Day of unity of the peoples of Belarus and Russia: history, features, strategic tasks. Day of Unity of the Peoples of Russia and Belarus - date, history, congratulations, poems, SMS Cooperation concerns everyone

The peoples of Russia and Belarus are bound by strong ties of Slavic traditions, a significant commonality of culture and spirituality. This is the basis of their strong friendship and long-term mutually beneficial cooperation. On April 2, 1996, Russian President B. Yeltsin and Belarusian President A. Lukashenko signed an important historical document - the Treaty "On the Formation of the Community of Russia and Belarus." A year later, on the same day, the Treaty “On the Union of Belarus and Russia” was dated. Today April 2 is officially the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia. The two states organize large-scale joint projects, closely and very fruitfully cooperate in the field of foreign policy, in various sectors of the national economy, science and education.

The annual celebration of Unity Day in both states is accompanied by various official and solemn events.

There are two great countries:
They are like two sisters.
Russia, Belarus with her -
I'm proud of this friendship!

United by their history
Enemies you are invincible
Let there be peace between you
Let people be happy!

Today there is such a holiday -
Day of unity of peoples
In order not to break the connection of centuries,
May friendship grow stronger year by year.

We were afraid of various troubles,
But we'll be together, anyway.
We all have one Victory.
Another is simply not given.

Russians and Belarusians are brothers,
Everyone has known for a long time
Become a big and friendly family
We are destined forever.

Let the nations prosper
Let friendship grow stronger between us
Never let it break
This age-old connection.

Happy unity day,
Today I congratulate everyone.
And Belarus and Russia,
I wish you a fabulous life.

Invincible, together we are strong
And let everyone around be afraid.
We will help each other
If needed all of a sudden!

Russians and Belarusians
Very close peoples
Our brotherhood and unity
Years confirm friendship
Congratulations today
The people of these two countries
May the friendship continue
Brothers, kindred Slavs!

May the brothers of the Slavs live in the world,
Hurray for you Belarusians, hurray for you Russians!
The unity of peoples is a holiday for all of us,
And for indestructible friendship, the desired hour has come!
Belarus is the sister of Russia, and may it always be so,
We will never allow our brotherhood to be destroyed!

We have a common Slavic history,
Kindred roots tied us together,
We celebrate our common holiday now -
We wish each other happiness and kindness.

May there be more glorious, good deeds,
Let only the friendly union grow stronger,
And so that no one dares to quarrel us,
We are two sisters - Russia Belarus!

Belarusians, Russians -
We are all brothers and Slavs,
We will always be friends
After all, there is no need for strife.
Together we have more fun
Let's be stronger than that
Every enemy fears
We will not be defeated!
Unity day is important
We will prove the power of friendship.
Congratulations on this day
So let's sing!

Russia and Belarus are fraternal peoples,
And we have no doubt about that!
We have been in the union for not a year, but years:
After all, we are close in spirit, and this is our secret!

We wish to achieve as many goals as possible,
And move forward together every day!
May everything that you have long wanted come true,
May our friendship last for more than one year!

The unity of two beautiful powers,
We glorify Russia, Belarus,
I wish the residents happiness
And let the friendship be strong.

You are good brothers forever
Don't let this thread break
Only in understanding, respect
I want you guys to live.

Congratulations: 46 in verse.

For the development of mankind, the maintenance of progress, it is necessary to build friendly relations between states and peoples. The policy of good neighborliness excludes wars, confrontations and conflicts. It allows us to combine efforts to solve a number of important problems in the field of healthcare, security, economics, and science. To create conditions and disseminate ideas that contribute to the unification of nations, a holiday was established.

Who notes

The celebrations are attended by politicians, diplomats, state officials, government representatives, people who are related to the formation of the independence of countries. Activists of charitable and public organizations join the events.

History and traditions of the holiday

The holiday originates from the signing in Moscow of the agreement "On the Formation of the Community of Russia and Belarus" on April 2, 1996 by the presidents of Russia and Belarus: Boris Yeltsin and Alexander Lukashenko. In honor of the significant event, solemn events were established. Their goal is to propagate the ideas of uniting the peoples of the two states.

On this day, representatives of Russia and Belarus exchange congratulations. Meetings, conferences, educational lectures, actions are held. Holiday concerts are organized. High-ranking officials make presentations on pressing issues. The award is given to figures who have made a significant contribution to the development of international relations. The mass media broadcast programs about the history of the development of states.

The Treaty on the Formation of the Community of Russia and Belarus has 19 articles. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus decided on a voluntary basis to create an integrated political and economic structure. It was formed to strengthen the material and intellectual potential, improve the living standards of peoples. The association is based on the principles of sovereignty, equality, democracy and international law.

The rulers of Ukraine were skeptical about the union and refused to participate.

