45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces official. The special forces of the Airborne Forces are the elite of the Russian armed forces. Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces - soldiers of the future

Russian paratroopers are revered not only in their own country. They are respected by the whole world. One American general is known to have said that if he had a company of Russian paratroopers, he would have conquered the entire planet. Among the legendary formations of the Russian army is the 45th Airborne Regiment. It has an interesting history, the central part of which is occupied by heroic deeds.

We are proud of our paratroopers, honor their courage, valor and readiness to defend the interests of the Motherland at any cost. The glorious pages of the military history of the USSR, and then Russia, appeared, largely due to the heroic deeds of paratroopers. Soldiers serving in the Airborne Forces fearlessly performed the most difficult tasks and special operations. The airborne troops are among the most prestigious formations of the Russian army. Soldiers strive to get there, wanting to feel involved in creating the glorious military history of their country.

45th Airborne Regiment: key facts

The 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces was formed in early 1994. Its base was separate battalions number 218 and 901. By the middle of the year, the regiment was equipped with weapons and fighters. The 45th regiment began its first combat operation in December 1994 in Chechnya. The paratroopers participated in the battles until February 1995, and then returned to the Moscow region, to the base of their deployment on a permanent basis. In 2005, the regiment received the Battle Flag of the Guards Regiment No. 119

From the moment of its foundation, the military formation became known as the 45th reconnaissance regiment of the Airborne Forces. But in early 2008, it was renamed the Special Forces Regiment. In August of the same year, it participated in a special operation to force Georgia to peace. In 2010, Regiment 45 tactical group ensured the safety of Russian citizens during the riots in Kyrgyzstan.


The basis for the formation of the 45th separate guards regiment was the 218th and 901st special forces battalions. The fighters of the first battalion had taken part in three combat operations by that time. In the summer of 1992, the battalion served in Transnistria, in September - in the territories where there was a conflict between Ossetian and Ingush combat groups, in December - in Abkhazia.

Since 1979, battalion number 901 has been part of the Soviet troops on the territory of Czechoslovakia, in 1989 it was redeployed to Latvia and transferred to the structure of the Baltic Military District. In 1991, the 901st Special Forces Battalion was relocated to the Abkhaz ASSR. In 1992, it was renamed the paratrooper battalion. In 1993, the formation performed tasks related to the protection of state and military facilities. In the fall of 1993, the battalion was redeployed to the Moscow region. Then the 45th regiment of the Russian Airborne Forces appeared.


In 1995, the 45th Airborne Regiment received the Diploma of the President of Russia for services to the country. In July 1997, the formation was awarded the banner of the airborne regiment number 5, which participated in the hostilities during the Great Patriotic War. In 2001, the regiment received Vympel from the Minister of Defense of Russia - for courage, high combat skills and real valor when participating in hostilities on the territory of Chechnya. The 45th Guards Regiment of the Airborne Forces owns the Order of Kutuzov - the corresponding decree was signed by the President of Russia. The military formation was awarded this award for the success in the heroic performance of military operations, the heroism and courage shown by the soldiers and the command. The regiment became the first carrier in the modern history of our country. In July 2009, the formation received the St. George banner.

The title of Hero of Russia was given to ten fighters, whose duty station was the 45th Airborne Regiment. The Order of Courage was awarded to 79 paratroopers. Ten military personnel of the regiment were awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the second degree. Seventeen and three paratroopers received the Orders "For Military Merit" and "For Merit to the Fatherland", respectively. Medals "For Courage" were received by 174 servicemen, the medal of Suvorov - 166. Seven people were awarded the Zhukov medal.


Kubinka near Moscow - the 45th Airborne Regiment is based there - in July 2014 was the place where the anniversary celebrations dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the formation took place. The event was held in an open door format - the paratroopers showed their combat skills to the guests, the parachute units lowered the flag of the Airborne Forces from the sky, and the famous pilots from the Russian Knights team showed miracles of aerobatics on fighter jets.

The legendary regiment as part of the Airborne Forces

Which includes the 45th regiment - Airborne Forces (airborne troops) of Russia. Their history dates back to August 2, 1930. Then the first paratroopers of the Air Force of the Moscow District made a parachute landing in our country. It was a kind of experiment that showed military theorists how promising the landing of parachute units could be from the point of view of combat operations. The first official unit of the airborne troops of the USSR appeared only the following year in the Leningrad Military District. The formation included 164 people, all of them were servicemen of the airborne assault detachment. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were five airborne corps in the USSR, each of which served 10,000 fighters.

Airborne Forces during the Great Patriotic War

With the outbreak of war, all Soviet airborne corps entered into battles taking place on the territory of the Ukrainian, Belarusian, Lithuanian Republics. The largest operation involving paratroopers during the war years is considered to be the battle with a group of Germans near Moscow in early 1942. Then 10 thousand paratroopers won the most important victory for the front. Parts of the Airborne Forces were connected to the battles near Stalingrad.

The paratroopers of the Soviet army honorably fulfilled their duty to defend the city. The Airborne Forces of the USSR army also took part in the battles after the defeat of Nazi Germany - in August 1945 they fought in the Far East against the imperial armed forces of Japan. Over 4,000 paratroopers helped the Soviet troops win important victories in this sector of the front.

