What does it mean when the time is right. What do the same numbers on the clock mean

I keep seeing on the clock same digits

For a couple of months now, I have noticed that I constantly come across the same numbers on the clock. Something pushes me to look at the clock at the exact time when the numbers are the same. Also, I rarely look at my watch. And then I began to notice that all random glances at the clock, at the computer, at the oven give the same result - the numbers are the same !!! Moreover, initially I came across 0:00, well, just very often !!! And then different combinations began to appear - and 1:11, and 17:17, and 22:22, 23:23. I don't see mirror combinations like 12:21 or 14:41. Basically the same. Tell me, does it happen to you? I think that this is not without reason - apparently, some information is being sent, I just cannot understand it.

I searched the Internet for information and this is what I found.

Does this happen to you? No matter how you look at an electronic clock or a computer monitor, it is always 0:00, then 22:22, or even better: 6:66. Familiar? Yes, me too I keep seeing the same numbers on my watch. It started quite a long time ago, a few years ago. At first I thought it was a coincidence. But then I noticed that I didn’t see anything else there. How to get a phone out of my pocket - time to find out ( wrist watch I haven’t worn it for a long time), and I stumble upon a series of identical numbers separated by a colon.

At first it was just funny, and then curious. Everyone was going to study the issue, but somehow the hands did not reach. One day a friend of mine passionately told me exactly my situation. I realized that I was not alone in my strangeness and nevertheless decided to find out the reason for such interesting behavior my technique (or psyche). We approached the issue very seriously: for almost a whole day we studied all kinds of versions, ranging from mysticism to ordinary psychology. It was surprising that not only we, but also several thousand more excited citizens were interested in this issue, and there were as many as 99,700 articles on the net, so it is quite possible that you have asked this question more than once.

Well, I decided that it is worth describing the most logical and moderately fantastic explanations for this strange phenomenon of our time.

Version one: divination on an electronic watch

This option is offered to us by the mystics. They are convinced that by what numbers you see on the electronic dial, you can predict future events.

If you saw the same numbers on the clock, then big changes are coming in life!

Here is the meaning of each of the combinations that you can see during the day:

00:00 - do not plan serious things, you will be completely disappointed

01:01 - boldly start a new business, everything will be fine

02:02 - if you have a stab in your side, then it is possible that you are seriously ill

03:03 - you will successfully complete what you started earlier

04:04 - do not take risks - you will not see champagne

05:05 - if you are single, then you will definitely fall in love. And if you already have a partner, then he is definitely plotting unclean

06:06 - everything will be fine everywhere

07:07 - today you are in charge. Think carefully about who you are going to make friends with.

08:08 - you can quarrel with a colleague or fall out of favor with your boss

09:09 - flirting or a love affair is possible

10:10 - a very good day awaits you - enjoy

11:11 - gifts and other pleasant surprises will definitely

12:12 - higher powers are on your side

13:13 - perhaps something or someone will make you go astray. Be carefull

14:14 - isn't it time for you to fall in love

15:15 - expect an unpleasant surprise or news

16:16 - do not scare away Fortune, she is a changeable lady

17:17 - take risks, but wisely

18:18 - you may suddenly receive an inheritance from an overseas uncle

19:19 - luck will visit your neighbor today, but certainly not you

20:20 - in a quarrel with your loved one, behave civilly

21:21 - you will regret what you did

22:22 - be very careful - the danger is very close. But that's no reason to panic

23:23 - the day was still the same, but tomorrow everything will be much better. Stop looking at the clock - it's time to go to bed

It's so easy and simple to find out what the coming day is preparing for you. If you believe - go for it! And we move on.

Version two: the same numbers on the clock are part of the rhythmic structure of being

According to some researchers of this extraordinary phenomenon, our existence is subject to a certain rhythm, which is reflected on the clock. Observation of paired numbers means familiarization with this rhythm. For many, the above process begins after persistent meditation, a happy and bright event, such as the birth of a child or big win to the lottery. In general, when everything is fine and we are happy. A kind of harmony with nature.

