Unloading on cottage cheese and cucumbers. Unloading day on cucumbers: effective! Rules for the daily diet, fasting day options for cucumbers. apples and cucumbers

A fasting day on cucumbers is considered the best option when you need to remove a few centimeters in the abdomen. For this reason, there are more and more fans of such a mono-diet every year.

Why cucumbers?

Cucumbers are 96% water and rank first in terms of liquid content among other vegetable crops. But this vegetable is rich not only in water. It also contains:

  • potassium - normalizes blood pressure, promotes the removal of excess fluid and takes an active part in the work of the heart muscle;
  • iodine - has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and improves its functions;
  • sulfur - with its deficiency, the condition of the teeth, hair and nail plates worsens;
  • Cucumbers contain fiber, which cares for our intestines and provides a healthy microflora.

The low calorie content of cucumber makes it an indispensable product in the fight against excess weight. It perfectly cleanses the body and for this reason, nutritionists recommend practicing cucumber day regularly once a week. Plus, this vegetable stimulates water-salt metabolism, thus improving metabolism.
In addition, cucumbers contain B vitamins, as well as A, C and PP, minerals: iron, calcium, copper, zinc, manganese. Such a special chemical composition makes a fasting day on cucumbers one of the most useful and effective. This product contains the optimal amount of substances that help to gently cleanse the body of both harmful compounds and accumulated fat.

Cucumber days will be especially useful after the completion of any long-term diet, when a gradual return to the usual diet is a necessary condition. In addition, such unloading mono-diets will help maintain body weight at an optimal level and will not allow the lost kilograms to return.

On a note! Remember that it is impossible to maintain the weight that was at the very peak of the weight loss process. In any case, about 15% of the lost kilos will be restored and this is a normal physiological norm. After long diets based on fluid withdrawal, the body always replenishes its deficiency very quickly. A cucumber day will help maintain optimal weight in the future!

Cucumber days options

A fasting day can be built on cucumbers alone, or on their combination with some other dietary products. But if you choose a hard option, then in this case, you should remember that the feeling of hunger will arise quite quickly.

This is due to the fact that cucumbers are not long in the stomach, and as you know, it is the irritation of the mucous membranes that provides a feeling of satiety. The cucumber quickly leaves the stomach and hunger again makes itself felt.

Only cucumbers

During such a fasting day, you need to use only fresh cucumbers. It will take about 1.5-2 kg of vegetables, which are divided into 6 servings. It is desirable to eat them without salt and without peeling.

On a note! For this reason, young cucumbers with thin skins are considered the most suitable for such a mono-diet!

If there is absolutely no way without salt, then in extreme cases a small amount of it is allowed, but not more than 1 g for the whole day. Thus, each serving of cucumbers can be flavored with a few crystals of salt.

As for water, during the cucumber day, for obvious reasons, there is practically no need for it. You can use it if you wish, although the main product is quite enough for unloading - cucumbers have a powerful diuretic effect.

On a note! As evidenced by numerous reviews, the feeling of hunger on this mono-diet is quite painful and constantly haunts. Therefore, an interval of 2-3 hours may seem too long. To help yourself a little, you can cut it down and eat one cucumber every 30 minutes!

With meat

If you are sure that you will not be able to cope with a strong feeling of hunger, then we recommend that you pay attention to the next option - a cucumber-meat fasting day. Any meat here, of course, will not work. It is desirable to choose a bird, for example, chicken or turkey, as well as rabbit, beef or veal. At the same time, meat is consumed exclusively in boiled form, fried or stewed is not suitable. So let's get started:

  • per day you will need 800 g of cucumbers and 150 g of cooked meat;
  • divide each ingredient into 3 servings;
  • we use foods in turn, for example, 1 meal - cucumbers, 2 meals - meat, 3 meals - cucumbers, etc.
Such fasting days are well tolerated and at the same time they promise to save about 2 kg.

