It is also necessary to exclude physical activity. Physical activity in osteochondrosis: "pity" or "pump" the back? Testing. Respiratory gymnastics by various methods helps to reduce pressure in hypertension

According to experts, this can lead to a heart attack, as the body is working hard at abnormally high temperatures.

Heat, which has been established in the Central part of Russia since the middle of last week, does not intend to give up its positions. Forecasters predict " hot " August.

In Moscow and the region, the heat lasts for about a week, the thermometers rise to 30 degrees and above.

People with cardiovascular diseases on abnormally hot days, it is contraindicated to be in the open sun and it is important to maintain strict control over blood pressure, and if it deviates from the norm, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is also necessary exclude physical activity doctors emphasize. Even for people who exercise regularly.

In the heat, there is another serious test for the heart and blood vessels - this having sex, since during intercourse the pulse rate increases, blood pressure rises, breathing rate rises, which causes a double load and the risk of a heart attack. The demands placed on the heart during hot sex can be compared to running or climbing stairs at a fast pace. Therefore, for people with heart problems, hot weather sex better to refrain.

According to a cardiologist, in order to reduce the load on the heart and blood vessels during intercourse, it is recommended to have sex with a familiar partner and in a familiar environment.

Evening ” asked Mikhail Loskov, a coach of the highest category of one of the fitness clubs in the capital, what should athletes do in hot weather:

Professional athletes will probably laugh when they find out that they have to completely stop training because of the heat. When it comes to preparing for serious competitions, it's not up to you to give up everything because of the weather outside. But in fact, doctors are absolutely right, when the thermometer rises to 30 degrees, you need to distribute your forces very reasonably and control the slightest change in your condition. If you suddenly feel uneasy, darkened in your eyes or other symptoms begin, then you need to urgently stop the lesson and try to cool down. Ice and conditioner - effective, but will almost certainly lead to a cold. Watch your pressure, its sharp increase can be extremely dangerous. During my sports career, I heard about a considerable number of cases when healthy, strong people did not take the heat seriously, working, as they say, to the point of wear and tear. As a result, many of these health jokes ended very badly. For people who are less prepared, just amateurs, training in spite of the heat is even more dangerous. Better try to practice early in the morning when the temperature is still tolerable.

What about lovemaking in hot weather? We asked the opinion of a cardiologist at the 7th Clinical Hospital Inna Dronova:

Making love in hot weather, especially when there is no air conditioning or even a fan at home, is unacceptable. In the heat, the vessels are already too tense, in response to a sharp stretch, their spasm occurs, which leads to a sharp increase in blood pressure. Do you know that the pulse, when having sex in the heat, can increase to 200 beats per minute? It's like a full-fledged many hours of training for an athlete. Understand that sex is not only pleasure, but also the strongest physical activity. And most importantly, more men are at risk, despite the fact that their athletic training is usually better than that of women. Their heart is weaker than that of women. Therefore, when the number of ambulance calls increases in the heat, we are not surprised that the strong half of humanity suffers mainly.

Proper physical activity is the key to forward movement. As you probably know, in order to live long and stay in a sober mind and mobility, you need to lead an active lifestyle, and load yourself moderately with various types of loads so that the body works and does not fall into a stagnant state. Actions should be balanced and appropriate to your current state of health and ability. There is no need to say that torturing yourself is pointless and jumping above your head will not work either. In this regard, the question arises of how to exercise wisely and profitably, so as not to overexert yourself and at the same time have a decent result. It is important to apply proper physical activity, which will benefit you, and not someone else, they should be selected purely individually for each person.
Proper physical activity is when you do it for yourself and pursue a specific goal that you have set for yourself. You should be haunted by a feeling of euphoria and joy from the usefulness of what you are doing. In order to achieve this, it will take some time and self-knowledge. As many trainers and fitness instructors advise, you should first decide on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bloads that you like and are of interest. It is clear that if you like cycling, you are unlikely to be interested in boxing or weightlifting, although there are exceptions. After you have decided on the type of activity, you should ask yourself the question: why am I going to do all this? Pump up muscles, tighten your shape, remove your stomach, increase endurance, achieve a beautiful figure, lose weight, improve your health? Based on these criteria, you can choose the right physical activity for your specific goals, and calculate your future activities in advance.
Now, before starting classes in the chosen field of sports, objectively assess your condition and readiness for training. If you are by nature a fidget and an energetic person, then choose aerobics, sports dancing, aqua or step aerobics. If you are calm and balanced, then you have a direct road to the field of yoga, bodyflex, Nordic walking. If you are overwhelmed with energy and need to throw it out, then pay attention to martial arts and various types of wrestling.
The optimal and correct selected regimen will be with trainings about 3-4 times a week, this will help you stay in good shape and have the desired result. This situation eliminates the creation of unfavorable conditions for training and binding, the area you have previously chosen with your goals brings joy and harmony to your life, making these activities an integral part.
The unspoken rules of proper physical activity are:

  • regularity of classes (at least 3-4 times a week)
  • exercises come with a minimum dosage gradually increasing in action and number of approaches
  • the duration of classes should not exceed 1 hour, take short breaks between classes of 30-40 seconds between sets and exercise changes, this way you will increase your endurance.