The declared values ​​of the unity of nations exist only on paper. Relations are overshadowed by economic confrontations, the desire to control sales markets and the production of goods. Despite the conflicts, cooperation in the military sphere continues. Bases of Russian troops and radar stations are located on the territory of Belarus.

On December 9, 2014, the customs committee of the Republic of Belarus restored the state border between the countries and conducts control and inspection of goods that are shipped from the Russian Federation.

The population of Russia and Belarus is united by cultural and historical networks, which the authorities of our countries are trying to strengthen, contributing to their development.


In 1996, the presidents of the Russian Federation and Belarus signed an official paper on the creation of the Community, which served as the beginning of the integration of countries, the emergence of the Day of Unity of Peoples, and in 1997 - the conclusion of the Union of these states.

The holiday was founded for:

  1. Strengthening relations between countries in such areas as political or economic.
  2. Active development through the confluence of intellectual, material resources and the cultural environment without infringement and loss of national independence, as well as signs of statehood.

A new space has been formed, within which there are jobs, interaction in industrial and agricultural sectors.

The next steps of the unification of the countries were the signing of:

  1. Declarations about the subsequent unification.
  2. Treaty on equal rights of the population.
  3. Agreements on ensuring the same conditions for business entities and the Protocol.

The signed documents indicate the further interest in the unification of the Russian Federation and Belarus into the Union State. For this, the Supreme State Council, the Council of Ministers and others have been created, and besides this, there are various committees, a television and radio broadcasting organization and print publications.

Also, our countries are allied within the framework of ensuring state security and education, various programs are being held, thanks to which scientific discoveries are being made. An important project is the liquidation of the consequences of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, through the rehabilitation of the liquidators and victims of the tragedy, as well as the rehabilitation of contaminated lands.


On April 2, the capitals of the Russian Federation and Belarus are illuminated with various holidays and celebrations. A variety of cultural events for the population, historical and literary exhibitions, promotions, performances with the participation of stars are arranged.

Lectures and meetings are organized for representatives of the authorities. In schools, teachers spend class hours dedicated to the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Russia and Belarus, and on television they show programs related to the history of states.

To indicate the significance of this holiday in 1997, the Russian Federation issued a commemorative coin.

The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia is celebrated annually on April 2. It was then, in 1996, that the presidents of the two states signed an agreement “On the Formation of the Community of Russia and Belarus”. The fact of signing marked the beginning of the process of mutual integration of countries. It symbolizes the closeness of the fraternal peoples not only at the cultural and historical level.

From this significant date, purposeful work began on the construction of the Union of Belarus and Russia.

A bit of history. Exactly one year later, on April 2, 1997, the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation signed the Treaty on the Union of Belarus and Russia. The main goal of the Union, as stated in the Treaty, is to raise the standard of living of peoples, strengthen relations of brotherhood, friendship and comprehensive cooperation between Belarus and Russia in the political, economic, social and other fields, sustainable socio-economic development of the participating States on the basis of combining their material and intellectual potentials, the use of market mechanisms for the functioning of the economy.

An important stage in the formation and development of union relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation was the signing on December 25, 1998 of the Declaration on the Further Unity of Belarus and Russia, the Treaty on Equal Rights of Citizens, the Agreement on the Creation of Equal Conditions for Economic Entities and the protocol to it. In these documents, the presidents of the two countries firmly declared their determination to continue the gradual movement towards voluntary unification into a union state while maintaining the national sovereignty of the member states of the Union.

On December 8, 1999, the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State and the Action Program of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation for the implementation of the provisions of the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State were signed. These documents opened the way for reaching a qualitatively new level of unity between the two fraternal countries and peoples. They determined the ultimate goal of the integration of Belarus and Russia - the creation of the Union State.

Over the past 23 years of movement along the path of integration, a lot has been done to preserve and develop friendship relations.

Once this pilot project, which many perceived only as an experiment, has become a truly full-scale union dialogue. Thanks to this, the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union appeared on the political map of the world.

Today, the Union State is an example of successful integration for the entire Eurasian space. In the international arena, the Union State acts in a consolidated manner, making a significant contribution to ensuring peace and security, consistently and effectively strengthening the defense capability of our countries, and joining forces in the face of modern challenges and threats.

In one of his speeches, President Alexander Lukashenko said that cooperation between Belarus and Russia has great potential. In order to fully realize it, we must strictly abide by the agreements, preserving and developing our achievements and common heritage.

The priority areas of long-term union construction are innovative and science-intensive developments that need to be introduced into all spheres of life, the confident building of a high-tech economy and the information society. The authority and positions of Belarus and Russia in the world community, the competitiveness of our countries largely depend on the effectiveness of joint actions.

Various thematic events are held annually within the framework of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia.

