TTX of modern radar stations of the NATO armed forces. Experienced anti-aircraft missile system MEADS. Organization of a unified NATO air defense system

The first flight of the Tu-22M3M long-range supersonic bomber-missile carrier is scheduled for August this year at the Kazan Aviation Plant, RIA Novosti reports. This is a new modification of the Tu-22M3 bomber, put into service in 1989.

The aircraft demonstrated its combat viability in Syria, striking terrorist bases. They used Backfires, as they called this formidable car in the West, and during the Afghan war.

According to Senator Viktor Bondarev, the former commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the aircraft has great potential for modernization. Actually, this is the whole line of Tu-22 bombers, the creation of which began in the Tupolev Design Bureau in the 60s. The first prototype made its launch flight in 1969. The very first serial machine Tu-22M2 was put into service in 1976.

In 1981, the Tu-22M3 began to enter the combat units, which became a deep modernization of the previous modification. But it was put into service only in 1989, which was associated with the refinement of a number of systems and the introduction of new generation missiles. The bomber is equipped with new NK-25 engines, more powerful and economical, with an electronic control system. The on-board equipment has been largely replaced - from the power supply system to the radar and weapons control complex. The aircraft defense complex has been significantly strengthened.

As a result, an aircraft with a variable sweep of the wing appeared with the following characteristics: Length - 42.5 m Wingspan - from 23.3 m to 34.3 m Height - 11 m Empty weight - 68 tons, maximum takeoff - 126 tons Engine thrust - 2 × 14500 kgf, afterburner thrust - 2 × 25000 kgf. The maximum speed near the ground is 1050 km / h, at an altitude of 2300 km / h. Flight range - 6800 km. Ceiling - 13300 m. Maximum missile and bomb load - 24 tons.

The main result of the modernization was the arming of the bomber with Kh-15 missiles (up to six missiles in the fuselage plus four on an external sling) and Kh-22 (two on a sling under the wings).

For reference: Kh-15 is a supersonic aeroballistic missile. With a length of 4.87 m, it fit into the fuselage. The warhead had a mass of 150 kg. There was a nuclear version with a capacity of 300 kt. The rocket, having risen to a height of up to 40 km, when diving at a target in the final section of the route, accelerated to a speed of 5 M. The range of the Kh-15 was 300 km.

And the Kh-22 is a supersonic cruise missile with a range of up to 600 km and a maximum speed of 3.5M-4.6M. The flight altitude is 25 km. The missile also has two warheads - nuclear (up to 1 Mt) and high-explosive-cumulative with a mass of 960 kg. In this connection, she was conditionally nicknamed the "killer of aircraft carriers."

But last year, an even more advanced Kh-32 cruise missile, which is a deep modernization of the Kh-22, was adopted. The range has increased to 1000 km. But the main thing is that the noise immunity, the ability to overcome the zones of active operation of enemy electronic warfare systems, has significantly increased. At the same time, the dimensions and weight, as well as the warhead, remained the same.

And this is good. The bad thing is that in connection with the cessation of production of Kh-15 missiles, they began to be gradually removed from service since 2000 due to the aging of the solid fuel mixture. At the same time, the replacement of the old rocket was not prepared. In this connection, now the Tu-22M3 bomb bay is loaded only with bombs - both free-falling and adjustable.

What are the main disadvantages of the new weapon variant? Firstly, the listed bombs do not belong to high-precision weapons. Secondly, in order to completely "unload" the ammunition, the aircraft must carry out bombing in the very hell of the enemy's air defense.

Previously, this problem was solved optimally - at first, Kh-15 missiles (among which there was an anti-radar modification) hit the radar of air defense / missile defense systems, thereby clearing the way for their main strike force - a pair of Kh-22s. Now bomber sorties are associated with increased danger, unless, of course, the collision occurs with a serious enemy who owns modern air defense systems.

There is another unpleasant moment, because of which the excellent missile carrier is significantly inferior, if possible, to its counterparts in the Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Air Force - the Tu-95MS and Tu-160. On the basis of the SALT-2 agreement, equipment for refueling in the air was removed from the "twenty-second". In this connection, the combat radius of the missile carrier does not exceed 2400 km. And even then only if you fly light, with a half rocket and bomb load.

At the same time, the Tu-22M3 does not have missiles that could significantly increase the aircraft's strike range. The Tu-95MS and Tu-160 have such, this is the Kh-101 subsonic cruise missile, which has a range of 5500 km.

So, work on upgrading the bomber to the level of the Tu-22M3M goes in parallel with much more secret work on the creation of a cruise missile that will restore the combat effectiveness of this machine.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the Raduga design bureau has been developing a promising cruise missile, which was declassified only last year to a very limited extent. And even then only in terms of design and characteristics. This is the "product 715", which is intended primarily for the Tu-22M3M, but can also be used on the Tu-95MS, Tu-160M ​​and Tu-160M2. American military-technical publications claim that this is almost a copy of their subsonic and most distant air-to-surface missile AGM-158 JASSM. However, this would not be desirable. Since these, according to Trump's characteristics, "smart missiles", as it recently turned out, are smart to the point of self-will. Some of them, during the last unsuccessful shelling of Syrian targets by the Western allies, which has become famous all over the world, against the will of the owners, actually flew to beat the Kurds. And the range of the AGM-158 JASSM is modest by modern standards - 980 km.

An improved Russian analogue of this overseas missile is the Kh-101. By the way, it was also made in KB "Rainbow". The designers managed to significantly reduce the dimensions - the length decreased from 7.5 m to 5 m or even less. The diameter was reduced by 30%, "losing weight" to 50 cm. This turned out to be enough to place the "product 715" inside the bomb bay of the new Tu-22M3M. Moreover, immediately in the amount of six missiles. That is, now, finally, from the point of view of the tactics of combat use, we again have everything the same as it was during the operation of the Kh-15 missiles being decommissioned.

