Business on children: how to make money on educational circles and private schools? Profitable and useful business: educational and leisure center for schoolchildren

Studying at school is a long and difficult process. For the whole day of training, schoolchildren get very tired, both morally and physically. Therefore, in order to at least slightly unload schoolchildren, various circles are organized. Such classes are most often organized by teachers or other persons who have such competence. For example, it can be students, sports coaches, qualified professionals. How to organize a circle?

How to organize a circle at school

It is necessary to ask the principal of the school for permission to organize a circle. This is very important step, because it depends on the director whether your circle will work or not. You must have certificates and documents that show that you are a competent person to lead the circle. School teachers do not have to do this at all when the circle is organized according to their specialty. For example, a physical education coach can conduct a circle of sports events, as this is his main professional skills. When the director of the school allows you to open a circle, a special order must be drawn up on this occasion.

It is necessary to coordinate the schedule and a permanent place for the circle with the school administration. First of all, you need to find a free office. This should be very difficult, because the school must have a free room. If it is not there, then you may be offered an office that will be free after the lesson. If you want to organize paid classes that are directly related to additional equipment, then you must rent a room to accommodate exercise machines and other devices. It is not desirable that the schedule of your circle coincides with the main lesson schedule.

Prepare the room in advance for the lesson. If you want to organize a circle young technicians then prepare appropriate tables, models and posters. You can negotiate with some teachers and take from them necessary materials. For the wrestling section, you need to use the gym, which already has mats and special simulators. To organize a paid circle, the classes of which will be associated with different equipment, then you need to rent a large room to install your simulators.

Plan your lessons carefully. You must consider the method and system of education. To do this, you may need pedagogical skills. You can start a journal in which you will write down all the classes and what topics were studied in them. In the classroom, you can use competitive moments. Pay attention to different games during the lessons and entertainment programs so that students do not lose interest in classes.

How to organize a circle so that it is interesting for students, and they can attend classes in the future, you must have a special approach to each child, since all children are different and have their own requirements.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Nowadays, there is no shortage of all kinds of developing children's centers, educational courses, dance and drawing studios. But with traditional children's leisure centers, which are focused primarily on children of primary school and adolescence, things are not so rosy. Previously, children's leisure centers were exclusively municipal (however, during the Soviet era, there were no private centers at all). And still in every district of the city there are Houses children's creativity or their affiliates. However, there is not enough money from the budget to ensure their full functioning. As a result, the list of programs offered by such centers is very limited, some of the circles are in fact paid (the payment is simply disguised as “voluntary” financial assistance), there are not enough teachers. Yes, and in the summer, Houses of creativity, as a rule, do not work, but the need for their services especially increases when children are on vacation and do not know what to do with themselves.

Thus, a children's leisure center can be a very good idea for own business. However, its implementation will require a lot of effort, time and, of course, funds.

Registration of the leisure center

So, if you decide to open a leisure center, first of all, you need to decide on the form of its registration. Perhaps this is one of the most difficult, but important issues. There are several options - individual entrepreneurship, a limited liability company, or a private educational institution (former NOU).

To decide on the most appropriate form of registration, you need to understand what such an organization will do. Suppose that in our leisure center there will be various classes for children and youth, lectures, and interest clubs will gather. It is also possible that educational activities, courses and further provision of tutoring services (for example, to prepare for the exam).

Most of the activities described fall under the definition of leisure consulting activities (OKVED 92.51. Activities of libraries, archives, institutions club type). OKVED code 92.51. refers to the section "On the provision of other communal, social and personal services":

92. Activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, culture and sports

92.5. Other cultural activities

92.51. Activities of libraries, archives, club-type institutions

This grouping includes the activities of libraries of all kinds, including leading scientific activity, reading rooms, listening rooms, viewing rooms, lecture halls, planetariums, state archives providing services to the general public or certain categories of users (students, scientists, employees of certain institutions, etc.); selection of specialized or non-specialized documents - compilation of catalogs, issuance and storage of books, maps, periodicals, films, phonograph records, magnetic tapes, works of art, etc.; search for the required information, etc.; the activities of club-type institutions: clubs, palaces and houses of culture, houses of folk art, etc. Actually, it is the last point that interests us in the first place.