With kefir

Cucumber-kefir unloading day is another way to lose weight and at the same time “put things in order” in the body. Such unloading helps to improve metabolic processes, normalizes the work of the intestines, as well as the liver and kidneys. It looks like this:

  • for 1.5 kg of cucumbers, you need to take 1 liter of kefir 1% fat;
  • we divide this number of products into 6 receptions;
  • use every 2 hours.

You can do it differently, for example, by chopping cucumbers with a knife and seasoning them with kefir. Thus, a light salad is obtained.

Advice! Instead of kefir, it is quite possible to use sour cream. You can also add a few sprigs of fresh herbs to the salad and season it with a teaspoon of lemon juice!

You can also drink water, rosehip broth and green tea here in unlimited quantities. During such a day, the body will receive only 675 kcal, and at the same time you will not suffer from a constant feeling of hunger. Self-cleansing will occur gently and quite successfully, and the next morning you will definitely experience a positive result - a feeling of lightness and a complete absence of puffiness.

How to save the result?

When practicing a cucumber fasting day for weight loss, it is very important to return to normal nutrition correctly. After all, if after unloading you start eating as usual, then you can not only say goodbye to what you have achieved, but also harm your own health.

The thing is that during the fasting day, the body receives a small amount of calories and feels quite normal at the same time. But if the next day he takes much more, for example, 1800 kcal (which is normal for a normal diet), or even more, then the increase in calories in this case will be quite significant. But at the same time, there will be no increase in the level of basal metabolism, and everything, so to speak, superfluous will comfortably settle in the places previously inhabited by adipose tissue.

But if you control yourself after a fasting day, then it is quite possible to save the result. The transition to a regular diet should be gradual: first we introduce proteins, then slow carbohydrates, etc. At the same time, keep an eye on portion sizes. Try to make sure that they also increase gradually - optimally start with a portion of 1000 kcal. In this case, the body will receive a slight increase in fat calories and at the same time will have time to burn all that is superfluous.


Fasting day on cucumbers, despite its benefits, has certain contraindications. It is not recommended to practice it when:

  • kidney disease in a chronic form;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • increased or decreased acidity.

In such situations, before spending a cucumber fasting day, you should definitely seek the advice of specialists. Otherwise, you risk exacerbating the existing disease.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to spend a fasting day on cucumbers, which allows everyone to choose a diet. We are sure that you will cope with the feeling of hunger - eat only cucumbers, if in doubt - combine them with other products. And if the unloading is carried out according to all the rules, then as a result you will definitely get a positive result. The main thing is that such a mono-diet is affordable, useful and has options. Be healthy and beautiful!

All materials on the website Priroda-Znaet.ru are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

One of the most effective ways to correct weight, because 100 g of fresh cucumbers contain no more than 20 kcal. This vegetable is very well digested, so you can spend 8-10 unloading days per month.

The main advantage of this method of weight correction, as nutritionists say, is setting the body to an independent natural process of losing extra pounds.

The first reviews about the beneficial properties of cucumber appeared a long time ago, because it is the most ancient vegetable crop.


This vegetable is 95-98% water, the minimum proportions are proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Cucumbers saturate the body with potassium, which normalizes the function of the excretory, circulatory systems. This vegetable is also rich in iodine compounds, the reserves of which are intensively consumed by our body.

The alkaline salts that are present in these vegetables help to neutralize the harmful acidic substances that come with food. Due to this property, cucumbers are called orderlies of the body.

Cucumbers, like all vegetable crops, are rich in fiber. Dietary fiber regulates the functioning of the intestines, removes excess cholesterol, which provokes the occurrence of sclerosis, diseases of internal organs. As you know, fiber is not absorbed, but it cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. Promotes weight loss and tartronic acid, which prevents the conversion of excess carbohydrates into a layer of fat.

Useful substances are destroyed during heat treatment, salting, pickling.

Indications for cucumber days

  • high blood pressure;
  • rheumatism;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • uric acid diathesis;
  • gout;
  • arthrosis;
  • edema (especially in pregnant women);
  • various types of obesity.

Cucumber days are an excellent means of preventing all these disorders.

