The use of computer technology in English. The use of ICT in English lessons Efremov Anatoly Anatolyevich IT in English Lessons Municipal Educational Institution "OOSH s.Kuvyka" - presentation. Health-saving technologies using ICT

Modernity places ever higher demands on teaching practical knowledge of a foreign language in everyday communication and professional sphere. Ways are being developed to improve the effectiveness of general education, and large funds are being invested in the development and implementation of new information technologies. The use of information technology reveals the enormous potential of the computer as a means of learning. Computer based training programs have many advantages over traditional teaching methods.

They allow you to train various types of speech activity and combine them in different combinations;

  • help to understand linguistic phenomena, form linguistic abilities,
  • create communicative situations;
  • automate language and speech actions;
  • and also provide the possibility of taking into account the leading representative system, the implementation of an individual approach and the intensification of the student's independent work.

Computer training has a huge motivational potential.

Teachers try to apply new modern technologies in their work. They use various additional electronic manuals and programs, but this does not always fit directly into the textbook. Therefore, at the moment we are forced to develop didactic support for the lesson on our own using, of course, multimedia technologies. A modern teacher must take into account the fact that information and communication technologies (ICT) of education have firmly entered life. The use of new information technologies expands the scope of the educational process, increases its practical orientation, helps to increase the motivation of students in the educational process, the development of intellectual, creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge and create conditions for their successful self-realization in the future.

A computer in the educational process is not a mechanical teacher, not a substitute or analogue of a teacher, but an active tool for the development of children, enhancing and expanding the possibilities of his cognitive activity. The computer provides the teacher with the opportunity to free up time for creative activity and create individual educational routes for students.

ICT teaching in English lessons is an effective pedagogical tool for studying a foreign language culture and developing communication skills. ICT contributes to the acceleration of the learning process, the growth of students' interest in the subject, improves the quality of assimilation of the material, makes it possible to individualize the learning process and makes it possible to avoid the subjectivity of the assessment. At the same time, modern teaching materials in English are mainly didactic audio materials, so the resource capabilities of the educational environment of the Internet allow the use of new interactive materials and manuals, as well as the ability for the teacher to independently develop a slide presentation with materials from sites. Foreign language teachers need to master the methodology of using ICT tools to organize a student-centered educational process.

A variety of means of information and communication technologies and the possibility of their application in the educational process

Let's define for ourselves what "information and communication technologies" are. According to the dictionary of Pedagogical everyday life (under the editorship of Dr. L.M. Luzina), information and communication technologies (ICT) are a set of means and methods for converting information data to obtain information of a new quality (information product).

In modern sources, information and communication technologies represent a wide range of digital technologies used to create, transmit and distribute information and provide services (computer equipment, software, telephone lines, cellular communications, e-mail, cellular and satellite technologies, wireless and cable networks). communications, multimedia, and the Internet). The most commonly used ICT tools in the educational process include:

  • electronic textbooks and manuals demonstrated using a computer and a multimedia projector,
  • electronic encyclopedias and reference books,
  • simulators and testing programs,
  • educational resources of the Internet,
  • DVDs and CDs with pictures and illustrations,
  • video and audio equipment,
  • research work and projects.


  • Improving effectiveness in teaching English.
  • Motivation of students to learn a foreign language.


  • Build linguistic skills.
  • Create communicative situations.
  • Implement an individual approach and intensify the student's independent work.
  • Develop creativity in students.
  • Develop various types of communication skills.

In real communication, different communication skills are usually inseparable. Conversation requires well-formed listening and speaking skills.

When filling out the forms, you must write and read. These are the so-called “integrative or complex skills”. The lesson develops various communication skills.

ICT provides the opportunity to conduct extensive listening, where it is important to understand certain information. This can be done with the whole group or individually. And there is an opportunity to quickly check yourself and find out the result of your work. And then smoothly move on to speaking, since what you hear often gives rise to a desire to talk about yourself or simply continue the conversation on a given topic.

Tasks of this kind can be created by yourself, using the capabilities of the interactive complex "Mimio" "Smart". Everything on the board moves - words, pictures. Students not only perceive information visually, but also practically by moving words.

The kids enjoy doing this. And most importantly, a situation of success is created, as everyone copes with the task.

Formation of linguistic abilities.

To use grammatical material in speech, students need to know the vocabulary that is used in the model. In this case, the teacher enters the necessary words first.

You can use the graphics capabilities of your computer. This is especially important when getting acquainted with new vocabulary, since the image on the monitor allows you to associate a phrase in a foreign language directly with an action, and not with a phrase in your native language.

And here the computer comes to the rescue again.

You can use PowerPoint for this purpose.

And to consolidate vocabulary, you can use the capabilities of the Mimio and Smart complex.

On the interactive whiteboard, tasks can be built differently, but the goal is the same - to activate vocabulary on the topic. Children can move pictures or words and make the right pair.

Lexico-grammatical structures are usually worked out in tasks of a game nature.

And at a higher level, you can also make such tasks where you can write on the board and then check the work using a computer, it is possible to work individually on a personal computer, or you can work in notebooks and then check it on the board using a multimedia complex. Lots of options.

Creation of communicative situations.

The communicative approach is based on the assertion that in order to successfully master a foreign language, students must know not only the language forms (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation), but also have an idea of ​​how to use them.

Modern communication-oriented learning prepares students for the use of language in real life. The teacher plans as many communication situations as possible in the lesson, and again ICT comes to the rescue.

We use videos.

Development of creative abilities in students.

This form of work as a project has long been used in English lessons. The positive aspects of this type of work:

Increasing the overall motivation of students. Projects are a student-oriented type of work, as students write about their hobbies, study topics that are interesting for themselves. Dramatization is one of the types of the project.

