Possibilities of multimedia programs in teaching English. Educational portal. The concept of multimedia learning tools


We are increasingly faced with the fact that knowledge of a foreign language (and the most popular language at present is English) is becoming a vital necessity. An excellent opportunity to join the world culture, communicate with almost any foreign representative, study abroad - knowledge of English (and other foreign languages) opens the door to the world and contributes to the successful search for a presentable job, is a plus both in studies and in everyday life.

From the very beginning of the active introduction of ICT (information and communication technologies) into the educational process, they began to play a huge and indispensable role in mastering foreign languages ​​by students of schools and universities. The methods and roles of ICT and MTL (Multimedia Teaching Tools) have been widely and almost comprehensively reviewed by many educators and scientists. Now, it's time to more deeply assess the quality of the possible assimilation of knowledge by students, using the MSO, starting not only from the qualities of the teaching aids themselves, but also from the psychophysiological characteristics of certain age categories.

That is why the relevance of this work is undeniable, since deeper studies of this topic, or close to it, have not yet been observed in modern pedagogy and methodology.

The subject of the course work are multimedia teaching aids in the process of learning English for students of the seventh grade.

The object of the course work is the process of teaching English.

The purpose of the course work is to consider multimedia teaching aids in their application in English lessons in the seventh grade.

The objectives of the course work are:

- consideration of the concept of multimedia teaching aids, their types;

Consideration of theoretical aspects of the use of multimedia teaching aids in the process of teaching a foreign language;

consideration of the psychophysiological characteristics of seventh grade students, for further selection and analysis of tasks and multimedia tools of the experimental part.

comparative analysis of the use of multimedia teaching aids in English lessons in the seventh grade, by conducting a research experiment.

The structure of the course work: the course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of the use of multimedia tools in the seventh grade

1.1 The concept of multimedia learning tools

Since the 70s of the last century, new information technologies have entered the school practice of teaching along with the computer. Most recently, leading domestic schools mastered computer technology based on the use of the simplest control, training and calculation-graphic programs, but today they are actively using multimedia technologies in teaching. These technologies, carrying with them new complex ways of presenting, structuring, storing, transmitting and processing educational information, make it possible to move to more effective forms of organizing students' educational activities and can play a large, and perhaps decisive role in changing the pedagogical technologies that prevail today. The use of concepts such as "multimedia", "multimedia technologies", "multimedia environment" in the theory and practice of teaching is becoming commonplace. Computer systems with interactive support for audio and video recordings and interactive tools that allow you to work with text, static and dynamic images, videos, speech and sound accompaniment, have brought new complex ways of presenting, structuring, storing, transmitting and processing educational information to learning. At the same time, for many authors, from the point of view of organizing the learning environment, these listed multimedia concepts are synonymous. Some experts argue that it makes no sense at all to translate these vague terms into normal language. The author of a monograph on multimedia popular in Russia, I. Verner, also does not give a definition of this concept, but only notes the importance of multimedia technologies for information processing and interactive human-computer interaction in the information society. Often there is a confusion of the concepts of "pedagogical learning technology using multimedia" and "multimedia technology". What is multimedia, what is its nature and distinctive features? The term "multimedia" comes from the Latin words "multum" (many) and "media" (means), that is, "many environments". However, this concept has a lot of shades depending on the field of application: science, technology, art, culture, education, since the purpose of multimedia varies depending on where and for whom it is supposed to use this tool, for what purposes (again, the functional approach ). In the universal encyclopedia "Cyril and Methodius" multimedia is defined as a computer technology, "which provides the connection of several types of related information (text, sound, photo, drawing, animation, video, etc.). ) into a single block, as well as the carrier of such information. The new encyclopedic dictionary interprets this concept in a narrow and broad sense:

1."Multimedia (multimedia tools) - software and hardware that provide playback on the display screen of video information (with sound), recorded on a compact disc (CD-ROM), received via a computer network, e-mail, television broadcasting channels.

.Multimedia in a broad sense is an attempt to liken communication with a computer to the perception of the real world, reflected in the flows of heterogeneous information - sound, visual, tactile, etc.

The dictionary "Basic concepts and definitions of applied Internet" introduces an additional description of the concept of multimedia: "Multimedia - multimedia - the interaction of visual and audio effects under the control of interactive software. Usually means a combination of text, sound and graphics, and more recently animation and video. A characteristic, if not defining, feature of multimedia Web sites and CDs is hyperlinks. Thus, multimedia is:

1.A complex of hardware and software that allows you to create and reproduce an information product (resource) that combines static visual (text, graphics) and dynamic (speech, music, video clips, animation) information. An important component of multimedia is the organization of an interactive information environment using hypertext.

2.The source and medium (for example, CD-ROM) of this information product (resource).

Multimedia technologies are one of the most rapidly developing areas of new information technologies used in the educational process. One of their features is interactive computer graphics.

Multimedia teaching technologies are a combination of technical teaching aids (TUT) and didactic teaching aids - information carriers (DLT). Multimedia technical means provide the conversion of information (sound and image) from analog, i.e. continuous, to digital (discrete) form for the purpose of its storage and processing, as well as the reverse conversion so that this information can be adequately perceived by a person.

Multimedia is a complex of hardware and software that allows the user to work with heterogeneous data organized in the form of a single information environment.

.2 Analysis of the use of multimedia teaching aids. Some species

The main groups of tasks solved with the help of multimedia include: - support for the educational work of students; - ensuring real communication with native speakers; - providing access for all participants in the educational process to rapidly growing information funds stored in centralized information systems; - ensuring interaction between teachers, exchange of pedagogical experience and didactic materials.

Technical teaching aids can be classified according to a number of criteria:

by functional purpose;

by type of training;

on the physical principles of the device and work;

according to the logic of work;

by the nature of the presentation of information;

according to the nature of the impact on the senses.

Technical multimedia training tools include, as a rule: a multimedia computer equipped with a stereo sound card, a DVD / CD-ROM drive, stereo speakers, a microphone, a video card; television and radio tuners (television and radio

receiver), allowing you to receive television and radio broadcasts; devices for inputting video images into a computer for digitization; board for working with a video recorder or video camera; camcorders and digital cameras; WEB-cameras for teleconferencing and visual

communication; various screens; cabinet dimming devices; devices for audio and video playback and information display; remote control devices for technical means.

Audio - and especially video information converted into a computer form, requires a lot of space for its storage. Therefore, software products with multimedia properties (textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias, educational electronic courses) are usually distributed on CDs. That is, a DVD/CD-ROM drive is required to use these products. To work with sound and video on a computer, a lot of software tools have been developed that provide playback, editing, recording of audio and video information presented in various formats from devices of various types.

There are a variety of options for using MSO, but three main ones can be distinguished:

lecture courses, practical and laboratory classes, distance learning.

The teacher in the classroom can use:

· Presentations created by the teacher and students, or presentations from the Internet.

· Electronic encyclopedias. (For example, "The Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Mifody")

· Electronic textbooks. (The student is first invited to view the training course or perform a virtual experiment based on the knowledge gained, and then go through the software knowledge control system).

· Interactive trainings (For example, to prepare for the exam).

· Test constructors that allow the teacher to formulate the questions of the assignments himself, and enter the grade set by the computer into a journal.

The main types of lessons according to the way of using information technologies are:

· Lessons where the computer is used in demo mode using a projector / or a lesson using an interactive whiteboard.

· Lessons where the computer is used individually - the lesson takes place in a computer class without access or with Internet access.

The most commonly used MSOs are:

· Interactive board;

· Interactive polling system;

· Various educational programs;

· multimedia screen;

· Network educational programs;

· Simulation technologies;

· diagnostic complexes.