Cucumbers are also characterized by mild diuretic, laxative effects. The systematic holding of fasting days on cucumbers allows you to avoid falling into the risk group for heart and thyroid diseases.


Cucumber days are forbidden for people suffering from chronic kidney disease, since cucumbers are a diuretic.

Consuming a lot of fiber is harmful to those who have gastritis, colitis. In general, ulcers and gastritis are the main contraindications for this method of losing weight, since cucumber greatly increases the acidity of gastric juice.

The lack of protein in the menu leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Before spending a fasting day on cucumbers, you should consult a doctor.

Rules for Cucumber Days

It is advisable to arrange such days during the fruit ripening season. In the summer, you can buy natural vegetables or even grow them yourself. But it is better to refuse to carry out such a “unloading” in winter, since store-bought cucumbers are oversaturated with nitrates at this time. Buy firm, undamaged cucumbers.

Salads from this vegetable cannot be seasoned with mayonnaise; if possible, replace the oil with a less high-calorie product.

It is advisable not to peel off the peel from cucumbers, because it is in it that the main vitamins and minerals are concentrated.

Such unloading should be carried out 1-2 times a week. If you carry out such cleansing too often, your metabolism may be disturbed. In other cases, with sufficient intervals between discharges, there is no such risk: all the required nutrients enter the body.

"Unloading" on cucumbers and kefir

These products are most often advised to use during a fasting day. The effect of this combination is a deep cleansing of the body.

It should be borne in mind that kefir contains lactic acid bacteria, which, when combined with cucumber fiber, cause fermentation in the intestines. The exception is cucumber salad, because here we are talking about kefir in very small quantities. Such a dressing will not upset digestion, but it will diversify the taste. A good alternative is to drizzle the chopped vegetables with lemon juice.

The rate of fluid intake on such days is 1.5-2 liters of plain water or non-carbonated mineral water. Although the speed of fat burning depends on the amount of water you drink, it is advisable to drink liquid only when you are thirsty. Proper drinking regime allows you to restore the balance of minerals, trace elements.

What you need to know about kefir

Everyone knows the positive reviews of doctors about kefir.

Speaking of low-fat kefir, it is worth noting that this is a low-calorie product. In a 1% drink, there are 40 kcal per 100 g of weight. A drink for a fasting day should contain no more than, but not less than 1% fat. After all, fat-soluble vitamins are completely absent in fat-free kefir.

A natural product should have a maximum shelf life of 7 days, with a stretch - 10. Then the impact of this fermented milk drink turns against you. The more substitutes in kefir, the worse it affects the human body: it begins to strengthen, cause fermentation. This is due to the fact that preservatives are added to the drink to extend the shelf life. Food for weight loss, on the contrary, should be fresh and with minimal factory processing.

Menu option

Take a kilogram of cucumbers, wash, divide into 5 equal parts.

In the morning, prepare a salad from 200 g of reserved vegetables (without adding salt), sprinkle it with parsley, dill, green onions. 20 minutes after eating, drink a glass of kefir.

After about 3 hours, eat the second part of the cucumbers, but do not drink kefir. This will be lunch.

For lunch, again prepare a cucumber salad, sprinkle it with herbs and cheese (after soaking the cheese in water). Drink only water after dinner.

In the afternoon, eat the fourth part of cucumbers.

Cut the last cucumbers for dinner into a salad again, sprinkle it with herbs, season with olive or sunflower oil. Drink a glass of kefir immediately before going to bed.

Day on tomatoes and cucumbers

Tomatoes are a rich source of potassium, and the glucose and fructose contained in them will replace the synthesized sugar by the way. Tomatoes have the ability to maintain normal blood pressure. Due to the fact that the tomato is a rather sour vegetable, during the fasting day, eat no more than 4-5 medium tomatoes with 6-7 cucumbers.

These vegetables are organically combined in salads. Add some garlic, parsley.

You can eat a cucumber / tomato every hour. The required amount of food for the whole day is 5 tomatoes and 7 cucumbers. Drink green tea with honey in between.