Inside the fuselage of the modernized bomber, the missiles will be placed in a revolver-type launcher, similar to the cartridge drum of a revolver. During the launch of the missiles, the drum rotates step by step, and the missiles are sequentially sent to the target. This placement does not impair the aerodynamic qualities of the aircraft and, therefore, allows you to save fuel, as well as to maximize the possibilities of supersonic flight. Which, as mentioned above, is especially important for the "single-refueling" Tu-22M3M.

Of course, the designers of the "product 715" could not even theoretically, while simultaneously increasing the flight range and reducing the dimensions, also achieve supersonic speed. Actually, the Kh-101 is not a high-speed missile either. On the marching section, it flies at a speed of about 0.65 Mach, at the finish line it accelerates to 0.85 Mach. Its main advantage (in addition to range) is different. The missile has a whole set of powerful tools that allow you to break through the enemy's missile defense. Here and stealth - RCS of the order of 0,01 sq.m. And the combined flight profile - from creeping to a height of 10 km. And an effective electronic warfare complex. In this case, the circular probable deviation from the target at a full distance of 5500 km is 5 meters. Such high accuracy is achieved due to the combined guidance system. In the final section, an optoelectronic homing head operates, which guides the missile along a map stored in memory.

Experts suggest that in terms of range and other characteristics, the "product 715", if inferior to the X-101, is insignificant. Estimates range from 3,000 km to 4,000 km. But, of course, the striking power will be different. X-101 has a warhead mass of 400 kilograms. So much "will not fit" into a new rocket.

As a result of the adoption of the "product 715", the bomber's high-precision ammunition load will not only increase, but will also be balanced. So, the Tu-22M3M will have the opportunity, without approaching the air defense zone, to pre-process radars and air defense systems with “babies”. And then, coming closer, strike at strategic targets with powerful Kh-32 supersonic missiles.

Materials provided by: S.V.Gurov (Russia, Tula)

The promising mobile anti-aircraft missile system MEADS (Medium Extended Air Defense System) is designed to defend groups of troops and important objects from operational-tactical ballistic missiles with a range of up to 1000 km, cruise missiles, aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles of the enemy.

The development of the system is carried out by the Orlando (USA)-based joint venture MEADS International, which includes the Italian division of MBDA, the German LFK and the American company Lockheed Martin. The development, production and support of air defense systems is managed by the NAMEADSMO (NATO Medium Extended Air Defense System Design and Development, Production and Logistics Management Organization) organization created in the NATO structure. The US finances 58% of the costs of the program. Germany and Italy provide 25% and 17%, respectively. According to the initial plans, the United States intended to purchase 48 MEADS air defense systems, Germany - 24 and Italy - 9.

The conceptual development of the new air defense system began in October 1996. In early 1999, a $300 million contract was signed to develop a prototype of the MEADS air defense system.

According to the statement of the First Deputy Inspector of the German Air Force, Lieutenant General Norbert Finster, MEADS will become one of the main elements of the country's and NATO's missile defense system.

The MEADS complex is the main candidate for the German Taktisches Luftverteidigungssystem (TLVS) - a new generation air and missile defense system with a flexible network architecture. It is possible that the MEADS complex will become the basis of the national air defense / missile defense system in Italy. In December 2014, the Polish Armaments Inspectorate informed that the MEADS International project will participate in the competition for the Narew short-range air defense system, designed to defend against aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles.


The MEADS system has a modular architecture, which makes it possible to increase the flexibility of its application, produce it in various configurations, provide high firepower with a reduction in maintenance personnel and reduce material support costs.

The composition of the complex:

  • launcher (photo1, photo2, photo3, photo4 Thomas Schulz, Poland);
  • interceptor missile;
  • combat control point (PBU);
  • multifunctional radar station;
  • detection radar.

All nodes of the complex are located on off-road vehicle chassis. For the Italian version of the complex, the chassis of the Italian ARIS tractor with an armored cab is used, for the German one - the MAN tractor. C-130 Hercules and Airbus A400M aircraft can be used to transport MEADS air defense systems.

The mobile launcher (PU) of the MEADS air defense system is equipped with a package of eight transport and launch containers (TLCs) designed to transport, store and launch guided interceptor missiles. PU provides the so-called. batch loading (see photo1, photo2) and is characterized by a short transfer time to the firing position and reloading.

Lockheed Martin's PAC-3MSE interceptor missile is expected to be used as a means of destruction as part of the MEADS air defense system. The PAC-3MSE differs from its prototype, the anti-missile, by its 1.5-fold increased impact area and the possibility of being used as part of other air defense systems, including shipborne ones. The PAC-3MSE is equipped with a new Aerojet double-acting main engine with a diameter of 292 mm, a two-way communication system between the missile and the PBU. To increase the effectiveness of defeating maneuvering aerodynamic targets, in addition to using a kinetic warhead, it is possible to equip the rocket with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead of directed action. The first test of the PAC-3MSE took place on May 21, 2008.

It was reported on the conduct of research and development work on the use of guided missiles and air-to-air missiles, upgraded for ground launch, as part of the MEADS complex.

The PBU is designed to control an open architecture network-centric air defense system and ensures the joint operation of any combination of detection tools and launchers combined into a single air defense and missile defense system. In accordance with the "plug and play" concept, the means of detection, control and combat support of the system interact with each other as nodes of a single network. Thanks to the capabilities of the control center, the system commander can quickly turn on or off such nodes, depending on the combat situation, without turning off the entire system, ensuring quick maneuver and concentration of combat capabilities in threatened areas.

