Special Forces Day. Day of Special Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia

Any terror, any danger can be stopped by special fighters. These are the warriors special units. Their service and exploits are shrouded in mystery. They are not afraid of either the cunning plans of enemies or bandits, or difficult conditions or situations. These fighters of elite squads have their own professional holiday, and each structure has its own personal holiday.

Who has not admired the incredible feats accomplished by the special forces? Who has neither watched films nor read books dedicated to the fighters of special forces? But these are not fairy tales, these are not myths. it real stories who are in understanding common man are perceived as feats beyond the control of human abilities. But it is not easy to call the fighters who commit them ordinary soldiers, and the units where they serve are called special for a reason. And even Special Forces Day is a day that each unit has its own celebration of.

Who is celebrating?

The history of the special forces has its unofficial origins since the post-revolutionary civil war. The young country needed to get on its feet in the face of hatred, misunderstanding and even fierce resistance. And even then the first special detachments were created, which fought against fist uprisings and bandit robbery attacks. Such detachments were especially relevant in the fight against Basmachi gangs in the southern republics of the country.

During the war with the Nazis, special sabotage groups were created that performed extremely complex tasks, both at the front and behind enemy lines. They went down in history as saboteurs. Also during the war years, special units were formed to carry out special tasks. The famous first division after the war was named OMSDON named after Dzerzhinsky. This unit has survived to this day and is known as the Separate Operational Division.

The post-war years dictated new conditions for the activities of the military. In the context of the Cold War, intelligence activities were important. Therefore, in 1950, on October 24, Marshal Vasiliev, who then held the post of Minister of War of the USSR, signed a directive, according to which it was supposed to begin to form special companies. destination total 46 divisions, 120 fighters each.

The main task of the GRU spetsnaz has always been to fight against nuclear threat countries that are members of NATO. It was the fighters of these units who were trained to conduct reconnaissance, as well as sabotage operations behind enemy lines. Therefore, GRU Special Forces Day is celebrated in October.

But in 1953 it was significantly reduced total strength armed forces, which was reflected in the number of special forces units, which were actually reduced to 11 companies.

But just a few years later, in 1957, the situation changed dramatically. On August 29, as many as five battalions are created, designed to solve special tasks. This day went down in history as Special Forces Day.

Today, each power structure has its own special detachments. And each such unit has its own history, and a personal holiday when they celebrate Special Forces Day.

Special units exist not only in internal troops and intelligence, but also in the drug police and customs, border guards and Federal Service protection. However, despite being related to different power structures, special units perform similar tasks. So in the internal troops there are 16 special forces.

In the ATC structure there is special detachment riot police. But the level of training and the tasks that are solved by such detachments do not quite correspond to those of the special forces. After the reform, OMSNs appeared in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, into which SOBRs were actually reorganized.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the fighters who serve in the GRU special forces. There are legends about the audacity, maneuverability, experience, training of these warriors. They participate in almost all anti-terrorist operations, search for and detain dangerous criminals, eliminate criminal gangs, release hostages and, of course, participate in complex special operations.

The soldiers of all these units, as well as retired officers on Special Forces Day in Russia, gather in a close circle, commemorate their dead comrades, but do not really like to remember their valiant deeds.

history of the holiday

Almost all military and power holidays in the Russian Federation are regulated by the Decree of the President, which was signed in 2006. The special forces were the luckiest of all. These fighters have several official dates to celebrate their professional holiday.

The single date when the Day of Special Forces is celebrated is October 29th. On this day, all special forces are congratulated, regardless of the type of troops and the type of power structures where they serve.

On October 24, the special forces of the GRU celebrate their holiday. This day went down in history as the birth of intelligence. In October, there is another holiday - this is October 3, when OMON fighters accept congratulations.

November is also full of holidays associated with special forces units. On November 5, military intelligence officers celebrate the holiday. SOBR has its own holiday, which falls on November 9th. And the units that are part of the penitentiary system celebrate their triumph on November 13th. And, of course, the well-known Special Forces Day in August.

It is on August 29 that special forces are congratulated. The prehistory of the holiday is associated with the formation of a training company, which was entrusted with the goal of ensuring the security of the Olympic Games. Then this company became the basis of the spetsnaz elite. From the soldiers who served in it, the Vityaz detachment was formed.

It is interesting, but the celebrations do not take place in a solemn atmosphere. Can't be seen open reviews or parades involving special forces. Fighters demonstrate their skills on a holiday only in a closed circle of comrades. And only the top leadership is able to celebrate all the achievements of these soldiers serving for the sake of peace in Russia.

Of course, especially distinguished fighters receive special awards and extraordinary titles. But there are no public events on these days.

There is such a profession - special forces

Yes, there is such a profession - a special forces soldier. And this is not just a military profession, it is a call of the soul. After all, only people who are ready to devote their lives to the fight against the most dangerous enemies, capable of performing the most inconceivable and complex tasks, are able to serve in such units.

Special forces are always where there is an armed threat to civilians or the police. They fight organized crime and terrorists. They are called when it is necessary to free hostages or capture, eliminate armed bandits. In fact, the help of these fighters is resorted to when all other resources have been exhausted, and only warriors with special training can complete the task.

However, there is practically no information about their real affairs in the press. Of course, most units are classified and their actions are not advertised. No wonder the special forces work in special masks.

And even on days free from dangerous and difficult tasks, fighters do not know rest. They must always be in shape. Therefore, the rest of the commando does not sometimes exceed 4 hours a day. The daily routine is scheduled by the minute. Forced marches, overcoming obstacle courses, practicing throws and strikes, group work and solo training, studying theoretical materials, and all over again in the afternoon. And so every day.

This is a job for real men who are not afraid of dangerous and extreme situations, they are used to performing tasks both under bullets and behind enemy lines. His experience and knowledge is not limited to hand-to-hand combat. He perfectly owns any weapon, drives absolutely any type of transport, is familiar with the basics of medicine and knows how to provide the necessary assistance.

For special forces soldiers, increased requirements are imposed regarding physical, mental, psychological qualities. They must be ready to endure incredible domestic, mental, physical overloads, live in the field and eat pasture or available food.

