Reactive infantry flamethrower rpo-a bumblebee. New weapons for Russian infantrymen RPO PDM-A "Shmel-M" Infantry flamethrower rpo bumblebee

The flamethrower is designed to destroy enemy manpower located both in open areas and in various types of structures, lightly armored and automotive vehicles, destroy fortified buildings, ground or semi-buried structures made of stone, brick or concrete.

RPO PDM-A "Shmel-M" is a new generation of high-precision assault weapons that allows you to solve a wide range of fire support tasks in close combat. The flamethrower is easy to use.

RPO PDM-A - modernization of the high-performance jet infantry flamethrower "Bumblebee" providing:

  • increasing the power of the warhead by 2 times;
  • increase in firing range by 1.7 times;
  • weight reduction by 1.3 times.

The flamethrower is always ready for immediate use. Differs in high reliability, allows to move mobilely on a cross-country terrain. During storage, the flamethrower is not subject to maintenance.


  • Container designed to fire a shot, direct the ammunition to the target and ensure the hermetic packaging of the shell with equipment and the engine. The container consists of a pipe with flanges, on it are placed: a trigger mechanism, an aiming device, a belt, knots for connecting to a pack (front and rear bandages).
  • ammunition designed to hit the target. It is a feathered artillery shell that rotates in flight. The ammunition consists of a capsule filled with fire mixture, a fuse and a block of tablets of an igniter-explosive charge.

The shell with equipment is attached to the engine with a collet.

Engine designed to report the speed of the ammunition. Powder engine, separated from the ammunition in the barrel, with the expiration of part of the powder gases into the shell space of the barrel. It consists of a chamber, a propellant charge and an igniter.



Caliber: 93 mm

Type of: dynamoactive / recoilless

Length: 920 mm

The weight: 12 kg

Effective firing range: 200 m (1000 m maximum firing range)

The development of a one-time reactive (in fact, a dynamo-reactive, i.e. recoilless) flamethrower for the chemical troops of the Soviet army was started in 1984 at the Tula Instrument Design Bureau under the code designation "Bumblebee". In 1988, the chemical troops (RKhBZ troops) of the Soviet Army received a one-time reactive infantry flamethrower "Bumblebee" in three basic versions - RPO-A with a thermobaric warhead, RPO-Zs incendiary fire part and RPO-D with a smoke warhead (for instant setting smoke curtains).

The main version of the "Bumblebee" was the RPO-A variant with a thermobaric warhead, otherwise called a volume explosion ammunition (Fuel-Air Explosive in English terminology, that is, a fuel-air explosive mixture). The Shmel grenade launchers are still in service with the Russian army and other law enforcement agencies.

The RPO-A warhead received the name "thermobaric" due to two main damaging factors that occur during the explosion of an atomized cloud of the fuel-air mixture - a shock wave (high pressure zone) and high temperature in the burning cloud of the mixture (at the same time, the fire cloud itself exists for a very long time). to "explosive" standards, the time is up to 0.3 - 0.4 seconds, which ensures a high incendiary effect). The principle of operation of a thermobaric warhead is to spray (using a small expelling charge) a fuel aerosol in the air and then ignite the resulting combustible cloud.

Due to the fact that the explosion (combustion of the fuel-air mixture) occurs immediately in a significant volume (the diameter of the fire cloud when the RPO-A warhead is triggered can reach 6-7 meters), reliable destruction of living and lightly protected targets located inside and near the cloud is ensured, the destruction of buildings and etc. A cloud of fuel aerosol before ignition also tends to "leak" (penetrate) into windows, embrasures and crevices of shelters, trenches, ensuring that, when it is ignited, hitting targets that are not in the "line of sight" zone from the point of impact and operation of the warhead.

It should also be specially noted that the term "vacuum ammunition" sometimes used in relation to thermobaric ammunition is categorically incorrect and illiterate, because when a cloud of a fuel-air mixture is ignited, oxygen in the air (which makes up only about 20% of the composition of the atmosphere) reacts with the fuel and produces a large volume of incandescent combustion products, i.e. the pressure in the detonation zone increases sharply, and does not fall.