Experts have calculated, that a load has a tonic and beneficial effect, which is calculated by the formula: 220 - age, and it is called the number of maximum heartbeats. This approach is a great help.. So, if you are, for example, 48 years old, then subtract 48 from 220 and get 172, this will be the number of maximum heartbeats per minute, which will be useful to you. Consider this factor and count your pulse, it will help you to exercise and train your cardio correctly and purposefully.- the vascular system.

I don’t know if you remember, but when they just started learning about fitness in Russia, a lot of shaping cassettes immediately appeared, on which beautiful girls in leggings in a swimsuit showed exercises, and we were asked to repeat after them. I was then 6 years old, and I was delighted :) And, I remember, at the end of the recording it invariably said: “And now it is not recommended to eat for 3 hours.” Yah?

Let's understand what happens in the body during and after training, and what and when you need to eat in order to achieve your goal. By the way, proper nutrition before and after physical activity is no less important than the exercise itself, because it directly affects the processes of burning fat and gaining muscle mass.
First, let's define the goals. Usually, people start playing sports for three reasons:
1) Tighten the body and gain muscle tone (read, turn fat into muscle);
2) Lose weight;
3) Strongly increase muscle mass. How to eat in this case, we will not consider. Building a body (bodybuilding) requires a very special nutrition system; this is a separate topic that goes beyond the scope of the blog. (Since we raised it, let me remind you: by doing my training, you are completely exactly not turn into bodybuilders/sh.)

Now everything is on the shelves.

I. If your goal is to turn fat into muscle

The best time to eat before a workout depends on your portion size. If you eat plenty of food 3 times a day, then it is better to start exercising 2-3 hours after eating. Eat foods that combine complex carbohydrates and proteins (cereals, vegetables are suitable). Carbohydrates charge the brain and muscles with energy (this is necessary for muscle endurance), and squirrels provide working muscles with amino acids.
If you are a supporter of fractional nutrition (eat often and in small portions), then you can start training in an hour. In this case, fruits are also suitable: for example, bananas, peaches. They will increase the level of glucose, which will serve as a good source of energy for the whole body.
Remember three main rules:
- Immediately before physical exertion, there should be neither heaviness in the stomach, nor a feeling of weakness.
– Pre-workout meals should not contain a large amount of fat: Fatty food slows down the digestion process, stays in the stomach longer and can cause heaviness and nausea.
- Do not exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. If there is absolutely no time for a full breakfast, eat a couple of fruits (although for me, for example, this is the daily first breakfast :)). The fact is that after sleep, the metabolism is slowed down, and without breakfast, you will burn fewer calories than you could.
Some advise drinking a glass of strong black coffee or green tea before training. This will increase stamina and also help the body mobilize fat from fat cells and use it as fuel.

It is recommended to eat within 20 minutes after training, no later: during this period of time, an anabolic window is opened for the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates. Everything that gets into your body will go to the restoration and growth of muscle mass, and not into fat, and the body will accumulate muscle mass instead of fat. (From my experience, I advise you to make this meal light (after all, we only need to tighten the body and gain muscle tone), and after a couple of hours you can already eat your usual serving size.)
Carbohydrates needed to replenish glycogen (sugar) in the liver. Moreover, the consumption of fast carbohydrates leads to a jump in insulin, which will help build muscle tissue. Good sources of carbohydrates in this case are rice, potatoes, pasta, vegetables, fruits, juices.
A task proteins- replenishment of amino acids - a building material for muscles and not only. Any grains, grains, cereals with a high protein content, as well as meat, poultry, fish or eggs will do.
Fat will only slow down the intake of carbohydrates and proteins, so it is better to refrain from foods high in fat after exercise.
Within two hours after training, it is also necessary to exclude everything that contains caffeine: coffee, tea, chocolate. Caffeine inhibits the process of assimilation of proteins and carbohydrates, which means it interferes with the process of recovery and strengthening of muscles.

