The latest methods of waste processing. Dump of great ideas: the most original ways to dispose of garbage. Biometallurgical separation method

Askarova Ekaterina

Abstract with presentation



Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 6"


"New household recycling technology

And production waste in the modern world»

(school scientific and practical conference"_Live the Earth")

10th grade students

Askarova Ekaterina Sergeevna

Head E.V. Shirokov




on the essay of a 10th grade student Ekaterina Askarova on the topic "New technologies for processing household and industrial waste in the modern world."
Reviewer teacher of technology Shirokova E.V.

The abstract submitted for the preparation of feedback and review corresponds to the level of educational and research work of the student in the subject area of ​​technology. The topic of the abstract is relevant and is devoted to one of the important research problems - the creation of safe waste-free technologies in the modern world.

Based on the study of a fairly large amount of research literature, the abstract summarizes the results of a study of environmental problems of human technogenic activity. The ways of solving environmental problems of environmental pollution by production waste in Russia and in the world are considered.

The undoubted advantage of the abstract is the study of promising technologies for secondary production. Since an intensive way to solve the global environmental problem is the reduction of resource-intensive production and the transition to low-waste technologies.

In general, the work complies with the requirements for the design of a student essay.

1. Introduction. Ecological problems of modern civilization ………. 3

2. Do not turn the planet into a dump……………………………………………..

3. Disposal of waste from medical institutions …………...

4. Modern technologies for the processing of municipal solid waste ...

5. Creation and development of non-waste production in Russia……………..

6. Perspective technologies of secondary plastics……………………….

7. World experience of secondary production resources……………………….


9. References……………………………………………………………


Ecological problems of modern civilization

Currently, human economic activity is increasingly becoming the main source of air and environmental pollution. Large quantities of gaseous, liquid and solid industrial wastes enter the natural environment. Various chemicals that are in the waste, getting into the soil, air or water, pass through the ecological links from one chain to another, and eventually enter the human body. It is impossible to find a place on the globe where pollutants were not present in one or another concentration. Even in the ice of Antarctica, where there are no industrial facilities, and people live only at small stations, scientists have found toxic substances of industrial origin. They are brought here by the currents of atmospheric air. Even a short-term effect of some of them on the human body can cause dizziness, cough, sore throat, nausea, and vomiting. Ingestion of toxic substances in high concentrations can lead to loss of consciousness, acute poisoning and even death. An example of such an action is smog formed in large cities or accidental releases of toxic substances into the atmosphere by industrial enterprises.

The technologies used by mankind are focused primarily on the use of non-renewable natural resources. These are oil, coal, ores, etc. At the same time, their use technologically entails disturbances in the surrounding world: soil fertility and the amount of fresh water decrease, the atmosphere is polluted.

For a year, only 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere. As a result, the ozone layer becomes thinner and ozone holes appear. Ultraviolet rays rush into these holes, from which people develop cancer. There is less and less oxygen on Earth. And the exhaust gases of the plants of the black and chemical industries, boiler houses, and transport are more and more.

Scientists have calculated that every year around the world so many harmful substances get into water bodies that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains. Even washing powder has been found in Arctic waters.

The soil is formed slowly: it takes hundreds and even thousands of years for this. But it can be destroyed very quickly. Over the past hundred years, approximately 1/4 of all fertile soils have been destroyed on Earth.

Let's not turn the planet into a dump

Today, using the established technologies, humanity has a diverse structure of all kinds of waste of domestic and industrial origin. These wastes, gradually accumulating, turned into a real disaster.The most commonUntil recently, the method of dealing with household waste in cities - taking them to landfills - does not solve the problem, but frankly, it exacerbates it. Landfills are not only an epidemiological hazard, they inevitably become a powerful source of biological pollution. The main component of biogas - methane - is recognized as one of the culprits of the greenhouse effect, the destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere and other global disasters. In total, more than a hundred toxic substances enter the environment from waste. Landfills often burn, releasing toxic smoke into the atmosphere.

Huge territories have been alienated for decades as landfills for garbage, they, of course, could be used with greater benefit. And, finally, in order to equip the landfill and keep it up to modern environmental requirements, large funds are needed. The reclamation of closed (no longer active) landfills is very expensive. This is a whole range of measures, the purpose of which is to stop the harmful effects of landfills on the environment, including soil and groundwater. The reclamation of just one hectare of landfill today costs 6 million rubles. Transportation costs for transporting waste are also high, since landfills are usually located far from the city.

The amount of accumulated garbage is constantly growing. Now it is from 150 to 600 kg per year for every city dweller. Most garbage is produced in the USA (520 kg per year per inhabitant), in Norway, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands - 200-300 kg, in Moscow - 300-320 kg.

In order for paper to decompose in the natural environment, it takes from two to ten years, a tin can - more than 90 years, a cigarette filter - 100 years, a plastic bag - more than 200 years, plastic - 500 years, glass - more than 1000 years. Think about this before throwing an old plastic bag or bottle into the woods.

Modern household and industrial waste contains a lot of extremely slowly decomposing plastics (polymeric materials). With new polymeric materials, the situation is better - they contain light-sensitive molecular groups that are easily absorbed by microorganisms. The rate of decomposition of such polymeric waste

increases many times over, there is no need to burn them in high-temperature furnaces.

The United States remains one of the most "littered" countries in the world; up to 160 million garbage is generated there annually. A column of ten-ton trucks loaded with this garbage would stretch from the Earth to the Moon, and the 18 billion disposable diapers that Americans throw away every year can be stretched from the Earth to the Moon 7 times.

The porous styroform used to make disposable cups is environmentally hazardous. If you arrange the glasses used in a year in a row, they will encircle the Earth at the equator 463 times. This plastic does not decompose in nature, and during its production from expensive oil, chlorocarbons are released into the atmosphere, which destroy the ozone layer.

In the US, only 20% of the garbage is recycled, the rest is concentrated in landfills. Up to 1/3 of this waste is containers. Americans spend 75% of their glass, 50% paper, 40% aluminum, 40% plastic, 8% steel on packaging. Every hour Americans use 2.5 million plastic bottles. The governments of developed countries are beginning to pay more and more attention to environmental issues and encourage the creation of appropriate technologies. Systems for cleaning territories from garbage and technologies for its incineration are being developed. However, there are plenty of reasons to believe that waste incineration technologies are a dead end. Already at present, the cost of burning 1 kg of garbage is 65 cents. If you do not switch to other waste disposal technologies, the costs will increase. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that such new technologies are needed that, over time, could provide, on the one hand, the consumer needs of the population, and, on the other hand, the preservation of the environment.

Disposal of waste from medical institutions

Unfortunately, in our country, 90% of waste is buried (deposited) at landfills, although this is associated with transportation costs and the alienation of large territories. In addition, polygons are often not

meet elementary sanitary and hygienic requirements and are secondary sources of environmental pollution. But

while most waste can still be disposed of relatively safely by depositing, some types, such as medical

waste must be recycled. They differ significantly from other wastes and require special attention. They contain a danger to humans, primarily due to the constant presence in them

composition of pathogens of various infectious diseases, toxic, and often radioactive substances.

By 2005, according to generalized data, about 1.8 billion tons of them had already accumulated in the world, which is approximately 300 kg per inhabitant of the planet.

Injection needles and syringes are of particular concern because improper handling after use can lead to reuse. According to WHO, in 2000 only as a result of the reuse of syringes were infected:

  • 21 million people - hepatitis B virus(HBV) (32% of all new infections);
  • two million people with hepatitis C virus(HCV) (40% of all new infections); and
  • at least 260,000 people have HIV (5% of all new infections).

Modern technologies for the processing of municipal solid waste

The most promising way to solve the problem of urban landfills is waste recycling. The following main directions in processing have been developed: organic matter is used to produce fertilizers, textile and paper waste is used to produce new paper, and scrap metal is sent for remelting. The main problem in recycling is waste sorting and development of technological processes for recycling.

The proposed modern technologies allow us to simultaneously solve the problem of waste disposal and create local energy sources. Thus, the garbage will return to us not in the form of sprawling landfills and polluted water, but in the form of electricity through wires, heat in radiators or vegetables and fruits grown in greenhouses.