For RPO-A, the mass of the fuel mixture is approximately 2.2 kg, which, in terms of high-explosive action at the target, is equivalent to 6-7 kg of TNT or an explosion of a 107mm high-explosive artillery shell.

RPO-A "Shmel" consists of a disposable launching device in the form of a tube-barrel, factory-equipped with a feathered warhead and a propellant charge (engine) attached to it from behind. The launcher is equipped with folding handles for holding weapons, trigger and safety mechanisms and folding sights in the form of a fixed front sight and a folding rear sight with a set of diopter holes for different firing ranges.

A grenade launcher shot is a thin-walled metal capsule filled with fuel, incendiary mixture or smoke mixture, with rear-mounted stabilizers made of thin spring steel, in the usual position "wrapped" around the capsule body. When fired, the powder charge located in the engine pushes the capsule out of the barrel, while the engine itself remains in the barrel, and after the capsule exits, it is ejected by residual pressure from the launch tube back several meters.

After firing, the launch tube is ejected. For transportation, two launchers can, with the help of special fasteners, be combined into a single bale for carrying (a standard complete bale includes RDO-A and RPO-D, however, the troops often repack bales before going on a combat mission to ensure the desired configuration in combat conditions ).

Mankind got acquainted with the phenomenon of a volumetric explosion long before the advent of gunpowder - mills, granaries, sugar factories, carpentry workshops and coal mines periodically took off into the air. In a word, rooms in which a suspension of combustible substances and air accumulates. It is on this principle that the ammunition of a volumetric explosion operates. It is necessary to create an aerosol cloud of a combustible substance mixed with atmospheric air and apply a spark to this cloud. The explosion is very powerful, and the consumption of the active substance is several times less than that of high explosives in an explosion with comparable parameters. Volumetric explosion ammunition does not contain an oxidizing agent, its role is played by atmospheric oxygen. However, creating a cloud at the target and initiating an explosion is a very non-trivial technical task, and this is where the most important design know-how lies.

German engineers were the first to experiment with such ammunition, trying to simulate an explosion of coal dust in mines. Coal dust was sprayed with a charge of gunpowder and then undermined. In the mine, where strong walls favored the development of detonation, the method worked, but it did not work out in the open air.

When firing from a missile defense system, you need to hold your left hand very firmly, otherwise the flamethrower may “nod”. After a shot, a spent jet engine flies out of the pipe, which falls a few meters from the shooter. Beginners are often frightened, thinking that the charge itself has dropped.

A solution for open spaces was found years later. During the Vietnam War, the Americans used volume explosion munitions to instantly clear helicopter landing sites in the jungle. They did not bother with coal dust, but equipped the bombs with ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, methane, silver nitrate and MAPP (a mixture of propyne, propadiene and propane). Similar ammunition appeared with us. Soviet specialists quickly abandoned oxides - they were toxic and quite dangerous during storage due to their volatility. We settled on a compromise: a mixture of different types of fuel (analogues of light gasoline) and aluminum-magnesium alloy powder. However, experiments have shown that with chic external effects, the damaging effect of volumetric detonating ammunition (ODB) leaves much to be desired. The idea of ​​an atmospheric explosion to destroy aircraft was the first to fail - the effect turned out to be negligible, except that the turbines “failed”, which immediately restarted again, because they did not even have time to stop. This did not work at all against armored vehicles, even the engine did not stall there. In a word, it was established empirically that bombs and projectiles of a volumetric explosion are best used as specialized ammunition for hitting targets that are not resistant to a shock wave, primarily unfortified buildings and manpower. And that's it. For a total war, this weapon was clearly not suitable.