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The legislation does not impose any special requirements for this type of activity. It is not subject to licensing and can be carried out both within the framework of individual entrepreneurship with the involvement of employees if necessary (of course, not teachers), and in organizations of any legal form.

An individual entrepreneur, like other organizational and legal forms, has the right to carry out independent entrepreneurial activities in any area not prohibited by applicable law. The entrepreneur has the right to perform any commercial operations aimed at making a profit, to act as one of the parties to the contract. As part of the business, an individual entrepreneur has the right to act as an employer (however, there are some "pitfalls" here). In addition, the legislation provides for the possibility for individual entrepreneurs to open bank accounts for settlements with customers and suppliers. All these rights, in turn, impose certain obligations on the IP, which are also determined by the specifics of its legal status. We note another important point: the registration of an individual as individual entrepreneur does not deprive him of general civil rights guaranteed to every citizen of the Russian Federation. For example, the implementation entrepreneurial activity included in the general seniority citizen, which allows him to receive a labor pension in the future. The individual entrepreneur is also subject to other rights that are granted to him by virtue of separate provisions legislation. For example, to receive a disability pension or labor pension upon reaching retirement age.

Registering an IP is the easiest. The whole procedure will take about a week. It consists of several stages, the nature of which depends on the form in which the citizen will go through it - in person, through an online service or through a representative. So, having decided to register and work as an entrepreneur, you should decide whether future businessman enjoy financial assistance allocated by the employment center. If yes, then the first step is to register at the employment center. There you will need to register as unemployed even before registering a business, otherwise you will no longer be able to apply for financial assistance. Another important step in the procedure for obtaining status is the choice of the type of activity. Particular attention should be paid to the type of activity that will be indicated first in the application, since it will be the main one.

For the species in question economic activity Be prepared to provide a certificate of absence of a criminal record at the request of the tax authorities. Such a requirement arises if you are going to engage in educational, educational activities or work with children. By the way, the same certificate will be required if your business is related to sports and tourism. Having decided on the tax system, you can fill out an application for registration of IP 2015 in the form P21001. The form can be obtained from the tax office at the place of residence (there you must also register an individual entrepreneur, regardless of which city you intend to do business in) or download from official sites on the Internet. You can fill out the forms manually or type the text on a computer: the main thing is that there are no mistakes and corrections. It is forbidden to make changes to the printed text; If you suddenly make a mistake, you will have to rewrite the application again.

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The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur has been greatly simplified in connection with the opening of an online registration resource. An absolute plus is that there is no need to go to a notary, fill out paper form, pay the state duty, standing in lines. To register, on the website of the tax service, you need to go through a simple procedure. In addition to personal data, you will also need to indicate the OKVED code. For those wishing to pay the fee for the registration of an entrepreneur, a receipt for payment is generated through the bank. You can also pay with your own bank card, without leaving home. After payment, you should wait for confirmation that the payment has reached the address, and the application has been accepted. Together with him should come to the address Email notification of when you need to come to the Federal Tax Service to complete the registration procedure. When going to the tax office, do not forget to take your passport and the original payment receipt with you (if the payment went through a bank). Another way of registration (quite popular among our compatriots) is through an authorized representative. As such, a lawyer, any specialist in the field of law, as well as any person with experience in registering an individual entrepreneur can act. You can also carry out the entire procedure yourself. The application can be submitted directly to the tax office or through the mail, but then the application must be notarized (or rather, not the application itself, but the signature on it of a person who wants to become an entrepreneur); a copy of the passport must also be notarized. So, the main stages of registration: collection and preparation of documents; the actual writing and execution of an application for registration in the approved form; payment of state duty (in any branch of the bank according to the specified details); sending documents or providing them personally by the applicant to the tax service; if the application is positively considered, you should visit the Federal Tax Service again to obtain documents on registration of individual entrepreneurs. After registration, you will need to open a bank account, notify the tax office about the start of your business, select the form of taxation, order a seal, etc.

