In which military units is the call for conscripts. Is it possible to get where you want to serve

The future place of service depends on several criteria: health, fitness, education, acquired profession, skills and abilities.

The information collected by the military commissariat in the process of forming a personal file will be used in the distribution to a specific branch of the military. For example, having a driver's license (the more categories, the better) and understanding the repair of automotive equipment, you can count on the driver's seat. Based on these and other data (your desire), you can be assigned to the Airborne Forces, special forces, fleet, motorized rifle and other parts of the RF Armed Forces.

Previously, of course, a conversation is held with the recruit, during which they will be asked where he would like to serve. They will even offer to choose a specific place of future service. Then, according to the results of the first medical examination, the military registration and enlistment office will announce the type of troops (ground units, Navy, VKS ...). And during the passage of the second medical commission in the district military registration and enlistment office, specific troops and the place of service (city) will be announced to you.

So, let's try to figure out if there is an opportunity for a recruit to get into one or another part of his chosen?

The law does not provide for this possibility. Which means there are no guarantees.

A certain category of conscripts mentioned in the Federal Law “On military service and military service. In this normative act it says: “Conscripts with children, as well as sick and elderly parents (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old), but not falling under the requirements of subparagraph “b” of paragraph 1 of Article 24 federal law dated March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ "On military duty and military service", if possible, they are sent for military service to the military units of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies stationed near their place of residence, within the established norms of conscription of citizens for military service for relevant municipalities. In this case, the citizen is obliged to document the presence of these relatives. The whole thing is complicated by the phrase "if possible". But if the military commissar has such an opportunity in your locality If he doesn’t see it, then he will have to go “where they send him.”

Many believe that a panacea in this issue will serve as training in DOSAAF. Since Soviet times, this organization has been preparing young guys for military service. More than 100,000 conscripts are trained annually within the walls of DOSAAF. All of them receive one or another military registration specialty and can claim to be assigned to the selected branch of the military. In principle, graduates of this military training organization have little privilege compared to the rest, since they are considered to be more prepared for service. But, again, this does not guarantee that the recruit will end up in a specific part of a particular region.

There is also an opinion that an application addressed to the military commissar will help. To do this, you need to come to the military commissariat, clarify the application form (they should prompt) and state your request in it. In the appeal, you must indicate in which troops and for what reason you want to serve (you can write about family traditions, desire to serve, etc.). If you correctly approach the solution of this issue, you can get lucky.

It must be understood that much depends on the actions of the conscript himself, as they say, water does not flow under a lying stone. You will have to move and very intensively. Here, eloquence, the ability to negotiate with people and the presence of a “sane” opponent are important. Below are a couple of options you can try.

  1. 1. Contact your military commissar or the person responsible for recruiting and sending young recruits at the place of registration. These are the people who have an exact schedule for calling up and sending all the teams that are being formed to a specific unit. The bottom line is that you must write out a summons to the collection point on the day of departure to the part you need. Directly upon arrival at the assembly point, make the same request to the head collection point, which is responsible for the formation and sending of all teams to their place of deployment; it is also necessary to contact the representative of the military unit who recruits to this team and accompanies to the place of service. Then the probability of getting into the part you have chosen increases significantly.
  2. 2. You can go from the opposite and agree directly to the part. Yes, to come to the unit, get an appointment with the commander and tell about yourself and your desire to serve in this particular unit. If they meet you halfway, then go straight to the military enlistment office and according to the previous "scenario".

It is important to remember that everything depends on many factors, and whether you have a chance to serve in the unit of your choice or not depends on the ability to manage them.

All young people who have reached military age sooner or later think about the question of where to go to serve when going to the army, as well as what qualities you need to have in order to get into the desired unit. Here everything depends not only on desire, but also on physical training, existing skills and health status. The information presented in the article will help you figure out which troops it is advisable for a potential fighter to go to, given his preferences and medical characteristics.

Is it possible to choose the direction of military service yourself?

