How to get into the Airborne Forces and special forces: who will not be taken into the elite troops. How to get into special forces on conscription: tips How to get a special forces unit

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The conscription of the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops in the Russian Federation is always carried out on the basis of federal legislation. Local governments are responsible for enforcing laws. At the same time, it is these bodies that should create suitable opportunities for the service of citizens in the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops of the Russian Federation.

Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: basic information

Since 2013, changes to the existing provisions for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation began to be considered.

Previously, only ideal candidates who met the following requirements were recruited into the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • ideal state of health;
  • a strong nervous system for successful resistance to various external factors and circumstances;
  • perfect biography.

However, now the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been completely transferred to a contract basis. Previously, urgent draft soldiers made up 50% of the troops. Now, from 2016, the military will serve only on a contract basis.

The service of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs turns out to be not as accessible as we would like. Each soldier must have perfect health, CCM, a good personal and parental biography. In addition, even the biography of relatives should be perfect.

The decision on the possibility of service does not depend on the conscript. The decision is made by the selection committee, which determines the opportunities for young people to serve in different structures. Personal characteristics, skills, knowledge are always taken into account. It is especially difficult to get into the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as it requires perfect physical fitness and the ability to withstand a serious load during exercises and army service.

Recently, it has been difficult for the state authorities to carry out the established plans for the recruitment of young people. Despite this, the requirements must remain the same. From the number of conscripts who will successfully serve for the good of the Motherland, it is less and less possible to choose suitable conscripts for the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Call for internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not available

The legislation of the Russian Federation now allows only contract service. It is important to note that it is this power structure that should protect nuclear facilities and guarantee the optimal level of security for rallies.

Contract soldiers can take the chance to enlist. At the same time, the final decision will be made by the officers in leadership positions. It is they who must assess the citizen's compliance with the requirements. The Ministry of Internal Affairs can now act bypassing the military registration and enlistment offices.

To date, contract soldiers make up about half of the entire contingent of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in the future they will make up 100%. Nikolai Rogozhkin, who holds the post of General of the Russian Army, notes that the contract basis will simplify the search for suitable soldiers and successful interaction with them.

Nikolai Rogozhkin notes that the salary of a professional soldier of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is at least 20,000 rubles. Each soldier additionally receives comfortable housing, and good nutrition while serving in a military unit.

Features of the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and modern requirements

The airborne troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are a special structure that has become famous for its special morality and ideal physical training of men. Paratroopers from the very beginning must know the basic principles and established standards for those who serve in the army.

In the USSR, by the mid-1980s, 14 separate brigades, 2 separate regiments and 20 separate battalions were successfully formed. One brigade in Soviet times was supposed to operate in a specific military district. At the same time, a special instructor had to control the physical form of the fighters in each company.

The standards for DMV in the USSR were near-sports. Currently, contract soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must also pass the relevant standards.

The morning hour allotted for physical training was always different from any troops. This hour is devoted to the development of physical abilities through special sports exercises.

The paratroopers began to actively develop physically thanks to Sergei Shoigu, who was the Minister of Defense. In Russia, more lenient requirements are imposed, but this becomes the minimum set for further promotion.

Modern requirements for soldiers:

  • weight - 75 - 85 kilograms;
  • height - 175 - 190 centimeters;
  • mandatory wording - Fit for service in the airborne troops;
  • the conscript should not suffer from addiction to alcohol and cigarettes, heart disease;
  • vision must be perfect. Even a slight deterioration can lead to a refusal to enroll in the troops;
  • endurance. Recruits must cope with regulatory burdens.

The Airborne Forces provides for difficult conditions for soldiers, so the above requirements are not surprising. Women, like men, must be hardy, tall and not overweight.

Video: Call to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, how to get

Today, special forces units are small paramilitary formations of federal authorities - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Federal Drug Control Service and others. Special Forces soldiers are distinguished by excellent physical and moral training, reaction speed, coordination in actions, surprise, skillful use of military equipment and weapons. Ordinary people from the street are not taken here. Each future commando goes through a rigorous selection system in several stages.

