Reactive troops. Strategic Missile Forces: Strategic Missile Forces. On the ruins of an empire

The 5th commandant's office for providing the command of the Strategic Missile Forces, or military unit 95501, is deployed in the city of Odintsovo, Moscow Region and performs the tasks of supplying and protecting the Main Headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces. The location of the unit is better known as the village of Vlasikha.


Chevron of the military unit 95501

Back in 1958, it was planned to place the headquarters of the long-range aviation of the air force in Vlasikha. But after the creation of the Missile Forces in the fall of 1959, the command of the Strategic Missile Forces began to manage the military town.
In Vlasikha, during the Cold War, there were already built residential buildings, several administrative buildings, a medical unit and savings banks. However, after the formation of the 50th Rocket Army in 1960, there was simply no place to accommodate military personnel and their families.
In the second half of the 1950s, the army was rearmed, and the missiles were equipped with nuclear warheads. In 1965, in Vlasikha, there were already 3 service buildings of the headquarters, the House of Officers, a canteen, a hotel, a clinic, two shops, a first-aid post and a hostel. After the US and the USSR eliminated short-range and medium-range missiles in 1987, and there was a reduction in the missile forces, some strategic buildings were demolished. Vlasikha itself became an ordinary regional center, which was improved and built up with residential buildings.

Hall in the Museum of the Strategic Missile Forces

The 131st Separate Guard Battalion of the General Staff, staffed by officers from regular guard units of the airborne troops and marines, began to be deployed in the former closed military camp. Summer exercises, including diving training, were held at Kubinka.
In early December 2005, the 131st separate battalion was reorganized into the 5th commandant's office for providing missile troops, consisting of two security battalions, a garrison guard and command and control units.
Since mid-January 2009, the Strategic Missile Forces in Vlasikhe have had the status of a closed administrative-territorial entity with a special security regime.
In the military unit 95501 itself there are no strategic missile control points, it is deployed in the city of Odintsovo, the headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as some control facilities, are located in the garrison - Vlasikha.

eyewitness impressions

Barracks part from the inside

Now Vlasikha has a fairly developed infrastructure with banks, educational institutions, as well as the famous Museum of the Missile Forces. Odintsovo itself is called the "winter apartment" of the strategic missile forces, which are in a constant state of combat readiness. Military personnel live in barracks of the Kubrick type (conscripts) and dormitories for officers (contract staff). A feature of the military camp is small bunkers with iron armor - firing structures.
Combat duty in the 5th support commandant's office is carried out by one unit, and the second is located on the territory of the unit. They belong to the anti-sabotage battalions and provide protection for command posts and launchers, and are also responsible for establishing communications and logistics.
During training sessions, employees of military unit 95501 learn not only the technologies for launching and controlling missiles, but also tracking extraneous signals and interference at various frequencies and encrypting radio messages. Soldiers work out combat training skills on the parade ground.
Those who served in military unit 95501 note that there is no hazing and hazing. The officers and command of the unit strictly monitor violations of discipline and conduct a daily physical examination of the soldiers.

As for the leave, the soldiers are released outside the unit only after the oath, it is forbidden to go outside the military camp in Vlasikha.

Gym in one of the mouths

The rest of the time, meetings with relatives take place in the visiting room at the checkpoint. Relatives should know that on Saturday in the unit it is a park and economic day and fighters are allowed to meet only from 12.00 to 14.00. On Sunday, relatives can meet with soldiers from 9.00 to 18.00.
Telephone communication with relatives is allowed only on Sundays, of mobile operators preference is given to Megafon (the “Everything is simple” tariff within the framework of the state program “Call Mom”) and MTS (“Per second” for Moscow and the Moscow region).
Since military personnel are prohibited from leaving the military camp, it is better to spend time on its territory. Of the cultural institutions, there is the Museum of the Strategic Missile Forces, and of the places for recreation - the cafe "Caramelka" and two more - "Turtle" and "Pop Corn". They are located on the central square of the town, or, as the locals say, "near the rockets."

Procedure for taking the military oath

Cash payments to conscripts and contract soldiers are made to the card of Sberbank of Russia. There are two ATMs in Vlasikha:

  • st. Marshal Zhukov, 42 (around the clock);
  • st. Sports, 10 (from 9.00 to 19.00).