With the registration of a limited liability company, the situation is somewhat more complicated. For registration of an LLC, you will have to pay 4,000 rubles. But the company can be registered for two or more participants at the legal address of the head office. LLC can be sold or re-registered. The company maintains accounting records, which is associated with additional costs for an accountant, but for other partner companies, an LLC looks more solid. Although in our case, this solidity is not so necessary. The director, receiving the proceeds, must pay a tax on dividends in the amount of 9%. The founders bear administrative responsibility for the debts and obligations of their company within the framework of authorized capital. The maximum fine for an LLC is 1,000,000 rubles. After the liquidation of the LLC, its obligations also cease. Types of reporting for LLC - tax reporting to extra-budgetary funds. It is possible to withdraw funds from the current account of an LLC only for certain purposes or the payment of dividends with a tax deduction of 9%, so this is not as profitable as in the case of an individual entrepreneur. There are no restrictions on the types of activities for a limited liability company.

As for private educational institutions, it is still more difficult. Effective September 1, 2013 the federal law"On education in Russian Federation» No. 273-FZ regulating educational activities. Changes in the law affected the organizational and legal form of organizations that have the right to conduct training. So, if previously only non-profit organizations(PHOU (former NOU) and ANO), now LLC, CJSC and OJSC can also carry out educational activities on the basis of a license.

Unfortunately, the procedure for obtaining a license for the right to conduct educational activities quite complex, lengthy and expensive. When using the services of intermediaries (and if you go through the registration procedure yourself, without having the relevant experience, it will not be as simple as registering an individual entrepreneur), the establishment of a PEI will cost from 16 thousand rubles. For comparison: the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur includes paying a state duty (800 rubles), making a seal (500 rubles), opening a current account (1,000 rubles). At the same time, a seal and a current account for an entrepreneur are optional.

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Keep in mind that the implementation of educational activities without a license is fraught with serious consequences, including criminal liability. However, there are quite legitimate reasons to avoid the need to issue a license. It is not required for holding one-time lectures, seminars, trainings, organizing exhibitions, providing consultations, etc., but only if after these events are not held final examination and students are not issued documents on education or qualifications. Such documents include diplomas, certificates, certificates, certificates, etc. In addition, individual labor is not licensed. pedagogical activity, including in the field of vocational training.

So, you should give preference to an individual entrepreneur if you are not sure that your business will succeed (an individual entrepreneur is easier and much cheaper to close), if you work independently, without partners, if your clients are mainly individuals, if you do not have a large start-up capital and if at first you are not going to provide services in the field of education (and in the future, if necessary, you can always register as a PEI). In the case of a leisure center, the form of LLC or POU is not the most optimal (under the conditions specified above), so we will not consider them in more detail within this article.

Search for premises and organization of work

The favorable location of the premises of the leisure center is close to busy roads in the sleeping areas of the city, preferably closer to schools. The city center is not the best the best option, since the cost of renting there will be very high, and the number of customers living nearby is not so large. According to various studies most of the “clients” of leisure centers are residents of nearby houses.

For a leisure center, an apartment on the ground floor of a residential building is ideal (however, it will need to be transferred from the housing stock to non-residential, and this requires additional costs, and very considerable ones). Compared to a kindergarten, there are no strict requirements for a space for a leisure center. It simply must comply with general sanitary and technical standards and fire safety rules. However, be prepared to explain this to various reviewing authorities. The fact is that the activities of private leisure centers (as well as various family clubs and developmental centers for children) are not regulated by law. Accordingly, officials often confuse them with kindergartens, demanding (unreasonably) compliance with SANPINs prescribed for educational institutions.

Most likely without cosmetic repairs leased or purchased premises are indispensable. Design refinements, of course, are needed. Enough to be light, clean and comfortable. The best option is to rent an area on the territory of the school or the house of creativity. In this case, you can save on repairs, purchase of necessary furniture, equipment, and also partly on advertising (after all, your center will be located in the place where your potential customers “live”).

If you were not lucky enough to find a turnkey room, then in addition to repairs, you will also have to spend money on the purchase of furniture. The exact list of necessary furniture depends on what you are going to do in your center. The standard set includes chairs, tables (if, for example, you are going to lead a circle in chess or modeling, training courses to enter a school or university), as well as racks and shelves for supplies, teaching aids, books, cabinets or hangers for outerwear, boards, etc. Also consider spending on “props”, musical instruments(unless, of course, you need them for work), demo materials, etc.

