Norway short description of the country for children. Description of Norway according to the plan. Health and medical care

The Kingdom of Norway is a country with a strong economy. Thanks to rich natural resources, the state managed to fully compensate for the lack of opportunities for agriculture. Residents of other parts of the world know Norway as a country with beautiful nature and numerous fjords surrounded by impregnable rocks.

Geographic characteristics

Norway is a Northern European country located in the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The territory of the state includes adjacent small islands and an overseas possession in the Atlantic Ocean, Bouvet Island.

The country borders on Finland, Sweden and Russia. Its total area is 324,200 square kilometers.

The majority of the population is Norwegian. They make up 86% of the total population. The rest of the inhabitants are representatives of European countries and refugees.


Mountains and rocks

Norway is a country with a mountainous relief. The highest peak is Mount Gallhöpiggen. Its height is 2469 m.

In the list of Norwegian mountain ranges:

  • Jotunheimen
  • Hardangervidda;
  • Finnmarksvidda;
  • Sunnmer Alps;
  • Dovrefiel;
  • Lyngsalpen;
  • Troll language and others.

Most of the mountains are covered with tundra vegetation and forests, there are waterfalls, lakes and glaciers that do not melt throughout the year. The ridges off the coast are cut by deep fjords...

Rivers and lakes

Large rivers flow through the territory of Norway, irrigating green valleys: Glomma, Tana, Paz, Otra, Alta, Namsen, Logen and others. Mountain rivers, deep, with rapids. They are fed by precipitation and glaciers. Due to the relief of the country, many rivers have waterfalls. The highest reaches 600 meters. Their channels are rich in fish, in particular, salmon.

There are more than 400 lakes in the country. Deep reservoirs with branches are located in mountainous areas, on the plains the lakes are characterized by a larger area and are the sources of many rivers ...

Seas around Norway

The territory of Norway is washed by the waters of three seas at once:

  • from the south by Northern;
  • from the northeast by the Barents;
  • from the northwest Norwegian.

Despite the northern location, there is a swimming season in Norway. The warm waters of the coast are due to the warm current of the Gulf Stream.

The sea affects the life of the entire kingdom. Most of the population lives in coastal settlements. The sea is an important trade route for Norway with other countries...

The woods

A significant part of the mountains of Norway is covered with forests. Depending on climatic conditions, there are taiga forests, represented by such coniferous trees as spruce and pine, deciduous forests with oak, birch, alder and beech.

Incomplete felling allows forests to renew themselves, without third-party intervention. In areas with poor soils, additional artificial care is being carried out with the creation of a melioration system and the application of mineral fertilizers.

Most of the forests, 5.5 million hectares, are privately owned, a fifth of this area is state land, and about 0.2 million hectares are public forests ...

Plants and animals of Norway

Due to the peculiarities of the relief and the harsh climate, the flora of the country is interesting. The coastal areas are a territory of forests with small shrubs, to the north and above sea level there are deciduous and coniferous forests, followed by planting of dwarf birches. At the highest altitudes, only lichens, mosses and grasses can be found.

The most common animals in the kingdom are the hare, squirrel, elk and fox. There are brown bears and wolves in the forests. Their population is relatively small. In the south, along the coast, you can find red deer ...

Climate of Norway

The Gulf Stream has a powerful influence on the climate of the kingdom. Off the coast of the country, the temperature reaches 25 degrees Celsius in summer. Winters are mild and warm, the average January temperature is 1.7 degrees Celsius with a plus sign, summers are cool with heavy rainfall.

In the interior of the country, the temperature is slightly lower. In January, the average is -3.5 degrees Celsius. Warm masses from the Atlantic due to mountain ranges that create obstacles do not come here ...


Natural resources

There are few minerals on the mainland. The main share of resources important for the economy is represented by oil, gas and iron ore, and is concentrated on the islands or in the territorial waters of the state.

Norway is famous for its stocks of fish, both river and sea, as well as seafood. Forests provide the country with wood and make it possible to send it for export ...

Industry and agriculture

The main sectors of the Norwegian economy are the oil and gas industry. It is these natural resources, mined in the country's territorial waters, that are exported by the Norwegians. Since the 90s, Norway has been confidently among the top ten world leaders in terms of oil exports.

Mechanical engineering and a huge merchant fleet are also closely connected with the oil industry, and for the most part, are aimed at serving it. Chemical industry enterprises are engaged in the production of urea, saltpeter, and nitrate fertilizers.

Climatic conditions and a small number of fertile soils do not create conditions for the development of agriculture. Only fodder varieties of cereals are grown. Agriculture is represented mainly by animal husbandry. The population breeds cattle and other meat and dairy animals ...


People of Norway

Norwegians honor their traditions and folk art. They appreciate musical talents, hand-painted woodwork, painting, etc. Norwegians treat handmade jewelry with special honor, jewelry is passed on from generation to generation, by inheritance.

With trembling and responsibility, the population of the country approaches the preservation of the nature around them. The streets and places of outdoor recreation are always clean and well-groomed. Smoking and drinking alcohol in public places is prohibited. The Norwegians themselves are hospitable...

  • 9000 BC e. The first evidence of human presence in Norway.
  • 4000 BC e. In the south of Norway there are agricultural settlements.
  • End VIII- middle of the X century. Age of the Vikings.
  • 872-930 King Harald the Fair-Haired begins the unification of Norway.
  • 961 Hakon the Good, son of Harald Fairhair and the first Norwegian king to convert to Christianity, dies in battle.
  • 1015-1028 Olaf II unites Norway and introduces Christianity in the country.
  • 1030 Olaf dies at the Battle of Stiklestad. Subsequently, he becomes the patron saint of Norway under the name Olaf the Saint.
  • 1070 Construction begins on the Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim.
  • XIII in. A short golden age of stability and prosperity.
  • 1349-1351 The Black Death reduces the country's population by two-thirds.
  • 1397-1536 Norway is part of the Kalmar Union with Sweden and Denmark.
  • 1536-1814 Norway maintains union with Denmark.
  • 1814-1905 After the Napoleonic Wars, Norway is united with Sweden.
  • 1905 Norway gains full independence after a peaceful withdrawal from the union with Sweden.
  • 1914 During World War I, Norway remained neutral.
  • 1918 Norwegian women get the right to vote.
  • 1940-1945 Germany occupies Norway during World War II.
  • 1949 Norway is a member of NATO.
  • 1968-1969 Discovery of oil fields in the North Sea. Oil production begins in 1971.
  • 1972 Norway votes against joining the European Union.
  • 1981 Gro Harlem Brundtland becomes the first woman to head a government formed by the Workers' Party.
  • 1994 Norway votes against joining the European Union for the second time. Olympic Games in Lillehammer.
  • 2008 Opening of the first Norwegian Opera House in Oslo.
  • 2010 The Norwegian Nobel Committee is dissatisfied with China in connection with the award of the Peace Prize to Chinese political prisoner Liu Xiaobo.

Sports and recreation


Hiking and visiting glaciers. Most of all, Norwegians like to spend their leisure time “on their feet” (ga pa tur), that is, putting on a pair of shoes and stocking up on provisions, go for a whole day to wander among delightful places, whether it be mountains, fjords, forests or fields. There are countless trails here, a map of which can be obtained from local travel agencies. Some of the many Norwegian national parks (33 on land and 7 on the islands of Svalbard), such as Jotunheimen or Hardangervidda, are particularly good in this regard: most hiking trails are well equipped and marked with piles of stones or signs. Remember that the time for hiking is limited from May to October, and in the Far North it is even shorter. The weather here is changeable even in the height of summer, so do your research before you go. The Norwegian Travelers Association can provide you with more information, and they also run the hikes themselves ( A short summer is also suitable for traveling on glaciers.