Using interactive whiteboardan ordinary lesson becomes more effective, the dynamism of the lesson increases, the possibility of video action and video interaction opens up, for example, the possibility of quickly obtaining information from the updated websites of car manufacturers via the Internet. In other words, the teacher, using minimal effort on his part, can constantly be in the information field of any industry. Another advantage of the interactive whiteboard is the ability to wirelessly interact with a computer, thanks to the Bluetooth function, the information entered using the interactive whiteboard is stored in the computer's memory. The same functions can be performed by interactive tablets. Videoconferencing conducted using an interactive whiteboard allows you to exchange information entered from different computers in real time, regardless of the location of the participants.

The SMART electronic board allows you to:

· active commenting on the material: highlighting, clarifying, adding additional information using electronic markers with the ability to change the color and line thickness;

· full-fledged work on the translation of the text and individual sentences, indicating the connections and relationships between words;

· typing by means of the virtual keyboard of any text of the task in any application and its demonstration in real time;

· not only acquaintance with test tasks in viewing mode, but also demonstration testing of an individual student or a group of students for the entire audience, if the school does not have a computer class or it cannot be provided to the teacher at the moment;

· saving the results in a separate file in the form of pictures or in HTML and PDF format.

Forms of use in the interactive whiteboard lesson:

· Performing an individual task for students at the blackboard - a “capture” of a previously prepared document is carried out, for example, Microsoft Power Point “sign the objects you know; build a graph of functions; solve a crossword puzzle, etc.” through the board toolbar. Then, the task is checked by other students of the class: correct and incorrect answers are marked with an electronic marker of a different color or corrections are made.

· Work with interactive maps and models.

· Conducting a virtual experience or experiment.

The versatility of the interactive whiteboard will ensure the involvement of students in the work, especially those who perceive information mainly kinesthetically.

In pedagogical practice, an interactive survey system is used, consisting of wireless remote controls located at each student's desk, which allows for instant monitoring of students' mastery of the material being studied. The possibilities of the system are diverse:

general survey;

a motivational speed survey that registers only the first student who answers correctly.

determining who wants to answer the question posed during an oral survey. This avoids students' choral responses.

The system allows you to keep all the journals of all students. The teacher knows which topic, which student did not understand well. There is the possibility of differentiation in checking the level of assimilation of the material and the individual approach to each student.

Thus, the survey becomes more lively and in a short period of time all students of the group receive an objective assessment.

Email is used as a method of communication.

Most teachers have their own email address, which is known to all students and through which they contact the teacher, ask questions, for example, when preparing for an exam.

E-mail is also used as a source of information (subscriptions to online magazines, newsletters, etc.).

The most accessible of the multimedia tools should be recognized as the so-called electronic textbook. According to the type of organization and method of delivery to the student, there are three types of multimedia textbooks:

) on CD-ROM with or without a printed supplement; 2) on Internet sites with or without a printed appendix; 3) on CD-ROM, but with links to some Internet sites, with or without a printed application.

The use of electronic textbooks in the classroom and after school hours allows you to:

· achieve the optimal pace of work of students, that is, an individual approach;

· students become the subject of learning, as the program requires them to actively manage;

· dialogue with the program takes on the character of an accounting game, which in most students causes an increase in motivation for learning activities;

· mitigate or eliminate the contradiction between the growing volumes of information and the routine ways of its transmission, storage and processing.

Each student enters the program under his own name. And from the list of topics of the training program, you can choose a theoretical minimum, practical tasks, self-control and computer control.

Educational programs, being a multimedia aid, allow increasing the degree of independence of students, the teacher only coordinates the actions of the student. If necessary, the student can go back to a topic that is incomprehensible to him.

1.3 Psychological and physiological features of the development of 7th grade students and their reflection in the educational process

Multimedia teaching aids (MMEs) influence the formation and development of human mental structures, including thinking. They must comply with the system of psychological, pedagogical, technical and technological, aesthetic and ergonomic requirements.

During adolescence, physiological changes occur that lead to changes in the behavior of children.

The period of activity of the dominant center of the cortex is reduced brain. As a result, attention becomes short and unstable.

Decreased ability to differentiate. This leads to a deterioration in the understanding of the material presented and the assimilation of information. Therefore, during the classes it is necessary to give more vivid, understandable examples, use demonstrative material, and so on ... The activity of the second signaling system is weakened. Speech becomes short, stereotyped, slowed down. Adolescents may have difficulty understanding auditory (verbal) information.

The relationship between memory and thinking is changing. Thinking is determined by memory. To think is to remember. For a teenager to remember is to think. In order to memorize the material, he needs to establish a logical connection between its parts.

Teenagers develop the ability to learn. Among the various methods and skills of educational activity, there are three main types.

Techniques of the first type are part of knowledge and are expressed in the form of rules for applying knowledge (for example, knowledge of the laws of physics is used when wiring electricity). Techniques of the second type concern the organization of assimilation processes. These include methods of goal-setting, planning, control, correction, evaluation of the results of educational activities. They are expressed in the ability to group the material by meaning, highlighting the strong points, formulate the main idea of ​​what was heard, in the ability to read and understand the textbook, dictionaries, additional literature. Techniques of the third type are more generalized and are directly related to mental operations. A teenager should know what operations he needs to do in order to more rationally solve the problem. These techniques ensure the development of concepts that become clear, sufficient in content and volume. Assimilated knowledge and methods of action are fixed, corrected in solving typical problems, turning into mental skills and abilities, which then allow you to perform certain actions in changed conditions. The latter is also very important because adolescents love such mental work that is interesting, contains novelty and a new level of generalization, that is, an unknown problem. A student in grades 5-8 begins to appreciate himself for the fact that he manages to study as required, but even more so for the fact that he knows how to replenish his knowledge on his own.

In adolescence from 11 to 15 years, coinciding with the puberty crisis, due to the instability of mood, emotional sphere, and physiological tone, memory manifestations also become unstable. This does not mean that memory is weakening, on the contrary, it continues to improve, but due to absent-mindedness, which is often associated with psychological problems of a puberty that interferes with incoming or reproduced information, both memorization and reproduction may periodically suffer.

In adolescents (11-15 years old), the intellectualization of perception continues. This is due to the complication of school material ... On the basis of intellectualized perception, fantasizing and imagination develop, including creative ones.

In adolescence (11-15 years) during the puberty crisis, attention suffers, becomes more scattered, adolescents find it difficult to focus on educational material due to the dominant in the sexual sphere. Hormonal storm leads not only to emotional instability, but also to instability of attention.

After we studied the properties of some multimedia teaching aids and the psychophysiological characteristics of seventh grade students, we were able to draw several conclusions, based on which the research part of our course work was developed. Namely:

Due to instability, short duration and sometimes lack of attention, the stages of the experiment should not have taken too much time;

Visualization should be given at the maximum level, preferably of a visual nature; multimedia student lesson english

Associative examples and tasks with logical overtones can play an important role in memorizing the material, provided that the student establishes a logical connection between its parts;

Chapter II. The effectiveness of the use of MSO in English lessons in the seventh grade

.1 Development of a study comparing the use of MSOs in the seventh grade parallel

To test the effectiveness of using various multimedia teaching aids in English lessons in the seventh grade, we conducted an experiment-study. From the existing multimedia teaching aids, we chose the three most accessible in the school where our research work was carried out. Three of these tools have been described in more detail earlier (see Chapter I), namely: an interactive whiteboard (with partial use of a projector), an electronic textbook on a PC, and an audio player. The process of teaching new material was divided into two stages using each of our chosen means.