II. If your goal is to lose weight (burn fat without building muscle).
Think about whether you really need it and read here. If yes, then let's move on.

The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before physical activity, and it is better to avoid heavy carbohydrates. Eat vegetables and protein. Then glycogen (the main form of glucose storage in muscles) will be quickly consumed, and the body will receive energy from body fat.

After training, it is better not to eat for 2 hours, but you can drink sweetened water (with a teaspoon of honey or jam) or juices. Metabolism remains elevated for about two hours after exercise, and if the muscles do not get material to build during this time, you will burn fat, but there will be no increase in muscle mass.

Let's destroy another old common myth that you can't drink during and after training. FORGET! Not only can must drink!
With regular fluid replenishment, fat burning during training will be most effective, but with dehydration, the effect of training will be small. Moreover, the feeling of thirst should not be guided. During exercise, it is most often blunted, so drink at regular intervals, even if you think you don't feel like it. When the thirst receptors “wake up”, the body will already be dehydrated. It is harmful and slows down the metabolism.
You need to drink a couple of sips, and the frequency depends on the type of training. If you are working with me, it is better to drink about every 3-5 minutes. If in a fitness club (where workouts are less intense, but last longer), then every 15 minutes. After training, you also need to drink plenty of water. If you do not like plain water, dilute it with honey or drink green tea.

Know that proper nutrition before and after training will help you get the most out of it, and ignorance of the above rules can make all efforts in vain. Finally, do not forget that the results should not be judged by weight, but by the image in the mirror: muscles are heavier than fat, and therefore a slight increase in weight does not necessarily mean that you have increased in volume. Most likely, fat is finally turning into muscle!

Good luck

Many are interested in the question - "sorry" or "pump" back? Strange as it may sound, both the first and second options do not solve the problem. “Why?”, any exercise therapist or fitness trainer with experience will ask, because a large number of publications on this issue claim that “good muscle core” or “pumped back” is the basis of a healthy spine.

Rice. 1. Norma

Of course, having trained muscles surrounding the spine is better than having weak ones, but there are a number of questions that allow us to look at this statement from a different angle.
First of all, why does the back hurt from time to time for those involved in elite sports? You can't say about these people that they have "weak" muscles. Secondly, what should those who have back pain do, is it just another problem in a series of other diseases, especially such as diseases of the heart, blood vessels, hypertension, thrombophlebitis? After all, any increase in the intensity of the load, which is accompanied by strength training, can lead to a deterioration and exacerbation of the disease? And thirdly, how correct is it to associate back pain with the magnitude of the load exerted by physical exercises on the body?

Let's try to understand this problem and consider it from different angles.
First of all, you need to know what causes pain, or, as they say in medicine, etiology. The fact is that back pain can be both a consequence of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, diseases of the joints of the spine, inflammation in the muscles and tendons, tumors, and a consequence of problems of internal organs: the heart, kidneys, etc. This list can be continued further, more In addition, in some cases, the localization of pain is perceived by people in the same way, but the root cause of its origin can vary significantly. Therefore, the conclusion is the first one: an accurate diagnosis of a specialist doctor is the basis for choosing the means and methods of physical activity.
One of the most common problems of the spine in the age of high-speed Internet and space tourism is osteochondrosis. Scientific works and publications of scientists are replete with statistical data that almost every person after 30 years of age has osteochondrosis, not to mention professional athletes who, in pursuit of results, subject their musculoskeletal system to colossal tests, as a result of which they easily part with part of their health, changing it to medals, titles and diplomas.
Osteochondrosis - a disease of the spine, accompanied by structural changes in the intervertebral cartilage and vertebral bodies, followed by the formation of bone growths (osteophytes). Subsequently, the bone outgrowths, increasing in size, cause narrowing (stenosis) of the intervertebral canal and begin to exert pressure on the nerve roots, which increases when the vertebrae are displaced relative to their anatomical position (Fig. 2.).