This allows you to actively use vegetables in weight loss. Useful properties of cucumbers for weight loss:

  • satisfaction of hunger (due to volumes, they fill the stomach, leading to a feeling of fullness);
  • the liquid is a natural adsorbent, cleanses the body, removes toxins;
  • the composition is rich in fiber, fructose, glucose, proteins, starch, vitamins C, group B, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, organic acids - all of which contribute to normal digestion;
  • tartronic acid inhibits the formation of carbohydrates into fats, stimulates the movement of food through the intestines;
  • due to the intake of iodine, cravings for sweets are reduced;
  • cucumbers have mild laxative, diuretic properties, normalize the water-salt balance;
  • vegetables eliminate swelling, normalize blood pressure, eliminate acid shift, and prevent the formation of cancer cells;
  • silicon and potassium support the health of the skin, hair;
  • in one day, cucumbers take 1-2 kg, but this is excess moisture, not fat, so the effect lasts 1-2 days.

Is it possible to replace fresh cucumbers with salted ones?

Fasting days can be arranged only on fresh cucumbers, in no case on pickled or salted ones. Canned vegetables contain too much salt and vinegar, which will not benefit the body, cause swelling, heartburn, and digestive discomfort. They retain water, which causes weight gain, not weight loss.

Who is Cucumber Unloading Day for?

A day of taking only cucumbers is suitable for those who need to maintain normal weight, cleanse the intestines, eliminate excess moisture and normalize the salt balance. Contraindications:

  • chronic diseases;
  • obesity;
  • kidney disease, colitis, peptic ulcer, enteritis;
  • allergy to cucumbers;
  • recent food, alcohol, drug poisoning.

Rules for holding

Compliance with the rules for holding a fasting cucumber day will help to achieve successful results:

  1. At the time of observance of the fasting day, it is worth giving up salt, you can not remove the skin - it is a source of fiber.
  2. Cucumbers can be eaten in their pure form, make salads, cold soup, smoothies, juice out of them. Vegetables go well with parsley, spinach, dill, watercress, mint, citrus juices.
  3. During the day, you need to drink medical table alkaline mineral non-carbonated water (Essentuki, Borjomi, Narzan). This will help eliminate bloating, increased gas formation, fermentation in the intestines.
  4. In addition to mineral water, unsweetened drinks are allowed: decoctions of nettle, mint, dill, fennel, chamomile, pure water, hibiscus, green tea. Alcohol, black tea, coffee are prohibited. It is also better to give up smoking.
  5. A few days before unloading, heavy junk food, pastries, marinades, alcohol, sugary drinks, fast food should be excluded from the diet.
  6. Cucumbers can be eaten weekly as a fasting day, but you can’t take them for several days in a row, this is not a diet.

Types of unloading

Cucumber fasting days can be carried out in different ways: hard and soft. The choice of weight loss method depends on the state of health, goals, well-being.

A fasting day is not fasting, but you need to prepare yourself psychologically for it. During it, it is undesirable to play sports. It is more convenient to unload on weekends or vacations. The next day after unloading, you need to refrain from fatty, sweet, starchy foods.


On a hard unloading day, only cucumbers and a couple more types of vegetables or fruits can be eaten. This will help remove excess moisture, improve the body. Carrying out options:

  1. Eat 2 kg of cucumbers with skin per day. Portions are small but frequent - up to 8 meals. Drink up to 2 liters of water, refuse salt.
  2. Eat 1 kg of cucumbers and 1 kg of apples per day. Fruits can be eaten raw or baked, make a salad.
  3. 1 kg of cucumbers and 1 liter of kefir. Food is divided into 5 portions, kefir is drunk between them. You can drink water, make a cocktail or salad with a drop of vegetable oil from kefir, cucumber and greens.
  4. 1 kg of cucumbers and 1 kg of tomatoes. Throughout the day there is a cucumber-tomato salad seasoned with a little olive oil.
  5. 1 kg of cucumbers and 250 g of buckwheat, steamed the day before with 2 cups of boiling water. 5 meals are prescribed, green tea without sugar.