Pre sorting.This technological process provides for the separation of municipal solid waste into fractions at waste processing plants manually or using automated conveyors. This includes the process of reducing the size of waste components by shredding and sifting them, as well as the extraction of more or less large metal objects, such as cans. Their selection as the most valuable secondary raw material precedes the further disposal of MSW (for example, incineration).

Sanitary earth filling.Such a technological approach to the disposal of municipal solid waste is associated with the production of biogas and its subsequent use as a fuel. For this purpose, household waste is covered by a certain technology with a layer of soil 0.6 m thick in

compacted form. Biogas landfills are equipped with ventilation pipes, blowers and tanks for biogas collection.

high temperature pyrolysis.This method of disposal of solid waste, in essence, is nothing more than gasification of garbage. The technological scheme of this method involves the production of secondary synthesis gas from the biological component (biomass) in order to use it to produce steam, hot water, and electricity. An integral part of the process of high-temperature pyrolysis are solid products in the form of slag, i.e., non-pyrolyzable residues.

Burning. This is a widespread method for the destruction of municipal solid waste, which has been widely used since the end of the 19th century. The complexity of direct disposal of MSW is due, on the one hand, to their exceptional multicomponent nature, on the other hand, to increased sanitary requirements for the process of their processing. In this regard, incineration is still the most common method of primary treatment of household waste. Incineration of household waste, in addition to reducing volume and weight, allows you to obtain additional energy resources that can be used for centralized heating and electricity generation.

Processing of combustible waste.The proposed gasification technology makes it possible to process combustible waste in a closed reactor to produce combustible gas. The following types of waste can be recycled:

  • combustible fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) isolated during sorting;
  • solid industrial waste - non-toxic solid waste produced by industrial, commercial and other centers, for example: plastic, cardboard, paper, etc.;
  • solid combustible products of automotive processing: most automotive plastics, rubber, foam, fabric, wood, etc.;
  • wastewater after drying (the most efficient wastewater treatment is achieved using biothermal technology);
  • dry biomass such as wood waste, sawdust, bark, etc.

The gasification process is a modular technology. A valuable product of processing is combustible gas produced in volumes from 85 to 100 m 3 in a minute. The gas can be used to produce heat/electricity for related industries or for sale.

Processing of rotting waste.The organic fraction of MSW obtained as a result of sorting, as well as waste from farms and sewage treatment plants, can be anaerobically processed to produce methane and compost suitable for agricultural and horticultural work.

Organic processing takes place in reactors, where methane-producing bacteria convert organic matter into biogas and humus.

Recycling of used tires.Tires are processed using low-temperature pyrolysis technology to produce electricity, a sorbent for water treatment, or high-quality carbon black suitable for the production of tires.

Dismantling lines for old cars.For the recycling of old cars, the technology of industrial dismantling is used, which allows the reuse of individual parts. The economic efficiency of the enterprise is ensured by the sale of automotive parts and sorted materials. For efficient operation of the plant, depending on transport tariffs, 25,000 skeletons of old cars should be available within a radius of 25-30 km from the plant. In general, the plant requires a site of at least 20,000 m 2 . The supply of the industrial dismantling line includes training of operating personnel at the customer's site and in Western Europe, training in enterprise management and training in organizing the collection of old vehicles and selling spare parts and materials.

Disposal of medical waste.The proposed medical waste treatment technology sterilizes such types of medical waste as needles, lancets, medical containers, metal probes, glass, biological cultures, physiological substances, medicines, syringes, filters, vials, diapers, catheters, laboratory waste, etc. Medical waste treatment technology grinds and sterilizes waste so that it turns into a dry, homogeneous, odorless dust (granules with a diameter of 1-2 mm). This residue is a completely inert product, does not contain microorganisms and does not have bactericidal properties. The rest can be disposed of as normal municipal waste or used in landscaping.

The proposed modern technologies allow us to simultaneously solve the problem of waste disposal and create local energy sources. Thus, garbage will return to us not in the form of sprawling landfills and polluted water, but in the form of electricity through wires, heat in radiators, or vegetables and fruits grown in greenhouses.

Creation and development of non-waste production

What are the ways to solve the global environmental problem of environmental pollution with industrial waste?The creation of even the most advanced treatment facilities cannot solve the problem of environmental protection.An intensive way to solve the global environmental problem is the reduction of resource-intensive production and the transition to low-waste technologies.

Waste-free production is a production in which all the raw materials are eventually converted into a particular product and which, at the same time, is simultaneously optimized in terms of technological,

economic and socio-ecological criteria. The fundamental novelty of this approach to the further development of industrial production is due to the impossibility of effectively solving the problems of environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources only by improving the methods of neutralization, recycling, processing or disposal of waste. The concept of non-waste production provides for the need to include the sphere of consumption in the cycle of using raw materials. In other words, products after physical or obsolescence must be returned to the sphere of production. Thus, non-waste production is a practically closed system, organized by analogy with natural ecological systems, the functioning of which is based on the biogeochemical cycle of matter.

Waste-free production involves the cooperation of industries with a large amount of waste (the production of phosphate fertilizers, thermal power plants, metallurgical, mining and processing industries) with the production - consumer of these wastes, for example, building materials enterprises. In this case, the waste fully meets the definition of D. I. Mendeleev, who called them "neglected products of chemical transformations, which eventually become the starting point of a new production."

Secondary production resources in Russia

Waste generation in the Russian economy is 3.4 billion tons per year, including 2.6 billion tons / year - industrial waste, 700 million tons / year - liquid waste from poultry and livestock, 35-40 million tons / year - solid waste, 30 million tons / year - sediments from treatment facilities. The average level of their use is about 26%, including industrial waste is recycled by 35%, MSW - by 3-4%, the rest of the waste is practically not recycled.

The low level of waste utilization (with the exception of their individual types - scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as fairly high-quality types of waste paper, textile and polymer waste in terms of raw materials) is mainly due not to the lack of technology, but to the fact that the processing of most of the waste into as secondary raw materials is characterized by low profitability or is generally unprofitable.

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, 2.4 thousand hazardous waste disposal sites have been taken into account. The conditions for the disposal of such waste in many cases do not meet the environmental requirements in force in Russia and the standards accepted in the world. As a result, the impact of waste accumulation and disposal sites on the environment often exceeds the establishedMPC . There are many examples when such an excess is tens and hundreds of times.

Many different types of waste can be recycled. For each type of raw material there is a corresponding processing technology. Various types of waste are used to separate waste into different materials.separation , for example, to extract metal - magnetic.

Most metals are expediently recycled. Unnecessary or damaged items, the so-called scrap metal, are handed over to recycling centers for subsequent remelting. The processing of non-ferrous metals (copper, aluminium, tin), common technical alloys (win) and some ferrous metals (cast iron) are especially advantageous. a significant amount of waste generation in Russia;

Paper recycling is possible: old papers are soaked, cleaned and shredded to obtain fibers -cellulose . Further, the process is identical to the process of making paper from timber.

To date, the government is considering proposals for the creation of the Russian system of secondary resources.

"Vtoravtoresursy" - providing collection and acceptance of decommissioned vehicles, their disaggregation, primary processing and marketing of the resulting secondary raw materials, as well as the collection and primary processing of waste resulting from the operation of vehicles - tires, batteries and battery electrolytes, oily filters , plastic parts;

"Vtortekhresursy" - providing collection and reception of obsolete complex household appliances and radio-electronic equipment (computer equipment, copiers, faxes, TVs, washing machines

etc.), their degassing, primary processing and marketing of the resulting secondary raw materials;

"Vtorresursy" - providing the procurement of waste paper, packaging waste from laminated paper, polymer film and other polymer waste, PET bottles, textile waste, cullet and other types of traditional secondary raw materials.

In addition, production links or partnerships should be established with Rtutservice (fluorescent lamps and other mercury-containing waste), Vtornefteprodukt, Vtorchermet and Vtortsvetmet systems already operating on the secondary raw materials market.

The implementation of the proposal to create a Russian system of secondary resources will fundamentally change the organizational, legal and economic conditions for the procurement and processing of secondary raw materials in Russia. The level of use of the main types of secondary raw materials will increase 5 years after the commissioning of the system by at least 30%, for a number of positions by 1.5-2 times, and the loss of natural raw materials contained in waste will decrease. The level of environmental pollution with waste will significantly decrease.

New jobs will be created, which will have a positive impact on the socio-economic indicators of most regions of Russia.