After the war

Particular attention, according to the observation of military analysts, in the post-war strategy for the development of the USSR Airborne Forces was given to organizing military operations behind enemy lines, increasing the combat capability of soldiers, and interacting with army units, subject to the possible use of atomic weapons. The troops began to be equipped with new aircraft of the AN-12 and AN-22 type, which, thanks to their large carrying capacity, could deliver vehicles, armored vehicles, artillery and other means of warfare behind enemy lines.

Every year, an increasing number of military exercises were conducted with the participation of airborne soldiers. Among the largest - held in the spring of 1970 in the Byelorussian ASSR. As part of the Dvina exercises, more than 7 thousand soldiers and more than 150 guns were parachuted. In 1971, exercises "South" of a comparable scale took place. In the late 1970s, the use of new Il-76 aircraft in landing operations was first tested. Until the collapse of the USSR, the soldiers of the Airborne Forces at each of the exercises repeatedly showed the highest combat skills.

Airborne troops of the Russian Federation today

Now the Airborne Forces are considered a structure that is called upon to independently (or as part of it) perform combat missions in conflicts of various scales - from local to global. About 95% of the Airborne Forces are in a state of constant combat readiness. Landing forces are considered one of the most mobile branches of the Russian military. are also called upon to perform the functions of conducting combat operations behind enemy lines.

As part of the Russian Airborne Forces - four divisions, its own training center, institute, as well as a large number of structures that perform work on provision, supply and maintenance.

The motto of the Russian Airborne Forces is "No one but us!" The service of a paratrooper is considered by many to be one of the most prestigious and at the same time difficult. As of 2010, 4,000 officers, 7,000 contract soldiers, and 24,000 conscripts served in the Airborne Forces. Another 28,000 are civilian personnel of the formation.

Paratroopers and operation in Afghanistan

The largest participation of the Airborne Forces in hostilities after the Great Patriotic War took place in Afghanistan. The 103rd division, the 345th airborne regiment, two battalions, motorized rifle brigades participated in the battles. A number of military analysts believe that the specifics of the conduct of hostilities in Afghanistan did not imply the expediency of using parachute landing as a method of transferring army combat personnel. This, according to analysts, is due to the country's mountainous terrain, as well as the high level of costs for such operations. The personnel of the Airborne Forces, as a rule, were transferred using helicopters.

The largest operation of the USSR Airborne Forces in Afghanistan was the Battle of Panjer in 1982. More than 4 thousand paratroopers took part in it (with a total number of soldiers involved in the operation of 12 thousand people). as a result of the fighting, she was able to take the main part of the Panjer Gorge under her control.

Combat operations of the Airborne Forces after the collapse of the USSR

The paratroopers, despite the difficult times that came after the collapse of the superpower, continued to defend the interests of their country. They were often peacekeepers in the territories of the former Soviet republics. Russian paratroopers made themselves known to the whole world during the conflict in Yugoslavia in 1999. Soldiers of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation made the famous throw at Pristina, having managed to get ahead of the military from NATO.

Throw on Pristina

On the night of June 11-12, 1999, Russian paratroopers appeared on the territory of Yugoslavia, starting from neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina. They managed to occupy an airfield located near the city of Pristina. There, a few hours later, NATO soldiers appeared. Some details of those events are known. In particular, US Army General Clark ordered his colleague from the British armed forces to prevent the Russians from seizing the airfield. He replied that he did not want to provoke a third world war. However, the main part of the information on the essence of the operation in Pristina is not available - it is all classified.

Russian paratroopers in Chechnya

Troops of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation took part in both Chechen wars. Regarding the first - most of the data is still secret. It is known, for example, that among the most famous operations of the second campaign with the participation of the Airborne Forces is the Battle of Argun. The Russian army received the task of blocking a strategically significant section of the transport highways passing through the Argun Gorge. According to him, the separatists received food, weapons and medicines. The paratroopers joined the operation in December as part of the 56th Airborne Regiment.

The heroic feat of the paratroopers participating in the battles for 776 heights near the Chechen Ulus-Kert is known. In February 2000, the 6th company of the Airborne Forces from Pskov entered the battle with the grouping of Khattab and Basaev, ten times larger in number. During the day, the militants were blocked inside the Argun Gorge. Performing the task, the soldiers of the Pskov company of the Airborne Forces did not spare themselves. Only 6 soldiers survived.

Russian paratroopers and the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict

In the 1990s, units of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation performed in the territories where the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict took place, mainly peacekeeping functions. But in 2008, the paratroopers participated in combat operations. When the Georgian army attacked South Ossetia, units of the Russian army were sent to the war area, including the 76th division of the Russian Airborne Forces from Pskov. According to a number of military analysts, there were no major amphibious landings in this special operation. However, according to experts, the participation of Russian paratroopers had a psychological effect - primarily on the political leadership of Georgia.