A man must be ready at any time to leave his home to go to a hot spot. And even after retirement, the commando does not cease to be a warrior. Every year, on their holiday, former colleagues must gather together, visit the graves of their dead comrades. Even a special organization has been created that unites soldiers and takes care of former special forces, helping to solve pressing problems. Since the state, unfortunately, does not worry enough about retired fighters.

A special difference between the special forces is the maroon beret. It is neither red nor crimson, namely maroon. Since it was sprinkled in battles with the blood of the guys who died defending their homeland. Not every fighter can get such a distinctive badge. Only after passing a certain rather difficult exam, the commando is honored to wear a maroon beret.

The profession of a special forces officer is always associated with a threat to life. But all the "pitfalls" of the profession are compensated by a sense of responsibility for the fate of other people and boundless respect from compatriots.

Congratulations to the special forces

Your every day is associated with danger. And you go for a feat as usual, like someone for a walk. For you, daily risk is just work. That you are a hero, there is simply no doubt. And on Special Forces Day, we sincerely congratulate you. Let your service and life not present unpleasant surprises. And only true friends will be around.

To the strongest, bravest and bravest men on this festive day - on Special Forces Day, with gratitude and respect, we say words of congratulations. And, of course, we wish not to lose strength of mind, not to weaken morally and physically. Happiness, love and days without shelling to you, special forces.

Happy Special Forces Day, I congratulate you,

And, of course, I sincerely wish

So that the enemies do not shoot,

And friends never upset.

So that your beloved waits for you

And fate smiled without concealment.

Find and destroy

I will give the order is not simple.

For every slightest mistake

The commando responds with his head.

Bow to you low fighter

Serve without loss.

Thank you Special Forces

The country is fast asleep, believe me.

Larisa , August 15, 2016 .

Today the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation celebrate the Day of Special Forces Units, which are, in particular, the most important component of the intelligence system ground forces. Special forces units, units and subunits have successfully solved and continue to solve the tasks assigned to them, including in all the "hot spots" of recent decades. They are equipped with the most modern weapons, military and special equipment.

Special Forces Day, celebrated annually on October 24, was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 dated May 31, 2006 "On the establishment professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The beginning of the history of special forces in Russia is considered to be the creation in 1918 of units special purpose- CHON. They obeyed the Cheka and were intended to fight the Basmachi in Central Asia and rebels on the territory of the Russian Republic. Further special units had mainly the Cheka (NKVD, MGB, KGB).

October 24, 1950 USSR Minister of War Marshal Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky issued a directive ordering the formation of 46 special-purpose companies with a staff of 120 people by May 1, 1951. In other words, the ARMY SPECIAL FORCE was created. Over time, structure and quantitative composition army special forces has changed more than once, but the essence of its purpose, in principle, has always remained the same.

Currently, special forces units are paramilitary formations of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Justice and other federal government bodies (detachments, groups, reinforced groups) that have their own code names- "Alpha", "Vityaz", "Vympel", "Rus".

Special units are designed for anti-terrorist actions, actions to search for and detain especially dangerous and armed criminals, eliminate criminal groups, free hostages and conduct other special operations.

The main feature of special forces units is their relatively small composition, excellent training, audacity and surprise, initiative, speed and coordination of actions, skillful use of shock and maneuver capabilities of weapons, military equipment, as well as the protective properties of the terrain, time of day, weather conditions.

These parts demonstrated their viability and usefulness already in 1968 during the first major operation. We are talking about the entry of troops of the Warsaw Pact countries into Czechoslovakia. It all started with the fact that a Soviet transport plane requested an emergency landing from Prague due to engine failure. After landing, events unfolded at lightning speed.

Special Forces soldiers jumped out of the plane almost as soon as it touched the runway, and ran towards the control tower of the airfield. Czech soldiers were so confused that they did not even think of resisting. The successful capture of this airfield made it possible to transfer the Vitebsk Airborne Division to Prague.

Meanwhile, other special forces units that had infiltrated Prague a few days before the start of the operation seized the city's radio and television centers, telephone exchanges, newspaper editorial offices and other important buildings, and in the morning the fighters entered the building of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, where they At the same time, a meeting of Alexander Dubcek's cabinet was taking place.

Having seized the government building, the special forces soldiers held the ministers of Czechoslovakia for five hours, and then took them to Moscow. It is worth noting that the famous German saboteur during the war, Otto Skorzeny, observing the development of events in Prague, later called the operation carried out by the Soviet special forces "brilliant".

In May 1968, a special forces group of 9 people raided a secret American helicopter camp, which was located on the territory of Cambodia, 30 km from the border with Vietnam. This camp was used by American troops to send their reconnaissance and sabotage groups to Vietnam, as well as sorties in order to search for their downed pilots. On the airfield of the camp, 2 light helicopters, 8-10 heavy transport helicopters and 4 Super Cobra fire support helicopters were always on alert.

The purpose of the operation was precisely the Super Cobra helicopters, which were armed with guided missiles and were equipped latest systems targeting. As a result of the operation, which lasted 25 minutes, one helicopter was hijacked to Vietnam, and the rest were destroyed. The Americans lost about 15 people killed and wounded. The fact that these were precisely the Soviet special forces, the American intelligence services found out only a few years later.

Both before and after that, many operations were carried out that were no less effective and spectacular than this one. And not all of them are known to the general public. Therefore, these guys, whom no one knows by sight, but whom the whole world knows about, really deserve the right to be considered legends.

And it is all the more insulting to realize that today these military units, which have no analogues in the whole world, are completely destroyed by their own government. Thus, in March 2009, one of the the best brigades- Berdsk brigade of the GRU special forces. Well, politicians know better. Apparently, they believe that Russia does not need professionals who are ready and able to fight for the HONOR and FREEDOM of their country. What will tomorrow bring us? Let's see…

/Based on materials topwar.ru /

GRU Special Forces Day is traditionally celebrated on October 24 of each year. This date is connected with the history of the emergence of the Main Intelligence Directorate, but we will talk about this a little later. On the day of the GRU special forces, military units arrange demonstration performances and the news of the GRU special forces are broadcast throughout the country.

