The daily routine in the military unit. Accommodation of military personnel, distribution of time and daily routine Main activities of the daily routine of a military unit

On April 1, Russian citizens will be divided into two categories: for some it will be a day of jokes and pranks, and for others it will be the beginning of the spring conscription. For obvious reasons, for the latter, the date is much more relevant and important, because many of them will soon have an army. We suggest that potential servicemen do not suffer and lose heart, but instead prepare themselves morally, physically and mentally.

Disgusting men continue the series of soldiers' articles from our reader, who is currently serving in the Russian army. Before that, he had already talked about the living and inexhaustible. This time he decided to cover one of the most burning and important topics for a fighter. We will talk about the daily routine of a soldier in the domestic armed forces.

Soldier's daily routine: morning and afternoon

  • 6:00-6:30 (on Sundays and public holidays at 7:30) - getting up, exercising, morning toilet, putting things in order.
  • 7:00-7:30 - morning inspection of appearance (shaven, cut, length of nails, cleanliness of uniforms and shoes) and the contents of pockets and bedside tables.
  • 8:00 a.m. - building on the parade ground, breakfast.

After breakfast and until lunchtime, either “drag” (drill training, maintenance of transport attached to the company) or “rassos” (lectures, free time) comes. What exactly will happen on a given day largely depends on the imagination of the responsible officer assigned to the daily duty to control the soldiers.

Soldier's Daily Routine: Lunch and Afternoon

  • 14:00 - lunch.
  • 14:30 - building in front of the barracks, bringing a new daily outfit.
  • 15:00 - 19:00 - stormy work activity or its equally stormy image.
  • 19:00 - dinner.
  • 19:30-20:45 - "free time" (shower, exercise in the sports corner, reading).
  • 21:00-performance of military rituals: evening walk (in any weather, marching, bawling songs), evening verification (roll call), physical examination and thermometry.
  • 21:30 - lights out.

Such a monolithic daily routine has a huge number of advantages: from feeling cheerful and ready to work in the morning, to increasing the length of daylight hours. But there is also a giant minus: constancy is deadly annoying. In such monotony, just a couple of months later, I already felt like Ivan Denisovich from Solzhenitsyn's story, or, well, the hero of Tom Cruise from Edges of Tomorrow. Only the slogan "Live. Die. Repeat" distorted into "Rise. Hang up. Repeat".

Days of the week

But at the same time, the Russian army, as every soldier knows, will never really let you get bored, and the days of the week are still different from each other.


"Commander's Day", which means that all the officers in the collection and "jerk off" the personnel gives them special pleasure. For example, crowds of commanders come running to hang-up with the game of "three squeaks".


RHBZ Day (radio-chemical-biologist of protection), when the entire soldier is required to wear a gas mask and OZK (general protective suit). The senior officers, in turn, sometimes fall into a special mood and conduct training on the normative putting on of all this junk.


Friday is "park day", which means cleaning and maintenance of vehicles and military equipment that are assigned to the unit.


Saturday time is called PCD, that is, a park and economic day (it is also a “completely crappy day” in a soldier’s transcript). On this day, before lunch, everyone is engaged in a major cleaning of the barracks, the adjacent territory and the territory of the unit with a truly army scale. Any surfaces are wiped with bleach, the floors are washed with soap and foam, and all the furniture is taken out into the street, where, at the whim of the commanders, it can be completely repainted in "statutory" colors.


Sunday is a long-awaited day off: the soldier is expected to wake up an hour later and have free time throughout the day (as far as it is generally possible in the army, of course).

At this pace, week after week flies by, slowly bringing the longed-for demobilization closer. Therefore, I dare to give advice to everyone who will soon be called up: learn to live according to the regime now, start doing morning exercises or running. This will save you a surprisingly long time, which takes to adapt the body to a sharp change in your lifestyle.

Violation of the day and night regimen leads to a general decrease in productivity:

  • You are less productive during the hours you normally sleep.
  • If you go to bed later than usual, then the next day's performance will be lower.
  • When you break the routine, you spend more time falling asleep and waking up.