45th regiment: renaming

Recently, information has appeared that the 45th Airborne Regiment may receive the honorary name of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. A military formation with this name was founded by Peter the Great and became legendary. There is a version that the initiative regarding the fact that the 45th regiment of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation should be renamed comes from a statement by the President of Russia, who expressed the opinion that formations named after famous regiments, such as Semenovsky, Preobrazhensky, should appear in the Russian army. At one of the military councils of the Russian Airborne Forces, as indicated in some sources, the proposal of the President was considered, and as a result, responsible persons were instructed to prepare information on the start of work on the creation of historical army regiments. It is quite possible that the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation will receive the title of Preobrazhensky.

45th Separate Guards Special Purpose Regiment of the Airborne Forces
The 45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Regiment of the Airborne Forces (45th Guards OPSN Airborne Forces) was formed in February 1994 on the basis of the 218th ODSHB and the 901st ODSHB.
The 901st ODSHB was formed on the basis of the order of the Chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces in the territory of the Transcaucasian Military District by the end of the 70s.
Then this battalion was moved to Czechoslovakia, where it was included in the structure of the Central Group of Forces. On November 20, 1979, the Oremov Laz garrison in Slovenia became the new location of 901 ODSHB in Slovenia (some sources indicate the garrison in Riechka as the location).

The battalion was equipped with approximately 30 BMD-1 combat assault vehicles. In March 1989, the number of TsGV troops began to decrease, and this process affected 901 ODSHB. At the turn of March and April, the entire battalion was moved to the Latvian Aluksne, where it was enrolled in the PribVO.

1979 - formed on the territory of the Transcaucasian Military District as the 901st separate airborne assault battalion
1979 - transferred to the Central Group of Forces in Czechoslovakia
1989 - transferred to the Baltic Military District (Aluksne)
May 1991 - transferred to the Transcaucasian Military District (Sukhumi)
August 1992 - transferred to the headquarters of the Airborne Forces and renamed the 901st separate airborne battalion
1992 - transferred as a separate battalion to the 7th Guards Airborne Division
1993 - during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, he performed tasks for the protection and defense of military and state facilities on the territory of Abkhazia
October 1993 - transferred to the Moscow region
February 1994 - reorganized into the 901st separate special-purpose battalion
February 1994 - transferred to the newly formed 45th Separate Special Purpose Regiment (VDV)
In 1972, the 778th separate special-purpose radio company of 85 people was formed as part of the Airborne Forces. The main task of this unit was to drive the landing aviation to the drop point, for which the groups of this company had to land ahead of time behind enemy lines and deploy the drive equipment there. In 1975, the company was reorganized into the 778th OR REP, and in February 1980 - into the 899th separate special-purpose company with 117 people. In 1988, the 899th Special Forces Special Forces was reorganized into the 899th Special Forces Company (with a staff of 105 people) as part of the 196th Airborne Forces Ops. Later, the company was deployed to the 218th separate air assault battalion.

July 25, 1992 - formed in the Moscow Military District. The points of permanent deployment were in the Moscow region.
June-July 1992 - took part as a peacekeeping force in Transnistria
September-October 1992 - took part as a peacekeeping force in North Ossetia
December 1992 - took part as a peacekeeping force in Abkhazia
February 1994 - transferred to the newly formed 45th separate special-purpose regiment of the Airborne Forces
By July 1994, the regiment was fully formed and completed. By order of the Commander of the Airborne Forces, in order of historical continuity, the day of the formation of the 45th regiment is indicated to be the day of the formation of the 218th battalion - July 25, 1992.
On December 2, 1994, the regiment was transferred to Chechnya to participate in the liquidation of illegal armed groups. The units of the regiment took part in the hostilities until February 12, 1995, when the regiment was transferred back to its place of permanent deployment in the Moscow region. From March 15 to June 13, 1995, a combined detachment of the regiment operated in Chechnya.

On July 30, 1995, an obelisk was opened on the territory of the regiment's deployment in Sokolniki in honor of the soldiers of the regiment who died during the hostilities.
On May 9, 1995, for services to the Russian Federation, the regiment was awarded a diploma of the President of the Russian Federation, and the military personnel of the regiment as part of the combined battalion of the Airborne Forces took part in the parade on Poklonnaya Hill dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany.
From February to May 1997, the regiment's combined detachment was in Gudauta as part of a peacekeeping mission in the zone of separation of the Georgian and Abkhaz armed forces.
On July 26, 1997, the regiment was awarded the Combat Banner and Certificate of the 5th Guards Airborne Rifle Order of Mukachevo Order of Kutuzov III degree regiment, disbanded on June 27, 1945.

On May 1, 1998, the regiment was renamed the 45th Separate Reconnaissance Regiment of the Airborne Forces. The 901st separate special-purpose battalion was disbanded in the spring of 1998; in 2001, a special-purpose linear battalion was created on its basis as part of the regiment (called “901st” out of old habit).

From September 1999 to March 2006, the combined reconnaissance detachment of the regiment took part in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.

On February 2, 2001, the regiment was awarded the pennant of the Minister of Defense "for courage, military prowess and high combat skills."

