Tavria State Agrotechnological University. tgatu file archive. studfiles. Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanization

Taurida State Agrotechnological University
original name

Taurian State Agrotechnical University

Former names

Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanization (MIASH)

Year of foundation

Kyurchev Vladimir Nikolaevich

Legal address

72316, Zaporozhye region, Melitopol. 18 B. Khmelnytsky Ave.

Coordinates : 46°50′46″ N sh. 35°22′23″ E d. /  46.846111° N. sh. 35.373056° E d.(G) (O) (I)46.846111 , 35.373056

Taurida State Agrotechnological University(ukr. Taurian State Agrotechnical University) - University of Melitopol, specializing in the training of specialists in the maintenance of agricultural machinery, as well as training specialists in the field of economics, finance, computer technology and other areas.


Background of the university

The university began its history in 1874, when within the walls of the Real School of the city they began to train specialists in working with agricultural machinery, which slowly appeared on domestic fields. In 1920 - 1921, the first vocational school was opened on the basis of the Melitopol craft workshops. In 1922, it was reorganized into a mechanical and construction school, which in 1926 merged with the chemical-technical school, forming a polytechnic vocational school. In 1930, the Polytechnic School was reorganized into three technical schools, one of which was the Agricultural Industrialization College.


In October 1932, a technical university-plant was created on the basis of the technical school for the industrialization of agriculture. VTUZ them. OGPU. In 1934-1935, 13 departments worked at the VTUZ, and about 500 students studied in three courses. In 1937, the VTUZ graduated 96 first mechanical engineers.

Started work in 1938 Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanical Engineers.

Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanization

In 1954, a postgraduate course was organized at the Moscow Institute of Agriculture; in 1979, the Faculty of Advanced Training for Managers and Agricultural Specialists was opened. In 1962, 4 faculties worked at the institute and 3500 students studied. In the 1960s - 1980s, the number of graduates of the institute increased significantly, a number of new faculties and specialties were opened.

In 1981, for success in the training of highly qualified specialists, the MIMSH was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Taurida State Agrotechnical Academy and Agrotechnological University

In 1993, MIMSH receives the fourth level of accreditation, and in 1994 it becomes Taurida State Agrotechnical Academy.

In 1997, the Melitopol College of Hydroreclamation and Agricultural Mechanization was included in the Academy.

In 2007, the Tauride State Agrotechnical Academy was renamed into Taurida State Agrotechnological University.

University structure

The university includes 5 faculties:

The university includes:

  • Educational and Scientific Institute of Correspondence and Distance Education.
  • Department of International Relations. department website

The university also has 6 colleges:

The university has a museum and a scientific library. The university publishes the newspaper "Agro Tavria" and owns the recreation center "Salyut" in the village of Kirillovka.


Great success was achieved in the late 1950s and early 1960s by the football team of the Ministry of Agriculture Burevestnik. She was a 4-time champion of the Zaporozhye region, in 1961 she took 3rd place in the European competitions of the institute football teams, and in 1963-1966 she played in the zone of the Ukrainian SSR class "B" of the USSR championship, rising in 1963 to the 4th places.

Famous graduates

  • Dontsov, Dmitry Ivanovich (1883-1973) - Ukrainian literary critic, publicist, politician, philosopher, ideologist of Ukrainian nationalism, oriented towards European nationalism.
  • Motorny, Dmitry Konstantinovich (born 1927) - innovator of agricultural production, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of Ukraine.
  • Chuprun, Vadim Prokofievich (born 1943) - Ukrainian politician, chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council (1992-1994) and Donetsk Regional State Administration (2005-2006), First Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine (2006-2008), Deputy Chairman of the Board of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine "(since 2008).
  • Khoralov, Arkady Dmitrievich (born 1951) - popular pop singer, composer.
  • Sychev, Dmitry Viktorovich (1972-2010) - Mayor of Melitopol in 2006-2010.



went through several stages in its development. In 1920 - 1921 a vocational school was created on the basis of Melitopol craft workshops, in 1926 it was transformed into a polytechnic vocational school. In 1930 the school was reorganized into three technical schools. In 1931, on the basis of the leading of the three technical schools - the technical school for the industrialization of agriculture, a plant-technical school named after. OGPU.