On December 17, a memorable day is celebrated in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN). It was on this day in 1959 that the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1384-615 was issued, consolidating the earlier decision to create a new type of Armed Forces.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1239 of December 10, 1995 established an annual holiday - the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces, which is celebrated on December 17. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 No. 549, a memorable day was established in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces, which is celebrated on December 17.

The creation of the Strategic Missile Forces was due to the aggravation of the military-political situation in the postwar years, the rapid development in the United States and other NATO member states of offensive weapons, which posed a real threat to the security of our country.

Solving the problem of achieving and then maintaining military-strategic parity with the United States of America, the most powerful nuclear power in the world, required the maximum involvement of the best minds, talented scientists, the country's scientific, technical and production potentials, large material, financial and strategic resources.

On the historically short path of development of the Strategic Missile Forces, several bright stages can be distinguished - from the creation of the first formations and units to their formation as one of the main components of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, providing strategic deterrence.

In 1946 - 1959. the basis for the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces was prepared: nuclear missile weapons were developed in the USSR, and the first samples of guided ballistic missiles were created. Missile systems of the first generations are being adopted, the first missile units and formations are being formed capable of solving operational tasks in front-line operations, and as they are equipped with nuclear weapons, strategic tasks in adjacent theaters of military operations.

1959 - 1965 rightly called the stage of creation and formation of the Strategic Missile Forces as a new branch of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Chief Marshal of Artillery Mitrofan Ivanovich Nedelin, Hero of the Soviet Union, was appointed the first Commander-in-Chief of the Rocket Forces. Having vast experience in the war, having passed all command positions up to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR for special weapons and jet technology, he made a great contribution to the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces, the development, testing and adoption of nuclear missile weapons.

The formation of a new type of Armed Forces continued under the leadership of the famous military leaders of the Great Patriotic War - the Marshals of the Soviet Union twice Hero of the Soviet Union Kirill Semenovich Moskalenko, Hero of the Soviet Union Sergei Semenovich Biryuzov, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Ivanovich Krylov.
As a result of the hard work of rocket scientists, industry and military builders, already in the early 1960s. formations and units equipped with medium-range missiles (RSMs) and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) were put on combat duty, which could solve the strategic tasks of the Supreme High Command in remote geographical areas and in any theater of military operations.

In 1965 - 1973 in the USSR, a grouping with second-generation ICBMs with single launches is being deployed. This major task was solved by the Rocket Forces under the leadership of Marshal of the Soviet Union Nikolai Ivanovich Krylov. Created by the early 1970s. The grouping of the Strategic Missile Forces in terms of quantitative composition and combat characteristics was not inferior to the grouping of US ICBMs. The Strategic Missile Forces have become the main component of the country's strategic nuclear forces and have made the main contribution to achieving military-strategic parity between the USSR and the USA.

In 1973 - 1985. Strategic Missile Forces are equipped with third-generation missile systems (RS) with multiple warheads and means of overcoming the anti-missile defense of a potential enemy and medium-range mobile ballistic missiles. The RS-18, RS-20 and RS-16 ICBMs, as well as the RSD-10 (Pioneer) mobile ground-based missile system, are being put into service. A special role in the successful solution of these tasks belongs to the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, Hero of Socialist Labor, Chief Marshal of Artillery Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko, under whose leadership the principles for the combat use of formations and units in the Strategic Missile Forces operation were developed.

At the next stage, in 1985 - 1992, stationary and mobile fourth-generation missile systems with RS-22, RS-20V and Topol ICBMs, as well as a fundamentally new automated weapon and troops control system, enter service with the Strategic Missile Forces. The Strategic Missile Forces during this period were headed by the Hero of the Soviet Union Army General Yuri Pavlovich Maksimov, who made a great contribution to the deployment of mobile missile systems and the development of principles for their combat use.

The achieved balance of nuclear forces, changes in the military-political situation in the late 1980s - early 1990s. made it possible to rethink and assess the futility of the arms race and to conclude a number of agreements with the Soviet Union, and then the Russian Federation, with the United States on the mutual reduction of strategic nuclear weapons.