So if you want to be more successful:

  • Make sleep your first priority: sleep is more important than work. Get enough sleep (6-8 hours depending on individual needs).
  • Go to bed and get up at the same time, both on weekdays and on weekends.
  • If you have to go to bed later, try to wake up at your usual time the next day to restore your normal sleep-wake cycle.
  • Sleep at night. Light directly affects the daily rhythm of a person - both the quality of sleep and energy during the day.
  • If you wind up many times in the morning, be realistic about when you will actually wake up and set your alarm for that time.
  • If you do not get enough sleep in 8 hours, it may be due to poor sleep quality, for example, due to snoring that constantly wakes you up - start fighting the causes of poor sleep.


Performance during the day is affected by the meal schedule and the corresponding rhythm of energy intake in the body.

Given the time constraints, it is recommended to have three full meals per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and an additional 2-3 snacks. You need to have breakfast within one hour after waking up; breakfast should be heavy enough to meet the needs of the body in the morning. Dinner should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Avoid high-calorie foods before bed, as the energy boost can make it difficult for you to fall asleep.

Exercise stress

After waking up and before breakfast, it is worth doing exercises. Charging is especially needed for people of mental labor who do not exercise regularly, since for them this is the only type of regular physical activity.

However, remember that charging is not strength training. Its result should be a surge of strength, and not fatigue from heavy physical exertion. So start with a short program for 5-10 minutes of a few basic exercises (warm-up, a few push-ups, a few ab exercises, a few squats).

Training during the day should be carried out 2-2.5 hours after eating. After training, you should not eat for 30-40 minutes. The best time for training is the second half of the day.

Significant physical activity should be avoided just before bedtime, as this will cause arousal that will prevent you from falling asleep.

daily cycles

There is a point of view that during the day a person goes through short cycles of growth and decline in activity, so it is recommended to divide the working day into 1.5-hour periods of time to work with short breaks in between.

In the afternoon, there is a natural period of sleepiness, perhaps at this time it is worth taking a nap for 10-30 minutes.

We have already discussed in a separate article. It's time to talk about a shorter period of life - a week. I will say right away that the weeks themselves are extremely similar to each other.

Therefore, I will group the most similar days among themselves and analyze them in detail. Weekdays first, then weekends. Let's take a look at the daily routine in the army right now.

Daily routine in the army

Of course, the division of the days of the week into micro groups is conditional. There is no official division. Everyone has the right to figure out how to share them. Some don't share at all. I have developed the following scheme for dividing the days of the week according to my service experience:

  • Bath days.
  • Common days.
  • Weekend.

The first two types refer to weekdays, and the last one is not worth commenting on yet. We will analyze the weekend in detail at the end of the article. Let's go in order.

Daily routine in the army. Bath days: Monday and Thursday

The word "bath" comes from "bath". Previously, soldiers bathed in baths 1-2 times a week. The number of bathing days has remained unchanged even now, but we do not have a bathhouse itself.

Therefore, our bath is replaced by taking a shower, but the very name "bath days" is still actively used in the colloquial speech of military personnel of any rank. You can't escape tradition!

So, what is the peculiarity of bathing days in relation to other types? Let's get it right from the start.

06.00 - rise

For the entire location of the company, the orderly command sounds: “Company, rise”, after which each soldier is undermined and quickly gets ready for morning physical exercises.

Upon returning to the company after charging, we are divided into approximately two halves. The first - first they make their beds, then they go to wash. The second, on the contrary, first wash. We do this in order not to create a large queue at the sinks.

06.30-07.00 - making beds and morning toilet

At 07.00, the entire company is already standing on the central aisle in the required uniform and preparing for the morning inspection.

07.00-07.20 - morning examination of the appearance of military personnel

For 20 minutes, the commanders of the departments conduct a morning inspection of all the military personnel of their departments, and, therefore, of the entire company.

Your appearance and the presence of the necessary things with you are checked.

For example, the cleanliness of the berets, the neatness of the uniform, the length of the hair on the head, the smooth shaving of each soldier, and much more are often checked. The same thing is checked every day, so there is no need to panic here.