According to generally accepted rules, during the draft campaign, young man, of course, they will take an interest in his wishes about the troops in which he would like to go military service, and based on his answer, a note about his preferences will be made. However, the distribution of newly minted soldiers does not really depend on their personal desires, mainly chosen by the so-called "buyers" who come to pick up the fighters. Of course, there are times when recruits' preferences are taken into account, due to good reasons or the guy's place of residence.

Another way to get sent to serve exactly in those units that you want is to present weighty arguments to the military commissariat. For example, if a young man wants to repay his debt to the Motherland, having served as a military transport driver, it would be quite useful to take care of presenting a car license. It doesn't matter if the conscript manages to get into that military unit, which he noticed, or not, it's still worth a try.

Unofficial troop ratings

The inhabitants of Russia have formed a special rating of military units. Of course, he does not have an official status, but, in most cases, he influences the choice of potential recruits. So, according to this list, at the very top are Marines and fleet, troops special purpose, reconnaissance, as well as border military units. It is these areas that are in great demand, and are considered elite. There are men with excellent health and excellent physical shape.

Far fewer people want to go to serve in the army - this is in the units of the construction battalion or internal troops. This is due to the specific conditions of carrying army service in these military units they are not suitable for everyone.

Often the choice is influenced by the geographical location of the duty station. Many do not want or are afraid to go far from home, but there are those who do not pay attention to the location of the unit and are guided by their dream, these young people liable for military service make every effort to achieve the goal.

When deciding where to send a newly minted fighter, the employees of the military commissariat are guided not only by the assigned category of suitability, but also by the possession of certain skills of the conscript, his physical data. If a guy suffers seasick, of course, he will not get into the fleet. And tall guys will not be able to give up their civic duty, being tankers or submariners.

Before voicing wishes regarding the direction of the army service, it is recommended to soberly assess your physical characteristics and make sure you are in good health.

Varieties of military directions

The variety of troops where you can go to serve is quite large, and before going to the army, each future soldier military service must understand military areas. Besides useful information there will be knowledge of the characteristics that the conscript must have in order to go to the desired unit. In general, available Russian troops are divided into three types: aviation, ground armed forces and the navy.

air direction

Air- landing troops. It is considered one of the most prestigious branches of the Armed Forces. The military personnel belonging to this direction are engaged in conducting special operations in enemy territory. They capture strategically important enemy targets, disable enemy communications and controls.

Perform sabotage missions. To get into the ranks airborne soldier, a potential recruit must meet the highest requirements regarding physical endurance and health. Only if, after passing through the military medical commission during the recruiting events, the candidate is assigned the category of fitness for the service "A1", he can apply for sending to the airborne troops.

Aerospace divisions. This includes service in the ranks of the military space forces, in parts air defense, as well as missile troops strategic purpose. These guys are in the business of air defense and control. outer space Russian state. If necessary, the soldiers of these platoons must identify and repel an enemy attack from the air.

The most likely to go to military service in one of the parts of the Aerospace Armed Forces are young people who have degrees in engineering or technical professions. When distributing conscripts, they rely on psychological characteristics and intellectual abilities of children. Fitness modification required for sending in part of the videoconferencing, air defense and missile forces, must be not lower than the category "A" and its subcategories.

Maritime armed forces

Navy. The fighters of this military direction carry out their combat duties on the territory of the seas and oceans under the control Russian Federation. The task of the Navy is to repel possible enemy attacks, as well as, if necessary, to conduct offensive operations from sea waters.

The fleet includes submarine and surface troops, as well as marines and aviation. Characteristics of candidates for service in the ranks naval troops should also be high. One of the requirements for soldiers is growth, it should start from 1.80 meters, and the fitness level should be at least category “A3”.

Ground troops

Motorized divisions. The soldiers of these units are distinguished by their ability to repel an enemy attack on any territory or terrain, regardless of weather. Besides, one more hallmark This direction is that serious requirements for conscripts to serve in these troops are not put forward.