The issue of personnel selection deserves special attention. If your institution does not bear the proud title of "educational", then the presence teacher education your employees do not have to. However, it is still very desirable, because they will work with children. Even if you are not going to teach, but see your leisure center more as a club of interests, when choosing employees, you should pay attention to whether they have special education (pedagogical or psychological) and / or relevant work experience. Finding such enthusiasts will not be easy, because, most likely, you are unlikely to be able to offer them great wages, at least in the first months of the existence of the center. And it doesn't make sense to hire employees. At the very beginning, you can manage on your own, and then look for like-minded people among creative people, school teachers and university professors. In addition to people who will lead certain classes in your center, you can invite specialists in various fields to conduct master classes (primarily in needlework). You will also need an accountant and possibly a security guard.

So, you have registered as an individual entrepreneur, you have all the documents in order, there is a program of classes that you plan to conduct, employees have already been found and purchased expendable materials. Now it's time to think about how you will attract customers to your center. You can't do without investing in advertising. It is best to use several channels at once - to make your own website, print business cards, advertise in print media and on thematic sites on the Internet, prepare advertising booklets. The most budgetary and at the same time effective method search for customers - advertising on the Internet. It is desirable that you have your own website. This can be a very simple version of a business card site from one page with a list of services and contacts of your leisure center. You may not invest in its promotion (and it is unlikely that many users will search for you by the query “leisure center”, and promotion for other, higher-frequency queries can cost a pretty penny), but if you wish, your potential customers will always be able to find you. In addition, you can link to your site by placing your ads on various thematic resources on the Internet. The banner “works” perfectly or (the best option) is a commercial theme at a regional forum where most of their time mothers of children aged 0 years and older. Don't forget the communities in social networks– many clients of such centers come from there.

Leisure center expenses and income

Most great articles expenses when opening your own leisure center for children school age This is rent and renovation. Experts estimate the minimum starting capital for organizing this kind of business at 250 thousand rubles. And only the equipment of the premises will take at least 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can save on everything that does not affect the quality of customer service. That is, if you definitely cannot do without a competent and polite administrator or an experienced teacher, then you can save on office equipment or stationery without compromising the quality of your work.

Such a business is considered seasonal. The season lasts from September to May with a noticeable decline in January and February. However, unlike other similar institutions, the leisure center can work quite successfully in the summer. And at the expense of new customers, because it is in summer months many parents who have previously different reasons could not take their children to extracurricular activities, are looking for an alternative for them to walk in the yard for the summer or computer games. In the warm season, you can organize offsite classes in the format of excursions, hikes or summer camps.

Is it worth opening such a center in a crisis? Entrepreneurs and analysts believe that just at a difficult time from an economic point of view, the services of such clubs will be especially in demand. Many people this summer refused to travel to the sea, and children in summer time need to do something. Interesting programs and thematic classes - all this will attract the attention of potential customers. Please note that you need to advertise summer programs in advance - starting from mid-April. Actively post information about your "summer camp" using the Internet and flyers. Address your advertising, first of all, to parents of school-age children (you can agree with schools and start posting information about your center on the territory of schools in your area in the spring). Unlike conventional programs, summer programs are recommended to be short - lasting up to two weeks and no more.

The payback period for such a business with investments of about 250 thousand rubles is from one year. You can recoup the costs earlier, but for this you will have to raise the prices for your services. Meanwhile, the format of the leisure center initially implies the availability of its services for people with any level of income. Payment is usually made on a monthly basis. The cost of classes is from 500 rubles per month and more (it all depends on the subject, the frequency of the behavior of classes, the duration of the course, etc.). It is also necessary to provide for the possibility of making payment for individual classes.

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According to some experts, the profitability of a dance studio reaches 50 percent, but this is too average, because a lot depends on various factors but you can...

One of the most promising businesses today is the business of education and organization of children's leisure. At first glance, there is huge competition there, because every year new schools, private kindergartens, clubs, and so on are opened. But if you take a closer look, it turns out that the choice is meager. Especially in the regions. Today you can successfully open not only courses of English language for children, but also to organize a full-fledged school or Kindergarten ik. In addition to being interesting, it is also profitable.