It's unbearable

During Soviet experiments with different layouts of bulk ammunition, it turned out that if the primary bursting charge is not completely drowned in the mixture, but left open at the ends, then the cloud is ignited from the very beginning of its spraying and partly detonation occurs, and partly - ordinary combustion. We get a "defective" explosion - however, high-temperature. This process is called thermobaric. In the early 1980s, the action of thermobaric ammunition, which at first seemed useless, was demonstrated to the top military leadership, presenting it as anti-sabotage - the charges burned out all life without damaging protected and armored objects. The demonstration turned out to be so effective that almost all branches of the military were eager to have such weapons. For the flamethrower units of the RCB protection troops of the RF Armed Forces, the development of reactive infantry flamethrowers "Bumblebee" and "Lynx" began. The Main Rocket and Artillery Directorate placed an order for the design of thermobaric warheads for multiple launch rocket systems, the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces (RHBZ) decided to acquire their own Buratino heavy flamethrower system (TOS).

Soon the first prototypes appeared in Afghanistan, where the weapon with two red stripes on the body became iconic. And our country has received the status of the undisputed leader in the development of such weapons. It was especially effective in urban combat - one hit through the window, and a small house was completely cleared of the enemy.

The damaging effect of ODB differs from the effect of traditional high explosives such as TNT or RDX. The action of the shock wave when using high explosives is very short in time, and the increased pressure in a thermobaric explosion persists for a rather long time, since we have a combination of explosion with combustion. “If you characterize the action of a conventional explosive as hitting a pedestrian with a fast moving truck, then the action of a volumetric explosion ammunition can be compared to a skating rink that not only ran over, but also stood for some time on the victim,” a civilian expert, a specialist in thermobaric explosions, explains to us. “But the corpses of the enemy themselves do not burn - they simply do not have time, the process is still quite fast. They lie as if alive, but if you come up and poke with your foot, they sway, as if they were made of jelly.

The second one is gone!

“I have no right to comment on manufacturing technologies and the effect of ammunition,” the polite Major Khomenko continues. “But I can make good flamethrowers out of you.” We are moving on to the MRO-A "Borodach" small-sized jet flamethrower. The Bumblebee is good for everyone, but it is heavy (11 kg), and it is not recommended to shoot from rooms with a volume of less than 40 m³, since barotrauma is inevitable. Although it shows maximum efficiency in urban conditions. They say that during the Chechen campaign, one officer, covering the withdrawal of his squad, fired more than ten shots from the "Bumblebee" just from a room of less than 40 m³, for which he received the title of Hero of Russia. And we just don’t give a Hero like that.

So, from the “Bearded Man” you can shoot from the window, and they will no longer give awards for this. And it weighs much less than the "Bumblebee" - only 4.6 kg. But, says Major Khomenko, both flamethrowers inflict colossal damage on the enemy. True, the maximum range of the "Bearded" is designated as 450 m, and the "Bumblebee" - 1 km.

With an already familiar movement, I straighten the front handle, put the pipe on my shoulder, raise the aiming bar, set the range, pull the pin, raise the safety and press the trigger from above. The rocket has gone! Shooting from the Beardach is much more comfortable both in terms of sound and in terms of retention, which affects accuracy. We fired at the tank from a distance of 150 m. How, for example, a Bumblebee can hit a window at a distance of a kilometer, I have little idea. In such a distance, rocket-propelled flamethrowers can only be fired in one gulp.

Jet on the enemy

An uninitiated person can easily confuse the Varna jet infantry flamethrower with the Bumblebee - outwardly they are very similar, and the 93 mm caliber is the same, as are the sights. But otherwise, these flamethrowers differ dramatically. If in the "Bumblebee" the thermobaric composition flies to the target inside the hull, then in the SPO everything is different. A jet expelling engine, assembled together with a container with a fire mixture open at the end, is fired from a flamethrower and flies ten meters ahead. At this moment, an already ignited clot of fire mixture flies out of the container in a special mesh shell, which does not allow the mixture to fall apart in the air.

The RPO-A 93mm rocket-propelled infantry flamethrower is an individual flamethrower weapon. It is designed to destroy enemy manpower located openly or located in long-term firing and other fortifications, as well as his military equipment and other objects.

