Singer dzhigan and his family. The success story of Oksana Samoilova: interesting facts you need to know about the wife of rapper Dzhigan. Childhood and school years

This topic became especially relevant after Oksana posted in social media photo from Maldives. As it turned out, the whole family decided to go there on vacation. The star herself was incredibly happy about this vacation:

“Suitcases, flights, transfers, children, children, children and we are finally there”


But attentive subscribers remember that Oksana returned to Russia a little over a month ago from her last vacation. The family also spent most of the summer abroad. Many fans wondered where the mother of many children got a day for constant travel. In the comments, they tried to figure it out themselves:

"What is her job?"

“I apparently don’t work much, from 7-20.00, I need days like Oksana ... to go to the seaside every month”

"Recently returned from vacation"

“I’m not tired of resting ... where does the money for this all come from, you’re a housewife”

“Yes, everything is paid by Djigan, well, why are you!”

In fact, Oksana's fans are mistaken in thinking that she is a housewife: Dzhigan's wife has her own clothing brand, which definitely brings her income. Moreover, after the birth of her 3rd child, Oksana created a special application that helps women lose weight.


The girl herself did not grow up in such rich family what she has now. Recently, and mentioned the lack of luxury.

- one of the most popular Russian celebrities. Her fame was brought not only by excellent external data and successful work model, but also the fact that she is the wife of the rapper Dzhigan.

Young years

Oksana Samoilova was born on April 27, 1988 in the town of Ukhta. After graduating from an ordinary average school, she, like most of her peers, decided to receive higher education. To do this, Oksana entered the local university at the Faculty of Humanities. However, already in her third year, the ambitious girl left for Moscow with a desire to conquer the capital. This decision did not surprise anyone, since Oksana from childhood was distinguished by perseverance and strong character.

Model career

Nature endowed Oksana with an outstanding appearance, so it is not surprising that the girl decided to take advantage of this and build a modeling career in Moscow. Needless to say, she succeeded. The girl most often works as a fashion model in such genres as glamour, fashion, beauty. For example, removed for popular glossy publications. She also often takes part in fashion shows of top fashion designers.

Own business

Today, having your own business that, in addition to money, brings pleasure is very cool. This is especially popular among people close to fashion. So it has its own clothing line, and even a model with its own swimsuits.
Oksana Samoilova was also not spared, and she is the main face of the production company women's dresses. This domestic brand was founded by Oksana herself and her friend Miroslava Shvedova. Firm MiraSezar specializes mainly in the production of dresses, mainly cocktail or evening. Dresses from Samoilova look very elegant, feminine and sexy. They are preferred by self-confident girls who are not afraid to emphasize strengths his appearance. Samoilova's business is quite successful, since MiraSezar products are considered a worthy alternative to similar foreign ones. manufacturing companies women's clothing.

Angelic appearance

It is unlikely that anyone will deny the fact that Oksana Samoilova was lucky with her appearance. slender figure, long hair and Beautiful face, - this combination is not so common. At the same time, it should be noted that Oksana, like most stars of domestic show business, does not neglect plastic. Most often, the model is accused of artificiality of the chest and lips. However, Oksana is not upset about this. After all, with or without plastic, she looks stunning in any case. Many fans of Samoilova are interested in the parameters of Oksana, who looks very fit and slender even after the birth of a child. According to the latest data, height 177 cm, parameters Samoilova practical ideal - 98-60-90. Model weight - 53 kg.


Oksana Samoilova has as many as 3 tattoos, about the first she says that it was done in her youth, and does not mean anything. And the other two (on the shoulder blade and on the side) - “ be loyal to those who are loyal to you" and " The one who has the most power over himself has the most power.» Tattoos are done naturally in Latin.

Love story with Dzhigan

The lion's share of Oksana Samoilova's popularity is determined by the fact that she is the life partner and beloved woman of the famous Ukrainian and Russian rapper Dzhigan (real name Denis Ustimenko), whose work in recent times gains everything large quantity fans. Oksana and Dzhigan met at the SOHO club and have been dating for a long time, and their relationship is strong and reliable.

In 2011, the couple had a lovely daughter, whom they called the original and rare name Ariel. And a year after the appearance of the baby, Oksana and Dzhigan decided to legalize their relationship. For the wedding, they chose a very interesting date - 12.12.12 , since in the old days they believed that marriages that were concluded on this day would be especially successful. After registering the marriage, the newlyweds celebrated this event with their closest friends by organizing a small buffet. Dzhigan pleased his fans about the wedding with a message on Twitter.

According to Dzhigan himself, he chose Oksana because she is the best, and the rapper will never agree to exchange his family happiness for anything. Besides that the rapper dedicated a myriad of songs to his wife, Oksana and little Ariel even starred in Djigan's video for the song " Hold my hand". Samoilova constantly pleases fans with joint photographs with her husband and daughter, in which the whole family looks immensely happy.

Stylish and sexy

Watching the life of Oksana Samoilova, it is impossible not to notice how well-groomed the girl looks. She is almost always with makeup and with a neat haircut, and her clothes at any moment look stylish and appropriate. Oksana prefers fashionable and, most importantly, sexy dresses, frank necklines and thin fabrics. For her wedding, Oksana Samoilova chose a long translucent lace dress white color with a deep cut.