Version three: a kind of autism

Don't be afraid, you are not sick or even crazy. Just our everyday life is in the grip of all sorts of reflexes: the phone rings and we rush to the receiver, dropping a pot of hot soup on the go - a reflex; going home, we automatically reach for the switch, which hasn’t been there for two years already - also a reflex (but this time will pass). Our consciousness creates convenient templates to make life easier, so as not to think about the little things in life once again. At the moments of activation of these reflexes, our consciousness is turned off and we behave mechanically. In short, we are in a state of chaos, that is, the unconscious dominates. And if at this moment we look at the monitor or phone, we will most likely see the same numbers on the clock.

The same autistics, who are in themselves almost all the time, are distinguished by their incredible mathematical abilities: they calculate card combinations in poker, multiply ten-digit numbers together and tell you exactly how many times you repeated the word “well” during a twenty-minute conversation. Chaos has its own ordinal value, and we catch it when we see it. clock numbers are the same.

But if in the conscious moments reason is used, then in the unconscious state intuition begins to appear. We begin to feel better, our thoughts, feelings and emotions. You can call it like this famous expression as harmony with its essence.

Here. Both difficult and simple. You can imagine that you have autism, panic and throw away all the technology that shows the time, or you can just tell fortunes for tomorrow. Choose. And I'll see what time it is. Well, here again 01.01 - you can start a new article!

Since ancient times, people have believed in various coincidences, thought what they mean. Particular attention was paid to time and the same numbers on the clock. After all, numerology can tell a lot about a person and his future, and if he constantly sees the same numbers, then this must necessarily indicate something.

Warnings from higher powers are able to show certain events that await a person in the future. They are very often encrypted in numbers. Every day people see different digital combinations, for example:

  • car license plates;
  • clock time;
  • numbers of buildings and structures;
  • the same dates of birth;
  • ticket numbers.

All these signs carry certain information for a person that changes his future. Many are sure that angels turn to people with the help of numbers, try to warn about something and protect them, send them messages from above. Some simply ignore it, but others see it as secret meaning. The coincidence of the numbers on the clock will tell a lot, so you should correctly decipher the signs.

What does matching numbers mean?

Specialists in numerology are convinced that numbers have a strong influence on the fate of an individual. That is why one should not underestimate the signs provided by higher powers.

Almost every person at least once noticed the repeating numbers on the clock, there is a special interpreter designed to decipher such unusual characters.

You need to understand that the clock becomes a warning from higher powers. In particular, you need to look at the signs if the same numbers come across continuously. This serves as a message from a guardian angel who is trying to warn of something. It's time to listen to your own intuition in order to understand numerical predictions.

Fortune telling on the clock

Fortune telling with a clock will bring answers to many questions about the future. After all, time has always been and will continue to exist, even if there are no people left on earth at all.

When a person accidentally looks at an electronic watch and notices a pair of time, he involuntarily begins to wonder why it happened so and what it means. The subconscious mind suggests that a special meaning is hidden in the numbers, it is only important to understand why the higher powers send such a sign.

Some nations are considered successful combinations odd numbers, however, deuces-nines usually mean completion certain stage in life, are considered harbingers of global changes in fate.

If even combinations are constantly repeated, then it is useful to listen to these signs and prepare for possible danger, simply be careful, notice envious people and ill-wishers. If you are interested in signs in a timely manner, then you can easily solve all difficult situations.

Not only the same numbers have meaning, but also other combinations. At times, they pay close attention to only one number, which constantly flashes before a person’s eyes. Perhaps that is where the solution lies.

If a person looks at his watch several times a day and sees the minute hand on the number 10, then you need to be sure that this is a sign from the Universe.

Mirror reflections of numbers are also important signs that are especially noted.

Basic rules for divination on the clock

When working with watches, you must follow some rules so as not to become a hostage to incorrect information. It is recommended to guess on the clock only on Tuesday and Thursday, because these days are considered the most mystical and truthful.