Since 1992, a fundamentally new stage in the development of the Strategic Missile Forces has begun - the Strategic Missile Forces, as a type of Armed Forces, are part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the elimination of missile systems of the Strategic Missile Forces outside of Russia is being carried out, the Topol-M missile system is being created and put on alert 5th generation. During this period, the Strategic Missile Forces was headed by a professional rocket scientist, General of the Army Igor Dmitrievich Sergeev (later - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Marshal of the Russian Federation).

In 1997, the Strategic Missile Forces merged with the Military Space Forces and the Rocket and Space Defense Forces. From 1997 to 2001, in addition to missile armies and divisions, the Strategic Missile Forces also included military units and institutions for launching and controlling spacecraft, as well as formations and formations of rocket and space defense.

The Strategic Missile Forces during this period was headed by General of the Army Vladimir Nikolayevich Yakovlev.

Since June 1, 2001, the Strategic Missile Forces have been transformed from a branch of the Armed Forces into two independent, but closely interacting branches of the centrally subordinated troops: the Strategic Missile Forces and the Space Forces. From that time until 2009, the Strategic Missile Forces were headed by the Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel-General Nikolai Evgenyevich Solovtsov, who made a significant contribution to the preservation of the missile group, the structure and composition of the Strategic Missile Forces that ensure nuclear deterrence. Under his leadership, during these years, the Strategic Missile Forces, taking into account the contractual obligations between Russia and the United States, have consistently carried out a number of measures aimed at modernizing and optimizing the combat composition of the missile group while simultaneously carrying out structural transformations of the troops.

In 2009-2010 The Strategic Missile Forces were led by Lieutenant General Andrey Anatolyevich Shvaichenko. During this period, large-scale measures were taken to improve the missile group: missile regiments armed with the new Topol-M mobile ground missile system (PGRK) with the RT-2PM2 missile were put on combat duty, missile regiments armed with "heavy » R-36M UTTKh missiles.

Since June 2010, the Strategic Missile Forces have been headed by Colonel General Sergey Viktorovich Karakaev. The Strategic Missile Forces, in accordance with the international obligations assumed by Russia, are carrying out a planned reduction of the missile group, while at the same time taking measures to maintain it in combat readiness and consistent modernization. Missile regiments armed with the Yars mobile ground-based missile system are put on combat duty, work is underway to create new missile systems and improve the combat control system.

At the present stage of its development, the Strategic Missile Forces include: directorates of 3 missile armies in Vladimir, Omsk and Orenburg, including 12 missile divisions of constant readiness. These missile divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with six types of missile systems, subdivided according to the types of basing into stationary and mobile.

The basis of the stationary-based grouping is made up of rocket launchers with "heavy" (RS-20V "Voevoda") and "light" (RS-18 ("Stillet"), RS-12M2 ("Topol-M") missiles. As part of the mobile-based grouping there are Topol PGRK with the RS-12M missile, Topol-M with the RS-12M2 monoblock missile and Yars PGRK with the RS-12M2R missile and multiple reentry vehicle in mobile and stationary versions.

Further development of the Strategic Missile Forces is planned to be carried out in the directions of maximum preservation of the existing missile group until the expiration of the deadlines for operation and its re-equipment with a new generation of missile systems. In the near future, the Strategic Missile Forces strike group will be re-equipped with an improved missile system developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, with the RS-24 solid-propellant ICBM equipped with a multiple warhead with individually targetable warheads.

Armament and military equipment

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students in general terms with the Strategic Missile Forces as an independent branch of the military,

its purpose, weapons and military equipment.

Time: 45 minutes

Lesson type: combined

Educational visual complex: OBZh textbook Grade 10


I. Introductory part

* Organizing time

* Control of students' knowledge:

- What is the main purpose of the Navy?

- What types of forces are part of the Russian Navy?

- What are the main tasks of the submarine forces of the Russian Navy?

- What famous landing operations were carried out by the forces of the Marine Corps during the Great

Patriotic War of 1941-1945?

Main part

- announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

- explanation of new material : § 37 pp. 186-189.

  1. Purpose, tasks and composition of the Strategic Missile Forces

Strategic Missile Forces - an independent branch of the military, designed to implement nuclear deterrence measures and destroy strategic targets that form the basis of the military and military-economic potential of the enemy.