Nygardsbre, the language of the Jostedalsbre glacier, offers the adventurous the opportunity to explore the glacier, accompanied by an experienced guide, on 2-5 hour excursions from mid-June to mid-September ( In addition, you can visit the Okstindan and Svartisen glaciers located above the Arctic Circle, for which you need to make inquiries at Rana Spesialsport (

Bike. Norwegian roads are relatively calm, so they are great for cycling in spring, summer and autumn. City streets began to be equipped with a bicycle path, and driving along country roads is rarely a concern. Bicycles can be easily rented, even in the countryside, where hotels often rent them out to their guests on an hourly or daily basis. In mountainous terrain, such a ride sometimes requires a lot of strength, and besides, it must be borne in mind that the distance is large, and along the way, especially in the Far North, one can rarely count on help. One of the most favorite routes runs along the "Miners' Road", going from the railway station Houtastöl or Finse (Finse) to Flåm or Boss, with a length of up to 108 km. Also known is the North Sea cycling route, which is part of the longest cycling route in the world, passing through seven countries. For more information and maps contact Bike Norway (

Fishing. In a country where there is so much water, one should not be surprised at the craze for fishing. You can go fishing in the sea or on the river. The Lofoten Islands are the most convenient for such activities, and the original fishing culture here is the best preserved, as evidenced by the old rorbu fishing huts, where you can rent.

Fishing trips are organized in many places in Norway, which can be checked with local travel agencies or you can purchase a fishing license sold at

This activity is popular in many places. The Lofoten Islands with their impregnable mountains are considered the rock climbing center, and the mountaineering school is located in Henningsvær (www. In addition, one can note Jotunheimen with peaks up to 2000 m, the ridge of the Vesteralen archipelago (Vesteralen) and the ridge of the Lyngen Alps. You can also climb on the ice (frozen waterfalls) in Ryukan. The Norwegian Travelers Association (Den Norske Turistforening, DNT) provides training for rock climbers (

Rafting, sailing and canoeing. You can raft along numerous rivers and by sea among the fjords. Rafting on the Vestfjord between the Lofoten Islands and the mainland is possible only with favorable wind and current. Sailing is mostly spread in the south of the country and around the Oslo Fjord. Rowing can be done wherever there is water, but the western fjords are especially picturesque, while in the Far North the places are calmer, there are fewer pleasure boats and ferries. For more information, contact the Norwegian Canoe Association (

Wildlife and bird watching. In many places in Norway it is possible to see animals such as reindeer and elk, and in the Dovrefjell National Park and more exotic musk ox ( and in Finnmark county king crab. A huge number of birds (473 species) nest inland and on the coast. To combine bird watching with a crab safari, contact the travel agency Arctic Tourist ( in Finnmark county.

Midnight sun. The midnight sun can be seen in many parts of Northern Norway from May to August depending on the latitude of the location. It is best to admire them from a hill or from the sea.

in winter

Running and skiing. Cross-country skiing is Norway's favorite winter sport, with over 7,000 km of ski slopes built by the Norwegian Travelers Association alone. Such trails are found even within Oslo, and most counties lay their own trails, sometimes lit up in the evenings, so that people can ski after work. The Jotunheimen, Rondane and Dovrefjell National Parks offer some of the best cross-country skiing in the country. In addition, skiing is possible in many places, from Geilo, Hemsedal and Trysil counties in the center of the country to Narvik in the north. The best time for skiing is February - April, but it is quite possible to ski from November to mid-May. Check the snow conditions at

Dog harnesses. In the north of the country, dog sledding trips are arranged, lasting from an hour to two to five days. You can either drive the team yourself, or sit tightly wrapped up, and leave all the work to the driver with dogs. For more information, please visit the information website or the travel agency Nordland Adventures (

Skates. With the advent of winter, outdoor skating rinks appear, including the one beloved by everyone in the center of Oslo, near the National Theatre. There are also natural skating rinks on frozen lakes, rivers and fjords, but check with the locals before heading there. On artificial skating rinks, skates are usually available for rent, and sometimes lessons can be taken as well.

Ice fishing (pimpling). For this kind of activity, a hole is drilled in the ice, through which the fish are then pulled out, getting a good catch even in winter. Bring waterproof gloves and a thermos of hot chocolate. Tour operator Competent Travels ( from Tromsø offers three-day ice fishing safaris.

Northern Lights (Aurora borealis). This natural phenomenon is best observed in October, February and March between 18.00 and one in the morning. The brightest flashes are visible beyond the Arctic Circle, where there is less light pollution, but you can admire the northern lights further south. Going to watch such a spectacle, dress warmly.


Prices for consumer goods can be high, but about 3,000 shops across Norway are having a sale on tax-free items. Therefore, look for such stores with a sign about tax-free sale. VAT in Norway on many goods is 25%, and 12-19% can be claimed back by tourists from countries outside the European Union / European Economic Area.

Refunds can be made through Worldwide Money Back Network points at border checkpoints, airports, border ferries and cruise ships.

The quality of most goods is usually excellent, and the traditions of local crafts date back hundreds of years. Look for the salg sign in the windows, meaning a sale or an offer to sell at a better price.

Where to buy

The largest cities of the country Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and Trondheim are equipped with magnificent shopping centers, but in small towns there are also interesting shops, especially those selling local handicrafts.

From major department stores like Glasmagasinet and House of Oslo to quirky fashion boutiques in up-and-coming Grunerlokka and the ultra-modern Majorstuen district, Oslo has everything to offer. Aker Brygge is another block with a shopping center where an old converted shipyard houses shops, restaurants and bars.

In Bergen, the area around Bryggen, Strandkaien pier, Strandgaten and Torget square is full of interesting shops with local handicrafts, furs and knitwear. There is also the famous Fish Market, where you can eat, buy fresh fish and seafood.

Stavanger is famous for its glass products, so here you can visit glass blowers' workshops and buy their products in specialized shops. Trondheim Torg shopping arcade has recently opened in Midtbyen, the center of Trondheim, next to the main square, with 75 shops, not counting cafes and restaurants, and old-fashioned shops can be found on Jomfrugaten street, where trade is predominantly done by women.

There are plenty of other places to shop in Norway as well. For example, in Tromso, many shops and shops are located in old wooden buildings; and in the Far North, Sami handicrafts (duodji) made of silver and reindeer skins or bones are widely represented.

What to buy

Here is only a small list of those things that are either found only in Norway, or are of excellent quality.

Products of local crafts. Traditional crafts in Norway have existed for hundreds of years, and the origins of modern craftsmen using local materials date back to ancient crafts. Knitwear - sweaters, scarves, gloves, mittens and hats - are known all over the world for their quality. Handicrafts made of wood, glass, silver and jewelry, deer skins and woven products are in great demand among visitors. In the Far North, as already mentioned, Sami handicrafts are sold.

Local food and drinks. Norway is also famous for its food, from smoked salmon and dried fish to vodka like akvavitt (akvavitt), and Mack beer is brewed in the world's northernmost brewery in Tromsø. To resurrect memories of Norway, you can buy smoked venison or elk sausage and cloudberry jam to take home.

Clothing. Men's and women's clothing is often distinguished by a wonderful style, but only the price can scare away. Knitwear is usually heavy, but lighter items can be found. As a rule, there are more private shops here than chain stores, although in large cities products of well-known world manufacturers are widely represented. Norwegian fashion atelier Moods of Norway has made itself known in Japan and Beverly Hills ( with its colorful designs.

Sport equipment. Norwegians are perhaps the most athletic people in the world, which is reflected in the local shops. Excellent all-weather and winter clothing is sold everywhere, including, along with skis and skates, complete ski equipment.