Dramatization can be used within the lesson, in repetitive-generalizing classes, in home reading and speech development lessons, in extracurricular activities. Dramatizations help to consolidate and expand the studied vocabulary, unobtrusively and without monotony to work out grammatical material. Practice shows that in conditions of emotional upsurge, rehearsals, celebrations, public speaking, phonetic, grammatical and lexical skills are acquired very quickly and firmly, and are used more consciously.

A positive aspect of this type of learning activity is that all students can actively participate in this work, regardless of their level of language proficiency, there is a role for everyone. Participation in such events is very important for the student, it gives him a positive emotional experience, allows him to develop his creative abilities, realize himself as a person belonging to a certain socio-cultural community, on the one hand, and on the other hand, instills in him interest and respect for culture countries of the language being studied.

The organization of educational and extracurricular activities with elements of dramatization is a way to organically combine the kinesthetic learning style, the most natural for primary and secondary school age, with verbal, visual and classroom. For a child, this is a way to satisfy their cognitive needs, to show and develop creative abilities in subject-practical activities that are relevant for this age: movement, dance, singing, making scenery, costumes, etc. In this case, all types of memory are included in active work.

Increasing the importance of English as a means of communication. This form of work puts the child at the center of the learning process, increases his interest in a foreign language, gives him a sense of comfort and job satisfaction, and enriches his emotional experience.

Educational and educational value. Interdisciplinary connections contribute to the development of students' cognitive activity, self-discipline, etc.

Psychological methods to increase learning motivation:

  • Novelty of material, reliance on curiosity
  • Encourage any effort
  • Allow independence
  • Perceive the student in a positive light, despite academic performance
  • Learn to listen, choose the essential
  • Reading controversial material
  • Talk about the practical significance of knowledge
  • Establishing emotional contact with students and their parents
  • Let you experience the situation of success at least in something


Technology is no longer part of the future, and teachers must make an effort to become “literate” in its use and integrate it into the teaching and learning process. The use of new information technologies expands the scope of the educational process, increases its practical orientation.

The motivation of students in the educational process increases and conditions are created for their successful self-realization in the future. And it's not just words. After surveying the students, we found out that they like this form of work. All the guys gave an affirmative answer “Yes”. - 100%.


  1. Is there a positive result of this type of activity?
  2. Did it contribute to the growth of the level of knowledge of English. language?
  3. Would you like to continue this form of work?

The Internet allows not only to saturate students with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, properly organized knowledge, but also to develop the intellectual, creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, work with various sources of information

The active and effective implementation of these technologies in education is an important factor in creating an education system that meets the requirements of IO and the process of reforming the traditional education system in the light of the requirements of modern society.

One of the most important results of the application of ICTs in education is the possibility of greater satisfaction. individual needs of students. Technologies not only provide more interesting curriculum content, but also allow for a more reliable assessment of students' knowledge, identify weaknesses in their preparation and determine the best options for teachers to transfer the necessary knowledge and skills to them.

  • Efficiency.
  • General cultural development of students.
  • Improving computer skills.
  • Improving the language level
  • Individualization of training (differentiated tasks).
  • Student self-assertion.

Increased motivation in learning a foreign language (lessons are held “in the same breath”), and accordingly this has a significant impact on the assimilation of the material, on academic performance. We cannot say that everyone began to study perfectly. This is not true. But there are no losers. Weak students prefer to do work in a computer version and do it more willingly, with great pleasure.

  • Savings in the use of materials by the teacher (no need to create countless cards, printed materials).
  • Aesthetics of the presentation of educational materials.
  • Improving the process of checking student work.
  • Increasing the authority of the teacher (“keeps up with the times”).
  • Difficulties in integrating ICT and teaching English.
  • The need to master the skills of pedagogical design.

The time spent on the selection and adaptation of materials in the preparation of the lesson. Thus, the possibility of using ICT tools in teaching a foreign language is extremely wide.

In the didactic system, four types of lessons are distinguished depending on their goals: lessons of “discovery” of a new rank; reflection lessons; lessons of a general methodological orientation (generalization, consolidation, systematization of the studied material); developmental control lessons.

The computer can be effectively used to get acquainted with new language material, at the stage of training, at the stage of applying the formed knowledge, skills, abilities and at the stage of their control. The computer can be used in a wide variety of communicative tasks and situations, taking into account the personal characteristics of the trainees.

Lesson of "discovery" of a new title.

In my practice, I use multimedia presentation notes created specifically for specific lessons, containing a short text, basic language formulas, diagrams, drawings, animations, demonstrating the sequence of actions on a computer to perform the practical part of the work, ideally, I would like with simultaneous duplication of actions by students on their own. workplaces. When using multimedia presentations in the process of explaining a new topic, a linear sequence of frames is sufficient, in which the most advantageous moments of the topic can be shown. Definitions and diagrams can also appear on the screen, which students write down in a notebook (if there are technical capabilities, a brief summary of the presentation content is printed for each student), which allows using developing types of tasks at the repetition stage.

Possessing such an opportunity as interactivity, computer presentations allow you to effectively adapt educational material to the characteristics of students.

Videos, songs and websites describing the realities of English-speaking countries help in getting to know a foreign culture. For example, a website about Queen Elizabeth II and her family or videos that characterize the states of the United States help in completing exercises on the topic “Countries of the language being studied”. These ICT tools help to create a game situation in the lesson and, at the same time, contribute to a faster mastery of phonetic, lexical, and grammatical skills in the lesson.

Currently, computer support for the English language course has been developed. Not replacing a textbook or other teaching aids, electronic publications have their own didactic functions. The main role is played by different material, the use of which varies by the teacher. The software includes training and control programs, electronic textbooks.

