To the world day of social justice. world day of social justice world day of social justice

About accession social justice people have been dreaming since the dawn of civilization. Equal opportunities for all living on Earth. This is not one of the populist slogans. This kind of desire is rooted deep in the very nature of our species. AT different times, in various forms, many have tried to translate these ideas into reality. Alas, we are still quite far from this cherished goal. And it is understandable why the initiative to establish the World Day of Social Justice was so ardently supported by the people of the whole planet - after all, this is another step towards equality.


The idea of ​​establishing this holiday at the international level has been brewing for a long time. And when in 1995 at a meeting of the leaders of the leading states of the world, held in the Danish capital, it was announced, it immediately received serious support. However, a long 12 years passed until the UN General Assembly in 2007 officially announced the creation of a new holiday, for which a special resolution was adopted. This event took place on December 18th. The initiator in this case was the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

The resolution not only announced the date of the meeting of the new holiday, but for the first time at such a level formulated the principles of social justice, which all UN member countries pledged to strictly observe and implement. The goals of the new holiday, which in reality has been celebrated not since the moment of its establishment, but since 2009:

  • poverty eradication;
  • decent work for all;
  • full equality of all people;
  • establishment of welfare.


On February 20, many millions of people from most countries of the planet take part in the celebration of the World Day of Social Justice. Everyone who actively or passively opposes social injustice and all its manifestations. It:

  • members public organizations and charitable foundations;
  • employees of social and state institutions;
  • lawyers;
  • trade union activists and many others.

On this day, various educational lectures are read all over the planet, thematic seminars and conferences are held, and funds are raised to help the poor. Officials read reports on relevant topics, reports on the implementation of government programs and materials covering the life of different segments of the population are published, new bills are introduced on the theme of the holiday.

In every country of our modern civilized world, every year people celebrate a rather young holiday - the Day of Social Justice. After all, every person on our Earth has the same right to exist, normal conditions residence, decent work and quality service, regardless of where in the world he lives or was born, what gender, whether he believes in Jesus or Allah, where he works and who his parents were. Therefore, such a holiday takes place in our difficult time, full of great contrasts in various segments of the population.

Representatives of Kyrgyzstan made the first step towards the establishment of the holiday. It is thanks to them General Assembly decided to celebrate the World Day of Social Justice. Since then, starting in 2009, the whole world celebrates it on February 20th. The date of the celebration is associated with the World Summit in Copenhagen in 1995, at which the tasks for the development of modern society were first proclaimed.

This holiday allows you to strengthen social justice and ensure prosperity, get rid of poverty, allow all people to find a normal, decent job, provide everyone with full employment, achieve gender equality and thus allow everyone to live in their own or a foreign country the way he wants.

World Day of Social Justice 2020 - congratulations

Social justice -
This is the most important thing in the world!
So that we don’t just dream of happiness,
We must all become brave!

We must all muster up the courage
To help your neighbor!
There is a lot of special charm in this -
be kind and spread

Everything good, kind, sweet,
And improve people's lives!
I wish to gather my strength
And help the world become a better place!

This whole world is in your hands
In you - goodness and justice,
So that you, not knowing about fear,
He accumulated warmth and strength in himself -

And used them for
To help people in the world!
When you radiate warmth
Everyone rejoices like children!

There is nothing more important in the world
How to do good deeds!
Come on, do them, be bold!
So that life is happy!

Justice in the world is important to us,
So let's make it happen!
You gotta do good deeds
And live with love in your heart!

You start today and then
Everyone will repeat after you!
And you will see for yourself how, day after day,
The world is thanking you!

You try to help people
And you will be kindly answered!
I just want to flourish
Believing in joy, happiness and love!

Postcard for World Day of Social Justice 2020

Click on the repost to copy to social. net

Social justice is not just an ethical imperative, it is the basis of national stability and global prosperity. Equal opportunities, solidarity and respect for human rights are essential for the full development of the productive potential of nations and peoples. General Secretary UN Ban Ki-moon

World Day of Social Justice has been celebrated since 2009. The UN General Assembly proclaimed the establishment of this holiday in a special resolution No. A / RES / 62/10 of December 18, 2007. The prerequisite for the emergence new date- February 20 - became a world meeting on top level, which was held in Copenhagen in March 1995, and at which the objectives of social development modern society. The Member States of the United Nations dedicate 20 February to the national level activities that contribute to strengthening social justice.