In a country as vast as Norway, with a population of five million, the quality and quantity of entertainment varies from one area to another, both in the city and in the countryside. Norway is famous for its musical and theatrical traditions, festivals are held here, especially in summer.

Tickets for cultural events can be pre-booked using the Norwegian branch of the American company Ticketmaster (tel: 81-53-31-33; Sometimes travel agencies can help with this.

Music, opera and dance art

Classical music is heard everywhere in Norway, glorifying the name of the national composer Edvard Grieg. The Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra has a well-deserved reputation. He performs at his native city Concert Hall (Konserthus) from late August to early June (for tickets and repertoire, check The Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra performs at the Grieg Hallen (; there is also the Norwegian Arctic Philharmonic Orchestra, created in 2009 and based in the city of Tromsø (

Jazz is very popular in Norway, and if the classical music season lasts from autumn to spring, then jazz festivals and performances fall in the summer. There are over 30 jazz venues in the country, including those that are off the main roads. For more information, please visit Recently, there has been a fascination with such a direction of heavy rock as black metal, and Norwegian performers of this music are very famous abroad.

Norwegian folk music has not lost its appeal, and after Alexander Rybak won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009, the halling folk dance and violin playing that sounded in the winning song gained even more popularity. The dance itself comes from the Hallingdal valley in Buskerud county.

In Oslo, right next to the harbour, a new Opera House has appeared, which opened its doors in 2008. The troupes of the national opera and ballet are located here (for performances, see This is the first opera house in the country with excellent acoustics, where foreign opera and ballet companies often perform, and in August a chamber music festival is held.

Theater and cinema

Norway can be proud of its theatrical tradition dating back to late 19th century dramas by Henrik Ibsen and Bjornstjerne Bjornson. National Theater in Oslo (, Den Nationale Scene in Bergen (, Rogaland Teater in Stavanger ( and Trendelag Teater in Trondheim ( are distinguished by an extensive repertoire, but where, of course, most of the performances are in Norwegian. In cinemas, films are almost always shown in their original language with Norwegian subtitles.

Night life

Cities like Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and Trondheim, with their bars and clubs often open after midnight all year round, have a vibrant nightlife. During the summer, neighborhoods like Aker Brygge in Oslo are full of people dining al fresco in the evenings. Bars usually close around 1:00 am and even later on weekends. Keep in mind that expensive liquor can make you spend a lot of money at night, but fortunately, some establishments have discounted drinking time after work or in the early evening.

In rural areas, nightlife is not so diverse, but even there, as a rule, there is at least one bar where you should look in order to communicate with the locals. Many county towns near the fjords come alive in the summer, and hotels often have bars open not only for guests, but for everyone. And the ski resorts have something to have fun in the winter at night. On the website of the Oslo Tourism Authority you can find a practical guide "What"s on in Oslo".

Norway for kids

In Norway, children are especially carefully taken care of. In public transport, not only the entrance for baby carriages is provided, but also special seats in buses.

Most restaurants and cafes have high chairs and a children's menu. Often in hotels, campsites and other places of accommodation there are playgrounds, and sometimes even “paddling pools”. Cities and county centers are equipped with outdoor playgrounds, which are also available in many public places. When visiting attractions, in ski centers and on public transport for children, significant discounts are provided. In addition, most attractions sell family tickets.

Cities are not always the best place for kids, but Oslo does a lot to keep them entertained and occupied; for example, many museums provide live (interactive) communication with visitors ( Just 20 km from Oslo is the TusenFryd amusement park (late April - early October, opening hours vary; entrance fee) with many attractions, including the first 5D attraction in Europe and a water park. 15 km north of Lillehammer, the Hunderfossen family park (; opening hours varies; admission fee) has 50 attractions, including a troll park, a cable car ride, rafing and a full-size fairytale palace.

In winter it turns into a winter park. In Telemark, located 80 km west of Oslo, there is the largest water park in Scandinavia, Vo Sommarland (; June - August; admission fee) with 20 different ponds and water slides. In addition, clowns perform here, there is a Tarzan trail, rowing, and the only Master Blaster water roller coaster in Europe. The zoo in Kristiansand, just outside the city, is open year-round and has five parks, including a nursery and a northern wilderness experience, that feature animals from all over the world. Pirate ships and playgrounds have also been built here (

The Rockheim National Interactive Experimental Center in Trondheim (www.rockheim.until; Tue-Sun 11am-6pm; admission fee), opened in 2010, is dedicated to Norwegian rock and pop music. You can send your restless teenagers here after dinner.

The country has created all the conditions for children to play sports, so almost everywhere you can rent sports equipment like skis and skates, even for toddlers just starting to walk. Norwegian children start skiing and skating from a very early age and accompany their parents on hikes. There are always good coaches for children of any age.

Festivals and holidays

  • January. Northern Lights Festival (Tromso).
  • February. Opera Festival (Kristiansund).
  • March. Ski festival in Holmenkollen (Oslo). Winter Festival (Narvik) includes sports competitions, concerts and a carnival. Birkebeiner ski race (lit.: birch-footed, bast-footed) (Rena - Lillehammer), a 53-kilometer ski marathon, where up to 12 thousand skiers participate.
  • April. Amateur Jazz Festival (Voss), three days of jazz and folk music.
  • May. International Music Festival (Bergen), one of the largest musical events in Scandinavia.
  • June. North Cape Procession (Honningsvåg), a 68-kilometer march from Honningsvåg to the North Cape. Emigrant Festival (Stavanger and Kvinesdal) in memory of the Norwegians who moved to North America. Midsummer (everywhere), the summer solstice is celebrated. White Nights Marathon (Tromsø), starting in the north of Norway with the onset of white nights.
  • July. International Jazz Festival (Kongsberg), open-air concerts and performances by foreign jazzmen. Games at the stadium "Bishlet" ("Bislett") in Oslo, international competitions in athletics. International Jazz Festival (Molde), Norway's oldest jazz festival lasting over six days. Day 29 July (olsok) (Trondheim), commemoration day of King Olaf the Saint; and Oi food feast! (Trondheim). Culinary festival Gladmat (Stavanger), "holiday of gluttony".
  • August. International Folk Music Festival in Telemark, a celebration of folk music and folk dance. Feast of Peer Gynt in the town of Vinstra (Vinstra), celebrations in honor of the hero of the drama of the same name by Ibsen. Jazz Festival (Oslo), has been held since 1986. The Chamber Music Festival (Oslo), chamber music is played in Akershus Castle and Fortress.
  • September. Marathon in Oslo.
  • December. Christmas markets (Oslo and elsewhere). With the advent of Advent (in early December), unusual Christmas gifts, handicrafts and sweets are sold at fairs in many parts of the country on weekends. Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony (Oslo), held at City Hall every year on December 10

Public holidays

  • 1st of January. New Year
  • March, April. Good Thursday
  • March, April. Good Friday
  • March, April. Bright Monday
  • The 1 of May. Labor Day
  • May 17th. Constitution day
  • May June. Ascension
  • End of May/beginning of June. Spirits Monday
  • December 25th. Christmas
  • December 26th. Boxing Day

Norwegian cuisine

Norwegian cuisine, which favors fresh, local products, has recently taken on a new face, and the local fish and seafood, from cod to arctic crabs and smoked salmon, is famous all over the world. Desperate meat lovers have something to try here: for example, venison and elk dishes are increasingly appearing on the menus of the best restaurants. A new generation of chefs is rediscovering local dishes, sometimes sticking strictly to traditional cuisine, sometimes bringing in the flair of international cuisine.

Village food in Norway was usually prepared from what the local land gave at one time or another of the year. Many of the dishes that are still loved today date back to the old way of peasant or fishing life, so that on the coast, fish predominates in food, and game in the depths of the country.