As you know, any restriction is stress for the body. Every diet initially involves some kind of food restriction, and for most weight loss it is very difficult to keep yourself in a rigid limiting framework. Nutritionists suggest that instead of strict diets, a system of fasting days be carried out - two days a week to sit on a practically calorie-free diet is tantamount to daily torture of counting calories eaten.

The versatility of the cucumber

At the same time, there is no overload of the body, but the healing effect is very impressive: kilograms go away easily, the psyche does not suffer. Fasting days are different, the main thing is that the food consumed causes a feeling of satiety and contains almost no calories. There are a lot of such products, and one of the most popular is cucumbers.

No wonder the cucumber is considered a favorite Russian vegetable - it is truly universal! It is delicious in all forms - from lettuce and pickle to hodgepodge and gherkins. They have a bite to eat, whitening masks are made from it, they quench their thirst. And, as it turned out, he is a real find for those who want to lose those extra pounds at the waist. After all, it is this part of the body that in most people brings the greatest headache - fat is deposited primarily in the abdomen and waist, and leaves there last.

As everyone knows, cucumbers are 95% water, and if you eat them during fasting days, you can kill several birds with one stone: cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, get a complex of vitamins and microelements and quietly lose a few extra pounds. Fiber, contained in large quantities in cucumbers, gives a feeling of fullness, and cleans, like a brush, the intestines clogged with food debris. In terms of calories, cucumber is in last place among vegetables - only 14 kcal per 100 grams, and this makes it the best healer and cleaner of the body.

Cucumber fasting day or "diet for the stomach" is gaining more and more fans around the world. After all, its main feature is that cucumbers simply fantastically quickly drive off excess fat from the waist. But a lot of women suffer from this problem.

A one-day diet on cucumbers gives you a chance to lose up to five kilograms per day! The results are simply stunning. So what is the secret of cucumbers?

Cucumbers can be eaten in different ways

There are several options for fasting days on cucumbers - the toughest option is to eat only fresh cucumbers on this day, no salt to improve the taste, and you can drink this green joy with mineral water. For one fasting day, you will need only two kilograms of cucumbers, they must be distributed into 8 identical portions. You need to eat them right with the peel, and the mineral water for drinking should not be carbonated.

Another way to unload cucumbers is to cut cucumbers in half with low-fat kefir. You can just eat whole vegetables, or you can make a salad and season it with kefir. For taste, you can add just a couple of drops of lemon juice, salt is not put at all.

The next version of the cucumber unloading method is a simple cucumber salad all day with kefir plus a boiled egg. For a more pleasant taste, if you really want to, the salad is sprinkled with herbs, but salt is still prohibited.

Another type of unloading is a cucumber-meat day, when you can eat lean meats along with cucumbers - chicken, rabbit and beef. Food on the day of unloading can be alternated, having previously distributed it into 6 servings. For the whole day you need only a kilogram of cucumbers and about 150 grams of meat. It is better to eat meat not immediately with cucumbers, but a little later, then there will be maximum benefit from such unloading.

This green vegetable has a unique ability to speed up the water-salt metabolism, which, in turn, also speeds up the metabolism. A person, losing weight, loses fat, which is excreted in the only way - with liquid. The diuretic effect and amazing ability to reduce body fat makes cucumber the best fat burner known to date. Even, one might say, not a burner, but a solvent - cucumber juice can dissolve fat cells and remove them from the body in the usual natural way.

The main benefits of the cucumber diet

What is good about fasting days on cucumbers is its absolute usefulness for high blood pressure, rheumatism, intestinal disorders, stomach ulcers, uric acid diathesis, and obesity of varying degrees. It is with these diseases that the best healing effect will be achieved.

The popularity of any cucumber diet and fasting day based on cucumbers rests on their unique qualities - the almost complete absence of calories and the presence of tartronic acid, a special substance that slows down the process of converting carbohydrates into fats. And the biggest plus of cucumber unloading is the ability to lose up to 3.5 kilograms of excess weight in one unloading. Therefore, to spend this day, it is advisable to choose a day off to sit at home in the convenient accessibility of the toilet - weight will sometimes be lost very quickly.