The study was conducted in parallel with the seventh grade, secondary school, where each class was assigned its own multimedia tool (7"A" - an interactive whiteboard, 7"B" - an audio player, 7"C" - an electronic textbook).

Checking the effectiveness of the assimilation of knowledge by students, using the selected multimedia learning tool, was carried out by presenting to students fifteen words of the same topic that have not yet been studied, followed by control of assimilation. We checked the assimilation of new material after each completed stage of training in each class of the selected parallel.

All students in the classes of this parallel had a single level of English proficiency, which was an ideal option for our study.

Also, I would like to note that the passage of new material in each class took place at the same time, which excluded the possibility of communication between representatives of different classes.

On average, each stage took 15 minutes, not counting the time for verification.

In our study, comparing the use of multimedia learning tools, for students to learn new vocabulary, the topic Disasters was chosen. .

List of presented words:

Flood [fl?d] flood

Hurricane ?n] hurricane

Tornado [t?:? ne?d| ?? ] tornado, tornado

Tsunami [ts??n?:m? ] tsunami

Eruption [i "r?p??n] volcano eruption

earthquake [?? :?kwe ?k ] earthquake

Drought flood

Blizzard[? bl?z ?d ] blizzard, snow storm

Typhoon [ta? ?fu:n ] typhoon

Fire [?fa? ? ] fire

Avalanche [? aev ?l?:n? ] avalanche, collapse

Landslide ["lændslaid] landslide, landslide

Explosion [iks"pl?u??n] explosion

14. Famine ["fæmin] hunger

Desease [di "zi: z] disease

Stages of training:

7 "A" 7 "B" 7 "C" Stage 1. "A1". The words are displayed on the interactive whiteboard. Pictures. "B1". The words are reproduced on an audio carrier. "B1". The words are given in the electronic textbook. Stage 2. "A2". The words are written on the board. Pictures. Video with subtitles. "B2". The words are reproduced on audio. Written in chalk on a blackboard. "B2". The words are given in the electronic textbook. Suggestions are given with words. Video with subtitles.

2.2 Conducting a study comparing the use of MSO in parallel to the seventh grade

A1. Fifteen words on the topic Disasters were presented to the class on an interactive whiteboard in the form of a presentation using associative pictures for each of the presented words. A projector was also used to display information on the board. The words were given with translation and transcription (see p. 19).

A2. At the second stage of our research experiment in this class, the same words were given in the dialogue of the characters shown in the video. The video was shown on an interactive whiteboard using a projector but no audio output devices, so it was shown without sound but with subtitles.

At this stage, a method of visual perception of information was used.

The form of class work is group work, since the entire learning process was carried out in the presence of the whole class.

B1. Fifteen words on the topic Disasters were presented to the class using an audio player. The students listened to the pronunciation of the new vocabulary by the announcer, recorded on audio media.

The form of class work is group work, since the entire learning process was carried out in the presence of the whole class.

B2. During the re-conducting of the “B1” stage, the teacher manually, with transcription and translation, wrote the input words pronounced by the announcer on the audio medium.

At this stage of the study, the method of auditory perception of information was used.

The form of class work is group work, since the entire learning process was carried out in the presence of the whole class.

IN 1. Fifteen words on the topic Disasters were presented to the class in the paragraph (unit) of the electronic textbook launched on a personal computer. Each student in the class works on a separate PC.

In the textbook, students go through the first part of the unit: the words are given with transcription, translation, description, explanation and associative pictures.

IN 2. Students go through the second part of the unit of the electronic textbook. After each new word, sentences are given using this vocabulary.

At this stage, after students have studied all the vocabulary and sentences, a video is given using all the words they have learned (the same that was given to the "A" class). Also, if desired, each of the words could be heard, both at the first and at the second stage of the category "B".

At this stage of the study, the method of auditory, visual, associative perception of information was used.

The form of class work is individual, since the entire learning process takes place with each student of the class separately.

Upon completion of the study by the students of the new material, we carried out verification work, after each stage, for the students to master the new vocabulary (both in oral and written form), using it in sentences and translation. The test showed that after passing the first stage, the most successfully mastered the material was 7"B" class (electronic textbook), then 7"A" (interactive whiteboard + projector), and finally, 7"B" (audio player).

After the second stage, the best results in mastering new vocabulary were in 7"A" (interactive whiteboard + projector). With a slight difference in the quality of the results, the material was assimilated by class 7"B" (electronic textbook). The worst results of knowledge of new words, as well as after the first stage, showed 7"B" class (audio player).

2.3 Results of the study comparing the use of MSO in the parallel of the seventh grade

Let's consider this situation in more detail.

Students who studied new vocabulary using an interactive whiteboard used visual and associative memory, which is a plus, given the psychophysiological characteristics of adolescents, which we discussed in more detail in paragraph 1.3. (pp. 14-16). If an audio track were used in addition to the video sequence, then the end result of the 7 "A" class would be much better. But in this study, we tried to show the most isolated use of each of the means we have chosen, only minimally helping students (as in stage "B2"), since learning new words only by ear, for children who do not yet have a stable knowledge base of a foreign language, is a completely unproductive way of learning (see table 2 in the appendix).

In the class where the audio player was used, the listening method was used, as well as the recognition of lexical units and their isolation from the speech stream. Critically inconvenient, without a visual example, it gave the worst results, in connection with which the words were given at the second stage also on the board in writing. But still, hearing new, undeveloped words in the flow of speech (dialogue) listened to by the students on the audio medium was also an extremely difficult task.

The electronic textbook turned out to be the most effective tool at the first stage, but after the second stage it was slightly inferior to the interactive whiteboard in terms of its effectiveness. Here, both auditory and visual and associative memory were involved. A possible advantage could be that the children were sitting separately, working individually. Also, there was a video with subtitles (the same that was given to the "A" class).

Perhaps if the projector had been used with audio, the result would have been slightly different, as working in a group to learn new material is more effective for teenagers than working "alone with a car."

In my opinion, this is a controversial issue, since alone we can concentrate more easily, especially given the restlessness of teenagers, their absent-mindedness and inconsistency of attention. Although, on the other hand, teamwork and some imitation of other students, a developed sense of rivalry, can also be an incentive for more successful assimilation of the material using a board + projector in the whole class than individually on a computer.

Of course, using each MSO separately, and using several MSOs in a row in one lesson, is hardly the right teaching strategy. As well as the absence of the teacher's help, so is the MSO in general, since the learning process must include all possible and diverse aspects of learning, and cannot be carried out, for example, without the help of a teacher. But in this study, our task was to consider the productivity of the isolated use of MSO, which was done.

By conducting a study and summing up the results of the survey of learning of the material, we can only conclude which MSO should be distinguished from others when there is no opportunity, for example, for a school due to a lack of budget in purchasing various MSOs, and choose the most effective one, and not which one is the best.

Based on the results of our experiment, we choose a projector, although the electronic textbook is also not inferior in its effectiveness (especially in terms of the convenience of a PC in the ability to carry out various types of work). The main thing to remember is that in no case should you always use only one MSO, you need to combine and alternate them, and then the learning process will capture students, show them something new, interesting and useful.