The use of standardized interfaces and an open network architecture provides the PBU with the ability to control detection tools and launchers from various air defense systems, incl. not included in the MEADS air defense system. If necessary, the MEADS air defense system can interact with complexes, etc. The PBU is compatible with modern and advanced control systems, in particular, with NATO's Air Command and Control System (NATO's Air Command and Control System).

A set of communication equipment MICS (MEADS Internal Communications Subsystem) is designed to organize the joint operation of MEADS air defense systems. MICS provides secure tactical communication between radars, launchers and control units of the complex through a high-speed network built on the basis of the IP protocol stack.

Multifunctional three-coordinate X-band pulse-Doppler radar provides detection, classification, identification of nationality and tracking of air targets, as well as missile guidance. The radar is equipped with an active phased antenna array (see). The rotation speed of the antenna is 0, 15 and 30 rpm. The station ensures the transmission of correction commands to the interceptor missile via the Link 16 data exchange channel, which allows the missile to be redirected to trajectories, as well as the selection of the most optimal launcher from the system to repel an attack.

According to the developers, the multifunctional radar of the complex is highly reliable and efficient. During the tests, the radar provided the search, classification and tracking of targets with the issuance of target designation, suppression of active and passive interference. The MEADS air defense system can simultaneously fire at up to 10 air targets in a difficult jamming environment.

The composition of the multifunctional radar includes a system for determining the nationality "friend or foe", developed by the Italian company SELEX Sistemi Integrati. The antenna of the "friend or foe" system (see) is located in the upper part of the main antenna array. The MEADS air defense system became the first American complex that allows the use of cryptographic means of other states in its composition.

The mobile detection radar is being developed for MEADS by Lockheed-Martin and is a pulse-Doppler station with an active phased array operating both in a stationary position and at a rotation speed of 7.5 rpm. To search for aerodynamic targets in the radar, a circular view of the airspace is implemented. The design features of the radar also include a high-performance signal processor, a programmable probing signal generator, and a digital adaptive beamformer.

The MEADS air defense system has an autonomous power supply system, which includes a diesel generator and a distribution and conversion unit for connecting to an industrial network (frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz). The system was developed by Lechmotoren (Altenstadt, Germany).

The main tactical unit of the MEADS air defense system is an anti-aircraft missile battalion, which is planned to include three firing and one headquarters batteries. The MEADS battery includes a detection radar, a multifunctional radar, a PBU, up to six launchers. The minimum system configuration includes one copy of the radar, launcher and PBU.

Tactical and technical characteristics

Testing and operation

01.09.2004 NAMEADSMO has signed a $2 billion and €1.4 billion ($1.8 billion) contract with joint venture MEADS International for the R&D phase of the MEADS SAM program.

01.09.2006 The PAC-3MSE interceptor missile was chosen as the main means of destruction of the MEADS complex.

05.08.2009 The preliminary design of all the main components of the complex has been completed.

01.06.2010 When discussing the draft US defense budget for FY2011. The Senate Armed Forces Commission (SASC) expressed concern about the cost of the MEADS program, which is $1 billion over budget and 18 months late. The Commission recommended that the US Department of Defense stop funding the development of MEADS if the program does not pass the stage of protection of the working draft. In a response from US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to the commission, it was reported that the program schedule had been agreed, and the cost of developing, manufacturing and deploying MEADS had been estimated.

01.07.2010 Raytheon has proposed a modernization package for the Patriot air defense systems in service with the Bundeswehr, which will increase their performance to the level of the MEADS air defense system by 2014. According to Raytheon, a phased modernization process would save from 1 to 2 billion euros without reducing the combat readiness of the German armed forces. The German Ministry of Defense decided to continue the development of the MEADS air defense system.

16.09.2010 The MEADS air defense system development program has successfully passed the stage of defending the working draft. The project was recognized as meeting all the requirements. The results of the defense were sent to the countries participating in the program. The estimated cost of the program was $19 billion.

22.09.2010 As part of the implementation of the MEADS program, a work plan was presented to reduce the costs of the life cycle of the complex.

27.09.2010 The possibility of joint operation of the MEADS PBU with the NATO air defense command and control complex was successfully demonstrated. The unification of NATO's layered missile defense facilities was carried out on a special test bench.

20.12.2010 At the Fusaro air base (Italy), for the first time, a PBU was demonstrated, located on the chassis of the Italian tractor ARIS. Five more PBUs, planned for use at the testing and certification stages of the complex, are in the production stage.

14.01.2011 LFK (Lenkflugkorpersyteme, MBDA Deutschland) announced the delivery of the first MEADS SAM launcher to the joint venture MEADS International.

31.01.2011 As part of the work on the creation of the MEADS complex, tests of the first multifunctional radar station were successfully completed.

11.02.2011 The US Department of Defense announced its intention to stop funding the MEADS project after FY2013. The reason was the proposal of the consortium to increase the development time of the complex by 30 months in excess of the originally announced 110. The extension of the time will require an increase in US funding for the project by $974 million. The Pentagon estimates that total funding will rise to $1.16bn and production start will be delayed to 2018. However, the US DoD decided to continue the development and testing phase within the budget established in 2004 without entering the production phase.

15.02.2011 In a letter sent by the Ministry of Defense of Germany to the Bundestag budget committee, it was noted that due to the possible termination of the joint development of the complex, the acquisition of the MEADS air defense system is not planned in the foreseeable future. The results of the program implementation can be used in the framework of national programs for the creation of air defense / missile defense systems.

18.02.2011 Germany will not continue the MEADS air defense / missile defense system program after the development phase is completed. According to a representative of the German Defense Ministry, it will not be able to finance the next stage of the project if the United States withdraws from it. It was noted that the official decision to close the MEADS program has not yet been made.