And now it’s worth considering the recipe in more detail on how to spend a fasting day + on cucumbers for one day. You will need one and a half to two kilograms of fresh cucumbers, divided into 6-8 servings in equal volume. You need to eat them unpeeled, with a peel - it has an amazing amount of vitamins, so cucumbers should be young. Salt is completely excluded on this day, so those who simply cannot live without salt can, as an exception, put a few crystals of salt on each cucumber, and this is the maximum!

I don’t really want to drink in cucumber unloading, but quite the contrary - cucumbers have a good diuretic effect, which greatly contributes to cleansing the body and unloading from extra pounds. Of course, it’s hard to be hungry if you chew something almost all the time, but for those who can’t eat just cucumbers, there is an indulgence in the form of lean meat (just a little bit, for the whole day no more than 150 grams).

Scientists have proven that those who regularly do cucumber fasting days fall out of the risk group for diseases of the thyroid gland and heart. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that any heat treatment, pickling and pickling of cucumbers makes them just food that does not contain nutrients and vitamins. And why spoil the cucumbers with any treatment other than running cold water? In the season of vegetables, when they are affordable, and you can choose the most appetizing, young cucumbers for healing, you just need to use their healing properties to the fullest!

But a lot of cucumbers should not be eaten by those people who have kidney problems - the load on the excretory system may be too large in this case. And the fiber found in abundance in cucumbers will seem coarse to those who are prone to gastric problems (gastritis, abnormal acidity, ulcers). Although cucumbers are simply an indispensable product for patients with arthrosis and rheumatism, they remove excess toxins and fight salt deposits. Of course, to lose weight on cucumbers, or just eat them in the form of a salad - the person himself chooses. And, if he decides to really help his body, you should still consult a doctor to be sure that the cucumber diet will not harm. And then you can go to the store or to the market and choose the greenest, most odorous, most pimply cucumbers!

The cucumber diet is a simple and common way to quickly lose weight. It is based on the use of only cucumbers or with the addition of other products: kefir, tomato, eggs, a small amount of meat and fish. Its popularity is facilitated by simplicity and cheapness, especially in the summer, when cucumbers "only from the garden" can be bought at any vegetable stall. But only the cucumber diet is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Unusual "vegetable" cucumber

In relation to cucumbers, a dismissive attitude has developed in society. Often they are not even considered food, they say - “I ate a cucumber like I drank water”, especially if you eat pickles. There is some truth in the last statement. Indeed, the fruits consist of 96.8 percent water, that is, almost completely!


The rest are sugars, nitrogenous compounds, fiber, mineral salts. Trace elements "dissolved" in the fruit pulp are balanced in optimal proportions to support the work of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys.

There is more potassium in cucumbers than in any other fruit, as much as one hundred and forty micrograms per hundred grams of weight. This explains the value of the product for anyone suffering from blood pressure disorders. The balance of salts helps to remove excess fluid from the body and normalizes blood pressure, while reducing the load on the heart and kidneys.

The product also contains other valuable elements.

  • Iodine. A valuable mineral is found in the fruit pulp in an easily digestible form. Regular consumption of cucumbers is a good prevention of thyroid diseases.
  • Sulfur and silicon. Trace elements, along with potassium, are involved in the structure of the skin, hair, nails, improve their appearance.
  • Enzymes. A special group of substances during digestion contributes to the production of vitamin C in the body. Also, cucumber enzymes help to absorb vitamin B2.
  • Saponins. The bitter taste that is sometimes felt in the peel of a cucumber is due to the content of saponins of the cucurbitacin group in it. These are valuable substances with anti-cancer activity, so bitter fruits should not be thrown away or peeled.

The cut fruit quickly loses its valuable properties. Oxidation processes take place in the pulp, which destroy beneficial enzymes and contribute to the production of harmful ones - ascorbate oxidase. This enzyme is aimed at the destruction of vitamin C, so it is necessary to use cucumbers in the form of whole fruits or immediately after cutting.