In 1932, on the basis of the plant-technical school, a plant-combine of agricultural engineering was formed. The structure of the plant-combine, in particular, included the Institute for the Training of Mechanical Engineers. Thus, 1932 is considered the date of foundation

In 1938, the Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanical Engineers (MIASH) began functioning as an independent higher educational institution. In 1994, this university was transformed into Taurida State Agrotechnical Academy. Not so long ago, in 2007, the Taurida State Agrotechnical Academy received the status . TGATU has IV level of accreditation.

It successfully provides high quality training of specialists, adhering to modern approaches to educational and pedagogical activities and using a powerful, state-of-the-art technical base. The emphasis in education is primarily on practical training , TGATU accepts the challenge of time, actively cooperating with employers. The university cooperates with foreign higher educational institutions - students and teachers have the opportunity to study and train in more than 10 countries of the world.

Part TGATU belong to 6 colleges - Melitopol, Berdyansk, Zaporozhye, Novokahovsky, Vasilevsky, Nogai.

Today, taking into account all structural divisions, in TGATU more than 12 thousand students study. AT only 5 faculties work, namely: Agrotechnologies and Ecology, Mechanical and Technological, Engineering and Computer Technologies, Economics and Business and Energy Faculty.

Areas of training in Taurida State Agrotechnological University

Graduate TGATU receive bachelor's, specialist's or master's degrees in the following areas of training:


Ecology, environmental protection and sustainable nature management;

mechanical engineering;

Processes, machines and equipment of APV;

Energy and electrical systems in the agro-industrial complex;

Food Technology and Engineering;

Occupational Safety and Health;

Computer science;

Enterprise economy;

Accounting and Auditing;

Finance and credit;


There are 33 departments in the university, where agricultural scientists, more than 40 doctors of sciences and professors, more than 250 candidates of sciences and associate professors work.

AT Taurida State Agrotechnological University there is an opportunity for postgraduate and doctoral studies in 3 directions and 7 specialties. AT TGATU there are specialized academic councils for the defense of dissertations.

Contacts TGATU

The university building is one of the most beautiful buildings in the city. located in the city center, on the main avenue. The address TGATU: Zaporozhye region, Melitopol, B. Khmelnitsky ave. 18.

Newspaper "Agro Tavria" - a symbol Taurida State Agrotechnological University

The newspaper "Agro Tavria" is a symbol TGATU since 1990. The newspaper is published monthly as a printed edition of the university, has a circulation of 1500 copies. The editorial board of the newspaper is represented by the most famous scientists of the university. The newspaper is distributed not only among teachers and students of the university, but also sent to schools, technical schools, vocational schools, agro-industrial universities. The publication tells about the events and achievements Taurida State Agrotechnological University. Her latest achievement is the victory in the nomination "Best coverage of the educational and pedagogical process" in the competition for the best newspaper of HEIs of III-IV levels of accreditation of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.

Sports are developing at the university. Sport Club TGATU Tavria University holds mass sports events in such sports as athletics, basketball, volleyball, football, handball, aerobics, freestyle wrestling, table tennis, etc. Among the achievements of the sports club TGATU it can be noted that the university team in volleyball is the winner of the championship of Ukraine in the highest student league, representatives of the university team in powerlifting, kettlebell lifting, freestyle wrestling are champions and prize-winners of the World Championship, World Cup, winners of the Ukrainian Cup, Ukrainian Championship, European Championship, etc. tournaments.

The Department of Physical Education has a game room (350m 2), weightlifting room (80m 2), men's (210m 2) and women's (68m 2) gyms, a hall for psycho-physical unloading (40m 2).

Dormitories Taurida State Agrotechnological University No. 1, 3, 4 are the best hostels in the city. The dormitories regularly carry out high-quality current repairs, in which the existing and future residents of the dormitory are involved. For the organization of leisure and entertainment, themed musical evenings and holidays are held in the hostels. In the buildings there are special rest rooms, hotel rooms, rooms for storing personal belongings of students.

On each floor of the hostel there are 12 residential blocks, two kitchens, two laundry rooms with dryers, four balconies. Each residential block has two rooms, the first for two students (12m 2), the second for three students (18m 2). Those who wish to go in for sports can do it in the hostel, where sports halls function.

The library is both in the hostel (branch) and at the university. The library has all conditions for fruitful scientific work of students and self-development.

In the territory Taurida State Agrotechnological University there is a complex that provides additional household services on preferential terms, in particular, there is a clothing and footwear repair point, a hairdresser's.