01.04.2011 MEADS International Business Development Director Marty Coyne reported on his meetings with representatives of a number of countries in Europe and the Middle East who expressed their intention to take part in the project. Among the potential participants in the project are Poland and Turkey, which are interested in purchasing modern air defense / missile defense systems and gaining access to technologies for the production of such systems. This would allow the completion of the MEADS development program, which was in danger of being closed after the US military department refused to participate in the production phase.

15.06.2011 Lockheed Martin has delivered the first set of communication equipment MICS (MEADS Internal Communications Subsystem), designed to organize the joint operation of MEADS air defense systems.

16.08.2011 Testing of the software for the combat command, control, control, communications and intelligence complex in Huntsville (Alabama, USA) has been completed.

13.09.2011 With the help of an integrated training complex, a simulated launch of the MEADS SAM interceptor rocket was carried out.

12.10.2011 MEADS International has started comprehensive testing of the first MEADS MODU at a test facility in Orlando (Florida, USA).

17.10.2011 Lockheed Martin Corporation has delivered MICS communications equipment kits for use as part of the MEADS complex.

24.10.2011 The first MEADS SAM launcher has arrived at the White Sands missile range for comprehensive testing and preparation for flight tests scheduled for November.

30.10.2011 The US DoD has signed Amendment #26 to the base memorandum, which provides for the restructuring of the MEADS program. In accordance with this amendment, before the completion of the contract for the design and development of MEADS in 2014, two test launches are envisaged to determine the characteristics of the system. According to a statement by representatives of the US Department of Defense, the approved completion of the development of MEADS will allow the US defense department to use the technologies created under the project in the implementation of programs for the development of advanced weapons systems.

03.11.2011 The directors of national armaments of Germany, Italy and the United States approved an amendment to the contract to provide funding for two tests to intercept targets for the MEADS system.

10.11.2011 At the Pratica di Mare air base, a successful virtual simulation of the destruction of aerodynamic and ballistic targets using the MEADS air defense system was completed. During the tests, the combat control center of the complex demonstrated the ability to organize an arbitrary combination of launchers, combat control, command, control, communications and intelligence into a single network-centric air defense and missile defense system.

17.11.2011 The first flight test of the MEADS system as part of the PAC-3 MSE interceptor missile, a lightweight launcher and a combat control center was successfully completed at the White Sands missile range. During the test, a missile was launched to intercept a target attacking in the rear half-space. After completing the task, the interceptor missile self-destructed.

17.11.2011 Information has been published on the start of negotiations on Qatar's entry into the MEADS air defense system development program. Qatar has expressed interest in using the facility to secure the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

08.02.2012 Berlin and Rome are pressuring Washington to continue US funding for the MEADS development program. On January 17, 2012, the participants of the international consortium MEADS received a new proposal from the United States, which actually provided for the termination of funding for the program as early as 2012.

22.02.2012 Lockheed Martin Corporation announced the start of comprehensive testing of the third MEADS PBU in Huntsville (Alabama, USA). PBU tests are planned for the whole of 2012. Two PBUs are already involved in testing the MEADS system at Pratica di Mare (Italy) and Orlando (Florida, USA) air bases.

19.04.2012 Commencement of comprehensive testing of the first copy of the MEADS multifunctional air defense radar at the Pratica di Mare air base. Earlier it was reported about the completion of the first stage of testing the station at the facility of SELEX Sistemi Integrati SpA in Rome.

12.06.2012 The acceptance tests of the autonomous power supply and communication unit of the MEADS air defense system, designed for the upcoming comprehensive tests of the multifunctional radar station of the complex at the Pratica di Mare airbase, have been completed. The second copy of the block is being tested at the technical center for self-propelled and armored vehicles of the German armed forces in Trier (Germany).

09.07.2012 The first MEADS mobile test kit has been delivered to the White Sands missile range. A set of test equipment provides real-time virtual tests of the MEADS complex for intercepting targets without launching an interceptor missile for various air attack scenarios.

14.08.2012 On the territory of the Pratica di Mare airbase, the first comprehensive tests of the multifunctional radar were carried out together with the combat control center and launchers of the MEADS air defense system. It is reported that the radar has demonstrated key functionality, incl. the possibility of a circular view of the airspace, the capture of a target and its tracking in various scenarios of a combat situation.

29.08.2012 A PAC-3 interceptor missile at the White Sands missile range successfully destroyed a target simulating a tactical ballistic missile. As part of the test, two targets imitating tactical ballistic missiles and an MQM-107 unmanned aircraft were involved. A salvo launch of two PAC-3 interceptor missiles completed the task of intercepting a second target, a tactical ballistic missile. According to published data, all test tasks were completed.

22.10.2012 On the territory of the Pratica di Mare air base, the next stage of testing the system for determining the nationality of the MEADS complex has been successfully completed. All system operation scenarios were tested in conjunction with the American "friend or foe" identification system Mark XII / XIIA Mode 5 of the ATCBRBS (Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System) airspace control system. The total volume of certification tests was 160 experiments. After integrating the system with the MEADS multifunctional radar, additional tests were performed.

29.11.2012 The MEADS air defense system provided detection, tracking and interception of the MQM-107 target with an air-breathing engine on the territory of the White Sands missile range (New Mexico, USA). During the tests, the complex included: a command and control center, a light launcher for PAC-3 MSE interceptor missiles and a multifunctional radar.

06.12.2012 The Senate of the US Congress, despite the request of the President of the United States and the Department of Defense, decided not to allocate funds for the MEADS air defense program in the next fiscal year. The Senate-approved defense budget did not include the $400.8 million needed to complete the program.

01.04.2013 The US Congress decided to continue funding the MEADS air defense system development program. As Reuters reported, Congress approved a bill guaranteeing the allocation of funds to cover current financial needs until September 30, 2013. This bill provides for the allocation of $ 380 million to complete the development and testing phase of the complex, which will avoid cancellation of contracts and negative consequences on an international scale.