Newly minted fighters can be sent there, with categories starting from “A1” and ending with “B4”, that is, all fitness categories that give the right to go to military service. This is due to the fact that in motorized rifle troops there are many military crafts that absolutely all conscripts can handle.

tank forces. This unit is rightfully considered the basic attacking weapon. land army. Servants excel in combat missions relating to defense against enemy advances, and, if necessary, coordinated attacks. As the name suggests, most of fighters will be part of the crews tank vehicles. Therefore, recruits no more than 1.75 meters tall are selected into the ranks of these forces. The recruit must be in good physical shape and not have serious visual impairments.

Railway. These units are not considered prestigious, they perform combat missions, with the participation of railway and their responsibilities include maintaining railway tracks after natural disasters or other incidents. Often, children who do not have good health and endurance are sent here to fulfill their civic duty.

Special Forces. The members of these units are capable of handling the kind of tactical and combat operations that only the best of the best can be trusted with. Enlisted soldiers do not fall into the ranks of these armed forces. To become a special forces officer, you must already have served in the army. Plus, certain tests are carried out among the candidates and they are subjected to a rigorous selection.

What to choose?

When wondering where it is better to go to serve after receiving a summons to the army, it is necessary to decide what goals are being pursued. In all the available troops of Russia there are prestigious units. Those who served there are honored and respected, but you will have to give all your strength to withstand not only moral, but also physical stress during the training of fighters.

In addition, it is not always easy to get into the ranks of these troops. During the selection, the presence of good physical data, the absence of health disorders, the presence of endurance and a strong psyche are welcomed.

The big advantage of prestigious units is the ability to get quite useful skills. Learn to control weapons, master martial arts and other skills.

However, on the basis of observations, it can be concluded that conscripts are distributed among various types of troops, without taking into account their personal wishes. Each serviceman who came to the military enlistment office for distribution will praise his unit, since any unit needs good soldiers.

In the event that a potential recruit has any specialties or useful skills, during military service there will be no problems with him in terms of education and training. Following how the newly minted fighter is sent to one of the military units, after the oath, he will be re-distributed among the platoons of the unit. During this event, much attention is paid to the abilities of a young person.

It is better to prepare in advance before receiving the notification in order to increase the chances of getting into a good unit. Recommended:

  1. Get your physical shape in order. Conscripts capable of withstanding considerable physical exertion are in demand in any army;
  2. Train endurance, discipline, emotional stability;
  3. Have a special education. A soldier who has a profession is valued above the rest.

Preparation before the onset of the draft company

When a young man sets out to get into the ranks of certain Armed Forces, pre-conscription training of the future soldier will not be superfluous. In every major city DOSAAF departments work in the region, the task of which is to prepare children for conscription. Those wishing to serve in the military, driving military equipment or in airborne detachment, will require driver license. Passing draft training at DOSAAF, it is possible not only to obtain the right to drive vehicles, but also to increase your chances of serving a sentence, for example, driving an armored personnel carrier.

Those who want to go to Airborne Troops, before being drafted, can learn the art of skydiving. To date, it is not difficult to complete a course of such training. Especially if there is a parachute club in the city where the young man lives. One has only to pay for training and perform a few jumps.

At the time of distribution at the recruiting station, such information is entered into the personal file of the future soldier. Of course, this does not guarantee one hundred percent sending to the Airborne Forces, but it will be possible to compete with other candidates.


Of course, the desire of young guys to go to serve in the prestigious troops, laudable. But do not forget that, first of all, military service is gaining invaluable experience, testing the strength of any man, in conditions of discipline and an exclusively male team. Being in the army, a soldier receives new knowledge, learns special skills that will be useful to him in the future in life or at work.

When deciding where it is better to go to serve, before being sent to the army, you should think carefully about how this will affect or help a man in the future. Perhaps, after the service, his worldview will change dramatically and the experience gained will help to realize himself in civilian life. In any case, it is not recommended to strive to achieve the goal to the detriment of your health, exhausting yourself with training or hiding the presence of any diseases during the medical examination.