History of the GRU special forces

For a long time, everything that had at least some relation to the special forces was carefully hidden. However, today the news of the GRU special forces are broadcast on military channels. Professional fighters and veterans of the Russian GRU special forces constantly improved their martial arts skills, and they even managed to revive the basics hand-to-hand combat ancient Slavs. Today, Russian GRU special forces soldiers can cope with several opponents at once.

Also, the special forces of the GRU of Russia mastered the techniques of owning any kind of edged weapons. On the day of the GRU special forces, many scientists and researchers in the field of military art invite GRU special forces officers to participate in experiments. A fighter or officer of the GRU special forces must, by an effort of will, change the electrical conductivity of water. The fact is that scientists are sure that a trained person can use the hidden reserves of the brain, and at the moment of awakening this additional force, the electrical conductivity of the liquid changes.

As you can see for yourself, in , the fighters of the reconnaissance squad do not beat bottles on their heads and do not bathe in fountains. Basically, they are engaged in demonstration performances and, of course, on this day, the entire special forces of the GRU of the Russian Federation accept congratulations from their relatives. Today, everyone is wondering what the GRU special forces of 2013 will prepare - after all, it is very interesting to watch how these fighters famously crack down on enemies and show interesting hand-to-hand combat techniques. We are confident that the GRU 2013 special forces will show a lot of new things, and the command will report on the successes and achievements of the intelligence department troops.

Military Intelligence 2012 is professionally trained Special Forces soldiers, daring and sudden, fast and fearless soldiers who are well versed in extreme combat conditions. Military intelligence in 2012 showed excellent results, and we are sure that this year we will have good news regarding . It is worth noting that the main task of the GRU is to conduct anti-terrorist operations, and for this reason, even on their holiday, they defend our Motherland. Therefore, on the day of the GRU special forces, be sure to congratulate all the familiar veterans military intelligence Russia.

By the way, with us you can and, similar topics which special forces use in their work.

The modern one is a complex of units that are engaged in the detention of especially dangerous criminals associated with terrorism. Even on their holiday, they can be busy in operations to eliminate criminal groups or free hostages. Russian military intelligence is constantly awake and the GRU special forces are always ready to go anywhere in the country. However, they have days off and the authorities very often organize entertainment events so that residents of Russian cities can congratulate representatives of the intelligence of the GRU special forces.

Traditionally, various funny and funny contests that promote an atmosphere of joy and positive competition. It is this joyful atmosphere that makes the holiday of intelligence of the GRU special forces so fun. As we have already mentioned, in addition to various competitions, representatives of the military intelligence of the Russian Federation organize demonstration performances, where trained fighters demonstrate their combat skills. In fact, he does not like to reveal his secrets, but on the special forces holiday he always pleases the audience with an exciting performance.

The Russian GRU Spetsnaz, in particular the GRU Spetsnaz Moscow, consider it their duty to protect the citizens of Russia day and night, and they try to make people believe in their ability to conduct anti-terrorist operations. Only the most courageous and resolute fighters who are ready to serve the Motherland to the last drop of blood enter the Russian GRU special forces. To date, the military intelligence of the GRU special forces is executive body and militarized formal social non-profit entity, which is engaged in defense and intelligence services. However, all data regarding the military intelligence of the GRU special forces are a state secret.

On October 24, be sure to congratulate all your friends who were related to the 2012 GRU special forces. Despite the fact that all the details of their actions are not disclosed to anyone, the GRU special forces of 2012 risked their lives every day, protecting the interests of the citizens of the Russian Federation. Note that in the GRU, priority is given to work on obtaining secret data and foreign samples. modern technology, but as we have already noted, special forces soldiers are constantly fighting terrorism. We invite you to watch a video on the topic. Perhaps this will be the impetus to serve in these valiant troops. So, GRU special forces in action:

Photos of the GRU special forces reflect the everyday life of fighters of special units of the Russian Federation. Only the best of the best serve in the ranks of special forces. We offer to look at the photo of the GRU special forces and feel the atmosphere of strength and courage:

Combat and training everyday life of fighters of special forces of the GRU General Staff

The workdays of the GRU special forces are not easy and the fighters go on missions and operations of the GRU special forces every day. We propose to talk about individual events in the history of modern special forces, as well as list some of the detachments and main operations of the GRU special forces.

One of the largest conflicts in modern history with the participation of special forces was the war in Chechnya and the assault on Grozny. In the first period of the Chechen war, a fierce battle broke out for the capital of Chechnya, and in the course of the battles, the GRU special forces played an important role. During the assault on Grozny, federal forces deployed 250 armored vehicles, which attacked from four sides. The fight lasted about 2 months and ended in victory Russian troops. Today, the video of the assault on Grozny once again reminds us of the horrors of war. The details of the events of that battle are known to many, when on December 22, 1994, the shelling of Grozny began. Two days later, the attackers found out that the Russian population had not yet left the city and many civilians had died as a result of the shelling. The video of the storming of Grozny can tell about the horrific events that caused the death of the Russians only because they did not expect the shelling to begin without warning.

The war in the unrecognized Chechen Republic of Ichkeria brought a lot of trouble, but the GRU special forces in Chechnya tried their best to get by with fewer victims. Military intelligence in Chechnya reported that in light of the horrific events in the Caucasus, when criminals carried out "ethnic cleansing" among the non-Chechen population, urgent measures must be taken. Therefore, military intelligence in Chechnya decided to act and filed a petition for the start of hostilities.

However, unfortunately, after the numerous successes of the GRU special forces in Chechnya, the troops were withdrawn from the combat zone. The results of military Chechnya were numerous casualties, massive destruction and the independence of Chechnya before the Second Chechen War. Today, many are wondering about the causes of the conflict. As history says, the birth of military Chechnya has a nationalist basis.

Apparently, not everyone has yet learned the lessons of the Second World War, when nationalism led to the death of 27 million people in the USSR alone. The GRU special forces in the war in Chechnya could not but react to the criminal actions of the National Congress of the Chechen People. On June 8, 1991, Dzhakhar Dudayev proclaimed the independence of Chechnya, and dual power appeared in the republic. In time " August coup» militants seized the building of the Supreme Council and threw chairman Vitaly Kutsenko out of the window.