You will go through this once, and then you will know and observe everything you need. Moreover, during the morning inspection, military personnel are given time to eliminate the noticed shortcomings in appearance.

One of the important parts of the morning inspection is the record by the company on duty of all the military personnel who need to go to the infirmary. Our patients are very cared for and taken care of. Nobody here wants the whole company to get sick. You cough - blow into the infirmary. The temperature has risen - blow to the infirmary.

“And there is nothing to be a hero! Be patient now, and tomorrow you will infect your comrade.” That's how we are taught.

07.20-08.00 — breakfast

We have breakfast in the dining room with the whole company. Or, to be more precise, everyone. In turn. We come to the dining room in turn and have breakfast, respectively, also in turn. I will also write a separate article about food in the army, because there is also something to tell there. In general - good!

To do this, on Mondays, a general institute divorce and raising the flag on a large parade ground takes place.

An army divorce is an event on a large / small parade ground when all units of the institute / battalion gather, greet the boss, listen to a speech, or hold important events (for example, award ceremonies).

On the large parade ground, the solemn raising of the flag of the Russian Federation and the performance of the Anthem of Russia by military personnel can also take place.

After the end of the planned events, all units take turns in a solemn march in front of the chief to the accompaniment of a military band or artificial musical accompaniment (music in the columns on the parade ground).

On Thursdays, in turn, from 08.00 to 09.00 there are morning exercises and divorces on a small parade ground.

08.00-09.00 - raising the flag on the large parade ground on Mondays / morning exercise and raising the flag on the small parade ground on Thursdays

Morning exercise is a half-hour event aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge and developing skills on certain topics of the lesson.

Sometimes they are carried out after serious shoals of a platoon / company in order to eliminate such shoals in the future. An example of jambs is a bed making exercise.

Sometimes morning exercises are replaced by morning information. Usually once a week. Then the company sits down in the information and leisure room and listens to the latest news in the country and in the world over the past week.

09.00 - 14.00 - training sessions (couples)

The schedule is:

  • 09.00-10.45 - I couple.
  • 10.50-12.40 - II couple.
  • 12.50-14.00 - III couple.

In fact, according to the schedule, the 3rd pair goes longer. But it is deliberately shortened in order to return the company to the barracks, build on the central aisle and hold the next event.

14.00-14.20 — control check

It is very important to understand that in the army there are 2 events similar in meaning, but different in meaning and name. it control examination and evening verification. I will talk about the latter later.

The meaning of the control check is clear from the name. The officer on duty checks the presence of military personnel. Is everything in place. And if not, where is it?

14.20-15.00 - lunch

Another one of my favorite things to do every day. Lunch may be a little delayed, because they really give a lot to eat. And we are happy about it!

15.15-15.30 - divorce

This divorce, unlike the morning ones, takes place on a small parade ground and not for the entire institute, but for our battalion. It is conducted by the battalion commander or, in the absence of the latter, his deputy.

15.30-18.00 — sauna day events

And here is what distinguishes Monday and Thursday from the total mass of days. These are bath days, which means that after lunch we will go to wash / shave / do personal hygiene. A little time for yourself won't hurt.

18.00-18.20 — control check

Another control check on the central passage in the barracks. We check if everyone managed to do everything that needed to be done. That is, they brought themselves and their appearance in full order.

18.20-19.00 - dinner

I wanted to write that this is the final pleasant event for the day, but no ... There is one more thing. Do you want to know which one? - Read on! ;-)

19.00-21.00 - time for personal needs

Wash, shave, iron, hem, mend. You can continue the verbs indefinitely.

Recently, they began to actively go to the sports hall of the company at this time. Half an hour or an hour of free time per day can be found here. And nowhere else.

21.00-21.15 - watching the TV program "Time"

This is what I don't like. I don't like watching TV in general. But in the army it doesn't matter what you like and what you don't. There is such a word - must.

21.15-21.35 - evening walk

We get dressed, line up and go out into the street. We walk around the territory as part of a company and sing marching songs. We already have 5 of these in our company. We are learning a few more.

At the same time, those who smoke can be taken to the smoking room to smoke. But this is not about me. At this time, I just stand aside with the guys who do not smoke. We communicate on various topics.