In which troops is it better to serve in the army?

    Don't chase the outside military service. Airborne, marines, border guards - it's beautiful for stories in the news, you can show bricks broken on your head, parachuting. But there are troops that are rarely shown on TV, there is no extreme sports there, but in these troops the soldiers perform challenging tasks. For example, a radar operator in a radio technical troops, he must be able to work with equipment, detect air targets, and he does this while sitting at the station screen for 4-6 hours, and this is more difficult than running ten kilometers. A manual tracking operator anti-aircraft missile system, its price successful work equal to the lives of tens and hundreds of thousands of people. He must know the technique, collected, attentive, mentally and physically strong. By the way, gamers will be very useful in these troops.

    Is it really impossible for a girl in Russia to join the army? do not graduate from the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or medical before.

    We must serve the Motherland. And the Motherland, real, with a thinking government and caring for the state, needs all types of troops and service in each should be honorable. What in this moment no. A choice from vocation, ability, and physical fitness. If there is a desire and care of the Motherland for its servicemen, then service is honorable and needed everywhere.

    We gain experience in life by following our life path....

    The experience of military service in life is always useful.

    What to advise you?

    The border guards are Federal Service security.

    Airborne troops to Min. defense of the Russian Federation.

    The FSB is a lazier and more lured body than the RF Ministry of Defense.

    The FSB (border guards) have a narrow specificity and focus in ensuring security, which usually comes down to control over a section of the border, in settlements and near settlements.

    Do I need to explain who General V. Margelov is? His son, senior lieutenant Margelov, was one of the first to parachute inside a combat vehicle. The Airborne Forces is not only a school winged infantry, but this is also a school of life. Who served in the Airborne Forces (this does not depend on the rank and position), he is forever a soldier. ____________________________________________________________________________ shy; __

    Motorized rifle, tank, missile, etc. just as respectable and necessary in the defense of our country with you.

    Much depends on what you are going to do after the army, my nephew wanted to get a job in the rescue service after the army, therefore he asked at the military registration and enlistment office for the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they were understanding and sent, now he serves in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Far East. come see

    Conscripts would like to serve in those troops where there is the least hazing and heavy physical activity. It is difficult to find such troops, because in different parts the same type of troops can have a different situation.

    For example, before, there was the least amount of hazing in the border troops, because there is simply no time to deal with nonsense. Border security is constant patrols. Now the border guards are all contract soldiers and you can go there to serve under a contract, especially under the new law (from June 1, 2014) a conscript has the right to choose one of two service options:

    1 year of military service or

    2 years under contract.

    Physical activity is least of all in the technical troops, where the main service is connected with the study of technology, equipment, etc. - these are railway troops, signal troops, tank troops, space troops (recently created), rocket troops and artillery.

    Hazing is the least in those troops where the majority of military personnel are contract soldiers (they are serious guys and do not toil with foolishness).

    The salary is higher for those who serve in remote areas and troops with constant combat readiness.

Experts are working to determine the suitability of a future soldier. The decision is made by the draft and medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office. When the spring call is carried out, they do their job. But also the so-called "buyers" who come from the units are engaged in the selection of recruits. They usually say they represent the best troops, picking up recruits.

Contract service

Contract employees who have completed military service must do armed forces attractive and prestigious as before. First, we are talking about such troops as:

  • intelligence service;
  • border troops;
  • Marines;
  • Special Forces.

This is a real elite, not everyone can get here.

What to pay attention to?

When choosing troops, the conscript must take into account not only the rating and brightness of uniforms. There is no doubt that each branch of the military has undeniable advantages and some disadvantages. For example, if a guy plays volleyball, basketball and wants to serve in tank troops, on a submarine, then we can confidently say that they will not take him there. High growth there is not welcome.