By the way, the fruit is mistakenly referred to as a vegetable. Along with watermelon, it is a berry. The most useful "berries" are ground, ranging in size from five to seven centimeters.

In summer they grow in abundance in open ground, but in winter they can only be grown in greenhouses. Such cucumbers are useful in fiber and trace elements. But there are much fewer vitamins in them than in soil, rich in substances of groups C, A, PP.


Diet on cucumbers can be considered the lowest calorie. The energy value of its main product is minimal. It is only sixteen kilocalories per hundred grams. Taking into account the daily intake of the fetus, it reaches no more than two hundred and fifty kilocalories. Therefore, such a product can be consumed at any time of the day and even at night.

This is very little, given the daily requirement of the human body for calorie intake. For women, it is 1600 Kcal, for men - 2000-2200 Kcal. By eating foods with a lower calorie content per day, you can consistently lose weight. The allowable calorie threshold for weight loss is 1100-1200 Kcal.


Enzymes found in cucumbers facilitate the absorption of proteins in the body. Thus, the fruits can be considered the best "companions" of meat and fish dishes. By the way, it is this diet, which includes lean meat or fish with vegetables, including cucumbers, that nutritionists consider optimal and most beneficial for the body.

Therefore, feel free to use cucumbers in the form of salads or whole fruits with boiled or baked chicken, fish. This dietary option will serve as a gradual weight loss and will not harm the body.

Types of cucumber diets

There are several types of cucumber diets. In the short term, only one product is used, in the long term, other products are used to increase the value of the diet.

mono diet

The concept of "mono" means that only one product is used in the power system. Given the composition and minimum calorie content of cucumber, it seems that it is ideal for this weight loss option.

The mono-diet menu is extremely simple: eat one and a half kilograms of fresh, ground cucumbers per day. Divide the entire amount of food into five doses, and between them drink clean still water. It is important to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day, but you can drink more, up to two and a half, three liters.

“The idea of ​​​​a cucumber mono-diet is very pretty,” comments nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko. - After all, when there are a lot of these fruits, you can eat them in any quantities, reducing the total caloric content of the diet. The body must begin to lose weight. But there is one significant "but" in such weight loss.

The disadvantage of the cucumber diet for weight loss in its pure form lies in the critical imbalance of the diet. The fact is that the use of one product for only two or three days causes a sharp "protest" of the body. The body feels a catastrophic shortage of the most important elements that it is used to receiving constantly.

These are fats that simply do not exist in cucumbers, this is a protein contained in a microscopic dose in the pulp of the fruit. It contains vitamins and microelements, but not in the full daily “dose” required by our body. The lack of the main "building material" for body cells, vitamins and minerals invariably leads to disruption of the functions of organs and systems, and, accordingly, the development of diseases.

“In order to prevent disturbances in the functioning of the body, resort to a cucumber mono-diet only as a fasting day,” advises nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko. - The frequency of such days - once a week and even two, according to well-being. In one day, the body does not have time to “understand” that there has been a sharp restriction in the diet, and accordingly, there is no need to rebuild physiological processes. But it’s quite possible to lose excess, up to two or three kilograms during the day. ”

The effectiveness of fasting days on cucumbers is achieved only if you resort to them periodically. And the next day, be sure to return to your normal diet.

The nutrition system of Ksenia Borodina

In 2014, the cucumber diet of Ksenia Borodina, a popular TV presenter, appeared on the Internet, who managed to get rid of excess weight gained during pregnancy in a few months.

The history of the universal favorite, prone to overweight, was used by enterprising merchants, who immediately offered the "secret of Borodina's weight loss" for a certain amount. Often, pills and brochures appeared in this secret with an accurate description of how to quickly lose weight and come to a weight of 48 kilograms, which Ksenia still maintains.

The TV presenter herself was surprised that her weight loss of sixteen kilograms was the reason for the development of commercial projects, to which she had nothing to do. “My secret to losing weight is to refuse fasting and any fasting days,” Ksenia noted more than once. - Indeed, when I wanted to get rid of excess weight as quickly as possible, I tried pills. They helped for two or three months, and everything went as it should. But after that I began to notice that I was literally recovering from the air, and I refused the pills.