In the practice of work, you can use multimedia textbooks that visually present the material, provide quick feedback (instant control over the assimilation of the material). Interactive mode allows students to control the speed of the passage of educational material; a branched structure of hyperlinks allows you to get an explanation, additional information). The teacher sets an acceptable, in his opinion, form and sequence of presentation of the material.

The number of created computer programs for learning English already exceeds the number of “ordinary” school textbooks, but their quality is still unsatisfactory.


  1. Galskova N.D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages ​​M., 2014.

Web resources.

  1. Yakovlev A.I.: Information and communication technologies in education. ... [Electronic resource]. – Access mode
  2. Electronic technologies in the education system... [Electronic resource]. - Access mode. Tos26155139
  3. The use of new information technologies in teaching English in high school ... [Electronic resource]. – Access mode
  4. A single collection of Digital Educational Resources... [Electronic resource]. – Access mode

Administration of the city of Novy Urengoy

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

"Secondary school No. 4

with in-depth study of the English language"

Pedagogical concept on the topic:

"Information and Communication Technologies

in English lessons in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard "

Work prepared

English teacher:

Pospelova N.V.

Novy Urengoy


Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Information and communication technologies in education …………………………………5

The use of ICT in foreign language lessons ……………………………………………….7

Benefits of using ICT in foreign language teaching …………………………..9

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………………………… 13


At present, the issue of the application of new information technologies in secondary school is one of the most relevant. In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the formation and development of information culture by means of a foreign language involves increasing attention to the development of communicative and cognitiveskills in the course of studying this subject.

Modern pedagogical technologies, such as the use of new information technologies, Internet resources, make it possible to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of learning, interests, etc.

The rapid introduction of information processes in various spheres of life requires the development of a new model of the education system based on modern information technologies. We are talking about creating conditions for revealing the creative potential of a person, developing abilities, educating the need for self-improvement and responsibility.

Interactive learning based on computer training programs allows you to more fully implement a whole range of methodological, didactic, pedagogical and psychological principles, makes the learning process more interesting and creative, allows you to take into account the individual pace of work of each student. The practical use of ICT and Internet resources involves a new type of cognitive activity of the student, the result of which is the discovery of new knowledge, the development of cognitive independence of students, the formation of skills to independently replenish knowledge, search and navigate in the flow of information.

Thus, the introduction of ICT contributes to the achievement of the main goal of modernizing education - improving the quality of education, increasing the accessibility of education, ensuring the harmonious development of a person who is oriented in the information space, attached to the information and communication capabilities of modern technologies and possessing an information culture.

The use of computer technologies in teaching, in particular, foreign languages, has significantly changed approaches to the development of educational materials in this discipline.

It is known that the main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is the formation and development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren, teaching the practical mastery of a foreign language.

According to E. S. Polat, the task of the teacher is to create conditions for the practical mastery of the language for each student, to choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. The task of the teacher is to activate the cognitive activity of the student in the process of teaching foreign languages.

Forms of work with computer training programs in foreign language lessons include:

    learning vocabulary;

    practicing pronunciation;

    teaching dialogic and monologue speech;

    learning to write;

    development of grammatical phenomena.

In English lessons with the help of a computer, you can solve a number of didactic tasks:

    to form reading skills and abilities using the materials of the global network;

    improve the writing skills of schoolchildren;

    replenish students' vocabulary;

    to form in schoolchildren a stable motivation for learning English.

Thus, relevance of this topic can be argued by the importance of the problem and at the same time its insufficient development for use in school conditions.

Object of study - an educational process that promotesformation and development of communicative competence and motivation to learn Englishc using ICT.

Subject of study - the use of ICT in teaching English to students of the second stage of education.

Research hypothesis - the use of ICT in English lessons will contribute to the formation and development of motivation for learning activities, communicative competence, as well as improving the quality and level of students' learning.

Purpose of the study : give t theoretical justification and developmentpedagogical conditions that ensure the usenew pedagogical technologiesat school through strengthening the motives for studying the subject"English language".

Achievement of the set goals is planned to be achieved through the implementation of the followingtasks :

    use information - communication technologies in the educational process;

    to form in students a steady interest and desire for self-education;

    form and develop communicative competence;

    direct efforts to create conditions for the formation of positive motivation for learning;

    to give students the knowledge that determines their free, meaningful choice of life path.

The question of the use of information technology in the learning process is discussed by scientists, methodologists and practicing teachers.Methodological basis research served as the works of N.D. Galskova, E.S. Polat, I.A. Zimney, S.V. Novikov, as well as:

    modern concept of student-centered education,

    the concept of informatization of education of the Russian Federation,

    state educational standard and

    exemplary program in foreign languages.

Scientific novelty of the research is that pedagogical technologiescontributes to strengthening the educational motivation for studying a foreign language and improving the knowledge of students.

Information and communication technologies in education

Education is one of the most important parts of the cultural system of society. And now our education system is undergoing great changes.In particular, modern pedagogical technologies, such as the use of Internet resources, educational computer programs, etc., have been intensively introduced into the educational process.

Such researchers as Polat E.S., Dmitreeva E.I., Novikov S.V., Polipova T.A., Tsvetkova L.A., etc. are actively involved in the development and implementation of new information technologies in the educational process.

So O.I. Rudenko-Morgun in his article “Computer Technology as a New Form of Education,” he writes that we live in the age of the information, computer revolution, which began in the mid-80s and still continues to increase momentum. Here are its main milestones: the emergence of a personal computer, the invention of multimedia technology, the introduction of the global information computer network Internet into our lives. All these innovations have easily and imperceptibly entered into life: they are widely used in almost all professional fields and in everyday life. New information technologies can become a means by which the child's consciousness acquires a new character. First of all, the ability to simulate a situation using a computer leads to the education of systemic thinking, in which cultural and moral values ​​dominate in the creation and implementation of new technologies.