On August 8, 2001, on the territory of the regiment in Kubinka, in the presence of the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Georgy Shpak, a new memorial complex was opened in memory of the soldiers of the regiment who died in combat missions. Every year, on January 8, the regiment celebrates the Day of Remembrance for the fallen soldiers.
In April-July 2005, it was decided to transfer to the 45th regiment the Battle Banner, the title of "Guards" and the Order of Alexander Nevsky, which belonged to the 119th Guards Airborne Regiment, which was disbanded in the same year. The solemn ceremony of the transfer of distinctions took place on August 2, 2005.

In 2007, the 218th separate special-purpose battalion was reorganized into a linear one, having lost its numbering and the status of a separate military unit. Since that time, the regiment consists of two line battalions.

The name of the 45th separate regiment of the special purpose of the Airborne Forces was returned to the regiment.

In August 2008, units of the regiment took part in the operation to force Georgia to peace. The officer of the regiment, Hero of Russia Anatoly Lebed was awarded the Order of St. George IV degree.

The 45th Separate Special Purpose Brigade is the youngest military unit in the Airborne Forces (VDV) of Russia, its formation began in February 1994.

The regiment was formed on the basis of two separate special-purpose battalions, each of which, before being included in the regiment, had its own history of formation and development.

The 901st separate airborne assault battalion was formed on the territory of the Transcaucasian Military District and was immediately transferred to Czechoslovakia to the Central Group of Forces, where from November 20, 1979 it was stationed in n. the village of Riechki.

In March 1989, in connection with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Eastern Europe, the battalion was redeployed to the city of Aluksne, Latvian SSR, and became part of the Baltic Military District. In May 1991, the battalion was transferred to the Transcaucasian Military District and relocated to the city of Sukhumi, Abkhaz ASSR.

In August 1992, the battalion was reassigned to the Command of the Airborne Forces and renamed the 901st separate airborne battalion. Later, as a separate battalion, he became part of the 7th Guards Airborne Division, but the city of Sukhumi remained the point of permanent deployment.

In 1993, during the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, the battalion performed the tasks of guarding and defending important military and state facilities on the territory of Abkhazia from looting and destruction. During this period, eight servicemen of the battalion died, having fulfilled their military duty to the end, and about 20 were injured. For the performance of combat missions, 13 servicemen of the battalion were awarded the Order "For Personal Courage", 21 people - the medal "For Courage" and 1 person - the medal "For Military Merit".

In October 1993, the battalion was redeployed from the city of Sukhumi to the Moscow region, where in February of the following year it was reorganized into the 901st separate special-purpose battalion. With the beginning of the formation of the 45th Ops of the Special Forces, the battalion was included in its composition.

The 218th separate special-purpose battalion was formed on July 25, 1992. By order of the commander of the Airborne Forces, in order of historical continuity, the day of the formation of 45 op Special Forces is considered to be the day the creation of this battalion.

The battalion took part in the implementation of peacekeeping missions in the zones of interethnic conflicts in Transnistria in June-July 1992, in North Ossetia - in September-November 1992, in Abkhazia - in December 1992. Many servicemen of the battalion were awarded for courage and heroism state awards.

The active use of battalions in solving special tasks in various conflicts showed the need for their unification into a regiment. By July 1994, the 45th op of the Special Forces was fully formed, equipped with personnel, equipment, and began combat training.

On December 2, 1994, the personnel of the regiment left for the North Caucasus to participate in the liquidation of illegal armed formations on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1995, the commander of the special-purpose reconnaissance group, Senior Lieutenant Ermakov V.K. On July 30, 1995, a monument in honor of the dead scouts was opened on the territory of the regiment in a solemn ceremony.

On May 9, 1995, the regiment was awarded a diploma of the President of the Russian Federation for services to the Russian Federation. He participated in the military parade dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

From February to May 1997, the combined detachment of the regiment took part in a peacekeeping mission in the zone of separation of the Georgian and Abkhaz armed forces in the city of Gudauta.

On July 26, 1997, following the glorious traditions of the Armed Forces, the regiment was awarded the Combat banner and certificate of the 5th Guards Airborne Rifle Order of Kutuzov of Mukachevo, 3rd degree, which was disbanded on June 27, 1945.

From September 12, 1999, the combined reconnaissance detachment of the regiment took part in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.
In August 2008, units of the 45th Ops of the Special Forces took part in the operation to force Georgia to peace. The officer of the regiment, Hero of Russia Anatoly Lebed was awarded the Order of St. George IV degree.

On July 20, 2009, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 No. 1422, the regiment was awarded the St. George banner.

In April 2010, the battalion tactical group of the regiment carried out a combat mission to ensure the safety of Russian citizens on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2011 No. 170, the regiment was the first in modern history to be awarded the Order of Kutuzov. The award was presented on April 4, 2011 at the location of the regiment in Kubinka. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev personally attached the badge and ribbon of the order to the St. George's banner of the regiment.

In May-June 2012, the reconnaissance platoon of the regiment participated in joint exercises with the "green berets" of the US armed forces at the American military base of the 10th Special Operations Forces Group, located in Fort Carson.

The paratroopers of the regiment honorably continue the glorious combat traditions of scouts of all generations, proudly carry the high guard rank, because it is not for nothing that their motto is: "The strongest wins."

During the existence of the regiment, five servicemen were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for their courage and heroism.