As conceived by the organizers, the international date should contribute to the eradication of poverty, providing people with full employment and decent work, achieving equal rights for men and women, as well as establishing social welfare and social justice for all. The UN considers the pursuit of social justice one of its main missions. The organization upholds the principles of justice by removing barriers that people face because of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, or disability.

One of the main documents working in this direction is the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization. It emphasizes guaranteeing an equitable outcome for all through employment, social dialogue and fundamental principles and rights in the workplace.

At first glance, it may seem that social justice is a vague and non-specific concept, but this is not entirely true. The criteria here are quite clear - respect for human rights and freedoms, gender, racial and ethnic aspects, the creation of equal opportunities for all members of society.
It is comfortable for a person to live in a country where he considers himself complete, when he can work for the benefit of the state and be sure that he is under its protection. In a country where social justice reigns, there is practically no crime and corruption, people smile more often, treat each other with kindness and understanding.

The World Day of Social Justice is a great occasion for officials to think about the welfare of people, and for ordinary citizens to change something in themselves...

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Let's all stand up for justice in the world,
May She rule on Earth as a common law,
Let there be no evil, resentment or stupid words,
May friendship and love be fair on this day!
Happy Justice Day! happy honor day
Congratulations! And I will say without any flattery
She is among us! If in the heart and in the soul
Love reigns, then peace, of course, will be in the country and on Earth!

Happy world justice day,
I wish you well!
Let everything be according to the law, according to sincerity,
Let the country not be angry!
Let there be no disagreement
Let there be no evil
Let among the people, in society
Truth reigns alone!

Happy World Justice Day,
I congratulate you all today
And with all my heart, with all my heart
I wish you all now!
Let everything in your life be honest,
And a lot of health and a high salary!
So that you live freely, interestingly,
May you be generous and rich!

On the day of justice and honor,
I hasten to congratulate you!
Let there be less flattery in your life,
Don't let your friends fool you!
Let your boss be honest at work,
Let the seller not deceive in the store,
May all your sorrows and hardships
A short, fiery end will come!

social justice day today
He is called to call everyone to order.
To pay only
For work, diligence, but not for nothing.

I wish you stability in income,
So that there is order in business, success.
So that you always know that you are free,
And that laws are written for everyone.

On the Day of Social Justice, I wish
Good luck in your hopes and work.
And on this day, friends, I congratulate you.
Let it be as you wish.

Today is the day when the laws triumph
When we all deserve to know happiness.
Let your worries, friends, pass by
And let only good things happen.

Let there be equality, let there be justice!
After all, we have long been for equality - we do not need war!
Why do we need disagreements, because this is modesty,
We are in modern society, all happiness and goodness!

Worthy of every person
In our common white light
To be equal with everyone in your lifetime,
But he is not responsible for others.

Responsible only for yourself
And let everyone think
What you need to live, loving the whole world,
That it is very important for us to be equal!

And today we will understand -
Peace of mind for the planet
Be patient day by day
And there are no other secrets!

Justice Day is an important holiday!
He makes all the people of the earth kinder,
To do good is all in our power!
Rather, give everyone a smile!

We wish you more communication on this day!
Warmth, good luck, beauty!
And let there be more justice!
Let flowers bloom from smiles!

Justice today is an important holiday,
Congratulations on this great day!
Not a single prankster is naughty today,
There is even justice in him!

Justice is our pride!
After all, people should be like that!
Congratulations on this important date!
May every dream come true!

“Social justice is not just an ethical imperative, it is the foundation of national stability and global prosperity. Equal opportunities, solidarity and respect for human rights are essential for the full development of the productive potential of nations and peoples.” (Former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon).

The World Day was proposed by the then President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev. Later, the same proposal was made in the general discussion in 2007 at the 62nd session of the General Assembly by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan, Yednan Karabaev.

Great idea! The UN General Assembly announced the establishment of this holiday on November 26, 2007, but they began to celebrate the World Day of Social Justice - World Day of Social Justice only since 2009. Although back in March 1990 in Copenhagen at the world summit, the tasks of the social development of modern society were proclaimed.

The Declaration on Social Justice spelled out guarantees for achieving fair results for all - ensuring employment, respect for rights in the workplace and the possibility of social dialogue.