The relief of the country, including the coast, farmlands, forests and mountains, testifies to the different food preferences of the Norwegians. Pickling, curing, smoking, salting, and fermenting predated the advent of freezing, preservation, and modern food processing, and were used to store food through the long winter. Some meat and fish dishes have a strong flavor that takes some getting used to, but at its core, Norwegian cuisine is fresh, healthy and tasty, and the portions are quite generous.

But all of the above does not mean that you will find only Norwegian food here. Cuisine in Norway is becoming more and more international. Pizza, pasta and hamburgers are becoming just as commonplace as are lefse, Norwegian pancakes usually made from potatoes, and sursild, pickled herring with onions.

The cuisine of such countries as Italy, China, Thailand and India is widely represented, at least in large cities. In addition, in recent years, food festivals have begun to take place in the summer, where both Norwegian and international cuisine are presented. The food culture in Norway varies by region, and the table of an Oslo resident can differ significantly from what is eaten, for example, in Bergen or Tromsø, but everywhere they prefer local products whenever possible. As a rule, in rural areas, excellent restaurants can be found in hotels where they feed not only guests.

food festivals

Norwegians treat food very responsibly, so over the past decade food festivals have appeared in the country, a kind of celebration of gluttony. Norsk Matglede in Geilo, Gladmat in Stavanger, Norwegian Gluttony Fest in Ålesund and Oi! Trendersk Matfesival in Trondheim are just some of the festivities in a string of celebrations in honor of the local food. Their program is varied: from food tasting to cooking lessons, classes with chefs and special treats from local restaurateurs. Here, for the most part, strictly adhere to the traditions of Norwegian cuisine, standing at the origins of modern national cuisine, but the Gladmat food festival, held every summer on the banks of the picturesque harbor of Stavanger, tries to instill in it an international spirit. In Geilo, on the contrary, preference is given to small producers and natural products. Holidays often take place at the height of summer, when the stalls are taken outside, so you can enjoy your meal outdoors, admiring the beauties of Norwegian nature.

Where there is

In Norway, they try to eat relatively early. Although most Norwegians work outside the home, they eat dinner surprisingly early, apparently from the habit of the old days. It is unusual to see restaurants serving dinner from 5 pm, and in small towns it can be difficult to eat after 9 or 10 pm, when almost all the bars are closed.

What is

Most hotels serve an international breakfast, while for Norwegians, breakfast can be hearty and consist of one cup of coffee, always black. A working Norwegian can't do without a "dry ration" (matpakke) taken with him, even now, when eating out or buying a sandwich is in everyday life.

As you might expect, Norwegians eat more fish than many other countries, and fish has been a staple of their diet for centuries. But mollusks entered their diet later.

More than 200 species of fish and shellfish are found in Norwegian waters, some are caught in the sea, others are grown. Norway is one of the world's largest suppliers of seafood, selling about 3 million tons of its catch abroad. Most often on the menu and on the market you can see cod, salmon, trout, herring, arctic char, pollock, anglerfish, mackerel and red salmon. But even such a variety is not enough, so we are also offered sea flounder, sea trotter, silver pollack, mole (sea pike), sea burbot, whiting, haddock, catfish, halibut and river flounder - and these are just the most common species.

As soon as fish is not cooked, but Norwegian cuisine is rather stingy with spices and seasonings: salt, pepper and a few herbs like dill and mustard seed are most often used. Boiling, stewing, poaching, smoking and salting are the favorite types of cooking fish, often served with one boiled new potato and a piece of butter. Perhaps the most famous Norwegian dish is gravlaks (gravlaks, literally "buried salmon"), salmon fillet salted with sugar.

Fish stew, usually based on milk, especially loved on the coast of the country, is made from a variety of fish and shellfish with the addition of vegetables and potatoes. Herring, salted with all sorts of additives, from mustard and onions to tomatoes and herbs, is another truly adored dish here. The taste of fermented trout (rakfisk), along with dried fish (lutefisk) soaked in an alkaline solution, moth or cod, takes some getting used to. They are usually eaten at Christmas, although the smell inherent in them may seem fetid to many. Dried fish ( is incredibly popular here as a light snack. It is eaten both dried and boiled.

On the coast, especially the north, there may be such a dish as whale meat. Norwegians do not consider it shameful to eat it, and whaling in the north has been going on for more than one century. Whale meat roasts, whale burgers, and the like are available in many restaurants, though less frequently now that whale quotas have been cut.

Shellfish, which have only been a staple food since the second half of the 20th century, have gained immense popularity here, with Norwegians now consuming seafood in large quantities, including arctic shrimp, lobster, oysters, mussels, scallops and crabs. Especially good is the huge king crab caught near the North Cape. Crab feasts (krabbelag) are held in the summer, when crabs are eaten with plain bread, butter, and possibly a circle of lemon.

However, in Norway they are not limited to one fish and seafood. There are many meat dishes, and dairy products have always been adored. As for gluttons, there is something to offer desperate tasters. In the north, venison dishes, and also elk, including “buried elk” (gravet elg), elk salted with sugar, as is the case with the already mentioned salmon. In addition, pork, beef, chicken, lamb and mutton are widely used. Favorite meatballs (kjottekaker), often with sour lingonberry sauce or spices. Braised lamb with cabbage (farikal, “mutton with cabbage”), a warming dish in winter, is served with potatoes.

It is not uncommon for stalls or counters to sell all sorts of sausages as a light snack, including venison and elk salami, or simple hot sausages (varme pelser). Many restaurants offer dishes from seasonal gifts of nature: for sweets, sauces or marinades in summer and early autumn, fresh berries are used, a little later they are replaced by a variety of mushroom dishes, in autumn it's time for magnificent game, and in winter - hearty stews, soups and casseroles .

Vegetables on the local table, unfortunately, are not so generous, so vegetarians will have to dodge in search of something suitable, but this situation is beginning to change, at least in big cities.

Bread goes with many dishes, and it is represented by various cereals. Sandwiches here are usually open: all kinds of cuts are piled on a slice of bread.

Desserts consist mainly of fresh berries with sour cream or cream, and waffles served with melted cream and jam from all kinds of berries, most often strawberries, cloudberries, raspberries and blueberries, can be considered a Norwegian innovation.

What drink

Norwegians simply adore coffee, ranking first in the world in terms of the consumption of this drink (about 160 liters per person per year). Neither a short break, nor a friendly or family meeting can do without coffee, and any pastime is not conceivable without a large cup of coffee.

Coffee with spirits (karsk), a drink originating in Trønnelag, even appeared here. Usually vodka or moonshine is added to coffee.

In recent years, tea has become widespread, so that now there is a rich selection of tea in shops, hotels and restaurants. Non-alcoholic drinks and fruit juices of local and foreign producers are widely represented. In addition, in rural areas, many still prefer to drink a large mug of milk with dinner.

Norway is well known for its tough attitude to alcohol, but the Norwegians themselves love to drink. The country has introduced a state monopoly on the production and sale of wine (Vinmonopolet), and although prices for alcohol in stores can be quite high, they are quite acceptable compared to prices in bars and restaurants.

Beer has been drunk in Norway for a long time, there are many breweries here, for example Ringnes in Oslo, Nasha in Bergen, NE in Kristiansand and the northernmost Mack brewery in the world in Tromsø. In addition, strong alcoholic drinks like Akavitt and vodka are produced in Norway. Vikingfjord is a brand of Norwegian vodka. Well-known brands of Norwegian aquavit are Gammel Opland, Lime and Gilde, and aquavit is drunk mostly at Christmas. During the rest of the year, foreign varieties of alcohol are preferred. Wine is gaining popularity, which, however, is not cheap. Indeed, if you order wine for dinner, the bill will more than double.