Rice. 2 Stenosis of the intervertebral canal due to the growth of osteophytes

It is at the moments when even a slight but sharp displacement of the vertebra occurs, the pressure on the nerve roots of the spinal cord increases, which, apparently, was not provided by the "creator", since any compression of the cells of the nervous system (neurons) is regarded by the body as possible " threat to biological integrity," and he is naturally forced to defend himself reflexively. An effective method that the human body uses to quickly limit movement in any joint is pain. According to the definition of physiologists, pain is a psychophysiological state of a person, reflecting the most important integrative function of the body, which mobilizes various systems of its protection from the effects of a damaging factor (Anokhin P.K., Orlov N.V., Erokhin L.G., 1976).
Mild pain is a signal that some "detail" in the body is malfunctioning. Sharp, sharp pain is no longer a signal, but informing that the “detail” is close to a serious “breakage”, or, even worse, has already “broken”. And the more this kind of "breakdown", the, naturally, the pain is stronger and more palpable.
Thus, we will draw the second conclusion: pain is a signal that not everything is in order in the body, and constant, not passing pain is a reason to see a doctor. Another effective way the body uses to prevent further displacement of the vertebrae is by spasm of the paravertebral muscles, which creates a natural mobilization around the vertebrae.
This leads to the third conclusion: increased muscle tone around the spine is a sign of a violation of the anatomical position of the spinal segments and a harbinger of damage, the next signal may be pain.
So, from the foregoing, it follows that a change in the anatomical position of the vertebrae can cause an increase in compression of the nerve roots by osteophytes formed as a result of osteochondrosis, and, accordingly, cause pain in the back, in the muscles and organs that are innervated by this root, the so-called pain of a neurological nature.
Therefore, ensuring the anatomical position of the vertebrae (stabilization) in everyday, labor and sports and recreational activities is a necessary condition for the normal functioning of the whole organism as a whole and the key to the absence of an exacerbation of the disease.
I would like to note that the process of rehabilitation of a person with diseases or injuries implies not only the maximum restoration of the anatomical integrity and functions of systems and organs, but also the restoration of the quality of life. Moreover, in situations where it is not possible to completely restore the structure and functions, conservative means and methods aimed at minimizing the factors that contribute to repeated exacerbations of the disease and aggravation of the problem come to the fore. Abroad, a system called "School of the back" has long been spread, the participants of which receive the skills of everyday motor activity in the conditions of existing problems of the spine.
Thus, the problem of motor activity in general, and the necessary physical exercises in particular, in osteochondrosis should be looked at from the following positions:

  • Motor activity and physical exercises should contribute to maintaining the normal level of functioning of all body systems for the full implementation of life tasks facing a person within his household, labor, sports activities, i.e. his society. What are aerobic and strength training, stretching, etc. traditionally used for? However, when implementing these programs, a number of rules must be taken into account:
  1. During physical activity, it is necessary to limit or exclude shock loads on the spine, such as running, jumping, etc., since the repeated impact force on the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc will squeeze it to the side, which, under conditions of degenerative changes in the intervertebral cartilage itself, can lead to to protrusions and intervertebral hernias.
  2. For the same reason, when performing physical exercises, it is necessary to limit or exclude - depending on the condition of the spine - axial loads on the spine of more than 3 kg, for which the initial positions lying, sitting, reclining on an inclined surface, exercising in water, etc. are used.
  3. During exercises aimed at developing mobility in the joints, it is necessary to limit excessive flexion, extension and stretching of the spine, since such exercises (bridge, plow, free hanging on the crossbar, etc.) contribute to the stretching of the paravertebral ligaments and, as a result, destabilization of the vertebrae relative to each other.
  • In the case of an existing pain syndrome, the exercise program should include a number of special exercises developed strictly individually and aimed at eliminating the consequences of nerve root compression. For example, post-isometric relaxation of spasmodic muscles, unloading and stretching of the spine on special devices, reflex-segmental massage, which improves the trophism of tissues and organs innervated by this root.
  • Teaching a person the skills to stabilize the spine in the face of external and internal forces that can lead to displacement of the vertebrae, increased compression on the nerve roots and, consequently, the appearance or increase in pain.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that a person who "spares" his back, instead of improving the quality of life, on the contrary, reduces it, acquiring poor blood supply to the muscles surrounding the spine, reducing their functionality, etc. On the other hand, the training of the superficial flexor and extensor muscles during their "pumping" is of an amplitude nature, which will also exacerbate the problem, since such movements are not possible without displacement of the vertebrae. Where is the solution to the problem?
In the formation and consolidation of the skill of stabilizing the anatomical position of the spine by improving intermuscular coordination, with its subsequent transfer to motor activity in everyday life, work, sports.

In order to understand what stabilization skill is, try doing a test to assess the skill of spinal stabilization under isometric tension.
To do this, lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Place your feet on the floor at shoulder width. Hands lie on the floor along the torso. Place a double-folded cuff of a conventional mechanical blood pressure monitor under the lower back (Fig. 3 A).