21.35-21.45 - evening verification

And here she is. Evening check, not another check. So what is it?

After a walk on the command of the duty officer in the company "Company, for the evening verification - STAND", the deputy platoon commanders line up their units for verification. The duty officer for the company, having built the company, reports to the foreman about the formation of the company for evening verification.

The foreman of the company or the person replacing him gives the command "AT ATTENTION" and proceeds to the evening verification. At the beginning of the evening verification, he names the military ranks, the names of the military personnel enrolled for the feats they have committed in the list of the company forever or honorary soldiers. Having heard the name of each of these servicemen, the deputy commander of the first platoon reports: “Such and such (military rank and surname) died a heroic death in the battle for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland - the Russian Federation” or “Honorary soldier of the company (military rank and surname) is in stock."
After that, the foreman of the company verifies the personnel of the company according to the name list. Hearing his last name, each soldier answers: "I am." The commanders of departments are responsible for those who are absent.
For example: "On guard", "On vacation".
At the end of the evening verification, the foreman of the company gives the command “FREE”, announces orders and orders regarding all military personnel, the outfit for the next day and makes (clarifies) combat crew in case of alarm, in case of fire and other emergencies, as well as in case of sudden attack on the location of a military unit (subdivision).

Got it? Verification is a sacred military ritual and originates from the time of the Great Patriotic War. It was then that it was invented and began to be actively used.

Soldiers must know the names of the heroes of our time. I respect this event very much. Therefore, I cringe when the next orderly, standing on the bedside table, utters the wrong command: “Company, stand for the evening check!”

22.00 - lights out

But I, on the contrary, love the team of the same orderly "Company, lights out"! After her, everyone scatters to their sleeping places and goes to bed. The happiest moment of every day...

Daily routine in the army. Regular days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

If you have read the entire article up to this point, then I can congratulate you. You have read more than one and a half thousand words. That is why I do not want to describe these ordinary days in detail either. Moreover, they are not much different from the baths.

Let's talk about the differences here.

08.00-08.40 — morning exercise on RCBZ on Wednesdays

Wednesday is RKhBZ day. This means that Wednesday is the only day of the week when we all get our gas masks in the morning, put them on ourselves and wear them all day.

No, no, you misunderstood me. We put on not on the face ... We put bags with gas masks on the shoulder. :-)

But we put it on our heads already at the command “Gases!”

The correct execution of this particular command is practiced at the morning exercise at the RHBZ every Wednesday.

Yes, and during the day it can sound repeatedly. Therefore, Wednesday is the day of maximum concentration!

15.30-18.00 — training sessions

Yeah. These are not bath days. We have couples here on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Here, in fact, are all the main differences between bath and ordinary days.

Let's move on to the most interesting ...

Daily routine in the army. Days off: Saturday and Sunday

The schedule of both days is developed in the week before their onset.

Usually Wednesday. On Wednesday, the schedule for the next weekend is worked out, printed and approved.

It has regular events and changes every week. I also suggest going in order!


06.00-15.30 - similar to regular days

Rise, exercise, inspection, breakfast, couples before dinner, lunch, return to the company. But then…

15.30-15.55 – summarizing the results of the week

Summing up is carried out in the following format.

The company is seated on the central aisle or in the information and leisure room, after which the company commander or his deputy for work with personnel sum up the results.

The best and worst servicemen are marked. discipline and knowledge. Sometimes distinguished by sports. For example, a week ago I was marked for the better, because I ran 3rd from the platoon at a distance of 1 kilometer.

After that, priority tasks for the next week are identified and responsible for the premises of the barracks are assigned for further activities of the park and economic day.

16.00-18.00 — implementation of activities of the park and economic day

In general, if you translate from Russian into Russian, it will turn out like this: “Saturday = subbotnik”.

Generalim everything we see. And the barracks, and the territory on the street, assigned to the unit.

And so every week...

In parallel with this, creative people are developing their skills. Namely - the release of battle sheets. About what it is, I will write a separate article about creative implementation in the army. (Yes, yes. That's enough here too!)