As you understand, the GRU special forces in the war in Chechnya acted in the interests of the Russian people and did not want to stand aside, while the war against the multinational people flared up. Today, in the vastness of the global network, various videos of the GRU special forces in Chechnya are presented. You can see how real masters of their craft work, who are ready to fight for the interests of the Russian people. We invite you to watch the video "Military Intelligence Chechnya". Video of the GRU special forces in Chechnya is a clear demonstration of strength and power Russian army.

And now we propose to talk about the various brigades of the GRU special forces, which are located in many cities of Russia.

List and combat ways GRU special forces brigades (OBrSpN)

To date, several GRU special forces brigades operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, which perform various tasks to prevent an attack on the state:

  • 3 GRU special forces brigade, or 3rd Guards Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov 3rd degree special forces brigade. The 3rd GRU Special Forces Brigade was officially formed in 1996, but the units from which it was created have a longer history. Reportedly historical facts, the history of the 3rd GRU special forces brigade began back in 1944, when the 5th separate motorcycle regiment took part in hostilities as part of the 1st Belorussian Front. The modern 3rd GRU Special Forces Brigade participated in the First and Second Chechen Wars. Also, the fighters of the 3rd brigade of the GRU special forces took part in the actions in Tajikistan. During the First Chechen War, the special forces of the GRU of Samara were engaged in reconnaissance of the city of Argun. As a result of the reconnaissance operation, a ford across the river was opened, through which all the equipment of the Samara GRU special forces was transported. The detachment had a hard time in the village of Komsomolskoye, where the fighters had to storm the height for the regiment marines. Further, the troops of the GRU special forces began an operation to disarm the illegal armed formations in the area of ​​​​the city of Argun. At night, a special forces detachment of the GRU of Samara penetrated the territory of the enemy and at 6.00 began to create an outer and inner ring of encirclement. 176 people were awarded for military distinctions. 4 people died. Some are wary of the GRU special forces in Tolyatti, but all this is in vain. Modern soldiers of the GRU special forces in Togliatti demonstrate a high level of skill and training.
  • The 2nd brigade of the GRU special forces began its formation in 1962, and in February 1963, the personnel of the Pskov GRU special forces conducted a ten-day winter exercise. On April 16, 1963, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded 2 GRU special forces brigade battle banner. Note that in its history, the Pskov special forces of the GRU were awarded the challenge Red Banner for special services to the Motherland. The servicemen were also given the opportunity to test the Il-76 aircraft during the Dozor-86 exercises. Combat history 2 GRU special forces brigades began in Afghanistan and after the war, the GRU special forces brigade was awarded the Badge of Honor "Military Valor". Also, the fighters of the 2nd brigade of the GRU special forces participated in the First and Second Chechen War.
  • The 10th GRU Special Forces Brigade was formed in 1962. Throughout its history, the 10th GRU Special Forces Brigade has been repeatedly awarded the challenge Red Banner for special services to the Fatherland. In 1991, it became part of Ukraine and after that it was reorganized into 1 separate regiment special purpose. In 2003, the 10th brigade of the GRU special forces was again formed on the territory of Russia and began modern history connections. The 10th GRU Special Forces Brigade participated in the Second Chechen War, and 11 fighters were lost as a result of the battles. Also, soldiers of the 10th brigade of the GRU special forces participated in operations in South Ossetia, as a result of which 3 soldiers were lost. On August 8, 2011, President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev presented the Order of Zhukov to the 10th brigade of the GRU special forces. This state award is awarded for merit in participating in major military operations.
  • The 12th GRU Special Forces Brigade was formed in 1962 and was located on the territory of Georgia. Throughout the military service, detachments of the 12th brigade of the GRU special forces participated in operations to restore constitutional order in the cities of Zagatala and Tbilisi. In 1991, the soldiers of the 12th brigade of the GRU special forces took part in the hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh, and after in South Ossetia. In the 1980s, 173 separate special forces detachments were introduced into the 12 GRU special forces brigade. Also, the fighters of the 12th brigade took part in the Second Chechen War. The fighters were involved in the counter-terrorist operation during armed conflict in the Republic of Dagestan. As a result of the hostilities, 5 soldiers of the 12th brigade of the GRU special forces were killed. In the summer of 1997, competitions were held on the territory of the GRU special forces unit, where for the first time in history, special forces groups from Russia, the USA and Slovakia took part. According to the results of the competition, the first place was taken by the special forces group of the 12th GRU special forces brigade, senior lieutenant Stolyarov D.V.
  • The 15th GRU Special Forces Brigade was formed back in 1962 on the territory of the Uzbek SSR. Then this formation consisted of a reconnaissance detachment, a radio detachment and headquarters. Soldiers of the 15th GRU Special Forces Brigade participated in covert operation to capture Amin's Palace in Kabul. The date of the especially secret operation to capture the Palace of Amin is 1979. In 1985, the soldiers of the 15th GRU special forces brigade were redeployed to the territory of Afghanistan in Jalalabad. For courage and military prowess, units of the GRU special forces units of this brigade were awarded Pennants of the USSR Ministry of Defense. In the late 80s and early 90s, soldiers of the 15th GRU special forces brigade performed special tasks in the "hot spots" of the USSR. As a result of the actions of the GRU special forces in Afghanistan, the 15th brigade lost 482 people.
  • Special Forces GRU Voldava - today on the vastness of the global network you can find a lot of videos about the valiant fighters of the special forces GRU Volkodava. Like most special forces units, they fight against terrorism, and stand guard over the state, performing covert operations.
  • The Muslim battalion is the conventional name for the GRU special forces units that were created for the war in Afghanistan. The GRU special forces in Afghanistan as part of Muslim battalions were staffed by officers, ensigns, sergeants and soldiers of Central Asian nationality, who were nominally considered Muslims. The Muslim battalion is a separate special forces detachment, the staff of which differed from the regular staff of the battalions. Such units consisted of reconnaissance companies, separate platoons at the battalion headquarters, and also had an engineer company, a fire support company, and a motor transport company.
  • The Berdskaya brigade of the GRU special forces was created in September 1961 and in 1970 was relocated to Berdsk. Servicemen in the Berdsk brigade of the GRU special forces were preparing to carry out reconnaissance and sabotage operations deep behind enemy lines. To implement the operation plan, soldiers were thrown by planes and helicopters with parachutes into enemy territory. In the Berdsk brigade of the GRU special forces, a one-of-a-kind company was formed, which consisted only of ensigns and officers. Soldiers of the Berdsk brigade of the GRU special forces participated in the First and Second Chechen Wars. In 2009, the unit was disbanded, but today the authorities promise that they will soon restore the brigade.
  • Spetsnaz GRU Rostov or 22 separate brigade of special purpose was formed in 1976. The special forces of the GRU of Rostov are known for the fact that during the Chechen war they destroyed more than 5,000 spooks. Losses in the war in Afghanistan amounted to 191 people. For the courage and heroism shown in the performance of the national duty, more than 300 people of the Rostov GRU special forces were awarded medals.
  • The GRU Spetsnaz Tambov or the 16th separate brigade of the Spetsnaz GRU was formed in 1962. In 1972, the special forces of the GRU Tambov participated in extinguishing the Central Black Earth Zone. Personnel 16 brigade participated in the fighting in Afghanistan. The main objects of the special forces of the GRU Tambov were caravans with weapons and ammunition, warehouses and transshipment bases of the Mujahideen. In 1992, units of the 16th brigade took part in the hostilities in Tajikistan. Special Forces units of the GRU Tambov took part in the First and Second Chechen Wars. During the period of the Chechen campaigns, more than 1,700 servicemen were awarded state awards. To date, the Tambov GRU special forces demonstrate a high level of training. The Tambov special forces of the GRU are always ready to defend the fatherland.
  • The GRU Spetsnaz of Irkutsk or the 24th Separate Special Forces Brigade was formed in 1977. The special-purpose detachment was formed according to a special staff and had 538 people at its disposal. The special forces of the GRU of Irkutsk participated in the First and Second Chechen Wars. The fighters carried out a number of reconnaissance operations from January 17 to May 7, 1995. 2 people died. The enemy lost 50 militants and 3 armored vehicles. During the second Chechen war, a special forces detachment of the GRU of Irkutsk performed reconnaissance tasks from September 5 to December 26, 2000. 49 militants were destroyed, but during one of the operations 3 people were killed.