Purpose and combat properties of the RPO flamethrower

Characteristics of the 93-mm rocket-propelled infantry flamethrower RPO-A (Bumblebee)

Maximum firing range - 1200 m

Sighting range - 600 m

Combat rate of fire 2 rounds per minute.

The initial flight speed of the ammunition - 130 m per second

Combat weight - 11 kg

Caliber - 93 mm

Flamethrower length - 920 mm

Application temperature from -50 to + 50 degrees

The given zone of destruction of an openly located manpower is 50 square meters.

Purpose of the 93-mm rocket-propelled infantry flamethrower RPO-A (Bumblebee)

The RPO-A 93mm rocket-propelled infantry flamethrower is an individual flamethrower weapon. It is designed to destroy enemy manpower located openly or located in long-term firing and other fortifications, as well as his military equipment and other objects.

The aiming range of a flamethrower with a diopter sight is 600 m, with an optical OPO - 450 m, OPO-1 - 850 m. The optical sight ensures successful firing at dusk, on a moonlit night and cloudy weather.

The RPO-A flamethrower is a one-time weapon, cannot be reloaded, and is discarded after use.

RPO-A flamethrowers proved to be very effective weapons for fighting in the city. They were used as follows: a group of infantrymen, by their actions, provoked the enemy to open fire. Another group with intense fire forbade the maneuver of the enemy (pressed to the floor), and the flamethrowers deployed at the advantageous line almost destroyed several firing points with one salvo.

The general device of the RPO-A flamethrower

The flamethrower consists of the following components: container, ammunition, collet and engine.

Container designed to fire a shot, direct the ammunition to the target and ensure the hermetic packaging of the shell with equipment and the engine.

Engine designed to report the speed of the ammunition. Powder engine, separated from the ammunition in the barrel, with the expiration of part of the powder gases into the projectile space.

ammunition designed to hit the target. It is a feathered artillery shell that rotates in flight. The ammunition has a capsule filled with fire mixture. The fire mixture is designed to hit the target.

When fired, the powder gases formed during the combustion of the propellant charge disperse the ammunition over the container by the pressure of the gases entering the projectile space. Part of the gases enter the gap between the shell and the container, balancing the pressure of the fire mixture that occurs during the shot on the walls of the shell. The front cover of the container is thrown off by the pressure of the air compressed between the shell and the cover, clearing the way for the ammunition to fly out. At the same time, powder gases, passing through the nozzle holes of the engine, throw back the liners that secure the engine from the container. When the ammunition leaves the barrel, under the action of elastic forces, the wings of the benchmark are straightened. When the ammunition meets the target, the impact mechanism of the fuse is triggered, causing the detonation of the igniter-explosive charge, the combustion products of which break the tube, the shell of the ammunition, ignite the fire mixture and scatter it on the target.

Parts and mechanisms of the RPO-A flamethrower

A flamethrower with proper care, proper storage and careful handling is a reliable and trouble-free weapon. However, as a result of careless handling of the flamethrower, contamination, as well as breakage of the firing mechanism, there may be delays in firing. In the event of a delay in firing, it is necessary to re-cock the firing mechanism and repeat the shot. If the shot did not occur during the re-arming, the flamethrower should be destroyed.

Safety measures when firing from an RPO flamethrower

1. Persons who have thoroughly studied its design and operating rules are allowed to fire from a flamethrower.

2. When the flamethrower is located in an open area near various solid barriers (walls, etc.), including objects of military equipment located in the danger zone, the distance between the flamethrower and the barrier must be at least 3 m behind, at least on the side 1 m. When the flamethrower is located indoors, the distance between the flamethrower and the wall located at the back must be at least 6 m, from the side - at least 1 m; The volume of the room must be at least 45 cubic meters.

3. When firing from a prone position, the legs and body of the flamethrower should be at an angle of 600 to the axis of the flamethrower.

4.When aiming, the eye of the flamethrower should

be pressed against the eyecup of the optical sight.