One of the conditions for Russia's accession to the WTO will be fulfilled (in terms of ratification of EU Directive No. 62 of 1994 "On packaging and packaging waste").

Promising technologies for recycled plastics

The main mechanical method of recycling PET waste is shredding, which is subjected to substandard tape, molding waste, partially drawn or undrawn fibers. Such processing makes it possible to obtain powdered materials and chips for subsequent injection molding. Characteristically, during grinding, the physicochemical properties of the polymer practically do not change.

The proposed technologies make it possible to process only uncontaminated technological waste, leaving unaffected food packaging, as a rule, heavily contaminated with protein and mineral impurities, the removal of which is associated with significant capital investments.

costs, which is not always economically feasible for processing on a medium and small scale.

Technology of casting products from mixtures of secondary polymers.Shredded polymeric wastes are mixed to homogenize the composition of the mixture. At the mixing stage, the necessary ones are added (light and heat stabilizers, dyes, etc.). The prepared mixture is fed into the extruder. The technology is based on filling a special injection mold due to the pressure created by the extruder. Today, such equipment is used to manufacture decorative fencing elements (bollards, decorative fencing details, etc.), which are beginning to be used in the urban improvement program. For example, columns made of polymer waste molded “for iron casting” are much cheaper than cast iron ones. The range of products can be very diverse.

Pressing technology.This technology involves a polymer melt, its dosing into a mold mounted on a vertical hydraulic press, pressing the product and cooling it in the mold.. The advantage of this technology is the use of relatively inexpensive equipment and molds. However, this technology makes higher demands on the initial secondary raw materials, namely, on itssorting. Using this technology, flooring slabs and transport pallets are made from recycled materials.

Nonwoven materials.Western experts estimate that 60 to 70% of recycled PET is used to produce fibers and nonwovens. In Russia today, no more than 15% of the collected recycled PET is processed into products, the bulk of which is sold in the form of “flexes” outside the country, mostly to China. The low level of processing is associated with the high cost of imported equipment for the production of fibers and nonwovens.
Today, equipment is being produced for the manufacture of non-woven bulk materials from thermoplastic fiber-forming polymers (including recycled PET) using the technology of aerodynamic melt spraying. The air flow forms a fiber from the melt and sprays it onto a rotating collector-collector, on which the fibers are thermally bonded, and a non-woven bulk material is formed.

Materials obtained by this technology can be used for the manufacture of sorbents for petroleum products, various filters for liquids, gases and aerosols, as well as insulation for clothes, fillers for furniture and soft toys.
Thus, all of the above indicates that today

There are and are already used in the production of domestic technologies and equipment that make it possible to produce highly profitable products from polymer waste.

World experience of secondary production resources

In economically developed countries, less and less household waste is taken to landfills and more and more is processed industrially. The most effective of them is thermal. It makes it possible to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills by almost 10 times, and the unburned residue no longer contains organic substances that cause decay, spontaneous combustion and the danger of epidemics.

Against the background of the decline in the last 10 years of the role of the state in the management of waste processing in Russia, in the developed countries of the world, on the contrary, the degree of state influence in this area has increased. In order to reduce the cost of products using waste, tax incentives have been introduced. To attract investment in the creation of waste processing facilities, a system of soft loans has been created, including partially reimbursable and non-reimbursable loans in case of unsuccessful decisions. In order to stimulate demand for waste-based products, a number of countries impose restrictions on the consumption of waste-free products and increase the use of the system of city and municipal orders for waste-based products.

There is a company in Europe that recycles processors and extracts gold from them. This is done something like this: processors are removed from computers and other equipment and immersed in a chemical solution (in which nitrogen is present), resulting in a precipitate that is subsequently melted down and becomes gold bars.

Scientists from the Netherlands presented the latest developments in the field of waste recycling - an improved technology that, without pre-sorting, within one system, separates and purifies all the waste that enters it to its original raw materials. The system completely recycles all types of waste (medical, household, technical) in a closed cycle, without residue. Raw materials are completely cleaned of impurities (harmful substances, dyes, etc.), packed and can be reused. At the same time, the system is environmentally neutral.

In Germany, a TUV plant was built and tested, which has been successfully operating on this technology for 10 years in a test mode. Presently

The Dutch government is considering building a similar plant in their country.

Accumulators and batteries.To date, all types of batteries produced in Europe can be recycled, whether they are rechargeable or not. For recycling, it does not matter if the battery is charged, partially discharged or fully discharged. After the batteries are collected, they are sorted and then, depending on what type they are, the batteries are sent to the appropriate recycling plant. For example, alkaline batteries are recycled in the UK, while nickel-cadmium batteries are recycled in France. About 40 companies are involved in battery recycling in Europe.

Textiles and footwear.In many European countries, in addition to containers for collecting metal, plastic, paper and glass, containers for collecting used clothes, shoes and rags have appeared at the garbage collection sites of sleeping areas.All rags go to the sorting center. This is where clothing that may still be usable is selected, which subsequently goes to charitable associations for the poor, churches and the red cross. Unsuitable clothes are carefully selected: all metal and plastic parts (buttons, snakes, buttons, etc.) are separated, then they are divided by type of fabric (cotton, linen, polyester, etc.). For example, denim goes to paper mills, where the fabric is ground and soaked, after which the production process is identical to pulp. The method of making paper from cloth has remained unchanged for many centuries and was brought to Europe by Marco Polo when he first visited China. The result is two types of paper: 1. "Artistic" for watercolor or engraving with its own texture, strength and durability. 2. Paper for the production of banknotes.

Shoes undergo a similar sorting process: the sole is separated from the upper, the components are sorted by material type, and then sent to rubber, plastics, etc. discount, leaving your worn-out sneakers.


The true prospect of overcoming the ecological crisis is in changing the production activity of a person, his way of life, his consciousness. Scientific and technological progress creates not only overloads for nature; in the most advanced technologies, it provides a means to prevent negative impacts, creates opportunities for environmentally friendly production. There was not only an urgent need, but also the opportunity to change the essence of technological civilization, to give it an environmental character. One of the directions of such development is the creation of safe industries. Using the achievements of science, technological progress can be organized in such a way that production waste does not pollute the environment, but re-enters the production cycle as a secondary raw material. Nature itself provides an example: the carbon dioxide emitted by animals is absorbed by plants, which release the oxygen necessary for the respiration of animals. If we take into account that modern industry converts 98% of the feedstock into waste, then the need for the task of creating waste-free production becomes clear.

Some alternative (in relation to thermal, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants) energy sources are also environmentally friendly. It is necessary to quickly find ways of practical use of the energy of the sun, wind, tides, geothermal sources.

The ecological situation makes it necessary to assess the consequences of any activity related to interference with the natural environment.

Even F. Joliot-Curie warned: “We must not allow people to direct those forces of nature that they have managed to discover and conquer to their own destruction.”

Time does not wait. Our task is to stimulate by all available methods any initiative and entrepreneurship aimed at the creation and implementation of the latest technologies that contribute to the solution of any environmental problems. Contribute to the creation of a large number of control bodies, consisting of highly qualified specialists, on the basis of clearly developed legislation in accordance with international agreements on environmental issues. To constantly convey information to all states and peoples on ecology through radio, television and the press, thereby raising the ecological consciousness of people and contributing to their spiritual and moral revival in accordance with the requirements of the era.

Mankind has come to understand that the further development of technological progress is impossible without assessing the impact of new technologies on the ecological situation. The new connections created by man must be closed in order to ensure the invariability of those basic parameters of the planet Earth that affect its ecological stability.

In conclusion, I would like to recall the saying of Saint-Simon: "Happy will be the era in which ambition begins to see greatness and glory only in the acquisition of new knowledge and leaves the impure sources with which it tried to quench its thirst." These were the sources of disasters and vanity, quenching the thirst of only the ignorant, the heroes of the conquerors and the destroyers of the human race.


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6. Samsonov A. L. Journal "Ecology and Life" - G. D. Syunkova, 2000.

7. Mirkin B. M, Naumova L. G. Ecology of Russia, 2006.

Proper disposal of waste is a huge step towards improving the environment.

There is more than one way to recycle waste.

The main task of each of the methods is to complete the task, preventing the spread of harmful bacteria and microorganisms. At the same time, it is necessary to minimize the harmful substances released during the disposal itself.

Consider the options for the destruction of waste and evaluate how effective each of them is.