18.10-22.00 - similar to regular days

With one very important exception. It is on weekends that you have the opportunity to watch a good army-themed movie on TV.

This takes place between 19.00-21.00. In private time. Everyone is invited to the information and leisure room, where they watch cool movies. Last Saturday we watched the movie "We are from the future".


Have you ever heard that there are days off in the Russian army now? Not? Then now know. There are! Only they are very special. Army.

And if you are one of those people who, like me, heard about this before reading this article, then get ready to find out the whole truth about the routine of a typical day off in the army.

07.30 - rise

That's cool! The most beautiful moment of the week is the “lights out” command on the eve of Saturday. Beautiful, because you are aware of the amount of time you can sleep: a whole 9 and a half hours!

Only lines from a song by a famous performer come to my mind with the words: “This must be my paradise ...”

What do you think? Are we charging? No matter how! There is no charge on Sunday. The only morning of the week without morning exercise.

Therefore, from the very rise to breakfast, we are engaged in making beds and doing the morning toilet.

07.30-08.30 - morning toilet and inspection
08.30-09.00 - breakfast
09.00-09.30 - watching the TV show "Serving Russia"
09.30-10.00 - legal information for military personnel

For half an hour we sit in the information and leisure room and listen to what we can and should do, and what we cannot do. An example of the topic of legal information: "Responsibility of military personnel for theft of weapons, ammunition."

10.00-11.00. 00 - sports and mass work

A whole hour of sports! On a weekend! Do you understand what I mean?

Last Sunday we did the following:

  • Pull-ups on the crossbar.
  • Raising the legs to the crossbar.

I did 19 pull-ups. Not enough, because they did it with fixing the position from below. As expected. Nevertheless, the second most times in the company. The first one did 20, but I never managed to do it. Next time I will definitely be the first!

11.00-13.00 - watching documentaries

There is one long film, there are several different ones. The point is that we watch war documentaries. Have you watched any? Maybe you can advise? I will offer it next Sunday.

14.30-15.00 - lunch
15.30-16.30 - sleep

Sleep hour. It happens and it helps.

16.40-17.20 - conversation with personnel

At this time, the officer is talking to us on various topics. Not about what crosses his mind, of course.

An example of a conversation topic: "Intense combat training is a guarantee of strong military discipline."

17.30-18.10 - hour of soldier's letter

Everyone's favorite event. We write letters to our family and friends. I once wrote and sent 2 letters to my grandmother. Still keeps. And I'm her letter too.

10.18-22.00 - similar to Saturday

Watching the movie in private time is also included in the program.
In total, we watch at least one documentary and two feature films per weekend.

Well, how do you like your day off? Better than civilian?

I miss sports. But I found a way out. I described this output in the article "".

P.S. I think it's enough to load you with our daily routines in the army. I think I've covered it in great detail.

The main thing is to understand that all days / weeks are extremely similar to each other. Those events that I described above take place with me and my comrades every week. Very rarely something out of the ordinary happens!

Well, how do you like it? Would you like to live with such a daily routine in the army? Share your opinion in the comments right now. It is very interesting to me!

We are waiting for your comments,

219. The distribution of time in a military unit is carried out in such a way as to ensure its constant combat readiness and create conditions for conducting organized combat training of personnel, maintaining military discipline and internal order, educating military personnel, raising their cultural level, comprehensive consumer services, timely rest and reception food.

The total duration of the weekly service time of military personnel undergoing military service under the contract, except for the cases specified in paragraph three of this article, must not exceed the duration of the weekly working time established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. The length of service time for conscripted military personnel is determined by the daily routine of the military unit.

Combat duty (combat service), exercises, ship cruises and other events, the list of which is determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, are carried out, if necessary, without limiting the total duration of weekly duty time.

Conscripted servicemen, as well as contract servicemen in military professional educational organizations, military educational organizations of higher education and training military units, are provided with at least one day of rest every week. The rest of the servicemen doing military service under the contract are provided with at least one day of rest weekly, but not less than six days of rest per month.

220. Days of rest are provided to servicemen on weekends and holidays, and if they are involved in military service duties on these days, rest is provided on other days of the week.