At the end of our research work, we proved the previously put forward (in Conclusions after the first chapter , see page 17) hypotheses. The work we have done has made it possible to take a fresh look at the problem of teaching English in the seventh grade, and to identify some of the shortcomings of the use of MSO in a modern school. Also, we were able to highlight a number of advantages that would not be superfluous to keep in mind when teaching teenagers of this age group. Namely:

Focus on teamwork can give better results in the study of language material than individual;

Visibility is a must;

Auditory clarity must necessarily be accompanied by visual;

The work should not take too long a period of time. It is desirable to change different types of activities;

A lesson should not use too many different MSOs in a row. But in different lessons, the MSO should also not be repeated;


Modern society dictates its own rules, it requires that education, if it wants to remain a quality education, be improved in the same way as the world around us is being improved. Moreover, informatization should have entered the education system first. But due to a number of reasons (the main of which is the insufficient funding of educational institutions), the use of ICT and MSE in the process of education in the peripheral parts of the Russian Federation has only just begun to spread. This leads to another problem - most of the teachers in our schools were not brought up in such an information-rich environment as they are now. Not everyone knows how and considers it necessary to use any kind of innovation. Meanwhile, the modern schoolboy is no longer the same as he was before. And without accepting the idea that modern education is impossible without the use of ICT, the teacher will not be able to give the student the knowledge that he will need in his "adult" life. By refusing to use MSO and ICT tools in the classroom, the teacher loses the ability to accurately record facts, store and transmit a large amount of information, group and statistically process data. The use of a computer and other MSOs, especially when the teacher takes into account the age-related psychological aspects and characteristics of students, in the classroom will optimize the management of learning, increase the efficiency and objectivity of the educational process while significantly saving the teacher's time, motivate students to gain knowledge, interest them in learning foreign languages.


1. Zatynaichenko B. D. Multimedia technologies in modern school.

2. Dresher Yu. N. The use of multimedia technologies in the educational process.

3. Yasnitsky Yu. A. Multimedia technologies - a new level of professional education quality. / Multimedia collection Festival of pedagogical ideas Open lesson - 2007-08 academic year. year, sec. General pedagogical technologies - M .: Publishing house First of September, 2008.

4. Solomakhina I.A., Malyukova G.N. The use of multimedia in teaching a foreign language. / Multimedia collection Festival of pedagogical ideas Open lesson - 2004-05 academic year. year, sec. Teaching foreign languages ​​- M .: Publishing House First of September, 2005.

5. Smirnova Tatyana Gennadievna<#"justify">Appendix 1

Table 1: ICT tools in education

HardwareSoftwareComputerDevices for entering textual information and manipulating screen objectsGeneral purposeTelecommunication unitInformation sourcesProjectorDevices for recording visual and sound informationSimulatorsPrinterComplex training packagesIntra-classroom and intraschool networksData recording devicesVirtual constructorsAudio-video facilitiesComputer-controlled devicesExpert systemsTest environments

Annex 2

Table 2: Comparison of parameters of selected MCOs.

Visual perceptionAudial perceptionAssociative perceptionCost FunctionalityInteractive whiteboard + projector++ - +32Audio player-- + -13Electronic textbook on PC+ ++21

Annex 3

Table 3: The number of words learned by students during the experiment-research

7"A"7"B"7"C"1 stage.9,20,99,62 stage.12,13,911.3 * - The numbers in the tables were calculated using the formula:

A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 ... / n,

where "A1, A2, A3, A4" ... is the number of words correctly learned by each student, and "n" is the number of students in each class.


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The effectiveness of the use of multimedia computer programs in the process of teaching English in elementary school.

O.P. Mezhina

English teacher

with. Krutikha Dalmatovsky district

At present, significant changes in the field of education have also affected the teaching of a foreign language at school. In particular, new information technologies, such as the use of Internet resources and educational computer programs, began to be intensively introduced into the educational process. It is necessary to point out the relevance of the use of ICT in our time, since we live in the age of the information, computer revolution, which began in the mid-80s and still continues to increase momentum. ICT is a set of methods and software and hardware integrated for the purpose of collecting, processing and using information. ICT is rapidly being introduced into our lives and into the process of teaching English. Government policy has recently been aimed at introducing information technology into schools.

Tens of thousands of schools abroad and hundreds of schools in our country in recent years have begun to use the capabilities of modern computers and telecommunications directly in their educational work, especially when teaching a foreign language. A foreign language is a subject that, due to its specificity (the creation of an artificial language environment for students due to the lack of a natural one), involves the most flexible and widespread use of various technical teaching aids. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the teaching of a foreign language, the new opportunities offered by multimedia tools have found a wide variety of applications.

A computer in the educational process is not a mechanical teacher, not a substitute or analogue of a teacher, but a tool for teaching children, enhancing and expanding the possibilities of his learning activities.

The computer takes on the lion's share of the teacher's routine work, freeing him up time for creative activities. The advantage of using a computer is that it allows you to improve the professional level of the teacher.

The computer is of great help in mastering new lexical units, developing reading and speech skills, creating opportunities for objective control, removing psychological difficulties and barriers that arise one way or another in children of primary school age (tightness, shyness, unwillingness to speak, stubbornness). All of the above serves to instill interest in learning English, and also provides additional opportunities to perform any tasks in excess of the norm for training, consolidating the studied material in elementary school.

Modern multimedia programs are an effective means of optimizing the conditions of mental work. Forms of work with computer training programs in the classroom of foreign languages ​​include the study of vocabulary, pronunciation, teaching monologue and dialogic speech, teaching writing, teaching grammar. In English classes, you can solve a number of didactic tasks using the materials of computer training programs, replenish students' vocabulary and develop reading skills and abilities; improve writing skills; create sustainable motivation for learning a foreign language. The use of multimedia technologies provides more complete and accurate information about the phenomena and objects under study. This improves the quality of learning, allows you to satisfy and develop the cognitive interests of students, increases the visibility of learning, allowing you to use hard-to-reach material or one that cannot be used without a computer.

As practice shows, multimedia programs best fit the structure of the educational process. They bring the process of teaching English as close as possible to real conditions, most fully satisfy the didactic requirements. These programs use methodological techniques that allow for familiarization, training and control.

The effective use of multimedia technologies in the educational process is possible only if the relevant technologies are harmoniously and reasonably integrated into this process and provide new opportunities for both the teacher and students.

The educational space today is filled with computer training programs, which are developed by experienced teachers, programmers, psychologists and designers. They are a good help in learning and orient students to a free and independent pace of learning. Knowledge control is carried out immediately with a guarantee of moving to a new level. The effectiveness of training sessions is increased when using multimedia teaching aids on electronic media. In 2008, the company "Educational Computer Technologies" released the discs "Learn the alphabet with pleasure" / "EnjoytheABC" and "Listen and play with pleasure" / "Enjoylisteningandplaying", which are multimedia applications to the textbook"EnjoyEnglish"(Edited by Biboletova M.Z. for grades 2, 3 and 4). These programs are fully consistent with the author's concept of the textbook. The exercises continue the storyline of the textbook, the presentation and consolidation of the material does not diverge from the thematic and lesson planning of the teaching materials. I think that these multimedia applications are extremely useful and make lessons in elementary school colorful, interesting and unusual.

In my work I use computer learning programs in English (multimedia application "Enjoylisteningandplaying"for elementary school) to the teaching materials of M.Z. Biboletova and others."EnjoyEnglish". This program can be used for both individual and team work. It can also be used for independent work of students. Program "Enjoylisteningandplaying"is used when working with a projector, interactive whiteboard, computers. The program is designed taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of younger students. The exercises are aimed at developing all types of speech activity. Particular attention is paid to listening, pronunciation of speech. Such types of exercises are presented as:

1) listening exercises (introductory and checking understanding of the content of the audio recording listened to);

2) exercises for the formation of a graphic and sound image of a word through an animated presentation and the activation of new lexical units;

3) exercises for the formation of reading skills (introductory and training in use; the method of perceiving a word or phrase as an integral unit; finding a word on the screen by its sound; they read independently without relying on sound);

4) exercises for the semantization of vocabulary and the development of spelling literacy;

5) exercises for the formation of grammatical skills;

6) exercises for the formation of a graphic and sound image of a word through an animated presentation and the activation of new lexical units.