But, as the Russians say, a fairy tale quickly affects, but it takes a long time to get done.

Finally, the world has a holiday that is approved by most people living on the globe. And the members of the United Nations are committed to eradicate poverty and any inequality, be it discrimination based on race, gender, culture, age, religion, or property.

Philosophers, scientists, some politicians and just decent people from ancient times. But it spins on the tongue - "And things are still there."

What is social justice? If in an accessible language, then this is a system state institutions, which ensures "a fair distribution of socio-political rights and material wealth."

Ruso believed that justice "comes down to two essential things: freedom and equality." Approximately, the French socialist, philosopher, economist Pierre Proudhon said the same:

“What does it mean to do justice? This means giving everyone an equal share of goods under the condition equal amount work, it means to act in accordance with the interests of society"

Majority ordinary people understand social justice as "providing equal opportunities for the development of different segments of the population."

And now, it would seem, most of us lived in a welfare state, in the Soviet Union, where free education, free healthcare and equal opportunities for all segments of the population. The socialist version guaranteed equal distribution of the product produced by all the people. And even the slogan was proclaimed - "from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs."

But in reality, equality and equality are not always identical. And in the Union, as we remember, someone had advantages. And it started from the bottom. Trade union workers, party workers, had access to scarce goods and products. All this was distributed among their people. The higher ranks were treated in medical institutions, where simple soviet man did not have access. Nepotism and blasphemy flourished.

The older generation perfectly remembers Mikhail Zhvanetsky's miniature “Deficiency”, which was brilliantly read by Arkady Raikin “Dear people are sitting: the warehouse manager is sitting, the store manager is sitting, the merchandiser is sitting behind. ... The store manager - we spit on him! The merchandiser of the shoe department is like a simple engineer! This is good? It's disgusting!"

So it was. And many quite worthy and deserving people could not resist the temptation to use blasphemy ...

But Marxism-Leninism was rejected at the official level. It happened in an instant. The collapse of the existing system led to a sharp impoverishment of the bulk of the population. This greatest injustice did not bother those who came to power in the least.

And if during coup d'état robbed the rich, then in 1991, through the so-called shock therapy, robbed the poor.

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle once wrote “The virtue of the state is reflected in the fact that citizens participating in public administration, virtuous."

But virtuous citizens are worth their weight in gold, especially in power. A person is weak by nature and few people are able to resist the temptation to profit at the expense of others, being completely sure that nothing will happen to you for this.

There was a huge stratification of the population.
Factories and factories were closed, labor exchanges were overcrowded. And many employers shamelessly used the complete dependence of their employees on them. Wealth gave them the right to unlimited power. Many went so far as to deprive their employees of vacations, sick leave, even for people with long experience, paid a penny. There were no trade unions at the enterprises. And few of the workers dared to defend their rights through the courts.

Fortunately, a lot has changed in our country since then. But the uneven distribution of wealth persisted. And this does not benefit either the poor, or the average, or the rich themselves.

Mystics say that there is an inevitable universal justice. Somewhere out there, on an invisible parchment, all our deeds, deeds, thoughts, desires, both good and evil, are recorded.

But will this stop the presumptuous nouveaux riches and embezzlers? And they do not believe in the laws of karmic justice.

Therefore, ideally, it is the state that should take care of the observance of laws, the protection of the weak, the creation of equal conditions and opportunities for a normal life. various groups population. And about preventing a colossal gap in the income level of the rich and low-income segments of the population.

Unfortunately, free medicine is not accessible enough, to be convinced of this, it is enough just to go to the district polyclinic at the place of residence. There are many problems with free education. It is known that administrations often educational institutions shamelessly getting into the pocket of the parents of their students.

I would also like to mention the equality of all citizens before the law and the courts. It's no secret that, until recently, the rich and those even at the low rung of power structures had the opportunity to evade responsibility.

We all dream and strive to create welfare state, "which assumes the responsibility to take care of social justice, and the social security of its citizens." And even if social justice may not be fully achievable, especially in the near future, this does not mean that we should not strive for it.

And I fully agree with the great humanist and thinker of the Enlightenment, Jean Jacques Rousseau:

"No citizen should be so rich as to be able to buy another, and no one so poor as to be forced to sell himself."
(J.J. Rousseau).
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