Quite widely, especially in rural areas, moonshine (hjemmebrent), which is usually driven from potatoes, is widespread.


The standard of hotels in Norway is generally high. Prices can also be quite high as many hotels cater to business travelers. In summer or on weekends, there are significant discounts, when hotels offer special conditions to attract guests. In recent years, international hotel chains have begun to buy up smaller, family-run hotel businesses. Such moves do not appear to have led to a reduction in service levels, but to some extent contributed to increased competition and knock down prices. Please note that the main tourist season in Norway is very short, so not all rental conditions are valid all year round, although the situation is changing.

In addition to hotels, there are other accommodation options, in particular in the countryside there are boarding houses and rooms with accommodation and breakfast, accommodation in a farmstead, youth hostel, camping and, most of all, a separate house, the so-called hut, hytte (hytte ). Hotel associations such as the Historic Hotels and Restaurants of Norway (De Historiske; have a number of idiosyncratic hotels throughout the country. On the coast, for example in the Lofoten Islands, you can stay in an old rorbu fishing hut or even in a lighthouse building. Norway's most extensive hotel pass, the Fjord Pass, provides discounts at 170 locations across the country ( The Norwegian Tourism Authority will tell you where to stay, and you can book a hotel room online at


There are about a thousand campsites in Norway, ranging from one to five stars. Most campsites are open only in June-August, and only a few operate longer, including year-round for caravans. In addition, many places are equipped with cabins that can be rented for a week in the summer. The cost of a place is 80-150 CZK per day, with an additional charge for electricity. The Norwegian and Scandinavian camping card can be purchased at all associated locations, which entitles their holders to receive a discount, fast check-in and many other benefits.

The same benefits apply to the international camping card. Useful information can be found at and Under the Norwegian law on the right of access to public places, you can pitch a tent or sleep outdoors anywhere on open, unfenced land in the countryside for up to 48 hours, provided you are at least 150 meters from the nearest house. For longer stays, you will need permission from the owner of the land. In addition, please note that you cannot make a fire near the forest from April 15 to September 15.


Norway's main airports are Gardermoen in Oslo, Flesland in Bergen, Sola in Stavanger and Vaernes in Trondheim. In addition, Oslo is served by Sandefjord Airport in the town of Torp near the Sanefjord. Due to the distances and local terrain, it is not bad to travel around the country by plane, given the developed network of local airlines. Norway has 16 major airports, including international flights, and 29 domestic airports. Taxis at major airports are not cheap. Oslo Airport Gardenmoen is located 50 km from the center of the capital, and here international and domestic flights are served by one terminal, where there are many eateries, duty-free shops, there is a tourist information office and a car rental service. The fastest way to get to the center of Oslo in 19 minutes is by the Flytoget express train, which departs six times an hour to the Central Station. In addition, suburban trains of the Norwegian State Railways run regularly, and there is an intercity bus and taxi stand in front of the airport ( Ryanair and other low-cost airlines fly to Torp Airport near the Sanefjord, 110 km from Oslo. Buses are served by the arrival of aircraft, and the journey takes 2-2.5 hours. In addition, trains and a shuttle bus ( run to Sanefjord. Bergen Flesland Airport is located 20 km from the city and is equipped with everything you need. Frequent bus services link the bus station and the Radisson hotels with the airport, and the journey takes about half an hour (

Stavanger Sola Airport lies 15 km from the city center and is equipped, in addition to the conference center, with everything you need. A regular bus gets to the city in 20-30 minutes, taxis also go (t: 67-03-10-00,

Trondheim Vaernes Airport is located 35 km north of the city center and has shops and restaurants, a hotel, a lounge and currency exchange offices. You can get here by train, express bus, regular bus or taxi. The journey takes approximately 35-40 minutes (tel.: 67-03-25-00,

Travel budget

In cities and rural areas, prices for services are different in the high season and in the off season. Below are only approximate prices. As a rule, it is more expensive to live in cities than in the outback (with a few exceptions, like the well-known fjords).

Car rental. Prices fluctuate a lot. A weekly rental will cost from 2800 kroons for a small car to 3700 kroons for a large car. Many companies install a child seat for an additional price.

Hotels. Housing, depending on the cost of daily living, can be conditionally divided into cheap, affordable and expensive (for two, including breakfast): 1100 kroons, 1100-1800 kroons and over 1800 kroons. Prices can be significantly less than 1100 kroons, and much more than 1800 kroons. There are many special offers with discounts, Sunday rates and packages for tourists.

Food and drinks. Breakfast in a cafe or restaurant costs 50-80 kroons; lunch 60-120 kroons; dinner in an average restaurant without drinks 200-250 CZK per person; coffee or soft drink 20-30 CZK; a bottle of wine from 150 CZK; strong alcohol (400 ml) 80 CZK. Breakfasts and lunches at the hotel are profitable, and the first ones are especially satisfying, while most restaurants serve one regular dish for lunch.

Museums. 30-80 crowns. Children usually get a half discount.

Fuel. 12.20 kroons per liter of petrol and 11.20 kroons per liter of diesel fuel. Most gas stations are equipped with automatic pumps that accept banknotes and credit cards. Public transport. Traveling in Norway is expensive, but the buses and trains are comfortable. The average cost of a train ticket from Oslo to Bergen is 600 kroons.

Taxi is expensive. The road from Gardermoen airport to the center of Oslo will cost 610-720 crowns, depending on the time of day.

Tourist card. The Oslo Pass and Bergen Card give you free entry to many attractions, free public transport, and many more benefits. For more information, please visit and On the site www. contains information about all passes and tourist cards.

Bicycles for rent

Bicycles can be easily rented from a rental shop or local travel agency, guesthouse and hotel. Roads are usually not crowded, and bike paths are laid out in large cities. Please note that driving in mountainous areas can be difficult. There are few cities and villages, the distances between them are large, especially in the Far North, and the weather is changeable. Prices vary and depend on the quality of the bike and the terrain, around 60-350 CZK per day. Travel agencies usually have good maps and information about cycling routes. Two routes are especially picturesque, around the North Sea and the Miners' Road. For more information, please visit

Car rental

All major car rental companies are present in Norway, including Avis, Eurocar and Hertz, as well as competitively priced local Norwegian car rental companies. In most cities, you can find car rental companies, or rent them directly at the airport by making a reservation or upon arrival. Prices are usually lower the longer you rent a car, and there are special discounts in the summer and on weekends. As a rule, a car can be rented in one place and left in another. When renting a car, you must have a driver's license from your country of residence valid for at least one year. If you are not an EU citizen, you must have an international driver's license with you. Cars are rented to people over 19, but if you're under 25, you'll have to pay a young driver's tax of about 100 crowns per day. Insurance is a must, so make sure it's included in your car rental.


The Gulf Stream contributes to the establishment of a milder climate in Norway than it should be for such latitudes, so that the temperature in summer sometimes rises to 25-30 ° C. The temperature varies significantly in winter and summer, in the north and south, on the coast and inland, at sea level and on mountain peaks. The weather is also changeable, so that in many places it is a joke that "all the seasons fit in one day." From late June to mid-August, the days are sunny, and the air temperature is about 25°C, and the water is 15-18°C, except in the Far North. In the Arctic regions at this time you can observe the midnight sun. Spring and autumn are colder and damper. In autumn, in these latitudes, you can already see the northern lights (aurora borealis), especially in October, February and March. In winter, a significant part of Norway, with the exception of the coast, is covered with snow, and the temperature inland can drop to -40 ° C. On the coast at any time of the year it can rain, and even in summer the temperature here sometimes drops to 10 ° C, especially in the evenings.