Lesson topic: Behealthy!

UMK: M.Z. Biboletova, O.A. Denisenko, N.N. Trubanev "EnjoyEnglish- 3"

Goals and objectives:

1. Know: modal verbscan and must; reading rules

letter combinations ch, sh and letters jj .

2. Be able to: use modal verbs in speech, read a text based on the studied language material.

Lesson equipment:

Board, tape recorder, computer (screen and projector).

Health-saving and ICT technologies used during the lesson.

Materials used in the development of the abstract:

UMK M.Z. Biboletova, O.A. Denisenko, N.N. Trubanev "EnjoyEnglish- 3"

E.V. Juina. Pourochnye development in English.

During the classes.

1. Greeting.

- Goodmorning, kids!

Sit down, please!

How are you today?

Let's start our lesson!

2. Phonetic charging.

When the weather is wet

We must not fret.

When the weather is cold

We must not scold.

When the weather is warm

We must not storm.

But be thankful together

Whatever the weather.

Words on the board:

weather - weather

must[mΛst] - must

to fret - get annoyed

to scold - scold

warm - warm

storm - storm, thunderstorm

thankful [θæŋkful] - grateful

whatever - any

3.Voice charging.

Teacher: Answermyquestions.

Teacher: And now let's remember and tell what we can do.

Students: I can read.

I can skip and swim.

Ican …..

Teacher: Excellent! Great, you and I can say what we can do, but sometimes we need to say what we should do.

3.Introduction of new material.

Before listening, vocabulary is practiced:

must, wash your face, clean your teeth

Teacher: Listen to the Miss Chatter`s story.Let's repeat the exercises with her students. (Students repeat words and movements after the speaker. Using a computer program for lesson 22. Exercise 1, task 1: Listen to the rhyme and remember each command that each character performs; task 2: drag the pictures into the frames in the order in which the characters perform the commands in a poem; press the buttoncheckif the task is completed correctly, the pictures come to life.)Welldone!

Now using the verbmust, say what we should and shouldn't do:

runintheparteveryday, eat twenty sweets every day, wash your face, clean your teeth, swim in winter, go to school, jump on the desk.

Teacher: Now tell me what else you need to do to be healthy.Use pictures of the exercise.

Students: I think you must swim.

I think you must ski.

I think you must run in the morning.

Teacher: OK. And now let's do small gymnastic.


(The song sounds headandshoulders, kneesandtoes", students perform movements to the music)

Teacher: Answer the questions from exercise.

Teacher: What must you and your classmates do? Read the sentences and fill in must or mustn't.

(Suggestions on the board)

- Verygood! And now it's time for gymnastic for eyes.

Look on the screen, please! (Presentation "Physical Minute for the Eyes")

Teacher: Read the words from exercise.(Using a computer program: lesson 22 exercise 4. Task 1: click on the words, listen and read them; task 2: listen to the words, find them and drag them to the table; incorrectly placed words turn red)

ʃ ] ?

What letter combination conveys the sound [ʧ ]?

How to read a letterJ?

4. Summing up.

What new words and phrases have we met?

Name the verbs denoting attitude towards action.

What should be done to be healthy? List.

What did you like about the lesson? What is your mood?

- Yourmarksare...

5. Homework:EX. 1, 3, p. 26 (W.B.)

- Well, thelessonisover. Goodbye!

In conclusion, I want to say that ICT undoubtedly contribute to increasing children's motivation to learn English in primary school and the formation of individual, creative, cognitive abilities. It can be seen from the work experience that ICT can make the educational process personally significant for the student, in which he will be able to reveal his creative potential, show his research abilities, imagination, creativity, activity, independence. No wonder this technology belongs to the technologies of the 21st century.

Information sources:



3. www.skolano1.ru/njde/270

4.shkola 13.ucoz.ru>index...programmy_na...anglijskogo...41

5. Biboletova M.Z. Multimedia tools as an assistant to the teaching staff "EnjoyEnglish”for middle school. IYASH. No. 3 1999

V. V. Bakharev

Currently, much attention is paid to the use of computer tools in education, in particular, in teaching foreign languages. Interest in them is explained, first of all, by the huge opportunities that they possess. The use of computer tools in the educational process provides a greater informative capacity of the language material, an increase in the cognitive activity of students, an increase in motivation due to the emotional presentation of educational information, a high degree of visibility of educational material, allows individualization of learning, helps to differentiate students' activities, taking into account their personal characteristics and pace of learning, as well as the intensification of independent work of students.

In the SES of the second generation, the number of classroom hours in English is reduced and, in accordance with this, there should be an increase in the number of hours for independent work. The role of the teacher is also changing, who more often becomes the organizer of independent research activity of students, new types of educational activities. The reduction in the time for learning English during the classroom and the increase in the proportion of independent work indicates the need to intensify extracurricular work in English. The intensification of extracurricular work is facilitated by the integrated use of computer tools. The greatest effect here is achieved by using multimedia programs. The role and possibilities of multimedia means in the organization of independent work of students in the language at a special faculty can hardly be overestimated.

The term multimedia (eng. multimedia from lat. multum a lot and media, medium focus, means) can be defined as "computer technology that allows you to combine text, sound, video, graphics and animation in a computer system" .

Accordingly, a "multimedia program" is a program that uses multimedia technology to create.

Multimedia programs have a number of advantages over other computer courses for teaching foreign languages. The advantages of such programs are: visual presentation of the material (use of color, illustrations, video, sound, etc.); quick feedback (built-in test systems provide instant control over the assimilation of the material; interactive mode allows students to control the speed of passing the educational material themselves); universality (use in teaching all aspects of the language and types of speech activity); the possibility of replenishing the main part of the program with new types of exercises.

Multimedia programs can significantly enrich knowledge and expand the learning environment. Such programs create an environment similar to the environment of natural communication, which is especially important for independent work. Multimedia allows you to learn a significant amount of educational material with less time. Thanks to interactive communication, the student actively interacts with the computer program and has the opportunity to independently manage the process of learning English. Individualization is reflected in the independent choice of the complexity of the material and the sequence of exercises.

Obviously, optimization of independent work can be achieved with the help of multimedia. The important point here is that when working with a multimedia program, the perception of educational material goes through the activation of not only vision (text, color, static images, video, animation), but also hearing (voice of an announcer or actor, musical or noise design), which allows you to create a given emotional background, which increases the efficiency of assimilation of the presented material.

It should be said that multimedia programs are widely represented on the domestic market.

To date, one of the best multimedia programs for teaching English is the Reward Internative course, which can be successfully used in the process of independent work. The program can be used in teaching all aspects of the language and types of speech activity. The use of Reward in teaching allows teachers to entrust most of the routine exercises aimed at mastering the basic knowledge of the English language by students to a computer-like simulator for the primary consolidation of language skills and abilities.

Thanks to this, the role of the teacher changes: the time for classroom study of the main material is reduced, more attention is paid to correction, further development and consolidation of skills and abilities.

The programs "English For Communication", "The Grammar Rom", "English Reading Club" and other multimedia courses are also of interest.

Thus, multimedia tools have great learning opportunities in the process of teaching English. All the characteristics of multimedia described above allow it to take its rightful place in the educational process and become not only an excellent teacher's assistant, but also find a worthy application in self-study of the English language.