Health complex TGATU"SALUT" offers everyone a holiday on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov in the village. Kirillovka and rooms of economy and premium class.

TGATU was the first Ukrainian agricultural university to be certified as a quality management system in education that complies with the international standard ISO 9001:2008.

But the ratings calculated by Ukrainian experts were not highly appreciated TGATU. In the Webometrics University Rankings took 178th place, which is significantly lower than such universities of the region as ZNU and ZNTU, and only 70th place in the ranking of universities "TOP-200 Ukraine".

For budget places Taurida State Agrotechnological University the competition is low, because among bachelors about 2.72 people apply for 1 state-funded place, among specialists such 1.66 people/place, and among masters 1.42 people/place.

So, Taurida State Agrotechnological University, TSATU is the center of student leisure and development in Melitopol.

Sincerely, IC "KURSOVIKS"!

Taurida State Agrotechnological University (TGATU) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

Taurida State Agrotechnological University is one of the leading educational institutions in the southeastern region of Ukraine.

The structure of the Taurida State Agrotechnological University includes:

  • 6 colleges - Melitopol, Novokahovsky, Berdyansk, Vasilyevsky, Nogai, Orekhovsky;
  • 6 institutes - Research Institute of Mechanization of Agriculture in the South of Ukraine, Research Institute of Agrotechnologies and Ecology, Research Institute of Social and Economic Development agro-industrial production in the south of Ukraine, Research Institute of Irrigated Horticulture, UNI university-wide training, institute postgraduate education and counseling.

Today, more than 10 thousand students study at the university center of the Taurida State Agrotechnological University.

Organization of the educational process at the Taurida State Agrotechnological University

The educational process at the university is organized in accordance with the modern requirements of the country's agro-industrial complex. At 5 faculties, where almost 7 thousand students study, the latest innovative technologies are introduced, the most modern computer equipment is used, and much attention is paid to the practical training of students.

Training of specialists is carried out according to the educational qualification levels "Bachelor", "Specialist", "Master" in the following areas:

  • processes, machines and equipment of APV;
  • energy and electrical systems in the agro-industrial complex;
  • enterprise economy;
  • Accounting and Auditing;
  • finance and credit;
  • marketing;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • computer science;
  • ecology, environmental protection and balanced nature management;
  • agronomy;
  • occupational Safety and Health;
  • food technology and engineering.

A highly professional teaching staff has been formed at the Taurida State Agrotechnological University. The modern level of education at 29 departments of the university is provided by well-known scientists in the agricultural sector, experienced teachers, including more than 40 doctors of sciences, professors, more than 250 candidates of sciences, associate professors. The activities of 20 professorial scientific schools significantly improve the quality of training specialists.

The training of scientific personnel is carried out in the postgraduate and doctoral studies of the university, where about 20 doctoral students, more than 100 graduate students and applicants are currently studying in 3 areas and 7 specialties. With the direct participation of leading scientists at the university, 2 specialized scientific councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses work fruitfully.

Over the past 5 years, more than 200 university teachers and young scientists have been trained and trained in more than 10 countries around the world.

Admission to Taurida State Agrotechnological University

Citizens of Ukraine who have an appropriate educational (educational qualification) level and have expressed a desire to get a higher education are admitted to the Taurida State Agrotechnological University.

Admission to the university is carried out for the training of specialists in the areas of the educational and qualification level of the bachelor, specialties of the educational and qualification level of the specialist, as well as in certain specialties of the educational and qualification level of the master.

The normative content and duration of training for all educational and qualification levels are determined by the standards of higher education and the corresponding curricula.

Persons who have a state document on complete general secondary education are allowed to participate in the competition for admission to the first year of study in educational qualification programs of bachelors.

Admission to the training of specialists of the educational and qualification levels of a specialist, master is carried out on the basis of the obtained educational and qualification level of a bachelor.

Admission to the training of specialists of the educational and qualification level of a master at the expense of individuals (legal entities) is also carried out on the basis of the obtained educational and qualification level of a specialist.

The University has the right to enroll on a competitive basis for the first year students who have received higher education at the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist, in particular, to continue their studies with a reduced training period for specialists at the educational and qualification level of a bachelor, subject to admission to the appropriate area of ​​training.

August 1874 A real school was founded in Melitopol, which trains specialists in working with agricultural machinery.

January 1921 A vocational school has been opened on the basis of grades 6-7 of the real school.