In fact, there are a lot of special forces units in other cities of Russia. The special forces of the GRU of Novosibirsk are constantly preparing fighters for the intelligence department, improving their combat skills. Special Forces GRU Novosibirsk is always ready to help the citizens of Russia.

It's no secret that the Main Intelligence Directorate is located in Moscow. Therefore, the level of GRU special forces in Moscow is very high. GRU special forces in Moscow are constantly busy improving their skills and often participate in conflict resolution operations in the capital. Despite the fact that the war has long ended, the GRU special forces in Moscow are fighting against popular unrest and disperse unauthorized rallies.

The GRU Senezh special forces also stand guard over order and train daily to provide combat resistance. Like all other units, the GRU Senezh special forces are engaged in anti-terrorist activities and intelligence.

The special forces of the GRU of Solnechnogorsk perform reconnaissance tasks and are always ready to leave at the first call. It is worth noting that the GRU training center is located in Solnechnogorsk, where the younger generation of fighters is being trained. Behind the special forces of the GRU of Solnechnogorsk, the future of the special forces.

Speaking about the GRU special forces, one cannot but mention the Vostok battalion, which consisted of a battalion of the 291st motorized rifle regiment of the 42nd guards motorized rifle division Ministry of Defense of Russia. At the moment, the Vostok battalion has been disbanded. Most of the fighters of the Vostok battalion were Chechens. Until May 2008 they were headed by Sulim Yamadayev. Units of this battalion participated in the war in South Ossetia. The Vostok battalion in Ossetia was part of the peacekeeping contingent of the Russian army.

During the combat conflict in the combat zone, two people of the Vostok battalion in Ossetia were wounded. Note that Yamadayev's special forces took part in the liberation of Tskhinvali on August 9. Also, the Vostok Battalion in Georgia took a direct part in the march to Gori on August 13. As for the actions of the battalion in Georgia, the fighters of the "East" played an important role in the process of "knocking out" the aggressor from Tskhinvali. Battalion "Vostok" in Georgia acted on the orders of the commander of the North Caucasian district. Within an hour, the fighters were transferred to Khankala, and after August 9 they were in Tskhinvali. Fortunately, the Vostok battalion in Georgia was well acquainted with the situation, and after a year and a half they felt at home there. The fighters cleared the city of snipers and scattered groups, and also freed the civilian population. The Georgian fighters were not ready for a fight, and the enemy lost his balance. Thus, the Vostok battalion won in Georgia.

In addition to the Vostok battalion, the Russian Federation had the West battalion at its disposal, which also performed various tasks to detect enemy troops. In addition to reconnaissance operations, the militants of the West Battalion fought terrorists.

One of the most tragic terrorist attacks that the GRU special forces had to deal with was the terrorist attack in Budyonnovsk. As a result of a ruthless attack by Chechen terrorists on the Russian city of Budyonnovsk in 1995, hostages were taken. During the terrorist attack in Budyonnovsk, 1600 people were kept in the hospital. The hostages of Budyonnovsk were left alive, and those who did not want to go were shot. The local police resisted the terrorists, but almost all law enforcement officers were killed. As a result of the assault on the GRU special forces, 61 Budyonnovsk hostages were released. After negotiations, the terrorists released the hostages, and Russian authorities agreed to stop fighting in Chechnya and withdrew troops. During the attack, 129 people were killed and 415 were injured.

And now we propose to turn to the history of the GRU special forces. In 1918, the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic approved the staff of the RVSR field headquarters, which included the so-called registration department. His tasks included coordinating the efforts of the intelligence agencies of the military undercover intelligence. It is from 1918 that the history of the GRU special forces begins. November 5, 1918 is considered the birthday of Soviet military intelligence. Further, in 1921, in order to create a unified command and control body for the armed forces of the USSR, the RVSR Field Headquarters merged with the RKKV, and the registration department became part of the new governing body.

