philologist, and far from every philologist is able to become a good writer. But in literary criticism and linguistics, they definitely will not be superfluous.

Where to get the necessary information?

First, of course, on the Internet. The main thing, I repeat, is to highlight the areas of knowledge that you need. The protagonist– a doctor who got lost in the Siberian taiga? Wonderful. Looking for information about:

1) the medical profession, especially studying biology, signs of illness / poisoning, the rules for providing primary medical care;

2) about the features of the Siberian taiga, including climate and seasonality, flora and fauna;

3) about survival in extreme conditions according to the principle of Robinson Crusoe - what and how to eat, where to sleep, what to be afraid of, how to use fire, etc.

Second, very helpful. personal experience . In Yandex, of course, there is everything, but “live” experience is more expensive. And if your hero-medic is going to courageously go through a wild mountain pass, it definitely won’t hurt you to go on a mountain hike and see the beauty of the mountains with your own eyes, to feel all the delights of a “wild” vacation on your own skin. And participate in role-playing games and at least hold a sword in your hands if your story is about great battles and beautiful fights. The book will only benefit from this.

Thirdly, observation brings information.. We lose sight of a lot when rushing to work or burying our noses in our smartphones. But almost everything that we need to work on a "living" history, from birth. And in transport, instead of checking messages on social networks, you can watch people - their types, behavior and habits, relationships in a company or a couple. And you can even walk a few stops on foot and lilac blossoms or overflows of snowdrifts in the light of lanterns. And you can also learn a lot from parents and grandparents - about how they lived under a different government and, in fact, in a different world, what values ​​were then, what problems.

We are surrounded everywhere by an abyss of useful information that we do not notice, which we do not want to use (after all, we must learn!), focusing on our own experience as the only true means. But in vain. But - everything is in your hands, colleagues 🙂 There would be a desire to learn. For a professional writer is a psychologist, and a philologist, and a sociologist, and a political scientist, and a philosopher, and many others.

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