If you look at the photos before and after the plastic surgery of Oksana Samoilova, the changes that have occurred with the nose, chest, lips and cheekbones will be obvious. In order to become a dream girl, Oksana also put veneers and trained hard in the gym. Oksana Samoilova in her youth could be called a plump, but today she is a model of harmony (Oksana Samoilova's height is 177 cm, weight is 53 kg). The star, who previously answered negatively to questions about plastic surgery, admitted that she had undergone surgery. Such revelations caused a flurry of emotions among subscribers: some fans felt deceived and laughed at unsubscribing from a successful mom.

Experts believe that Oksana worked on the cheekbones with hyaluronic acid and made eyelid surgery: the buccal area acquired a graceful curve, and her eyes became expressive. Oksana Samoilova's plump plastic lips became even more voluminous after the introduction of fillers, and rhinoplasty made it possible to correct the back of the nose and create a neat tip. perfect skin Dzhigan's wife is the result of constant beauty injections and hardware procedures.

Denis Aleksandrovich Ustimenko-Weinstein is known to everyone as Dzhigan.

Birthday celebrates August 2, year of birth - 1985. He recently turned 32 years old. Home country and city - Ukraine, Odessa. Was born in ordinary family, dad was a seafarer. It was thanks to his father that Dzhigan realized himself as a singer. Jewish and Ukrainian blood flows in it, the double surname speaks about this.

Biography of Dzhigan, photo of the rapper

With a height of 172 cm, its weight is 90 kg. A beautiful body, muscles make him very attractive. His photo has long become the standard of many novice athletes.

The history of the pseudonym "Dzhigan"

As the singer himself says, the nickname stuck to him for a long time, even when he was a young man. Very quickly, everyone called him that. In adulthood an ordinary nickname became a star name.

The word "Jigan" can be deciphered as follows: "Ji" - symbolizes the artist's possession of a very scarce album called "O.G. Original Gangster. The other part of "Gan" is an irresistible liking for guns.

Childhood and school years

Ever since childhood a little boy loved music. Dad gave him a tape recorder and collections of rap music. Since that time, the guy has collected a collection of several thousand discs, cassettes, records. Once Denis sang to the music and accidentally recorded his singing on a tape recorder. He liked what he heard, so he was not going to stop.

Some time later, at a school evening in the assembly hall, his own song was played for the first time. Wanting to work in the field of music, he led musical evenings, worked as a DJ in Odessa nightclubs. Very soon, all of Odessa already knew about him.

was fond of various types sports, especially he liked boxing and its varieties. In quite young age, at the age of 19 he achieved a lot - he reached the level of a master of sports. The lessons have yielded results. beautiful body filled with great fortitude. In life, as well as in sports, he learned to calculate the situation in several steps.

Ushinsky University accepted the talented Denis as a lava. He chose a profession to his liking - physical education. Workdays began - studied and worked part-time various professions(DJ, security guard, bouncer, coach).

After finishing my studies, Dzhigan collaborated with Black Star, but was still known only in a small society. Truly fame came after the performance of a hit called "Frozen" with Anna Sedokova (2009).

Djigan personal life

After stormy romance daughter Ariel was born in 2011. A year later, Djigan officially signed with his daughter's mother, model and beauty Oksana Samoilova. The second daughter, Leia, pleased her parents with her birth in 2014. Most recently, Djigan's beloved wife gave him another daughter, Maya, who was born on Oksana's 29th birthday. Very often, Djigan's wife takes Active participation in the filming of his videos.

Achievements in sports

"Brutal rapper" always watches his body. Sport is Djigan's favorite pastime because he believes that the body should always look cool. Working diligently, he achieved significant success in various sports areas:

  • The absolute champion in bodybuilding according to FBFM.
  • Vice-champion in kickboxing in Europe.
  • In the field of kickboxing - a master of sports.
  • Received the title of two-time kickboxing champion (Ukraine).
  • The title of champion in Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat.

Djigan discography

Musician Dzhigan

Oksana Samoilova - model, wife of one of the most famous rappers in Russia - Dzhigan. Interest in her person increased greatly after marriage, although even without this the girl was a fairly well-known model.

Oksana is from Ukhta, she is 26 years old. After school, the girl, like everyone else, entered the university of her city. But after 2 years of study, she realized that it was not her and left to conquer Moscow. Everyone supported the girl, the parents helped their daughter as much as they could.

Thanks to her extraordinary appearance, Oksana easily made her way into modeling business. She managed to work in many magazines and even take part in shows of famous designers.

Now Djigan's wife is engaged own business, which is not far from the model. She launches her own clothing line, MiraSezar, which is in high demand. This brand is mainly popular for its feminine dresses. Anyone can afford such beauty, the prices for clothes are very affordable.

The idea of ​​her own clothing line visited the girl a long time ago, and she and her friend Miroslava Shvedova decided to bring it to life. Luckily, they succeeded. Now any girl can feel like a beautiful princess in dresses from Oksana Samoilova.

Oksana Samoilova in MiraSezar dress

In addition to running a business, Oksana is also raising her daughter. And recently it became known that soon a second child will appear in the Dzhigan family. The girl loves her husband and child very much, she gives all her love and care to her family.

Oksana is not at all worried about the fact that children interfere with the development of her modeling career. For her, the family is above all, and she can become a model with them.

Photo gallery:

Dzhigan's wife - Oksana Samoilova

Oksana Samoilova with her daughter

Dzhigan with his wife Oksana

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