1922 The vocational school was reorganized into a mechanical-construction school.

1926 Mechanical-construction and chemical-technical schools merge into a polytechnic vocational school.

1930 The Polytechnic School was reorganized into three technical schools, one of which is the technical school for the industrialization of agriculture.

October 1932 On the basis of the technical school for the industrialization of agriculture, a technical university-plant of the VTUZ them. OGPU (United State Political Directorate - the predecessor of the NKVD and the KGB).

1933 Scientific Design Bureau

1934 The first brake system for testing motor vehicles

1934-1935 There are 13 departments in VTUZ, and about 500 students study in three courses.

1935 A team of students from the VTUZ plant. Latyshev is driving, Adaryukhov is sitting, Abramovich is at the dadiator

1935 Athletes of the Institute

1936 Winners of athletics competitions, awarded with a trip to the Crimea

1936 Kirillovka. Holiday home MIMSH

1937 VTUZ produces 96 first mechanical engineers.

1937 Checking the brake system

1937 During practice

1937 Equestrian school for workers of the educational farm and students of MIMSKh

1937 Gliders

1938 VTUZ was reorganized into the Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanical Engineers.

1938 On the roof of building No. 1. V. I. Kalinin and V. L. Orlov

1939 Students and workers of MIMSKh - participants in the bike ride Melitopol - Perekop - Melitopol

1939 On the territory of the Melitopol region, the institute creates an educational farm, which will later grow into the village of Lazurnoye.

1940 Skydiving

June 20, 1941, two days before the start of the Great Patriotic War, Nikolai Gorodetsky received a diploma with honors

1941 With the outbreak of war, the institute was evacuated. At this moment, 50 teachers work in it, including 3 professors and 5 candidates of sciences.

1944 The institute returns to the liberated Melitopol and is renamed the Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanization (MIA).

1944 Main building destroyed during the war

Hero of the Soviet Union, tanker, graduate of the institute, Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Malyuga. Killed February 14, 1945 in Poland.

Posthumous title of Hero of the Soviet Union (1945)

Characteristics of Nikolai Malyuga. Worker by "social origin", "politically developed".

1946 Destroyed Building No. 1

1946 The beginning of the restoration of building No. 1

1946 Women's volleyball team

1947 Restoration of the main building

1948 Restored Building No. 1

1948 Construction of an institute rest house

1948 Dining room, biochemical laboratory and dormitory of MIMSKh on the street. Vorovskogo, 18 (now B. Khmelnitsky Avenue)

1948 Residential building on the street. Dzerzhinsky, 57-B

1948 Kirillovka. The staff of the rest house MIMSKh

1949 Rebuilt left wing

1952 Construction of a foundation pit for hostel No. 2

1954 Construction of the MIMSH hostel No. 2 (now building No. 9)

1954 Postgraduate studies are organized at MIMSKh.

1954 Drawing room in the new wing

1956 Range shooters

1957 Institute volleyball teams

1957 First motorcycle driving lesson

1958 Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue. Store "Children's World", the slogan "Glory to the CPSU!"

1960 Main building

1960 Main building

Approximately 1960 Agricultural technical school building

Around 1960 Prospect Bogdan Khmelnitsky

Around 1960 Prospect Bogdan Khmelnitsky

Approximately 1960 Bohdan Khmelnitsky Avenue. Sculpture "Let the world live!" and a dividing strip near the intersection with the street. Dzerzhinsky

Approximately 1960 Monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky in the old place at the beginning of the avenue

Around 1960 Railway station building

1960 Athlete shooters

1967 Circle of Radiotelegraphers

1970 Left - Ermolaev

1970 The preparatory department begins to operate, full-time and correspondence courses to prepare rural youth for entering the institute.

May 1, 1976

October 1980 Construction of a recreation center in Kirillovka

1981 For success in training highly qualified specialists, MIMSH was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

1993 MIMSH receives a license for educational activities and at the same time passes accreditation for the fourth level.

1994 MIMSH was reorganized into the Taurida State Agrotechnological Academy (TGATA).

1997 The Melitopol College of Hydroreclamation and Mechanization of Agriculture (Agricultural College) joins TSATA.

2002 Ermolaev with students

2007 TSATA was reorganized into the Taurida State Agrotechnological University (TSATU).

We express our gratitude to the TSATU museum for the pictures and Valery Eremeev for participating in the organization of the material.

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