Evaluation of the skill of stabilization of the spine during isometric tension

Rice. 3 A

Inflate the pillow to 40 mmHg. Art. and as you exhale, tighten the muscles of the whole body with an intensity of 60-80% of the maximum possible, gradually increasing the tension. The criterion for achieving tension over 60-80% is holding the breath.
Preservation of pressure in the pillow in the range of 30-50 mm Hg. during tension, indicates the presence of the skill of stabilizing the spine (Fig. 3 B)

Rice. 3 B

If there was an increase in pressure on the pillow, which was expressed in the displacement of the pressure gauge needle to a greater value from 40 mm Hg. Art. side, this means that during the tension there was a flattening of the lumbar lordosis. In this case, we can talk about the presence of functional muscle asymmetry due to the lack of intermuscular coordination between the rectus abdominis muscle and the extensor muscles of the spine or due to a reduced tone of the extensor muscles of the spine (Fig. 3B).

Rice. 3 V

If there was a decrease in pressure on the pillow, which was expressed in the displacement of the pressure gauge needle to a lower value from 40 mm Hg. Art. side, this means that there was an increase in lumbar lordosis. In this case, we can talk about the presence of functional muscle asymmetry due to the lack of intermuscular coordination between the rectus abdominis muscle and the extensor muscles of the spine or due to a reduced tone of the rectus abdominis muscle (Fig. 3 D).

Rice. 3 G

After that, try to repeat the test with the pressure gauge control. If you manage to keep the pressure within 30-50 mm Hg. with visual control of the pressure gauge dial, this means: you have the so-called “skill” of spinal stabilization, the presence of which will significantly reduce the time to acquire the stabilization skill.
How important is it? The fact is that when a situation arises when there is a simultaneous isometric tension of the muscles of the secondary stabilizers, for example, when trying to maintain balance on a slippery surface, the lack of intermuscular coordination will not allow maintaining the physiological curves and individual segments of the spine in the anatomical position, which is ensured in the presence of neurological diseases of the spine, as mentioned earlier, is an important factor for ensuring the quality of life and preventing exacerbation of the disease.
Of course, stabilization exercises will not cure osteochondrosis, as, indeed, other physiotherapeutic agents, but they will make it possible to fully live and enjoy the opportunity to move.

Last time we considered the principles of nutrition in the IVF cycle for women, but, in addition to nutrition, physical activity also plays an important role in well-being, so today we will focus on this.

A physical activity regimen for a woman during the stimulation cycle and after embryo transfer is necessary. First of all, this is due to an increase in the volume of the ovaries during stimulation with gonadotropins due to the growth of follicles that exceed the norm. Sometimes up to 10 or more follicles can grow in each ovary, which creates the need to limit physical activity.

In general terms, the regimen should be kept the same as it was before stimulation. However, following some restrictions is advisable for any woman in the stimulation cycle. So, any physical activity accompanied by body shaking, vibration, weight lifting, the risk of falling, hitting is contraindicated: mountaineering, equestrian sports, etc. It is also necessary to exclude professional sports, sports competitions.

Intense physical activity of high intensity leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the pelvic organs, reducing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the uterus, and therefore to the endometrium, where the embryo is directly transferred and its development takes place. Excessive physical activity, heavy lifting can create a threat of ovarian torsion during stimulation and after puncture; threatened miscarriage after embryo transfer. The permitted level of physical activity is determined at the consultation by the attending reproductologist.

If a woman has been actively involved in sports or is accustomed to doing physical education in everyday life, in the absence of obstetric and gynecological contraindications, it is allowed to perform short-term, but regular physical activity in the stimulation cycle. Classes should be carried out 2 hours after eating, it is necessary to avoid overheating and dehydration. Between exercises, you should drink a small amount of water, and after training, drink at least two glasses of water. This is much more effective than rare exhausting loads, which are serious stress for the body and cause more harm than good.

The best sports are walking and swimming. The intensity of the loads is individual and depends on the preparation, fitness of the woman.

What situations usually require exercise restriction?

The presence of obstetric and gynecological pathology: anomalies in the structure of the uterus, uterine fibroids, a woman's age after 35 years, as well as a aggravated obstetric and gynecological history (previous miscarriages, missed pregnancy, premature birth), etc. Such women should adhere to restrictions, mainly after the transfer embryos.

As for the sexual restriction in the stimulation cycle and after embryo transfer: during stimulation, sexual life is allowed and even indicated if the husband’s sperm is used in the program, since before the puncture it is necessary that the spermatogenesis of the man is renewed. Therefore, before ovarian puncture, it is recommended to live sexually every 2-3 days. In the period after the embryo transfer, when pregnancy is supported, it is necessary to exclude sexual contact. When pregnancy is confirmed, any further physical activity and sex life is determined by the attending physician.

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