Literature 1. Bukharkina M. Yu. Multimedia textbook: what is it? // Foreign languages ​​at school, No. 4. 2001. P.29-33. 2. Kodzhaspirova G. M., Petrov K. V. Teaching aids and methods of their use. M.: Ed. center "Academy", 2001. 256 p. Article imprint// Traditions and innovation in humanitarian research: Sat. scientific tr. dedicated 50th Anniversary of the Faculty of Foreign lang. Mordov. state un-ta im. N. P. Ogareva / Editorial board: Yu. M. Trofimova (responsible editor) and others - Saransk: Mordov Publishing House. un-ta, 2002. - S. 52-54.

The relevance of learning foreign languages ​​is an obvious fact that is not questioned. In particular, English is currently the most widely spoken language in the world and, therefore, is the main foreign language taught in Russian educational institutions. The complexity of the task of teaching languages ​​is explained by the fact that any educational process is a complex task that requires taking into account the data of psychology, pedagogy, methodology, and special properties of the subject being studied. At present, there is already a huge number of domestic methods of teaching this subject from V.N. Meshcheryakova to A.N. Dragunkin, which cover a variety of ages and levels.

The easiest and deepest learning of a language takes place in the environment of its natural speakers. This is not surprising, because in a foreign environment there is an actualization of attention, any action will be aimed at achieving a result. However, not everyone can afford such trips, as most English-speaking countries are at a fair distance from Russia. However, there are more accessible, artificial ways to create a natural environment using multimedia technologies.

Modern trends in the teaching of foreign languages ​​are associated both with a radical change in the methodological paradigm and with the technical and technological renewal of the learning process, which is expressed in the massive onset of new teaching aids, primarily multimedia computer programs [ 3].

With the development of computer technology and the Internet, new ways and opportunities for gaining knowledge have opened up. Recent achievements in the field of high technologies open up the widest opportunities for foreign language teachers to further improve the educational process and transfer it to a qualitatively new basis. The main advantage of modern teaching technology is its simplicity and ease of use.

In the process of teaching foreign languages ​​in a modern secondary school, lighting and sound equipment are traditionally used. But now new information technologies (multimedia computer, Internet, multimedia textbook) are coming to school. The use of these new information technologies allows us to highlight the following main points:

· the use of multimedia technologies in teaching foreign languages ​​is designed to significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching, the main purpose of which is to improve the skills of everyday and professional communication (both direct with native speakers and indirectly through television, the press, the Internet);

· the means of new information technologies act as a tool for the education and upbringing of students, the development of their communicative, cognitive, creative abilities and information culture;

The use of multimedia teaching aids allows, in the absence of a natural language environment, to create conditions that are as close as possible to real speech communication in foreign languages.

In the modern methodology of teaching foreign languages, the use of multimedia technologies plays a significant role. What is multimedia? Multimedia is a set of software and hardware that implements the processing of information in sound and visual forms. Multimedia is designed to carry sound, data and images over local, regional and wide area networks. Graphics, animation, photo, video, sound, text in an interactive mode of operation create an integrated information environment in which the user acquires qualitatively new opportunities.

The term "multimedia" is a Latinism that has penetrated from English sources into various languages ​​almost in the original transcription. It comes from the combination of the Latin words "multum" (many) and "media, medium" (focus, means, method). Thus, literally "multimedia" means "many environments".

The concept of "multimedia" is used in various fields of human activity. In the computer sphere, this is website development, hypertext systems, computer graphics, computer animation, etc.; in the media - journalism, including online journalism, speech and social communications, etc.; in art - network art, computer animation, computer video editing, sound and film directing, etc.

In the Encyclopedia "Cyril and Methodius" multimedia is defined as an electronic information carrier, including several types of it: text, image, animation, etc.

In the dictionary "Basic Concepts and Definitions of Applied Cybernetics", multimedia refers to the interaction of visual and audio effects under the control of interactive software. This usually means a combination of text, sound and graphics in one electronic resource, and more recently animation and video.

I. Werner, the author of one of the first monographs on multimedia, translated in Russia in 1996, noted that multimedia technology is one of the new technological forms of the information society. It opens up a fundamentally new level of information processing and interactive interaction between a person and a computer (video sequences, text and audio information, computer graphics and animation can be arbitrarily arranged, changed and / or displayed in another form of data presentation).

In the systematized dictionary-reference book "Computer Science" on the Rubicon website, "multimedia technology" is defined as: "computer technology that provides the ability to create, store and reproduce heterogeneous information, including text, sound and graphics (including moving images and animation)".

The types of media include:

Linear media - the simplest form of representing a plurality of media items, where the user can only passively view the media items, and the sequence of browsing the media items is scripted.

Non-linear (interactive) multimedia- a form of representation of a plurality of multimedia elements, in which the user is given the opportunity to select and control elements in the dialog mode.

Hypermedia- interactive multimedia, in which the user is provided with a structure of related multimedia elements that he can sequentially select, that is, this is an extension of the concept of hypertext to multimedia types of organization of data record structures.

Live video - “Real/live video”- characteristics of the multimedia system in terms of its ability to work in real time.

At the same time, multimedia is a special kind of computer technology that combines both traditional static visual information (text, graphics) and dynamic information (speech, music, video clips, animation, etc.). This technological interpretation of the concept of "multimedia" is used by specialists in the field of computer technology and allows you to include a wide range of information capabilities in multimedia using various software and hardware in order to most effectively influence the consumer, who has become both a reader / user of information and a listener, and spectator.

Multimedia technologies enrich the learning process, make learning more effective, involving most of the student's sensory components in the process of perceiving educational information.

Today, multimedia technologies are one of the promising areas of informatization of the educational process. The improvement of software and methodological support, the material base, as well as the mandatory advanced training of the teaching staff, sees the prospect of the successful application of modern information technologies in education.

The revolution of information and communication technologies (ICT), which became an obvious fact at the beginning of the 21st century, has significantly changed the way of life of society, had a strong impact on the social order of society in the field of education. Knowledge of ICT and their use in their activities has become the norm for a specialist in almost any profile. The introduction of new information technologies in the pedagogical process is today a problem, the importance of which is determined by the need to train specialists whose knowledge and skills meet the needs of modern society. The powerful educational potential of ICT, which can be used in teaching foreign languages, is relevant.

Theoretical issues of introducing computers into the educational process in foreign languages ​​have become the subject of research in a new branch of science - computer linguodidactics. She explores the issues of computerization of teaching foreign languages ​​and the use of computer teaching aids. The basic information technology used in teaching foreign languages ​​is multimedia. Multimedia allows you to simultaneously perform operations with still images, dynamic images (video films, animated graphic images), text and sound. Synchronous impact on hearing and vision of a person increases the volume and degree of assimilation of information transmitted per unit of time.

According to many scientists involved in research in the development and application of ICT in the educational process, a significant drawback of the multimedia programs available on the market is their unaddressed nature. To create an electronic manual, it is important to determine the goals, objectives, learning conditions and the level of language proficiency, which should be a useful result.

Programs for teaching phonetic and grammatical skills, even if they are “non-addressed” creation, can somehow be included in the pedagogical process. These aspects of a foreign language can be practiced on a variety of materials. With multimedia programs for teaching vocabulary, such an approach is impossible, since the lexical material is selected according to numerous criteria, it requires correct and rational organization from a methodological point of view.

Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, ICTs allow not only to saturate the student with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, properly organized knowledge, but also to develop the intellectual and creative abilities of students.

More K.D. Ushinsky remarked: "Children's nature requires visibility." The visibility of the material increases its assimilation, because. all channels of perception of students are involved - visual, mechanical, auditory and emotional. The reasonable use of visual teaching aids in the educational process plays an important role in the development of observation, attention, speech, and thinking of students.