It is absolutely impossible to deliberately guess the time in order to see a good combination. All this will not mean anything, will not be able to predict the future. If a person saw a certain combination of numbers only once, this may turn out to be a mere accident. However, if this happens within a few days, then be sure to look at the value of the combination.

Answers and Meanings

Each number has its own meaning and will be the answer to important question. You should first describe them in order:

1 - is the start of every action in life.
2 - means that two scenarios are expected from all undertakings. There is a chance to go on the right or wrong path, you should definitely keep a balance and not indulge in adventures.
3 - is considered a creative figure, in a pair means the appearance of a new family member.
4 - shows that a person stands firmly on his feet, enjoys respect in society, strives to achieve his goals and feels stability.
5 - has unstable energy, pushes a person into various adventures.
6 - calms everything conflict situations peacefully resolves problems.
7 -demonstrates that a person will soon achieve his goals.
8 - gives energy to a person, gives excellent intuition and extraordinary abilities, helps in difficult situations.
9 - collects the energy of all numbers, convinces a person that he is no better than the rest.
0 - symbolizes infinity and eternity, helps in all endeavors, gives energy and strength.

If a person sees the same numbers on the clock, he does not need to be scared at all. If the numbers are repeated, then they have more powerful energy.

Paired numbers on the clock

If a person sees paired numbers on a watch, he often becomes perplexed. After all, such a combination suggests a breakdown, which leads to superstition. I would like to find answers to questions about what the paired numbers mean.

Numerology experts are convinced that time is not subject to anyone, it is also little studied, which is why it scares many. That is why the numbers on the clock are so powerful. There is a certain interpretation of digital combinations that you need to talk about.

The value of digital combinations - the first half of the day

00:00 - if a person does not have bad thoughts, then at the sight of this combination they make a wish, it will soon be fulfilled.
01:01 - Very soon, a person will have good news from some man.
01:10 - it is irrational to start new business, they will be useless.
01:11 - soon a person will receive an extremely advantageous offer.
02:02 - soon there will be fun or a pleasant trip to visit.
02:20 - it is unreasonable to succumb to emotions, you should try to restrain yourself.
02:22 - all secrets will be revealed.
03:03 - soon a person will meet his love.
03:30 - Disappointment awaits.
03:33 - to success and good luck.
04:04 - it is important to look at the problem with different eyes, then the solution will come by itself.
04:40 - a bad day awaits a person.
04:44 - you will have to listen to an impartial opinion about yourself from relatives, close people or a leader.
05:05 - Behind the back, ill-wishers decided to take revenge or make a person feel bad.
05:50 - accidents with fire and water are possible, it is good to be careful.
05:55 - Acquaintance with a smart and interesting person.
06:06 - it is quite possible to receive a marriage proposal from a lover or meet your soul mate.
07:07 - a military person can bring bad news or danger.
08:08 - a great day to work.
09:09 - you must be vigilant, watch your things, theft is not ruled out.
10:01 - a person will get acquainted with an influential person.
10:10 - a person is expected big changes in life.
11:11 - units mean that you should seriously think about your own dependencies on bad habits or people, you need to try to change the situation.

The value of digital combinations - the second half of the day

12:12 - on this day they expect success in love affairs.
12:21 - an interesting acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex.
13:13 - you need to beware of ill-wishers.
13:31 - a long-planned wish will come true.
14:14 - great luck awaits in love.
14:41 - a person is in trouble.
15:15 - you can use the advice received.
15:51 - an all-consuming passion awaits a person, which will quickly pass.
16:16 - Be careful on the roads.
17:17 - an attack or a robbery is possible, you should not wander in the dark alone.
18:18 - danger on the roads.
19:19 - expects success in any endeavors.
20:02 - beware of family scandals, it is better not to be led to provocations and remain calm.
20:20 - should be wary of scandals.
21:12 - possible changes in life, pregnancy, change of profession or pleasant surprises.
21:21 - recovery love relationship or a new novel.
22:22 - a new acquaintance that will change your life.
23:23 - a dangerous undertaking, which is better to refuse.
23:32 - health problems, the occurrence of diseases.