To achieve normal weight, the TV presenter advises to move more. “Three times a week I definitely work out in the gym,” Ksenia Borodina clarifies. - And after the birth of a child, when there was no time for training, I often and for a long time walked with my daughter in the park, in the fresh air. It's also a great body workout."

The TV presenter refused to eat pastries, sweets, any fast food. There are a lot of foods in her diet, and the fact that she only eats cucumbers is nothing more than a myth. “I love fish, skinless chicken, sorrel soup, asparagus,” Ksenia talks about her diet. However, I do not limit myself in food. When you start eating right, the desire to eat mayonnaise, ketchup or glazed cheese disappears on its own.

Ksenia does not offer any weight loss menus. But on specialized Internet portals, you can find a meal option according to Borodina for one day, which will help restore harmony.

  • After waking up. Drink a glass of water at least thirty minutes before meals. It will help your body wake up.
  • Breakfast. Cut a few cucumbers and herbs, season with lemon juice and olive oil. Eat with a slice of rye bread.
  • Dinner. Make soup from any vegetable in lean broth. Add separately boiled chicken breast to it. Make a cucumber and tomato salad, eat immediately after slicing.
  • Dinner. Vegetable salad with cucumbers and other light vegetables with low-fat cottage cheese is a good choice for weight loss.

According to Ksenia Borodina, it is important to play sports and not starve. Eat according to your appetite, eliminating too high-calorie foods from the diet, replacing them with light protein foods, an abundance of vegetables and seasonal fruits.

Menu for 7 days

Can I have pickled cucumbers? The menu for the week of the cucumber diet is varied and balanced. Its name is rather conditional, since in addition to cucumbers you will consume a large number of other healthy and tasty foods. According to reviews, sticking to a diet is easy, as he is not hungry. Most products are available in the summer and fall and will show results within two weeks.

Table - Detailed menu for a week of cucumber diet

DaymealProducts and dishes
1 Breakfast2 cucumbers;
low-fat soft cheese;
whole grain rye bread;
green tea
Lunchmedium sized apple
Dinner2 boiled eggs;
cucumber salad, chopped greens with olive oil dressing
Lunchmedium sized orange
green tea
2 Breakfast
cucumber salad with herbs;
green tea
Lunchmedium sized apple
DinnerSalad with cucumber and radish with low-fat yogurt dressing;
boiled chicken fillet without skin
Lunchmedium sized orange
DinnerSalad of chopped cucumber, greens, soft cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent;
green tea
3 Breakfast
green tea
LunchBerries of your choice
DinnerBoiled fish fillet;
boiled rice;
salad with cucumber and tomatoes
LunchFruit of your choice
DinnerSalad of chopped cucumber, greens, soft cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent;
green tea
4 Breakfast2 cucumbers;
low-fat soft cheese;
whole grain rye bread;
green tea
LunchBerries or nuts of your choice
DinnerStewed vegetables;
baked chicken breast
LunchFruit of your choice
DinnerSalad of chopped cucumber, greens, soft cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent;
green tea
5 BreakfastFried eggs from two eggs, cooked under the lid;
cucumber salad with herbs;
green tea
LunchNuts or fruit
DinnerCabbage salad with cucumber;
baked fish fillet
LunchBerries to choose from
DinnerSalad of chopped cucumber, greens, soft cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent;
green tea
6 BreakfastOmelet from two eggs with a little milk, with herbs;
green tea
LunchBerries of your choice
DinnerVegetable soup on lean broth with the addition of boiled chicken;
whole grain bread
LunchFruit of your choice
DinnerSalad of chopped cucumber, greens, soft cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent;
green tea
7 Breakfast2 boiled eggs;
cucumber salad, chopped greens with olive oil dressing;
whole grain bread
DinnerVegetable soup;
boiled fish fillet;
salad of cucumber, radish, herbs
DinnerSalad of chopped cucumber, greens, soft cottage cheese with a fat content of up to two percent;
green tea
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