Because the weather can be changeable during the day, it's a good idea to wear something over the top to protect yourself from the vagaries of the weather. Even on a sunny day, try to take an umbrella and a raincoat along with sunglasses and a wide-brimmed sunhat. Norwegians are not prudish, so wear shorts and a T-shirt when sightseeing on a warm day. In the evening or when going on a boat trip, be sure to take a sweater with you. Sturdy shoes are important not only for hiking and outdoor activities, but also for walking on the cobbled sidewalks of many cities. In winter, warm clothes, boots, a scarf, gloves and a hat are needed.

Crime and security

Norway is a relatively safe country, with a low crime rate, especially in terms of serious crimes, so visitors rarely encounter crime. Rural areas are dominated by night theft or petty theft. Take the same precautions you would at home, keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded places and on public transport, and don't walk alone at night in unlit places in big cities.

Car driving

Roads are generally calm, except in the big cities (but even there traffic jams are rare) and well maintained. In winter, winter tires are required (the timing of their installation varies depending on the location). Some roads in the Far North are closed in winter. In the spring, when the ground thaws, it becomes dangerous to drive on certain sections of the road. In mountainous areas, there are long tunnels, including the longest in the world, 24.5 km long.

Speed ​​limit. Normally the speed limit is 80 km/h. In residential areas, it does not exceed 30 km/h; in densely built-up areas - 50 km / h; on a two-way road and on motorways - 90 or 100 km/h. Vehicles with trailers and trailers must not travel faster than 80 km/h, even on a faster highway.

The documents. You must have a driver's license from your country of residence valid for at least one year or, if you are not a citizen of an EU/EEA country, an international driver's license.

Traffic Laws. Drive on the right side, go around on the left and give way to vehicles moving on the right unless otherwise indicated. Seat belts are required in both the front and rear seats. The attitude towards drunk driving in the country is irreconcilable, therefore, selective checks of drivers are often arranged on the roads. The permissible level of alcohol in the body should not exceed 0.2 mg per liter of blood, so it is better to refrain from drinking alcohol while driving, otherwise the specified limit may be exceeded and, as a result, a large fine and even deprivation of rights are inevitable.

Accidents and breakdowns. In the event of an accident or breakdown, you must put up a warning triangle and wear a yellow fluorescent jacket. Emergency services: Norges Automobil-Forbund NAF, tel.: 0810-00-505, Falken, tel.: 02222 (toll-free) or Viking, tel.: 06000 (toll-free).


Mains voltage 220 V/50 Hz, European-style two-pin plug. Just in case, bring an adapter with you.

Embassy and consulates

Embassy of Russia in Norway. Norge, 0244 Oslo, Drammensveien, 74 Tel.: (8-10-47) 22-55-32-78. Fax: (8-10-47) 22-55-00-70. Email: [email protected]

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Kirkenes. Norge, 9900 Kirkenes, Postbox 98, Radhusplassen. Tel.: (8-10-47) 78-99-37-37, 78-99-37-38. Fax: (8-10-47) 78-99-37-42. Email: [email protected]

Consulate of the Russian Federation in Barentsburg (Svalbard). Norge, Svalbard, Barentsburg, Den Russiske Foderasjons Konsulat. Tel.: (8-10-47) 79-02-17-85. Fax: (8-10-47) 79-02-17-85. Email: [email protected]

emergency services

For the police, call 112, for an ambulance - 113, for the fire department - 110. For non-urgent matters, call the police at tel.: 02800.

Information for gays and lesbians

Legislation and, as a rule, the inhabitants of Norway treat representatives of sexual minorities quite tolerantly. Most of these types of travelers do not experience any inconvenience, but it must be remembered that Norway is a sparsely populated country, so there are not many places for them outside of large cities, although there are very few special bars or clubs there. A tolerant attitude towards supporters of same-sex love can not always be found in the rural outback, although you rarely encounter obvious intolerance. More information can be obtained from the Norwegian Union of Sexual Minorities, LLH: Valkyriegaten 15A 5th floor, N-0366 Oslo, Tel: 023-10-39-39, They also have a section on the website


By plane. Many international carriers, including SAS, British Airways, Continental Airlines, Norwegian, KLM, Lufthansa and Thai Airways, fly to Norway either directly or with a connection. Local flights are operated by SAS, Norwegian and Wideroe.

By sea. There is a ferry service between Norway and Denmark operated by Color Line (, DFDS Seaways (, Fjordline ( and Stena Line ” (www., and in addition, there are Color Line ferries from Oslo to German Kiel and from Swedish Strömstad to Sannefjord. In Norway, numerous ferries and ships ply along the coast: the most famous is the Hurtigruten steamship line between Bergen and Kirkenes in the Far North (www. or

By train. One of the options for arriving in the country, traveling through it and leaving it is associated with the purchase of a railway ticket like Interrail (for Europeans) or Eurail (for the rest). It can be booked prior to departure from your country via the Internet using the services of the Eurail Group ( or by contacting European Rail at 020-7619-1083 or at (regular rail tickets within Europe).

Guides and excursions

English is widely spoken in Norway, so it is easy to find English-speaking guides and English-speaking excursions here. Many bus, boat and museum tours are available in several languages: Norwegian, English, German, French and increasingly in Russian, Chinese and Japanese. Travel agencies can book tours and guides and provide multilingual booklets of available tours. Some of the more popular tours, such as "Norway in a Nutshell", are run by Nutshell Tours and Fjord Tours ( and A useful list of travel agencies can be found at

Health and medical care

Norway is part of the European Economic Area, so that visitors from countries in this area are provided with the same medical care as Norwegians. Citizens of countries belonging to the European Union / European Economic Area must have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), issued via the Internet at; it is issued free of charge for five years. It is highly recommended to get travel insurance. Make sure it covers winter or extreme sports as well, if you're going to join them. No vaccinations are required to travel to Norway, and tap water is perfectly safe.

Oslo has a 24-hour pharmacy (apotek): Jernbanetorvet Pharmacy, Jernbanetorget 4B, N-0154 Oslo, tel.: 23-35-81-00.


Norway has two official written languages ​​- Bokmål (bokmal, "written language") and Nynorsk (nynorsk, "new Norwegian"). Approximately 86% of the population uses Bokmål. In addition, in Norway, more than 20 thousand people speak the Sami languages, which are part of the Finno-Ugric language branch and are not related to the Norwegian language. English is widely spoken and taught at school from an early age.

Knowledge of some commonly used expressions in Norwegian, although not required, will be appreciated. Pronunciation can be a stumbling block, and in addition, the Norwegian alphabet has three additional letters for vowels, located at the end of the alphabet: æ, ø and å. Å is pronounced like “o”, æ like “e”, and ø like “ё”, and at the beginning of the word like “e”.


Most local travel agencies have excellent maps of their region.

Mass media

Radio and television. There are two leading television companies in the country - the state-owned NRK with four channels and TV2, also with four channels. All programs are in the original language with subtitles. Public radio is also dominated by NRK with three channels operating in the FM radio frequency band and with digital broadcasting.

Newspapers and magazines. According to the international non-governmental organization Reporters Without Borders, Norway ranks first in the world in terms of freedom of the press. The leading daily newspapers are Aftenposten, Dagbladet and Dagsavisen, but there are many more local newspapers and magazines. The Norway Post (, which publishes news from Norway, is published in English.


Currency. The monetary unit of Norway is the Norwegian krone (krone; denoted by kg or NOK). 1 crown is equal to 100 era (ore). In circulation there are coins in denominations of 50 öre, 1, 5, 10, 20 crowns and denominations of 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 crowns.

Exchange offices. Money can be exchanged at the airport and Oslo Central Station, as well as at many commercial and savings banks, some post offices, Forex offices and some hotels. The exchange is carried out mainly through Forex branches (as a rule, it is open Mon-Fri 8.00-20.00, Sat 9.00-17.00).