Nuclear deterrence remains a key element in the field of national security. The Strategic Missile Forces are the main component of all our strategic nuclear forces. They are of particular importance for the security of the country. The Strategic Missile Forces account for 60% of warheads. They are entrusted with 90% of the tasks of nuclear deterrence.

A significant increase in the combat capabilities of the Strategic Missile Forces was given by the integration of the Strategic Missile Forces proper, the Military Space Forces and the Space Missile Defense Forces, which was carried out in 1997. This is not just a mechanical union of the branch of the Armed Forces and the two branches of the armed forces. Integration ensured a clear increase in the effectiveness of combat operations of the combined Strategic Missile Forces.

As a result of the reorganization carried out, the space sector acquires a single person responsible for organizing the use of means in space.

Integration made it possible to increase combat capabilities, optimized the structure, development systems and orders for weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces as a whole.

The Strategic Missile Forces are controlled by the TsKP, which represents an underground city with its own life support systems. Everyone is on duty in the Strategic Missile Forces - from the private to the commander in chief. Combat duty is the highest form of maintaining the combat readiness of the troops and weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Information on the "nuclear briefcase" held by the head of state is issued by the missile and space defense, which is an integral part of the Strategic Missile Forces. It will detect the launch of ballistic missiles, calculate the trajectory of their flight and the area of ​​impact. The command for a return launch is duplicated by wire, radio, through space. There are other ways to bring orders to the troops. The probability is provided full.

Organizationally, the Strategic Missile Forces consist of missile armies and divisions, a training ground, military educational institutions, enterprises and institutions.

  1. Armament and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces

Modern Strategic Missile Forces embodied the achievements of advanced design and engineering. In many respects, domestic missile systems, command and control systems for troops and nuclear missile weapons are unique and have no analogues in the world.

The basis of the weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces are mobile (for example, the Topol mobile ground-based missile system) and stationary missile systems. The overwhelming majority of their missiles are liquid-propellant, equipped with multiple warheads.

In the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as in the naval nuclear component, a course has been taken to leave one type of missile each, which maximally satisfies all prospective requirements. Previously, the missile forces had 11 types of missiles.

Now in service there is a Topol-M missile system - a weapon of the 21st century. Groupings of Topol-M missile systems, together with complexes of Russia's naval and aviation nuclear forces, should ensure a stable nuclear balance and strategic stability at the beginning of this millennium under any forecasted scenarios for the development of the military-political situation.


1) Strategic Missile Forces are the basis of the combat power of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2) The Strategic Missile Forces have the ability to widely maneuver nuclear missile strikes.

3) The Strategic Missile Forces are capable of simultaneously attacking many strategic targets.

4) The combat use of the Strategic Missile Forces does not depend on weather conditions, time of year or day.

The second half of the twentieth century can be safely called the "rocket era". Mankind has been using missiles for quite a long time, but only in the middle of the last century, the development of technology allowed them to be used effectively, including as tactical and strategic weapons.

Today, rockets deliver astronauts into orbit, launch satellites into space, with their help we study distant planets, but rocket technologies have found much wider application in military affairs. It can be said that the advent of effective missiles has completely changed the tactics of warfare both on land and in the air and at sea.

The Russian army is armed only with ballistic missiles. Part Land Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation includes the Missile Troops and Artillery (RV&A), which are the main means of fire destruction of the enemy during combined arms operations. The R&A are armed with multiple launch rocket systems (including high-power ones), operational and tactical missile systems, the missiles of which can be equipped with a nuclear warhead, as well as a wide range of cannon artillery.

"Land" missilemen have their own professional holiday - November 19 is the Day of Russian Missile Forces and Artillery.

History of creation

Man began to launch rockets into the sky a very long time ago, almost immediately after the invention of gunpowder. There is information about the use of rockets for salutes and fireworks in ancient China (from about the 3rd century BC). They tried to use rockets in military affairs - but due to their imperfection, they did not achieve much success at that time. Many prominent minds of the East and West were engaged in missiles, but they were more of an exotic curiosity than an effective means of defeating the enemy.

In the 19th century, Congreve rockets were adopted by the British army, which were used for several decades. However, the accuracy of these missiles left much to be desired, so in the end they were supplanted by cannon artillery.