1. Private kindergarten. Alternatively, you can open a private kindergarten. You will need to find a good location, as well as Special attention give to the training program. Parents want this kindergarten not only comfort and quality nutrition for the child, but also a good educational and developmental program that would prepare children for school. And here is whole line problems. First, it is quite difficult to find a good methodologist. Secondly, there are issues of a purely legal nature, and they will also have to be addressed. But all this can be rewarded very well - there is a huge problem with kindergartens and this service would be in great demand.

2. Private school. The same is true for private schools. A school with a deepening in the study of a subject, and even in small groups, is a dream of parents. But to organize a business in this area, you will also have to take care of the legal aspects of the activity and the teaching methods. The experience of teachers, the number of people in groups, additional classes, and the ability to organize studies in such a way that children do all their homework in the classroom, and not go home with them, will be important. You can make good money in a private school. Especially if you are flexible and adapt to your parents - in this case, parents are ready to pay not only for the quality education of the child, but also for the fact that he is constantly supervised, has hot meals, does his homework with high quality, develops creatively, and not only school program.

You can make good money in a private school. Especially if you are flexible and adapt to your parents - in this case, parents are ready to pay not only for the quality education of the child, but also for the fact that he is constantly supervised, has hot meals, does his homework with high quality, develops creatively, and not only school program.

3. Language circles. This is one of the most popular businesses for those who want to educate children. In this case, teachers can be invited for certain hours, you can also rent a room for children's language courses at certain time. All this reduces the cost of starting your own company. However, it is worth considering the fact that competition in this area is quite high. Nevertheless, language circles can be successfully promoted. It is important to come up with a kind of bait for parents. One of interesting ideas maybe placing the language center in some mall. Parents with children can come there, and while adults are shopping, children can study in the language center.

4. Circles of interest. Another interesting, but absolutely undeveloped direction for teaching children is circles. Such circles were especially popular in the USSR, when there were children's homes for creativity, music, art and choreography schools. All this exists now, but the choice of circles is rather small. Especially if you take into account the fact that children in such circles and elective courses are given academic knowledge, but few people use new teaching methods. And there are practically no new items introduced. Against the background of such a situation, it would be very advantageous to open a circle on robotics or fashion design. These are new areas of creativity that are directly applied in nature. You can also develop scientific areas, for example, chemistry, biology, physics. There have long been companies abroad that successfully sell franchises for chemistry circles. There are children high school learn and have fun at the same time - well, what could be more interesting than real chemical experiments!

5. Theatrical electives. Theatrical creativity circles stand apart. In the theater circles, you can teach many different subjects. From drawing and makeup to music, plastics and dancing. If you take the time to develop your own program, you will get a very good offer on the market of educational services for children.

Personal experience

6. Children's business schools. Finally, some parents dream of their children becoming business and successful people. To help comprehend the science of managing finances, ideas and companies is helped in business schools for children. There, children can learn not only to count and come up with ideas, but also to earn real pocket money by selling something to their friends, as well as to everyone who wants to buy a product. Such business schools for children have existed abroad for a long time and successfully find clients for themselves.

As you can see, education can really make money. And if you manage to develop a really high-quality system for teaching children something, then in your private school there will be a queue.



Ask permission from the director. This is the most important step. It is usually necessary to have documents and documents confirming that you are a competent person to conduct classes. Teachers do not have to do this if circle will be in their specialty. For example, physical education can lead circle sports activities, as it corresponds to his professional skills. After the director allows you to organize a circle, an appropriate order will be drawn up.

Coordinate the schedule and location of classes with the school administration. First of all, you need to find an office. This is not so difficult, since there is probably a free room in there. If not, you will be offered an office that will be free after the lessons. When organizing paid classes related to additional equipment, you will need to rent a room for your simulators and other devices. The schedule for visiting the circle should not coincide with the school schedule. Remember that additional classes should not interfere with the main ones.

Prepare the room for class. If you are organizing circle young technicians, stock up on the necessary tables, posters and models. You can negotiate with teachers and take materials from them at the time of class. For wrestling sections, use the gym. There are usually mats and exercise equipment. When organizing paid classes related to additional equipment, you will need to rent a room to accommodate your simulators and other devices.