At the qualifying stage, candidates submit an application, an autobiography (written by hand), fill out a questionnaire, attach personal documents and documents of close relatives, photographs of the established sample. The test includes mental tests, the results of which are seriously evaluated. The candidate must have a good education, as he will need knowledge from various fields: mathematics, physics, history, foreign languages. Intellectual fitness is assessed during conversation and through psychological intelligence tests. Each applicant must have excellent health, since by the nature of his service he will have to face great physical exertion. The chances of getting into the ranks of special forces with 2-4 mission groups are sharply reduced. The only way out is the passage of the military medical commission to change the group. The guys from the special forces must be perfectly physically prepared. Physical testing of candidates for general endurance and muscle performance includes cross-country, pull-ups, abs, strength exercises. The receiving employees strictly follow the exercise, so the “fluttering” on the crossbar will not work. Fuzzy exercises are not counted, and the applicant is forgiven. Psychophysiological studies of beginners include testing for the use of psychotropic and narcotic substances, as well as for the presence of dependence on alcohol, drugs and other toxic substances. People with "minor" convictions and a criminal past in special units the road is closed. Any conviction is a serious obstacle to service. Each special forces unit has its own selection criteria. So, for example, officers, cadets of military schools are taken to the FSB special forces as candidates for officer positions (97%) and warrant officers (3%) no older than 28 years old, with a height of 175 cm. Exceptions are provided for those whose professional qualities outweigh minor inconsistencies who has combat experience or came from other law enforcement agencies. Every year, the number of teenagers who want to get into special forces is growing. For such guys, the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia constantly conducts selection for the Young Spetsnaz detachment. All standards are as close as possible to adult special forces. Participation in this project contributes to the strengthening of psychophysical training and increases the chance of the opportunity to serve in the special forces.

Significant time is allotted for testing and studying each candidate. Everyone should remember that all provided data about him and his relatives will be subject to careful verification. The employee of the personnel apparatus will inform the applicant about the decision made.

The special forces are subordinate to the General Staff of the Main Intelligence Directorate under the Ministry of Defense. The structure of the Main Directorate includes 13 main and 8 subsidiary departments and departments.

Anyone who dreams of contract service in special forces, first of all, must decide in which particular unit he would like to serve. This may be the FSB or the customs service, the anti-terrorist center or foreign intelligence, the drug control service or the military topographic department, and others.

Requirements for candidates

Spetsnaz are the elite military units of the Russian Federation, which are in a higher degree of combat readiness, ready to carry out the most difficult and risky tasks. In order to get into them, you need to have high physical and moral-psychological qualities. More often, the best representatives of the younger generation who have already served in the army, especially in the airborne troops, are taken into these troops.

Special requirements are imposed on military personnel who apply for service in the ranks of special forces:

  • physical health;
  • military service;
  • age up to 28 years;
  • higher education;
  • the rank of ensign or officer;
  • height not less than 175 cm.

But there are exceptions.

As a rule, they concern those who have combat experience or come to serve from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or other law enforcement agencies.

For the selection of military personnel who will continue to be trained and serve in the special forces, there is a specific methodology. With the help of the latter, strength, endurance, agility, speed and other necessary qualities of candidates are determined. Therefore, future candidates applying for service in elite units should start playing sports as early as possible and develop the necessary qualities in themselves.

To check the physical form of applicants, there are special standards. These are running (3 km in 10 minutes), pull-ups (at least 25 times), push-ups (at least 90 times), press (90 times in 120 seconds).

The advantage in the selection of candidates will be the presence of a category in any sport.

The main task of the Main Intelligence Directorate is intelligence, so not only strength and physical endurance are important here. You also need to be able to work with your head; intellectual abilities play an important role in the selection.

The medical board will check you from "A" to "Z", thus determining your readiness for this service. A psychologist will talk to you, revealing all aspects of your moral and psychological readiness.

But this is not all the requirements for those wishing to join the special forces. In addition to the above, you must not have a criminal record, you will have to check the next of kin and their consent to your service in such units. You also have to pass a lie detector test.

Where to go to those who want to serve in special forces

Anyone who meets the above requirements should contact the military registration and enlistment office at the place of their registration. There, tests will be conducted at the Main Selection Point for contractors. If you pass them, then you will move one step closer to your dream. After all, serious trials await you ahead - daily training, even on weekends and holidays, you can be thrown into an unknown area without provisions, you will be given tasks that will require not only strength and endurance, but also your ingenuity, your intellect. Every six months, those who cannot cope with such loads are screened out, so endurance, perseverance and patience will not be superfluous.