In February 2019, within the framework of the XXVI Minsk International Book Fair, a presentation of projects prepared by the publishing houses “Belarusian Encyclopedia named after A. Petrus Brovki" and "Mastatskaya Litaratura" together with the Standing Committee of the Union State. The book “Regions for the Union State. Interaction of the regions of the Republic of Belarus with the regions of the Russian Federation”. The book shows the cooperation of the regions of Belarus with the regions of Russia. Much attention is paid to the development of interregional ties in the Union State, which are a priority area of ​​Belarusian-Russian cooperation and serve as the foundation for trade, economic, scientific, technical and socio-cultural relations between the two countries.

Joint youth projects are also being implemented, which were presented during the V Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia in October 2018. The achievements of the youth organizations of the two countries were presented during the VI Youth Forum of Belarus and Russia "Youth for the Union State", which was held in Mogilev as part of the V forum. All these projects have become platforms for discussing and signing agreements between public organizations of Belarus and Russia.

By April 25, 2019, the concept of the first volume of the joint Belarusian-Russian tourist atlas "Traveling Together: Russia - Belarus" will be developed. The release of the first volume of the atlas will be released under the title "Roads of Military Glory". Its release is planned to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. On the pages of the atlas, with the help of maps, it is planned to reflect the general history of the times of the war, indicating significant events, such as the defense of the Brest Fortress, the battles for Moscow and Leningrad and others, as well as memorial complexes and memorable places that are included in tourist routes and are objects of individual military historical tourism.

Today, more than 57% of the products manufactured by BELAZ are supplied to the Russian market. Basically, these are the Trans-Urals, Kuzbass, the Kursk magnetic anomaly, Sakhalin, Yakutia, that is, all Russian regions where mining is carried out.

The other day, Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Vladimir Semashko held a meeting with Director General of the Roscosmos state corporation for space activities Dmitry Rogozin. During the meeting, the possibilities of expanding the existing Russian-Belarusian orbital constellation of spacecraft for remote sensing of the Earth from space were discussed. The prospects for the implementation of interstate space programs implemented on the platforms of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Union State are also outlined.

Belarus and Russia closely cooperate on the whole range of issues of international security, economic, trade and business cooperation, cooperation in the military and humanitarian spheres, and the supply of Belarusian products to Russia.

Chairman of the Supreme State Council of the Union State Alexander Lukashenko approved the joint budget of Russia and Belarus for 2019.

The revenue side will amount to 7.245 billion rubles, the expenditure - 6.235 million. The surplus is planned in the amount of 919.3 million. The budget is formed at the expense of equity contributions from our countries. Their size has not changed for ten years - 3.17 billion rubles from Russia and 1.7 billion from Belarus. The income received by the broadcasting organization of the Union is also taken into account. Most of the money is planned to be directed to fundamental research. Space, infrastructure, agriculture, energy, communications and the digital economy, transport are covered - 40 percent will go for these purposes. A quarter of spending is planned for security and military cooperation. They relate to law enforcement, the arrangement of external borders, support for the regional grouping of troops. Money is provided for social projects. Funds were allocated for the rehabilitation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the treatment of citizens affected by the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The ruble will support publishing projects and allied media. In general, this year, funds from the budget are provided for 11 programs, 23 events and 2 projects.

Issues of bilateral interstate relations were discussed on March 27 during a telephone conversation between Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin, initiated by the Russian side. The leaders of Belarus and Russia discussed the schedule of upcoming contacts in Nur-Sultan and Beijing within the framework of international forums. The emphasis was placed on the interaction of the Union State.

The Union State is our property, which allows two fraternal peoples to live as one family in peace and harmony. The will of Belarusians and Russians to unite, as before, will serve as a solid foundation for integration construction, further development of multifaceted cooperation and the formation of a common modern history.

The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia is a special day for the peoples of Russia and Belarus. On this day, seven years ago, the heads of state of Belarus and Russia, Alexander Lukashenko, and the then President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, gathered in Moscow and signed the Agreement on the Community of Russia and Belarus. Just a year later, on April 2, 1997, Russia and Belarus signed an alliance agreement, which became a new impetus to the process of unidirectional integration of the two powers.

When is the day of unity of Belarus and Russia?

The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia is celebrated on April 2 of each year and is timed to coincide with the signing of an agreement on the creation of a community of Belarus and Russia.

Day of Unity of Belarus and Russia

In 1998 (December 25), Belarus and Russia signed a Declaration on the future union of the two states and made a general statement. In this document, the presidents of the countries resolutely announced the continuation of a gradual movement towards voluntary unity in the allied country while maintaining the national sovereignty of the member states of the Union. The Day of Unity of Belarus and Russia is a holiday for two fraternal powers.

At the same time, agreements were signed on equal rights for citizens of Belarus and Russia, and an agreement regulating legal procedures.

The second agreement on the unity of Belarus and Russia

On December 8, 1999, an agreement was signed on the organization of the Union State, which establishes a new level of union relations between Belarus and Russia, and also outlines the main trends and future stages in the formation of integration.

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