Make a lesson plan. It is necessary to fully think over the system and method of training. This requires pedagogical skills. Get one in which you will mark the number of classes and what is being studied in them. Before that you must do complete scheme learning. In it, indicate the goals, stages, methods of training. Introduce systems to stimulate students. You can also use the competitive moment. When conducting a circle, do not forget to devote time to games and other entertainment programs. Otherwise, students will lose interest in the lessons.


  • club at school

Organization magazine, like any other type of entrepreneurial activity, makes a person responsible to the administration of a city or an entire state. In addition to many standard legal issues, you will have to show your organizational and Creative skills and opportunities.

You will need

  • Artists, typesetters, editors and a bit of luck


Get familiar with bookkeeping. Before proceeding to the "main course", it is worth settling all issues with tax office and government structures. Depending on the scale of distribution magazine, you will need a different set of certificates and documents. In any case, start by registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, the first option would be somewhat easier to issue, but this is far from always possible for the type of activity you have chosen.

Pick your staff. Those people who will work in your editorial office will determine the face of your magazine. Properly treat the choice of layout designers, designers and journalists. At first, you can use the services of freelancers, selecting high-quality and reliable personnel. But know that having noticed a good journalist or artist, you need to offer him a full-time job as soon as possible before your competitors do.

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Already in school years Many people try to stand out from others. It is for such active students that school self-government is created, which makes it possible to reveal talents and organizational skills.


Select the president of the School Council by voting. But before that, introduce all the candidates to the rest of the students. Set aside some time when everyone can present themselves, talk about their ideas, plans, etc. Assign a number to each candidate. Then, in all classes, hold a closed . After the president has been chosen, conduct a set of ministers. This can be done directly at the first meeting.

Do not forget to support the School Duma, make it one of the main parts of the school. Hold meetings, assign tasks that students can solve. Organize a self-management day for Teacher's Day. Allow high school students to take over all the work in, i.e. select principal, teachers, etc. Tell them about their responsibilities, give them the opportunity to feel like adults and serious people.

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Tip 4: How to organize individual student learning

The first academic year in a child's life is usually expected with joy both by himself and his parents. However, not all children go through the period of adaptation to school smoothly. In addition, it can completely discourage the student's desire to learn. In such a situation, parents often think about how they can organize the individual education of the child.

You will need

  • - an application addressed to the principal of the school;
  • - medical certificate-examination;
  • - the schedule of the child's education;
  • - teaching aids;
  • - a computer.


If you want to transfer your child to full individual education without going to school, first of all, find out if there are educational institution the right to transfer to a similar form of education at the request of parents. If the institution has such capabilities, write an appropriate application addressed to the director. The form for drawing up the document will be provided to you by the school administration.

Get a medical opinion about your child's health. The psychological and pedagogical council will identify the educational opportunities and needs of the student by analyzing his psychological and physical state on the this moment.

Coordinate with the administration and teachers of the school the schedule for teaching your child at home. If, in addition to the required hours, you would like to add teaching load additional lessons in any subjects, you will have to pay for them yourself.

If it is necessary to organize additional individual training for the child outside of school, hire a tutor for him or act in this role yourself. To do this, you can take in the library or buy in the store methods-guidelines for teaching basic subjects in the primary level. Schedule your lessons with your child, equip a comfortable workplace, make sure that no one interferes with you at this time. Don't forget about checks and independent work, do not indulge the laziness of the child, give him well-deserved marks. Adhere to the principles of systematic and consistent individual approach and scientific in organizing their additional individual lessons.

Use a variety of computer assistant programs to organize individual learning for your child. The modern assortment of stores and representing such discs is quite diverse and you can find almost any material that interests you. Such learning tools are very convenient in that you can return to the explanation recorded on the disk at any time and countless times.

Child development is one of the areas that parents pay special attention to and give great importance. Modern tendencies are such that the child begins to learn almost from birth. Technique of reading from a diaper, learning to write, sculpt, count, etc. - baby can practice various methods for hours, if that's what the parents want.