19.04.2013 The upgraded detection radar was tested in joint operation as part of a single set of MEADS air defense systems. During the tests, the radar ensured the detection and tracking of a small aircraft, the transmission of information to the MEADS PBU. After its processing, the PBU issued target designation data to the multifunctional radar of the MEADS complex, which carried out additional search, recognition and further tracking of the target. The tests were carried out in the all-round view mode in the Hancock airport area (Syracusa, New York, USA), the distance between the radars was more than 10 miles.

19.06.2013 A press release from Lockheed Martin reports on the successful testing of the MEADS air defense system as part of a unified air defense system with other anti-aircraft systems in service with NATO countries.

10.09.2013 The first launcher of the MEADS air defense system on the chassis of a German truck was delivered to the USA for testing. Tests of two launchers are planned for 2013.

21.10.2013 During tests at the White Sands missile range, the MEADS multifunctional radar for the first time successfully captured and tracked a target simulating a tactical ballistic missile.

06.11.2013 During the tests of the MEADS air defense system, to assess the capabilities of the all-round defense complex, two targets were intercepted, simultaneously attacking from opposite directions. The tests took place on the territory of the White Sands missile range (New Mexico, USA). One of the targets simulated a class ballistic missile, the QF-4 target simulated a cruise missile.

21.05.2014 The system for determining the nationality "friend or foe" of the MEADS complex received an operational certificate from the US Department of Defense Airspace Control Administration.

24.07.2014 Demonstration tests of the MEADS air defense system at the Pratica di Mare airbase have been completed. During two-week tests, the complex's ability to work in various architectures, incl. under the control of higher control systems were demonstrated to the German and Italian delegations.

23.09.2014 Six-week operational tests of the multifunctional radar from the MEADS air defense system at the Pratica di Mare airbase (Italy) and at the German air defense center of the MBDA concern in Freinhausen have been completed.

07.01.2015 The MEADS air defense system is being considered as a candidate for compliance with the requirements for next-generation air and missile defense systems in Germany and Poland.

Foreign military experts note that if earlier the main weapons of anti-aircraft missile units and air forces of NATO countries were long-range and medium-range air defense systems and developed in the United States, now, in addition to them, short-range air defense systems () and "( ).

Rice. 1 Control position of the Nike-Hercules air defense system. In the foreground is a target tracking radar, in the background is a target acquisition radar.

Long and medium range air defense systems

The NATO command plans to use these complexes to cover large industrial facilities and areas of troop concentration from the air.

Long-range all-weather air defense system "Nike-Hercules"(USA) is designed to combat subsonic and supersonic aircraft flying mainly at medium and high altitudes. However, as reported in the foreign press, as a result of the tests, it was found that this complex in some cases can be used to combat tactical ballistic missiles.

The composition of the firing unit (batteries) includes: anti-aircraft guided missiles; five radars located at the control position (low power detection radar, target tracking radar, missile tracking radar, radio rangefinder, high power radar for detecting small targets); missile launch control and guidance point; up to nine fixed or mobile launchers; power supplies; auxiliary equipment (transport-loading, control and verification, etc.). The control position of the Nike-Hercules air defense system is shown in fig. one.

In total, the division can include up to four batteries. According to the foreign press, the Nike-Hercules complex has been repeatedly upgraded in order to increase the reliability of its elements and reduce operating costs.

All-weather long-range air defense system "Bloodhound" Mk.2(Great Britain) is designed to combat subsonic and supersonic aircraft. The composition of the firing unit (batteries): SAM; Target illumination radar (stationary and more powerful or mobile, but less powerful "Firelight"); 4-8 launchers with one guide; missile launch control point. Batteries "Bloodhound" Mk.2 are combined into squadrons.

Information about air targets is transmitted directly to the target illumination radar from its own detection radar or from the radar from the general detection and warning system deployed in the given territory.

The Bloodhound air defense system is in service with the units and units of the British Air Force, which are based in the territories of this country and. In addition, they are equipped with the air forces of Sweden, Switzerland and Singapore. Serial production of these systems has been discontinued, and a new air defense system is being developed in the UK and France to replace them.

All-weather medium-range air defense system "Hawk"(USA) was created to combat subsonic and supersonic aircraft flying at low and medium altitudes.

Rice. 2. Medium and short-range air defense systems: a - self-propelled launcher of anti-aircraft guided missiles "Hok" (based on the KhM-727 tracked carrier); b - post for guidance and control of the air defense system with a launcher in position; c - an anti-aircraft missile system mounted on a tracked armored personnel carrier; d - launcher of the Krotal air defense system (left) and target tracking radar (right)

The composition of the firing unit (batteries) includes: SAM; Detection radar operating in pulsed mode; Detection radar operating in continuous mode; two target illumination radars; radio rangefinder; command centre; six launchers (each has three guides); power supplies and auxiliary equipment. To illuminate the target, radars of low and high power are used (the latter is used when firing at small air targets).

The Air Force is also armed with a self-propelled version of the Hawk air defense system, created on the basis of the KhM-727 tracked transporters (Fig. 2, a). The structure of this complex includes conveyors, each of which has a launcher with three guides. On the march, these transporters tow on trailers all the radar and support equipment needed to deploy the battery.

The foreign press reports that the improved Hawk air defense system has now been adopted in the United States. Its main difference from the basic version is that the new missile (MIM-23B) has increased reliability, a more powerful warhead and a new engine. The ground control equipment was also improved. All this, according to American experts, made it possible to increase the range of the air defense system and the probability of hitting the target. It is reported that the US allies in NATO are planning to start producing under license all the necessary equipment and equipment in order to modernize their Hawk air defense systems.

short range air defense systems

Basically, these are designed to combat low-flying aircraft in the defense of air bases and other individual objects.