Waste disposal at landfills

Landfills serve for the collection and processing of waste in a natural way. Many of them practice a very simple and understandable disposal system: as soon as a certain amount of garbage is collected, it is buried. Not only is this method outdated, it is a ticking time bomb, because there are materials that do not decompose for decades.

Those few landfills that have workshops at their disposal work as follows: arriving cars are registered at the checkpoint. The volume of the body is also measured there to determine the cost of disposal; the level of radiation is measured. If it exceeds the allowable limits, the car is not allowed to pass.

From the checkpoint, the car goes to the waste sorting shop. Sorting takes place manually: the machine feeds the garbage onto the conveyor belt, and the workers select bottles, paper, etc. from there. The sorted materials are put into containers without a bottom, from which the garbage immediately enters the cage and under the press. When the process is completed, the remaining waste (not included in any of the categories) is also compressed and taken directly to the landfill. Since long-decomposing materials are sorted out, the remaining garbage can be covered with earth.

Plastic bottles, cardboard and some other waste are bought by enterprises for production. For example, nets for vegetables are made from plastic bottles and containers, new products are made from glass bottles and fragments, and toilet paper is made from cardboard.

Materials accepted at landfills:

  • Household waste from residential buildings, institutions, enterprises engaged in the trade of industrial and food products.
  • Waste from construction organizations that can be equated to municipal solid waste.
  • Industrial waste of the 4th hazard class can be accepted if their amount does not exceed one third of the accepted waste.

Waste, the import of which is prohibited to the landfill:

  • Construction waste of the 4th hazard class, which contains asbestos, ash, and slag.
  • Industrial waste 1, 2, 3 hazard class.
  • radioactive waste.
  • Landfills are arranged according to strict sanitary standards and only in those areas where the risk of human infection with bacteria through air or water is minimized. The occupied area is designed for approximately 20 years.


This processing method is familiar to gardeners who use decayed organic materials to fertilize plants. Waste composting is a disposal method based on the natural decomposition of organic materials.

Today, a method is known for composting even an unsorted stream of household waste.

It is quite possible to get compost from garbage, which could later be used in agriculture. Many factories were built in the USSR, but they stopped functioning due to the large amount of heavy metals in the garbage.

Today, composting technologies in Russia are reduced to the fermentation of unsorted waste in bioreactors.

The resulting product cannot be used in agriculture, so it finds application right there, in landfills - they are covered with waste.

This disposal method is considered effective provided that the plant is equipped with high-tech equipment. Metals, batteries, and plastics are first removed from the waste.

Advantages of incineration:

  • less unpleasant odors;
  • the number of harmful bacteria, emissions decreases;
  • the resulting mass does not attract rodents and birds;
  • it is possible to obtain energy (thermal and electrical) during combustion.


  • expensive construction and operation of waste incineration plants;
  • construction takes at least 5 years;
  • when waste is burned, harmful substances enter the atmosphere;
  • incineration ash is toxic and cannot be stored in conventional landfills. This requires special storage.

Due to the lack of city budgets, inconsistency with waste processing companies and for other reasons, the production of waste incineration plants has not yet been established in Russia.

Pyrolysis, its types and advantages

Pyrolysis is the burning of garbage in special chambers that prevent the access of oxygen.. There are two kinds:

  • High temperature - combustion temperature in the furnace over 900°C.
  • Low temperature - from 450 to 900°C.

When comparing conventional incineration as a waste disposal method and low-temperature pyrolysis, the following advantages of the second method can be distinguished:

  • obtaining pyrolysis oils, which are subsequently used in the production of plastics;
  • the release of pyrolysis gas, which is obtained in sufficient quantities to ensure the production of energy carriers;
  • the minimum amount of harmful substances is released;
  • pyrolysis plants process almost all types of household waste, but the waste must first be sorted.

High-temperature pyrolysis, in turn, has advantages over low-temperature pyrolysis:

  • no need to sort waste;
  • the mass of the ash residue is much less, and it can be used for industrial and construction purposes;
  • at a combustion temperature above 900 ° C, hazardous substances decompose without getting into the environment;
  • the resulting pyrolysis oils do not require purification, as they have a sufficient degree of purity.

Each of the waste recycling methods has advantages, but everything depends on the cost of installations: the more efficient and profitable the disposal method, the more expensive its installation and the longer the payback period. Despite these shortcomings, the state is striving to implement projects for efficient and safe waste processing, realizing that these technologies are the future.

Due to the rapid development of industrial production, humanity faces the need to use new technologies for waste disposal. Today in Russia, about 94% of garbage is simply left at special landfills. In Europe, this figure also leaves much to be desired, although it is much lower (40%). How can the current situation be changed?


This relatively new technology in waste processing can be considered as sufficiently effective only if a number of mandatory conditions are met. So, for its implementation, it will be necessary to have waste incineration plants equipped with the latest technology. The construction of such enterprises usually takes a lot of money and time (over 5 years). Before the direct start of the process, the garbage must be sorted. Batteries, as well as metal and plastic components, are removed from the total mass.

International research organizations note a number of objective advantages of this method at once, namely:

  1. Almost complete absence of unpleasant odors.
  2. A small proportion of toxic substances released into the atmosphere. A study by the journal Waste Management has shown that incineration releases only 3.4 g of dioxins into the air each year, compared to the 1,300 g that occurs in landfills. The UK Environmental Services Association has determined that the technology does not cause mutations in plants grown near processing plants, nor does it cause cancer or respiratory disease in humans.
  3. The possibility of obtaining a powerful thermal and energy resource base. This is especially relevant when using pyrolysis - a technology in which the combination of low or high temperatures (from 450 to 900 ° or more than 900 °, respectively) with an insufficient amount of oxygen does not lead to the release of harmful and toxic substances, but to the decomposition of the object into its constituent elements. In Russia, this method is still at the stage of development and experimental verification. It is assumed that the introduction of pyrolysis into a permanent practice will provide heat to entire cities with a population of 300,000 people. The enterprises themselves will be able to serve residents for 20 years with an average payback period of 4 years. They also do not have to be supplied with energy for operation, because the synthesis gas produced as a result of combustion will become fuel for reactors.

Burning garbage also prevents the formation of many kilometers of ruins, to which birds and rodents, carriers of infection and viruses, are drawn from the surrounding areas. However, this method requires the mandatory disposal of ash in special storage facilities due to the fact that, containing some impurities of heavy metals, dioxins and mercury, it cannot simply be dispelled or left on the ground.

Plasma processing

The next new recycling technology is one of the safest and most innovative solutions that could be found in this matter. Here, the principle of processing the mass with high temperatures is also used, however, the litter is brought not to decomposition, but to transformation into a gas.

In this state, the former items are distilled into steam, which results in several useful resources at once:

  • electricity;
  • environmentally friendly slag;
  • non-pyrolyzable residues that can be reused for industrial purposes.

Factories operating on the basis of the principle of plasma processing have a closed and cyclical operation: for example, their reactors do not need new energy, because they work on part of their own heat. This system does not require pre-sorting and preparation of the material, because. it is capable of destroying any waste without harm to nature and human health, reducing their initial mass by more than 300 times. None of the currently known disposal methods can demonstrate such an indicator. The use of plasma is also distinguished by minimal costs - getting rid of 1 ton of garbage turns out to be 3 times cheaper than following any other method. That is why plasmatrons are actively used in technologically progressive countries - the USA, Great Britain, Japan, China.


Among the technologies for waste disposal, one can also find those that are used not so much because of obvious positive criteria, but because of economic benefits. A striking example of a new method of this kind is the backfilling of a solid waste landfill, which results in the formation of synthesis of gases - methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide and oxygen. In other words, the landfill is not just left on the surface of the planet for years, but is buried under a layer of earth and clay for 10-30 years. Over time, non-hazardous natural landfill gas is produced, which is then used to produce fuel, steam, heat and electricity.

Important! The implementation of this method is possible only in the presence of special deep pits, inside which pumping equipment must be installed to transfer gaseous decomposition products to enterprises.


The latest new recycling technology for household waste is great for organic materials - food residues, vegetation, paper. This disposal method, which is not used in large-scale industry, is a favorite among summer residents and farmers. The composting process consists in the formation of special piles of different sizes, which are regularly turned over (daily, 1 time per month, 1 time per year, etc., depending on the wishes of the person for the duration of composting).

