Number and tendency of its change. Number and trend of its change Necessary and additional protection measures

I am Alone nocturnal, bat-winged from an ancient family.

An unknown mouse hanging upside down on a tree.

I may be a bird of some rare breed

from the realm of ultra, from the city of echo echo hero?

Many beliefs and predictions are associated with bats: they beat at the window and walls - wait for rain, flew into the house - to money and good luck, if a bat flew into a wedding, this sign is unpleasant for the couple. According to ancient beliefs, life together will be either unhappy or very short. Scientists prove that these creatures never visit places with bad energy. Therefore, if a bat is in your house, this is a good sign. This means that there is no negativity in your house, and only pleasant events await you.

There are also bats in Kamchatka. Today we will get acquainted with Brandt's small animal, listed in the Red Book of Kamchatka.

Brandt's bat (lat. Myotis brandti) is a small bat of the genus of bats.

This insectivorous mammal weighs on average 5 to 9 grams (less than two teaspoons of sugar), body length 38-55 mm, tail length 31-45 mm, forearm length 33-39 mm, wingspan 19-24 cm, but can live up to 40 years old. This is about as long as a dolphin lives, and more than a horse or a cow. Brandt's bat takes a relatively long time to reach sexual maturity. As a rule, one female produces one cub, whose weight at the time of birth is about a seventh of the weight of the parent.

The ear is of medium length, tapering towards the end, with a notch at the rear edge. The mask is covered in dark hair. The foot with claws is approximately equal to half the tibia. The wing membrane is attached to the base of the outer toe. The fur is thick, long, slightly disheveled. Hair with dark bases, the color of the back is from reddish to dark brown, the belly is from grayish to fawn-whitish.

Brandt's night bat can be found from England and eastern Spain through the Urals and Southern Siberia to Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Japan and Korea.

It is attached to mixed and broad-leaved forests, but along the floodplains it penetrates into the taiga and steppe. Shelters - hollows of trees, hollows, rocky cracks, less often - buildings. Flies out to hunt after the thickening of twilight. Hunts for flying insects in the forest over gaps and clearings at the level of crowns or between trunks, in parks, and also low above the surface of water bodies. The flight is smooth, unhurried, maneuverable. Echolocation signals of low intensity in the range of 80-35 kHz, with a maximum amplitude of about 45-50 kHz. Sedentary, winters in various underground shelters. Mating after the end of lactation or during wintering. Breeds in early-mid-summer, brood colonies up to several dozen females, males usually keep apart. There is 1 cub in the brood, lactation is about 1.5 months.

Brandt's bat Myotis brandtii

2. Brandt's bat Myotis brandtii (Eversmann, 1845)

Order Chiroptera - Chiroptera

Family Smooth-nosed bats - Vespertilionidae

Mammals of Kamchatka: Brandt's bat Myotis brandtii (Eversmann, 1845)

Finds of Brandt's bat: 1 - reliable, 2 - unreliable

Spreading. The exact boundaries of distribution in the region have not been established. Reliable finds are known for the southeastern part of the peninsula, within the limits bounded from the west and northwest by the valleys of the Kamchatka and Bolshaya rivers (1–4). Separately, for the coastal zone of Western Kamchatka there is an indication (5) approximately for the area of ​​the river. Duck. Presumably, it is Brandt’s bat that should be attributed to bats observed to the north of this area: they are common in the middle part of the basins of the Palana, Tigil, Belogolovaya, Morochechnaya, Vorovskaya, Krutogorova, Ozernaya (Vostochnaya) rivers, and were observed in the north of Karaginsky Island. In the late 1970s an individual stray or brought by a vessel was caught in the village. Nikolskoye on Bering Island (not preserved) (4, 6–8). In continental regions, encounters of bats are rare and sporadic. Singly observed in the village. Upper Pakhachi, repeatedly - in the village. Achaivayam and the bay of Natalia, as frequent - in the village. Manila, Tilichiki, Korf (4, 8, 9).

Appearance. The sizes are small. The main parameters of the body and the mass are somewhat less than those of the northern kozhan (partially overlapping). Forearm length 34.1–38.0 mm. Body weight 3.1–12.0 g. The ear, extended forward along the head, protrudes 1–3 mm beyond the tip of the nose. The tragus is long (more than half the length of the ear), pointed, evenly tapering towards the apex. The coloration of the back is brownish-brown, the underside is brownish-gray. Juveniles are darker colored (1, 10).