Clear-weather air defense system "Tiger Cat"(Great Britain) is designed to combat subsonic and transonic low-flying aircraft (it can also be used to fire at ground targets). It was created on the basis of the ship version ZURO, which has been repeatedly upgraded in recent years.

The composition of the firing unit: SAM; guidance and control post with a binocular sight, a radio transmitter of commands, a computer and a control panel; PU with three guides; a program block for preparing the launch of missiles; generator; auxiliary and spare equipment (Fig. 2, b).

The Tiger Cat complex is highly mobile. All equipment of the firing unit is placed on two Land Rover vehicles and two trailers towed by them. Combat crew five people. The possibility of placing this air defense system on various armored vehicles is envisaged. Recently, the ST-850 radar has been included in the complex, which, according to British experts, will allow it to be used in any meteorological conditions.

According to the foreign press, the Tiger Cat air defense system is also in service with the air forces of Iran, India, Jordan and Argentina.

Clear-weather SAM "Rapira"(Great Britain) was created to combat subsonic and supersonic low-flying aircraft.

The composition of the firing unit: SAM, a removable visual tracking unit, an air target detection radar (includes an identification system and a command radio transmitter), a launcher combined with it (four guides), a removable lithium block. Calculation of five people.

The complex is highly mobile. All equipment of the firing unit is placed on two Land Rover vehicles and two trailers towed by them. The possibility of placing the air defense system equipment on tracked armored vehicles is provided (Fig. 2, c).

The main variant of the complex is clear-weather. However, for the operation of the complex in all weather conditions, a special radar was created and tested. The first air defense systems, which include this radar, have already entered service with some units of the RAF Ground Defense Regiment. SAM "Rapier" are also in service with the Air Force of Iran and Zambia.

All-weather air defense system "Krotal"(France) is designed to combat subsonic and supersonic low-flying aircraft.

Composition of the firing unit: target tracking radar, PU with four guides, radio transmitter of commands, infrared tracking device and auxiliary equipment. The control of three firing units is carried out from the command vehicle, where the pulse-Doppler radar for detecting air targets is located. It is reported that the detection range of a typical target is 18.5 km. The radar, equipped with a special computer, simultaneously detects up to 30 air targets, but in the auto-tracking mode it can only work on 12 targets. All equipment of the firing unit is placed on an armored car (Fig. 2, d).

The US Department of Defense, in the process of the ongoing arms race, is doing a lot of work to improve existing and create new air defense systems, such as the SAM-D type (developed for the US Army) and the SLIM type (for the US Air Force).

Complex SAM-D (Surface to Air Missile-Development) all-weather, long range; designed to combat subsonic and supersonic aircraft at all altitudes (excluding extremely low ones). In the early 80s, they are planned to replace the Nike-Hercules air defense systems in service.

American experts believe that the time-division multiplex data sampling method used in the radar will make it possible to simultaneously direct several missiles at different targets or select one target from a group.

Work on the air defense system is in the stage of testing experimental samples of missiles and launchers. The development of the guidance system has begun. At the same time, experts are looking for ways to simplify and reduce the cost of air defense systems.

It will be all-weather with a range of up to 1300 km. It is intended to deal mainly with supersonic air targets in the US air defense system. According to preliminary calculations, the maximum flight speed of the SLIM missile system (Fig. 3) will correspond to the number M = 4 - 6. The guidance system is combined. Possible methods of combat use: from fortified ground or underground structures and from carrier aircraft. Launch and guidance can be carried out either from an aircraft equipped with a detection and control system, or from the ground.

It was reported in the American press that preliminary theoretical calculations for the creation of the SLIM air defense system have been completed in the United States.

On this day:


On October 24, 1702, Peter the Great, with an army and fleet, captured the Swedish fortress of Noteburg, which was originally Russian and was previously called Oreshek. The first information about it is in the Novgorod Chronicle, which tells that "in the summer of 6831 ... (i.e., in 1323) a wooden fortress called Orekhova was built by the Novgorod prince Yuri Danilovich, the grandson of Alexander Nevsky."


On October 24, 1702, Peter the Great, with an army and fleet, captured the Swedish fortress of Noteburg, which was originally Russian and was previously called Oreshek. The first information about it is in the Novgorod Chronicle, which tells that "in the summer of 6831 ... (i.e., in 1323) a wooden fortress called Orekhova was built by the Novgorod prince Yuri Danilovich, the grandson of Alexander Nevsky."

At the end of the 15th century, Veliky Novgorod with its possessions became part of the Muscovite state, which began to strengthen all the former Novgorod fortresses.

The old Nut Fortress was dismantled to the foundation, and a new powerful defensive structure was built in its place, meeting all the requirements for protection during a siege with the help of artillery. Along the perimeter of the entire island rose stone walls twelve meters high, 740 meters long, 4.5 meters thick, with six round towers and one rectangular. The height of the towers reached 14-16 meters, the diameter of the interior - 6 meters. All towers had four battle tiers, the lower of which was covered with a stone vault. Loopholes and special openings for lifting ammunition were located in different tiers of the towers. Inside this fortress there is another fortification - a citadel with three towers, between which there were vaulted galleries for storing food and ammunition and a combat move - "vlaz". Canals with folding bridges that skirted the citadel not only blocked the approaches to it, but also served as an inner harbor.

The Oreshek fortress, located on an important trade route along the Neva to the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea, blocked the entrance to Lake Ladoga, the Swedes' constant rivals. In the second half of the 16th century, the Swedes made two attempts to capture the fortress, but both times were successfully repulsed. In 1611, the Swedish troops captured Oreshok after a two-month blockade, when as a result of hunger and disease, no more than a hundred of the 1300 defenders of the fortress remained.