July 25 - Day of formation of the 45th separate regiment of the special forces of the Airborne Forces, now - the 45th separate guards orders of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky special forces brigade of the Airborne Forces.

The 45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Troops (45th Guards OPSPN Airborne Forces) was formed in February 1994 on the basis of the 218th ODSHB and the 901st ODSHB.

901st Separate Special Purpose Air Assault Battalion.

The 901st ODSHB was formed on the basis of the order of the Chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces in the territory of the Transcaucasian Military District by the end of the 70s.
Then this battalion was moved to Czechoslovakia, where it was included in the structure of the Central Group of Forces. On November 20, 1979, the Oremov Laz garrison in Slovenia became the new location of 901 ODSHB in Slovenia (some sources indicate the garrison in Riechka as the location).

The battalion was equipped with approximately 30 BMD-1 combat assault vehicles. In March 1989, the number of TsGV troops began to decrease, and this process affected 901 ODSHB. At the turn of March and April, the entire battalion was moved to the Latvian Aluksne, where it was enrolled in the PribVO.

1979 - formed on the territory of the Transcaucasian Military District as the 901st separate airborne assault battalion
1979 - transferred to the Central Group of Forces in Czechoslovakia
1989 - transferred to the Baltic Military District (Aluksne)
May 1991 - transferred to the Transcaucasian Military District (Sukhumi)
August 1992 - transferred to the headquarters of the Airborne Forces and renamed the 901st separate airborne battalion
1992 - transferred as a separate battalion to the 7th Guards Airborne Division
1993 - during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, he performed tasks for the protection and defense of military and government facilities on the territory of Abkhazia
October 1993 - transferred to the Moscow region
February 1994 - reorganized into the 901st separate special-purpose battalion
February 1994 - transferred to the newly formed 45th Separate Special Purpose Regiment (VDV)

218th Separate Airborne Assault Battalion for Special Purposes

In 1972, the 778th separate special-purpose radio company of 85 people was formed as part of the Airborne Forces. The main task of this unit was to drive the landing aviation to the drop point, for which the groups of this company had to land ahead of time behind enemy lines and deploy the drive equipment there. In 1975, the company was reorganized into the 778th OR REP, and in February 1980 - into the 899th separate special-purpose company with 117 people. In 1988, the 899th Special Forces Special Forces was reorganized into the 899th Special Forces Company (with a staff of 105 people) as part of the 196th Airborne Forces Ops. Later, the company was deployed to the 218th separate air assault battalion.

July 25, 1992 - formed in the Moscow Military District. The points of permanent deployment were in the Moscow region.
June-July 1992 - took part as a peacekeeping force in Transnistria
September-October 1992 - took part as a peacekeeping force in North Ossetia
December 1992 - took part as a peacekeeping force in Abkhazia
February 1994 - transferred to the newly formed 45th separate special-purpose regiment of the Airborne Forces

History of the 45th Guards. separate reconnaissance regiment of the Airborne Forces.

By July 1994, the regiment was fully formed and completed. By order of the Commander of the Airborne Forces, in order of historical continuity, the day of the formation of the 45th regiment is indicated to be the day of the formation of the 218th battalion - July 25, 1992.
On December 2, 1994, the regiment was transferred to Chechnya to participate in the liquidation of illegal armed groups. The units of the regiment took part in the hostilities until February 12, 1995, when the regiment was transferred back to its place of permanent deployment in the Moscow region. From March 15 to June 13, 1995, a combined detachment of the regiment operated in Chechnya.

On July 30, 1995, an obelisk was opened on the territory of the regiment's deployment in Sokolniki in honor of the soldiers of the regiment who died during the hostilities.
On May 9, 1995, for services to the Russian Federation, the regiment was awarded a diploma of the President of the Russian Federation, and the military personnel of the regiment as part of the combined battalion of the Airborne Forces took part in the parade on Poklonnaya Hill dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany.
From February to May 1997, the regiment's combined detachment was in Gudauta as part of a peacekeeping mission in the zone of separation of the Georgian and Abkhaz armed forces.
On July 26, 1997, the regiment was awarded the Combat Banner and Certificate of the 5th Guards Airborne Rifle Order of Mukachevo Order of Kutuzov III degree regiment, disbanded on June 27, 1945.

On May 1, 1998, the regiment was renamed the 45th Separate Reconnaissance Regiment of the Airborne Forces. The 901st separate special-purpose battalion was disbanded in the spring of 1998, in 2001 a linear battalion was created on its basis
special purpose as part of the regiment (called "901st" out of old habit).

From September 1999 to March 2006, the combined reconnaissance detachment of the regiment took part in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.

On February 2, 2001, the regiment was awarded the pennant of the Minister of Defense "for courage, military prowess and high combat skills."

On August 8, 2001, on the territory of the regiment in Kubinka, in the presence of the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Georgy Shpak, a new memorial complex was opened in memory of the soldiers of the regiment who died in combat missions. Every year, on January 8, the regiment celebrates the Day of Remembrance for the fallen soldiers.
In April-July 2005, it was decided to transfer to the 45th regiment the Battle Banner, the title of "Guards" and the Order of Alexander Nevsky, which belonged to the 119th Guards Airborne Regiment, which was disbanded in the same year. The solemn ceremony of the transfer of distinctions took place on August 2, 2005.