In recent years, the question of the use of new information technologies in high school has been increasingly raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The introduction of ICT in the pedagogical process increases the authority of the teacher in the school team, as teaching is carried out at a modern, higher level. In addition, the self-esteem of the teacher himself, who develops his professional competencies, is growing.

Pedagogical excellence is based on the unity of knowledge and skills corresponding to the current level of development of science, technology and their product - information technology.

Computers significantly expand the ability of teachers to individualize learning and enhance the cognitive activity of students in teaching English, allow the learning process to be maximally adapted to the individual characteristics of students. Each student gets the opportunity to work at his own pace, i.e. choosing for themselves the optimal volume and speed of assimilation of the material.

The use of computers in English lessons significantly increases the intensity of the educational process. With computer learning, a much larger amount of material is assimilated than was done in the same time in traditional learning conditions. In addition, the material is absorbed more strongly when using a computer.

At present, it is necessary to be able to receive information from different sources, use it and create it yourself. The widespread use of ICT opens up new opportunities for the teacher in teaching his subject, and also greatly facilitates his work, increases the effectiveness of teaching, and improves the quality of teaching.

If we turn to the “Dictionary of methodological terms” (authors: E.G. Azimov, A.N. Shchukin), then we will find the following definition: information technology is “a system of methods and ways of collecting, accumulating, storing, searching, transferring, processing and issuing information using computers and computer communication lines.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is “a wide range of digital technologies used to create, transmit and disseminate information and provide services (computer equipment, software, telephone lines, cellular communications, email, cellular and satellite technologies, wireless and cable communication, multimedia facilities, as well as the Internet). Information technologies of education are all technologies using special technical means (computers, audio, cinema, video). When computers began to be widely used in the education process, the term "new information technology of education" appeared.

ICT application system

The ICT application system can be divided into the following stages:

Stage 1: identification of educational material that requires a specific presentation, analysis of the educational program, analysis of thematic planning, choice of topics, choice of the type of lesson, identification of the characteristics of the material of the lesson of this type;

Stage 2: selection and creation of information products, selection of ready-made educational media resources, creation of your own product (presentation, training, training or control);

Stage 3: the use of information products, the use in lessons of various types, the use in extracurricular activities, the use in managing the research activities of students.

Stage 4: analysis of the effectiveness of the use of ICT, study of the dynamics of results, study of the rating in the subject.

All ICT tools used in the education system can be divided into two types: hardware and software.

1) Hardware:

A computer - universal information processing device.

Printer allows you to record on paper information found and created by students or a teacher for students.

Projector increases the level of visibility in the work of the teacher, as well as the opportunity for students to present the results of their work to the whole class.

Telecommunication unit gives access to Russian and world information resources, allows you to conduct distance learning and correspondence with other schools.

Devices for entering textual information and manipulating screen objects - keyboard and mouse.

Devices for recording (inputting) visual and audio information - a scanner, a camera, a video camera, an audio and video recorder make it possible to directly include information images of the world around in the educational process.

Data logging devices - sensors with interfaces significantly expand the class of physical, chemical, biological, ecological processes included in education while reducing the training time spent on routine data processing.

Computer controlled devices enable students of various levels of ability to master the principles and technologies of automatic control.

Intra-class and intra-school network allow more efficient use of available information, technical and temporary (human) resources, provide general access to the global information network

Audio-video means provide an effective communicative environment for educational work and public events.

2) Software tools:

general purpose and related to hardware (drivers, etc.) make it possible to work with all kinds of information.

Information sources - organized information arrays of the encyclopedia on compact discs, information sites and Internet search engines, including those specialized for educational applications.

Virtual Constructors allow you to create visual and symbolic models of mathematical and physical reality and conduct experiments with these models.

simulators allow you to practice automatic skills in working with information objects: entering text, operating with graphic objects on the screen, etc.

Comprehensive training packages (electronic textbooks) - combinations of software tools of the types listed above - to the greatest extent automate the educational process in its traditional forms, the most time-consuming to create, the most limiting the independence of the teacher and student.

Management Information Systems ensure the passage of information flows between all participants in the educational process: students, teachers, administration, parents, and the public.

Expert systems - a software system that uses the knowledge of an expert to effectively solve problems in any subject area.

The use of ICT in foreign language lessons

Only a textbook and a teacher for the formation of independent thinking, the ability to reflect (thinking, self-observation, self-assessment) is not enough. A wide range of information is needed that reflects different points of view on the same problem, providing students with food for thought, critical analysis, generalizations, independent conclusions and solutions.

The task of the teacher is to activate the cognitive activity of the student in the process of teaching foreign languages. Modern methods such as project methods using new information and communication technologies and Internet resources help to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of learning, interests. After all, a modern student is a person who is interested in everything. He wants to know about the culture of other countries, he travels and communicates a lot, strives to be comprehensively developed, and, therefore, the student gets access to the cultural values ​​of a new country for him, expanding his horizons.

The main goals of using ICT in foreign language lessons are:

    increasing motivation to learn the language;

    development of speech competence: the ability to understand authentic foreign texts, as well as the ability to convey information in coherent reasoned statements;

    increase in the volume of linguistic knowledge;

    expanding the scope of knowledge about the socio-cultural specifics of the country of the language being studied;

    development of the ability and readiness for independent study of the English language.

As mentioned earlier, there are a number of didactic tasks that are solved in the process of teaching foreign languages ​​with the help of ICT:

    formation and improvement of language skills and skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening;

    expansion of active and passive dictionaries;

    acquisition of cultural knowledge;

    formation of a culture of communication;

    formation of elements of global thinking;

    the formation of a stable motivation for cognitive activity, the need to use a foreign language for the purposes of genuine communication;

    formation of group work skills.