During the Northern War (1700-1721), Peter the Great set the capture of the Noteburg fortress as a top priority. Her island position required the creation of a fleet for this. Peter ordered to build thirteen ships in Arkhangelsk, of which two ships - "Holy Spirit" and "Courier" - were dragged through the swamps and taiga by Zaonezhsky men from the White Sea to Lake Onega, where they launched the ships, and then along the Svir and Lake Ladoga came to the sources of the Neva.

The first Russian detachments led by Peter I appeared near Noteburg on September 26, 1702, the next day the siege of the fortress began. October 11, Art. Art., after a ten-day bombardment, the Russians launched an assault that lasted 13 hours. Noteburg again became a Russian fortress, the official transfer took place on October 14, 1702. Regarding the capture of the fortress, Peter wrote: "It is true that this nut was very cruel, but, thank God, it was happily gnawed." By royal decree, in memory of the capture of Noteburg, a medal was knocked out with the inscription: "He was with the enemy for 90 years." The fortress of Noteburg was renamed by Peter Shlisselburg, which means "Key City" in German. For more than 200 years, the fortress performed defensive functions, then it became a political prison. Since 1928 there has been a museum here. During the Great Patriotic War, the Shlisselburg Fortress heroically defended itself for almost 500 days and withstood, preventing the blockade around Leningrad from closing. The garrison of the fortress also contributed to the liberation of the city of Shlisselburg, which in 1944 was renamed Petrokrepost. Since 1966, the Shlisselburg Fortress (Oreshek) has again become a museum.

Scout Nadezhda Troyan

On October 24, 1921, Nadezhda Viktorovna Troyan (d. 2011) was born, a Soviet intelligence officer and nurse of the Storm partisan detachment, Hero of the Soviet Union, candidate of medical sciences, senior lieutenant of the medical service.

Scout Nadezhda Troyan

On October 24, 1921, Nadezhda Viktorovna Troyan (d. 2011) was born, a Soviet intelligence officer and nurse of the Storm partisan detachment, Hero of the Soviet Union, candidate of medical sciences, senior lieutenant of the medical service.

Her childhood was spent in Belarus. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, being on the territory temporarily occupied by German troops, she participated in the work of an underground organization in the city of Smolevichi, Minsk region. Members of the underground Komsomol organization, created at the peat plant, collected intelligence about the enemy, replenished the ranks of the partisans, provided assistance to their families, wrote and posted leaflets. From July 1942 she was a liaison, scout, nurse of the partisan detachments "Stalin's Five" (commander M. Vasilenko), "Storm" (commander M. Skoromnik), the brigade "Uncle Kolya" (commander - Hero of the Soviet Union P. G. Lopatin) in Minsk region. She participated in operations to blow up bridges, attack enemy carts, and participated in battles more than once. On the instructions of the organization, she took part, together with M. B. Osipova and E. G. Mazanik, in the operation to destroy the German Gauleiter of Belarus Wilhelm Kube. This feat of the Soviet partisans is described in the feature film The Clock Stopped at Midnight (Belarusfilm) and the series Hunt for the Gauleiter (directed by Oleg Bazilov, 2012). The title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 1209) was awarded to Nadezhda Viktorovna Troyan on October 29, 1943 for her courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders.

After the war in 1947 she graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. She worked as director of the Scientific Research Institute of Health Education of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, associate professor of the Department of Surgery at the 1st Moscow Medical Institute.

Special Forces Day

October 24, 1950 Minister of War of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky issued a directive on the formation of 46 special-purpose companies with a staff of 120 people each.

Disaster at the start

On October 24, 1960, an experimental R-16 intercontinental rocket exploded at the launch site in Baikonur. As a result, 74 people died, including the chairman of the state commission, Chief Marshal of Artillery Mitrofan Ivanovich Nedelin.

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The Blue Berets have a technological breakthrough

The airborne troops are rightfully the flagship of the Russian army, including in the field of supplying the latest weapons and military equipment. Now the main task of the airborne units is the ability to conduct combat operations offline behind enemy lines, and this, among other things, implies that the “winged infantry” after landing should be able to defend themselves from attacks from the sky. The head of the air defense of the Airborne Forces, Vladimir Protopopov, told MK what difficulties the anti-aircraft gunners of the Airborne Forces are now facing, what systems are being used by the Blue Berets, and also about where specialists are trained for this type of troops.

- Vladimir Lvovich, how did the formation of air defense units of the Airborne Forces begin?

The first air defense units in the Airborne Forces were formed during the Great Patriotic War, back in 1943. These were separate anti-aircraft artillery battalions. In 1949, air defense control bodies were created in the Airborne Forces formations, which included a group of officers with an air observation, warning and communication post, as well as a P-15 all-round radio engineering station. The first head of the air defense of the Airborne Forces was Ivan Savenko.

If we talk about the technical equipment of air defense units of the Airborne Forces, then for the past 45 years we have been armed with a twin ZU-23 anti-aircraft gun, with which you can fight not only low-flying targets, but also lightly armored ground targets and firing points at a distance of up to 2 km. In addition, it can be used to defeat enemy manpower both in open areas and behind light field-type shelters. The effectiveness of the ZU-23 has been repeatedly proven in Afghanistan, as well as during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.

The ZU-23 has been in service for 45 years.

In the 80s, the air defense of the Airborne Forces switched to better weapons, for example, our units began to receive Igla portable anti-aircraft missile systems, which made it possible to effectively combat all types of aircraft, even if the enemy used thermal interference. The air defense units of the Airborne Forces, armed with ZU-23 and MANPADS installations, successfully carried out combat missions in all "hot spots" starting from Afghanistan.