When children grow up a little, the question of choosing the right direction further development becomes even more acute for parents. After all, the division of circles and activities begins not only according to interests, but also according to gender. Parents usually have a harder time. After all, almost any type of activity is suitable, including complex sports hobbies. With often the situation is different, because parents are very afraid of making a mistake and sending their child to classes that are defined as “girlish”. And there, it’s not far from the fact that the child will simply begin to be teased for an inappropriate method of development.

Psychologists assure that only notorious parents can pay attention to these prejudices. In fact, it is necessary to choose those activities that the child likes more. Therefore, it is worth taking a lot of time to decide exactly where for further development.

Remember that if your son likes to draw more than kick the ball on the field, this does not mean at all that he is not like all "normal" boys. It just has a slightly different internal organization.


Traditionally, boys are given to various sport sections. Hockey, football - the list can be listed non-stop and for a very long time. Indeed, sport develops and tempers the character of the future man very well. It allows you to think more logically, teaches you not to get lost in difficult situations and at the same time makes it possible to learn how to make decisions at a critical moment.

In addition, sport has a very good effect on the health of the child and makes it possible to strengthen it if the boy was sickly and frail from childhood.

Often, sport is a traumatic type of developmental activity, so it is impossible to be 100% protected from bruises. But there is nothing to worry about, minor injuries only harden the boy, turning him into a real man.


Naturally, you should look closely at your child very carefully. It is possible that sport is not his element. Maybe he likes to draw or write poetry more. Alternatively, the son can play music perfectly and have perfect hearing. In this case, it should be given to various creative circles - drawing, singing, music, modeling, etc. At the same time, it is not worth thinking that an inferior, “fake” man will grow out of him. After all, history knows a huge number of examples famous singers, artists, composers, etc., no one will dare to call them unmanly or somehow not so.

What to Consider

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of the child himself. After all, if he goes to classes under duress, nothing good will come of it. And it would be very difficult to call such circles developing. Moreover, you need to follow this rule even if you desperately want your son to do something else. Psychologists say that parents too often transfer their expectations to their children in order to still force them to study in places other than where the children themselves would like.

Choosing a place to study is not so difficult. Discuss with your child what he would like to do, and then proceed to choose a place. It is desirable that circles and sections are not very far from home. So that while the child goes to class, he does not have

This is not a report being asked. Here, apparently, the leader of the circle has not quite the right concepts. If this is at the local recreation center, then the head is officially engaged in additional education at the expense of the budget. It used to be called a circle. In order for money from the budget to be allocated for the salary of the head, all relevant documents must be available. And this is at least the program of this very additional education. This is not gathered, invented and tied. It should be exactly a program with goals, objectives, final works, etc. If the leadership of the DC allowed everything to take its course, then this does not honor such leadership. I would even think about it. If everything is so neglected in such a question, then it is not surprising if the same thing happens in financial matters and material support. Most likely, the leader of this circle for adults with no experience chose the type of activity that she herself is passionate about. But she didn't think of the program at all. Most likely I thought I would come to work and knit something there. Those. there was no training system. There was no progress in learning. The ability to knit is progress only in skills. And apparently new people did not receive knowledge, and those who knit for a long time. Perhaps, having familiarized herself with a program that can be drawn up for just a year, she would have a completely different numerical strength, with different skills. In this situation, for starters, the leader needs to REALIZE what she is doing. Those. understand that it is necessary to set goals and objectives for the year, think over topics, know the results after graduation. Then convey it all to female students. So tell, in January you will be able to do this, and then we will tie it up, in February you will learn this, and this, etc. People will have a clear idea of ​​what they go to the circle for, what they will get there. The leader, of course, must work in this direction himself, and not just come to working time and pursue your own hobby for a salary. Of course, with such "non-work" people will leave. It's not just heart-to-heart gatherings. Every success comes with hard work. Well, it would probably be worth dividing people into groups, with separate programs for each group. What is interesting for beginners is not interesting for experienced craftswomen. And to get them interested, you also need to try. But of course, the first thing you need to do is draw up a program. This is an incentive for both the leader and those attending classes. Now there are many ready-made programs on the Internet. You can see what to take as a basis and adapt already for your women. Start with the main one. Goals and objectives, and then break everything into topics, adjusting to the "needs" of attending classes.

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