It should be noted that double and double numbers mean something only if a person pays attention to them by chance. Do not specifically expect a successful combination, it will not work.

Mirror of time

If a person notices the numbers 10:01 or 23:32 on the clock, then he is a little stuck in time space and is busy with business. It should be remembered that if you start a business during this period, then for a long time going around in circles but getting nowhere.

01:01 means that soon a person will make a sharp leap forward, his affairs will advance.
02:02 means that a certain situation will be easily resolved and find stability.
03:03 means that someone third will interfere in the affairs of a person, who will greatly help in this.
04:04 on the clock shows that a person will deal with his problems on his own.
05:05 indicates that the person will be in a rather precarious position.
06:06 shows that it will be possible to successfully get rid of troubles.
07:07 on the clock indicates that soon all goals will be realized.
08:08 will give extra energy to achieve results.
09:09 will collect everything Creative skills and help you get out of a difficult situation.

Divination by home clock

In addition to divination by the numbers of hours, there is a very common ritual for the number of hours in the house. Just this will tell the energy level of the home and the owner. Count all the hours in the house.

Alone the clock shows a warm home environment and love.
Two hours point to good energy and harmony in the home.
Three hours called a realist in the house, who believes that he is always right.
Four hours indicate a minimum of love, tenderness and warmth in the house.
Five hours mean that the owner loves to meet guests.
Six hours determine that it is difficult to relax and unwind in the home.
Seven hours note bad energy, it is worth improving relations in the family.
Eight hours establish the complete absence of positive energy and comfort. The owners of the house practically do not devote time to each other.
Nine hours testify to a prosperous atmosphere and love.

Why does a person see the same numbers on the clock?

When looking at the same numbers on the clock, they first of all listen to their own intuition. Not everyone is lucky good combinations, so be careful.

Numerology has not yet been fully studied, especially when it comes to infinite time, from which there is no escape. The subconscious mind will help you feel when you need to pay attention to a certain location and decipher its meaning.

Even if an extremely negative set falls on the clock, think, maybe this is just a coincidence and in fact the person is not in danger? It is he who creates his future and is able to change it, and fortune-telling is only a hint that helps to take the right steps and move forward.

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Numerology is one of the most ancient sciences. Each digit matters, and when the numbers are combined on the clock - 00:22, 23:23 - it is better to know their designation.

Knowing the meaning of the same numbers on the clock, you can plan the day so that it becomes successful, or vice versa, postpone new beginnings when the combination of temporary values ​​​​does not promise them success. What do the same numbers mean? Read on.

The meaning of the numbers

Each number carries a certain energy:

  • 1 - strength, the true "I" of a person, the highest concentration of energy. Does a person often get a unit? He is overly self-centered, selfish and does not want to reckon with the opinions of others.
  • 2 - a number that carries softness, at the same time strong confidence, a symbol of restraint. When looking at the clock, did you see a combination of twos? Better be calm and reserved. This figure is a symbol of personal relationships.
  • 3 - peace of mind, meditation, pure thoughts, connection between the past and the future. Troika constantly flickering when looking at the clock? It is worth looking at life plans, whether they are so important, and perhaps it is better to move in a different direction.
  • 4 - vital energy, activity, a symbol of persistent forces aimed at achieving the goal. The number of health, and if every time, looking at the clock, comes across a four, you need to be more careful about your health, perhaps there are already symptoms.
  • 5 - caution, a sign that the risk is not worth the goal. The figure suggests that the game is not always worth the candle, and the risk is not always a noble cause. Be prepared for different situations.
  • 6 - kindness and honesty, a symbol of unshakable moral values. A symbol that a person should become honest with himself, not mask problems, but find ways to solve them.
  • 7 - a sign of good luck, accompanying in various endeavors. A combination of three, four sevens promises only good luck and success. Sevens flashed on the clock? good time pause for a moment in the rush of life, be alone with yourself, comprehend life and actions.
  • 8 - a symbol of life changes promising fate, and if you correctly interpret the signs and act as the mind tells you, life will present a good gift.
  • 9 - life wisdom, spirituality. A sign of a problem to be solved, and deliberate, correct actions will help you understand yourself and find a way out of the current situation.