Consider the main areas of using ICT in the classroom (according to the classification of Voitko S.A.):

2. Create your own multimedia presentations.

3. Use of ICT in extracurricular activities.

4. Use of Internet resources.

1. Use of ready-made multimedia products and computer training systems.

This direction is the most common in the field of teaching foreign languages ​​with the help of ICT. The number of computer programs created for learning English already exceeds the number of “ordinary” school textbooks, but their quality still remains unsatisfactory. All of them are based on the use of ready-made multimedia training courses that offer exercises to consolidate the studied phonetic, grammatical and lexical materials. The material of these study guides is presented in the form of interactive exercises and often consists of theoretical and practical sections on various aspects included in the mandatory minimum content of English language education. This part of the program can be used as additional work in the lesson. The program can also provide feedback when the user performs certain operations: the student's progress is noted, if necessary, hint messages are issued. Computer educators are recommended for use at all stages of education in the formation and improvement of grammatical, phonetic and lexical skills. However, the analysis of existing software products showed that most of them are ineffective, since all types of exercises are reduced only to choosing the correct answer and filling in the gaps. Another important disadvantage of such programs is the inability to change the content of the program, update and expand the database of educational texts, supplement and change exercises, taking into account the level of knowledge of students of one or another lexical material or in accordance with the curriculum of an educational institution or a particular teacher. . In this regard, the full and systematic use of computer training programs and systems in the framework of teaching a foreign language in a general education school is not possible. Teachers have the opportunity to use only fragments of the program at certain stages of the lessons on some topics that only partially coincide with the material proposed for study in the textbook. To date, the most popular programs in use are "EssentialGrammarinuse», « Britannica», « MacmillanEnglishDictionary”, “Bridge to English”.

2 . Create your own multimedia presentations.

Often, subject teachers complain that it is quite difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to find the necessary visualization for the lesson. Presentations created by the teacher just allow you to quickly and efficiently solve this problem. Creating tables, including text, audio and video information is just a small list of what can be included in a presentation. Animation of objects allows you to visually highlight the most significant components, which will allow students to additionally focus on them. Presentations can be used at any stage of the lesson. When studying new lexical units, it is advisable to use pictures and photographs that allow you to implement a non-translational method of presenting vocabulary. When studying grammar, it is possible to highlight the most complex or important information in animation (for example, when studying questions, organize the mutual movement of the subject and predicate). To consolidate the studied material, it is possible to present pre-created exercises (for example, with gaps). If there is an electronic board in the class, students can be called to it, who will independently perform various tasks. At the same time, a large amount of time is saved, which in the course of a regular lesson is spent on unnecessary rewriting of assignments. When creating multimedia support for a lesson, it is necessary to clearly define its goals, taking into account the introduction of ICT. One of the main goals of such a lesson is to increase the motivation of students to learn a foreign language. ICT allows the teacher to show the studied material from the most vivid and important side for students, to arouse interest in this issue. The use of various resources, the combination of various elements allow the student to gain more complete and in-depth knowledge, to form their own visual or auditory images, which will contribute to better assimilation of the material. Thus, ICT today are becoming indispensable assistants in increasing students' interest in the problems being studied. The most popular among subject teachers and the easiest to learn and use is the Microsoft PowerPoint program, which comes with the Microsoft Office software package.

3. The use of ICT in extracurricular activities.

Today, ICT is being introduced not only into traditional lessons, but is increasingly used in the organization of extracurricular activities of students. First of all, this is the preparation and design of various projects, essays, reports, extracurricular activities and games, the creation of a school newspaper in English.

In the course of working on educational projects, students turn to various information resources: electronic encyclopedias, multimedia programs, Internet search engines. To edit, process and present the results obtained, students work with text and graphic editors, often perform reports on the work done using presentations, photo slides or videos. Participation in such projects is very important for students, as they acquire the necessary skills to organize independent work and research activities.

When conducting extra-curricular activities and games, it is also advisable to use ICT to create game systems or other visualization. Teachers often resort to the same software products that allow them to combine all multimedia resources. The use of text and graphic editors, as well as the simplest publishing systems, allows students to publish a school newspaper (or supplement to it) in English, write articles, engage in its layout and design.

4. Use of Internet and e-mail facilities.

Everyone knows that the Internet is a global information network that includes e-mail, search engines and helps to access various information resources. Despite the rapid development of the Russian-language Internet, a fairly large amount of information is presented online in English. On the one hand, this makes it necessary to use English when using the Internet, and on the other hand, the foreign language itself enhances the overall cognitive activity of students and increases the motivation for learning it.

The use of the Internet opens up an excellent opportunity for students to take part in all-Russian and international distance Olympiads in English, which are held by various organizations. In such Olympiads, the number of students, as a rule, is not limited, so all students without exception who are interested in foreign languages ​​can try their hand. One of such organizations conducting heuristic Olympiads is the Center for Distance Education “Eidos” (

The next direction in the use of Internet resources is the implementation by students of e-mail correspondence in the process of teaching a foreign language. Correspondence with native speakers within the framework of international communication projects is an excellent means of developing intercultural competence, which is especially important in the framework of profile teaching of a foreign language. E-mail correspondence allows you to establish intercultural connections, destroy stereotypes and generally accepted views.

Benefits of using ICT in foreign language teaching:

1. Program Internet Explorer

Advantages Internet Explorer:

the largest, constantly updated and replenished information resource in the world;

high speed of manipulation of huge data arrays;

access to information available on the Web does not depend on the geographic location of databases and users, as well as the time of day;

search for data required by a particular user;

access to modern research in many branches of science;

the ability to transmit various types of text, images, sound

These benefits contribute to:

increasing cognitive activity and learning motivation;

the formation of research skills and the ability to work with information;

expansion and deepening of knowledge, skills in mastering foreign language communicative activity;

stimulating students' interest in studying the subject;

the development of speech and thought activity, horizons and emotional-sensual sphere of students through musical, animated screensavers, photographs and pictures;

reduce fatigue; increasing the individualization of learning.