For persons with an officer rank, general military training is carried out at the Higher Military Command School, located in the city of Novosibirsk, and special training is conducted at the Military Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Academy includes the Higher Academic Courses, as well as postgraduate studies. For those who have the rank of ensign, a prerequisite is the presence of higher education. Only in this case can he receive the rank of officer.

Special requirements are imposed on servicemen serving in the Vityaz special forces detachment, according to which a special forces soldier must be physically developed and ready to perform responsible combat missions, have excellent health and high moral and psychological qualities.

Therefore, in order to select military personnel for service in the Vityaz special forces detachment, an appropriate methodology has been developed to assess the physical capabilities of the candidate, where the test evaluates the endurance, strength, speed, flexibility and dexterity of the test subject.
Test results are evaluated by the sum of points.

TEST No. 1. Endurance is assessed

Continuous running for 12 minutes is evaluated by the distance that the subject covered in the specified time.

TEST No. 2. Strength endurance is assessed

A comprehensive strength test consists of sequentially performed exercises.

Exercise #1

Starting position stop crouching. Take a lying position and return to the starting position, repeat 10 times.

Exercise #2
Performed immediately after exercise 1.

From the starting position, lie down on your stomach and roll over onto your back (1), raise your legs without bending at the knees (2), touch the floor with your toes behind your head (3) (if there is no touch, the exercise is considered failed), return your legs to their original position.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise #3
It is performed immediately after exercise 2.

Roll over from your back to your stomach, take the starting position lying down, bend your elbows until your chest touches the floor (ground), straighten your arms.

Exercise number 4
Performed immediately after exercise 3.

Take a position of rest-crouching, sit down on one knee, raise your hands up, put your palms on the back of your head. Jump up, straighten your legs, crouch on the other knee.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercises 1-4 are a complete cycle of a comprehensive test. The candidate must attempt to complete the maximum number of cycles.


Pull-ups on the bar from a hanging position. In the lower position, the legs do not touch the ground (floor), in the upper position, the chin should be above the crossbar. Not allowed: swinging and performing the exercise with a jerk.

TEST No. 4. Speed ​​qualities are evaluated

It is necessary to run ten segments of ten meters in a minimum period of time.

TEST #5 Flexibility is assessed

To assess flexibility, you need to perform 4 exercises.

TEST number 6. Agility is assessed

The test consists of five exercises consecutively following each other without stopping. Each exercise must be performed technically and correctly (for non-technically performed exercises, 10 penalty seconds may be added). The test must be performed in the specified sequence in the shortest possible time.

Exercise #1

You need a partner to complete the exercise. The partner puts his feet shoulder-width apart, tilts his torso parallel to the ground (floor). The subject makes a vault over the partner, crawls between the partner's legs and again makes vault. Repeat the exercise 7 times (i.e. seven vaults and seven climbs).

Exercise #2

Perform seven somersaults forward and seven somersaults back.

Exercise #3

You need to walk a segment of seven meters on your hands. If the test subject loses balance and touches the floor with his foot, repeat the exercise from the beginning.

Exercise number 4

Crawl 10 meters in a plastunsky way.

Exercise number 5

Starting position lying on your back. Perform kip-ups 3 times in a row. Each failed attempt is repeated.
Seconds are converted to points by subtracting the total number of points from 100 (100 - 1 = number of points).


The ability to show self-control and endurance in a training duel.

Training fights according to the rules of boxing
One against one: according to the formula of the fight 1 round - 3 minutes
One (Tested) vs. Two: 1 round - 2 minutes
just 5 minutes without a break

Expert evaluation of test results
Tested fight is passive - 0 points
The tested person is active - 20 points
1 x 2 Combat Tester Shows Initiative - 50 points

During testing, athletes with sports categories in boxing, karate and hand-to-hand combat are checked separately from the rest.

According to the proposed table, it is necessary to determine the total number of points by adding.

The lower limit is 295 points. It is not advisable to take a candidate who has scored fewer points for service in special forces units. Testing is carried out on one day, the sequence of tests must correspond to their numbering. The time between each test should not exceed 10 minutes, while assessing the ability of a person to endure various loads in a limited time.