In 2007, the 218th separate special-purpose battalion was reorganized into a linear one, having lost its numbering and the status of a separate military unit. Since that time, the regiment consists of two line battalions.

The name of the 45th separate regiment of the special purpose of the Airborne Forces was returned to the regiment.

In August 2008, units of the regiment took part in the operation to force Georgia to peace. The officer of the regiment, Hero of Russia Anatoly Lebed was awarded the Order of St. George IV degree.

July 25, 2009, on the day of the regimental holiday, in Kubinka, a small consecration of the throne of the garrison church of the 45th separate guards regiment, consecrated in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Blessed Sky" took place.
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 170 dated February 9, 2011, the regiment was the first in modern history to be awarded the Order of Kutuzov.

The award ceremony took place on April 4, 2011 at the location of the regiment in Kubinka. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev personally attached the badge and ribbon of the order to the St. George's banner of the regiment.

In May-June 2012, the regiment's reconnaissance platoon participated in joint exercises with the Green Berets at the American military base of the 10th Special Forces Group, located in Fort Carson.

In the spring of 2014, a separate reconnaissance detachment of the regiment took part in the operation to annex Crimea to the Russian Federation.

During the general increase in the number of the Russian Airborne Forces at the end of 2014, the 45th separate regiment was deployed into a brigade.

Battle path

1994-1995 - First Chechen War
1997 - Georgian-Abkhazian conflict
1999-2006 - Second Chechen War
2008 - Georgian-Ossetian conflict
2010 — ensuring the safety of Russian citizens on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic


Kolygin, Viktor Dmitrievich - 1994-2003
Kontsevoi, Anatoly Georgievich - 2003-2006
Shulishov, Alexander Anatolyevich - 2006-2012
Pankov, Vadim Ivanovich - 08.2012 - present

Regiment awards

August 2, 2005 - The title of "Guards" and the Order of Alexander Nevsky were transferred from the disbanded 119th Guards Airborne Regiment.

February 9, 2011 - Order of Kutuzov "For the successful completion of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown by the personnel of the regiment."


218th separate battalion (before inclusion in the regiment)
For courage and heroism in the performance of peacekeeping missions in 1992, many servicemen of the battalion were awarded government awards.

901st separate battalion (before inclusion in the regiment)

Order "For Personal Courage" - 43 people
Medal "For Courage" - 21 people
Medal "For Military Merit" - 27 people

45th separate regiment

Heroes of the Russian Federation:

Hero of the Russian Federation Gridnev Vadim Alekseevich

Hero of the Russian Federation Ermakov Vitaly Yurievich (posthumously)

Hero of the Russian Federation Zhidkov Dmitry Vasilievich (posthumously)

Hero of the Russian Federation Lays Alexander Viktorovich (posthumously)

Hero of the Russian Federation Lebed Anatoly Vyacheslavovich

Hero of the Russian Federation Nepryakhin Andrey Anatolyevich

Hero of the Russian Federation Pankov Vadim Ivanovich

Hero of the Russian Federation Romanov Alexey Viktorovich

Hero of the Russian Federation Rumyantsev Alexey Viktorovich (posthumously)

Hero of the Russian Federation Yatsenko Pyotr Karlovich (posthumously)

For the performance of combat missions awarded:

Order of St. George - 1 person
Order of Courage - more than 100 people
Order "For Military Merit" - more than 40 people
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" - 3 people
George Cross - about 40 people
Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree with swords - 60 people
Medal "For Courage" - 174 people
Suvorov medal - more than 180 people
Zhukov medal - more than 60 people

Combat losses of the regiment

During the participation in hostilities, the regiment lost 43 people killed, more than 80 soldiers were wounded.

On the third day, we managed to get "with a watering can" and a notebook "into the 45th Separate Guards Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Reconnaissance Regiment. Accompanying a group of civilian Arkharov volunteers was the head of the press service of the Airborne Forces, Colonel Alexander Anatolyevich Cherednik. Exceptionally intelligent head of the press service. I suppose it was thanks to his efforts that the visit to the guardsmen-paratroopers turned out to be so eventful.

To begin with, all those who arrived were instructed, then we were given flowers in order to put them on the stones of the monument to the dead soldiers of the regiment. The regiment, as they say, is "at war", but in war there are no losses.

The youngest unit in the Russian Airborne Forces is the 45th separate reconnaissance regiment, the formation of which began in February 1994. The regiment was formed on the basis of two separate battalions, each of which had its own history of formation and development before being included in the regiment. By order of the Commander of the Airborne Forces, in order of historical continuity, the day of the formation of the 45th regiment is considered to be the day of July 25, 1992.

On December 2, 1994, the personnel of the regiment left for the North Caucasus to participate in the liquidation of illegal armed groups on the territory of the Chechen Republic. From December 12, 1994 to January 25, 1995, reconnaissance groups and special-purpose detachments (assault detachments) from the regiment, in cooperation with units of the Airborne Forces, took part in combat operations to capture the most important enemy targets, including in Grozny.