The product obtained as a result of decomposition in natural climatic conditions is actively used as a valuable fertilizer in cultivating land, planting crops and saturating the soil.

In the drawers of the tables you can find a lot of outdated, but working components. On the one hand, it seems to be a pity to throw it away - solid sums were once paid for these useless "pieces of iron". But today all this is unnecessary garbage, the place of which is in a landfill.

However, there are people who do not see the problem in finding a use for an old drive or non-working hours. They can be repaired, redone, restored. And if it doesn’t work out, just use it for beauty. This material is devoted to the most interesting examples of "recycling" of garbage.

⇡ Music from trash

The first electronic musical instruments appeared long before Jean-Michel Jarre and Kraftwerk. For example, one of the predecessors of the synthesizer, the theremin, which musicians still use today, was created by Lev Sergeevich Theremin back in 1919. But now it is already impossible to get to the bottom of who and when the idea of ​​using old computer components for playing music first came to mind.

Iron hit: hits played on computer hardware

It's hard to define music. Probably, its most successful and correct interpretation is harmony. Where there is harmony, we hear music. It can be caught anywhere - in the voice of a flute, in the strumming of a guitar, in the murmur of water, in the singing of birds or the sound of the surf. But the most amazing thing is when harmony is heard where you least expect to find it. For example, in the roar of machine tools in a factory or in the hum of computer coolers.

Do you think we're exaggerating? Unlikely. Let's see what the human imagination can produce when focused on making music out of noise.

One of the pioneers of computer music is James Houston. And when we say "computer music", we do not mean electronic keyboards at all. James was one of the first to come up with the idea of ​​using outdated computer parts to create melodies. A TV instead of a monitor, a cassette recorder for downloading data (yes, imagine, there was such a thing before disk drives), one of the first HP Scanjet 3c scanners, the first Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer, an Epson LX-81 printer and other details.

Here's what it looked like.

Not very impressive? Nevertheless, in 2008 this clip aroused great interest among Internet users. In just a week after posting on YouTube, James was inundated with thousands of reviews. Among the letters received were an offer to sign a recording contract for this cover and a message directly from Radiohead inviting them to post the video on the band's official website. For a student from Glasgow, this was a great success and an incentive to create in the future.

But this was only the first experience. James Huston has a huge following. And some of them were able to demonstrate "aerobatics" in creating music on computer hardware. One such artist is a Canadian from Toronto named James Cochrane. He took it so seriously that his cover of The Animals' legendary The House of the Rising Sun became a hit on YouTube for a while. It is performed by a whole ensemble of hard drives, an oscilloscope, a scanner, and various computer components.

In addition to this piece, a Canadian music lover has made versions of other well-known compositions in a similar arrangement, for example "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen and the song Gotye "Somebody That I Used to Know"

The modern computer is not at all like the cabinets and drawers that were before. The appearance is changing, the content is changing. Some parts of the PC become obsolete and in the finished package become an unnecessary addition, a kind of computer atavism.

So, for example, still in some computers you can see floppy disk drives, or, simply speaking, floppy disks. Those who are lucky enough to use this type of media should remember the characteristic sound that accompanied each time the read head turned to the magnetic disk. This creaking sound could have a different tone, depending on the position of the sector being read. And if you choose such reading parameters for the drive so that it can play this or that note on demand, it is quite possible to train the drive to play any melody.

How to do this, knows the Polish amateur radio Pavel Zadrozniak (Pawel Zadrozniak). Together with other students of Krakow University (AGH University of Science and Technology), Pavel developed a system of disk drives controlled by a microcontroller. With the help of this device, the Imperial March, the most recognizable tune from the Star Wars saga, was played on floppy disks.

Playing on disk drives proved to be a very popular activity, and the number of people wanting to make the disk drive play increased dramatically. There were even originals who are trying to sell recorded music through online services. For example, a certain MrSolidSnake745 put this idea on stream. He built an orchestra of eight disk drives, connected them to the Arduino platform and recorded a lot of popular tunes from games, movies, etc.

It is difficult to judge how much this business has enriched the “composer”, but if it is for sale, then someone is buying.

If suddenly you too have a burning desire to build a "music box" out of the drive, you can easily find guides and tips on how to do it on the Web. For example, on the personal page of one of these enthusiasts, Michael Kohn.

Garbage concert with orchestra

If a desire arises in the soul to create real art, no life barriers and conventions can prevent this. The story below is proof of that.

In the far, far away country of Paraguay, where poverty in provincial towns coexists with dirty puddles and rickety shacks, people live who cannot imagine their life without music. But the trouble is - how to learn to play musical instruments if there is not a penny of money? There is not only no finance for studying at the conservatory, but no money even for the simplest cello or the cheapest clarinet.

But, as you know, if resourcefulness, creativity, passion and inspiration converge in one person, a miracle is born. That person turned out to be a teacher named Favio Chávez. In the small town of Cateura, Favio opened a music class, but there were too few instruments, far fewer people willing to play them.

Watching how his students are drawn to music, but do not have the opportunity to realize their desires, the teacher decided to provide everyone with instruments at all costs. One day, Favio Chavez met a garbage collector named Nicolás Gómez, nicknamed Cola, who at one time worked as a guitar maker. After consulting among themselves, these two people came to an unexpected decision - to create tools from ... garbage. It is from the garbage, which is very much in the city dump. Here, by the way, it would not be out of place to mention that the entire town of Cateura is one big dump, and most of its adult population is busy sorting garbage and looking for something else that can be of value.

It turned out that it was not difficult to build musical instruments from the materials found in the landfill. Favio's excellent hearing and the ingenuity of the scavenger made it possible to create futuristic musical instruments from the most seemingly useless things. So, for example, a barrel of oil products turned into a cello, pipes into flutes, and packing boxes into guitars.

Favio's activities brought fame to the small town of Cateura. The start of a music teacher was supported by sponsors, thanks to which a bank of musical instruments that were in use, but still suitable for teaching children, was opened.

And the children who still managed to learn music united in a team that received the quite expected name - Recycled Orchestra (“Garbage Orchestra”).

Recently, this team ran a fundraising campaign on the popular Kickstarter service. Hoping for large collections, the trash orchestra cherished Napoleonic plans - from filming a feature-length documentary about the orchestra to creating a social movement in support of the poor.

But, despite the powerful informational support (all leading TV channels, including CNN and BBC, made reports about a strange musical group from Paraguay) and noble intentions, the musicians failed to realize most of their ideas. They managed to raise only enough money to organize a round-the-world tour of the Recycled Orchestra. However, this is also a lot - more than two hundred thousand dollars.

⇡ Masters of Digital Garbage

What is interesting is that the number of people who see beauty in the ordinary is increasing all the time. Probably, nevertheless, the classic was right, and you and I are simply witnessing how beauty saves this world. A world that turns out to be boring and so diverse.

Gioconda from ASUS

The works of talented artists are sometimes so brilliant that if you try to repeat them, even their not very exact copy will attract attention. One such masterpiece is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. I remember, as soon as the first printing devices appeared, it became very fashionable in various research institutes to hang a piece of a long roll of paper over the workplace, on which the famous canvas printed with ordinary alphabetic and digital characters was guessed. Whatever method the artist chooses to replicate the appearance of the Mona Lisa, the result will almost certainly please many.

In 2009, the Taiwanese company ASUS helped ensure that the Mona Lisa once again experienced reincarnation. One of the most amazing "remakes" of this canvas was created. Moreover, fragments of ASUS motherboards were chosen as paints. To get the right picture, I had to very carefully work out the position of each detail in the "picture" - its orientation, color, and so on. With this unusual installation, exhibited in the office in Taipei, ASUS seems to emphasize that the creation of computer components and, in particular, motherboards is also a kind of art.

World on boards

If you look at satellite images and then look at the printed circuit boards of some electronic devices, you can see a lot of similarities. Roads, buildings, the relief of the earth's surface - all this resembles the wiring of boards with soldered elements. Probably, it was this analogy that prompted Susan Stockwell to create an entire map of the world out of motherboards.

To achieve the closest possible similarity, Susan used recycled components - connecting cables, coolers, cooling systems, etc. All this is not located randomly, as it might seem at first glance, but in an orderly manner, so that the drawing of a real map is imitated. This project was created for the University of Bedfordshire (Bedfordshire University).