You talked about the ZU-23 installation, is it effective as a means of self-cover in modern anti-aircraft combat?

I repeat, the ZU-23 has been in service with us for more than 45 years. Of course, the installation itself has no modernization potential. Its caliber - 23 mm - is no longer suitable for hitting air targets, it is ineffective. But these installations remain in the airborne brigades, however, its purpose now is not entirely for combating air targets, but mainly for combating accumulations of enemy manpower and lightly armored ground targets. In this matter, she has proven herself very well.

It is clear that with a firing range of up to 2 km and an altitude of 1.5 km, it is not very effective. If we compare it with the new anti-aircraft missile systems that are now supplied to the Airborne Forces, then, of course, the difference is huge, the ZU-23 has a low destruction efficiency. For example, three anti-aircraft installations form one target channel. Let me explain, the target channel is the ability of the complex to detect, identify and hit a target with a probability not lower than a given one. That is, I repeat, three installations make up one target channel, and this is a whole platoon. And, for example, one Strela-10 combat vehicle makes up one target channel. In addition, the combat vehicle is capable of detecting, identifying and firing at the target itself. And at the ZU-23, the fighters must identify the target visually. In conditions when time becomes a key factor, it becomes ineffective to use these installations in the fight against air targets.

Strela-10 complexes are very reliable. If the operator has caught the target, then this is a guaranteed hit.

- ZU-23, MANPADS "Igla" ... What is replacing these means of protection against air attacks?

Now the air defense of the Airborne Forces, as well as the Airborne Forces themselves, are actively rearming. I myself have been serving since 1986 and I cannot recall such an active surge in the supply of the latest equipment and weapons, which has now been taking place in the troops since 2014.

Within two years, the Airborne Forces received 4 Verba divisional MANPADS systems with the latest Barnaul T automation systems. Also, two formations have been re-equipped with modernized Strela-10MN air defense systems. This complex has now become all-day, it can conduct combat work both day and night. The Strela-10 complexes are very unpretentious and reliable. If the operator has caught the target, then this is a guaranteed direct hit. In addition, a new identification system has appeared on the Verba MANPADS, and on the Strela-10MN air defense systems. Among other things, all batteries armed with MANPADS receive small-sized radar detectors MRLO 1L122 "Harmon". This portable radar detector is designed to detect low-flying targets, to be hit by anti-aircraft missile systems.

The Verba MANPADS have a homing missile, of the “fire and forget” type.

If we talk about the Verba, then this MANPADS, unlike the previous ones, already has the appropriate operating modes that allow it to hit air targets that use heat traps. Now they are no longer an obstacle to the destruction of aircraft. Also appeared such a mode as the destruction of small targets. Now MANPADS can work both on drones and on cruise missiles, this was not the case before. In addition, this complex has an increased range, and the height of the defeat has grown to almost five kilometers, and the missile is homing, of the “fire and forget” type.

One of the main tasks of the Airborne Forces is to conduct combat operations behind enemy lines, how did the latest complexes prove themselves in such conditions?

As for operations behind enemy lines, our weapons, as you know, are mobile. Of course, during the exercises we checked the operation of MANPADS after landing, the complexes are very reliable. As for the Strela-10MN, we did not land this complex, but in terms of its dimensions it is completely air transportable and can be transported by various military transport aircraft. By the way, now the outdated armored personnel carrier is being replaced by the newest - "Shell". This modern version already provides for the placement of the Verba ammunition and a set of automation equipment for the anti-aircraft gunners unit. The machine allows launching combat missiles both on the move with a short stop, and from a place. In general, our complexes are fully adapted for operations behind enemy lines.

Military experts say that the role of air defense in modern warfare has increased markedly, do you agree with this?

Everything is correct. According to many Russian and foreign military analysts, all armed conflicts start from the air, a soldier never sets foot on a territory until the battlefield is cleared in order to avoid unnecessary human losses and minimize them. Therefore, the role of air defense is really increasing at times. Here we can recall the words of Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, who said: "Grievous grief awaits the country that will be unable to repel an air strike." Now these words are more relevant than ever. All armed conflicts in which the leading armies of the world take part are primarily built on achieving air superiority. In addition, combat unmanned aerial vehicles are now increasingly being used, which are themselves capable of conducting combat operations at long ranges. No longer a pilot, but an operator on the ground performs combat missions. For example, he conducts aerial reconnaissance or keeps the UAV in the air for hours and waits for this or that object to appear on which to attack. The pilot's life is no longer in danger. That is why the role of air defense is growing. But, of course, you must understand that the air defense of the Airborne Forces is not complex and large systems like the S-300 and S-400. We are means of self-cover. These are the air defense units that directly cover the troops on the battlefield.

- Tell us how willingly young guys are now going to serve in the air defense of the Airborne Forces, do you have problems with personnel?

In our specialty, air defense officers are trained at the Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky. Every year we recruit about 17 people. They study for five years and then go to serve with us in the Airborne Forces. I want to say that we have no refusals, everyone wants to serve. Now, when rearmament is being actively carried out, new equipment and weapons are coming to the unit, the guys are interested in studying new complexes. After all, earlier in the air defense of the Airborne Forces there were no reconnaissance means, there were no automated control systems, but now all this has appeared. Again, people began to understand that the role of air defense is increasing, so we have no problems with personnel.

- Is it possible to compare air defense units of the Airborne Forces with similar units of the leading NATO countries in terms of armament?

I think this will be somewhat incorrect. After all, they are far behind us in this direction, there is nothing to compare with. They are still armed with obsolete MANPADS, there are simply no automation tools like ours. In 2014-2015, the air defense units of the Airborne Forces really experienced a technological breakthrough in terms of new and modernized weapons. We have gone far ahead, and this reserve needs to be developed.

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