2. Advantages of educational CDs, DVDs:

allow to individualize the learning process;

allow students to work at their own pace;

speed up the learning process; improve the quality of assimilation of the material;

enhance the processes of memorizing the visual image of lexical units;

stimulate the activity of students, for example, applause for the correct answer; provide an opportunity to work out any kind of speech activity;

form a positive motivation for learning;

develop proactive language.

3. Benefits of the Microsoft Power Point Program contribute to better assimilation of the material, namely: the possibility of animation, changing the most significant elements with the help of color, font, adding diagrams, tables, photographs, increasing the visualization of the material (the concentration of students' attention on the input material approaches 100%), increasing the speed and quality of mastering the topic , repetition of a particular stage of the lesson, the implementation of student-centered learning (the teacher creates presentations, taking into account specific students, their abilities).

4. Benefits of Microsoft Word enhance the processes of memorizing the visual image of lexical units, allow you to create templates for checking any type of activity and easily change them, allow you to include tables, text fragments, illustrations prepared in other Windows applications in the document.

Let us consider the main types of linguodidactic tasks that can be solved with the help of ICT, that is, the linguo-methodological possibilities of using computer learning tools in mastering aspects of the language, developing skills and abilities in various types of speech activity:

1. When teaching phonetics

With the help of ICT, the pronunciation visualization technique is often used. Multimedia capabilities allow you to listen to speech in the target language, adapting it in accordance with your level of perception, and sound speed control allows you to break phrases into separate words, while comparing the pronunciation and spelling of words. Using a microphone and automatic pronunciation control allows you to correct phonetic skills. The computer offers a list of words for translation and phonetic practice. It is possible to record the spoken word or phrase of the student for the purpose of control, self-control and correction;

2. When teaching grammar:

The use of ICT in a grammar lesson is possible when studying almost any topic. With the correct location, good color design, the use of diagrams and tables, voice accompaniment (pronunciation of examples in a foreign language), the material will be perceived easier and faster by schoolchildren, since most of the receptors will be involved. The time spent in the lesson will also be less - there will be no need to write down the material on the board.

And with the help of ICT, it is more interesting to control the level of formation of grammatical skills based on test programs and provide reference and information support (automated grammar references, systems for detecting grammatical errors at the morphological and syntactic levels).

3. When teaching vocabulary:

Based on test and gaming computer programs using visual clarity, providing reference and information support (automatic dictionaries, programs for selecting synonyms and antonyms), such types of work as:

    exercises to fill in the gaps (in case of an incorrect answer, the following scenarios are possible: forbidding the student to proceed to the next task or sentence; the student’s transition to the next task or sentence with their subsequent correction, namely, highlighting the correct answer in a different color or putting a “cross” sign, meaning wrong answer)

    exercises in the form of crossword puzzles, where when writing a word, the wrong letter is highlighted in gray, not black;

    exercises in the form of a sentence-composing game, during which the student points the cursor at the required word, which then moves into the sentence being composed and becomes after the last moved word.

    exercises “Find the mistake“, in which it is proposed to correct a particular word in accordance with a given situation;

4. When teaching to read:

ICT allows the improvement of reading skills through the use of techniques such as:

    varying the field of perception and the pace of presentation, changing the location of the text, etc.;

    strengthening receptive lexical and grammatical reading skills;

    mastering the skills of extracting semantic information of various types from the text (basic, secondary, clarifying, etc.);

    training in various types of text analysis; formation of the ability to independently overcome language difficulties;

    provision of reference and information support by providing linguistic or extralinguistic information (through the use of automatic dictionaries, electronic encyclopedias);

    control of the correctness and depth of understanding of the read text.

5. When teaching listening:

    formation of phonetic listening skills;

    control of the correct understanding of the listened text.

6. When teaching speaking:

    formation of phonetic speaking skills;

    organization of communication in pairs and small groups using role-playing games based on simulation programs.

7. When learning to translate:

    formation of lexical and grammatical skills of translation;

    control of the correctness of the translation; mastering the ability to edit translation texts using text editors and machine translation systems;

    provision of reference and information support (use of automatic dictionaries, glossaries, systems for selecting antonyms and synonyms).

Thus, the introduction of ICT contributes to the achievement of the main goal of modernizing education - improving the quality of education, increasing the availability of education, ensuring the harmonious development of a person who is oriented in the information space, attached to the information and communication capabilities of modern technologies and possessing an information culture, which is due to the social order of the information society.


In modern conditions of informatization of society, the need to modernize the education system with the involvement of new information and communication technologies in accordance with the social order of society is obvious. Modern information and communication technologies are a powerful tool for teaching a foreign language, which contribute to the development of personality. ICT activates the entire educational process, both in the classroom and outside of class, which leads to the intensification of learning. ICT helps the teacher to make an informed choice of the best learning option in terms of time efficiency.

The use of ICT in English lessons is one of the most important results of innovative work in schools. The use of information technology makes it possible to implement the plan, to make the lesson modern.

Analyzing the experience of using ICT in the classroom, we can say with confidence that the use of information and communication technologies allows:

    provide positive motivation for learning;

    conduct lessons at a high aesthetic and emotional level (music, animation);

    increase the volume of work performed in the lesson by 1.5 - 2 times;

    improve knowledge control;

    rationally organize the educational process, increase the effectiveness of the lesson;

    to form the skills of a truly research activity;

    provide access to various reference systems, electronic libraries,

    individualize the educational process;

With regard to performance, the use of ICT contributes to improving the quality of knowledge, the formation and development of communicative competence and motivation to learn English, creating favorable conditions for a better understanding of the teacher and students, their cooperation in the educational process, the effective assimilation of educational material, the formation of an integral system of knowledge, allows increase the pace of work in the classroom without compromising the learning of knowledge by students. Students show a steady interest in learning English, participate in competitions and olympiads and show good results.