Computer metropolis

Artists have a special vision, not the same as that of ordinary people. In unremarkable things, they are able to see completely unexpected pictures. And the most talented of these people can show what they see to everyone else. For example, the Italian designer Franco Recchia (Franco Recchia) creates his paintings using the components of electronic devices.

For example, RAM strips, cooling radiators and all kinds of connectors taken from motherboards, in one of the artist's works, make up a whole Manhattan, with skyscrapers and spiers.

Paintings from wires and films

There are so many lovers of creating sculptures from electronic components that even personalities with a characteristic “handwriting” have appeared among artists, such as Peter McFarlane. Peter makes paintings by laying them out with wires on a circuit board.

Colombian surrealist artist Federico Uribe uses wires as paint for his canvases. He simply “embroiders” pictures with wires with multi-colored insulation. Some of his works are voluminous, but Federico categorically objects to calling his creations installations, he considers them to be paintings.

Erika Iris Simmons specializes in cassette tapes. In some amazing way, with the help of magnetic films, she can lay out any image. Erica's collection of works includes a large number of portraits of famous personalities - from the Liverpool Four and Bob Dylan to Lenny Kravitz and Nick Cave.

Moreover, for especially "ancient" celebrities (such as Marilyn Monroe or Alfred Hitchcock), Erica did not use cassette tape, but magnetic tape from reels. Such paintings may well serve, say, as decoration for the interior of a rock cafe, and aged films will stimulate a retro mood.

In addition to the "film" paintings, Erica also has drawings created using a cord from a Nintendo game console.

Laserdiscs are still in use

Any format of digital media becomes obsolete sooner or later. Floppy disks are outdated, CDs have almost lost their relevance. But all this is an excellent “building” material from which you can make a lot of useful or simply beautiful things. For example, craftsmen have learned how to make bags from floppy disks, and a beautiful lamp can be made from a stack of laser discs in a matter of minutes.

With old discs, you can do even more rationally and combine beauty and benefit. In Madrid, one could see such beauty on the wall of the Vincci Soho hotel.

The creation of this almost thirteen-meter lizard took more than five thousand optical discs. They are firmly fixed on a special base and, of course, make passers-by stop when they see a gecko for the first time.

This lizard was made last year by the iade school of design, and the installation itself was named La Piel Cambiando (Skin Change). According to the designers who came up with this ad, the "animal" is looking for sunlight and symbolizes renewal, development and change.

Gear Treasures

Despite the abundance of electronics, we are still surrounded by a lot of mechanical devices. Of course, they age, often break down, and besides, they are being replaced by trendy battery-powered gadgets. Many mechanical devices end their lives in the same way - in the trash can. No one will think what to do with a broken watch - it's expensive to repair, it's pointless to disassemble for spare parts.

And yet there is a person who is convinced that throwing wheels and springs is not worth it, even if they have ceased to fulfill their functions.

Justin Gershenson-Gates (Justin Gershenson-Gates) from the USA admires the harmony and coherence of the details of mechanical devices so much that he decided to prove to everyone that gears and other parts of mechanical watches themselves have a great design and therefore can be used as jewelry.

According to the "mechanical jeweler", his fate was predetermined - his grandfather was a railway worker, and his father was very fond of delving into various mechanisms. As a child, he, like, probably, many curious boys, often took apart toys, wanting to understand how they work. Moreover, as Justin himself admits, in most cases he could no longer collect them back.

Now he continues to do the same, but he is already dismantling the “dead”, that is, broken mechanisms, and for the good of the cause. By adding minimal modifications to the design of parts and fastening them in a special way, Justin Gates creates pendants, cufflinks, pendants, earrings and other jewelry. The author of wonderful creations collects material for new steampunk jewelry, buying up old mechanical watches in large quantities on Ebay and other similar services. The newly minted jeweler says that his goal is to show the beauty of the mechanical world, to open up to others a place that is usually hidden behind a wall of metal and glass.

The author of jewelry gears even organized the A Mechanical Mind studio and periodically holds exhibitions showing his works. Those who wish can purchase the things they like on the needlework site ETSY, where the author exhibits his “jewels”.

⇡ With your own hands: "garbage" transport and other crafts

Captain Nemo from China

By his example, the Chinese inventor Tao Xiangli proved that the lack of funds and the absence of a rich sponsor is not a problem if there is a great desire to realize your ideas. You just need to take a closer look at the recycling products, which in fact often are not.

The inventions of Tao Xiangli cost a decent "penny", however, given the scale of the projects being implemented, the inventor's costs can be considered symbolic. In 2009, this Chinese craftsman surprised many experienced designers.

Having invested only about three thousand dollars, Tao made no less ... a submarine. When this became known to the public, Tao became a celebrity and reporters from all over the world reached out to him. What Tao said in his interview shocked many. His last job was as a technician at a karaoke bar. He has no education. He studied only five classes at school, and the last year was an encore. A junior high school repeater, Tao never uses a tape measure or ruler. He selects all sizes intuitively.

His submarine turned out without a European-style repair - rusty and 90 percent consisting of parts that were in operation. But she swims, although the first tests could cost the inventor his life. According to the author of this miracle, he got many parts of the submarine almost for nothing - light bulbs, wires, switches, and so on. “Our country is developing very quickly, I would never have thought of such a thing before,” Tao laughs. Now a Chinese submarine builder is plowing his submersible into the local river. Only one person fits in a submarine, and even then - if its dimensions are the same as those of the chief designer.

Encouraged by the success, the Chinese Kulibin spent another year of work on a new undertaking. This time he decided to realize another childhood dream and make himself a robot. For the next project, the inventor had to invest more than $ 24,000. With this money, he bought scrap metal, wires and electronic parts. From all this "trash" Tao built a huge monster robot, which is more than two meters high and weighs 480 kilograms.

Bike decorated with trash

Many bikers strive to give their vehicle some special design. There are many bikers in the world who make high-quality “pumping” of a motorcycle beyond recognition. Mirrors are being added, the look and filling are changing ... But few can compare in this skill with a master from Bangkok. His name is Roongrojna Sangwongprisarn.

The motorcycles he created by hand are impossible to forget - this is a real work of art. Colorful monsters hug the two-wheeled car and make it noticeable from afar. But the most amazing thing is that the author uses parts from discarded cars to create these bike sculptures. The creator of these masterpieces has his own network of Ko Art Shops through which Roongrojna sells his creations.

The second life of the "iron horse"

Many things are disposed of by man unwisely. At least that's what the creative agency Lola in Madrid thinks so. This is especially true for cars. Old, rusty, end-of-life cars are great material for further use. Employees of the mentioned agency have developed their own technology for converting discarded cars into bicycles. They called their project Bicycled - a play on the English words bicycle (bicycle) and recycled (recycling).

It turns out that this is quite easy. With skillful hands, almost every unusable car can be used to create a high-quality two-wheeled vehicle that will serve its owner for a long time to come. The necessary elements are cut out of the doors and body of the car, a frame and a steering wheel are made by welding. Any "surviving" parts are used - from drive belts to door handles. Using a surviving fragment of the skin of one of the seats, the craftsmen create a saddle, and signal lights removed from the car are fixed on the bike. The output is a completely working model of two-wheeled transport.

But the best part about it is that cycling is an environmentally friendly mode of transport. The amount of waste is reduced and people join a healthy lifestyle.

Housing from old cars

Bicycles aren't the only things old cars are good for. If you have enough patience and inspiration, you can build an entire house out of old cars, just like Karl Wanaselja did. He is an architect by profession, so it was not a very difficult task for Karl to carry out a preliminary calculation of his future home.

Almost all the details of the dwelling were taken from old cars. When the architect began building his house in Berkeley, he had to study the California dump, where he managed to get most of the materials. At the junkyard, he was mainly looking for the roofs and side windows of a Dodge Caravan minivan. The windows were turned into awnings, and fragments of the roofs were useful for cladding the upper floor.

According to Karl, he managed to create the illusion of a large space in a very limited way, and he even jokingly compares his house to a telephone booth from Doctor Who.

Garbage King

If you call the next builder the king of garbage, he will not be offended. Moreover, he will take it as a compliment.

Each of us has our own world, and whether we like it or not, we subconsciously try to bring it into reality. Some people do it easily, some never do it. But this man could. True, he did not have the means to build his kingdom, with cathedrals and arches.