Interest in the development of rocket technology woke up again after the end of the First World War. Design teams in many countries were engaged in practical work in the field of jet propulsion. And the results were not long in coming. Before the start of the Second World War, the BM-13 multiple launch rocket launcher was created in the USSR - the famous " Katyusha", which later became one of the symbols of the Victory.

In Germany, the development of new rocket engines was carried out by the brilliant designer Wernher von Braun, the creator of the first ballistic missile. V-2 and the "father" of the American Apollo project.

During the war, several more examples of effective missile weapons appeared: a rocket-propelled grenade launcher (German " Faustpatron"and American" bazooka”), the first anti-tank guided missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, the V-1 cruise missile.

After the invention of nuclear weapons, the importance of rocket technology increased many times over: rockets became the main carrier of nuclear charges. And if initially the United States could use strategic aviation stationed at air bases in Europe, Turkey and Japan to deliver nuclear strikes on Soviet territory, then the Soviet Union, in the event of a conflict, could rely only on its strategic missiles.

The first Soviet ballistic missiles were created on the basis of captured German technologies, they had a relatively short flight range and could only perform operational tasks.

The first Soviet ICBM (range 8,000 km) was the R-7 of the famous S. Korolev. It first started in 1957. With the help of the R-7, the first artificial Earth satellite was launched into orbit. In December of the same year, units with long-range ballistic missiles were separated into a separate branch of the armed forces, and brigades armed with tactical and operational-tactical missiles became part of the Ground Forces.

In the 1960s, work on the creation of new models of artillery and missile systems for the Ground Forces was somewhat slowed down, since it was believed that they would be of little use in a global nuclear war. In 1963, the operation of the new MLRS BM-21 "Grad", which is located on armament of the RF Armed Forces and today.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the USSR began to deploy second-generation ICBMs, which were launched from highly protected launch silos. By the beginning of the 1970s, at the cost of incredible efforts, nuclear parity with the Americans was achieved. During the same period, the first mobile launchers of ICBMs were created.

At the end of the 60s, the development of several self-propelled artillery systems began in the USSR at once, which later made up the so-called "flower" series: self-propelled guns " Acacia », « Carnation" and " Peony". They are in service with the Russian army today.

In the early 1970s, an agreement was signed between the USSR and the USA on limiting the number of nuclear charges. After the signing of this document, the Soviet Union significantly outnumbered the United States in terms of the number of missiles and warheads, but the Americans had more advanced technologies, their missiles were more powerful and accurate.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the Strategic Missile Forces received third-generation ICBMs with multiple warheads, and the accuracy of missiles also increased significantly. In 1975, the famous " Satan"- the R-36M missile, which for a long time was the main strike force of the Soviet Strategic Missile Forces, and then the missile forces of the Russian Federation. In the same year, the tactical missile system " Dot ».

At the end of the 80s, mobile and stationary systems of the fourth generation (Topol, RS-22, RS-20V) entered service with the missile forces, a new control system was introduced. In 1987, the MLRS " Tornado”, which for many years was considered the most powerful in the world.

After the collapse of the USSR, all ICBMs from the former Soviet republics were taken to the territory of Russia, and the launch silos were destroyed. In 1996, the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation began to receive fifth-generation ICBMs ("") of stationary basing. In 2009-2010, regiments armed with the new Topol-M mobile complex are introduced into the Strategic Missile Forces.

Today, the replacement of obsolete ICBMs with more modern Topol-M and Yars", the development of a heavy liquid rocket continues" Sarmat ».

In 2010, the US and Russia signed another agreement regarding the number of nuclear warheads and their carriers - SALT-3. According to this document, each country can have no more than 1,550 nuclear warheads and 770 carriers for them. Carriers mean not only ICBMs, but also missile-carrying submarines and strategic aircraft.

Apparently, this treaty does not prohibit the manufacture of missiles with multiple warheads, but at the same time it does not limit the creation of new elements of the missile defense system, which is currently being actively pursued by the United States.

Structure, composition and armament of the Strategic Missile Forces

Today, the Strategic Missile Forces include three armies: the 31st (Orenburg), 27th Guards (Vladimir) and 33rd Guards (Omsk), consisting of twelve missile divisions, as well as the Central Command Post and the Main Headquarters of the Missile Forces.