On February 12, 1995, units and subunits of the regiment returned to their permanent deployment points. On March 15, 1995, the combined detachment of the regiment again arrived in Chechnya, continuing to carry out combat missions until June 13, 1995. During this period, as a result of competent military operations, there were no losses in the regiment.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1995, the commander of the special-purpose reconnaissance group, Senior Lieutenant Ermakov V.K., was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of a special task of the command to disarm illegal armed groups. On July 30, 1995, a monument in honor of the dead scouts was opened on the territory of the unit in a solemn ceremony.

On May 9, 1995, the regiment was awarded a diploma of the President of the Russian Federation for services to the Russian Federation. The regiment participated in the parade dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany.

From February to May 1997, the combined detachment of the regiment took part in a peacekeeping mission in the zone of separation of the Georgian and Abkhaz armed forces in the city of Gudauta.

On July 26, 1997, following the glorious traditions of the Armed Forces, the regiment was presented with the Combat banner and certificate of the 5th Guards Airborne Rifle Mukachevo Order of Kutuzov, 3rd degree regiment, disbanded on June 27, 1945, and stored in the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation .

Since September 12, 1999, the combined reconnaissance detachment of the regiment took part in the anti-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.

From the monument we went to the obstacle course. The strip, not to say that it is very huge, but large enough to be guaranteed to get tired. It imitates a section of a mountainous wooded area and is overcome at a fast pace. So that the fighters on the strip would not get bored, other fighters provided timely detonations of imitator charges and fired at the storming strip with blank cartridges from a machine gun. The paratroopers moved in twos, after overcoming each element of the obstacle course they stopped, looked around and covered their comrade, firing blanks. They moved smartly.

Not far from the obstacle course, other fighters practiced packing parachutes. The film crew of the First Channel worked next to them. Wet from the heat and diligence, the correspondent listened attentively to the commands and explanations of his personal mentor and immediately followed the instructions received. If reports are now prepared in this way, and also end with a jump with a self-laid dome, I take off my hat. The work of a professional. This one certainly won’t tell about the “overlapping of the rafters”.

From the obstacle course we went to the shooting range and looked at various types of small arms available in the state in the regiment. I can’t tell much about the weapon - I fell into unconsciousness, got agitated and lost touch with reality. Repeatedly offered to change at least some of the available samples for his photographic equipment, he even agreed to "his cartridges." But it didn't work out. But he took everything and looked at it.

Kalashnikov assault rifle with PBS-1 and underbarrel grenade launcher, modifications of the SVD sniper rifle, pistol SR-1 (SPS), VSS "Vintorez", AS "Val", PSS "Vul", knife NRS-2, SME pistol, submachine gun SR-2M "Veresk", PY pistol, the legendary APB with a silencer and everything else. All this is necessary not only to be able to use, but to use successfully. Separately, it was told about the presence of a collection of captured weapons, for example, Georgian. It is also closely studied so that the fighters, if necessary, can beat the enemy with his own weapons.

We arrived at the territory of the airborne complex (VDK). This is a decent size playground with all the necessary simulators for a full-fledged training in parachuting. With us, two groups of fighters demonstrated several exercises in separation from the aircraft and in safe landing. All exercises were carried out as expected: with two parachutes (main and reserve), with weapons and with all standard ammunition.

Soldiers are taught all the necessary actions on mock-ups of real aircraft from which paratroopers jump. There is a full-fledged parachute tower, a simulator has been built for making a training jump from a helicopter. You equip yourself properly, climb the ladder to the tower, enter the troop compartment of the helicopter, fix yourself on the rail and jump down and forward, vigorously pushing off with your feet.

With a decent speed, with a roar and a metallic clang, you rush forward along the guide rail. To increase naturalism, the rail is skillfully curved in several places, so that every trainee is jerked and thrown up as in a real jump. At the end of the training path, a paratrooper is waiting for a group of colleagues with a safety rope. Having grouped, the paratrooper flies with his feet into a specially prepared area with sawdust, and the other two insure the “landed” with a special rope, preventing the excess from flying forward.

Looks like an attraction in the Park of Culture. But during the training jump, the paratrooper does not forget to perform a number of actions, brought to full automatism. As a matter of fact, the very fact of a successful landing, for example, for me is the end of a risky experiment, joy and a desire to immediately drink. And for a fighter - only the beginning. It was me who, after my first jump, went light to the bar, and for him, after landing, a forced march and / or a fight usually follow.

Soldiers-paratroopers live not in the barracks, but in a soldier's hostel. In each compartment, consisting of two adjacent rooms - 4-6 people. Bathroom and toilet. In the corridor, in addition to the soldiers' quarters, there is also a gym, a recreation room, and classrooms. Everything inside is clean and cool. At the entrance there are tanks with drinking water and mugs for those who want to quench their thirst. The orderly carefully glares at all incoming and outgoing. In general, a good, comfortable and clean accommodation. I especially remember the wall newspaper, it is documented there below. Laughed.

Not without, of course, without a dining room. No miracles were seen in the dining room - just good-quality male grub. Without frills, arugula and vyazigi, God forgive me, were not served, but you can see right away: the food is hearty and fresh. Without unnecessary frills, he ate everything that was offered. I didn't want any more because it was very hot. The thermometer was rushing to the mark of +40.