The introduction of information and communication technologies creates the prerequisites for the intensification of the educational process. They allow in practice to use psychological and pedagogical developments that ensure the transition from the mechanical assimilation of knowledge to mastering the ability to independently acquire new knowledge. ICT contribute to the disclosure, preservation and development of personal qualities of students. Federal target program for the development of education for 2006-2010 Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2005 No. 803

Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 11, 2002 No. 393

National Educational Initiative "Our New School" February 04, 2010 Pr-271

Belyaeva L.A., Ivanova N.V. PowerPoint presentation and its possibilities in teaching foreign languages, IYaSh №4 2008 p.36

Galishnikova E. M. The use of interactiveSmart-boards in the learning process // Teacher. - 2007. - No. 4. - p. 8-10

Denisova Zh.A., Denisov M.K. Multimedia presentation of language material as a methodical technique, IYaSh № 3 2008 p. 20

Efremenko V.A. The use of information technologies in foreign language lessons, ISH No. 8 2007 p.18

Kolechenko A. K . Encyclopedia of pedagogical technologies: A guide for teachers. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2009

Kochergina I.G. Improvement of students' cognitive abilities through the use of information and communication technologies in teaching English. / Foreign languages ​​at school №3, 2009

Sergeeva M. E. New information technologies in educationEnglish // Teacher. - 2005. - No. 2. - p.162-166

Sinegubova N.M. Information technologies in English lessons // School. - 2006. - No. 2. - p. 43-44

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Internet resources.

Completed by: Levanova Lyudmila Vasilievna English teacher GYMNASIUM "dmitrov" The use of communication technologies in English lessons Introduction One of the priority areas for the development of modern society is the study of a foreign language. Language, whether native or foreign, serves as a means of communication in the dialogue of cultures of the modern world. In the context of the introduction of a new generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, the main goal of teaching a foreign language is to formation of communicative foreign language competence, necessary for successful socialization and self-realization as intercultural communication in the modern multicultural world. This goal can be achieved through the introduction of new educational technologies as a tool to increase the motivation for learning and the effectiveness of learning, the development of the creative abilities of students in English lessons. This goal can be achieved through the introduction of new educational technologies as a tool to increase the motivation for learning and the effectiveness of learning, the development of the creative abilities of students in English lessons. Communication technologies are designed to teach you to freely navigate in a foreign language environment and be able to adequately respond in various situations, to interest students in learning a foreign language through the accumulation and expansion of their knowledge and experience. Types of EDUCATIONAL technologies

  • Developmental learning
  • Learner-centered learning
  • Health saving technologies
  • Communicative learning
  • Problem learning
  • Collective Learning System (CSE)
  • Collaborative learning (team, group work)
  • Research Method in Teaching
  • Project based teaching methods
  • Cooperation Pedagogy
  • Technology of individualization of education
  • The technology of using gaming methods in teaching: role-playing, business and other types of educational games
  • Information and Communication Technologies
Project method

One of the ways to activate students in the process of teaching foreign languages ​​is the project method, when the student independently plans, creates, defends his project, i.e. actively involved in the communication process. The project is an opportunity for students to express their own ideas in a creatively thoughtful form convenient for them: making collages, posters, announcements, conducting interviews and research, demonstrating models with the necessary comments, making plans for visiting various places with illustrations..

The use of the project methodology allows you to create a research, creative atmosphere, where each student is involved in an active cognitive process based on the methodology of cooperation.



The variability of activities in the lesson involves individual, pair and group forms of work. As for the text, it can be dialogues, pictures, comics.

Teaching with passion Students learn a lot if they enjoy learning. Having fun is one of the main conditions for the effectiveness of learning, so games, jokes, and riddles must be included in the learning process.

personality factor Through project work, children are given many opportunities to think and talk about themselves, their lives, interests, and hobbies.

The project method helps to develop language and intellectual abilities, a steady interest in learning a language, and the need for self-education. The use of the project method in a modern school is one of the most powerful incentives for motivating the study of foreign languages, the most creative activity, since all students are involved in the work on the project, regardless of their abilities and level of language training. Various types of projects are used: research, role-playing, creative, informational, practice-oriented, etc.

ICT technology Classes using computer technology are very popular among schoolchildren. A variety of multimedia games contribute to the expansion of vocabulary, introduce them to the grammar of the English language, learn to understand speech by ear, and write correctly. Benefits of using a computer in English lessons

  • Increasing student motivation
  • Confidentiality
  • Greater degree of interactivity of learning;
  • Individuality of training;
  • Handling large volumes of information
  • Unlimited number of requests to tasks;
  • Adaptability, i.e. the ability to use a set of tools to provide information - text, sound, graphics, animation, video
Method of "creativity" The method of "creativity" involves the development of creative, creative abilities of students. Special techniques help to create a creative atmosphere in the classroom. Elements of surprise or surprises in the lesson can develop the creative activity of students. So, for example, a postman may appear with a letter that talks about traditional British food, or you can invite a fairy-tale character to a lesson who is interested in his favorite school subjects, etc. An important technique of creative activity is the feeling of surprise, surprise, novelty. Creative homework plays an important role. Guys compose their statements on various topics, write letters of various nature to foreign friends, translate English poems and compose their own poems in their native language on the basis of their translation. English proverbs are often used in the classroom. It is always interesting to discover that in Russian and English there are many proverbs that have the same meaning. Sometimes the guys prepare stories according to this or that proverb, revealing its content, give life examples or from their own experience. This type of work develops linguistic conjecture, thinking, imagination, and a creative approach to completing tasks. GAME TECHNOLOGIES

Without play, there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of the child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Including students in play activities leads to a natural desire to speak the language , does not cause boredom and fatigue, as the game is ... ..