Contracted military personnel involved in the performance of military service duties on working days in excess of the established duration of weekly duty time, as well as to events held without limiting the total duration of weekly duty time, are provided as compensation for rest on other days of the week by the decision of the commander of the military units (subdivisions), taking into account the need to maintain combat readiness and the interests of the service.

(see text in previous edition)

If it is impossible to provide, as compensation, to military servicemen undergoing military service under a contract, rest of an appropriate duration on other days of the week, the time for performing military service duties on working days in excess of the established duration of weekly service time, on weekends and holidays, taking into account the time required for the serviceman to arrive at place of service from the place of residence and back, as well as the time of participation in events held without limiting the total duration of weekly service time, is summarized and provided to the specified military personnel in the form of additional days of rest, which can be added to the main vacation. Accounting for the specified time (in hours and days) is kept by the unit commander in a journal, the correctness of the entries in which is confirmed weekly by the signature of a serviceman.

Contracted military personnel participating in events that are held, if necessary, without limiting the total duration of weekly service time, at their request, instead of providing additional days of rest, monetary compensation in the amount of a monetary allowance for each additional day of rest may be paid. The procedure and conditions for the payment of monetary compensation are established by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Information on the number of additional days of rest, payments of monetary compensation instead of providing additional days of rest attached to the main leave, is submitted by the unit commander to the headquarters of the military unit.

(see text in previous edition)

222. The distribution of time in a military unit during the day, and according to some provisions, during the week, is carried out by the daily routine and regulations of official time.

The daily routine of the military unit determines the timing of the implementation of the main activities of daily activities, study and life of the personnel of the units and the headquarters of the military unit.

In addition to the daily routine, the service time regulations for military personnel serving under a contract establish the terms and duration of the performance of daily activities by these military personnel arising from the duties of military service.

The daily routine and duty time regulations are established by the commander of a military unit or formation, taking into account the type and type of troops of the Armed Forces, the tasks facing the military unit, the season, local and climatic conditions. They are developed for the period of training and can be specified by the commander of a military unit (formation) for the period of combat firing, field exits, exercises, maneuvers, ship cruises, combat duty (combat service), service in daily duty and other activities, taking into account the peculiarities of their implementation. .

The daily routine and duty time regulations are in the documentation of the daily outfit, as well as in the headquarters of the military unit and in the offices of the units.

223. The daily routine of a military unit should provide for the time for morning physical exercises, morning and evening dressing, morning inspection, training sessions and preparation for them, changing special (working) clothes, cleaning shoes and washing hands before eating, eating, caring for weapons and military equipment, educational, cultural, leisure and sports activities, informing personnel, listening to radio and watching television, receiving patients at a medical center, as well as time for the personal needs of military personnel (at least two hours), an evening walk , evening check and at least eight hours of sleep.

The intervals between meals should not exceed seven hours.

After lunch, no classes or work should be carried out for at least thirty minutes.

224. The service time regulations for contract military personnel should provide for the time of their arrival and departure from service, the time for a break for meals (lunch), self-study (at least four hours), daily preparation for classes and time for physical training (with a total duration of at least three hours per week).

When determining the duty time regulations, the need for military personnel to perform official duties in accordance with the daily routine, as well as the implementation of measures aimed at maintaining a military unit (subunit) in constant combat readiness, is taken into account.

The schedule of service time when serving in daily duty is determined by general military regulations and relevant instructions.

Round-the-clock duty in a military unit (subunit) of officers, warrant officers and midshipmen, as well as sergeants and foremen who are doing military service under a contract who are not included in the daily outfit, can only be introduced in exceptional cases for a limited time by the commander of the troops of the military district, front, fleet , army.

225. Every week, as a rule on Saturday, a park and maintenance day is held in the regiment in order to maintain weapons, military equipment and other military property, equip and improve parks and facilities of the training and material base, put military camps in order and carry out other work. On the same day, a general cleaning of all premises is usually carried out, as well as washing of personnel in the bath.

In addition, in order to maintain weapons and military equipment in constant combat readiness, park weeks and park days are held in the regiment with the involvement of all personnel.