Credit and debit cards. Most well-known credit cards are accepted even in small establishments, which eliminates the need to carry large amounts of cash with you. ATMs are everywhere, and they are easy to use, and in all cities there will definitely be at least one such machine, but in the outback it is better to have some cash with you.

If you lose your credit card, call: American Express, tel.: 0800-68-100. Diners Club, tel.: 021-01-50-00. Mastercard, tel.: 0800-30-250. VISA, tel.: 0815-00-500.

Traveler's checks. Traveler's checks are gradually falling into disuse, but they can still be exchanged at a bank, Forex and other exchange offices. In banks, the exchange rate is usually more favorable.

Opening hours

The shops. Most shops are open Mon-Fri 10.00-17.00 or until 18.00, Sat 9.00-14.00. Shops in large cities and large shopping centers or supermarkets are open longer, until 20.00 or 21.00, and also on Sun. Some shops still close for lunch, especially in rural areas, and private shops usually close for two weeks or more in July or August.

Banks. Banks are open Mon-Fri 9.00-15.30, until 17.00 Thu. In summer (mid-May - mid-August) banks close at 2.30 pm every day, but exchange offices are open longer.


Most police stations are open weekdays and have a duty officer to whom people can report a crime or other incident. The police phone is 112, the call is free even from a payphone.


Norwegian post boxes for both domestic and international mail are of the same color, red. Most post offices are open Mon-Fri 8.00-17.00 and Sat 9.00-15.00, closed Sun.

Public transport

In Norway, public transport connects many parts of the country, but remote rural areas or places in the Far North have to be reached by car or boat.

Aircraft. One of the best means of transportation around the country is air transport. There are about 50 airports in Norway, from where planes fly even to the smallest counties. The main domestic air carriers are SAS (, Norwegian ( and Wideroe (

The Norwegian State Railways, NSB, stretches for 3,000 km all the way to Bodø. Some of the tracks pass through amazing scenic spots, especially the Bergen Railway from Oslo to Bergen, the non-electrified Rauma Line from Dombas to Andalsnes, and the Flåm Railway from Myrdal to Flåm. For tickets, please visit

There are a number of bus carriers operating in Norway, the largest being Nor-Way Bussekspress with 40 routes ( Tickets can be bought online or at the bus station. If there is free space, you can carry a bicycle and skis with your luggage. The schedule of many buses is coordinated with the schedule of ferries or other bus routes intersecting with them.

Ferries/ships. A huge number of ferry and ship carriers serve the Norwegian coast. In many cases, these are steamship lines or car ferries linking the fjords and numerous islands to the mainland. It is often faster to cross the fjord by ferry than by the nearest bridge, which still needs to be reached, and many roads are connected by ferry crossings. Leading carriers are Hurtigruten, Fjordl, Tide, Fjordline, Kolumbus, Rodne Fjordcruise and Senja Ferries.


Approximately 80% of the country's population are Protestants belonging to the Lutheran Church. Such a figure is somewhat misleading, since a person is ranked as a church immediately after baptism, but in reality Norway appears as one of the most secular states in Europe, where residents attend church once or twice a year. About 10% of the population do not profess any religion, and the rest belong to one or another religion, from shamanism among the Sami to the Bahai religion.


Pay phones accept coins, telephone or credit cards and are easy to find in major cities. Phone cards are sold at newsstands, 7-Eleven chain stores, and similar stores. In the outback, including the Far North, pay phones are harder to find. Therefore, it is better to take a mobile phone with you or, in case of a long stay in the country, buy a Norwegian SIM card, bearing in mind the high roaming rates and the inability to receive a return call.

Difference in time

Time in Norway is two hours behind Moscow time. When it's noon in Moscow, it's ten in the morning in Norway. Norway switches to summer time at the end of March and winter time at the end of October.


It is customary to round the bill in a restaurant or bar to the nearest 5 or 10 crowns, but it is rarely offended if this is not done. In case of good service in a restaurant or bar, you can leave a tip in the amount of 10% of the bill. Taxi drivers sometimes get slightly bigger tips, while, for example, they are not accepted in a hairdresser's.


Cities have many clean and tidy public toilets; in most cases, payment is made through a machine, the average cost is 5 kroons. In the countryside, toilets are not easy to find, but you can use, and often free of charge, restrooms at service stations, near the main square, or at travel agencies. Along the highways there are roadside parking lots with toilets, but in the outback and on country roads, latrines, of course, are not provided.

Information for tourists

A ledge on Mount Skjeggedal called "Troll's Tongue"

The Norwegian Tourism Authority has 17 main tourist information offices in the country, and in addition there are many local tourist information offices, although some of them are only open during the summer. All bureaus display the International Tourism Sign (a white "i" on a green background). Employees are knowledgeable everywhere, often speak several languages, so they can tell about their region and book accommodation and excursions.

  • Central Station Tourist Information Office, Trafikanten Service Centre, Jernbanetorget 1, N-0154 Oslo (Mon-Fri 9.00-16.00), tel.: 81-53-05-55,
  • The Norwegian Information Office, Fridtjof Nansens Plass 5, N-0160 Oslo, Tel: 24-14-77-00,, has information about Oslo and other parts of Norway.
  • Bergen, Vagsallmenningen 1, N-5003 Bergen, tel.: 55-55-20-00,
  • Stavanger, Domkirkeplassen 3, N-4006 Stavanger, men.: 51-85-92-00,

Visas and passports

To travel to Norway, residents of EU countries need only have a valid passport with them. Arrivals from Canada, Australia, USA and New Zealand do not need a tourist visa if they spend no more than 90 days in Norway.

Citizens of other countries should make inquiries at the Norwegian embassy of their country. A tourist visa is usually issued for three months.

Norway is a member of the Schengen Agreement. Citizens of Russia and the CIS countries need a visa and a passport to visit Norway.

  • “Ga pa tur”, which means “to take a walk”, is one of the features of a purely Norwegian attitude to life, when everyone, young and old, rush somewhere, if not every weekend, then quite often. Dressed warmly and wearing strong boots, they go to nature, often their path lies in the mountains. A halt is certainly made in order to refresh ourselves with the provisions taken, usually consisting of sandwiches with a thick slice of bread and hot black coffee from a thermos. On summer weekends, in many picturesque places in the country, whole families go to conquer peaks and fjords, in particular in 33 national parks.
  • After the adoption by Norway in the XI century. Christianity, the first local preachers were engaged in the construction of churches in the once pagan lands. These so-called stave churches are medieval wooden structures, named after the supporting pillars placed in the middle, around which a wooden frame was then built. Previously, there were about two thousand such churches in Northern Europe, and very few of them have survived to this day.
    Twenty-nine stave churches, mostly from the 12th century, can still be seen today. The Stave Church from Urnes in the county of Sogn og Fjordane is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Olav Haraldson (995-1030) completed the unification of Norway, which he began in the 9th century. his ancestor Harald Horfager (Fair-Haired). He, who converted to Christianity in England, was destined not only to convert the country to this faith, but also to unite it. Long before all this happened, he fell at the battle of Stiklestad, but soon miracles began to happen at his grave, now in Trondheim's Nidaros Cathedral, as a result of which he was venerated as a saint. Olaf becomes the patron saint of Norway. In 1997, the pilgrimage route to Trondheim, which was declared a European cultural route in 2010, was resumed.
  • The Oslo Viking Shipbuilding Museum contains some of the finest finds, including the Oseberg ship found in a burial mound at the Oseberg farm near Tønsberg, west of Oslo. The boat dates back to about 800 AD.
  • When entering the house, do not forget to take off your shoes, otherwise you will make the first (and perhaps unforgivable) mistake.
  • Nightclubs are restricted to adults, often aged 21 or older. Therefore, if you look younger than your years, take your ID with you.
  • At Christmas, you can try soaked dried fish (lutefisk), lamb rib, partridge and, of course, alcohol: mulled wine (glogg, often diluted with stronger alcohol), juleel (Jula0l, Christmas beer) and akvavitt vodka, the strongest drink ( from grain or potatoes with the addition of cumin seed).
  • Norwegians love black coffee, without milk, sugar, which they drink from a large cup. Nor do they suffer from insomnia at all.