In April 1921, the Registration Department was transformed into the Intelligence Directorate and the department of Soviet military intelligence was included there. For the period from 1921 to 1925, the Intelligence Directorate carried out thorough research, and organized partisan detachments. In 1940, the history of military intelligence observes the formation of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army. And in 1924, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff was created and a new stage in the history of military intelligence began. During the war years, the special forces of the GRU of the USSR were engaged not only in reconnaissance and sabotage activities. In some cases, special forces soldiers were called in to quell riots on the streets of the city.

The special forces of the GRU of the USSR were also engaged in the capture of spies - the fighters arrested especially dangerous spies. Then the military intelligence of the USSR was in its heyday, and the soldiers of the Red Army were looking everywhere for spies and traitors. In June 1945, the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR was merged with the RU of the General Staff, and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army was formed, which was engaged in military intelligence of the USSR. During the war, a lot of heroes and veterans of the military intelligence of the USSR appeared. If you have acquaintances of military intelligence veterans, then be sure to congratulate them on the holiday of the day of the GRU special forces.

And now we would like to talk about the GRU special forces combat system, which was designed specifically to withstand several opponents at the same time. Note that today the basic combat technique of the GRU special forces is not kept secret, and anyone can master it if they make enough effort. You ask, why do you need to study the combat system of the GRU special forces?

Today modern man you just need to learn hand-to-hand combat skills in order to defend yourself from criminals and ill-wishers. The GRU spetsnaz combat system is much more effective than other techniques or martial arts because it has no rules. Today, most martial arts have acquired a "sporty color" and such techniques can only be used in sports competitions. Hand-to-hand combat of the GRU special forces is applicable in real life and moreover, it will allow you to effectively deal with those who practice boxing or judo.

Hand-to-hand combat of the GRU special forces and the GRU combat system combined the qualities of many combat systems. Such a combat system combines elements of shock and wrestling techniques. Modern training the GRU special forces have reached a new level, and you can not be afraid for your health and calmly walk to your home in a gold chain. The GRU special forces training program includes the study of human anatomy, namely the knowledge of special points and methods of striking them. The techniques of the GRU special forces are so effective that they will help to stop, paralyze or “knock out” a person.

Today, in Russia, few people know about the methods of the GRU special forces because for a long time the GRU special forces combat technique was kept secret. However, over time basic knowledge about the combat technique of the GRU special forces began to "swim up" to the masses. Thanks to the hand-to-hand combat techniques of the GRU special forces, even an ordinary person can defend himself from an attack on the street and even confront several opponents at the same time.

However, one must always remember the responsibility for the consequences and use the methods of hand-to-hand combat of the GRU special forces only with full awareness of the infliction of possible injuries. The tactics of combat of the GRU special forces are used in the course of operations to free hostages or to capture terrorists. The fighters of the Main Intelligence Directorate work quickly and efficiently, and you can learn this technique either from a professional or in the ranks of the GRU troops. The tactics of combat of the GRU special forces take into account the possible actions of the enemy, and the training course for fighters also includes training in knife combat for the GRU special forces. After all, today everyone can buy edged weapons and the knife fighting technique of the GRU special forces will come in handy both on the battlefield and in real life. Knife fighting of the GRU special forces is a special technique.

To date, special operations of the GRU special forces are carried out constantly. Unfortunately, we live in a turbulent time, and special operations of the GRU special forces help keep peace on the streets of Russian cities. However, the tactics of the GRU special forces have been worked out to the smallest detail, and exercises are constantly conducted in units. GRU spetsnaz tactics work against both terrorists and common criminals. There are frequent cases when GRU special forces equipment is used, for example, during the storming of a building. During the years of the Chechen war, the equipment of the GRU special forces was used in the process of storming Grozny.

Now we propose to pay attention to the weapons of the GRU special forces, which are used in practice in the course of a special operation. As we have already said, GRU fighters are engaged not only in intelligence, but also in anti-terrorist activities. Therefore, the high-quality weapons of the GRU special forces are more relevant than ever in the process of special operations:

  • SVD or sniper rifle Dragunov is best friend sniper. SVD was developed back in 1963 and has not lost its relevance to this day. SVD is a self-loading weapon and automation is based on the use of the energy of powder gases, which are discharged from the bore to the gas piston. The optimal rifling pitch for precise SVD combat is 320 mm. This allows you to hit a running figure at a distance of 800 meters.
  • Ak 74 or Kalashnikov assault rifle with a caliber of 5.45 mm was developed in 1970 and adopted by the USSR in 1974. Despite the fact that the machine was invented more than 40 years ago, the AK 74 is still a relevant weapon in the fight against militants and terrorists. Of course, it has undergone some changes, for example, the modern AK 74 uses a low-impulse cartridge. The new cartridge has a flatter trajectory and this allowed to increase the firing range by 100 meters. The mass of the AK 74 was reduced by the use of plastic in the production process of the magazine.
  • AKM is a modernized version of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, which was in service with the USSR in 1959. In the new AKM, the effective firing range has increased, the weight of the machine gun has decreased due to the use of a stamped receiver, and a trigger retarder was added, which increased the accuracy of the battle. The AKM is equipped with a short bayonet that can be used to cut through barbed wire. The AKM combat range for a running figure is 525 meters.
  • VSS Vintorez or 9mm sniper rifle developed according to the Vintorez system. VVS "Vintorez" is a silent sniper rifle that was created in the early 1980s. The rifle was intended for special forces. The first use of the Vintorez Air Force took place in the First Chechen War, when the special forces decided to use a rifle against militants. They could not understand where they were shooting from, and these rifles annoyed the enemy very much. Air Force "Vintorez" is great for fighting in the city, and the commanders characterize it as an ideal weapon for the GRU special forces.