Habitat and lifestyle. They are confined mainly to flat forests, forested floodplains. It is more often observed along forest roads, along forest edges, over small reservoirs. Penetrates into mountains up to at least 1200 m above sea level. m., possibly higher. Daytime shelters and brood colonies in hollows and crevices of various types of large trees. Intermittent, random shelters are diverse: on trees under the nests of large birds, in cracks in coastal cliffs, under exfoliated birch bark, etc. Optional synanthropus. Even in the absence of restrictions with natural shelters, it willingly settles in human buildings. Biology in the region is almost not studied. Up to 25 individuals are found in summer colonies. Cubs are born in late June - July and usually stay together with females until at least the end of August. In Eastern Kamchatka, the spring appearance is usually recorded not earlier than the end of May, the latest sightings - until the second decade of October, occasionally - in the first decade of November (8, 11, 12). The nature of the stay in the region is not clear. Reports of extended caves with a stable microclimate (13) are not confirmed by modern data.

Cases of successful wintering of individual animals in vegetable stores are known. The available single facts of detection of numb bats in October - November (in residential buildings and in hollows of trees) do not clearly prove the success of overwintering. Moreover, death in light, unheated buildings was also noted. In September 1996, on the Lopatkinsky ridge. in the elfin zone, a large accumulation of bats was noted (hundreds, according to eyewitnesses), which allows us to very carefully assume the possibility of autumn migrations from Kamchatka to southern latitudes (4, 8).

Number and limiting factors. In the Kronotsky Reserve, on the forest road in the stone birch forest, 5.0–5.2 bats were counted per 10 km of the route (11, 12). In the floodplain biotopes of the middle course of the river. Kamchatka (settlement Milkovo, Lazo) the occurrence is much higher. It is not uncommon for the death of animals in colonies arranged in human buildings due to ruin or constant anxiety. In the Kronotsky Reserve, finds of dead young animals were repeatedly noted near brood colonies located in natural shelters. Within the boundaries of the cities of Yelizovo and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the occurrence of night bats has sharply decreased over the past 12–15 years, most likely due to the deteriorating state of the air environment and a noticeable decrease in the number of nocturnal insects. A partly possible reason for the decline in numbers here is the introduction of sparrows and, as a result, noticeable changes in the composition of the background species of the entomofauna of the urban zone (8).

Scientific and practical significance of species conservation. The study of biology and distribution will expand the knowledge of the nature of the formation of modern theriocomplexes in the region. Exterminating blood-sucking Diptera and other harmful insects in the mass, it is a useful animal that deserves special protection measures. Within the boundaries of large settlements, it is a type of air quality identifier, therefore it can be successfully used as a monitoring object.

Security measures taken and required. Since 1983, Brandt's bat has been included in the list of animal species subject to protection in the Kamchatka region. Along with other representatives of the fauna, it is protected on the territory of the Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve. Lives on the territory of the Klyuchevskoy Natural Park. In order to clarify the real boundaries of distribution in the region, it is necessary to organize a systematic inventory of the species composition of bats in protected areas, primarily in the northern ones. Also - studies of biology and clarification of the main limiting factors, explanatory work among the population.

Sources of information: 1. Tiunov, 1997. 2. Strelkov, 1983. 3. Borissenko, Kruskop, 1997. 4. Nikanorov, 2000. 5. Fedorov, 1978. 6. Tyushov, 1906. 7. Lazarev, 1983. 8. Our data. 9. Portenko et al., 1963. 10. Strelkov, 1963. 11. Nikanorov, 1983. 12. Nikanorov, 1986. 13. Dietmar, 1901.

Compiled by: Nikanorov A.P.

Myotis brandtii (Eversmann, 1845)
Order Chiroptera - Chiroptera
Family Smooth-nosed bats - Vespertilionidae

Spreading. In the Moscow region widespread species. At the end of XIX - beginning of XX centuries. on the territory occupied by modern Moscow, Brandt's bats were caught in Losiny Ostrov, the Izmailovsky menagerie, Perov, in the garden of the Geer almshouse on V. Krasnoselskaya Street. (2-4).

In the 1940s they lived in the crevices of the walls of the Novodevichy Convent (5). In the spring of 1986, Brandt's bats were observed when leaving the wintering grounds in Lefortovsky Park and on Vorobyovy Gory (6); in the summer of 2010, an adult animal was found in env. Vorontsovsky park (7). There are no other reliable data on the presence of the species within Moscow in 1985-2010. no, but it can be assumed that it lives in some natural areas with reservoirs - in Losiny Ostrov, Izmailovsky Forest, Kuzminsky L-ke, Uzky, Znamensky-Sadki, Sparrow Hills, Fili-Kuntsevsky L-ke and Serebryany Bor


Number. In the Moscow region as a whole, the species is very numerous (8-10), its abundance in the territory of Moscow is not known. Along the Moskva River on Sparrow Hills in spring, when Brandt's bats emerge from wintering, in 1986, 20-30 ind. per 1 km of the route; in early May, only single animals were recorded there (8). It is assumed that in relatively large forest areas of the city with water bodies, the abundance of the species may be close to that in similar habitats outside of Moscow.