5. On flat terrain, with an unprepared position, it is prohibited to shoot from the following positions:

Lying at a distance of more than 200 m;

From the knee to a distance of more than 400 m.

- use a pack or a separate flamethrower as a means of protection from bullets and shrapnel

Shoot without making sure that there are no parts of the belt on the rear cut of the flamethrower;

Remove the trigger mechanism from the fuse until the target is detected;

Shoot at targets closer than 20 m.

There should be no obstacles in the zone up to 20 m;

Throw a flamethrower.

7. Carrying, loading and unloading of flamethrowers is carried out in compliance with the precautionary measures that exclude their fall. In case of an accidental fall of the flamethrower on the ground from a height of up to 0.5 m. And the absence of external damage, the flamethrower is allowed for use. If the flamethrower is accidentally dropped from a height of 0.5 to 3 m. Its performance is not guaranteed. In case of an accidental fall from a height of more than 3 m, the flamethrower must be destroyed in the prescribed manner.

8. When shooting through any component of the flamethrower with a bullet or fragment, detonation does not occur. However, the flamethrower is dangerous due to the possibility of its ignition or operation.

As it became known in 2011, the military units of biological, radiation and chemical protection (RHBZ) of the Russian Ground Forces will receive reactive infantry mobile flamethrowers of a completely new modification - RPO PDM-A "Shmel-M". This type has a considerable range of fire and enormous power. "Shmel-M" is designed to destroy enemy manpower, which is located primarily in various buildings and protective structures, to disable automotive and lightly armored vehicles, to destroy fortified objects, ground or semi-buried structures built of stone, brick or concrete. The new flamethrower produces a jet shot from thermobaric equipment, which is located in a disposable fiberglass transport and launch container. The damaging factors of the ammunition are a high-temperature field, as well as a zone of high pressure with a significant duration of exposure. The reactive mobile infantry flamethrower of increased range and power RPO PDM-A ("Shmel-M") is a completely new generation of high-precision mobile assault weapons that allows you to solve a wide range of combat missions for fire support of ground forces in close combat.

In terms of the effectiveness of the impact directly in close combat on all types of selected targets, with the exception of tanks, it is not inferior to a 152-mm high-explosive fragmentation projectile.

As the commander-in-chief of the RHBZ troops, Major General Yevgeny Starkov, said, “modern RPO PDM-A Shmel-M flamethrowers are capable of hitting the manpower of a potential enemy in shelters, as well as lightly armored vehicles at a distance of up to 1.7 kilometers, the effective firing range is up to 800 meters.

Citing a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian news agency "" reported that such flamethrowers "were used during the operation to force Tbilisi to peace." Later, this information was refuted by the official representative of the RF Ministry of Defense. The statement stated that indeed prototypes of the RPO PDM-A "Shmel-M" were in service during the conflict, but their use was abandoned given the lack of need.

Calculation- 1 person (probably a pack of 2 RPOs)

guidance- diopter sight. An optical sight can be used, incl. night.

Starting device- TPK disposable with a reusable starting device.

Rocket (shot)- equipped with a starting solid propellant rocket, fastened with ammunition. The solid propellant solid propellant rocket burns out completely when the projectile moves along the RPO barrel.

Caliber- 90 mm
Length- 940 mm

Flamethrower weight- 8.8 kg

Firing range maximum- 1700 m
aiming range- 800 m
Range of a direct shot at a target with a height of 3.5 m- 300 m

Warhead types:
- RPO PDM-A - explosive fuel-air mixture (thermobaric shot / volume explosion ammunition), burns without detonation, power is equivalent to a 152 mm high-explosive fragmentation projectile (according to KBP). In the bow of the charge is a small shaped charge to destroy barriers. Compared to RPO-A, the power of warheads is increased by 2 times.
The mass of the mixture - 3.2 kg

Status: Russia
- 2004 - the flamethrower was adopted by the Russian Armed Forces.
- 2011 - within the framework of the arms procurement program for 2011-2020. it is planned to supply RPO PDM-A flamethrowers to the troops.

Export- no data (2010).

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