  • The 7.62 caliber Kalashnikov machine gun was developed by Kalashnikov and the weapon immediately entered service with the USSR in 1961. The Kalashnikov machine gun can be mounted on a tripod or on an armored personnel carrier. The tripod version of the Kalashnikov machine gun greatly improves the quality of firing from a trench. In 1969, PKM was released, which had a smaller mass.
  • PB pistol - great option for military armament intelligence groups and personnel of the KGB of Russia. It was put into service in 1967. The PB pistol is equipped with an integrated silencer. Subsequently, a special system was developed that allowed the PB pistol to be stored with the silencer removed, but at the right time, the fighter could quickly screw it back on. With a silencer, the shooter with the PB pistol can be heard within a radius of 50 meters. The pistol has a good balance and is distinguished by service strength and durability.
  • AS Val is a silent machine that was developed in the second half of the 1980s along with a screw cutter. The AS Val submachine gun is designed for special forces. The weapon uses 9mm subsonic cartridges. A sniper cartridge bullet pierces class 2 bulletproof vest and 100 mm steel sheet. On distance aimed shooting the AS Val submachine gun can hit a hiding enemy. AS Val is equipped with night sights that can recognize the enemy at a distance of up to 300 meters.
  • Flamethrower "Bumblebee" - jet infantry flamethrower for single use. The flamethrower "Bumblebee" is not subject to reloading and is a rocket projectile, which is filled with a fire mixture. The main purpose of the Shmel flamethrower is to defeat a hidden enemy and disable lightly armored vehicles. The aiming range of the flamethrower is 20 meters. In terms of damage level, it is not inferior to artillery shells, and one charge of the Bumblebee flamethrower destroys all life within a radius of 80 square meters.
  • The APB pistol is a silent automatic model that was developed in 1970 and put into service in 1972 as the main weapon of the GRU special forces. This pistol model was successfully used in the ranks of the Soviet troops. Soviet military intelligence also used it. Note that the APB pistol has a low mass and is equipped with a silencer with a relatively weak cartridge. However, the APB pistol is capable of firing short bursts with high accuracy and accuracy. The sound of the shot is quieter than a regular pistol, however, it is better to use a silencer for silent fire mode. Note that the silencer makes it difficult to find the shooter, but is not able to completely hide the fact of the shot.
  • NRS-1 - is it possible to imagine a GRU special forces agent without a shooting knife? This GRU special forces knife is great for covert special operations due to its secret mechanism. The development of the NRS-1 began in the 1970s. The first model outwardly resembled an ordinary GRU special forces knife, but the NRS-1 is capable of hitting the enemy with a silent shot at a distance of 25 meters. Thus, the commando has an advantage in the form of a surprise effect. The HPC-1 knife pierces a 2mm steel plate.

As you can see for yourself, the weapons of the GRU spetsnaz are diverse and the equipment of the GRU spetsnaz depends on the specific operation. Basically, the commando uses silent weapon special forces of the GRU, and the equipment of the special forces of the GRU also depends on the combat mission. The equipment of the GRU special forces can be completely different and modern special forces most often use the equipment of the GRU special forces, which has a small mass.

Now a few words about the symbolism of the GRU special forces, which has always been the pride of any soldier who serves in a special forces unit. The symbolism of the GRU special forces is the image of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe unit and the unofficial symbol of military intelligence - a bat, which symbolizes secrecy. The official symbols of military intelligence are the emblem, flag and badge of the GRU special forces.

In fact, the symbolism of military intelligence is a rather broad concept and this is due to the fact that different brigades have differences in the symbols of military intelligence. However, there are common symbols, such as the emblem of military intelligence, which is large, medium and small. The large emblem of military intelligence is a five-pointed red star in the shape of a cornflower, which is framed in a white pattern. The average emblem of the GRU special forces is the same five-pointed "cornflower" on a black background in the shape of a shield. The small emblem of the GRU special forces is a five-pointed "cornflower" on a white background.

The symbolism of military intelligence is very diverse. Next, we move on to the military intelligence badge and, as we said, it is represented by the image bat on a blue background. The military intelligence badge is more popular than the flag of the GRU spetsnaz and its image is very often drawn on various products that are associated with spetsnaz. The sign of the GRU special forces can be seen on all kinds of flasks, T-shirts and other items of clothing. Also, the sign of the GRU special forces is depicted on most awards for special forces. The flag of the GRU special forces is a blue panel with a black bat on a white circle.

Such a military intelligence flag is very common and the military intelligence flag is very often raised in special forces. Also, every soldier of the special forces considers it his duty to learn the anthem of the GRU special forces. Learning the anthem of the GRU special forces is very important for raising morale and fighting mood. GRU special forces songs are also very popular at GRU special forces day celebrations and such GRU special forces songs are most often performed on acoustic guitar. The motto of the GRU spetsnaz can be completely different for each unit, but the most popular motto of the GRU spetsnaz is the statement: "If not us, then who?"

Today, many are wondering how to get into the GRU special forces. In fact, there is no clear answer to this question, and it all depends on how you are perceived in the military registration and enlistment office. Therefore, there are few ways to get into the GRU special forces. However, one thing is known for sure: to serve in the GRU special forces, you need excellent physical fitness and morale. volitional qualities. As you understand, service in the GRU special forces is a school of life and many people are tested for strength there. However, if you didn’t get it the first time, don’t despair, and any GRU special forces officer will tell you that if you have a goal, then you will achieve it. If you want to become a GRU special forces officer, you will have to go through a special GRU special forces school.

To date, there is one GRU special forces school, where officers are trained and trained. The GRU special forces school is a great way to raise not only the level physical training but also to show their moral and volitional qualities. The GRU special forces school is located in Novosibirsk, but for this you need to be a member of the special services. If you are ready to give all of yourself to the service of the Motherland, then you can continue training the GRU special forces. Note that the training of the GRU special forces includes participation in the exercises of the GRU special forces. Today, GRU special forces exercises are carried out in order to increase the combat level of units.

The uniform of the GRU special forces, which you can buy in the military store, is a green camouflage, which is great for camouflage. The uniform of the GRU special forces can be made in different colors depending on the season. In our store you can buy a GRU special forces uniform at an adequate price, and today any soldier can buy a GRU special forces uniform. The form of military intelligence is different high quality, however, military personnel who are retired prefer to acquire a new form of military intelligence. On our website you can find a photo of the GRU special forces uniform. As you understand, a photo of the GRU special forces uniform will allow you to evaluate appearance goods.

GRU special forces chevrons become very popular when it comes time to retire. Dembel is embroidered with GRU special forces chevrons with white thread. The military intelligence badge cannot be embroidered according to the law, however, on the day of dismissal, demobilized people want to look special and therefore they embroider the military intelligence badge. Among the officers, the new dress uniform of the GRU special forces is popular because at the holiday you always want to look perfect. Moreover, the command requires that the dress uniform of the GRU special forces have an impeccable appearance.