1) When describing Norway, you need to use a map of Foreign Europe.
2) Norway - a state in Northern Europe, in the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and a large number of adjacent small islands. Capital of Oslo.
3) Norway is a mountainous country. Almost all of its territory is occupied by the Scandinavian mountains, heavily dissected by fjords and cut through by deep valleys. In the southern and northern parts of the country there are high plateaus (fjelds), off the coast there are many islands. The highest and most extensive plateaus are located in the southern part of the country. In some places they are crowned with ridges and sharp peaks - nunataks. The most powerful and highest fields are Yutunheimen, Yuste-dalsbrs, Telemark. It is here, on the Yutunheimen massif, that the highest peak of the Scandinavian Highlands - Galhøpyggen (2470 m) is located. The steep western slopes of the Scandinavian Mountains abound with fjords. On the map, their winding blue stripes look like hundreds of long sea tongues licking the coast of Norway at the same time. Fjords formed along the lines of tectonic faults. There are more than 150 thousand islands along the coast of the country. They are located both separately and in whole archipelagos. The largest archipelago is Lofoten and their northern part is Nesterolen. Rapids rivers - the largest among them Glomma - sometimes form waterfalls. The slopes of the mountains are covered with taiga forests, which, closer to the peaks, give way to light birch forests, meadows, and then mountain tundra. In the northern part of the peninsula, the forest-tundra extends. In total, forests occupy about 1/3 of the territory of the state.
4) Located almost entirely in the temperate zone, in comparison with other land areas located at the same latitudes, the south of Norway turns out to be much warmer and more humid due to the large influx of heat from the Norwegian current. The warm current, however, does not penetrate into the Skagerrak Strait, which sharply affects the climate of southeastern Norway, at the same time, continental air masses from the Baltic easily penetrate here. Also, masses from higher latitudes often penetrate into the offshore zone, where the Arctic maximum dominates in winter. Since the surface of Norway drops steeply to the sea, and the valleys are elongated meridionally, warm air masses cannot penetrate very deep into them, which creates a situation where in winter the temperature decrease gradient when moving deep into the fjord is greater than when moving north. The height of the Scandinavian mountains does not allow air masses to pass to the east of the country, and create a barrier effect, which, subject to significant moisture saturation, causes a huge amount of precipitation, both in summer and in winter.
Average January temperatures range from -17 °C in the north of Norway in the town of Karashuk to +1.5 °C on the southwestern coast of the country. Average temperatures in July are around +7°C in the north and around +17°C in the south in Oslo.
5) But the largest lakes formed in Ostlan, where the largest rivers flow and flat relief prevails: here are the largest reservoirs of Southern Norway (Mjøsa, Femunn, Nursjon, Ransfjord, etc.).
6) Pine forests, taiga, tundra, peatlands, plateaus, deciduous forests and glaciers - the natural areas of Norway are diverse.
7) Due to the increase in immigration, the proportion of ethnic Norwegians in the population is steadily declining. The largest national minority are the Arabs - several hundred thousand people. Also in Norway live the Sami (about 40 thousand people, accurate calculations are difficult), Kvens (Norwegian Finns), Poles, Swedes, Russians, Gypsies, Jews, etc.

A report about Norway for grades 3, 4 will tell you about the country of the midnight sun. Why is she called that? The fact is that a significant part of it is located north of the Arctic Circle. Here the sun almost never sets from May to July. In winter, in the extreme north, the polar night lasts practically around the clock, but in the south, daylight hours are only a few hours long.

Report about Norway

Norway is a country of picturesque landscapes and valleys, with worked glaciers, jagged mountain ranges and narrow fjords with very steep banks. It has long been considered a country of navigators, and a significant part of the country's population lives on the coast.

The Vikings, who were experienced sailors, created an extensive system of trade with overseas countries, dared to cross the Atlantic Ocean. They reached the New World around 1000 AD. Today, the role played by the sea in the life of the state is evidenced by the huge merchant fleet. It occupies the 6th place in the world in terms of total tonnage. Norway is also considered a country with a developed fish processing industry.

The country is dominated by a democratic hereditary constitutional monarchy. Norway gained independence in 1905. Until that time, it was under the leadership of Denmark, then Sweden. The country is inhabited by Norwegians, they make up 98% of the total population, in the south of the state you can meet the settlements of the Swedes.

Capital of Norway— Oslo

Major cities in Norway- Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand, Fredrikstad, Tromsø and Drammen.

Population of Norway- 5,258,317 (2017)

Form of government in Norway- constitutional monarchy, form of government - unitary.

Geography of the state

The area of ​​the mainland of Norway is 324 thousand km 2. The length in the south from Cape Linnessnes to the North Cape in the north is 1770 km, and its width varies from 6 to 435 km.

The shores of the state are washed in the west by the Atlantic Ocean, in the south by the Norwegian Sea and in the north by the Arctic Ocean.

The total length of the coastline is 3,420 km, including fjords - 21,465 km. Norway borders on Russia in the east, Finland and Sweden.

The relief and climate of Norway

The relief of Norway is predominantly mountainous. Most of it is occupied by the Scandinavian mountains. In the northern parts of the country the climate is subarctic, and in areas near the oceans the climate is oceanic. The main climatic feature of Norway is mild winters with rainy, windy summers.

Norway is the northernmost state in Europe, located on the Scandinavian Peninsula and bordering Sweden, Russia and Finland. The area of ​​the country is almost 387 thousand square meters. km. About 4.3 million people live in Norway, of which the ethnic minority - the Sami - is only 30 thousand.

The official name of the country is the Kingdom of Norway, the country is a constitutional monarchy. In fact, the parliament rules and makes important decisions, the king only performs a representative function. The country gained independence in 1905, when the Swedish-Norwegian union was broken.

The main language in the country is Norwegian, the most common religion is Christianity, the monetary unit is called the Norwegian krone.

The country is known for its unique nature: Norway has many rivers, forests, mountain ranges and fjords - narrow sea bays. For this reason, there are always a lot of tourists in Norway, everyone wants to look at the natural wealth and beauty of this pure and noble country. Norway has so few people and so many untouched places that this country can rightfully be considered one of the best places on Earth for solitude with nature.

Norway is a very independent state with its own political line in relations with other states. She did not want to join the European Union in 1994 in order to maintain her full independence and control over all decisions made. The same independent people in Norway. However, at the same time, the country does not remain aloof from world politics and occupies not the last place in such large organizations as the UN and NATO. Cooperation has also been developed with Scandinavian neighbors.

Norway is a country with one of the highest standards of living in the whole world, living there is very expensive, but incredibly comfortable. The systems of social support, education, health care function at the highest level. Because of this, life expectancy is high: according to the UN, it fluctuates around 80 years.

One of Norway's main sources of income is the extraction of oil and gas from the North Sea shelf. Oil is one of the largest national export items. In addition, the country has developed fishing, timber and paper industries, shipbuilding and a number of other industries.

Norway has been an influential shipping country since the days of the Vikings, who plied the seas under their formidable sails. Today, shipping serves Norway mainly for fishing and trade with other maritime powers.

Norway on the map

Norway brief information about the country.

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