Park weeks, park and park maintenance days are held according to plans developed by the regiment headquarters together with the deputy regiment commanders for armaments and logistics and approved by the regiment commander. Extracts from the plans are brought to the departments.

On rest days, lifting is allowed later than usual, at the hour set by the commander of the military unit, morning physical exercises are not carried out.

The distribution of time in a military unit during the day, and according to some provisions and during the week, is carried out by the daily routine and regulations of official time.

The length of service time for conscripted military personnel is determined by the daily routine of the military unit.

The daily routine of the military unit determines the timing of the implementation of the main activities of daily activities, study and life of the personnel of the units and the headquarters of the military unit.

In addition to the daily routine, the service time regulations for military personnel serving under a contract establish the terms and duration of the performance of daily activities by these military personnel arising from the duties of military service.

The daily routine and duty time regulations are established by the commander of a military unit or formation, taking into account the type and type of troops of the Armed Forces, the tasks facing the military unit, the season, local and climatic conditions.

The daily routine of a military unit should provide for the time for morning physical exercises, morning and evening dressing, morning inspection, training sessions and preparation for them, changing special (working) clothes, cleaning shoes and washing hands before eating, eating, caring for weapons and military equipment, educational, cultural, leisure and sports activities, informing personnel, listening to radio and watching television, receiving patients at a medical center, as well as time for the personal needs of military personnel (at least 2 hours), evening walks, evening verification and at least 8 hours for sleep.

The intervals between meals should not exceed 7 hours. After lunch, there should be no study or work for at least 30 minutes (see the section "Additional materials").

Every week, usually on Saturday, the regiment holds a park and maintenance day to maintain weapons, military equipment and other military property, equip and improve parks and facilities of the training and material base, put military camps in order and carry out other work. On the same day, a general cleaning of all premises is usually carried out, as well as a bathing of personnel in the bath.

In addition, in order to maintain weapons and military equipment in constant combat readiness, park weeks and park days are held in the regiment with the involvement of all personnel.

Sundays and holidays are days of rest for all personnel, except for those on combat duty (combat service) and serving in daily and garrison outfits. On these days, as well as in their free time, cultural and leisure work, sports competitions and games are held with the personnel.

On the eve of rest days, performances, films and other events for conscripted military personnel are allowed to end 1 hour later than usual.

On rest days, it is allowed to rise later than usual, at the hour set by the commander of the military unit, morning physical exercises are not carried out.

To organize the leisure and recreation of military personnel, there are clubs of military units, whose activities include:

  • demonstrations of feature films on weekends and weekends (holidays);
  • work of libraries of military units;
  • classes in club amateur associations, circles in various genres of amateur art and applied art, circles and schools of aesthetic education;
  • literary and artistic themed evenings, literary and musical compositions, question and answer evenings, thematic film screenings, film festivals, film evenings, film lecture evenings, mass story games, portrait evenings, reader and audience conferences, lectures and consultations;
  • meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the Armed Forces, figures of science, literature and art;
  • evenings of honoring the best specialists, classes in lecture halls of military and legal knowledge, exhibitions of technical creativity, evenings of military commonwealth, events related to the reception of young replenishment and the dismissal of military personnel from the ranks of the Armed Forces.

On weekends and holidays, the corresponding plans of military units provide for visits by military personnel to theaters, libraries, museums, concert halls, stadiums and other cultural, entertainment and sports facilities.


  1. The distribution of time in a military unit is carried out in such a way as to ensure its constant combat readiness.
  2. The distribution of time in a military unit during the day is carried out by the daily routine, which determines the implementation of the main activities.
  3. Every week, the regiment holds a park and household day to put military camps and military equipment in order.


  1. How does the distribution of time in a military unit help to maintain the constant combat readiness of personnel? Justify your answer.
  2. What is the daily routine for conscripted military personnel?
  3. Think about how the security of everyday military service depends on the state of internal order in the military collective. Justify your answer.


  1. Prepare a message on the topic "Distribution of time in a military unit during the week."
  2. If you have a friend who has recently been demobilized from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, ask him about the distribution of time and daily routine in the military unit where he served. Based on his story, prepare a message on this topic.
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