If you need to make a choice of troops, then you should not wait for what a lucky chance will offer, you should use the skills learned at home. For example, you like technology, you have a license to drive a car. This means that you can go to tank, vehicle troops. To all those who are well versed in computer technology, you can advise the signal troops. If a young man has mastered a parachute in the flying club, was engaged in martial arts, then he has a direct path to the paratroopers. If a guy likes to spend time on a climbing wall, then he can go to mountain rifle units. ground forces. Those who want to work after demobilization civil aviation should go to the air force.

The theory suggests that each military recruit must independently choose the direction for his service in the army of the Russian Federation.

Are the wishes of recruits taken into account?

In 2017-2018, it is envisaged that every person liable for military service must follow the choice of the direction of military service, therefore it is recommended to inform the doctors in advance during the draft board and when communicating with the military commissar. At the same time, it is recommended to bring arguments in favor of decision. For example, for service in the tractor or automobile troops, it is advisable to take care of special certificates. Despite this, it is not always possible to start the service in the direction of interest. But in any case, it is advisable to determine the direction of service in the army of the Russian Federation for yourself and try to use your legal right.

Directions of army service: brief information

For example, the fleet, special forces, marines, border troops, reconnaissance battalions- one of the most prestigious areas. Most men with perfect condition health and fitness choose these options.

Fewer people are willing to serve in Internal Troops and in the construction battalion. Despite the presence of respect, the conditions of service are not suitable for everyone.

Many conscripts are guided by the location of the military unit. Sometimes it is possible to deviate from the territorial issue if a man liable for military service has a certain dream and makes an effort to realize it.

Skills, features of physical forms are taken into account. If a man is a bad swimmer, he will not be able to become a Marine.

At the same time, 2-meter men cannot be tankmen, paratroopers, or submariners.

Personal wishes and physical abilities do not always correlate, therefore, every citizen liable for military service must be prepared for certain deviations from existing personal wishes.

Types and types of troops of the army of the Russian Federation

In Russia, troops are divided into the following types and types:

  • ground forces - a type that includes a large number of soldiers with different abilities and levels of training. Among the differences is a large fire and impact force, optimal maneuverability, a tendency to independence;
  • The Air Force is a branch of the Armed Forces, whose representatives strike at the enemy, carry out aerial reconnaissance and air transportation. The activity is based on the use of aircraft and helicopters;
  • The navy was built to strike various objects belonging to the enemy side. Soldiers are allowed to serve only in good health and quick reaction;
  • Strategic Missile Forces decide strategic objectives during the nuclear war. The main armament is modern missile systems, on which the activity of men liable for military service and the success of the result largely depend. In the Strategic Missile Forces, combat duty must be carried out by everyone, from the private to the commanders-in-chief, therefore the conscript must have perfect health and a developed physical form;
  • space troops - new genus troops of the Russian Federation. Representatives of the space troops ensure the security of the state in the space sphere. This is required for maximum protection of possible rocket attacks. Each representative of the space forces must have perfect health (category A);
  • Airborne troops operate behind enemy lines, destroying nuclear weapons. The main task is to capture and hold important objects to increase the effectiveness of the fight on enemy territory, disrupt the control system and the operation of the enemy rear. The Airborne Forces successfully operate with the ground forces;
  • The rear of the Armed Forces provides the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with material means for effective implementation fights, guaranteed rendering medical care to wounded soldiers and sick people, organizing and conducting sanitary and hygienic measures;
  • The engineering troops are equipped with modern high-performance equipment to perform complex and specific work, create water, anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle barriers in the path of potential enemy troops.

Each soldier, taking into account physical fitness and state of health, has the right to choose the appropriate direction of army service. Employees of military registration and enlistment offices, if possible, take into account the wishes of citizens liable for military service. In the absence of the opportunity, the soldier must understand that he must agree to the proposals of the military enlistment office in order to fulfill his duty to the Motherland.

Video: Which troops are better to go to serve and why?

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