Knowing the designation of the same numbers on the clock, you can get a good tip from the guardian angel and predict fate.

Morning match combinations

Cognitive and morning combinations:

  • 00 - you will soon reach your goal, it's time to make a wish. But it will come true only when the thoughts of a person become honest.
  • 01 - a combination of these numbers promises a girl a quick meeting with love. Did the numbers appear at the beginning of Monday? A woman will spend a week in anticipation of a cherished meeting, and she will not keep you waiting.
  • 02 - a symbol of soon the fulfillment of a cherished desire, a person will receive a longed-for invitation.
  • 03 - get ready to open a big heart and pure love. 03.33 - promises good luck in various endeavors.
  • 30 - when relations with a representative of the strong half of humanity are unstable, it is better to refuse them, the combination of these numbers suggests that the chosen satellite is not so good, and relations with him have no continuation.
  • 33 - a combination that speaks only of success and good end different beginnings.
  • 04 - a sign for those who cannot find a way out of a certain situation. Look at it with different eyes, slowly analyze it, you will find a way out yourself.
  • 44 - It is worth becoming more careful about work, not making hasty decisions and not taking on too many responsibilities.
  • 05 good sign for those who are at a crossroads, cannot achieve what they want, you just need to believe in own forces and things will work out for the best.

What are the angels talking to us about? What does the coincidence of the same numbers on the clock mean?

Each digit and number in numerology has its own unique meaning. And if you often see them, your angels are talking to you.

The same digits of time on the clock: meaning in numerology, signs

If you often see the same repeated numbers on your watch, this may indicate that there is hidden information for you that is contained in these numbers. If you saw a combination of repeated numbers once, it may just be an accident. But, if you see the same combination of numbers for a long time, you should find out what this combination means.

  1. Number 1 means the start of any action and undertaking.
  2. Number 2 means that the event can develop according to two scenarios. One way can be wrong and the other right. Also, the number two indicates that a person must keep balance, like a tightrope walker. And in this he is helped by two points of support.
  1. Number 3 adds creativity to the balance of the deuce. If we consider a man and a woman as a couple, then the three can mean the birth of a child.
  2. Number 4 means a strong position in society, stability and order. With this sign, a person can expect to be able to create a solid foundation for material well-being.
  3. Number 5 has unstable energy and can push a person to adventurous acts. A person can make them only out of a sense of curiosity and a thirst for new adventures.

  1. Number 6 able to calm conflicting energies and promote peaceful problem solving.
  2. Number 7 indicates that ideals can be achieved. She gives energy to achieve any goals.
  3. Number 8 doubles energy and gives super powers. It gives fearlessness in overcoming difficult life situations.
  4. Number 9 combines the energy of all numbers. It eliminates the desire to be the best.
  5. Zero enhances the energy of other numbers and is a symbol of eternity and infinity. It also symbolizes freedom from the limitations of the material world.

When you see the same numbers on the clock, you should not be scared, especially if the clock shows 00 00 . It's just midnight has come and this combination of numbers will help you relax, understand that everything is going on in this world and in exactly a minute your watch will show 00 01 .

If the numbers are repeated, this means that their energy is doubled

Paired figures of time on the clock: meaning in numerology, signs

The paired digits of time on the clock are probably capable of confusing everyone for a second. After all, a watch showing the same numbers resembles a broken one, and a lot of superstitions are associated with a broken watch.