The use of multimedia allows students to work with educational materials in different ways - the student himself decides how to study the materials, how to use the interactive capabilities of informatization tools, and how to implement collaboration. Thus, the use of high-quality multimedia tools makes it possible to make the learning process flexible in relation to social and cultural differences between students, their individual styles and pace of learning, and their interests.

N.S. Kirgintseva believes that "today, in the most general form, three main ways of using the capabilities of modern computers in teaching a foreign language can be distinguished" Among them, the author highlights the following:

use of ready-made software products for learning a foreign language, supplied mainly on CDs;

application of software products created directly by teachers (or teachers together with students) in various instrumental or visual design environments;

use of Internet resources.

On this issue, the following options for the use of information technology in teaching foreign languages ​​can be distinguished:

1) The systematic use of information technology as a learning tool.

2) Fragmentary use of information technology.

3) Implementation of the entire course of study using a computer.

Thus, we can offer the following options for the use of new information technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages:

1) Conducting current and final test classes (on topics, sections, courses) using diagnostic, test programs for vocabulary or grammar.

2) The use of pedagogical software as an effective way to introduce new material in cases where it presents a certain difficulty (semantization of lexical units is difficult or there is no motivated basis for the use of lexical or grammatical material).

3) The use of software tools - reference books, dictionaries, spell checkers - to perform independent creative tasks, translations for homework, analytical reading and other work, as well as for the teacher, as a tool for creating tests, training programs, automating the process processing the results of the educational process, etc.

In modern methodological practice, electronic textbooks have appeared in many subjects, including English. However, they have not yet been sufficiently developed and tested [ 3].

The computer is currently capable of manipulating sound and video to achieve special effects, synthesizing and playing sound and video, including animation, and integrating it all into a single multimedia presentation. Only a creative approach to building a lesson, its uniqueness, saturation with a variety of techniques, methods and forms can ensure effectiveness. There are many ways to develop the cognitive activity of students. One of the ways is the use of video films and multimedia technologies, which make it possible to increase the degree of activity of schoolchildren and attract the attention of students.

Intensive penetration into the practice of educational institutions of new sources of screen presentation of information makes it possible to single out the video method as a separate teaching method. The video method can be used to present knowledge, to organize control, consolidation, repetition, generalization, it successfully performs all didactic functions. The method rests primarily on the visual perception of information. The video method includes showing video clips, educational films, animation, animation and video lectures. The video method is one of the powerful sources of influence on the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person. By activating visual-sensory perception as much as possible, the video method provides a stronger assimilation of knowledge in their figurative-conceptual integrity and emotional coloring, significantly affects the formation of a worldview, stimulates the development of abstract-logical thinking, and reduces training time.

The use of multimedia presentations is advisable at any stage of the study of the topic and at any stage of the lesson. This form allows you to present the educational material as a system of bright reference images, which makes it easier to memorize and assimilate the material being studied. The presentation of educational material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces the time of learning, frees up the resources of children's health. Pupils are attracted by the novelty of holding such moments in the lesson, it arouses interest. The teaching and upbringing functions of this method are determined by the high efficiency of the impact of visual images. Information presented in a visual form is the most accessible for perception, assimilated easier and faster.

The use of the video method in the educational process provides the opportunity to:

give students more complete, reliable information about the studied phenomena and processes;

Increase the role of visibility in the educational process;

Satisfy the needs, desires and interests of students;

release the teacher from part of the technical work related to the control and correction of knowledge;

Establish effective feedback

Organize full and systematic monitoring, objective accounting of progress.

With the help of the video method, many didactic and educational tasks are effectively solved. It's useful when it happens; presentation of new knowledge; explanation in dynamics of the principles of operation of complex mechanisms, processes, graphic models; observation of labor-intensive processes; presentation of video documents, strengthening connection with life; observations of hidden processes occurring inside the equipment; creation of databases for educational and training and research work; rationalization of the educational process, increasing its productivity, ensuring the optimal amount of transfer and assimilation of scientific information by improving the quality of pedagogical management.

An important aspect of the use of ICT in English lessons is the project activity in combination with a multimedia presentation. It is well known that multimedia presentations are actively included in the process of teaching English. Students use the Internet to collect material. One of the possibilities of using multimedia technologies in the classroom is the preparation and conduct of combined, integrated lessons. Creating presentations involves a subject-object relationship: teacher-creator or student-creator.

Modern approaches to teaching English emphasize the importance of using a computer in the classroom, and the project and presentation is an opportunity to express your own ideas in a creatively thought-out form convenient for children.

The use of information technology in combination with the project method allows students to practically apply their knowledge, skills and abilities, and therefore is one of the forms of organizing research and cognitive activities, in which cooperative collective activities are successfully implemented, which makes it possible to increase the motivation for learning English.

The focus of such a workflow is the student himself with the opportunity to freely express his opinion. Children find practical application of knowledge of foreign language speech. A teacher who uses educational computer programs in English lessons must know that any educational technology must meet the following methodological requirements:

Conceptuality: a scientific concept, including the psychological and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals;

Consistency: the presence of all the features of the system (logical construction of the process, the relationship of all its parts, integrity);

Efficiency: guarantee of results that meet educational standards;

flexibility: the possibility of varying the content to ensure comfort and freedom of interaction between the teacher and students, taking into account the specific conditions of pedagogical activity;

• dynamism: the possibility of development or transformation of the technology used;

· reproducibility: the possible use of technology by other teachers in this educational institution or in others.

At the same time, the undoubted advantage of using computer technology is the transfer of the center of gravity from verbal teaching methods to methods of search and creative activity of the teacher and students. This seems reasonable and promising, since the methods used help to actively influence the formation and development of students' language competence, listening, speaking, reading skills, improving written speech, and educating a creative, socially active personality.

In English lessons, many teachers adhere to the use of "penetrating technology", in other words, the use of a computer is not an end in itself, but an effective tool for developing children's skills and abilities.

In addition, non-standard teaching methods are used in the process of work: role-playing games, discussions, interactive discussions, round tables, integrated lessons that develop the language competence of students and their socially active position. Modern pedagogical technologies such as lesson forms using Microsoft Power Point presentations:

help to implement a student-centered approach to learning;

· provide individualization and differentiation of education, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of learning, inclinations, etc.

With traditional methods of teaching a lesson, the main carrier of information for the student is the teacher, he requires the student to concentrate, focus, and memory tension. Not every student is able to work in this mode. Psychological features of character, the type of perception of the child become the cause of failure. At the same time, modern requirements for the level of education do not allow reducing the amount of information necessary for the student to learn in the classroom.

The use of computer presentations in the educational process makes it possible to intensify the assimilation of educational material by students and conduct classes at a qualitatively new level, using instead of an auditorium board projection of slide films from a computer screen onto a large wall screen or a personal computer (laptop) for each student.

The effectiveness of the impact of educational material in the form of presentations on students largely depends on the degree and level of illustration of the material. The visual saturation of the educational material makes it bright, convincing and contributes to the intensification of the process of its assimilation. Computer presentations allow students to focus on the significant points of the information presented and create visual spectacular examples in the form of illustrations, diagrams, diagrams, graphic compositions, etc. The presentation allows you to influence several types of memory at once: visual, auditory, emotional and, in some cases, motor.

Possessing such an opportunity as interactivity, computer presentations allow you to effectively adapt educational material to the characteristics of students. Increased interactivity leads to more intensive participation in the learning process of the student himself, which contributes to an increase in the efficiency of perception and memorization of educational material.