Habitat Features. As in natural conditions, in Moscow it prefers old-growth mixed and deciduous forests located near water bodies with hollow trees. In summer, in small groups or singly, it settles in hollows of various configurations, less often in crevices under roofs and behind the sheathing of walls of wooden buildings. It hunts not far from its shelters over rivers and reservoirs, on the edges, glades and clearings, among trees in sparse forests and old parks. It feeds on a variety of small flying insects and lives in areas with high concentrations of them. Does not make long-range seasonal flights. In Moscow, it can winter in the basements of houses and other shelters, where the air temperature does not fall below zero.

Negative Factors. Strengthening urbanization of the center, parts of the Moscow region with an increase in the area and building density. Within Moscow - town-planning development of territories adjacent to forest areas without maintaining a buffer undeveloped strip along the edges. Technogenic pollution of water bodies and the air basin, sanitation of ponds, primarily in old parks, and the resulting significant reduction in the number of flying nocturnal insects - food items for bats.

Transformation or degradation of natural and close to them biotopes along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, including as a result of bank protection with the destruction of near-water vegetation. Overgrowing of glades and clearings in large forests with woody plants, lack of shelters due to the limited number of old hollow trees. Lack of data on the distribution and state of the species on the territory of Moscow and the impossibility in this regard of taking targeted measures to preserve it


Security measures taken. On the territory of Moscow, the species was under special protection from 1978 to 1996, in 2001 it was included in the KR 4. Territories with potential habitats for this bat have the status of protected areas - NP "Losiny Ostrov", P-IP "Izmailovo" , "Kuzminki-Lublino", "Bitsevsky Forest" and "Moskvoretsky", PZ "Vorobyovy Gory".

Change the state of a view. There is no data to assess the change in the state of the type, its CR remains unchanged - 4.

Necessary measures for the conservation of the species. Carrying out special studies in order to clarify the distribution, abundance and habitat characteristics of bats in Moscow. Purposeful searches for the species in the protected areas of Moscow and the allocation of the discovered habitats in the memory. Compliance with the requirements for the placement of buildings no closer than 30-50 m from the edges of forests during the reconstruction of residential areas in areas adjacent to protected areas. Preservation of hollow trees in the coastal zones of rivers and ponds in existing and planned protected areas.

Regulated mowing of forest clearings, wide clearings and floodplain meadows, preventing their overgrowth with trees and shrubs. Development and implementation of measures to reduce pollution of rivers and water bodies in protected areas. Ban on sanitation of water bodies in protected areas. With the improvement of river valleys - the preservation of ancient reservoirs and areas with natural floodplain vegetation, hollow trees; on existing and project protected areas - ecological restoration of rivers and reservoirs, the banks of which are reinforced with gabions and vertical woven walls, with the restoration of conditions for the emergence and development of near-water vegetation.

Information sources. 1. Red Book of the Moscow Region, 2008. 2. Ognev, 1913. 3. Collection of the Zoom Museum of Moscow State University. 4. Kuzyakin, 1950. 5. Formozov, 1947. b. Morozov, 1998. 7. A.A. Panyutina, L.S. 8. Borisenko et al., 1999a. 9. Glushkova et al., 2006.10. Kruskop, 2002. Author: S.V. Kruskop

This miniature creature belongs to the order Bats, the family of common bats, the genus of night bats.

In general, bats are the oldest animals on Earth. Scientists have proven that representatives of this detachment lived on our planet 55 million years ago. Or rather, it was an animal similar to a bat, but it is not yet possible to determine more precisely.

Brandt's night bat was first described by the Russian naturalist and traveler Eduard Eversman in 1845. But it is named after the German naturalist, zoologist, botanist and physician Johann Brandt. By the way, sometimes instead of "Brandt's night lamp" they say: "Brandt's bat".


This mouse with a body length of 4 to 5 cm, rarely more. The length of the tail is two thirds of the length of the body. The weight of an individual individual ranges from 5 to 10 grams.

This bat has a fairly long ear that tapers towards the end and has a cutout at the back. The coat on the muzzle (mask) is dark in color. The fur of the whole body is thick, long, somewhat disheveled. Wools have dark bases. Color variations on the back - from reddish to dark brown. Wings with membranes. Their scope is quite large - up to 24 cm. Apparently, therefore, describing the flight of the night bat, zoologists note, first of all, its slowness.

Under relatively calm living conditions (except for the main enemy - man, bats do not have so many natural enemies) it is able to live for about 20 years.

What a colony of Brandt's bats looks like, the photo in the article demonstrates in full.

Females of this species usually form not the largest colonies - only up to several tens of individuals (for comparison: some bats gather several thousand individuals). As for the males of the night bat, they usually stay alone.

In the litter, Brandt's bat has one cub, which the mother feeds for a month and a half.