When the same numbers appear on the clock, it seems that something is wrong with time. And time is one of the most mysterious and little-studied phenomena, about which scientists argue and film sci-fi movies"Butterfly Effect", "Back to the Future" and others. If someone could turn back time, he could dramatically change this world. Therefore, watches, the numbers on which are folded in pairs, mirrored or repeated, can scare.

From the point of view of numerology, paired numbers on the clock simply denote the greater strength of a particular number.

Repeating numbers and numbers of time: interpretation of meanings

  • If you look at this phenomenon without taking into account superstitions and mysticism, then everything immediately falls into place. And it turns out that seeing the same time on the clock is very good! After all, this suggests that your internal biological clock is working fine.
  • All in human body subject to certain biorhythms: sleep and wakefulness, diet and digestion time, time highest productivity work and leisure time. Therefore, if you look at the clock at the same time every day, this means that your “internal alarm clock” works with an accuracy of up to a minute.

The same numbers on the clock. Coincidence or Mystery?
  • Perhaps you accidentally looked at the clock twice at the same time, for example, at 20.45, and this fact excited you. This can lead to the fact that the next time at the same time something inside “clicks” and you want to look at the clock again.
  • Our brain is very complex, and processes huge amounts of data, bypassing consciousness. And he can, for example, determine the time by the fact that Sunbeam got to a certain flower on the wallpaper, or decide that if the neighbor from above opened the tap, then most likely he got up on the alarm clock for work and it is 7.20 in the morning, or even determine the time by the train whistles coming from the nearest station. Moreover, most likely, you will not even think about where you got such information from, but simply understand that it is now 20.20 or, for example, 11.45.

Coincidence of numbers on the clock 12: what does it mean?

Match on the clock 11 11 means that you have to start in a new business for you. Moreover, you will have to start in several directions at once.

Match on the clock 10 10 means that after the start you will fall into a temporary trap. And your undertaking will be delayed at the starting point.

Match on the clock 12 12 means that after taking the first steps in a new job for you, you will feel the need for help from your friends.

Match on the clock 13 13 means that a third force will intervene in your destiny. Perhaps it will be positive and fears about the number 13 will be in vain.

Such a coincidence on the clock is a lucky sign

Match on the clock 14 14 indicates that after the start you will firmly stand on your feet, all your positions will be strengthened, and there will be a positive shift in business.

Match on the clock 15 15 ruin your life. And you will move from a stable and calm state to an adventurous and searching one.

Match on the clock 16 16 will return you to a serene and calm state. If you have experienced tension, it will gradually go away.

Match on the clock 17 17 will help in conquering new heights. If you are looking for the perfect life companions, they will meet on your path.

Match on the clock 18 18 will give you super abilities, and you can achieve success even in those areas that were previously incomprehensible and inaccessible to you.

Match on the clock 19 19 will give you an understanding that you can be happy not trying to conquer new heights, but enjoying the little that you already have.

To conquer new peaks or not? The choice is yours

Match on the clock 20 20 says that if you are carried away by running after two birds with one stone, you will realize that the daily routine takes up your time to communicate with friends and loved ones.

Match on the clock 21 21 means that you will not be able to balance between two fires and will return to the starting position.

Match on the clock 22 22 means you need a stable two-point support . It will help you get out of the water dry, increase the chances of success in any situation and give you confidence in the future.

Match on the clock 23 23 in an unstable state, it will give a third force that will help in achieving the intended goals.

Match on the clock 24 24 from a shaky position will give a firm support on 4 points.

The most stable position - four points of support

Mirror numbers and time numbers on the clock: meaning

If you see mirror numbers on the clock, for example 10 01 or 23 32 , then this means you are a little stuck in time, space and your affairs. And most likely, having started a business, you will return to the starting point, and you will have to start all over again.

Fortune telling on the clock for identical, paired and repeating numbers and numbers of time: interpretation of meanings

The combination of numbers on the clock 01 01 says that from moving in a circle you will move on to moving forward.

If the clock shows 02 02 , then once you get into an uncertain situation, you will be able to get out of it and even feel stability.