Functions of game activity in the learning process

  • Phonetic
  • Lexical
  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • role-playing
  • Games for the development of thinking
  • Games for the development of memory and attention
  • Outdoor games
  • Competition games
  • Board games
Collaboration technology Collaborative learning is one of the varieties of a student-centered approach in teaching a foreign language, which involves the organization of groups of students working together to solve a problem, topic, issue. Factors providing communicative motivation:
  • friendly atmosphere in the classroom;
  • positive emotional climate;
  • trusting relationship between the teacher and students, as well as between the children themselves.
  • Organizing work in small groups has a good effect, as communication is carried out more naturally.
Problem-based learning technology Problem-based learning is such an organization of training sessions that involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which creative mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities and the development of thinking abilities occur. The teacher creates a problem situation, directs students to solve it, organizes the search for a solution. Thus, the student becomes the subject of his own learning and, as a result, he acquires new knowledge, new ways of acting. The problematic method forms creative skills
  • lead a discussion;
  • listen and hear the interlocutor;
  • defend your point of view, supported by arguments;
  • find a compromise with the interlocutor;
  • express your thoughts concisely;
  • find not one, but many solutions to a problem.
Advantages of the problematic method
  • independent acquisition of knowledge through their own creative activity
  • high interest in learning
  • development of productive thinking
  • durable and actionable learning outcomes
Technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing In this technology, the role of the teacher is fundamentally changing. It becomes a partner that activates and guides the learning process. Students learn to communicate without conflict. Student-centered learning is being carried out, in which each student not only receives another volume of ready-made knowledge, but is involved in the process of constructing knowledge on the basis of equal partnerships. The children learn to work with the text: evaluate information, highlight contradictions in the text and the types of structures present in it, argue their point of view, relying not only on logic, but also on the ideas of the interlocutor. Health-saving technologies This technology is aimed at preserving and strengthening children's health. The organization of foreign language teaching lessons should involve a large number of gaming moments, motor exercises. Changing the types of activity, including gaming activities, stimulating a creative attitude to the topic of the lesson, the presence of competitive moments increases mental performance, cognitive activity, and motivation to learn the language. Conclusions In conclusion, I would like to note that the more widely various techniques and technologies are used by the teacher, the better the students learn the material, because even K.D. Foreign languages ​​contribute to the formation of foreign language communicative competence, which is aimed at the practice of communication.The use of communicative methods in foreign language lessons increases the motivation and effectiveness of learning, develops the creative abilities of students, contributes to the formation and development of a multicultural linguistic personality.THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! SUCCESS IN WORK!!!

Larisa Ivanova
Use of ICT in English lessons

Use of ICT in English lessons

worldwide computer used in the field of education, not only as a subject of study, but also as a means of learning.

In teaching foreign language widely used computer technology. The specificity of a computer as a learning tool is associated with its characteristics such as completeness, versatility, interactivity. Interactive learning based on multimedia programs allows you to implement a whole range of methodological, didactic, pedagogical and psychological principles, making the learning process more interesting and creative.

The main objectives of the use of ICT in English lessons are:

1. Increase motivation to study language;

2. Development of speech competence;

3. Increase in the volume of linguistic knowledge;

4. Expanding the scope of knowledge about the socio-cultural specifics of the country under study language;

5. Development of the ability and readiness for independent study in English.

Opportunities use ICT at different stages lesson.

When teaching ICT listening used for the formation of phonetic listening skills; to control the correct understanding of the listened text; for the ability to understand authentic speech.

When teaching ICT grammar, you can use at various stages lesson. I use a Power Point presentation to explain a new rule or to test what you have learned. For example, after studying the present tenses, to consolidate and test the knowledge gained, we solve test tasks. A bright, colorful presentation helps students to better remember the theoretical material and use the present tenses without errors in the future.

When teaching vocabulary, the use of computer technology greatly enhances the effectiveness of this process. In order to form a productive skill, an exercise is performed to fill in the gaps in the statement. For example, when studying the phrasal verb get, I suggest that students fill in the gaps in sentences with appropriate lexical units in meaning. Or, the same grade 8, to consolidate new words at the end lesson I propose to solve a lexical test on this topic.

When teaching reading, I also often use computer technology. For example, in grade 5, when explaining the rules of reading use powerpoint presentation. Presentation in a bright entertaining way gives students an idea of ​​the rules of reading English vowels, and then it contains tasks for checking the learned material.

When teaching speaking with the help of ICT, phonetic speaking skills are formed, the organization of communication in pairs and small groups with using role-playing games. Ability to communicate, explain, approve, convince, congratulate, describe, etc.


Lessons using ICT are, in my opinion, is one of the most important results of innovative work in the school. Computer technology can be applied to almost any school subject. Analyzing your experience use of ICT in the classroom, it can be said with certainty that usage information and communication technologies allowed to me:

1) Provide positive motivation for learning;

2) Conduct lessons at a high emotional level (music, animation);

3) Rationally organize the educational process, improve efficiency lesson.

Lesson using ICT makes it possible to conduct classes with students of different levels, give them tasks of varying degrees of complexity, offer a set of tasks and exercises according to their abilities, ensure 100% participation, while maintaining an atmosphere of goodwill and calmness.

With the correct organization of the educational process, the motivation for self-training of students increases and a conscious attitude to learning appears.

Students cease to be passive participants in the educational process and become its active participants.

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