Passed meters Glasses The number of cycles Glasses Number of pull-ups Glasses Seconds Glasses centimeters Glasses Seconds Glasses
2800 20 1 0 up to 8 0 30 25 Ex. #1 80
2900 30 2 0 9 27 29 30 over 20 0 78 5
3000 35 3 20 10 30 28 33 15 5 76 3100 39 4 30 11 33 27 36 10 10 74 3200 42 5 40 12 36 26 39 5 15 72 10 3300 45 6 50 13 39 25 42 Exercise number 2 70 3400 50 14 42 24 45 over 30 0 68 15 50 23 50 20 5 66 15 16 50 15 10 64 10 15 60 20 60 Ex. Number 3 58 25 over 10 about 56 30 5 5 54 35 0 10 52 40 50 45 0 48 50 Ex. #4 over 10 0 0 10


The credentials committee is held at the final stage of the selection of candidates for the special purpose unit "Vityaz", where the members of the commission talk to the candidates in turn, study the test results and performance characteristics, and hear the health worker about the health of the person being certified.
With high test results, a positive testimonial and medical indications, the candidate is enrolled in a special purpose unit. If the certified person has low performance in testing, then he can be enlisted in the reserve for service in special forces.

Spetsnaz - special forces, created in different years in most countries of the world. Many young guys are concerned about the question of how to get into special forces, but it must be said right away that it is not so easy and even excellent physical fitness is not always a guarantee of.

How can you get into the special forces?

If you are interested in how you can get into the special forces by conscription, you can not rush: in any case, you first need to serve in the army. Although it is worth striving for intelligence, airborne troops, etc. It is necessary to rise to the rank of ensign, and to become an officer, a diploma from a higher military university or any other institution of education of this kind is required. Special training can be done at the Military Diplomatic Academy. You can get into the special forces from the army only this way: somehow it won’t work out differently - lower ranks don’t get there.

The requirements for candidates are very strict: height must be at least 175 cm, and age must not exceed 28 years. Physical fitness is top notch. A special forces soldier trains without days off and checkpoints. He needs to pass certain standards, for example, a 3-kilometer run in 10 minutes, a hundred-meter run in 12 seconds, pull-ups on the crossbar - 25 times. All standards are passed in a row, and the rest between exercises can only be called such with a stretch, and at the end of the whole complex, the warrior is waiting for three series of hand-to-hand combat with a coach or a well-trained person from the officer corps.

Moreover, the candidate is expected to show activity, and not just passively holding defense. In addition, in the barracks, fighters often secretly check each other to always be in shape. But even once in the ranks of special forces, you can “fly out” of them without passing the test of hunger for a week and lack of sleep for up to several days.

What does it take to get into the special forces?

The recommendation of a person already serving in the special forces, or a high-ranking rank of the armed forces, can play a decisive role in making a decision. A person must be absolutely healthy both physically and psychologically. The candidate is waiting for long conversations with "healers of souls", a lie detector test and checking all the next of kin for a criminal record, bringing to the police, problems with drugs or alcohol, etc. Even an incorrect bite can close the guy's way to special forces.

Those who are interested in how you can get into special forces should answer that you should achieve heights. Often you can get into such a unit with a maroon beret. In any case, the more outstanding achievements and records are documented in a personal file, the higher the chances of joining the ranks of special forces. The parents and wife of the future candidate are also being interviewed. They must put their signature on the document and agree that their son or husband will serve in such a unit.

The nationality of the applicant does not matter, but citizenship should not give rise to doubt that a person lives in this particular country. This is especially true in the light of recent events in the world, but in any case, all these issues are considered on an individual basis. okay. An additional higher education, knowledge of foreign languages, especially if it is intelligence, will be a big plus. The price includes ranks in martial arts, boxing, wrestling. But it is even more important to show oneself in mountaineering, athletics, rowing, parachuting, swimming, biathlon, and, of course, shooting. Special forces have a saying that a soldier must shoot like a cowboy and run like a horse. Now it is clear that random people do not get into the special forces. As a rule, the applicant makes such a decision as a child and begins to devote his free time to sports at an early age.

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