To the building of the soldiers' canteen, soldiers march in formation and sing a song. The song was the same for everyone, with intolerant words "we are Russians, Russians are coming!" Some commanders reported to their fighters that they did not hear the units. In response, the unit turned up the volume and brutally stamped the step. The fighters of the fresh conscription were very well visible in the general mass. Berets are hoisted on the shaved heads of young guardsmen, but some are not like that. Grated, seasoned warriors, with honor, wear drop-cut berets, which certainly look much more bravo than the “default” headgear.

But the soldier's ingenuity, of course, figured out how best to remake the authorized "airfields" into what is needed: the fighter stocks up with a small beret, rips out the lining from it. If he takes a suture (i.e. with a seam), the fabric is torn along the seam, all the excess is cut off and sewn again. The sutured beret is wetted with water and dried on a jar of a suitable diameter or directly on the head.

The procedure must be repeated until complete readiness. As soon as the beret is ready, it is necessary to clarify the haircut. "A droplet" on a shaved head in a statutory way looks like it should! A fighter passing by in such a “droplet” additionally explained that if you don’t want to bother with the independent production of a beret, then you can simply buy a ready-made one. And he left smiling.

I noticed some discrepancy in the shoes. One of the paratroopers explained that you can use the boots that are given out as shoes, or you can buy for your money the ones you like. This, of course, is not about lacquered boots or cowboy "Cossacks", but about jumping boots for everyday wear. I saw several people in solid American and German boots. And at the shooting range he paid attention to heels. The fighters with weapons lay down in position, so that the soles were clearly visible. A lot of boots with a pretty worn out tread, so they run and jump all the time.

A group of fighters with an officer demonstrated to the audience the main set of weapons and equipment of a reconnaissance fighter. Small arms, ammunition, a knife, hand and grenade grenades, mines, a one-time anti-tank grenade launcher, ropes, wires, adhesive tape, dressing bags, foam, a hat with a sweater, an infantry shovel, explosives in checkers, a minimum of medicines, various detonators and other necessary for autonomous reconnaissance in war conditions.

For ease of understanding: once I had a chance to carry 2,000 rounds of ammunition. Ammo only, no weapons or other equipment. I managed to walk four kilometers. It was very hard. And the fighter has 450+ rounds of ammunition for the machine gun, the machine itself and all of the above. And we must constantly look around, under our feet, be ready to open fire and cover our comrades. And on you - 40+ kilograms of equipment and weapons.

It was especially interesting to learn about the mines that scouts can use to organize ambushes or, for example, evade pursuit if necessary. Just by destroying this very persecution. They showed a MON-50 directional mine and an OZM-72 omnidirectional fragmentation mine jumping out. I met German analogues of OZM-72 more than once, but MON-50 turned it over in his hands for the first time. They said - a very effective weapon in capable hands, an analogue of the American M18A1 Claymore.

In short: inside the plastic body of the mine in a synthetic resin filler are metal balls and rollers. Pieces 500 approximately. And plastic explosives. When a mine is triggered, a specially curved body of the product makes metal submunitions fly in a sector 54 degrees wide and about 5 meters high. At a distance of 50 meters, the lethal effect of submunitions is reliable. A terrible thing, it mows everything in the working sector. And if you combine it with others of the same kind, mask it and supplement the effect with small arms, there is no salvation at all. Excellent remedy for ambush, including for ambush without direct contact with the enemy.

The jumping mine is a round steel can. At the moment of operation, it throws up, above itself, an internal “glass” with the same balls-rollers, only there are already about 2,500 of them. The glass is tied to a tension cable. A mine worked, the glass flew to a height of about a meter, the cable twitched, the detonator went off, metal balls flew in all directions and wounded and killed everyone, even the lying soldiers.

This mine is perhaps the most powerful of the circular destruction fragmentation mines. Even the OZM-160 mines, which are much larger in size and weight, do not provide such an even distribution of fragments over the affected area, as the OZM-72 mine distributes its ready-made lethal elements.

The experience of using the mine unambiguously indicates that in the zone of continuous destruction (the radius of the zone is 30 meters) there will not be a single object the size of a person who will not receive at least one video. even if it's flat on the ground. The explosion of this mine, due to its screeching sound of flying rollers, is not to be confused with any other. The soldiers nicknamed her "Zlyuka" or "Witch".

From the funny: during his stay at the VDK, Colonel Cherednik told how exactly they use old car tires when training paratroopers. You need to carefully jump over them like this and like that - and immediately demonstrated personally how exactly you need to jump. Jumped, I remind you, the whole colonel. In uniform, with shoulder straps. The faces of young soldiers resting on the sidelines expressed some degree of surprise :).

Some airborne portraits:

Ah, yes. Completely forgot. Of course, all of the above is pure window dressing. Personally, the Minister of Defense from the bushes made sure that we liked everything, and then, in the dining room, he secretly put meat in a saucepan. I noticed him and understood: this is such a secret plan to throw dust in the eyes of soldiers' mothers. Let me!

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