Therefore, Vince Hannemann from Texas chose garbage as a building material. He has been collecting junk since 1989. Thousands of discarded items - from damaged irons and TVs to outdated phones, broken furniture and electronics - everything has a use in his miracle cathedral, built from all this rubbish. At first, no one took this man seriously, but when in 2010 his cathedral reached a decent size, the municipality of Austin realized it and banned this construction, considering the idea at least dangerous. But it was not there. The future king of garbage, although he was forced to remove the sixty-ton garbage cathedral, did not want to give up. He called for the help of engineers to use them to calculate a safe design option. When all the calculations with evidence of the stability of the building were in hand, the enthusiast was able to continue what he had begun.


Man lacks natural resources, and he strives into space to extract minerals. He is eager to find elusive particles in order to get cheap energy. At the same time, he does not pay attention to the fact that he has everything at hand to implement any of his ideas. It is only necessary to use the existing potential more efficiently. And of course, just a good dig in the trash.

After all, if someone alone can make a violin out of unnecessary trash, create a robot or build a house, then what can we say about larger projects that can be completed together. In addition, consumables for these purposes are always at hand. Something, but we still have enough garbage for a long time.


TYPES OF WASTE…………………………………………………………….4







Currently, the problems associated with the insufficient level of processing, neutralization, and safe disposal of waste exacerbate the environmental and sanitary and epidemiological situation in Russia. According to the state policy in the field of environmental protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, the most unfavorable situation is developing in Primorsky, Krasnodar Territories, Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Orenburg Regions, and the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Of the total mass of waste in the Russian Federation, 95% belong to the 5th hazard class and are represented mainly by large-tonnage waste.

The largest volume of production and consumption waste generation falls on the Siberian Federal District - 62%, the smallest - on the South - 0.4%.

Waste - substances (or mixtures of substances) recognized as unsuitable for further use within the framework of existing technologies, or after domestic use of products.

Recycling - reuse or return to circulation of production waste or garbage. The most common secondary, tertiary, etc. processing on one scale or another of materials such as glass, paper, aluminum, asphalt, iron, fabrics and various types of plastic. Also, organic agricultural and household waste has been used in agriculture since ancient times.

The recent awareness of the waste crisis facing our society has moved waste management from a side issue to a political debate. For some, the prospect of a major overhaul of the recycling system causes panic, but at the same time a new, more positive attitude towards this problem is being formed. There is a growing willingness to see waste as a source of opportunity and seek solutions from a broader perspective that includes climate change, resource management and urban regeneration.

From the point of view of environmental pollution, the problem comes down to the question of what is waste. From a resource management point of view, this is a question of what waste can be turned into. If we consider waste as pollutants, then they need to be controlled. However, if we consider them as a source of energy and materials, then there are alternative solutions. One such solution is to keep things as they were. Other solutions open the way to something new.


Waste classification

Waste varies:

by origin:

Production waste (industrial waste)

Consumption waste (municipal)

By state of aggregation:


by hazard class ( for humans and / or for the natural environment)

In the Russian Federation, the following hazard classes for the environment are distinguished:

1st - extremely dangerous

2nd - highly dangerous

3rd - moderately dangerous

4th - low risk

5th - practically harmless

In Russia, there is a Federal waste classifier, in which each type of waste, depending on the source of its origin, is assigned an identification code.

Waste production

Industrial waste - solid, liquid and gaseous production waste obtained as a result of chemical, thermal, mechanical and other transformations of materials of natural and anthropogenic origin.

Waste of certain products - unusable residues of raw materials and / or substances and energy arising in the course of technological processes that are not subject to utilization.

The part of the waste that can be used in the same production is called recyclable waste. This includes the remains of raw materials and other types of material resources formed in the process of production of goods (performance of work, provision of services). Due to the partial loss of some consumer properties, returnable waste can be used in conditions with reduced requirements for the product, or with increased consumption, sometimes they are not used for their intended purpose, but only in auxiliary production (for example, used car oils - for lubricating non-critical components technology). At the same time, the remains of raw materials and other material assets that are transferred to other divisions as full-fledged raw materials, in accordance with the technological process, as well as by-products obtained as a result of the technological process, do not belong to returnable waste.

Wastes that cannot be used within the framework of this production, but can be used in other industries, are called secondary raw materials.

Waste, which at this stage of economic development is inexpedient to process. They form irretrievable losses, they are previously neutralized in case of danger and buried at special polygons.

In industrial ecology, production waste is understood as waste in a solid state of aggregation ( some gaseous and liquid wastes may solidify, for example in filters or sedimentation tanks). The same applies to consumer waste - industrial and household (Fig. 1).

Rice. one. Classification of the main types of solid waste

Consumption waste is products and materials that have lost their consumer properties as a result of physical (material) or obsolescence.

Industrial consumer waste is cars, machine tools and other obsolete equipment of enterprises.

Household waste is waste generated by human activities and disposed of by them as unwanted or useless. Solid household waste includes cardboard, newsprint, packaging or consumer paper, all kinds of containers (wooden, glass, metal), objects and products made of wood, metal, leather, glass, plastic, textiles and other materials that have become obsolete or have lost their consumer properties. broken or obsolete household appliances - garbage, as well as agricultural and municipal food waste - garbage.

A special category of waste (mainly industrial) is radioactive waste (RW) generated during the extraction, production and use of radioactive substances as fuel for nuclear power plants, vehicles (for example, nuclear submarines) and other purposes.

Toxic waste poses a great danger to the environment, including some of the non-hazardous waste at the stage of their appearance, which acquire toxic properties during storage.


Modern technologies for processing waste of the agro-industrial complex with the production of biogas

In alternative energy, a special place is occupied by the processing of bio-mass ( organic agricultural and household waste) methane fermentation to produce biogas containing about 70% methane and disinfected organic fertilizers. The most important is the utilization of biomass in agriculture, where a large amount of fuel is consumed for various technological needs and the need for high-quality fertilizers is constantly growing. In total, about 60 varieties of biogas technologies are currently used or developed in the world. Biogas is a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide produced during anaerobic digestion. The residue resulting from the biogas production process contains a significant amount of organic matter and can be used as fertilizer. The production of biogas is economically justified and is preferable when processing a constant stream of waste (effluent from livestock farms, plant waste, etc.). Profitability lies in free raw materials (waste), low-cost organization and management of their supply. The production of biogas is especially effective in agro-industrial complexes, where there is the possibility of a complete ecological cycle.

Obtaining biogas from organic waste has positive features:
1. Biogas can be used to generate heat and electricity with high efficiency;

2. Anaerobic processing of animal waste, crop production and activated sludge makes it possible to obtain ready-to-use mineral fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus components (in contrast to traditional methods of preparing organic fertilizers by composting methods, in which up to 30-40% of nitrogen is lost);

3. The residue is decontaminated and pathogenic microorganisms are eliminated, the waste after anaerobic processing meets the requirements of environmental authorities;

4. Biogas plants can be located in any region of the country and do not require the construction of expensive gas pipelines and complex infrastructure;

5. Biogas plants can partially or completely replace small outdated boiler houses and provide electricity and heat to nearby villages and settlements.

Neutralization of municipal solid waste

At present, the main technological process for the neutralization of municipal solid waste is their incineration in devices of various types. The first enterprise in Russia to implement a four-stage gas cleaning system that meets the requirements of European standards for emissions of harmful substances with flue gases from solid waste incinerators was the Moscow waste incineration plant No. 2 (MSZ No. 2). In the first stage of purification, high-temperature reduction of nitrogen oxides to elemental nitrogen is carried out. In the second stage, the content of dioxins in flue gases is reduced. In the third stage, the process of neutralization of acid gases (HCl, HF) takes place. In the fourth stage, flue gases are cleaned of dust.

Rice. 3. Scheme of the technological line MSZ No. 2

On the rice. 3 the scheme of the waste treatment line is given. Solid household waste is fed through the bunker to the grate of the incineration boiler. Slag and ash formed during combustion are transferred to the slag processing shop. Flue gases from the combustion zone enter the afterburning chamber, where the products of incomplete combustion are additionally oxidized and organochlorine polycyclic compounds are decomposed. The steam generated by waste incineration boilers with parameters of 15kgf/cm2 and 2400C goes to the plant's own needs and is sent to a heat-insulating power plant (TUES).

Tab. 1. Main parameters of operation of waste incineration boilers installed at MSZ No. 2.