If you looked at your watch and saw 03 03 , then a third force will interfere in your affairs, which will lead you out of the movement in a circle on the right path.

The combination of numbers on the clock 04 04 says that you yourself will find a confident and stable position for your affairs.

Combination of numbers 05 05 means that when you get out of the circle, you will find yourself in a precarious position.

If the clock shows 06 06 , you will be able to conflict-free and peacefully solve a complex problem.

If on your watch 07 07 , then you will be given the energy to achieve your ideals by being in endless attempts to succeed.

The combination of numbers on the clock 08 08 will double your energy and bring you out of stagnation.

Combination of numbers 09 09 will gather all your talents and abilities into one fist and help solve problems.

Why do I always see the same numbers on the clock when the hours and minutes match?

If you constantly see matching numbers on the clock, this means that your angels are trying to convey some information to you. They may also try to pass it on to you along with prophetic dreams. Understanding the language of angels is difficult, but you can still try to do it.

VIDEO: What do the mirror numbers on the clock mean?

Not very popular fortune-telling by the clock was undeservedly forgotten. But this is a simple and proven way to know the future. There is no need to perform any special ritual - just note when you see repeating numbers on the clock and remember them.


  • 05:05. Someone sharpens a tooth on you, spreads gossip and false rumors, trying to ruin your reputation
  • 05:50. You are in danger, be vigilant and look around
  • 05:55. Your life can change dramatically for the better. Some new acquaintance will influence it


06:06. Waiting for an invitation to a major event


07:07. You are likely to get in trouble with the law, even if you did nothing


08:08. suddenly get a large sum of money. It's either a win or a return of an old debt


09:09. You are too wasteful, try to spend more wisely

Number combinations

Look not only at the same numbers, but also at their combinations. These can be similar pairs of numbers, or a mirror image: for example, 12:21, 14:14, and so on.


  • 12:12. In a relationship with a loved one, peace and quiet. Everything will be fine and calm
  • 12:21. Someone who falls in love with you
  • 13:13. Your constant rival, with whom you compete from time to time, is in danger of winning
  • 13:31. The combination promises the fulfillment of an old desire
  • 14:14. Take the initiative and take the first step towards your loved one. Then everything will turn out great.
  • 15:15. Do not ignore the advice of those who are older and more experienced than you.
  • 16:16. Bad time to travel
  • 17:17. Abstract from the familiar environment - it spoils your life
  • 18:18. Avoid public transport for the foreseeable future
  • 19:19. Coming white stripe luck will accompany everything
  • 20:02. Possible conflicts and quarrels with friends
  • 20:20. Try not to quarrel with loved ones
  • 21:12. Need to finish work as soon as possible
  • 21.21. You suddenly find out that some old acquaintance has long been in love with you.
  • 22.22 You will meet an important person for you who will play a huge role in your destiny
  • 23:23. In your environment is negative person, energetic vampire. You need to avoid all contact with him.
  • 23:32. Beware of old enemies

Watch a video about the meaning of the numbers on the clock:

There are some rules that you need to know if you want your divination to be reliable:

  1. Repeating numbers and their combinations acquire magical meaning on just two days of the week: Thursday and Tuesday. On all other days, do not pay attention to the clock if you notice the same numbers, they do not have any mysterious meaning and do not carry predictions
  2. Do not try to specifically look at the dial during happy hours. Such an attempt to deceive the Universe is not only useless, but can also attract negativity into life. Higher power will definitely try to teach you
  3. In the East, it is believed that you should be wary of any combination with a nine. If you do not want to see a negative prediction, try to forget about what you saw on the dial
  4. The most powerful predictions that will come true quickly contain odd numbers. Even numbers, on the contrary, often slow down the course of events, and also mainly talk about negative events that will happen soon.

Remember: not every prediction comes true. The universe can simply send you a sign - a warning about what not to do, but what you need to pay attention to. Proper Behavior in such situations will save you from negative consequences and will help to quickly fulfill positive ones.

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