In recent years, the question of the use of new information technologies has been increasingly raised. These are not only modern technical means, but also new forms of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The use of multimedia tools helps to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provides individualization and differentiation, taking into account the characteristics of children, their level of learning, inclinations. Learning English with the help of computer programs is of great interest to students. Learning with the help of a computer makes it possible to organize the independent work of each student. Integrating a regular lesson with a computer allows the teacher to transfer part of his work to the computer, while making the learning process more interesting and intense. At the same time, the computer does not replace the teacher, but only complements it. The selection of training programs depends, first of all, on the current educational material, the level of training of the trainees and their abilities.

Working with a computer not only contributes to an increase in interest in learning, but also makes it possible to regulate the presentation of educational tasks according to the degree of difficulty, encouraging correct decisions. In addition, the computer allows you to completely eliminate one of the most important causes of a negative attitude towards learning - failure due to a lack of understanding of the material or a problem in knowledge. It is this aspect that is provided by the authors of many computer training programs. The student is given the opportunity to use various reference manuals and dictionaries that can be called up on the screen with a single click on the mouse. Working on a computer, the student gets the opportunity to complete the solution of the problem, relying on the necessary help.

Significant progress in the development of personal computers and computer technologies leads to changes in the process of teaching foreign languages. The active and appropriate use of a computer in an English lesson seems possible and appropriate based on the specifics of the subject itself. The leading component of the content of teaching a foreign language is teaching various types of speech activity - speaking, listening, reading, writing. When teaching listening comprehension, each student gets the opportunity to hear foreign language speech. When teaching speaking, each student can say phrases in English into a microphone. When studying grammatical phenomena, each student can perform grammatical exercises, has the opportunity to solve crosswords, chainwords, search for words, and perform game exercises.

In the practice of using a computer in the educational process, its teaching function is especially emphasized, and also, the computer is a tool that organizes and manages the independent work of students, especially in the process of training work with language and speech material.

Now in all schools there is an early teaching of foreign languages ​​to students. Often in foreign language lessons, the process of involving students in oral speech on various topics is uninteresting. When working with computers, this is impossible, since the visualization required in the lessons and the situations on the monitors are quite real - the “images” move, speak English, ask questions, etc. Some teachers may ask: won't the lesson turn from creative work into something entertaining? No, because in order to get a good grade when working with a computer, the student has to work creatively. He does everything with joy, and the teacher has to purchase the necessary electronic textbooks and make a selection of the necessary situations from them, as well as print out additional questions and texts and transfer them to all computers so that at a certain point in the lesson, students can sit down at certain computers, find and open the desired folder in “My Documents”, perform, for example, a listening or reading test. It's a lot of work, but it pays off. The joy of learning - that's what gives the use of computers in the classroom. And this, in turn, along with the development of thinking leads to the development of initiative speech. Each child has an internal motive aimed at cognitive activity. The task of the teacher is to contribute in every possible way to the development of this motive, not to let it fade away.

The program “Professor Higgins. English without an Accent” and also a number of other multimedia textbooks. Sounds, words, phrases and sentences are perceived by students by ear and visually. Students have the opportunity to observe articulation movements on the computer screen and perceive the correct intonation by ear. At the same time, due to the rather high imitative abilities of students, the correct samples are imprinted in their memory.

The computerization of our society is calling for life and the emergence of more and more people who want and can use these smart machines in everyday life. Computers make life easier and more interesting. After all, if with the help of this machine within an hour or two you can attend training courses on the Internet in any subject of the school and extracurricular programs, see the world in its current state and diversity, communicate with a huge mass of different people and gain access to libraries, museums and exhibitions that one can only dream of, then there really is no better means for self-development and individual education and self-education.

It should also be emphasized that the use of multimedia technologies cannot provide a significant pedagogical effect without a teacher, since these technologies are only teaching methods, the effectiveness of which depends on the ability of the teacher to use them to achieve certain pedagogical goals based on in-depth study and use of all possibilities.

In practice, such video courses as "English as in notes", "LazyEnglish" and "ExtraEnglish" were introduced into the main program of middle school students. These programs focus on American English, as the most common at the present time. Monitoring of students' progress showed that in six months 15% of them improved their results. When conducting a sociological survey among schoolchildren, it was revealed that 36% of them revised their attitude towards the subject in a positive direction. As practice shows, multimedia programs best fit the structure of the educational process. They bring the process of teaching English as close as possible to real conditions, most fully satisfy the didactic requirements.

It should be noted that recently there has been an extraordinary interest in this topic, but there are still no well-chosen manuals and well-developed methodological kits. Until now, the selection of multimedia materials remains the responsibility of the teacher. The search for materials is complicated by the fact that there is no common information base. Thus, the result of using multimedia tools largely depends on the motivation and experience of the teacher. A large volume of all kinds of interactive materials already has the necessary potential for the transition from quantity to quality, which allows us to expect the emergence of modern educational programs in the near future, which will certainly be in demand.

Multimedia tools turn out to be an effective and efficient way to intensify the educational process. They enrich the learning process, as they have a significant linguodidactic potential, compensate for the lack of a natural foreign language environment and at the same time allow you to avoid negative psychological states that are typical of situations of direct intercultural communication. Today, knowledge of information technology is on a par with such qualities as the ability to read and write. The introduction of new forms of teaching allows raising the educational process to a new level.

Education also does not stand in one place. The use of ICT in education has gone far beyond the horizon we cannot see. Modern society is unthinkable without the study of foreign languages, be it English, or German, or some other foreign language! The fusion of a foreign language with modern technology gives us extraordinary opportunities! This fusion gives us great opportunities in learning a foreign language. Therefore, the study of a foreign language is now very closely connected with the introduction or application of multimedia technologies in foreign language lessons.

Multimedia tools allow not only to increase the volume of language training of students, but also to individualize and differentiate tasks for students. In addition, when students perform a particular test online, various explanations can be given in case of mistakes, and at the end of the test, the student can see how many tasks he completed correctly or incorrectly, and he can also retake the test by analyzing his mistakes. . This type of work significantly reduces the time for checking the results by the teacher.

Multimedia is a significant help in the work of a teacher. Multimedia tools are widely used in project activities. Students present their own computer presentations to the teacher using a foreign language, or in a foreign language. Students use both mobile phones and digital equipment (camera, video camera) as aids. Students especially like to shoot their own videos in a foreign language, for example, a tour of their native village or city; interviews with tourists; program "Vesti" abroad, etc. All this not only increases the motivation to learn the language, but also simply gives pleasure to the guys.

In addition, the use of multimedia in teaching foreign languages ​​makes it possible for students to communicate in a foreign language with their peers living in the country of the language being studied, and at the same time exchange information about the culture and traditions of their countries, that is, it contributes to obtaining background knowledge, expanding the horizons of children.

Another advantage in the use of multimedia is that students overcome the psychological barrier. Students can take an active part in correspondence olympiads, competitions presented on the Internet, without leaving the classroom, or sitting at the screen of their home computer. The student's excitement and fear of something new and unfamiliar disappears, and he performs competitive tasks in a calm and familiar environment, in contrast to the situation of being in an unfamiliar audience with unfamiliar people.

The advantages of using modern technologies also include independent learning of a language in an out-of-school setting, that is, students at home using the Internet can independently watch films in the language, read books, listen to news, use electronic dictionaries, and perform tests online. The Internet has enormous potential: there is an incredibly huge number of sites dedicated to foreign languages.

The use of multimedia tools increases the memorability of information up to 40-50%, unlike conventional verbal descriptions, explanations.

The use of multimedia, therefore, performs not only an entertaining function, but also contributes to the achievement of the goal set by the teacher.


1. Artemyeva, L.V. The use of multimedia tools in teaching foreign languages ​​/ L.V. Artemyev // [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://festival.1september.ru/articles/520213

2. The use of multimedia in teaching a foreign language // [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

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