In addition to military units, the Strategic Missile Forces include several training grounds (Kapustin Yar, Sary-Shagan, Kamchatka), two educational institutions (an academy in Balashikha and an institute in Serpukhov), production facilities and bases for storing and repairing equipment.

Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces of the RF Armed Forces are armed with 305 missile systems of five different types:

  • UR-100NUTTH - 60 (320 warheads);
  • R-36M2 (and its modifications) - 46 (460 warheads);
  • "Topol" - 72 (72 warheads);
  • "Topol-M" (including mine and mobile versions) - 78 (78 warheads);
  • "Yars" - 49 (196 warheads).

In total, the above complexes can carry 1166 nuclear charges.

The Central Command Post (CKP) of the Strategic Missile Forces is located in the village of Vlasikha (Moscow region), it is located in a bunker at a depth of 30 meters. In it, continuous combat duty is carried out by four interchangeable shifts. The communications equipment of the TsKP makes it possible to maintain continuous communication with all other posts of the missile forces and military units, receive information from them and respond to it in a timely manner.

The Russian strategic nuclear forces use the Kazbek automated combat control system, its portable terminal - the so-called "black suitcase", which is constantly with the President of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff have similar "suitcases". Currently, work is underway to modernize the ASBU, the new fifth-generation system will make it possible to quickly retarget ICBMs, as well as bring orders directly to each launcher.

The Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation are equipped with a unique Perimeter system, which in the West is nicknamed the "Dead Hand". It allows you to strike back at the aggressor, even if all the control links of the Strategic Missile Forces are destroyed.

At present, the Strategic Missile Forces are being re-equipped with new Yars missiles with multiple warheads. Tests of a more advanced modification of the Yars, the R-26 Rubezh, have been completed. Work is underway to create a new heavy rocket "Sarmat", which should replace the outdated Soviet "Voevoda".

The development of a new railway missile system continues Barguzin”, However, the timing of its testing is constantly being postponed.

Missile Forces and Artillery (RViA)

The MFA is one of the military branches in the Ground Forces. In addition to the SV, the MFA is part of other structures: coastal troops of the Russian Navy, Airborne Troops, border and internal troops of the Russian Federation.

The R&A consists of artillery, missile and rocket brigades, rocket artillery regiments, high-capacity divisions, as well as units that are part of the brigades of the Ground Forces.

The RVIA has a wide range of weapons at its disposal, which makes it possible to effectively carry out the tasks facing this branch of the military. Although most of these missile and artillery systems were developed back in the Soviet Union, modern systems created in recent years are also entering the troops.

Currently, the Russian army is armed with 48 Tochka-U tactical missile systems, as well as 108 OTRK " Iskander". Both missiles can carry a nuclear warhead.

Barreled self-propelled artillery is represented mainly by samples created back in the Soviet period: self-propelled guns "Gvozdika" (150 units), self-propelled guns "Acacia" (about 800 units), self-propelled guns "Hyacinth-S" (about 100 pieces), self-propelled guns "Pion" (more 300 units, most of them in storage). Also worth mentioning is the 152-mm self-propelled guns "

The RV&A is armed with the following types of towed cannon artillery: the Nona-K howitzer-mortar cannon (100 units), the D-30A howitzer (more than 4,500 units, most of them in storage), the Msta-K howitzer B "(150 units). More than 500 MT-12 anti-tank guns are in service with the MFA to combat enemy armored vehicles. Rapier ».

Multiple launch rocket systems are represented by BM-21 Grad (550 vehicles), BM-27 Uragan (about 200 units) and MLRS BM-30 Smerch (100 units). In recent years, the BM-21 and BM-30 have been modernized, based on them, the Tornado-G and Tornado-S MLRS were created. The improved "Grad" has already begun to enter the troops (about 20 vehicles), "Tornado-S" is still being tested. Work is also underway to modernize the Uragan MLRS.

The MFA is armed with a large number of mortars of various types and calibers: the Vasilek automatic mortar, the Tradnos 82-mm mortar (800 units), the Sani mortar complex (700 units), the self-propelled mortar " Tulip» (430 units).

Further development of the MFA will proceed through the creation of integral circuits, which will include reconnaissance means that will allow finding and hitting targets in real time (“ network-centric warfare"). Currently, much attention is paid to the development of new types of precision-guided munitions, increasing the firing range, and increasing its automation.

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