The habitat is very extensive: England, Europe, Siberia, Korea, Japan, Sakhalin. Finds of specimens of this species are known in the lands of the Northern Urals, in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

Lives in hollows of trees in both forest and forest-steppe areas. It can settle in rock crevices, caves and, quite rarely, in buildings. But for the winter it is arranged most often underground.

Starts hunting at dusk. Its prey is flying insects. It can pursue prey among the crowns of trees and over water. The flight of this creature is distinguished by its smoothness and maneuverability.

According to the classification in the Red Book, Brandt's bat is most often classified in different regions as "a rare species with a limited, possibly discontinuous distribution in different areas." Its distribution has been little studied, however, encounters are rare.


Bats in general and Brandt's bat in particular hunt and move by emitting ultrasonic signals. Encountering an obstacle (insect, wall, etc.), the impulse returns, like an echo, is captured by the animal - in this way, information about the object enters the brain. Echolocation serves a bat like a flashlight that emits rays of light in different directions. With the help of a series of short signals of different frequencies, the bat is able to move and navigate even in complete darkness and in a confined space (cave). Here the need for vision recedes into the background.

It is clear that insectivorous bats, in particular Brandt's bat, have the ability to echolocate more. Some frugivorous and nectarivorous species living in open spaces can easily do without it.

In addition, scientists have proven that the sounds made help bats to coexist in the colony - that is, to communicate. And the presence of a certain social behavior implies sounds of different heights, volumes, and aggregates. All this animal must be able to distinguish and understand. And Brandt's Nightlight is no exception in this case.


A lot of information about Bats has been collected, but Brandt's bat is still little studied. Data on abundance, habitation and behavior are based on reliable, but not completely systematized, records.

The point here is partly that the Bats are the richest and most prolific order of Mammals in terms of speciation. For example, Brandt's bat is quite difficult to distinguish from another bat, Mustachioed.

In addition, collecting data on these creatures and observing them is difficult. These animals are nocturnal, secretive, hibernating in winter. In addition, Brandt's night bat is also quite small in size.

Human urban and economic activities often destroy bat colonies, which are usually tied to one place of settlement. That is why many species of Chiroptera are listed in the Red Book.

Brandt's night bat Myotis brandtii (Eversmann, 1845)

Status. IV category. A VIEW with an undefined status.
Description. Body length is 3.8-5.5 cm, weight - 5.5-10 g, length lying down - 3.3-3.9 cm. The mask is covered with dark hair. The wing membrane is attached to the base of the outer toe. The fur is thick, long, slightly disheveled. Hair with dark bases, the color of the back is from reddish-to dark brown, the belly is from grayish to fawn-whitish. Hunts for flying insects in the forest along clearings and roads, over clearings and clearings at the level of crowns or between trunks, in parks, and also low above the mirror of reservoirs. Sedentary species, winters in various underground shelters. Brood colonies - up to several dozen females, males usually keep apart. Distributed in mixed and broad-leaved forests of the Palearctic. In Chuvashia, it was noted in the Surye and Trans-Volga regions. Included in the Red Books of the Republics of Tatarstan (IV category), Mordovia (Appendix 4), NiZhegorodsk (category Z) and Ulyanovsk (category IV) regions.
Habitats. It is attached to mixed and broad-leaved forests, but along floodplains it penetrates into taiga and steppe. Shelters in the hollows of trees, hollows, less often - in human buildings.
The number and trends of its change. Data on the number is not enough. Until recently, the species was not separated from the closely related bat M. mystacinus; therefore, the faunistic literature of an earlier period does not provide reliable information about occurrences of the species. Single meetings from the Trans-Volga region are known. One individual was caught in cobwebs on the border of the buffer zone of the Alatyrsky section of the state nature reserve "Prisursky" in the floodplain of the river. Sura.
In 2008, it was twice noted in the Baishev forestry of the national park "Chăvash vărmanĕ".
The main limiting factors. Lack of shelters due to felling of mature trees, violation of the food base as a result of human activities (the use of insecticides). Direct disturbance and destruction of brood colonies in human buildings.
Breeding. Breeding activities were not carried out.
Security measures taken. The species is protected on the territory of the state natural reserve "Prisursky" and the national park "Chăvash vărmanĕ".
Required security measures. Collection of data to identify the status and estimate the abundance of the species. Preservation of mature forest plantations, hanging artificial shelters. Explanatory work with the population about the need to preserve bats and their shelters. Organization of the national park in the Volga region.
Information sources: Popov, 1960; Strelkov, Ilyin, 1990; Ilyin, Smirnov, 2002; Ilyin et al., 2002; Pavlinov et al., 2002; Ganitsky et al., 2006; Lapshin et al., 2008; compiler data.
Compiled by: Ganitsky I.V., Tikhomirova A.V.

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