To date, such a product as GRU special forces clothing has become very popular. On the holiday of the day of the GRU special forces, half of the city walks in the clothes of the GRU special forces. Also among the military, such a position as the camouflage of the GRU special forces is popular. As you can see for yourself, the GRU special forces camouflage is shown in the photo a little higher. The beret of the GRU special forces can have different colors, but the most common is the blue beret of the GRU special forces. Today GRU spetsnaz berets are a popular commodity because spetsnaz fathers buy military intelligence berets for their children. As you yourself know, military intelligence takes - this is the pride of every soldier. The military intelligence beret is issued once in a lifetime and forever.

Among the goods of the “civilian category”, the watches of the GRU special forces remain very popular. Such watches of the GRU special forces can become great gift for a veteran. T-shirts of military intelligence are no less in demand. Such a product as a military intelligence T-shirt is very popular among young people. GRU special forces T-shirt is wonderful way tell about your belonging to the special forces troops. It is worth noting that GRU special forces T-shirts look very good with GRU special forces tattoos. Each special forces fighter tries to get at least one tattoo of the GRU special forces.

The video of the GRU special forces has always inspired young people to the feat of serving the fatherland. Looking at how the brave special forces soldiers work, anyone has a desire to prove themselves and become part of an elite unit. Spetsnaz GRU video is worth watching:

Special Forces Day in the Russian Federation is becoming a holiday for an elite military unit that performs the most difficult combat missions. Warriors in "maroon" berets have always been respected among Russians, and the name of the headdress of the special forces is associated with the word "sprinkled", that is, covered in blood. So it is called in honor of the special forces who died during the performance of special operations, and among the military personnel of this unit of the troops, the "marked" beret is a symbol of courage.

Story: Today Special Forces Day is officially celebrated by all servicemen military units special purpose, and this one has undergone a long evolution. The first such structures were created back in 1918 in order to fruitfully fight the Basmachi and the rebels of Central Asia at the time of the establishment of Soviet power on the territory of the former Russian Empire.

These departments are considered the ancestors of modern special forces, although the names of these military units and their structure have changed repeatedly. However, the essence of the work special units remained unchanged for decades, as groups of qualified military personnel were engaged in the search for and subsequent detention of the most dangerous criminals, freed hostages and liquidated various gangs.

Currently Russian special forces- These are modern paramilitary formations subordinate to various federal authorities, and each of them is characterized by the presence of its own conventional name. Such branches include Vityaz and Alfa, Rus and Vympel, and the soldiers of each individual unit have specific tasks.

Distinctive characteristics of servicemen in maroon berets are coordination of actions, responsiveness and mobility, and Special Forces Day was approved as recognition of the special merits of soldiers in ensuring stability in the state. Special Forces is celebrated on October 24 according to a presidential decree signed in 2006. But the troops have another “birthday”, which is celebrated on August 29, since on this date in 1957 it was decided to form five special battalions of special forces.

Peculiarities: GRU Special Forces Day is now an official holiday celebrated on October 24, however, neither mass celebrations nor any demonstration performances are held on the streets of domestic cities at this time. The GRU units were created back in 1950 on the initiative and the main task of this separate special forces unit was to combat the spread of what was being created in the territory

The Day of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces coincides with the professional holiday of other troops, since October 24 is a date that unites all military personnel of the elite units of the Russian army. Only police officers serving in the OMON can solemnly celebrate Special Forces Day on another date - November 9, listening to congratulations and parting words from their direct superiors - the heads of the Internal Affairs Directorate.

celebration: Special forces serving in elite units, celebrate a professional holiday in different ways, but outsiders are rarely allowed to solemn events. As a rule, competitions of various reconnaissance groups are held on such a day, however, they are often held on the territory of closed combat units, and only the command is able to fully assess their level of tactical and special training. Many commandos celebrate the unofficial part of the holiday in a close circle of colleagues, recalling past special operations, and almost no owner of a professional date maroon beret does not celebrate in clubs.

"The Day of Special Purpose Units and Formations" is a relatively young professional holiday in Russia, it was established on May 31, 2006 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."
The date of October 24 for the "Day of Special Purpose Units and Formations" was not chosen by chance. It was on this day in 1950 that the Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Minister of War of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky signed Directive No. ORG / 2/395/832 with the stamp "Secret" on the creation of special forces units (SpN) (deep reconnaissance or special intelligence) for operations in the deepest rear of a potential enemy, in which it was prescribed in as soon as possible(until May 1, 1951) to form in the country's armed forces 46 special forces companies with a staff of 120 people each, in all military districts, groups of troops and fleets. The order was carried out and on May Day 1951, the USSR Armed Forces already had more than five and a half thousand Special Forces units in their composition. It was the day Vasilevsky signed the directive that became a significant date. It is worth noting that special forces existed in the Russian army until 1917. It was a separate Marine brigade special purpose (OMBON), formed on May 31, 1916 as part of the Special Purpose Mine and Artillery Regiments and the Special Purpose River Flotilla. These units were staffed by officers of the Navy and took part in the fighting on Western front until the beginning of 1918, after which they were disbanded. Thus, the birthday of the "old" Russian special forces is May 31.
Later, units of the Special Forces were created (one brigade for each military district or fleet and a brigade of central subordination). If the NATO countries began military operations against the USSR, the units and units of the Special Forces would be the first to defend. The reconnaissance groups were to appear in the immediate vicinity of the command posts and other strategic facilities of the aggressor armed forces. Their task was to conduct reconnaissance, and, if necessary, destroy command posts, rocket launchers, aircraft strategic aviation, atomic submarines, disrupt communications, power supply, destroy transport communications, sow panic and bring chaos to the military and government.

... To do what the special forces did in Afghanistan, only infinitely courageous and determined soldiers can do. The people who served in the special forces battalions were professionals of the highest standard.
- B.V. Gromov, "Limited contingent"

For its more than half a century of history, the structure and quantitative composition units of the Special Forces changed repeatedly.

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