Flue gas consumption, m 3 / h

Rice. 4. Technological scheme of the flue gas cleaning system from nitrogen oxides.

The developed control system performs the functions of automatic control and automated program-logical control of the process. The solution of these problems is carried out by an intelligent control device - a microprocessor controller. Operating experience of the flue gas cleaning system has shown that this system makes it possible to completely solve the problem and ensure that the concentration of NO in flue gases after cleaning is maintained in the range from 30 to 70 mg/m3.

Recycling of radioactive waste

As another example, it should be said about the processing of production waste, namely radioactive waste.

Russia has developed a technology for plasma-thermal processing of radioactive waste, which is proposed for use in countries where there is a need for the disposal of radioactive waste of low and medium levels of radioactivity. Satisfaction of this need can be demonstrated by the example of Bulgaria. In this country, there are 2 main enterprises that accumulate radioactive and hazardous waste of various origins: the Kozloduy nuclear power plant and the Novi Khan storage facility. At these enterprises, the technology proposed by the Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" has been implemented.

The process of plasma processing of waste consists in the use of plasma arc heaters (plasma torches) to ensure the gasification of organic components, followed by the combustion of the resulting pyrogas, purification of combustion products and the release of neutralized gaseous products into the atmosphere.


    high degree of primary waste reduction;

    environmental safety of the process;

    a small fraction of the radioactivity leaving the reactor in the gas cleaning system;

    controllability of the level of radioactivity of the resulting slag.


Due to the constant growth of waste accumulation in the 1980s. the concept of non-waste production appeared. Many institutes were involved in the development of such technologies, but it became clear that the concept is applicable only to a very limited group of industries. In particular, oil refining and petrochemistry cannot be waste-free.

Since all approaches could not radically resolve the escalating ecological situation, at the end of the 20th century. the world community has put forward a completely new concept - a preventive policy. It consists in finding ways to prevent or reduce the generation of waste. This policy is called "Cleaner Production" (CP) and is now accepted worldwide as an innovative concept that can solve the environmental problems of enterprises.

The concept of CP is universal. It is clear that in order to ensure the operation of an enterprise with the least waste and emissions, with low energy costs and high quality of products, a mechanism is needed for the coordinated work of all parts of production. But, as practice shows, in many enterprises each division solves its tasks in isolation.

The essence of CP is the analysis of production efficiency by a working group of employees of the enterprise. The work is carried out in accordance with the methodology developed by the global environmental community in order to identify the causes of significant waste and emissions, poor product quality, as well as to find solutions to improve the operation of the enterprise.

The program usually lasts about a year, as it is necessary not only to identify the causes of problems, but also, with the help of experts, to find the best solution.

It is advisable to dwell in detail on several technologies recommended for implementation.

Two sludge processing technologies are interesting in that one of them is suitable for processing various types of sludge, including old highly stable ones. The technology is a combination of several stages, such as separation, settling, flotation, degassing, conditioning, dehydration, lime addition, compaction, drying. The resulting products are proposed to be burned, extract useful components and used in agriculture, which is not always allowed due to the danger of pollutant migration.

Another technology, developed and used in the USA, uses the cavitation method of separating emulsions with the help of enzymes.

The equipment can be in stationary and mobile forms and is reliable. And although the cost is quite high, the installations are already operating in several places and provide a very high level of water and solid fraction (sand) treatment.

Technologies that use the tornado principle deserve special attention. Firstly, this is a hydrotransport technology that allows pumping sludge, sand, etc. long distances. The installation is small and can be mounted both in a mobile version and in a stationary one.

The second technology allows you to quickly separate a mixture of oil and water using centrifugal force and may be indispensable in the fields. It is already in demand in China, and it is planned to introduce it in Russia.

Possibilities of using industrial waste

In principle, it is possible to use industrial waste in the following main areas:

1. Landscape reclamation, territory planning, backfilling of roads, dams, etc., for which rocks, pebbles, gravel, sand, blast-furnace slag and other types of solid industrial waste are used.

The implementation of this economically profitable area of ​​waste disposal, however, is insignificant - in total, approximately 10% of the volume of available waste is used for these purposes.

2. Use of waste as a raw material in the production of building materials:

1) as porous aggregates for concrete, building ceramics, masonry mortars (waste rock, gravel, sand);

2) as a raw material for the production of white cement, building lime and glass (rocks containing CaCO3 chalk), Portland cement (shale), expanded clay (plastic clay), silicate and building bricks (ash and slag waste from thermal power plants and metallurgical plants), etc.

The building materials industry is the only industry that uses large-tonnage production waste on a significant scale.

3. Recycling of waste as a feedstock, since some wastes are close in their properties to natural raw materials for obtaining a certain substance or raw materials for obtaining new types of products.

In the first case, the principle of low-waste or waste-free production technology is implemented, for example, the production of graphite from graphite ores and the resulting graphite soot.


In the Volga Federal District, the problem of ensuring environmental safety in the handling of industrial and household waste requires an immediate solution. The pace of implementation of sites and technologies for the processing and reuse of the most common waste is very slow, as is the pace of construction of waste disposal facilities, including municipal solid waste landfills in many regions.

Practically for all subjects of the Volga region federation, it is important to resolve issues with solid waste, sewage sludge from sewage treatment plants, banned and unusable pesticides and pesticides.

One of the main ways to solve the problem of waste use is the organization of their collection and processing to obtain marketable products.

The Bulgarian consortium "EcoEnergo" proposes to consider the possibility of cooperation in waste processing in the Saratov region. According to Mikhail Mikhov, the plans of the EcoEnergo consortium include the implementation of projects in Russia for the placement of waste processing complexes with a full production cycle and the creation of a site for deep processing. Saratov is considered as one of the cities where it is possible to place a waste processing complex.

During the presentation, the President of the EcoEnergo Consortium noted that the production process at the company's waste processing complexes is built as follows: at the first stage of production, the incoming waste is sorted, then some of the components (glass, waste paper, plastic bottles, polyethylene, construction waste, etc.) recycled for recycling. The part of MSW that cannot be reused is subject to disposal.

Investors from Foggy Albion intend to build three complexes in Saratov and Engels. The cost of one plant is estimated at about 25 million euros. Two factories in Saratov will practically close all the problems of the city (the third will be in Engels - "SOG"), the management is sure.

The British plan to introduce highly efficient processing technologies - up to 90 percent of the total mass. Although, apparently, this is not the limit - the company intends to process biological waste into alcohol. To do this, the entire "bios" after packaging in polyethylene will be exported outside of Russia. According to the Minister - Chairman Chopin, investors are ready to invest in the project, provided that the city authorities will provide the factories with raw materials for the next 20 years. Actually, this stuff we have, as they say, heaps.

According to the Saratov inter-district environmental prosecutor Alexander Gonchar, in the whole country over the past 5 years, the amount of household waste has increased by 1.5 times. This problem, according to the environmental prosecutor, is also relevant for the Saratov region ( of course, first of all for the regional center with its almost one million inhabitants).

It should only be noted that the "garbage business" has already come to Balakovo and Volsk, where the first sorting complexes in the region have been launched. Moreover, in Balakovo, the plant is the best in the Volga region.


The problem of waste recycling has been at the forefront of attention for several years now.

It is no secret that the capacity of landfills for waste disposal is running out. This forces the state to intensify the search for a way out of this situation. However, so far these attempts have not been successful.

As a result, it is worth saying that the main problems in the field of production and consumption waste management are reduced to:

    the absence of a unified system of normative acts on the issues of waste management, primarily on their classification and certification;

    the creation of specialized industries and the promotion of new technologies is hampered by the lack of legislative mechanisms for economic incentives for enterprises that collect, transport and process waste.

Elementary mechanisms for economic incentives for enterprises in the field of waste management could be:

    property tax benefits for facilities used for environmental protection;

    a special taxation regime for land tax, VAT and income tax;

    application of accelerated depreciation of fixed production assets associated with the implementation of environmental activities.

In view of the foregoing, it seems appropriate:

1. Ensure the creation of a unified system of federal regulations on waste management issues.

2. Develop and adopt a regulatory framework for the creation and implementation of the state waste cadastre as a federal information system in the field of waste management.

3. Prepare regulations on procedures for identifying the best technologies in the field of waste management.

4. Develop economic mechanisms to stimulate waste recycling.


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Modern processing technologies

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